Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, December 17, 1816, Image 8

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'tf 5-v ‘i -t ™. P -rXi ’ ■ *. - * M r f ir % w 1 ■m gfc .■c'-yW* V. jfv 1 '-♦h Y r-*n / k ■ / 7 v #-■?: *... ■ W 3*: Bank of the tanked States* Planters' Bank. The Director? Having, declared a Dividend of six per tent, tor-the last sis months, the same will fee paid, on and alter Thursday nest. J. MARSHALL, dec 3—l—144" Cashier. Planters’ xiank. An Election, will be, held on MONDAY, 6th January, at the Banking House, tor Thirteen Directors, to repre sent the' Stockholders. The Poll will be opened at ten o’clock. 1 MARSHALL, Cashier. dec 3—*l—144 fT^ The Augusta Herald, JWUedgeville Journal and Waskitu ton Miras, will publish the above three time* and 'forward theirbilla for payment to the.Ba.nk. Notice. "" A Dividepd of Three Dollars per share, having been dectaHid, by the Directors of the Marine and fire Insur ance Company of the City of Savannah, the same will’be paid-on-or after tliis day, to the Stockholders or their proper Representative*. B. WAYNE, dec'fk—-*—141 Secretary factorage and Commission. YSlf subscriber having commenced in the above line of "BUSINESS, otters his sen ices to his friends md tlie public; hi* Counting-Room is on Wayne's upper wharf, formerly occupied by Messrs. Pliinizy Si Barnett* The Store is ■ large and commodious—produce will be re- ceiyed.on storage and every attention given to its re ception add shipment. RICHARD WAYNE, dec 2—m’ The subscribers Continue to transact business, as FACTORS and COM MISSION MERCHANTS, and wili be thankful for the prolonged favors of their friends. • They offer for sale Superfine Philadelphia Elour Lisbon and Sherry Wine, in pipes and quarter casks Country Gin ami- West India Ruin, f nov 2- Geor^e 4f Alexander M. Ker. Hat Store. , a M. BAILEY & CO. Have ju*t opened.a complete assortment of the best apd most fashionable HATS, in the store lately occupied by,Ifc. jiactjvfh-stdoor we *t of Mr. Abner Woodruff's erpekety store, consisting of gentlemen’s buff and plain behyers, castors, ruratn and wool Hats, of various descrip tions; which they will sell very low. Merchants from th^eduntfy, wbo want hats, may find it to their interest to call. -Also For sale a feu- thousand Holland Quills. . w,v«94^—1S8 One Hundred Dollars 5 . BewaBd. Rantway front'the subscriber;^ AM and’TONEY. Sam is ssatotlh, bkely, young fellow, bushy hair, yellowish complexion, thick lips, very artful, has been about more tlian.tytlvu months, no doul* has bef n harbored, in Sa vannah. , Toney went off on the night of the 30tli ult. isa stout, lHijfiy,. artful fellow, thirty years pf age, will no doqbtmMx fotAavannah, and .probably endeavor to get oif ai Far as tMe River, having a wife, belpngihg to the esrttw of • Cficnman, in tliat county; he may obtain a fai%*d-padt*-The above reward will be paid on con- sdctipn of either being harbored by a white or black person, Dr Twenty Dollars foreither being lodged in tlie Coosawhatohic or Savannah god. 7 Henry M‘Nisli, q£C 7-rFrr^lWi At the Five Slaters ;«f- v a’ ■'%. • 4 Notice is her, by given to the subscribers, to the capital of the Bank of the United SUtes, at Augusta, that the commissioners appointed by the President of tbe United States to receive the'said subscriptions, are duly author ised by the President and Directors of the Bank of die United States, to receive the Second instalment of the •aidsubscriptions,towit;oii each share of die said capital, teudo liars in gold or silver com and twenty-five dolrars in cpii), as aforesaid, or in funded debt, at the rates pneacrib- eq by yfeeact of incorporation, with a power of attorney annexed to the certificates of the said landed debt pro portion,' authprtsing the Officer fsr the time being, at whose office the said funded’debt'shall stand recorded, (op the register of the tr. aSuiy of thwJJnileu Stales, if the ,*lock shall stand on the books of The treasury) to transfer the same in due form of law, to the President, Di rectors and Company of-the Hank of tfie Linked States; that tbe said commissi, mers; as agents of the Bank, will at tend: at the Bank of Augusta, between the hours of nine o’clock in tbe forenoon, and two o’clock in the afternoon, daily, and every day, (Sundays excepted) from die 1st of January next ensuir.'j,,tdjhe 23d of same nioutli, both days inclusive, for thepiri|P?eDf receiving the payments as aforesaid; and that, mil subscribers at their option,may either pfly the said secmicl instalment at the original place of subscription, within the thnt herein limited; or at the Bank of tlie United States at. Philadelphia. EDWARU i i ARDEN, ) Commissioners J. S^ WALKER, V- at JOHN GUMMING 3 Jtggaeta. wtugusta, \hrn'emhrr 22;T6Kl Tiov 26-CL-I4I Additional Notice. BXNlt OF GEORGIA. Fall Goods* , THE; SUBSCRIBERS Mace received, by the ship Geo rift*, fro A;Urge and well selected supply of st. whith, with their present stock, v» ill ren meit very complete, and winch" they wilt i piece or package, on reasonable and a tenjs. JAMES DIG! at 111— 121 ittabte GOODS; thc.r :isnp-!- »se of by the iiUudaUhg & GO. ■Whereas, it is represented, that it w ill be more con venient, to. many of tlie Stockholders, that the time pre scribed for the payment of the Instalment oftwenty- three per cent- which includes ttti five per cent of specie, directed by the board, on the 20th September, 1816, should J>e extended. jiesolved unanimously, That-the time be* and the same is hereby extended to the second Monday in January next, and-that the.Casluer. give notice, that the said Instalment isreqttired tc be paid on or before the said second Mon- * day in January next. Extract from theJWinutes. lEleazar Early, _ Savannah, November 1——131 Cashier ‘harles W. Carpenter ef go. da Offer for sale, at their store an the Bay, a general assort ment of Dry Goals, COKsrSTlNG or Cloths, coarse an<J fine; Cassimeix s, Ci»ating, Blankets flannels, Bombazets, cotton Hosiery, Calicoes, Cambrics, &c. j . J Also, on consignment, Tlree cases Millinery, consisting of Ladits’ straw Hats, trimmed dq white chip do do satin do. and Bonnets, trimmed beaver do trimmed dress Caps, cotton Vandykes, plain, figured and quilted . ~ ‘ white and black Feathers LIKEWISE, v An Invoice of Cahiuet Furniture, comprising an ele . gint assortment of .; Sideboards, becret iries, Bureaus, Sofas; pillar and claw card, breakfast and tea Tables, dining Sets Mahogany high and field Bedsteads, 6-c. 1LW A general assortment of Saddlery, consisting of Elegaat Saddles and Bridles how priced do do Saddle Bags, Trunks, Valices ami saddle Fnmiture 1 case Gold Leaf, containing 3d packs 25 quarter and half quarter casks Colnsinar Wine 39 kegs English Paint, assorted cutors, ground in oil 22 bags Corks, assorted. ., , Oct 29—129 do Stebbius In addition to their general assortment of Goods, have received, by the Eliza laird, Harriet Newell, Laura, and cner vessels, front Nejv-York and Boston, a varietv < f Fancy, Fashionable and Staple Articles—amongst which are Elegant Merino Trimmings Fancy piiislt do Rich silk do Fashionable Trimmings, Roses, Wreathes, Stc. for ball dresses A complete assortment of Artificial Flowers Ghent He and silk Cords French silk Nets, for-the head Silk velvet lndispenstbtes, with gilt and silver chains and cUsps Fancy silk ami worked Indispensibles Indies’ and gentlemen's silk, beav er and kid Gloves latdies’and gentlemen’s silk Hose ladies’ and misses’ Angola Gloves Elastic. Gartprs Fashionable scarlet 8-4 Merino Shawls White and colored Merino Libav. Is, with rich borders I-ace Veils, Shawls xml Handkerchiefs Levantine and odier silk" Sliawk and Handkerchiefs, of ail descriptions Figured Satins Bandana, flag and Florence Handkerchiefs Fancy Purses Colored Sewings Embroidering Silk Floss Cotton Marking Canvas Marking Thread Boston Wadding, for quilts, pelisses, Ac. Fine assorted Tapes and Bobbins Mroau twilled Tapes tiiack and colored French Crapes Canton Crapes Hat Crapes I.ilK-Tt Bedtick , Cottmi Bedtick Furniture Binding Marfele, green, mahogany and figured oil Cloths Fancy french Boxes Necklaces, with smelling bottles Hooks and Eyes Ribbons, Threads, Needles, Pins, band Boxes, &c, &c. Many ot the, above Goods L.iing been purchased for cr.«h at auction, in New-York, at the present reduced prices,can be afforded veiy cheap. ALHO Five PIANO FORTES, made bv Messrs. Gibson & IV,. vis, and warranted to stand the climate, for sale at the manufhcturers'prices. oct 26—lua — —- ~ .. .. . lo rei That well known PLANTATION, called Cedar Jim belonging to the estate of General Jackson, adjoining the* city, will be leased for a term of years, on application to R.§*J.HabeSham.' dec 10 137 Tlie subscribers Just received \ I brig Tybee, captain Cobb, from Nem-furk, on con- Pei l I rignment, , V * , TWENTY-FIVE PACKAGES DRY GOODS, x 1 c'IMUstjsb or * ' fo .S * Fearnoughts, su]>erfine v estings \ r W'lite, fed, yellow and. black Flannels Clohs and XerseymertS; Assorted ccriors Uiwl Cords, Sarsnets S ings, men and womenV lamb’s wool Hose-, i women and children’s cotton Hosiery Blankets, satin Stripes / AlSO Guipowder, Shot and I>ead Bftuuy, Wine, Gin, Pepper Sdp, Coperas, Nails, anti Vsmall assortment Hartlware 'mine. Cotton Bagging ind a variety of other articles, all of which are offered j on very low terms,' by the piece or package by Theodor© A., Schoedde. oct 31—130 , Opr for sale 10 hhds Molasses, 3 fifed* X. E. Rum Jo his. ' . E. 16 quarter eiiests hj'son Tea ~ ) c. sks cut N.;in assorted sizes J* Crocker4; suitable for country stom Sjij Ju.;s, 'assorted vacs; 2 Casks Chains ' 1 5«oo fits English Hotu.wwart, 1 cask sad Irons J hogsheads tye Wltiskev 757 lbs double refined Ipaf Sug'.f 250 boxes axe bar I: An, 360 do tire Iron ~ .cases northern Humes puns a etigant Cla-ises and I small Waatron I! tV lVAllK 1 ! “ 1 f r fi e wior, ment of DRY TOOns P- H. 8$ T. Crapon, Llhc, 11- -149 ■Market-.y-ere Tne prbscrjber, intending to make Auemsta his per. nufnent resident, otter for side two lots in Frankiiu ward, ail the block of inuhlmgs' .extending from tne Old 1 heat re to West Broad street, well known liv tbe The- *’ !<J . I inise persons w ho are distiosed to pnrci.ase y ill find the situation a pleasant one- for a dweliingand likewise a most excellent st„ni] for business of any kind. Apphcatioos can be made to Jims Lawsuit, esq. or to the kuhscrihev tn Augusta, respecting tlie n ‘ice and terms. Yi . H. Oakman.. dec 3 o— i.j4 Wants,a situation, as Cierk, -A young man, brought up in a counting house, in one I he northern states who has bail ciiarge of a set of Books for seven years. Satisf.ctorv ldlrenre will Is given. A line addressed to R. S and itf; at this office, will meet with immediate attention. d<_c 10—x’-If 'l A situation wanted. . d. young man, of steady habits, wishes for a sitnatiuar in a grocery or dry good store, can write a good hand, has seme ktifewhilge of bosir es.;. and would do every tning in iiis power to fprward the interest of his employ er. A Imer.dtkessed t«J J. F. and left at this office, will be duly attended to. dec 10— «•—147 Mjssi-jv Two barrels of BEER, marked D. £/ B. Sandforf, safi one cask CHEESE, marked IV. Crenshtrw, landed front the bng .Sally,, from Pliiladeiphfa at Howard’s wharf and whidi have probably been taken bv some person ia mistake. 'Any information respecting them will he spate- fully received. V*. T. AYILLUMS. dec IS—jG—147- Fof sale. - H’e subscriber has just receiv.d. per brig Henries from Hamburg, and ofiere for sale, in the upper part oi Russia Sheetings, Ravens Duck, Dowlas, Rritannias riwi V , n V' ntns ’ Li,en Ci,e,:ks ’ ben 1 icks, brown H ,lhmdS’ foo! Unens lineia pocket liaouktrchieG, Tbrtads, Hosiery, jpnh WehKi^ oil Clotns, Riff Ticjtienlnirgs, cotton Shirting, Calicoes, siLkLinbreuss Button s Varasms, silk Hose, Gloves, Silks, silk Shatu anu lliftdkerchmfs, Fringe, table Glottis and Naptfiis, merino Shawls, Gassimerts, Glottis, toilet Glasst ' ( overs. Pencils, Candlesiick?, Pistols, thread and i Lnce, cut and,f.»jiin GinA5Wure, looking 1 Giusses,/ ed, i leads, JeWt-liery, chimney Ornumeius, £.c. g ivn An elegant assortment of gold and silver WATCHES Aisfl,3h ccmijchiis of 4th nroof Scheudam fm, whic will be sold singly to accommodate : mchas./rs Gaviil Leion. net 2S 128 1 he Ai t of Penmanship. Tim subscriber takes the liberr v of infnrimng the citi zens of Savannah, that lie has rented the house ocruni.,! hy Dr M’DanieU (during his absence cn ZsTZlt west ot Market sqpare, where he wil; attend from ten « clock m the morning till oner. *. ;,,ni from half nast six m tlie evening tin haff past nine, for the j urpose 0 f teaching Nat him Town's Analytical System of Penmant ship. He assures the citizens who fleet a disposition to encourage him m Ins profession, that he has been a con- side,-able timeeng-aged in teaching Ptmnar.shm, and has Scadom ever failed in making a good w riter ofanv per son in. eighteen lessens, who paid strict atunuon 'to his ntstmcfioiis. He, therefore, hopes tliat he will meet with sucit encouragement as to induce him to stay some, tune m barannah. He also feus hi mse if safe in Matin-to thecitizens, that,ifbe does m.tfulA succeed in hi fiihnc 4ie.r expectations, ti,eir tuition shall be given grads. The house has two vety convenient rm nm for that purpose: One in the npper, and tiie other in tbe lower story; so tnat both sexes m y be accommodated in the c. v without any inconvenience to the t acher. Those v % mg to become scho.ars will oblige the teccher bv m-tiing imn.etu.rte application, as tlie achooi wiH be dosed as soon as ti,ere is a sufficient number of sub- senbtrs. For further infomtaiioh cull on the subscriber at senooiroem duringUk Mmrs oi school, or at Mr. Craig’s boarding nouse, on the Bay, J.'S. Porter. dec 10—a—149 Valuable Brick Stares'” FOR RENT, The east block of those con.motiious brick STORES on Fraser’s v, barf, adjoining Smith's bufidinew, will be rented for one year trom the first .lanu.ry next. The wharf is equal to :.ny in Savannah, and well calculated for the shipping and dischargg.g cf . roduet; and, also one HARM., in tne east tenement of Howard’s brick bulldog*, v. it!i a con.f.rtable Counting Room, having* clumrtey attached to u, will also be rented for a term of rme months, Irma the fir.*,l January ucTct. Applications f-ir the above will ue rcctaved by tlie subsenber previous to tlie first January. JOSEPH S. PELOT, F. ctcr, Ho-oluTs wharf For sale.