Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, December 17, 1816, Image 1

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|{ . pusnEKICX S. FELL.] m mBEU l-’-'J SAVANNAH REPUBLICAN SAVANNAH, (GA.) DECEMBER 17, 1816. TRUTH WITHOUT FEAR. [Whole Number 27 rirr.i—r. wBSSm a—ar [Volume XIV X ilK -REPXJnLICAN 1,4 priU-TSMED PVEHY TTTSO.W, THm«l).VY AND SATURDAY, a srxnorMWr.R.WLTM, STABLE l* ADVANCE. advertisements • , j | rate of Sr.rrvrT-PiT* Cents pci drill be inserted a | TaiRTsr-Sk.vLff asjj a If*.u tnuare the try - hcxrs for ~ .. .,11 orders frOtr> the Cotiwtrt, unless the n _ lu-A aceomp;* 0 .'• y, ivvs> or the party well known to ^ftayme.-E * ,r f,v " be Editor jtr UfiTTFHfi tO t},e Editor must be post-paid. y> Tlie ship JOHN EDVARD. for Gvi r ioi having commenced taking: in her car,to, „.- . be distiauiitd us soon as possible. For freight of , ,...i scf ,‘!„na- *dv to captain Webh on hoard, or at Recounting house' of RICHARDS t_ HARROW AY. „(.v 9 I t-' __ Ur Tiie ship ALBERT GALLA- Tl\ for Liverpool, having commenced taking in her ,.,r 0 «il( meet with immediate disnatch, for trcigh. oi $00 or 300 bales cotton, g . mi n , . ■’ r* . N *• (' •, the •< , »’■ or to nov 30— 14 > Em- Liverpool The fine coopered ship CORA, captain New- coiuh, will commence taking m on Monday next, :-nd will have iTPm»*diart dispatch, ror freight .or pa--age apply on b<-ard. or to R. Richardson. Km- Liverpool The fine fast sailing sh p CA MILUS, car.fsin Howh-nd, will meet with dispatch. For freight <**«• w “pc-v » ■ or to I ,,-clJ 143 * -■ - — For Liverpool i ,-f~ The fine ship REBECCA, captain Nimmo,’ will 1 V* \G have immediate dispatch.. For freight apn.y U I R. Richardson. f dt r .5— -— 1 4-5 _ - — For Liverpool The si .if. WINIFRED, C. W Gelston, tn-tcr, V ;yv () „‘ e oend'-td bales cotton is only wanted to , , i itS'A f-ldete her cargo Apply tp > „ LAjl< » « • '■ » •*' • '■ For Bordeaux The fin*, e pm r« . I'me.delphiabuilt shipTMA- VtVeU \ ,r:.n; i*n G<,i i*i>, «»i fhivc lvniured toiK ii.A- l&Sfeviug io er -im r part ll( ber c..l go engaged, vv ill meet with dispirtoh. For treie'h' sarlv to IVivv Wright. rD dor 7? 1 • -7 l or Hordeauri rOr.;',: ' t »T ■ u-.fe;:', M \ « -as. e .gage.!, wiil ,.,t t : , i : sage a});.’,; .a; Ary* Jr T i ’ F P 1 i.i.rif n ship Y? M ■- F r -7^- 1 * HI’* li**n two h;ir..|;* .' P* rt »'-t mr c-ri;v. •' i J J • it. T r fr* ijrht u;- HKitl \ l< \N iUGiil. I’D’- 7 ■'/ c r • fr. i-lm- uTeeit ( OFF .F. 200 barr'fe f:. ,b Philadelphia i'i.t.i K 150 bags / 6 b.vreis S 1 case i iv eii Knives IV .ST. Ml V F'. 'g .d : loliia Whi .kev, ,n .loghshcads l’hil 'deloiha < .in (" it Naiis. assorted sizes, 4d to 20.1 50 hags he .v v Mark I’eppi-r M Ids t‘:.i!..,'iel]>jiia and Baiiimori-Flour Fresh Prime's, in half and <pi >rter hoecs Fra -h Olives. Capers, bra;. - r rails Old Medor WiiM , fine -'a: k mg (."hiripagne Fil e old Sanicr'i, vv'uti wine Vinegar 2 casessdk and kid (govt's . nil silk Hose 1 fraud,, 4 ,; ' .r-'ff; Sro' . Ih.mms, in ha»—Is, Ttir lif re or iSo.-ih'ttux, r ' i. r . or freight or charter* • p •/ A ;j y «>•/ i 7 f 'aiiYUtJi\ T*-.c- fi*i« Lrst ri. r is.-) s!nj> AStlSS*! 1! *ES. rap*:jr nr'* :> hv.j-.i.t 11 tons; for furtii ;• .rt \ <•} to c.ipL.n. '.r.vt'r n» ho^r*' :*t S.niucs ‘h r , ;>r to J»#.srj J i5 CUtUl/i ii'f'-KS c>. CO. i:m 2s) 141 X Elegant Mirrors, Of various sizes and figures, in gilt frames. For sale v J. J. &F. BLANCHARD. ml 1—1AP—11 7 Foi freight or charter 'I!-- C-t s: ili ; s*uii cli siiip LLKNTHnRN’ ijiiain Hhi .c., r.* v u, c<u:ajU v order to rt- -j\c a .A'*' 5v t») ' Ileiivv W. Hills.- Cotton Rags. ’/V; r sv ire fibers hurre for sale 320 second hand COTTON HAGS, which will he sob} . v. T. H. CONDY, jun. 8c CO. d‘-c 3— 1-14 rockerv and t or tVc;,.!i or ' iumer Th I hr u v, brig HOFE, cap?:ii:i Filsburv, | ^fkbnnhen ahout 2UU tons. For (fins apply to' .’'^fc'jfeliie ina.ter on hoard, ai Bolton’s c tral wiau-f. or to ,i. 15 A i I'laLLE. J! in /n's fnr .-'.'fie 35 barrels Nh,. 1, 2 and .> Mackerel 50 do N-\ 2 licet, t „ . 26 do No 3 Beef s ,l09,OR '*“ 5 r' cctK) »- 4J boxes Cl,Ml!"!’, eiuiilfd to double debenture Also >!i V(> ; \i',\V-V'JllK. l or treigul oi c.i.uiei- 2hie .iU/Stantial s lilu.'.v slop l'li’HYS, cap- • ... u *i. ii I'.irriiigtoii, biirlben 5i7 ions. Ajij.dy io «bf.'sSte!he musicr on board, at Rollon’s iippu- vvh rf, or to J. BATTELLE. / or Ji‘ iy;ht or charter to the 't est Judies A good double decked BRIG, of 19‘J 1011s, in sagging* lb-! cr.* s well res-orted Crockery 2’Jti rntetb Cotton Bagging. Fur Sale by !p. C. Hi. sNING, pnv 12 f.25 . YV . 2, ( f i;rrmrrce Rota w iudow Glass, Chocoltfie, due. I<jO boxes S by 10 anti 10 by 12 window Giass 50 ditto Nos. 1 and 2 Chocolate 20 ditto dipt Candies 10 hogsheads \\ biting. For sale by John Hunter. dec 12 -m 148 T!.f Tint n« w sLip V.’ll.i 1AM HENRY,! ^^re;unnc-as to rtceivo a cargo biabury. Apple u /*', r sole U'l ?e>amt the Tilth I'S Rieharilson ! ’-boa.) i’hiiadeiphia B- cks. Apples ami Potatoes. Ap- dec S -115 lv to the master. nov 19—138 For Huvre For freight or charter r ldie hug LION, T. Bryan, master, burthen . , . , - ,. ■ jprr-Fv 17o tons, deep waist, newlv sheathed, in com- ’*T rT'A u] ™ C( 'T V | s£^>p.ete or,ler, and wall caleu’i ited for ti.e Whst- •.^haif o f, ie r fr e,gbt c n gag. il; Anv ,,.«ns, 11A |f37- do, being rn uncommonly strong vessel. For T ! >e superior fast sailing brig SALLY, captain .‘2 ATllV'* ** ’•' vn on 1 .. . ■ »V f I <li. :<■ f.-'.iwr . iiTg to ship, can receive Bills on New-York. at thirty days sight, ibr tvyo thirds amount of shipment. Enijuire of tim master tm board, or K. F. Dunuiog, ■ \o. 2. ( om.iy riL How fob Saif nx no i >. n "c;o ^...a c y I" INC : I ’' 1' r—i is »' ill' A iliUe-.t The brig l\Vt< iK. i ii 1(3, captein Laphun, 1 '?■ wiil meet w tf!i'eii. i..vit.g three t ’luiii- t i ■Oi -eCd. Cargo posiiivi. Iv eii.p Mi. For treignt or passage apply to tin nia..!oi', of in i» \ L' I EL!.S-I. dee :4-- WJM-. j'or Lixt ipHiti Tin shin SOLON, captain Fu tit. F'»rfreight 1 n t'tc’l fTJ"u:i • * •apvn\ n ti c 5 k: 5 R. ULCHAU'.WUN. i'or iaiveritool The fast sailing r.,pper i>ott«.med packet ship i iJ^F'.iT'iK, Robi' son, master, will con.nie'.ce “ |v«feSfoloa(hng immediately me t with every d s- I patch. For fre.ght or passa;^_an;dv to William Gaston. nov 7 - For FivtipooV ’or >*ai ii:ii({iic ;ovi Giiiui ;loiip<i I be l.-ig 1/ 11:I : . 1 E rr ii i n» • i' F' "w.y* ’nil c. .i.s**-*9«sre|s «>r passage, 'or tlit eemol'i pets.., a :lv on board, or’o .1. ii.'Fi i Id t.!'.. )rv, iris for 9 rI’ A DRAFT 1. ;. days sight. f< r p,:2*X, dec 7 14b wlV, Smi-I For Nt-vk- Jli .ins l"«e t ist .>n • . » . 4 N S 9 ;m* h P.icul '1 : 1 s.j.,i « ; ili in « ... i it !»;•(; r. nr! Iiaving two lli : <>i’ a it «<iy tn go on bo ill. For freight or i-.--ii.-n.i- somc acconniiuei.itioiis, aj)j)ly to J’.n : or o T . BaMclIc; tiTlTls apply (»;y board, or to (b r 7 146 J. K YTTEUX. 1' or iVeigt-t <>i ciiarter, 'I'n mi nort in t ir t'/esl-l'ulh s. , The fliu f st sailing sloop A LNUS, Fumltam, V~r % master, hnrli. fit about 50 tons, new vessel and . . ’’ „C.' u ••!! found. For terms, apply to the captain, on hoard, at .Moore's wharf. Z>r to P.-iluiss U "Bavidson. For sale ^, 'I'!;, brig.JAMES SCOTT, burtben 112 tons, 7vfi : e ibunt, willt American register, in ruin- 4 . plate order fur sea. For tiie inve'ntorv .uid terms apply to JOSEPH AC'/!•:, 7-..l;46 .Vq. 11, lioltov's Ratine 1' Ol" Sltid , J _ W . The fast tf.i-wg «rbi*on.-r ANTF.LOFE. ber- .y.j.tin n ton ■ -four tons, of an easy draught of vva- 'yvtiic ’.citlatet 1 for the in bind trade and nov, in i ompleie orilvr. For t> mis apply to i.’iA C COHEN & (’a. J^randv. •/ 10 pipes real Cognac BRANDY, ju t r'ctIved and for sale hv BENJAMIN ilOW A HD & CO. ■ice" i‘V 1 148 . Stove dried ^ait. The subscribers offer for sale 2000 bushels of Liverpool ground SALT, stove-dried and of a very superior quality for retailing. Carnochan k Mitchel. dec 7 s. 146 On consignment, Per brig fl'itliam, from Uz-erfiool, 16 hogsheads GLASSWARE. For sale at a low ad vance. JAMES WALLACE, nov 16 — ■ 137 ■ — ■■■ ■ ■ ... ■ w Just received An Invoice of 12 trunks and I case Whips and Brushes, comprising an excellent assortment, and wiil be sold low. Apply to J. LATHROP &. CO. november 7 133 Hunter’s -wharf Just Received From Liverpool 150 casks best bi ow u Stout, 50 crates assorted Crock- er\ vv_re. For sale by M. HERBERT &. CO "lire 134 it ; freight apply l«» James juiivstox. i f'or sa'i hi.\. s aprtie anu .*>0 boxes crab hid..,, in .Mixes of one d >7( 1! e.'.ctl 2(XK' , ._:s L.verpool ground Salt 20* pie-c cotton Baggin;.', Cro^ki rv nov 9—1.3! For Liverjiool The i- 1 hr. V. \ Vi. captain ll iff— '- son, ve; or feisSttii'JShtappl) to rii.d vi i iiout il-a.y. Foi R. Ricliartlson. b-c 5- -i For Liverpool The "! \V*J itldtTilF.IW, V.' l.ap- ham, mas-, r, bm then 2>Jii tons, in complete or- .dtrcuel i*.*;-.;U int.KC in; can be dis.iu'chcd i ,-i v - ing a ]>art of her c.ifge e'v.'-b-'cil. 1 «r freight or pas sage apply on Lio-rd,.F .'.ton’s cei tr.d wharf, e- In J ii.vriELLE- } If ho has l: udinff from saiA h •an hityri . -I ' 69 pipes stipe *ior 1 Go,hi :(’• < .HI. • **:»? im Ited I't-ai bkiiinrr.; ! 72 i. juor Cas s, with $»■ :■« hut ! AS ; ioo ^•»n U2 liotti’-s »arh ’ | 130 fi.ucv Ci-at i s B.isJ; t s So 1 ) limn Batr- 109 povi- i t Pisto Battles 1 11 hn.'. 's f r-.\ 9. 8 fi\ j and 10 fay 13 VV ndow Glass j 1 packag.’ I. irks and Kr s J Ikl'sI.u .if!> To\ s 3 r .si s ('("if; liling lo .*! [i:i_* Glasses, s "ST ir }\ .\i‘S JL.\v v. ^c. • ) 1 v Brus it*!s Carp: 20 p.u k ig.-s i ont.Niiiin-’ Fi*f nr? ;n#*n f hrics. t- 1 nit’s, r..nrhn*;S ’!• t* Iin .11. !>(_ 1* >( iCujj i) .mask t^i>le ( loti n uiiu N v k u is 5 f.Hf) ’•lO l (iiis Gcrin. 11 Go:iis, c •1 iiu-fe r ^T.t rv black miths T.ardi-g fro n *\‘ .36 -h";3 G V v. •C 7 126 For t• w f «JOo( Hi The 1 . i -.12 • 1%« 1 s i :irn V. c w ’. s f . n ister. ^ hnv iny t u (» tf u c; • < f in r 1 rt*i*r 1 "t (1\ to 2U <U. ' 2 -. .*^5? r»o«ni. F .1- ii- .g .•* fifliir !VIJL nidei or pa . ii'oa, (ve. Tie S’i'-si i iher <>JT : ' v: ' f ov sn ^ e The CANi-.J of tiie brig Three Sisters, captain Saun- tiers, lr n *i ‘.'o’u r. p n., c*• •n.-i&tot Cordyi'T. *. ^.il*, M .Fs Jiu.:. it. 4*i.d ILvcih buck, Rig-.? Balsam A: t: o Tin* Rf.Ib, Jw6 to.L’J. double ?lrrJr, s.?il«>, , ' .«r v i.iji, i.i.k-v, sji.irs* iiiul siieaUuiiP: iu w w nbin v . sS.vfe«!ont } vve 'f. r. nies a Lir^e carjjfc;, i*Tui is ' i * * e\' fv re m c t-4 .tiv **• »l>-•:«*»* i;»l vrs»el; will be soil on ; b.i »gt>od txch:ii*.ee<i for mer- c .aii i.ze, a K.r^er vessel, or j-cal e-hit«.. Apply to J. B.xl 1 e.LIjE. At. .CO 130 tons FTONE BAl.L.AsT, or. board ship T.r.iiys, '■ oh . b.iv.\ nov /c i "2 /'rom schooner Harriet ,\'-rvell, 15 » rtcr casks L. lb JVncnff ’-.VINK., of a superior eye i. r s :ie in lri.-v.’.C COHEN ix CO. • ' ' ! ~ M3 I ^ „ ■ ■ ■ - -- - apple to the captain o nov 9- 134 I OIiusU’.-dI 8( BriUolte. i I'm- by i Jl oilN ■N N'EW-YoRK, FF-OVIDENCE ANT) BOSTON. GEoID.E (if.RDON. -149 For I.iverpool The cc;:Pere.l i-v’.g s I* U< I AN, C. M. O.Tn, ID aster, ' li li.Ac mmiciiiaic d.spalciu i >o 1 mliclre<i b.tles ui col’on are v. anted on Inij^iit Apply to KliA & BUTLhK. Johnston * xc/utrj c£j' Seventv-fivr casks i>f RICE will be taken, at a low freight, if inline i»ate appliCaVion is made. «Uc 5 14o i 4*« r v - i. «»• iv j Tiie re,M,..r paek-'t -u;. H vloDBlNE, Jo««ph{ p-r «•.!.• bv liliis Oil Xr L w - \ ork. Wiili *,. master “ ui he ill y.>.ee!icc! without Ue , ..11 i)'4 P**' 1 . I l\ . s - la BAf.V. \un k SPENCER, *f L-. *v / f ]i> r < r^o ciit^.v^-cd. . Poriii i^uc ' or jjass.i^’c on bo r* ■ „ . , .. c „ , LjJIs on JN tiv-1 oi*k. \. LI’M'HI, Lt'thl)rifl«;e it V O. Forsah bv ( HAULF.S COTTON. loo s' iriiarfl - .. f— Or/'■■ fir . near the i:-rb,.,.m F or > r,v- i o. l For Liverjiool The fine coppered hi .g FiUFNDS, cagtain y*%-gc Wilson, hur’hen 225 tens, willOneet JysAsg^witii dispatch. F, r fr* ight of two hundred barrels rice, on advantageous terms, or cotton, apprv tc. J. Wallfw.-; IfV,n off'-rs for sale, rrceir-rtl hy suitl vessel lf'9 tons Liverpool ground Salt, •10 tons ( pals t2 cases . oi.vsi* ’fats < .'ratqs Crockery W. re, assorted Kegs lbiint, stone Jugs and I’.ott'-o The regular pefc't ship COTTON FI. ANT, j ih l * S iOl Stile Oil N 6\\ - Y Ol k. ,f : y Fash. in sier For freight or pass ,gc apply to j A pplv to CALVIN RAKFRSt GO. i<?r;iptain on b« myI, at lLcc's vAiuyt', or to f no*. 1 ^ 1 '5 i:\is\iS i#A!v!*;R ev IV, A* in. apt.i -1.38 nov * 2—to5 , U yr fiivenot'k 31ic staunch .‘ tie British sliip HARMONY, captain Covardali. commences loading immedi- i4- "‘kdi.!tel\. For freight of 2 >0 hales cotton, to fill u;., . nplv to*’ JAMES JOHNSTON, it . vj 1|" For Oreenock The ship VVB.1.1 VM FELL, John Roan, tnas ter. A consiile vhle part of her cargo bem imSjt.engaged, stiy w ill meet w itlt dispatch. For m ight or passatit i.ii.yU on Smith’s wharf to nm 7—13 . Joseph Carrulhers Co. For New-York 3 e regular packet brig F.LIZA LORT*, N. H. J®SvSmi'h. masu r, vv ili meet with immed ate dispatch. •BojfcFor iveigh* ov passage apply'to the.master on .board, or to I'll A HI J.S W. CARFFVNTER & CO. For A/rt/r, !muling fron said hrig> PicIdetL^aiinoiiy do Macke i*ei,,do Sii^d .Half b u-rels corn Beef, fancy Chairg dec 10 147 ' For New-iofk v ___ Tiie regular packet schooneti HARRIET NF.’A’TJ.i., .J.>i,.1 It. Taller, mas er. ' For freight ->4*^s2or pass u'C app.v to (lie- c pt. it o.i hoard, at Rice’s wharf, or'to " BALLARD S. SPENCER. .■ ii-— - ! t; For . The fast sailing' srimr.ner HIIVTI'S. Nati.aniei sfraiThomson, master, having n. rt of e r .* : g > cn- ■ a-T For sale BILLS OlSi NE\V-Vf>r.K. A pplv to JOHN HUNTER. For sale EXCHANGE ON LIVERPOOL, l ! tmahie in T t:tillnn. ■ BILLS ON NEW-YORK. Also t,.i.lee, in b:.;;s; Claret, in boxes of 1 dozen each; Vf Nfeteg-.iged, i'ill nit t-i v.i.ii dis.»at. h. For j 8 b. -keis sweet O’!, 1 u. sen each; 3 pipes 4th proof freight or passage, apply to the .raster on I. . d. liol- j Goga. c Br..ndy, 12 c.. . ; of e-xci llent Porter, h dozen ion’s whar!, or .(> NT HOI.s & 1IGXTER, leach; a f. vv bales of Plains. Blankets and Flannels. Ap- nov 28 142 ■-••••' •**<•■#« / ! pi'* to RICHARDS & HARROW AY. 7 nov ,— 1.34 For charter or freight, 'Jc umj port in Europe. The- « -irncli coppered sliip WILT.I AM, bnr- ? then two hundred and f.fiy tons. For terms, which wilt be reasonable, a >plv to Biiho k Watts. nov 14 T.36 Goslien Cheese, Winter Apples, 5 casks Goshen Cheese 120 barrels V.’inter Apples 150 bushels Irish Potatoes 50 barrels Cider, 1 quarter cattk Coltr.enar Wine 5 ditto apple Brandy, 5 barrels rye Whiskey 2 crates,stone Ware. Received per.slpop Bright Phoe bus and for sale by N. ,B. Kf.tchcsi, at the stqre for merly occupied by Tbqm^s Lwcejia^JlIi^k^-squwe, de c i3 a—^-148 N. E. Riun, dec. 20 puncheons N. E. Bum 13 do rye Whiskey 10 do N. E. (bin am> , 10 kegs Goslien BUTTER, of excellent quality A considerable quantity of axe bar and vvaggontir IKON, for sale cheap. Enquire of Thomas G. Walton & Co. dor JO—v—147 J r,e ’ Windsor Chairs. B dozen finisiied in bronze •• • 15 do common do. fyr by J, Hanmer. itpv fm ». . he subsen Have farmed a connection in business undef the firm of 8v W atts; with a view to f'.JCTOS.iCE and CO.Jr.UMSIO.Y TRjleVS.ICT/0.\'S, nifir their services in that line. JAMES i’.H.B nov 14- 1.36 ROBERT- V- > TTS. Harris ‘L - : . itNinaA Has opened a I-aw-Ofiice in Savnnsh, a'd tenders to die pi.hiic Ids prulessioiial services :n die courts of the ensti-rn rirruit. <»r f F 12 • Andrew G. Senif ; .cs ' Continues the FACTORAGE and COMMISSION BU SINESS, in this citv, and tenders his best sirvices to the public in the abov e line of business, with the promise that the strictest atten- ion shall be given 10 .11 business committed to his care; he has good lire proof Store:, for Bice. Cotton or Mi rch-ndize. .C 5 I m— 130 Slilis, Sugar JitulerN, CTl The subscriber having been appointed agent for a Ma- niif.ictoring Company, in Philadelphia, will carefully at tend. to auy orders that may be left or sent to his care. He has or, lend Stills,from thirty to six hundred gallons; and shortly expects a number of Sugar Boilers, Schn- tners, Ladies, Lamps, for boiling houses, See. He has also, on hand, a good assortment of wrought: and cut NAILS. 11 A BI1WARE, &c. All of which he will sell at a small advance. Philander Hall, dec 5 145 Mark. r; -square i,otilin£ Establishment FOR SALE. The subscriber being about to his business, offers bis STOCK"on the most accommodating* terms; consist ing of Porter, Ale, Cider and Wine, with all the aparatus requisite for conducting tV Bottling Business ijj ail its various branches. Likeyvise, a Mineral Aparatus com plete. ^ ANDREW L KF.ItN, On the ti ll, fire doors below the K.-rbu. ge. dec M 149 ’ J. vS. Alle\\ * * . Has fist received from .Y>w-Tor7-, And is now opening at Iris store in Brvan-strect, where hi otters for sale on the lowest terms; stqjertine blue black and brown Cloths, superfine blue, black, drab, ami mixed Cassimt res, elegant fancy Vestings, black, green, drab, and purple tabby Velvet, silver Cord, biue. and ipix^d, ly on Skin, blue Coating, vv aterp roof Cloth, blue, and black, Flannel, black and figured Bombazcts silk Umbrcila-i, Irish Linen, do Shirting, Humhnms, stripe and mixed Hmnspun, flag- Handkerc lefs, ladies’ white silk Hose and Gloves, do kid do cotton and beaver do black worsted Host , worsted Socks, silk Buttons, patent ciotli Buttons, ball vest Buttons, 3c.c. He also otters to furnish customers with superfine Coats, made and trimmed in the best manner, for g28, superfine Cassimere Pantaloon? forgll, Ouatsmade and trimmed in the best manner for glri. OX 11AXJ1 Ready made superfine Waterterloo Surtouts, blue,black and colored Coats, Vests, and Pantaloon , wtiich'lie of-, fers for s ie a. reduced prices. dee 5 -j. 145 OliCfc. The firm of Cawtet Sc. Caxtkr, of IJaien, Georgia^ having tins day been dissolVed by mutual consent, all those indebted to said firm are requested to settle without delay with Ralph Carrier, fv’.-Q is autlioi istclto settle all the concerns of said firm- JOStAH GANTEY RALPH CANTER." dec 10—l—148 Uj The subscriber tenders his thanks 'ohis countiy friehds, for the liberal fcricouragtnunt ho h is hitherto received, and informs them,' that lie con- nues tiie btisiness lately carried on by the above firm -nd lias now on hand a well selected, assortment of art- English GOODS, HARDWARE and GRO CERIES, which will be disposed ol at a moderate ad vance, by wholesale 6r retail. < \. \t RALPH GAKT^R. dec 14 149 - 1 - - ( hr 1 ... t m. Xi» rent A P<*xessi' n given imnie&altfy, A STORE 1 , to MarJc4tt-sqqare^ an «fr£;,Vn*; !'!r’jrrer\j.this office.