Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, December 17, 1816, Image 5

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i . ; --^jp ^ u'-'W i " ©#26* .... r • •*p»Bahl[fcaaL,. 1-.t : SaaB -9 V,-' \ 'ement to the Mr c* ^’iTr^kf BgfcjtfMi SAVANNAH, DECEMBER 17, 1816. r>* From a wish of Joseph Garruth- ^ j r„„ ,h,' Br> Good business, James Carrudiers krs to decline (□«- y ; ir r,vi ■ • , ... hiL^ne^'* on m nr>elf. 1 lie commission bu- wili carrv taat oiumw . , -n • Y.„hi h • attended as usual, by nneSl * Joseph Carruthers ^.Go. IVjo offer formicm .n iderate terms, a consignment ofUci*. Hosiery, Hte. <;• november 7 133 “ jjp* The public are cautioned against crediting 1 the crew of tcie siu,, L.ib-i. t, of Monlego Bay, as I will not pay any debts of tiieir, contracting. * Baillie Allen. dec 10—B—147 master Caution. ^ The public are hereby wfrned not to credit the crew *f the ship LORD WELLINGTON, as no debts of their ' contraction will be paid by Janies Mitchell, dec 10 ——* 147 ; Captain The Marine and Fire Insurance COMPANY, V t'm Ji idojhindh, Will insure Property in floats, between Savannah and .Augusta, and at and from either, placu to the other. R. Wayne, secretary. ^ ■•».. < '■'%u~. jiinst Ciiurch. The Gallery Pews unii be rented bn Thursday, the 19th inst. for one year, at public auction, the bidding will commence at ten o’cloejs, a. u. Tn ise persons who rented Peivs on the second inst. and have not settled agreeable to the terms on wiiictl they were rented, are informed that the subscriber is ready to settie with'them agreeable to die contract. J. B. Read, dec 12—3t—148 Warden of Christ Char: k Notice. .; » r „ An Election will be hell at the Independent Presbyte rian Church, on the first Monday in January nett, for five TRUSTEES, of said Church, for trie year loir.—■ Poll will open at 19 o’clock and close at l o’clock. Oliver Sturges, dec. t——145 Chairman, 'jp-ustaes Notice. ’five law office of the subscriber, is at the house re cently in the occupation of doctor Hviiean.. Edward F. Tattnall. oct 8—120 New Importations. An Overseer, A. Erwin, Crenshaw & Cot hi wholesale 4mj> bet a it. Have imported,in the ships Georgia awl John id Edward, DUEL, GRESHAM & CO. from Liverpool, {Corner of til. Julian and Ithttdker streets, north of Mr 5^ Cnsive and well ch<>sen assortment of DR* Shelmun’s ooarding house, in the store lately oCcupitd by ICKhDS, IRONMONGERY, GUILERY, plated arid Ja- Mcssrs. J. E. Hiiile & Co.) .punned vv ARE, comprising a compete assortment; which . Have the pleasure to inform their friends and the pub- they are now opening and ofteringTor sale- in Gibbons’* . .. brick building, near the Market, at the most reduced advance, for cash, produce, approved notes or acccp- anes. oct 31 130t French an t English Goods. JOSEPH AUZE, (so. 11, BOLTOK’s IA\»e) Offers for sale, on accommodr \ng terms, by the piece o~ . package, tht financing 4-4 twilled and. cambric f. ncy Shawls, Kersevmere*, low priced Cloth and pelisse Cloth, cotton and silk Um- br .las, superfine TotlinetS, Wan tcoatnig, Bombazets, Mock Madras Handkerchiefs, Lciantiue, Florence, Lace* and Veils, different sizes; black and white Crapes, mourning.Crnpea, fine French Cloths, men and women’s silk, kid and buckskin Gloves, silk Cloth, men and w*^ men’s silk Hose, Mazaintrames, Robes, French Linen,’ 4-4 and 6-4 silk Shawls, Cambric and read) made cam bric Shirts, Tafetas, Ribbons, No. 4 to 12; hat Covers, leather Hots, elegant French LOOKING GLASSES, of va rious sizes, mantlepiece Ornaments, with shades, tea, toi let and working Tables, with marble; handsome French China; Tumblers and Decanters; ladies’ gold Watches* gold aud silver ditto; Necessurias, 2 bales Humbums. ALSO, IN STORE, 250 pieces superior cotton Bagging 24 casks CL ARET V 100 boxes do- 12 bottles V entitled to debenture 25 ditto do , 24 do j 2 • boxes Lavender Water 22 boxes Steel, empty Demijohns dec 7—-146 Lewis Mirault, TAYLOR, Respectfully informs, his customers that he has ta ken a room above Mr. J. P. Gizorme, (jeweller) next 3 door to Judge MfiAj lister’s and opposite Johnston’*, square, where he intends to continue his business! and from his former strict attention, he hopes still to be fa vored,with his customers’ business, and does assure them that all business left in his charge shall be punctually at tended to. oh HANi> A very handsome assortment of Waistcoating and a few dozen of Luriibswool Shirts and long Ltrawes* which will be sold low. oct 17—124- IVed rrcammen le !, will meet with employment on ap- jHicution to IL A J.-HABERSHAM.- dec 7——140 r ~. WBdXrr- *- —wt-r-o *.■— - ri—-—-T— — I ■ ■ HI I I I I I I a To rent A large two story HOUSE, in Brou-rhton-street. En quire at- this office, . dec 14 1—149 For rent, If iuTUf-rJi ite application is.made—two Houses, with good ou 1 buildings, situated in k healthy part of the town, a hartrlsoirie! situation. Also one vacant lot adjoin ing, tor sale upon accouimod.-Uiitir terms. Enquire of O <Sf H. Liilihi’iilge. dec 14—.n—149 * lie that, they liave received by recent arrivals 437 packages ENGLISH, FRENCH, INDIA and AMERICAN STAPLE and FANCY GOODS, Ordered particularly for this market; Which, with their STOCK on hand, compriseka gener al assortment. Jiy the ship Oneida and noia landing 1 case Merino Shawls 2 cases silk do ' » 3 cases cotton do 1 case silk Bandanoes 3 bales Madras, Sistersoy, Posaky and Choppa Romal Handkerchiefs and fancy neck Cloths 0 bales Carpeting 8. do Coatings, Flushings, Fearnoughts and bear Skins 4 do Bombazets, various qualities Tbale superfine Cloths .0 -Cassimeres 4 •s Flannels, assorted colors 7 do rose, point and dnffU Blanket* 5 cases superfine- Prints 1 do Dimities _ 2 do Irish linen Cambrics ' 5 do do white and half white Linen 1 do nun’s Thrd.ul \ *• ' 3 boxes cane and common silk Umbrellas and.ParasmsJ 1 ttauik Irish Poplins 3 cases Gioves, beayer, kid and silk 2 do cotton Hosiery* ' 3 do ladies’ and children’s French beaver Hats, assorted 1 case colored Siucliews and S-rsautU 3 Cose- Nan kroks mud iriuli and jaconet Muslins 1 do cut Glass and silk, .Buttoo* 1 box coach a.nd riding AVui’is 2 ao stubb and double barrel Fo .rting-Pi^ces 1 do brass and stubb barrel pocket Pistols 6 casks sad Irons AND A FEW PACKAGES, Containing Elegant Satin Robes, Macedonia, Paris and fashiona ble borders Merino, plush and velvet Caps and Bonnets, Feathers and Artifici-l Flowers Till, Chenellc and other worked Pilloreens Velvet Binding, head and go wn Garniture, fancy Trim mings Silk, CiiqneUe and silver Curds and Tassels Gilt ami Oliver clasp Indispensably Silk, velvet, Zepnyr and damask. Gauzes Hi liliant wliite, Palmh-e, Amannthe, green, lilac, im mortal, Macedonia, Levantine, Florence, sad.., Vergeue and Taffeta tidies < f. iit and peai l diatlcm Combs, table and head Brushes Pocket'".uidjCniiVt Inkstands,in tne form of a shoe Ni-'cdte Cases, ladies’ Vjaiices, watch Sianils Gentlemen and hit lies* morocco writing Cases Ladies’ work, set wkh mother of p arl Shpei-line Pomatum, Scent in bottles V/aliiuis, in pieces; Mussels, Cbcsnuts and real Eggs Toiiet Tables, Secretaries and silver Seals Wooden sand Boxes and morocco Note Books Silver Hpectacle^opking Glasses and Screen* Cloak Hags, bout Tassels, Corsetts and corsett steel Bones ‘ ' Stay Strings and-elvstic Garters, &c. For sale by Duel, Gresham & Go. oct 29—129 Wood! Wood! The best of FIRF, WOOD, of various kinds, at Five Dollars per cord, on the wharf, to be had always on Wal lace’s lower wharf. Shipping will ai»o be supplied, at* moment’s notice, witli^n • kind of Fire Wood. J. to. COLLINS. dec. 10 x 147 F.-om the shin William, from Liverpool, supposed tifl>e - -n by mistake, a BOX marked W. T. inclosed iir a <i 1 viSnd, with If. a* the lower angle; any information res- Jiect'ng ;t will be tluinkfuile receiver] hv B. M’Kinhe Co. dec 14——d-.u——149 Stopped From a black bov, last Saturday night, a BANK BILL. 1 he owner nuy iiave it by proving property and paving for tins advertisement. P. E VEX dec 10 oi’- 147 Notice. All q -rsons having demands against the estate of Jar vis Jaei 'o.% esq. deceased, late of Btril6ch county, are requested to render the same,rhrly attested; andrditl)ose t»ho are indebted thereto, are required tp pav upforili- * CATliARINE JACKSON, dec 5—*fn—145 atiin’rx #ioticc. - - X Ail persons having ans^temands against the estate of James (iovrfll, esq. dcdjjB^are requested to present eicin torajny iient, ,:.-i uHBndcfated are hereby requ.r- *u tnin.iTce. navinent to * JOHN DUNWODY, deco jl—145 Qualified AVr. Vv r anted a situation As manager of a cotton oy rice plantation, a middle xgod riun* accustmued to fire profession, and who can bring good recommendation*. For further particulars ^u^-nre at this bffibb. d«c 149 For sale . < A valuable PLANTATION, on the Alatamalia River, containing about 1200 acres, well calculated for the cul ture of su-rtir, rice or cotton, situated on Lewis’s Ci-cek, about four’or five mites from Darien, and -bout the same distance from Major' Butler's valuable Island. It pos sess** advantages which few, or no other tract on the riv er does, having a proportion of highland; the knowls lying in such a manner as to save very considerable la bor in damming, and the high land at the settlement' .being more than twenty feet above the tide land. It is about twelve or fifteen miles from Mr. Spalding’s sugar plantation on Sapelo. The tract contains between two and three hundred acres high land, the remainder (about 900 acres) prime tide land. m . Also a SUMMER RESIDENCE, on Sapelo Main, Bass- den’s Bluff, about four miles from the above mentioned plantation, open, to Sapelo and Doboy Sound, a he-lthy and pleasant situation, having an academy withm hie hundred yards of the house, and an excellent spring ot water. 1 There is a Dwelling House and sundry out houses and a lot of five acres of Land.. Eor terms apply t0 R. & J. HABERSHAM. dec 14 .<—149 ■- Negroes to hire. On the ninth dav of January next, will be hired to the highest bidder, at the subscribers’ plantation, in Bi-pan county, the negroes belonging to the estate of Uavnd Crum', late of said county,, deceased, for and during the year 1817; also the pkmtatior. belonging to said es- tate. made known on the th.y of side. N. B. A division of said prOfjevty wdi take place on the 8th day of January next, Of which all concerned *re desired to take notice. dec 10—***—14” ABR-VH-AJI CRUM, Boar and Lodging. Is. MONRO Returns thanks to her countrv and northern friends, • for the gfclikrou* e'ncoiirtigen.ei.t she has trtet with, and begs to agqu-int them, her Boarding House, at the coiner of Broughton and Barnard-sireets, near the Mar ket, is well fitted for tlie accommodation of single gen tlemen and gentlemen with families, and at reasonably-, moderate rates. Mrs. M. solicits a continuation of t* vors, and promises even satisfaction. dec 12—148 ■ For sale T.wo Valuable Tracts of River Swamp LAND, lyi the Carolina side of tlie Savannah, opposite Argy island, containing about 350 acres each, part of them aye under new banka, wkh knowles for settlement*, and about 100 yards from the river where a vessel can load. They will be sold a bargain; and terms made to suit a purchaser. For terms, apply to • Alexander R. Chisolm, 5—-ty*-—145 - . PiKo ulige 1 o ruikt * A tract of. LANS, within six miles of Savannah, on the Augusta Road, near Pipenwker’s Creek, containing fifty two.acresr thirty of which ore clear ami unrier good fence. The present effip is cotton, and met of tlie best within twenty miles Possjfksion will begiven-on the first of January next. For terms, appl; to Thomas Gribbin, dec 5—,-fm—145 . -Mm * l yvare *#* Brought to gaol, in Savannah^ December 5, 1816, a negro m’au, .who.siy^b r nktn« is Francis Spalding, and that lie belongs to Benjamin -V- s- cott, of Columbia, (s. c.) lie is about twenty-eight years of age and fivefeet nine indies high, lias a scar above his right ancle, occasioned by a buck shot . - Hi M‘Call, g. c. c. die l' 1 -147 Lost A part of a large SE AL, of ohased goldqset with C nelian, on which there was engiayed tree American ea and the letters J. E. in capitoU. Any person find the same, arid leaving it at this‘office or the count! house .of Erwin,. Lethbridge 84 Cq. *hall receive - Dollars. . * 7 1/(1 } i T 1 w f . J w i f •; ■— \ r. -tv 4 - ..yi. . ... L . ' Vi? v' - ' ’•w • *«• T-'‘A SHPi