Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, December 17, 1816, Image 4

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■ W-’/l-jiZf' iElias Wallen * Me most veto* arrimcU* frpm EngianJ, 7 A very funeral assortment of DRY GOODS, /WONGERY and CUTLER*) aU of which he offers for •ale, on accommodating' terms, yihote^o or retail, athis new store, opposite tgi cornel 9hahn>»>’» boarding house, Ru^r^SM’SUdnber.Yard is open, as usual, foathe reception, of LUMBER; to the Teeming and self / liny of which, every attention will be given, nov 21 139 « ^JPalmes iPfe first quality vSPhb ltnt quaht & Davidson Offer for sale i first quality smoked, Herrmg ) !* first quality pickled Herring lOOtkege Biscuit, (yery choice) . .. * dO bushels white Beans,* choice Cider c, 3 his pickled Codfish, 5 do northern Walnuts SO cs»M firat quality Cashen Cheese ‘ Half barrels mess BeeT, half barrels mess Pork T-eheat fresh hyson.Tea^at retail . 1 do do hyson Skin and Souchong Hogsheads and barreTs applC" Brandy do. • do i do N. Et Rum and Whiskey Qjfive Oil, the latest importation, by the basket and r bottle; Chocolate, No. f, very superior htuhfiatei'Raisins, Cognac Brandy Qld Jamaica ttufn, HoHand Gin Claret Wine, wine Vinegai, cider Vinegar Barnes' "Ale An assortment of Watches , An invoiceof morocco pocket Books and toy Watches A quantity of black silk Vests," of a superior quality A few pieces American cdtton Bagging IJO Demijohns dec 12—m—143 Kettell & Sewall Itave removed to No. 34, Bolton’s tvharf, where they have for sale, just received, 50 kegs and tubs BUTTER 10 barrels N. E.ljB' 1 12 boxes superior panish Segars ' -A few boxes fresh Raisins ' "* AISO Chocolate, yellow Soap, Nails, Ac. * *■ Goods received on Storage. dec 12—1—148 ' ■ * Stanton & Bvrd 0/ (jovxs’ LOWER WHARV) flai'f jnst -received, and offer for sale, on the moot accom modating terms, viz:— 100 bags green Coffee 100 ‘tour Iron, Waggontire, 2, inches by 3-4 thick - GO- do heavy aXe flap 1000 plough Moulds, selected for this market , 260 pieces first quality Bagging ; 40 -tons Shot, S. S. -C B B. Nos. 1, 2, 3 . *• STORK *>000 bushels Liverpool SALT ,5600 do -coarse attain do 100 crates K A RT-HE N-WARE, consisting of Plates, ■ Dips ahd 8Smc rs, Mugs and Pitchers, select- ; <tu Cor thisroafket GP tons pot Metal, from a half to thirty gallons each .40 <lp Cordage, first-quality, assorted 1 Cable, thirteen inch, warranted 5 pipes Cognac Brandy 5 do HbftaiidGin 100 barrels green Coperas ' 'Russia and'Rave ns Duck •‘Russia Sheeting, first and second quality .^■jlw'to- 147 jerkins 6c White, (johxsox’s suvare) jfuve fust received on. consignment, per ship Woodbine, ". from. JWC#- fork, and offer for sale very loro for cash or ' approved p .per. ,Q«e case of water proof willow Hats. 1500 yards tow Cloth, 10 .piece* cotton Bagging, 150 pair morocco and kid Shoes, 250 lbs. T^wu** “100 groce coat Buttons, ISO dozen ivory, horn and tortoise slrell Combs, 50 dozen New-Yprk manufactured Suspenders, 2 cases low priced fchldles. Also jmd'rfif per ships Adonis and Rubm r, and for tale lets than JVeaaFork prices, 25 cases broad and'narrow brimmed roram and castor Hits; with a vartetdof British and French DRY GOODS, {Hated Warei &c. -bouglit at the present low prices, dec 12 1.—^RtS- - - - f & Worrell, . -DRUGGISTS _ANXLCHEM I8TS, In Congrs*cSt»e£t, a few doors west of the Market- •quare, are now opening and offer for sale, two hundred •nd twentv-five cases aful packeayes of DRUGS, CHE MICALS,' AND SHOP FURNITURE, &c. of a superior quality, -and at reduced prices. •< Among them are, Aqua FOrtiS, Duplex Do ado-Triplex Adam Anatto, Spanish and American Aether • ■ - : ^Antimony Arrow-Rbot WaJfcomGopwb Black Lead ' A is smith -,i Rerax, refined Castor Oil' yjlaktenbairt Salts Camphor, refiAV •Gataile Soap Canth rides Calomel ppt. CSKoFN. A. Camomile FiowHb -Cream of■ Tartar-, ,. •JThswer of Sulpha* il&Mtic ,r .Cush Arabic -Ho. / Opium Do Tragacanth /Lwy black, Ei*ltf* . Juniper-Bejrrhv . Gold and Silver Leaf cAagweod < • oMagnwia. 8.S. l)a Calcined {Henry’s) .. , • Al3a a complete assortment of Patent Medicines, Sub- Orders fiom Droggiilai "Physicians, nr Merchants, wiH he promptly and carefully attended to. ... ..... Madder ! Nitre refined Paint lieu si ics Paint Stones 1-^tetit Lights .' Powder Ipecacuanha J)o Jalap t Do -Peruvian Bark Pixtrl. Ash. Pearled. Barley i Rc<l Clralk -RoUeuSione i Sulphur -in rolls Sweet Oil '■ Sodait Powders Sarsaparilla Salt of Tartar Spirits of Turpentine j Tartar Kinetic Tapii'CU Tanners and Sperm. Oil Trusses* assorted j Wklsor Soap,-(genuine) Winuor^glass of all sj/.<‘4 Verd igi is, dr y & ground in nil >Phials, assorted he proipp tij , f 's0nriinY«ii~ (Qoiiiier aftMtwakto* and Ha ward-streets) Jurfe rede Odd.; and Tor sole cheap for, c^sh or prol duce,.«nca*st>rtMieiit'(>f MUSICAL lNSTurMKNT«i of Violins, with elegaDt hows; hand ■' Organs^ iix boxesy best qaalitt it? .- n Atm, OK VAXn, bfVASGi- BiXJWS; different qualities STATIONARY, and HARDWARE; XleimlAsingle ind-double'barrel Guns, Pistols, Ac. war*- •vititedgo'<&; -bliiriidftiiffbrtKs Candkstrck^'-geiwtemen* tbrthfeenhtdl Comhrf, toileti Hooking Tbmrpn w jlj ■ u flfi:Urai^ ufitlier articles, too nunierou to be enumerated. J. F. DB UIHV1R& CO. Imperial *ntl Tnung U^uu Tea, •" ; f-t»r- tub v<T«rr ijiraRTATiesr. ' Just Opensi finrl f»r Silent a HYNES X CCPS. « CORDIAL AND GROCERY STORE, Jifaft* Thomas Yeung, etq't. West-Br^ul-street, - • TOliOwisa, v»a: l chest imperial’Tea, l.doyounghyioa Tea 1000 gallons Cordials and Shrub _ : ' €0 gallons Lime Juice ' Jamaica and W I. Rum * Oin and Cherry Bounce 'Terteriff, Malaga and Sherry Wines Nay art sweet Cider . , Prime green Coffee and double refined Su^ar Hsdf Spanish and Americarf Cigars ■ Pocket Books,' Quills and Wafers , ■ 'Common and letter Paper * • Hair Combs, 1 ornamented First and second quality playing Cards Candles, Soap and Tobacco Salmon, Mackerel and Codfish , Morocco Skins Morocco Hats assorted, of a superior quality . . ' warranted The above articiesarc of a good quality, and will be sola low for cash. fp Taste, compare and .jutlge. dec 14 —-—i if 1 ■ 1 Ci»a r li5s-ilaiMioiv c? »-o. (Back of a Horae's auction store ^entrance Mag-lane) HAVE SUST HKCE1VE0, 1 trunk ladies’ morocco Boots 1 ilo do kid do 4 do colored roan Shoes 2 do leather Slices 2 do morocco Slippers 200 pair negro Shoes A few dozen Port Folios, together with their former stock, makes a complete assortment, all of which tin y wiil sell low for cash. dec 14 ‘V- 1 , The subscribers Have received, by late arrivals, and offer for sale, at die store lately occ rpietl by Mr. Andrew Knox: 100 bags Liverpool blown Salt 30 casks London draft Porter 23 crates assorted Crockery, 28 boxes Tumblers 2 pair Looking Glasses, 22 by Sfijncnes, gilt frames 100 Demijohns, 100 fancy Baskets, 100 gin Cases 20 bis N. E. Rum, 1 hhd W. I Rum, 50 sets Measures 1 hhd Gin, 10 bis and 15 boxes Cordials 25 half barn js mess Pork ? f family USP 13 do do do Beet 3 20 half bis Tongues, 20 bis Mackerel. 4 bis Raisins 4 casks Cheese, 7 Bedsteads and 10 Bureaus 1 elegant Sideboard Also, at store No. 21, Commerce Row, 50 casks cut Nails, assorted sizes 200 Grindstones,-400 set$ Measures 4 pipes Sicilv Madeira Wine 15 bis No. 1 and 3 Boston Beef, 2 bis glauber Salts 30 boxes cotton and wool Cards 20 do Windsor Soap, 10 do brown Soap 20 dozen Windsor Chairs 40 do warranted Axes and Broadaxes 6 casks Hoes, steel Plates, 2 do Hatchets and Hammers 200 bis Turkey Oilstones, 5 Willard’s patent Timepieces 7 casks 'FUrtts, assort eel; butl Hinges and razor Straps 75 common Bridles, 5 curb Bridles 200 pair lined and bound Shoes, IWO do negro Shoes 75 pieces company Nankeens 4 do German linen Shirtings, 1 do Russia do 10 do Bedtickings, 7 do priest Cloths 10 dozen printed Shawls, 3 Cables and 3 Hawsers Buttons, assorted; 3G dozen Knives and Forks 14 pair japanned and plated Candlesticks Plantation Selves, 75 Trunks, 35 dozen chalk Lines 20 dozen .case Combs, do ivory; Castors, (plated) Looking Glasses, pocket Books, portable Desks “Tinware, Brushes Sheatiling, printing, writing and letter Paper Olmstead <Sf Battelle. dec 14 149 * . The subscribers Have just received, by theichooner Sally, 20- half barrels first quality mess Beef 5 do do navy mess Pork 5 do do Tongues 100 casks stone Lime, 7 pair plated Satt&ands 30 Castors, 7 glasses eac'i; 25 Castors, 6 glasses each “ 50 ' Castors, 5 do do 1 10 Castors, 3 do do 15 Castors, 4r'~ do do 4 plated Teasets, 18 pair plated Candlesticks 29 barrels 'NeW-Ark Cider Olmstead & Battelle. nov 2T 138 Flie subscribers Have entered into Copartnership under the firm of Do-bsox & Hills, and have purcliased the stock of .Mr. John-Hontef, in the ship chandlery, and uniting with it a large amf general assortment of GROCERIES, tresh from Boston,' consisting of Teas, Coffeei loaf and brown Sugars, Pepper, Must-ird, Vinegar, Molasses, swert Oil, Cheese and Butter, Haiir; and Tongues, smoked It. ef. Pickles, table Salt, Uic , B -1 ley, Potatoes, Onions, Peas and Beans, coi n -Meal, Spices • of. all kinds. LIQUORS. Cognac Brandy, Jamaica Ruin, N. E. Rum, Holland Gin, Peach Brandy, Irish Whiskey, Country Gin, Madei ra Wine, in hotth» and bv the cask; Port Wine, in bot tles; Claret V\ ijie, by the bottle or dozen. Just receiv d Jrvm Urorpopl, /ter brig. Frientls, 56 casks best brown stout Porter 8 ditto pine apple Cheese 20,dozen.Loudon refined Fort Wine 12 boxes PICKLES, containing Picatillo, Cauliflowers; mixed Raddisbes, Choxv Chow, riii Cabbages, tec. .Every article, in the above line, will be furnished on the lowest terms, for cash or tow n acceptances. O.-L. DOBSON. JAMES HILLS. Sea Sto™cs put. up on the shortest notice and in nrst .Fail Guotjs. Jty the ship Intctr, just arrived from JJvctpotd, * ANDliEW LOW & CO. ISO Aozeit iMcket Books **** Pursei, &>f >ited (V^ry low) H.v, mSrtl SSTrf tteir WOTEH.GOOjlSr < *C« t ! ' 1 '" “« = togethwwithtu»e hand,theyofft'for^le, ,:cwtlf lulv .inia w» of on moderate and accouunodating terms. Thar.Stock, besides other Article*, contain• th* following:— f2 bales duffii Blankets 2j 2 12 Ji 6 5 do 1 rose Blankets 30 do . white Plains 10 do colored Plains 8 do Flannels , 6 do Coatings, Flushings and blue Stroud^ 3 dp -Cassimeres, assorted • 6 do black and colored Uombazets 175 pieces Bagging 6 trunks worsted and lamb’s wool Stockings •12 do ootton Stockings 35 d<V printed Caliccies 4 do do Marseilles, for vesting 3 do woolen Vestelc-ts 16 do (Fotton Cambrics 4 do black Cambrics 6 do cotton twist Shirting^ 60 do assorted Muslins 15 do cotton Umbrellas 2 do Bombazines 2 do black Grape 1 do black silk Handkerchiefs ) 50 cases of Ginghams, assort rtl 2j <lo coarse and fine Diniity do handsome furniture liimity do Irish Linens do brown Holland do apron Check . 10 do pound and paper Pins 1 do wbitechapel Needles Cutlery, assorted, in sjnull casks Turkey red Yarn Russia Sheeting Crash, fur towels Osnaburgs, See. !zc. &-C. A*:n By the ships Georgia, anil John ZJ Edward, from TJver- pool, just lived, Brussels Carpeting, with horde-ring and hearth Hugs to match Venetian and Scotch Carpeting, and carpet Binding Green crumb Cloths and table Covers Superior Cloths and Cassimeres Drab Cloths, for great coats - Fashionable pelisse Cloths Printed aiul plaid Bomhazets, for childrens’ wdhr Velveteens and Corduroys Fine long Lawns Irish Sheetings* and Linens, very cheap Cldutz furniture Calicoes Winter Shawls and lace Vicls. Furniture Fringes and bed Lace Superior green Cloth, for billiard tables Bed Ticks, and a further supply of negro Cloth, Blankets and cottOn Barging, &c. “ oct 26—129 Just. Received. —'’S, Italy public walk hi Paras) Frrtich-Irik, in-jugs ’ the Elisian Fielda 'file Messiali,an oratoria,-by Mr,Handel, for ■>e voice, Shoes! Shoes; The subscriber offers for sale, at the late residence Mr. Robert Fair, near Market-square. 700 pair of men’s fine leather Shoes of 200 do 500 do 800 do 800 do 300 do 200 do 800 do 500 do 600 do 400 do 490 do 400 do 500 d' do do do do do do 4o Morocco do f rain do ip skin do fine Morocco Pumps leather do Cordovan do negro Shoes ladies’ Morocco Pumps Grecian Jtands do Bootees boy’s Shoes children’s Buskins, kc. negro Shoes Wiil be sold on reasonable terms by Abel Evans. I case of castor Hats ALSO, 8 do do do ds roruin do youth’s do boy’s do wool do oct 29—129 Fresh Shoes. Received by the Planter, Cotton Plant, and other late ar rivals from AV®- York, Ladies’ white aiul colored kid Slips and Sandals Do black and colored morocco Boots and Sandals Gentlemen’s morocco Shoes and Pumps Do fine leather Shoes and Boots 1500 pair good negro Shoes A constant supph of ladies’, gentlemen’s, children’s^and servant-.’ Boots, Bootees and Slices, of all kinds Lee’s Nejv-York liquid Klarking An assoEmcnt of Trunks, Brushes, Whips and hair Sifters 10 elegant Bedsteads, very wide On consignment, 2 elegant Crecian Couches 1 music Stool andl counting house Stool An invoice of Looking Glasses and Pictures An invoiceof Saddles and Waggon Collars . • A. Stevens, ♦Ve rt to Lru>, Wallace Zi Co. St. Julian street. nov 26 : —MI •rgan and violin; with tlie choruases in score The collection of Psalm and Hymn Tunes, sung at ■ -« Chapelqof .the Lock. Hospital * Songs of the“F*mpIe or the Bridgewater i Collection of Sacred Music Tire life ;.n<t writings of Miss Fanny Wooilburv The life of Mrs. Newell. By S. C. SCHEVtr dec 12——148 Uuern Stoics, ^ 47 pair French quern Stones, with lirons 2ou kegs FF K Gunpowder, 50 bisN. E. Rom 3 T ]>).-> No. 1 .Mackerel* 40 kegs, spiced Salmou oO dozen Beer’s nude Axes 30 dozen American made Spades 140 pieces cotton Begging. For sale by Gardner Tufts. nov 23 ■— 140 ^ Just received ^ 1(J0 whole and half barrels Fl<«ir 2jo oarrels frt-fdi pilot nml navv Bread P;iper, i.H reams wrapping Pjp« t lOO reams writing 100 kegs spiced Salmon. 1 n) quarter boxes I i^rs 50 kegs first qiuiity 'BitH-r, 5- boxes mould Candle; 20 casks Cheese, 20 barm is ioaf anil lump Sugar 15 boxes London Mustard y 10 hhdsod jiroof West-!-uiia Bum 10 pipes Cognac Brandy. 5 toils bar Lead. d/c 14- Totsskhr Lawrence & Thompson. -149 Just r.;(jt;iv*cd, From N w- fork, AN ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OF SADDLERV, COKSISTl.Vi; OF Firet quality inlaid Saddles, second quality’ inlaid Saddles Middling do do do common do do do Military Bridles, bit and bradoon Bridles Pelham do curb do Common Curb and Snaffles F'rst rate gig Harness, with plated hames *11 over Second do do brass mounted Harness \ elisses and saddle Bags, Tminks of everv description, &ci Which is offered, wholesale and retail', for cash or town acceptances, bv AARON MORGAN, <lec 14— v % —14' 1 .1 -S’ T B"y ;>■*.? s:o r r. Af r^rt-sca-'t ivC liivea, on AN INVOICE OF ent, FRENCH (iOOD3, COYRlSTT^r, OP Elegant black and white Lace, Veils, Shawls, Peloa Teens and Handkerchiefs Levantine and Florence Silks, Florentine Vesting 1 case Umbrellas an l Parasols 1 do Cambrics, some verv fine 1 do silk (iloves and Stortings 3 do Perfumery 7 , 2 do artificial Flowers paper Hangings Ladies’ black, white and colored kid Gloves Gcntlemenls buckskin and beaver Globes Morocco pocket and counting house Books Toilet Boxes, Brushes, Arc. ALSO 3 boxes Saddles and Bridles 40 do real Spanish Cigars 50 casks cut Nails 4 boxes Shoes, assorted. For sale bv E. carfTEXDEN. dec 14 r* 149 N. B. lire best manner. dec 7 ’ J<6 The subscriber Pas jiist received, front Liverpool, .An extensive assortment of extra superfine blue, black and fancy colored cloth Coats, rich Florentine, white Marseilles and fancy Vests, superfine ..nd second cloth Surtoiits .a'.vl TNnt.-donns, a large assortment ; all of wliich will be sold low for cash, bv Leslie Thompson, nnv 9—-- - I Si - Jlfxrchrtut 7 V/y/or Tiie suLscrtbcrs OFFKH F"* SALE, Aott loafi ng from brig Genrgiii from Liverpool, \ 30-casks-Porter, 23 ertrtts Crockery 750 8acks<Sa)t, 490 stone Jugs 350 camp Ovens nd Covers 850 iroir Pots, 450 Spiders , ~ Olmstead Sf Battelle. J>0^.28 1 — 1 1.4^| . , Tbe subscriber, Hawing commenced the BROKERAGE, in connection with the-COM MISSION BUSINESS, will, at all times, buy and apU I'rcasury and Bank Notes, of every descrip- ,tion; and, now wants a few thousand Spanish Dollars, for wltich a premium given. N. B. Any. pemohv who ipay 'be in want of small change, can-pe snppCed; and 'tbo-e, who may at any time have mutulated T>ck||ti of tlie Exchange Bank.of 'New-York, can Uavf applying to dnt the r jtay-,‘ tAtte the Exchange*. r ha»7iAwiW l xfeTCj ikUPcffUlpfotl arte; at veiylov 5 bales wei 3 do do 10 casks iQ boxes oXinexKUangi i iie subscriber r Has for sale, now on board the brig Spurt cm, 341 bars Russia old sable Iron, 583 d-i Sneed’s do do 3o0 boxes new dipt Candles, 20 bis new Mess Beef 1 case containing 14u pieces (lug Handkerchiefs 251 bags first quality Bengal Sugar 50 bolts first sort Russia Duck 10 bis No. 1 Salmon, 2 pipes Olive Oil, for family use 14 bis loaf Sugar, 50 hhds N. E. Rum All which will be sold low, if applied for before landed from on board said brig, lying at Rice’s wharf. ALSO DRAFTS, on New-York, Philadelphia and Boston, bv J. T.-WiUl, noy.^-- 116 -iA.a' f JNew ytore. The subscribers have received A LARUE AX!) eeKFilAL ASSOIITMEAT OF EUROPEAN, FRENCH AND CANTON GOODS, Consisting of the following articles, viz: Superfine Cloths and Cassimeres l»nd<m duffii and rose Blankets White and blue Plains, Fearnoughts Flannels, assorted; Beaverets and Cords Men’s and women's worsted Hose Silk striped Vesting, Rombazets and Bombazines Cotton Shirtings and Hosiery, men’s and women’s Plates, fanby Calicoes, furniture ditto Low priced and fin" Ginghams, twilled printed Muslins Silk and cotton Umbrellas, 3-4 and 6-4 Dimities Diamond and baloon furniture Dimities Plain and figured book Muslins, mull mull do I)o du do India mull Muslins India mull Dresses and Shawls Elegant lace Dresses and Trimmings Rich figured Velvets and plush Trimmings Artificial Flowers, Goi'erets and Pelorines Merino and raw silk Shawls and Handkerchiefs Counterpanes and Marseilles Quids 7-8 -nd 4-4 Irish Linens, Jong I-awns and Sheeting Table Diapers riel) damask table Cloths and Napkins Rich embroidered silk Stockings, worsted and black silk Izice Levantines, Florences, Sattin, plain anil figured Plain ami figured Lustring and sattin Ribbons Canton fnpes, damask Canton crape Shawls Black Sinchews, plaid Sarsnets, flag and Bandana Hand) kerchiefs, men’s and women’s siik and red Gloves Black and white lace Veils, Shawls and P!shews Ridicules, thread Laces, ifce. With a variety of other FANCY GOODS; which they otter fin* sale, bv wholesale and retail, at their store in Johnson’s square, the third door west from Messrs. A. 'Low U Co. P. RAPELYE & GO. nov 7——133 Imported Per the ship William, captain Mills, from Liverpool. FOB SALE O.X VERY WODEHATE TERMS. 14 bates very best London duffii Blankets lbo casks brown Stout, Lpudinn Porter, 6 and 8 dozen 100 kegs while Lead, grouiid in oil, 28ibs. each 100 boxes 8 bv 10 cri own Glass 50 do 10 by 12 do 100 casks English wrought Nails, clasp heads, 6d. 10d. and 20d. 50 crates crockery Ware, assorted for the country 15 torrsbarlron do. do. 5 casks bar L<ead, in lib. burs . 15 do. Shot, of .dt sizes A quantity of Iron Pots,'different sizes On consignment, One bale English broad clolli3 One cask best steeled broad-Hoes One case of Hardware ,' One cask cooper’s Adzes, Hammers, CUizzks an i club Azes One cask Sad Irons, one bundle London Shovels 25 casks Loudon Porter, in bottles James Wallace. uovemher 7 133 ' - Received Per brig Pere de Famille, from Want?, Cotton Bagging, linen Check, Osnaburgs, ready roadie Shirts, one box ailk Goods, well assorted; window Glasa, 8 by 10, 10 by 12; wine Bottles, Ink, j * " Antu*eed, Toys, cut Gtasa, Perfumery, chimney Ornaments} writing and letter hanging Paper, guii Flints, Buffer, wh|te ! Thread, Salt,'CIsretf in-cask* and boxes; nes, demijOiis of wine Vmegar> single irod'doubl lun*, napkin ahd table Cloth*/ sweet^Meats. '■‘''Alto per brig-JeaO 7 Chnriekff+yv tiahnssa, ' William Perkins & Melaucton L. While Haviugxonnected tiienisi'ives in business, under the firm of Perkins &. White, offer for sale, at th’ir store in Jwlmson’s square, (formerly occupied by Mr. L. Thomp son) a general assortment of British and french BRf GOODS, among which are , d' 5 Broadcloths, Cassimeres, Blankets, Plains, Vesting, Bombazets and Homb.izines, 9-4, 10-4, 11-4, 12-4 Coen- terpanusj worsted, cotton and silk Hosiery, 14 by 16-4 damask'Tablecloths, table Diaper, Irish Linens, cotton Soiv;ings, Dimities, Calicoes, fancy Muslin, cambric, book, jaconet and leno Muslins, Giughama, ladies’ ami rentlemen’s silk Gloves; imitation, Wellington and silk Sliawls, ladies’ work Boxes, black and white Grapes, Ribbons, Purses, silk Net; I-evantine, Canton, flag and Bandana Handkerchiefs; Merino Trimming, nut,'shell Gloves, face Veils, Pelorines, plain and virgin Latins Levantine and Florence Silks, Corsetts, elastic stocking Ties, Feathers, Bonnets, fee. nov 19——1*8 Calvin Baker & Co. Acquaint their city and country friends, that they are receiving daily, per the constant arrivals at tins port, their fall and Winter supply of DRY GOODS, which is large and extensive, in the various articles requisite for the country trade; which they will dispose ot on credit, oe for cotton, or cash, as may. be most cou- en»e**» to their ••u'Rwners. ser* "—115 e-l -■ : John J'anncr {laving taken captain Orrs Dyer into copartnersliip' the business will be condu ted under the firm of TANNER & DYER, • Who offer for sale - An.$x$ assortment of woolen, cotton, w "•“t; ■ jy-yr* An exjensiye assortment of woolen, cotton, tmen m iHSit&Z ja.cW, t, 6 ,a.ri Vitt habdwaWjMcjJ xt Paper, blank Pa- uV?«««.ai. *■ . , , , u •—— . — it, Tumblers negro rtf it V r iGopartnership. * * The subscribers having entered into copartnership,^"* derthefirm of GiLL*TT« Milxf, are now openmg . JS&S Tagrt^, at their ****» *?*" Which they ciffer fat KM. S. GILLBTT. J8P MILNE. 1