Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, December 17, 1816, Image 3

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repair the pub’ c eSttais,- of ini labor* of the quarry or jnine, sub-] e coarsfest fare, deny them every at is not indispensable with exist- li them, by the liberal application jocility and usefulness?—Such a ot tne i( , t j on would undubitably awe the xtvoue o :. f - oU! , p art 0 f so |i e ty iuto rectitude, oortiouable security to the. moral .„d keeping the fatigu'% sistthem on* convenience d ence.andteyf of the Ush; ' young dul » La yield ft 3U tj _i}] n Saturday evening last, a little af- ^?jocio'ik, an old stable, on the Hospital t er sl in flames, and was soon reduced 1°^ y iy pulling down an adjoining kitch to asheS; en an Jr+he nrom.i>t assistance of the fire engines ta ^'., ac ^' nut .' s - a" e p‘ Y l,l r ± J r “ t . Tlie following Message was received from the presi- “ ouflaa ration was prevented from spreading 15 the adj icent houses. The fire is said to » ia ve been unintentionally committed by a fe- Hiale^domiestic, who carelessly entered it with -fc lighted candle. ' GEORGIA LEGISLATURE. TO THE EDITOR, pMilledgeville, December 12, 1816, «S a'clock^ p. a. «I have only time to inform you that the bill to reform the penal code of this state has just sed the house of representatives, after much discussion, with many amendments. To-mor- it mips to senate for concurrence; but lias been so dreadfully mangled by the house, that I think there will be some difficulty in getting it through the senate. The fate of the bilLis ex tremely"doubtful. A bill to legalise the pro ceedings of the courts in this state has-. passed the senate, and will no doubt be concurred in by the house to-day. The bill regulating the fees of the Health Officer for the pOrtof Sa in fees of the vannah, I am told, has created considerable sensation among the folks in your, city; bu* they may rest easy, tor, be assured, it will never pass the house oi representatives haste, your’s, tscc.” Georgia Legist, store—The senate have notified the bouse of tht ir wish to rise on Saturday; but we do not practicable tor the latter to dispose of its un finished business earlier than the middle of next week, if so soon. A resolution has passed the legislature reques ting the governor to adopt such measures as he may deem mostexpedient, in conjunction with the executive go vernment of the United States, for ascertaining, running »nd marking the. boundary line between this state and the Mississippi Territory. Mo3T of the acts, yet adopt ed are local.—-Geargin Journo.'., lll/i inti. tones* Sr 4 •-^jfv . Friday; Tiecehber 6,1816, Mr. fTarrisdn, (of Ofilo) iftoved the adoption of the fellowing resolution: Resolved, That the coitirnittee be instructed to' en quire into the expediency of providing by law for the relief of such of the officers and soldiers, who, hav ing faithfully served in the armies of the United States are now in distressed circumstances and who, not having received wounds, or disabilities, whilst in actual service, are excluded from tile benefits of the pension laws, and that the said committee rt port by bill or otherwise. The motion of Mr. Harrison was agreed to without a division. • • On motion of Mr. Johnson of Kentucky. Resolved, That the committee on military affairs be instructed to inquire into the expediency of organizing a corps of invalids, and of establishing additional mili- Gencral Meriwether, one of the United States’ com missioners in the late treaty wtth the Chcr -kee and Chick asaw Indians, has permitted us to take tilefoliowing ex tract from a letter addressed by himself and general Jack- eon to the secretary of war, respecting the wish of tlx. Clierokeesto migrate beyond the Mississippi. “It was intimarrd to as by several of the ciiiefs, that strong disposition prevailed among many individuals of the nation to emigrate to the west of the Mississippi, and they wishe.lVto know, whether in the event of a na tional remot al, it was practicable to eflcct an exchange ■with the general government, giving them territory in this neivb-borhood fora like extent in the vicinity of White river. We encouraged a belief that it was feasi ble; and advised, that when the natinahad come to a con clusion on the subject, that delegates clothed wiikfiw authority to negotiate a treaty of exchange, should be sent to Washington.” Delegates have not yet gone on, b.rt is believed they soon will. The territory recently coned to the United States by the Cherdbee and Chickasaw Indians, we are informed, contains ab..ut 13,000 square miles of very rich land, for which only g'300,000 were given in ten an nual instalments, being less than four cun!a an acre.—ib. The Baltimore Patriot, of the 6th instant, says— “ROBERT GOODLOE IIARPEH, ess*.nun, lias resigned his seat in the senate of the United States. dent of the United States : To the Senate and House of Representatives Of the United States. The 9th section of the act passed at the last session of congress, “to authorise the payment for property lost, Captured or destroyed by the enemy, while in the milita ry service of the United States, and for other purposes,” “having received a construction, giving to it a scope of greajand uncertain extent, 1 thought it proper that proceedings relative to claims under that part of the act should be suspended, until congress should have an op portunity of A fining more precisely the cases contem plated by them. With ’hat view, l now recommend the subject to thtir consideration. They will have an op portunity, at the same tune, of considering how f.r otlwr provisions of the act may be rendered more clear and precise in their import. James Mauison. December 6, 1816. The Message was referred to the committee on claims- Mr. F ’orsyih submitted tue three following resoiu'ions; 1. Resolved, That the President of the United Sates be, and' he is hereby requested to lay before tins house trie proceedings of the commissioners appointed under the act of the last sission, entitled “an act to authorise the payment for property lost captured and tkstr •.cd, wild st in tue sendee of the United States, and fur other purposes.” 2. Resolved, That the president of the United S'alts be and he is hereby requested to'order the further exe cution of'.he said r.c: to he suspended, until the subject shad he disposed of by this house. 3. Resolved, That the president be and he is hereby requested,to inform this house whether the judgements made by lie commissioner under the said act l.aveh-t n paid by the treasury, and if they have bttai paid, by what authority and out of. what fund.. On these resolutions a snarl discussion arose. The debate resulted in the adoption of the first and third resolution, he second being laid on the table, on motion of Mr Yancy. The resolution from tiie senate, in form of a joint resolution declaring ihe permission ofthes*uLe of In diana, into the Union, w is rece.ved, twice re id, and re ferred to a committee of the whole h -use on the stale oi’ tue Union. Some conversation took place on the propriety of tak ing it up to day, which v\.-s advocated by Mr. Harnsor and Mr. Lowndes, who censidt red ihe resolve as a ter of form merely, opposed by Mr. Hardin anu Mr. Taylor ofXew-York, who regarded it in a different light, and argued that so solemn an act as pronouncing on th character and republican principles of a state constitu tion, ought to be more deliberately considered than was proposed. The motion for to titty did not prevail. Af- •er ordering the constitution of tile new state io be print- The liduse adjourned. General Gawf.s left this city, on Wednesday morning for his command in the southern department; and, it is ■aid, will Soon be in Charleston to superintend the forti fications about to be erected there.—Philadelphia Free man’s Journal, Deceinbcr 6. SEPARATION OF MAINE. Yesterday, the committee upon the subject of the sen'.ra tion of Maine, made a lengthy report in file sena'e of this Commonwealth, which concluded with the follow ing resolves, viz: Resolved, That the contingency upon Avhich the con sent of MJdsachusetts was to be given for the separation of ti e District of Maine lias pot happened, and that the pow ers of'the Brunswick convention to take any mea sures tending to that event have ceased. Resolved, That it is nut expedient for the present ge neral court to adopt auy further measures in regard to the separation of tue District of Maine. Which report vus read, and thereupon ordered, dint 1 to-morrow, 11 o’emek, be assigned to consider the sate, and that the usual number of copies be printed f.r the use of .the members cl both houses. We shall endeavor to publish the report entire in our next.—Boston Patri* ot, 4th instant. Some debate to :.k place m tiie house of representa tives yesterday respecting the construction which had ■been given by the commissioner appointed in pursuance of it (acting under the con rol i.ftiie president) to the act for paying individuals tor property lost, captured or destroyed whilst in die . military service of the Un.ted States during the late ,war. Military occupation of Rouses, destroyed by tiie enemy in consequence thereof, having been, it appears, const! u d to give the ow ner a claim t.o indemnification for his loss, opened the door to a flood of ci -ims, so extensive 1 , as to induce the executive, to direct a suspension of decisions on cases pouaing under that head, but nut until atier some of them Lad .been favorably adjudged and paid. The act in ques tion Was of a character previously unknown on our statute book, and consequently involved some difficulty of de tail. Congress Will no doubt lay down more deli hate rules for the decision of claims, and either embrace all cases of ioss’ s of tlic character referred to, make a dis crimination tv tween t|ipse of different grid, s of merit, Or reject indifferently ail »o«h. Tin- subject is one of some intricacy; audit is not at all there .should be much difference of opinion on it,—v\'alionul Jnteii- gencer, 7thinst. To ihe editor of ihe Orleans Gazette. Sih—Having observed in the Nation-1 iuUlligenqer of — October, an article announcing the capo We of th; Firebrand, said to be the substance of a communication made by me, I must request you to publish the enclosed, which is a copy of my letter, on that subject, in order that the public may how f r my meaning has been perverted; and 1 must intreat tiie editors of the in telligencer, should they think proper to make use of my name, to confine tlieinsed es to facts. Thom as S. Jirt'vp. Copy of a letter to the Sec entry f War, dated .Yc.o-Or- h inis, September 1 itf, !-ilb. Sit—I have this m.v:uent rec.iv- d information that the 1 United States’ arim-il vessel Fiivb^.ind,! ! by lieut. Cunningham, was attacked and captured by a.Span ish royal squadron last mold:., I have heard no cause assigned for this outrage, but believe it is only . lude to still greater aggression— at all 'events iL is an act which merits imnifedi.ite and exemplary' punishment, Lieut. Cunningham, I understand, has b ru released, and is on his way' to Ship Island, tiie naval rendezvous on this station, for the purpose of reporting to commo dore Patterson. I have the honor to be, with much res pect,'sir, your obedient servant, Tros. S. Jessup, Colonel commanding 8 A Department. The honorable Wm. II. Chaavfohu, secretary' of war, Washington City'. .. 3C7 - * Subscribers io the Savannah Republi can inhabiting that part of the. city which is bounded on the south by Broughton street arid westwardly by Barnard street, who may not re ceive their paper, are desired to send for it; as the former carrier has absconded, and the new one is unacquainted with the. route. pour Tr SAVANNAH, Tuesday, December IT, 1816. AHR1VEII. British ship Welding, Kinsman, Liverpool brig Karl Lonsdale, Groom, ditto — Patriot, , Trinidad Brig Clarion, Bodfish, Nevz-Bedford Sioop Adeline, Brad lev,'Chariest on Voian , -M’Lean, tliHo CLEAiiKI). Ship John &l Edward, Webb, Liverpool The directors of ihe Rank of the United Stales have deiermmetl to establish a brand: bank al Norfoix. —ib. 0* The packet sloop VOL ANT, cap tain M’Leani wm saii for Cha. le ion the first fair wind. For freight or passage, having superior arc unmodations, apply to the captain on board, a' Hurtte-’s wharf, or to 01 uis lead B utte lie. dec 17 153 * (p* Persons, who without being mem bers of the Republican lilacs, have, in any way, come into possession of MUSKET-S, distributed t . tne corps, are requested to return them to Lieutenant Ami or Lieu tenant bruxE, or J o Alt*. ItRirusii. It su mid be recol lected that the officer of th corps is res ponsible for the vatue of the anus. d.c 17—15!) CONGRESS. In Sex ate— Frnl-y, December 6. Tiie senate wen; ituo (lie consid: ratiou of the motion to amend ihe rules of ’Tie seiu.te, by ordering the ap pointment, at; rack srs-'/on, of standing, committees on the regular subjects of legislation, instead of provjdirg selfect committees for every occasion requiring the refer- ance of a subj ect. - A niotion made by Mr Harbour, to add to the number k standing committee on the subject of roads and canals, fave r*>e to some debate, between Metsrs. Macon of ( s - ».) and Dagett and Mr. Barbour, on tiie mUMtove- •aent of roads and canals, an<Tthe, right of the United - States to legislate upon, the subject; which, 4dter some <liscussion, was postponed till Monday. A resolution was offered by Mr. Mdrrow, from the •tlect committee, that Indiana should tjC ‘‘declared one ®f the United' Statptf .il’ America,” and admitted into the Union on an equal fepfing with the origrq^l states in all t^pects wfiateyer, whipli according-y read the third ♦unhand pasJfed unaoimqiuly, Kep'iblican Blues. I’he RepuBiic.m Blues will assemble o;» ibcir parade Truun f 1 on tiie 1st of Juimarv, l‘»17, at 9 v.ta. co'iijjific- / uuit’orilled and ei]Ui|>|>eci, And |)re]»ai*t*ti io fiL' i •** bti r f;' t ) niutuL Country members «vta con si icr nns no* ice :i* a s uinnons. Let the 1st January bu a r. Jiy of-dtT ojf ctfMtt*'.' b John A. iieauhmJ, •doc 17 f5d - 1st Se cant H. 11 tiie corps. \ iit,u 'l.r for coH'tnaodii)?. i$Sr Liferpooh (To have quick dispatch) The vew and elegant ship OGLETHORPE, Charles Jayne, commander, intended as, .a regu lar trader,copper fastened, built of the htfht ma terials, and in every respect a superior ship Fof flkiglii Or passage, having good accommodations applv to cap- ttuti Jayne, or to S l URGES 6f BURROUGHS, JVo. 3, Commerce Him Banding f am said ship 50 hogsheads and 50 barrels N. E. RUM dec 17 -150 f For New-York The pack, t brig ICTRF.isS, N. Hurd, master, will meet w ith immediate dispatch. For freight or passage apply lo ihe captain -.n board,or to William H. Jollier & Co. . TayUtPs wharf U hn have fa< sa e, landing from said brig, 25 hogsheadsN. E. RUM ANU, IS STORK, 6,Q00 bushels Livyp.iol ground Salt Barrels Cofive, quarter basks Malaga Wine Quarter chests hyson Tea, Jamaica Rum, and One case pelisse Cloths and Cassimeres dec 17—*—1?U ...... * , - For jSew-York r~,j- . The sbhooner MECIIANICj J. Atwood, hav- l nearly all her cargo on bo.-.rd, will sail posi- ASSaKfeLively TO-\IORUO'»V, the 18th instant, weather rmutmg. For freight of a few hales or passage, apply to the captain on board, at Gordon’s wharf, or to C. W. Carpenter & Co. 17 c--:—» 150. dec For Baltimore The sloop VENUS, captain Farnum. A new and substantial vessel, can take about 83 bales cotton. For freight or passage apply to the master on board, at M'Koine’s wh u-f, or to - Palmes ,SC Davidson. r ]5'J * dec 17- For , The regular packet sloop ADF.LINF., Y. Rrad- , V°- ' h'-is^er, will positively sail TO-MORROW MORNING, (wind permitting.) For freight oc pa-.*age, having superb accommodations, apply on hoard, at Morel's wharf, or to PALAlES & irA VIUbON. dec 17 t 15U Pork, Flour, &?.. 25 barrels prime Pork, 7 half barrels mess Pork A fe w whole and half bis fresh FLOUR, (northern and Georgia;) navy and pilot Bread Groat Bread and Biscuit, in barrels and keg?, f -si-.. For sale by PALMES & DA Vi; rfU* dec 17 M——150 - . ■ ■ _ 4uctl^ To-Morrow tiie 18th insL wharf. Will be sold at-the Exchange wharfs , The sloop NANCY, well calculated for a pilot ot pleaC - aant boat. w ALSb One BOAT, newly new. Sale to commence at H o’clock, t , A. Howe, aucTr, dec 17— -■ iso .vac lion. To-Morrow the 18th inst Will be Mold on JBoUoti f g Ventral wharf,) for U\ e. * Underwiter* *1- 100 pieces Cottoil Bag^ Damaged on board the ship Vestal, on her passage from Liverpooli Terms, cash. Sale to ettnmevee at il> o’clock.- , M. Herbert k Co. auct’rs, . dec 17 —UoO Auction. To-MorroW, 18th instant, H i.L be sold before my store, Groceries ana Dry Goods; ALSO 39 pieces Broadcloths, 10 pieces Cassimere* 5 ditto pelisse Cloth, 100 pieces Calico 190 ditto Madras Handkerchiefs, 50 pieces Lines 1 trunk worsted 1* ,-siery A quantity of Hardware Sale to commence at II oclock, A. Howe, auct’r. dec 17 —1.50 . I\ ;CtTOiL On Timrsilay next, 3lh inst. H if! be told at ow'*9iore f 15 packages of Dry Goods, CONSISTING OF, Broadcloths, Cassimercs, Ciiecks, Irish Sheeting, Irish Linen, Blankets, Muslins, sewing Silks, Stockings, Ko- tiiais, &.c. Terms, cash. Sale to commence at II o’clock. JM. Herbert & Co. auct ? rs. dec 17 150 Coffee. 6 barrels prime green Jamaica COFFEE, and 10 bags do Java do F t sale by itca & Butler. dec 17 150 f Factorage and Commission Business. The subscriber having declined the practice of law, on the first instant; now offers his .services to his friends and* feHow-C’tizens, genewliy, in the above line, and pledges . , j himself that his attention, exertiqn arid punctuality, in GUX business, sh:di be such us to merit a portion of their fa vor and support. He has obtained commodious fire pr of stores on Howard's wharf for the reception of pro duce, and, his counting room is in the east tenement of 9aid building, immediately under Mr. Charles Howard. Joseph S. Pelot. sep 3 -fvo—-105 . Superiiae Richmond Flour, &c. 130 bis fresh superfine Richmond Flour, now holding 35 pipes superior Weesep Scheud.un aqclior Gin 7 pipes Cognac Bi-sndy" 7 half pipe.- Marc da Madeira Wine 50 boxes 8 by 10 fliasp 50 do CiiocoLbe, Boston No. 1 50 do Spanish Cliocoiate, superior 200 door Mats, 83 lance wood Spars 20 boxes -No. 10 cotton Cards. For sale, on a liberal credit, by HENRY W. HILLS, dec 17 15f> Eli as Walien Has received, bu the sl.ifi J-od Tf'c’lington.front Liverpool, liO tons Liverpool ground, stone Jugs, assorted A few tons well ass irted Iron, 8 crates black Bottle* few bundles German Steel, p .tent k Carolina Hoes Casting?, assorted; trace Chains Mill and pit Saw,, a few casks blue Liverpool Ware A few bundles of Spades 20 casks best bottled I’orter, 10 boxes XX tin Plates 20 casks strong pale Ale Wliich, with the- DRY G10D3 and HARDWARE for mally received, makes his assortm nt very complete.— \'l of which will be sold on accommodating terms, wholesale or retail. dec 17— ■ ■ 130 Miss Mercer, Tro m JVnv - I r o rlc, Litclr brought out from there the litest FASHIONS, for Drosses arid Pelisses for ladies; and will be thankful for any orders in her line, at Mrs. Mokusl’s, Opposite Mr. Mitcr.ei’s, on tne Ray, and next door to Mr. E. Coorer’.®. dec 17 —.*rt-—150 Mark Hardin Has just opened on the west side of Market-square, opnosite P. H. A T. Crapnn’s stole, an assortment of DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, which he otfeii very low' for cash o; produce. He also tenders to his friends r.n l the public, his best services in the FACTORAGE V xD IXF.I MISSION LINE. dec 17 .it 153 M r. Lauraine Has the honor to inform the ladies and gentlemen of Savannah, that he intends teaching the French language. His method of teaching is simple, easy, requires no effort of memory, and so little exertions fi on), the mind, that any person knowing his own language .sufficiently-to distinguish the part of speech will, under his direction, acquire the.knowledge of tiie Fre .ch With Celerity. No books, no dictionary, no grammar are necessary at. fir<.’.. Mr. L. will himiself, take tiie place of those in- cumbering tools, which distress the student and are al ways greatly inferior to a teacher who is thoroughly ac quainted with liis business. Mr. L. has by study, reflection; and a long habit of teaching in England and this country, acquired an expe rience, which lie h-ipts wul adord him the means of giv ing satisfaction to his scholars. Persons who a'. e desirous to study the French lan guage under his direction, will please to call at Messrs; Gacbrt 8c Durov.. dec 17—tr —150 Notice. The Mayor’s Court is adjourned until MONDAY NEXT, the 23d at ten o’clock, a. m. Jurors and witnes* aes will be punctual in their attendance. By Order of the Afityor, Ben. Sheftall, dec 17—150. , v.n.c. —f- 1 i he subscriber Offers for sa e at very low prices the following ariiclet, viz: A few dozen dressed call Skins Do do sides dressed Leather Barrels Apples, ditto Potatoes of a suncrior quality James Rereyon, It the office of Cha?lea Cotton,-oA the Bay, near ihe Ex- cfiunrr.'U ' tec \7—\50 Fresh Boots and Shoes* WOOD & WALKKIv, ( TThlfal er street, nert door to J'tnfiei tf s jewellery store,) Kesjie-ffuily inform the dozens’ of .Savannah. tliM they ha**just receiveej-by the ship Rubico i, from New- York, the nu vert fkihioin’d Roots and .Shoes. ;,adies’ morocco, kid and Jane clasp Bootees do white, Line, pm pi-, slate, and black kid Slippers do black and .uorocco Slippers and Ties do mofow ) walking Shoes Gentlemen’s SuwuifoW and razee Boo’s. do broad strap morocco Shoes and Pumps do do do calfskin do do morocco and leather dancing Pumps 'Vom'i n’,s leather Boots, race Slipne-s and Tip diildcell’s morocco and leather Boots do do do S1 « oe8 . ...... 100-3 oair men’s lined *.nd bound Shoes 500 pair chegp negr^ Shots,'at wholesale'or retail, - v suit die pnreh sv • dec 17 te ns 15U \\r v t .» » Fianiiiis The offering and discount days for next week, will he Monday and Tuesday. P-per tan.iig due on Wednes day, (Christmas day) when bank will be shut, must be taken up the clav pievious. J - MAliSHAkL, taken up —j x _ .. dec \7—T 5 1 1 tu>her Ciinst Church. Resolved, That in ortler to procure funds equi a be uired for the purpose* of the Churcb.jU Gallery Pew* be ex- osed to posed to sale in fee simple, on Thumlay next, the T9th inst. at four hundred dollars each, and UiatUie same shall be put up previous to the renting of the Gallery Pews, which will take place on that dec 17—150 ants a situation' \ young M . ii, who p-. rfectly understands the grocers VimHC?* -Witcs * gu-’d ■•xjieditUms hand and well ae- tuaitiVed with .iccouutt, w ishes to engage in a wholesale - l.olesah- and retail g -'H-ery store. A line addressed in M. this Office, shall be promptly attend- d to. tier. 17 —-* -150 A young Man wanted For a Country Establishment. One who has a knowledge of Book-Keeping and lias keen brought Up in a retail store, will meet with libc ral encouragement. Satisfactory references will be required Apply at this office. dec 17——150 'Art 1 ■ , -> Picked up Itegiinental Orders* Elections are ordered to be held on Saturday, 23th inst. for a Captain, to command the fourth Company of the 60th Battalion, in the room of Captain Bunch, deceased; and. for such vacancies of Subalterns as maiy occur—the bounds of this company district are front Abejcorn street, running through the Bank square to the eastern Limits of the city,.and comprehending,within those iihes the space from the Commons to the River. Elections art also ordered to be held Or), the same day, for a Lieutenant and Ensign in the first Company, first Battalion; commanded by Captain Sandei lin—the bounds of this district are from Montgomery street to the wes tern limits of die city, including from Spring-hill to the River. Polls to be opened at ten o’clock, under the su- perintendance of the persons designated by Law for the fourth Company; at the Engine-house; Vfarren ward, and for tiie first Company at the old Theatre. By ordt+ of 3. M ARSHALL, Lieut.-colonel ist Regt. OLIVER ST URGES,. Adj utant. dec 17—» 150 ViarshaFs sales. By virtue Of a decree from the honorable the sixth. Circuit Court of the United States' for the district of Georgia, made in a c-a-w, wherein Jane Irving, William Irving, Catharine Maitland and Alexander. Maitland, were complainants; and Joseph Currie and Joseph Mil ler, were defendants; (fill be sold at the Court House, in ike city- of Savannah, between the hours of 10 and 3 o’clock, on the first Tues day in February next, „rt A valuable gang 1 of twenty-nine NEGROES and two HORSES; being part of the persona! estate of the late John Currie, esq. deceased. JOHN EPPINGEtt, dec 17 -150 rf at City sheriff’s sale* On the fret Tuesday in' February next. Will be sokl in front of the cottrt-bouse, In Savannah, between the usu^i boors, One riding CH AIR—•jevicdjjn a* the property of Selby- Franklin, to satisfy an execution irf hivOr bf Thhmas Gribbin, against John Everitt, and Selby Franklin hitf security. 18 A AC D*L¥ON,a..c. z. dec 17—150 ' - ~ * • ■ *''yc rt ii-- *** Brought to *gaM, in ‘ December 14* 1816,. a negro WQ0>an, of yellow compler- iWfeni ' - in, who says hemame to *jrx«r,and that she b^pngs to Mrs. Ramsey, ef South Carolina, bear Augusta; sh«<ig ive feet three inches high and ^bput twenty-five vears eft <e ; she has a stnaB raole-undey her right, eye, f white negro cloth wrapper and white cotton p H. McCall, G- c. g* dec 17-—150 rt ... . - A - , - M -* Adrift, a large Aip’s YAWL, six oars, about 20 fee long, yellow bottom; the. owner can on proving proper ty, l avffig for this atfyertiaepeiit, and a small reward t< die usigro, who p*cked her up* o»i applicationUni of fice, obtain an order for fear ' — *i: M - ' ‘ v Lost?- On Saturday evening, nearVbe< M ’OCKET BOOK, eontairaugianFtaTii s, a one, and some irawn by Jolin •:id the other for ents, together o-rsoa haring,f ,i s’ reward by ioriber, attW ••vs -st-j; ay dec it li .r »