Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, December 19, 1816, Image 1

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•'•■**<* .4^, t i\ jff pREPERICK S. FELL.] SAVANNAH, (HA.) DEcMbER 19, 1816. m — Number 131.] TRUTH WITHOUT FEAR. [Volume XIV REPUBLICAN - THE 1* rCHi.isHtn *;TEP.y TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY, Al SIX DOLLARS PET ANNUAL, TATiBLE IS ADTASCS. ADVERTISEMENTS rate of Sev'extt-Fite Cksts per v :il be inserted at tlie , ^ Xuisutx-Seves ash a Hax square the first time, Cssts for each continuation. CASH all orders from the Covsttit, unless the r^SSfSLr- » U » !“">• w«Utaow„ the Editor. jiliLsTTzn* t0 the Editor mu*t be post-paid. 0» The ship ALBER T GALL A- TlV for Liverpool, having’ commenced taking in her car ro, will meet with immediate dispatch. For freight" „r 200 or 300 baits cotton, apply to the master on board, 2 to CHARLES COTTON, nor 30 143 On the Day, near the Erchange For Liverpool (To have quick dispatch) The new and elegant ship OGLETHORPF, $££ Charles Jayne, commander, intended as a rtgti- trader, copper fastened, built of the best ma tt rials, and in every respect a superior ship For freight or passage, having good accommodations apply to cap tain Jayne., or to STURGES & 1JUKROUGHS, _ JVV 3, Commerce liotu Landing f om said ship t 50 hogsheads and 5<i barrels N. E. RUM dec 17 lo0 , -t hor Liverpool The fine coppered st*p CORA, captain New- taking in on fSlwcomb, \uii conimeve 3£ri iV r ***' rt i ami will have immediate dispatch, freight■<or passage apply on board, orio ; R. Richardson Monday Fol der 5- -141 or to dec 12 For Liverpool The fine fast sailing slop GA MILLS, captain Howland, will meet with dispatch. For freight or passage apoiy to captain Howland, on board, V . FERRY & WRIGHT. *48 . . For Bordeaux ' The fine coppered Philadelphia built shipTHA- LI A, captain Morris, of three hundred' ions, hav- - "’g the greater part of her cargo engaged, will |4 lu.wkl An 17.... 4*..— I . ... meet with dispatch. dec 12- -148 For freight apply to Perry & Wright. For Bordeaux The fine coppered Philadelphia ship M \G- NKT. captain Gaiwood, burthen two hundred ami lift? tons, having great part of her cargo engaged, will meet with quick dispatch. For freight or passage apply to FERRY & WRIGHT. Just received and for sale, 200 barrels fresh Philadelphia FLOUR 150 bags > / ../at'Tsr-c 6 barrels 5 P nnw, S rcen GO*FLB_ 1 case French Knives I S' STOItS Philadelphia Whiskey, in hoghsheads Fhiiadelplria Gin Cut Nails, assorted- sizes, 4d to 20d- 50 bags heavy blank Pepper 200 bis Philadelphia and Baltimore Flour Fresh Prunes, in hail and quarter boxes Fresh Olives. Capers, brandy Fruits Old Alcdoc Winfe, fine sparklingChampagne' Fire old Sautern Wine, white wine Vinegar 2 cases silk and kid (Loves and silk Hose llrandy j 4!h proof; Smyrna Raisins, in barrels, See. dec 12 V-- - — For Havre or Bordeaux, As freight nut:; offer, The fine, new ship WILLIAM & HENRY, Hs&Ji^caPtain Stabury. Apply to li. Richardson. dec 5 145 For Havre The superior frst sailing brig SALLY, captain Mayo, will meet with immediate dispatch, having half of her freight engaged. - Any persons, wish ing to ship, can receive Jiiils on New-York,at thirty days sight, for two thirds amount of shipment. Enquire of the master on board, or S. C. Dunning, JYo. 2, Commerce Jiov bo 4 lib For Baltimore t-!gr- The sloop Y KNUS, captain F.irnum. A new substantial vessel, can take about 80 bales Sy-'Jw.-.cotton. For freight or passage Apply to the m: step nn LrvttH ut u.k n ^' — a„ mi ster onboard, at M'Kinne’s wharf, or to Palmes § Davidson. dec J7 w- -150 For cnarter or ireigin, 2c any port in Europe. The slat nch coppered ship WILLIAM, bnr- For terms, JjiA^jktherr two hundred and fifty' tons, wliicu wilt be reasonably, apply to Bilbo & Watts. nov 14 !:>6 For freight or charter, To arvj pttvi in F.u ope, _ Tlie fine first class, ship ARISTIDES, captain - »-—« u- .... M c. .... • * g<- —'Y^Carter, burthen 370 t< fn^furtherjiartiei ,ars, t.Lt@fc:ipply .to captain Carter on board, at Smith’s wharf, or to JOSEPH CAKftCTilF.RS ■&. CO. noi 26 141 Blanchard’s Change Bills. Notice is hereby given, that from this date until the last day of March next—the possessors of our change bills, are required to present them to us for payment, when bankable money w i’ll be given m exchange. . J. J. & F. Blanchard. dcir !■$—rf—149*.- ihlegant Mirrors, Of various sizes and figures, in gilt frames. For sale by J. J.&F. BLANCHARD, oct 1—tar—117 • Pork, Flour, &e. 25 barrels prime Pork, 7 half barrels mess Pork A few whole and half blsfresh FLOUR, (northern and Georgia;) navy find pilot Bread Croat Bread and Biscuit, in b irreis and kegs, fresh. For sale by PALMES A DAVIDSON, dec 17 >i -150: pov 7— For freight or charter The fast sailing staunch shi > CLENTHORN, captain Rainey, now in complete order to re ceive a cargo. Apply to Henry W. Hills. -i: x or sale, freight or charter j— . The brig .LION, T.-Bryan, master, burthen 170 tons, deep waist, newly sheathed, in com plete order, and well calculated for the Wc st- India trade, beiiyy an uncommonly strong ves«ci. For terms apply onboard, or to J. BATTELLE. <lcc 7 146 For freight or ^barter, To any port in the iVesi-T.idies, The fine sailing sloop VENUS,..Farnham, ^ master, burthen about 50 tons, new vessel anu iKsk-vSg A ell found. For terms, apply to tlie caption, on boafd, at Moore’s wharf, or to Palmes 8$ Davidson. 4vi dec 14 .10 200 FOJI }*4TF <»V cav. s SM)NV. UM K dec 7—146 dcr 5- For Liverpool The fine ship REBECCA, captain Nimmo, will lvc ittunediate disjiatch. For ti-e ght apply to R. Richardson. 145 For .Liverpool U dec The ship WINIFRED, C. W. Gelston, master. One hundred b lies cottbn is only wanted to com- .plete her cavgo Apply to P CALVIN BAKER & CO. 14— 14« For Liverpool The ship SOLON, captain Smith. For freight sapply to R- RICHARDSON, dec 5- Li 4.5 patch. nov 7 For Liverpool The fast sailing copper bottomed packet ship FACTOR, Robinson, master, Will commence loading immediately and meet with every- dis- For Freight or passage apply to Williaiii Gaston. 133 For Liverpool (The Staunch, fast sailing Philadelphia ship .JOHN BULKELKY, Roger Horner, m-s’er, Jwill be dispatdied among the first vessels. For freight apply to JA.VIES JOHNSTON. For sale 50 boxes apple and 50 boxes erab Cider, in boxes of one dozen each 2000 bushels Liverpool ground Salt 200 pieces cotton Baggirfg, Crockery . nnv 9—134- dec 5 Fur Liverpool The British brig WILlJAM, captain Richard son, will be disp..tched without delay- J' ^freight apply to R. Richardson. 145 For F or Liverpool The coppered brig St’ YRTAN, C. M. Coffin, ^master, will have immediate dispatch. Two .hundred laics of cotton are wanted on freight. Apply to REA Si BUTLER, Johnston's -wharf (Cf Seventy-five casks of RICE will be taken, at a low freight, if imi.tJ..taie application is made. ’ dec 5 ■—145 ' For Liverpotd The fine ciqipered br»g FRIENDS, captain .George Wilson, burthen 225 tons, will meet .with dispaicin For freight of two hundred barrels rice, on advantageous terms, or celton, apply tq j. YFallace; Who offers for sale, received by said vessel, lBO tons Liverpool ground Suit, 40 tons Coals i2 cases couiae Hals v Crates Crockery Ware, assorted Kegs Paint, stone Jugs and Bottles nov i2—135 For Names •The brigTWO BROTH; US, captain Lapharo, yviil meet with dispatch, huvnyg tliree fourths of *»vs«5»>a cargo positively eng\.gcd. For freiglit or passage apply to the master, or to J. BATTELLE. F or Martinique and Guadaloupe Tin brig THREE SI>> l'f.RS, captain Sa»mders, " ean y a full cargo. For freight of Ido bar- jLgegjut-rels or passage, for three more persons. : pply onboard, or to J. BATTELLE. Who hits for sale A DRAFT on BOSTON, at sixty days sight, for g 1200 dec 7 146 For New-Orleans The fast sailing brig.SALLY ANN, captain >~Sniilii, «ill meet u ith dispatch, being in complete iffa.order, and having two thirds of a cargo ready to go on board. For freight or passage, having hand some accommodations, apply to the master, or to J. Battelle; Who has landing from said brig, from Antwerp, 69 pipes superior Holland Gin, ( warranted real Skidam) 72 liquor Cases, with glass bottles 100 gin Cases, 12 bottles each — 120 fancy Couth’s Baskets 600 linen Bags, 100 pocket Pistol Battles 14 boxes 7 by 0, 8 by 10, and 10 by' 12 window Glass 1 package Locks and Keys 3 hogsheads Toy s 3 cases containing - looking Glasses, sugar Boxes, cigar Boxes, &c. 3 bales Brussels Carpeting 20 packages containing French linen Cambrics, Sheet ings, Shirtings, table Cloths, diaper Services, Damask table Cloths and Napkins ALSO ' 40 tons German Coals, suitable for grates or blacksmiths AMI Landing from 1 orh, 36 bundles HAY. “ ' dec 7 146 For Boston The brig GEORGIA, Thomas West, master, having two thirds of her freight ready to go on board. For freight of the remainder or passage, apply to the captain on board, or to Otinstcad §* Battelle. nov 23 —142 For The staunch Greenock v fine British ship HARMONY, captain Coverdutc, commences h ading- immeili- iNtstsSthdiatelv. For freight cfiJc'J bJes cotton, to fid *p, applv to ' JAMES JOHNSTON. dec 12 141,. Fo'i* Gre'CHuck The ship WILLIAM FELL, John Boan, lflas- . ter. A considerable part of her cargo being j»cngageti,' she will meet with dispatch. For freight or passage apply on Smith’s wharf to / Joseph Cairuthers 8C Co. nov 7—133 . .. . For freght or charter , The fine new brig HOPE, captain Pilsburv* .burthen about 290 tons. For terms or to the master on board, at Bolton’s.central wharf,- - J, BATTELLE. Who has for sale 35 barrels Nos. 1, 2 and 3 Mackerel 8£ &§ 40 boxes CLARET, entitled to-double debenture Also, BILLS ON NEW-YORK. nov 23~»-I40 For New-Vu.-ic The regular packet ship Yv'OODBIA’E, Joseph sxfS'tN vi'iliet, master, wilt be dispatched without delay, having part ofher cargo engaged. Forircight or passageapply on board, or to A. Ervvin, LuUibritlgc & Co. l'c T}4(, Jones' wharf For sate Tlie hrig JAMES SCOTT, buvthen 112 tons, Engl;, a built, with, American register, in coui- C plete order for 7 sea. For the inventory and terms apply to JOSEPH AUZF., dec 7—■—146 1 .%%. 11,- jMfou’s Range For .stile " The fast sailing schooner ANTELOPE, bur- .then ferti-four tons, of an easy' draught of n- 'JvSSfiHcr, ’.veil calculated for the inland trade and now in complete order. For terms applv to ISA AC COHEN &, CO. dec 3 144 • ; , 4T.5 iron, etc. The. Hirhsrriher offers for sale The CARGO of the brig Three Sisters, captain Saun ders, from Copenhagen., consisting of 35 tons axe bar Iron and 6 tons tire Iron, ordered par ticularly for this Market 9 tons clean Hemp Cordage, (,ow Cloth, Matts Russia and Ravens Duck, Riga Balsam A I.SD The s .id URIC, 106 tons, double deck, sails, .. 2 v-^rigging, masts, spars and sheathing; new within 10 bags doc 17- Coneq. Java do Pb r sale by Rea & Butler. 6 ban-els prime green Jamaica ’COFFEE, do -1.50 Cotton Bags. The subscribers have for sale 350 second hand COTTON BAGS, which will be sold low. T. U. CONDY, jun. & CO. dec 3 J44 4-4- Crockery and Lagging. 100 crates well assorted <-rockery _ 2ou pieces Cotton Bagging. For s *le by' S. C. DLNNING, nov 12 135 -W 2, Conanerce Row Brandy. 10 pipes real Cognac. BRANDY, ju°t received and for saie by BENJAMIN HOWARD & CO. elec 12— t. 148 Stove dried inalt. The subscribers office for sale 2000 bushels cf Liverpool ground SALT, stove-dried and of a very superior quality for retailing. Car nochan & Mitchel. •dec 7 t. 146 On consignment, Per brig Width m, from Liverpool, 16 hogsheads GLASSWARE. For sale at a low ad vance. J AMES WALLACE. „ov 16 -V.7 Just received An invoice of 12 trunks and 1 case Whips and Brushes, coinurisingv an excellent assortment, and, will be sold low. Appfy to,. J. LATHROP 8t Ct>. november 7—^ 133 Hunter's wharf *k*teiV.=onc year, sa.ts well, carries a large cargo, and is n evi.iy respect a very substantial vessel; will be sold on a long credit for good security, exchanged for mer chandize, a larger vessel, or real estate. Apply to J. BATTELLE. ALSO 130 tons STONE H 1LLAST, on board ship T-phys GvMv as above. nov 28 142 Drafts ON NEW-YORK, PROVIDENCE AND BOSTON. For s;de bv GEORGE GORDON, dec 14-3 v 149 Bills on New-York. For sale bv nov 28—142 BALLARD 8c SFENCER, ' r- barf For sale bv nov 28—Ap Bills on New-York. CHMilsVsS COTTON, r>» th* Him, nearth-* Urcbtiyfr Bills for Apply to no- 12- saie on N ew- York. CALVIN RAKER& CO. —1; For sale BILLS ON NEW-YORK. Apply to nnv i3—- JOHN HUNTER. -i35 For sale EXCHANGE ON Ll VERPOOL, PaucJAe in London. BILLS ON NEW-YORK. New-York )).,cket ship' jfl/TTON PLANT, j For tiviirlu p i-sage apply to stilt captain ou board,'at Rice’s wiiarf, or to CALV IN BAKER & CO. 19 133 . For rr- Ni".v- York The p.'irkt t hng ACTRESS, N. Hurd, master, will meet with iinmediatc d.spatch- For freiglit or passage aupfr to tl’.c capk.m on hoard,or to Yv’iiliam H. Joyner & Co. Taylor’s wharf Who hat e for sale, lanefing from said brig, 25 hogsheads N. E. RU.Vl xvn, IN STORK, 6,GtXt bushels Liverpjol grouwl halt Barrel* Cofit-e, quarter casks .Malaga Wine jQwarte r cheats hv-on Tea, Jamaica Hum, and 'One case pelisse Cloths and Cassimeres dec J7—st— }.5it Also Coffee, in hags; Claret, in boxes of 1 dozen each; 8 baskets sweet Oil,'1 dozeh each; 3 pipes 4th proi » cornt c Brandv, 12 casks of. excellent Porter, 8 dozen each* a few bales of Plains, Blankets and Flannels. Ap ply to RICHARDS EcHARUOWAY. nov 9 134 . - Windsor Chairs. 6 dozen finished in bronze 15 do common do. For sale by J. Hanmen nov 5 132 For New-Yofk. The regular packet schooner HARRIET piVRLL, John R. Taber, master. For freight apply to the captain on-board, at or passage Rice’s wharf, or to : dec,JJ> .;- . V - 1 47 BALLARD & SPENCER. -For New-l'orit Thedfegular packet brig ELIZA LORD, N. H. Smith, master, will meet with imjmed'iate dispatch. IE*!&S2S9, Pickled SaMQV, dfr Half dccll Goshen Cheese, Winter Apples, &c. 5 casks Goshen Cheese 120 barrels Winter Apples 150,bushels Irish Potatoes 50 barrels Cider, 1 quarter cask Colmenar Wine 5 ditto apple Brandy, .5 barrels rye Whiskey 2 crates stone Ware. Received per sioop Bright Phte- btis and for sale by N. B. Kf.tchum, at the store for merly occupied bv Thomas Lucena, Market-square. dec 12——t. -148 Andrew G. Semmes Continues the FACTORAGE and COMMISSION BU SINESS, in this city, and tenders his best services to the public in the above line of business, with the pronuse that the strictest attention shall be given to all business committed to liis care; be lias good fire proof Stores for Rice, Cotton or Merchandize, ■ oct 31-»e-^130 The subscribers Have fofrned a connection in business undei£the firm of Bit*wfc>WaTTsv wWn»: -view to FACTORAGE and 7SSI0JV TBAffSA CTIOJXS, and offer their Ip that lift?. JAMES BILBO. »K»opyr WATTS, Just Received From Liverpool 150 casks best brown Sto'ut, 50 crates assorted Crock- eryware, For sale by M. HERBERT 8tCO. nov 9 1.>4 ' Mark Hardin Has just opened on the west siiie of Market-square, opposite P. H; &. T. Crapbn’s store, an assortment of DRY GOODS AND GROCERIES, which he offers very low for cash or produce. He also fenders to his friends and tlie public, fiis best services in the FACTORAGE AND COMMISSION LINE dec 17 m 150 Harris H. Hickman Has opened a Law-Office in Savannah, and tenders to the public his professional services in the courts of the eastern circuit. *' oct 8- 120 ~Superfine Richmond Fiour, &c. 100 bis fresh superfine Richmond Flour, n<*w landing 35 pipe? superior Wecsep Scbcudam anchor Gin 7 pipes Cognac Brandy 7 half pipes Marcella Madeira Wine 50 boxes 8 by 10 Glass 50 do Chocolate, Boston No. 1 50 do Spanish Chocolate, superior 200 door Mats, 80 lance wood Spam 20 boxes No. 10 cottoil Cards. For sale, on a tibetej credit, by HENUt W. HILLS, dec 17 b ISO . ' Stills, Sugar Boilers, &c. . The subscriber having been appointed agent, for a Ma nufacturing Company, in Philadelphia, will carefully at tend to any orders that may be left or sent to his' care. He has on hand Stills,from thirty to six hundred gallons; and shortly exports a number of Sugar Boilers, 8cun- mers, Ladles, Lamps, fur boiling houses, &c. He has also, on hand, a good assortment of wrought and cut NAILS, HARDWARE, &c. All of which he will sell at a small advance. Philander Hall, dec 5——145 „ . Market-square Bottling Establishment FOR SALE. The subscriber being about to close his business, offeiii his STOCK on the most accommodatfhk terms; consist ing of Porter, Ale, Cider and Wine, with all the aparatus requisite for conducting th- Btottiing Business in all its various branches. Likewise, a Mineral Aparatus com plete. ANDREW L. KERN, On the Bay, Jive doors below the Exchange. dec 14 1, 7149 . ' ’ Miss uereer, From New-York, Lately brought out from there the latest FASHIONS, for Dresses and Pelisses for ladies; and will be thankful for any orders in her hue, at Mr*. Mobrki’s, opposite? Mr. Mitchel’s, on the Bay, and next door to Mr. E. Cooper’s. • dec 17 i*rt——ISO Miss E. Sheftall Has received by the brig Sally Ana, from Antwerp^ sAa JV‘ew-York, A VARIETY OF FANCY ARTICLES, eitasa WHICH asx , Levantine Silks, elegant satin Gauze; a vamW of sfrk Shawls, satin trimmed Tippets, elegaat worked lacs Dresses, silk lace Dresses, satin Dres«e», superb Trim mings, for ball drVssem ladies and infante’ CapvitaseUj^ for the head; FrirsMta^ad Bunch Cgris, head Ornaments, Gloves, linen Carobrcs, fine thread Laces, ostrich Feaih- ers- of 4ifierent cqjfft; satin Caps Hate apr — of ttejiewest &sbi90« elegant Turbans.a^dl m [WhcJle Number