Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, December 12, 1816, Image 1

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}; t? SAVANNAH liEPlTIlIACAN ■ * j,y pllEDZRICX S. FELL ] VW.BER 148.] SAVANNAH, (GA.) DECEMBER 12, 1816. [Whole Number 2759* TRUTH WITHOUT FEAR. [Volume XTV the republican is PCBLlSUEIJ , y T 5T ES 1)\Y, THURSDAY AND SATlTiDAY, ' ' rl ’v/.Y DOLLARS PER AXXU.M, 1AXABLE IN AI'VANVK. ADVERTISEMENTS . • . Mlat the rate of Seventy-Five Cents per win he and Thirty-Seven and a li vlf square the just u » Cents fev each contunamon. CASH al! orders from the Cowrnr, unless the must uccompa • ^ q- oW \, or the party well known to paynimt-oe sen.. tliti Editor. LeTTE ,is to the Editor must be post-paid. For Havre *"*The sv.h=t:.ri!i :l and fast sailing ship YYINI- r .- t* MyFiiEI I, t'liar.t s W.i on, master. For freight *■-•'tsfer-or passage, having excellent accommodations apply to the i.’-.sler on hrurd. or to Calvin Baker tf Co. nov 12 l'Ei 0- The public are cautioned against rediting the crew oi the ship Isabella, of Vlo .Ugo Bay, anv debts of then* contr ctintr. Baillie Allen. as I v.i.i not puv ( ]*>r —n—W I eh. or Havre • fast sailing brig SALLY, captain ^ 4 .’ ' *d with immediate dispatch, having _ha!: -.idler fre.-rht engaged. Any persons, wish ing to ship, c .n receive Iff,is on Xew-York, at thirty days sight, tor two t. ;rds amount of shipment. Enquire of the master oa board, or S. 0. Dunning, ,A’v. 2, Comm-rcr How o i an dec. 7—146 2! 0 r rnfi s u e , <-•' ()V • ten t- Three hundred bales COTTON are wanted to the cargo of the ship .1 UNO, for Live-pool, now taking in, and will meet with immediate dispa-rh. Apply to' B. .M‘KIX\E & CO. iU< >——1*1-3 „ — r j The ship JOHN T EDWARD, for Livc-roool. having comnieuceu •-.King ,n her cargo, '.lied as soon us possible, tor freight or to npta'in \V\bb on board, or at 1 ’Ify11 VRUS tv llYRUOWAY. ■will be dispa* 200 bales cotton a the counting te nov 9 ■’ fry- The shij> ALBERT GALLA- •plX f or Liverpool, Having commenced taking in her will meet with immediate dispatch. For freight jj bales cotton, applv to the master on board, or to CHARLES COTTON nov 3'J—143 On the .o'. . " ~ For Liverpool The fine c juieruii ship CORA, captain N« cargo of 200 o ffi comb, will commence taking in on Monday y—. , nc i will have immediate dispatch. I*nr pply on b*>ar<l, or to R. Richardson. freight <*>r passage iff. - -14.5 i^or Liverpool T^e f ’-'t sailing copper bottomed pack* t shij; •S F '.(TOIL Robinson, mas’er, will coiiuueiiec fey-^agg.1.mrfing immediately . nd meet with tier} uis- For freight or passage imply to paicn. William Gaston. -i. Tor Liverpool JP.j- The fine slop REBECCA, c..ptain X nimo, v. ill vt have immediate dispatch. For freight apply to ***■*■- R. Richardson. dec 5 1 -i 6 -- ^ r or Liverpool The ship SOLON, captain Smith. For freight S&applytn ‘ R RICHARDSON. (l'-c -• —1-15 For Liverpool The staunch, fast sailing Fhik'.dclpff.a ship A^a-IOFN lilLKELEY, Roger Horner, master, be dispatched among dm first v. sv is freight apply to 50 box£ For JAMES JOHNS I'ON. For sale 50 b- xcs crab Cider, in boxes of •-I, .in Halt nov l 1 —3 >4 2000 busmls be eq.uot 200 piece., call.iu Uaggn..-'., Crockery For Liverpool The Uritisi. bin WILLIAM, captiin Hichard- jlOlson. w ill be <li.,;..wlied without delay. For soil, gfeDreight apply to dec 5— -145 11, Richardson. *8 Tin* bn Jj&h m:iM ySvfiy ■' re .my ingapart sage apply i For Liverpool IV, u BROTHERS, William L :p- b'lrtiieii 200 t'.nf in complete iv- ;;k«. lit; can b • dispatched hav- , I. engaged. For freight or pas- hoard, at (ioiton’s central \vh:.:f, or to J. liiuiiii. fur uNantes The brig TWO LSRo'l IlieR-i, captain Lapham, v ■^^^will meet with dispaich, having three f. urths of • cargo pnsbit eiv cng..gtd. For freight or passage applv to the master, or io J. battelle. ■ ms Tor Alai .inique and Guadaloupe _ T.,> br.„ f. .{F.E M-TERs, captain Saunders, ,,ear *. v 11 uO cargo. For freight of 100 bar- i-^^fereis or |>, for three more persons, apply or board, or to J. HATTELLE. IVho bur for rule A Dl< \FT on 150 I'ON. t a ,o d: vs sight, for §1200 dec 7 -146 For N ew-Oi itbuis The fast sailing brig v 5..LY ANN, captain ^Smith, will meet w i*h d.spatrii, being in coniplete ^ord'r. and havi.-.g two tiurds of a cargo remiy to go on board. For freight or passage, having hand some accommodations, apply to the ! .aster o :o J. Battelle; Who ha:: landing from said brig-. J‘ om uiiu werp, 69 pipes superior Mo Hand ten, (warranted real Skidam) 72-jiquor Cases, with glass bottles 1 )U gin Cases, 12 botil s each !20 fancy Coatli’s Baskets tijn linen lings, lUU pocket Pistol Battles' 14 boxes " by 9, 8 bv IT and 10 by 12 window Glass 1 package Locks and Keys o'hoi sheacls I ovs d c .sts containing looking Glasses, sug-.r II xes, cigar Boxes, Stc.. .5 bales Brussels Carpeting 20 pack-ges containing Fix nch linen Cambrics, Sheet ings, Sinn ire , tabl e loth,, diaper Se rvices, tlaniaok tabic (HutiiS and 3va. kins AT.SO 4 J tons German Coals, suitable for grates or blacksmiths For fiviglit or charter The fast sailing staunch ship GLFXTMORX, Cr-|^F^ c: q>tai" Rainey, now in complete order to re- fe«‘jWfe--rehe a cargo. Apple tfi . Henry W. Hills. i 1 or iVeght or cliarter The fine new brig HOPE, captain Pilsbury, (v'^yvhurtia n about 200 tons. For terms apply to "vjbe-the master on board, at Bolton’s central wharf, Of to Ji BATTELLE. IVho has for sale 35 barrels Nos. 1, 2 and 3 Mackerel 50 do No. 2 Beef, ? „ . ■ 26 do No. 3 Beef, S bo8ton ms P ecti0n - 40 boxes CLARET, entitled to double debenture Also, RIELS ON NEW-YORK, nov 23 • —!40- For freight or charter _ to The substantial fast sailing ship TIPHYS, cap tain Purrington. I urthen 317 tons. Ap]ily to the master onboard, at Bolton’s upper ivli; rf, or to J. BATTELLE. Far freight or charter to the if V it I .dies Bills ou England. Tor sale by J \ME5 DICKSON & CO lie c 1 i 147 Hii 1 is ON NEW-YORK AND BOSTON, At short sight, for sale. Pin se apjJiY to c v*.>io( l , u Airrcii dia. •wv ■. 143 ——————— ——— — —-r jiilis on iNew*\ oi k. F'or sale bv nov 28- 142 BALLARD & &PENCFR, Rtf'- fiiils on New-iork. For sale by nov 23—142 CHARLES COTTON, Or the Hail, near the Exchange 4T-. v ■ JSSes 12,000 A good double decked 15IHG, of 190 tons, In ►readiness to receive a cargo. Apply us above. For sale on board the 'Fifth vs Philadelphia Bricks, Apples and Potatoes. Ap ply to the master. nov IP—13o For sr.!p, freight or charter The brig LION, T. Bryan, master, burthen 170 tons, deep waist, newly sheathed, in ***' plete order, and well calculated for the Wcst- Inelia trade, being an uncommonly strong vessel. For terms applv on board, or to .1. B AT I’ELl.E. fUc 7— 1-1-rb Bills on New-York. I'or sale by J J. ig F. BLANCHARD. A r SI» A few tons of Plaister of Paris, to be seen on board the Fr* r.cli brig the Deux Fivn ;. J. J. & F. Blanchard. nov TO 13P Blifb ttll* SicllC A rpi;> to Oil c\\-iuiix. CALVIN RAKER & CO. t'or sale Apply to nov i2— BILI.S ON NLW-YORK. JOHN HUNTER. 1 35 t or sale The brig J AMES SCOTT, burthen 132 tons, English built, with American register, in com plete order for sea. For the inventory and terms apply to JOSEPH AUZE, dec 7 14^ .Vo. 11, Hoffor s- U.inre tS. c. :>6 h imiles L11ntlih Cf fi'oni . \ '< ii>- Fcr• k, W. dec -146 For B.tstuii T l n b ‘i AiLMBa » lionjiis West, m Ntcr, having 1 o thirds of !a : i’,citfift ready to on i'or t'rei^iit nt he rcniai«uler or passant apply to the captain on boar.!, or to Olmstead 8f Battelle-. bnf 1.. ^ For Bostoii The brig ADELINE, J. Rich, master, will Ik Vj/fc. dispatched immediately. .» few lutes cotton ami. j >• '- StTsome heavy freight can be taken if offered before i Friday next. For which or passage apply to Whitney & Parkm&ti. tf J o have Jhv 6iht 16 hotheads prime SUGA US I j hogs,,, .as 2 N E jjtm „ barrels S dec .—m—1-Ig For New-York ^ T!;c r«-j;n:ai* pack**l ship \VO'l!)J5T\K, Joseph ► ^ y **j‘ in..^tcr. w iii be dispatclud v. .tnont otk.y, jc.rt <d her cur^o e.i^.'./cil. FortrujI.T ( v passage a!ipU on bo. rd, or to A. Erwin, Lethbridge C<>. • 7 id’ Eji: s' nvheir* Iron, Thf subscriber offers for sale The CARGO of the brig Three Sisters, captain Saun ders, from Copenhagen,, e nfisting' of 35 tons axe b.u- Iron and 6 tons die IxoSJ, ordered par ticularly f'or this Market 9 tons clean L'cinp Cordage, tow Cloth, M'.tts Russia and Ravens Duck, Riga Balsam ALSO _ The said BRIG, 10G tons, double deck, sails, v,ii rigging", masts, spars and sheathing; new within vrfaSusone y ear, sails well, carries a large cargo, and is in every respect a very substantial vessel; will be sold on a long credit for good security, exchanged for mer chandise, a larger vessel, or real estate. Apply to J. BATTELLE. ALSO 130 tons STONE BALLAST, on board ship Tiphy'S. Apply rs above. nov 2i4 142 Deev Jy. Martin, V * (urxr»:n*s wiiabt) ** j iRi’ar for sale 80 pieces cotton Bagging, 2 cases linen Shirts 1 c ase worsted half li'.se, 1 do Gloves 400 negro Jackets, Cogie e Brandy, 2d bis X. E. Rum 100 boxes Soap., 10 boxes English Mustard 5 do Cayenne l’epper, 19 boxes Chocolate :~J tegs r5 .iu r, 2i)0o i'-itiles an.l cannisters M..caubau, R.:;.; ■ e oi;d ts.'ot- u liitufF 1 quarter boxes *rr Colcrs, just import- r Pencils and marking ley ’s patent Blacking. S|;i in. . f ia .rs, in bail am 40 boxes d pptd t'.u dies Reeves' vnil A.';, nimn’s V.: e«t: wul, t »i. .’.i b e II. iivirs, a bo.\i- nov 26— . ■ 1 19 For Newport ant! Frovid'.'nce Tne scii.inner SALLY. For in i ;iit or pas- 5™pfA.sagc apply to DEEV K vt \ u. TIN, '..ittA« Hunter's wharf 11 It . have now landing 1'3 tierces Irish F'.FF.K < x, r 5- 1 "5 File regular pad it ship COTT .\ iT.ANT. j hcliiCS oi CoiHJCi*. Fuji, i.i.tster. ror tivi;fht or puN. .-./c t?? >*> II A• SFAXES, 40.fathom each 3,000 lbs old COFFEU. For sale by AVilliam Taylor. ik e 3 —n—144* For New-York the captain on board, at Rice’s wharf, or to C i.x BAivhk v-V CO. -138 nov bor Liverpool r.r.;ji;cred bri;j SPAKTAN, ( M. Cot UtCli. F t: n»u>t’ wi‘l L.'^c iiiiiiudiate iI.lj hundred b-d.s of cotton are u iut< d on fre.i.i Apply to REA K. Ill 3 LI.K, For New-York r ,'l’he rt i j»*iiav □ iif K.JzA, Pottf 1 * •ftj'A'. ter. For freight or parst-ge, apply to *"r* on board, at M‘Kc. 5—132 For New-' 1 ie cup i.x's \vii:.rf, < !• tf* Hall 6i H»»yt. j •if cry- Sever.* low freight, i; dec 5 Johnston's .cunrj I ..,ks of RICE will be'taken, at a j , | e .ie aonliCation is made. For Liverpool The flue coppered brig FRIENDS, captain f/|^George Wilson, burthen 2-5 tons, vdl meet feUrihr'.with dispatch. For friight of '.wiphumlred barrels rice, on advantageous terms, or cotton, apply tu J. Wallace; r • mift\ rf j c°ivttl by ft ml vt’ftsrt, l60 tons Li* *. t pool 0 .tjund Sail, 40 tens C r >..]:* ili crises c.D'Nn ' bits Cratt-s CiMc.:-'. y Ware, asso- dd Kegs stone Jugs and Bottles nov i2—i.i > Foe Greetiack ship WILLIAM FELL-, John Boan, ttr. 1 considerable pari of her cargo ' ""feengaged, she w.ii meet with dispatch. ..ssage ajijily on Smitifs xvharl to Joseph Carruthers t^’To. 1 39 being l-’o’r freight or p..a i .r lias rc or Bordeaux, .As freiphi huiii <ffer, f r-.r»- The fine new ship WILLIAM St HENRY, Af .gi captain Seabury. Applv to ‘ It. Itichardson. Hr-o a— 145 ; For Havre The staunch and elegant New-Yorkbuilt brig JANUS, Congdon, master, will have quick dis- 5-j^w*fcpatch,four hundred ami fifty bales being engag ed, imd provisions made to furnish the remainder, if it should not be otherw ise offered immediately. For terms >ef freight of what is wanted, or passage, (the accommo dations bring very superior,) apply to Henry W. Hills. nov 7'—.*33 uia The regular packet on;; ELIZA LORD, X. H Sniilli, master, w.ii meet v. itb immediate dispatch. ,’nr Bright or pa-sage apply to Hit- master on ,.art., or to CHAKLFf \V. CAUFEXTER &. CC. Fur sale, landing fro said brig, Pickled Salmon, do M..e;ccrel, do S.,„d Hap barrels corn lleei, Lmcy C31i..»ra dec 1 147 For New-York The regular pavke' schooner ll.VuiilEl NEWELL, John U. '1'ahi r, mas'er. For irrig-ht ; or passage apply' to the cants.n on board, ’ Rice’s wharf, or to dec Id 1 17 BALLARD .x Si’ENLER. For Baltimore, The fii.vt sailing schooner HHU l ^ Nnt r'x'i. iinsiiii, master, h.«> ir.L P”i*t ot frt iglii or jiassiigv, ton’.’ wharf, or to 11f»V # J'i 1 4*? ttpjjiv to the ’lkib'tr <»n NI ;iiols & • r c. r'*o - .1- ■ ;*! itr'.i. For >-r.;. at Hoi- ii x n u, llonmi ;mJ Castor Hals. 38 cases mens’ „i.d youths’ roram and castor HATS, iusi rtceivcu per ship Adonis, and for salt- • -rv ’ow by Perkins tS," W'hitc, Corner of Congress street anil Jnhnson\ square N. B. Eighty barrels sound winter AIM’LF.S, for sale as above. * nov 3d—143 N. E. Hum, cvC. 20 puncheons N. E. Item 13 do rye Whiskey 10 do X. E. Gin ANI) 10 le gs Goshen, of excellent quality A considerable quantity of ...\e bar and waggontire IRON, for sale cheap. Enquire of Thomas G. Walton & Co. cl.-i- 10—r—147 .foiled wharf For sale EXCHANGE ON LIVERPOOL, Vitnn'-’e iit l.-o.dtm BILLS ON NEW YORK. Also Coffee, in bags; Claret, in b<e\< s o! l dozen each; 8 baskets sweet Oil, 1 dozen each; 3 pipes 4th proof Cognac Brandy, 12 casks of excellent 3’orter, 8 dozen each; a few bales of Plains, Blankets and Flannels. Ap ply to RICHARDS ri HARROW AY. Lev 9 134 - Ere,: i in in for Dollars. The highest premium given for Dollars by dec 10- -14’ J. George. x\li#iUiiacKs lor tue \ ear 1 b 1 / By the groce, dozen or single one. F r s it b\ James H. Fraser. nov 30 1. 148 .'o• i i.-.var legal;t Tin*/if, Of various sizes and figures, m gilt frames. For sale by ' J.J.kF BLANCHARD. OCt 1 SAC- 117 ’ iiiaiikcls. W. P. BEERS 6i CO. Offer at tow prices Rose, duffil and point ELANKKTS, in bales, well as- sorted. di e 3 1 144 Cotton Bags. The subscribers hare for sale 350 second bund COTTON BAGS, which will be sold low. T. H. COXjJY, j'in. & ViT. dtc 3 144 Crockery and . agging. 100 crates well assorted Crockery 2G0 pieces Cotton Bagging. For s. le by S. C. DLNMNG, nov 12 135 Y'/. 2. CoCl flow 15 do common uo. Jersey Waggons. Tw o st..uncii Jersey Waggons, w ith 1 tunics.; co r plete. For sale bv " PALMES St DAY lDsON. d.c 5 y 145 Windsor L hairs. 6 dozen finished in bronze For side by J. Hanmer. nov 5 1 2 Un eonsigmnent, Per brifr It i/fiam. from Trierpoo!, 16 hogsheads GLASbWARE. For saic at a low ad vance. JAMES V YLI -U E. nov (6 L>7 Stove dried bait. The subsci-ibers offer for sale 2000 bushels of Liverpool ground SALT, stove-dried and of a very superior quality for retailing Carnochan & Mitchel. dec 7 1. 1 16 Just received For freight or charter, 'i'o a a; port in Europe. , The fine fir-’* class s’n.1) AKIS i'IDES, captain hf'#N.Cartcr, bur! sft 270 tons; for further p.irti«.*i«.ir^, iaoSSianply to captain ( arti r un board, at Suntil s ha f, nr to JOSEPH C ARRUlliLRs CO. nov 26 T4I The subscribers OTFF.R FOE SALE, .Van- landing fro a brig Ueorgiafrom Liverpool, 30 casks Porter, 23 crates Crockery 75!) sacks Salt, 490 stone Jugs J ii) camp Ovens and Covers 850 iron Pots, 450 Spiders Olmstead Battelle. pnv f>« *» i A arris H. Hickm Has opened a Law-Office in Savannah, a l tenders to he |,.'.bii c hi., proKssionai aus s of t!it» as'ei'n cir cni*. ■ 3—IF) For charter or freight, 1. any part in Europe. The staunch coppered ship WILLIAM, bur- then two hundred anil fifty tons. For terms, Vi4-“ l,; ‘' h will be reasonable, :i|>plv to Bilbo & Watts. nov IJ ■ —T36 For sale The fast sailing schooner AXTF.LOPE. bur then forty-four tons, of an easy draught of w a iter, well calculated for the inland trade and now in complete order. For terms apply to ISAAC COUEJ* & CO. dec 3 144 For sale, Just imported in the ship Isabella, from Jamaica, Ten puncheons of superior high proofed Ruin, thir teen bis and tw elve bugs of Pimento, a box of spice,and one hundred and twenty tons of lime stone Ballast. Ap plv to Bichaud Maunem, at Messrs. Carnochan & Mitchell. dec 5 » 145 Copartnership. The subscribers having entered into copartnership, un der the firm of C Mum, are now opei in: a . e reral assortment of DRY GOODS, at their store, south dde of Johnston’s square; which they off«r for cash or tiwn acceptances at ninety days. WM. S. GTLLETT. «t JOAN >iiLN£. An invoice 0112 tranks and 1 case YV liips and Brushes, comprising an excellent assortment, and will he sold low. Apply to J. LATIIROP & CO. november 7 133 Hunter's wharf! Just Received From Liverpool 159 casks best brown Stout, Si) crates assorted Crock- eryxvarc, For sale by M. HERBER T & CO. nov 9 134 v he subscribers Have formed a connection in business under the firm of Bilbo L Watts, with a view to F. ICFOR.JOE and C0.U.I//.S.S70.Y THAXS.iCTIOA'S, and offer their services in that line. JAMES BILBO, nov 14 16 ROBERT AVATTS. Ancliew G. Semites Continues the FACTORAGE and COMMISSION BU SINESS, in this city, and tenders his best services to the public in the above line of business, with the promise that tive strictest attention shall be given to all business committed to his care; he has good fire proof Stores for Rice. Cotton or Merchandize. oct 31-ap—130 A. Erwin, Crenshaw & Co. Have imported, in the ships Georgia and John U Edwardj. from Liverpool, A very extensive and well chosen assortment of DRY GOODS' IRONMONGERY, CUTLERY, plated and Ja panned WARE, comprising a complete assortment; which they are now opening and offering for sale in Gibbons’^, brick, building, near the Market, at the most reduced advance, fur sash, produce, approved notes or arcep- tuiw. oct Si—