Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, December 19, 1816, Image 3

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f ) • * i .. not indispensably necessary to Beckfe the eh® 1 ’ ! .■ m-thasrena and that coast, but simply to en- felockade rvanc e of the Guarda Costa ordinances.” a "erc folly t0 attempt the refutation of , ™ * r0tt3 pretention9, as they carrv with *" ch ,r ‘ m()8 t external evidence ofabsurditv? ' can notbut remark, that Congress is now g To tbe alternative of either compelling its leU rituente to remain the passive sufferers of const) i , cm of outrage enforced by a piti- coldly go . -mated bv the mightiest pov w!l ° n wa g ‘.jccer-sfully resisted-—or, ™P e ’ st ^intedy for injustice—the sword. rnineut, a system which, mightiest power ofEu- resort to CORRECTION, on what appeared to ns good an last, that toe fire which happened to the liosoital lot, last Saturday evening, was ■asioned’bv the carelessness of aX;malc-d.T- I'liis is incorrect. Mr. fjaup ; Hospital, thinks the bv ar» incendiary. We stated fliority. h' ou on occasion? mestic steward of t.ii( communicated ., the lire was Jtepuhli- tcr Subscribers to the. Sc fan ran inhabiting that part of the c if) ,rhicn is hounded on the south by Broughton street and tcestivar •ceivP the form, me is uuac'junui jestwardlff 6.7, street .who may not re- eivktKir paper, are. dcst-m. u. send font; ah he former eerier has artronded, and the new ted with the route. N^w-Yohr, December S. At s meeting of the board of directors of the United States’ branch hank, yesterday, .loirs .1 \coh AsTon, esq^. was unanimously elected president of the institution. - Yesterday, December 4, the day designated for the pumose by the constitution the electors, 22 in munher, gave their vote 1 ’ unanimously for the honorable Rufus King, of New-York, for President of the TTni.ed States, itndiorthe hofiorub’e John K. Howard of Maryland, for Vice President.—Boston Daily Advertiser. On Thursday “last a dinner was given by the citizens, of Providence, (n. i.) without distinction of party, in ho nor of Jonathan Russell, esq. late minister to Sweden.— National Intelligencer: ^ PorsoBTvn.—The schooner gratia, captain Latham, from New-York, arrived yesterday at this port—when four davs out, tlie cook made’an attempt to poison the' crew and passengers, by putting arsenic into some hath that was served up at dinner. Very little had been eaten before the tas‘e le.l to some suspicion, as the fellow had before threatened to dose them for finding fault with his cookery; the accordingly requested him to take “the ingredien’s of the poisoned chalice to bis own lips,” which he peremptorily refused. One of the passengers has since died, a Mr. Benjamin—the rest have recovered. The motive that led to this attrocious deed,.can be traced only to this fact: The fellow had runaway, but was tak en again tfnd compelled to officiate on board in the capa city of cook. He is how lodged in gaol to stand his trial.— Charleston Southern Patriot, 16th inst. The Methodists in Connecticut have resented as a state trick the appropriation of money for their use, which it is said, does not belong to those who profess to give it. They sav. wjfeview the appropriations made as a matter of intrigue trt get larger sums, for others, or to make them interested, in claims on the government, which the government, denies, and so disaffected because the claims were refused.—Esse,r Beg;iter. « A letter from Newfoundland. October 29, mentions a report that the CJornti sloop of war, 20 guns, had been lost near Mistaken Point; oreW saved. A New- . foundland paper mentions th - arrival of a vessel, whirfh t had seen a ship ashore on the S. W. point of ( ape Pine, with all her mast gone; and, from the number of people seen on the beach, supposed her to be a vessel of war.”— Boston Pallai.iirn, 7th inst. Worthy of It-mark.—'The ship Beverly, belonging. *o the honorable I Thorndike, which arrived here on the 7th inst front Canton, left this port on the 23d of July, 1815; stopped 3 1-2 months in Valparaiso; visited all the Sandwicli Islands and the Marun Islands, in the Pacific Ocean; loaded at Canton, came the f. stern passage through Dumpier s Straits, stopped eight days at the f'a [pr of Good Hope; has averaged whilst absent 5 knots and 1-8; and has landed 755 toils of goods, consisting of 12,500 packages; not one in the least damaged. And what is the most remarkable, during her voyage round the world, sin- has not lost a spar of the smallest size, nor lud the most trifling accident to happen; and the vert’ Sails which were bent before her sailing have been constantly worn during die voyage.—Sulan paper. — i/F SAVANNAH, Thursday, December 19, 1816. The ship THOMAS FOWLER, captain Tho- ^mas,/burthen 340 tons, a »ew vessel and ready •to load. »**« a-—;-i.» ■ . . — t ¥ lace’s wharf, or to dr C 10a— -1 ”1 For freight apply on board, at Wal- dt. RICHARDSON. ' .For Livtjrjiool d7>e regular trading si,ip THOMAS GIB- JIONS, Isaac Brewer, master, now ready tc com- v . . I'wlinsr, an«l will meet with all possible dispatch, r or freight #r passage upnlv to .1 AMES DICKSON h CO. or CHARLES ROCKWELL. '■ dec 19 x. 151 Pop Liverpool One hundred bates cotton are wanted to com- t!iC C!I1 V° I'm brig SPARTAN, C. M. Coffin, master. For freight, for the same, applv REA & BUTLER, ' , Johnston's wharf " ho hare just recriwl, p-r sloop Susan, 10 hags prime Java COKKEK, for family use; and 4 barrels prime green Jamaica COFFEE rW 19 151 ; natch. {■'Op ia.t Roche tie The br-g CLARION, caotain Bodfish, 150 tons burthen. Provision being made for two .thirds • f h<T cargo, she can receive quick dh,- For freight apply to I?. Hicbardson. 10 ,- 0 i<’or New-Orleans The fast sailing brig SALLY ANN, captain Smith, will sail immediately, bring nearl\ full — Four p. sAcngers can be accommodated. Ii*on, Coffee, \Vme, &c» 40 tons Iron, assorted, 20 hags Coffee- 40 casks Malaga Winfe, 5 quarter casks Sherry Wine 14 quattcr’casks and 3 pipes L. P. Teneriff Wine, of & „ superior quality; S pipes Holland Gin uj boxes window Glass, 8 bv 10, 9 by llandlO by 12 6-' pieces cotton Baggin 30 coils Cordage 10 cases Huttons, assorted 10 casks containing, Padlocks, Knives and' ForltSj pen and pocket Kiiivts, 8,c. 40 crates Crockery, 5 hiid» glass Ware 50 sets tea and taBle China . 25 cases Tumbiers and Decanters, 30 boxes Soap 2 cases men’s and boy’s straw Hats, &c. For s; ucconunodut.iig terms, by ISAAC COHEN & Ct) 1 -151, ■ sale, on Just received 3000 lbs C||SESK, first quality. For sale by A Fox Co. dec 151 i he subscriber Has receiver!, bv late arrivals from England, France and New-York, an extensive supply of fasiijonablfc Watthes, Jtrn-eilery, . Pla'cd fVtirr, Cul.'ert., Afiti.rt- ry U-jo-Is, and a tarieiy of other Articirs, winch are of. 'e tow fur cash, town acceptances, or pro* Auctiote To-MoitoxV, 20th iuBtafiii Will be sold before my store, Groceries and Dry GoocU^ - Also, -witlMut reserve, 35 chaldron best English Coal 1000 bushels ground lock Salt 20 Iwies white Havana Sugar 9 bales Very superior white Plains^ 3 do do Bath Coating 1 do London duffil Blankets 1 do rose Blankets, 6 to 11-4. Terms cash Sale to commence at 1} o'clock. D.- Williford, auctx. dec 19- -151 For freight or passage, having tions, apply to the .in. star, or sndsome accommoda- J. RATTKLLE. . H ho has Jor sale, received hy said vessel, S very elegant Brusitis CARPETS, of uncommon thickness. GCT Ail demands against the 4iip TIP1IYS, captain Purringion, must be presented this week, or payment will be debarred. J. BATT1XLE. dec 19 151 For Boston The brig ELIZA, captain Adams, will s-ion tAhT^’e dispatched, having part <Jf her cargo engag- *Se®&*e«l. For freight or p: ss tge appiv to tiie captain on board, at Jones’wharf, or to B. M'Kinne & Co. dec. 19- -151 For Baltimore The schooner^IINERVA, captain ferccl for sale, tow <iuce, viz;-— Coin And silver patent lever Watcltes, with geld and enamelled xiials, full and fourth Seconds; gold and silver, repeating, alarm and plain Watcin s, capped, onJp.eited, seconds and plain movements; gold ear aiaj finger ithlgs, Bracelets, Necklaces, Broaches, waich Chains, heals, Key,-, hair Or.’.ament!^ amber and coral Necklaces, with ear Rings, to match; ridicule and purse Clasps, sleeve md Vest Muttons, 2 elegant Silver coffee and tea bets, five pieces each; silver cream Jugs, Tumblers and pulp Boats; silver table, tea, sqjip and gravy Spoons; silver sugar Tongs, butter Knives aiul cuddy Spoons, silver Coral and Bills, pencil Cases, Thimbles, tooth Picks; six pair double plated four and six light Branches;' silver Gadronns and elegant Candlesticks and Brackets, to match; table Candlesticks and Brackets, silver edged and plain, a great variety; cordial Stands, two to four but ties, richly cut; Cast. four to seven bottles, richly <*v, Gadroon and shell borders; cake- and bread Baskets, shell and Gadroon border.;; salt Dishes, with gilt stands; Goblets, decanter Sfinus, Snuffers and Stands, fine Ra zors, pen Knives, Scissors and Lancets; plated and gilt Sabres, small Swop®. Dirks. Pistols, Epaulets and Lacfs; swiml and plain St; As, Whips and Spurs, fire Dogs, Shovels, Tongs and Fenders; gdt and plated bail But tons and button Rings, Indisp /esables, pocket Books and Purses; a handsome assortment gentlemen’s porta- ing three fourths her cargo ready to go on board, b.e shaving Cases, violin Strings, hair and pocket Combs. 2t£.md will positively sail on Sunday next, weather 600 yards India paper Hangings, richly gilt, suitable itting. For freight or passage apply to the captain f° r drawing rooms, nearly as low as common paper. Josiah Fenfielil. permitting on board- or to dec 19 151 - apnly t OLMSTEAD &. BATTELLE. For Charlestvaii The fast sailing sloop EUGEVY, captain John Antony, will sad the first fair wind. For freight '-SfeSfcor passage, having elegant accommodations, „p. ply to the master on board, at Wallace’s wharf, or to Gaudry & Diipon. dec 19 e 1.51 Auction. On,Saturday next, 2ist inst. H ill be uold before my store, Groceries and Dry Goods. ALSO 4 hogsheads West India Hum • b Whiskey 10 quarter casks Colminar Wiup 25 bags 40 pieces Cotton Bagging SO boxes dipt Candles 4d ditto Soap 20 ditto Spanish Cigais lo barrels .Mackerel 40 kegs Salmon, and Tongues and Souris 20 puces duifii Blankets 1 hogshead Tinware 400 pair fined and bound Shoes' 5 crates Crockery 10 pieces Coalings 20 ditto Broadcloths 10 do CaeMineie 50 do Calico loo dozen Madras Handkerchiefs 100 bundles thus A quantity of gold anil stiver WATCHER. Sale to coiumeuee at 1 f o'clock, A. Howej auctfr. dec 19 -151 ! r»r* IfJfc--- -151 K JM OIK e. All deidsndsagainst the British ship T.ORT) WELLING TON, captain R-imsay. must'be handed in to the sub scriber on or before Saturday next, or payment will be debarred. W. MEIN, dec 19——v 151 For sale Seven tierces and two barrels WH \LE OIL. Charles Howard. #1 or 1°) 1 Ft fit' * II HI VK1I. Ship Welding,Kinsman, Liverpool — 1 — Susan, Bra'Mey, New-York Schooner Rose Sc tiioome, Howland, Alexandria cir.AKXa. Ship Woodbine. Willed New-York Brig Governor Hopkins. * pith,. Providence, (n. r ) Schooner Mechanic, Atwood, New-York Port v f,\“, n'-i’/rk, 7. Arrived, since ourlr.St, brig F.U^a, Rotter, 10 days from Savannah, with cotton and brandy, to Henry Thomas and "others. VVfciijuiin u. viiiis. Ojf rs for sale 1590 bushels Liverpool ground SALT, dec 19 -151 L. Petty <Sc o. John F. Poii}*at, (opposite tub exchs-soe,) Offers Jor sale, at wry reduced prices, An extensive assortment of fresh and genuine Drugs and .M'dictate, Bye Stvjfs, Shop Parmture, Phials, tie. lately received from England, France and the north— among which are, Aqua Fort s, dtipl. Ailum, Brimstone, Camphor, Cream of Tartar, Calomel, Jallap, Magnesia, Manna, .Mace, Nutmegs, Opium, Rochelle Salts, sugar of Lead, Sulphur, Tartar Emetic, white and blue Vitriol, refined Saltpetre, Feruvian Bark, .Ipecacuanha, Rhubarb, best American and West Indian Castor Oil, Henry’s Magne sia, sodaic Powders; all the different kinds of patent .Medicines, anil a sma.I quantity of genuine Riga Balsam. He keeps a constant supply of painter’s COLORS, dry or ground in oil; such as white and red Lead, Lytharge, yellow Ochre and Spanish Brown, Verdigrise, patent Yellow, PrussjaV Blue, Vermillion, ic. LINSEED J5II. and WINDOW GL\SS. ilec 19— fi. 151 Education! S/. Alary's, The suhscirhers to the SAVAN- NAH FREE SCHOOL, are requested to call and pay their annual subscriptions. ELIZA ROBERTS, . dec 19—151 . Vy. i^ttj jLiSt Uiiurch. The members coi-MVising the Baptist Church in Sa- vannah, being how rU-stitntc of a Pastor, and anxious to ' have the word of Life dispensed to them in their ilulfil- ing, and feeling themselves unable ill a pecuniary point of view, r o offer an ample support to a man of piety'ami talents; fbr that purpose solicit their brethren anil friends of all denominations, in this place, who feel disposed to avail themselves of the labors of the Rev. Mr. Potts a, to meet with them TO-MORROW, at said Baptis - Church, at half past 3 o'clock in the afternoon, to enter into such arrangements for that purpose, as prudence nuv suggest, it may not be improper to notice, that the members of said Church, after a full consultation had on the subject, are willing to give up their Building, and to have the seats disposed of to whoever may think pfo- per to purchase them, for the support of said Minister, reserving only for a fe w members of the Church, (unable to buy) six or eight seats. dec 19 r 151 Bank of the State of Georgia. ^ 1 The Bank will be shut on Wednesday next, the 25th inst. Notes falling due in bank, on that day must be taken no the «-k ; v nrc ,v io.J?-. r'rr, 19 — c 151 Electors of Chatham Countv.. •/ Ckstleiiex— I beg leave to offer myself a candidate at the election in January next, for RECEIVER .of TAX Returns, and solicit your suffrages, which will be gratefully received byj gentlemen, your obedient servant, Greene R. Rake. ,jteel9 c 151 , , Notice. ’ An election for a justice of the Inferior Court of Chat- ™ n county, wii! he held at the Ciourt-house, in Saturn- ^ in Monday, the 13th January .SViaqtt^r, to fill the vacancy, occasioned by the decease Riots*i* Muckay, •squire; there being no election on the day heretofore dec id- JOHN P. WILLIAMSON, i. c; e. o, EDWARD HARDEN, a. I. c-C. C, OLD SR SrURGES, a. u c. c. ct tdi ’ - Iftive fir safe 32 pipes ohl COGN VC iiliAXDY, 4tli proof find fine flavor. flee 19 -v 151 New-York Furniture Ware-ilouse.* The subscribers have just received, by la e .»rr,7als from New-York, an elegant and fashionable assort -rren'. of FURNITURE, consis’ing of Sideboards, Secretaries, and P.ook-Cases, Bureau-, sets of dining Tables, pillar and claw tea and card Tables, Wardrobes, French press dressing Tables, ladies’ work Stands, candle Stands, por table Desks, Grecian anil bell seat Sofas, one set. ot ma hogany Chairs. with an elegant assortment of fancy and common Chairs, looking Glasses. Prints of all the Naval Actions, Mirrors and Cornices, of various patterns; all of which are well manufacluivd, and will be s dd cheap till- cash. £jr* Orders for F-imltitre will be thankfully re ceived and punctually executed bv .T. II. Oltlerskaw & Co. Corner of the Bay anil W'hitaker-street N. B. Furniture repaired. dec 19 151 Cabinet Furniture, Just from Boston, for sale, next door to the Baptist Church, St. Julian street, VOVSISTIXli OF Sideboards, Secretaries and bookcases; drcsfV.g Cases, dining tables, card anil tea Tables, Bureaus, mahogany and jdain Bedsteads—candle and bason Stands, writing Desks, f.uicv «itairs, rocking Chairs, children’s, dining Chairs, Looking Glasses, an elegant Time Piece. Furniture made and repair d. , Also, an elegant Chaise and Harness, one light Waggon and Harness, and St. Domingo Mahogany, in planked and in hoards. SAMULL Rl>. t»K. (b r —m ■ ■ 1 ^ ~ - For sale The stor.Jc in trade of a retailer in Marlcct srpiare, con- swting of choice V;nOCEI«BS and GOODS for country trade. The stand is on * of the best in Market square, and well accustomed, and t »e goods well chosen: terms wiil be liberal. Apply at the office of the Republican. dec 19 151 A FianLation for sale, “ Consisting of between 500 and 700 acres prime Rice and Cotton Land, considerable part of both is cleared, and has been cultivated. It lies in M‘Intosli county, ad joining'general Hopkins’ near the court .-house on Sapelo river. J- K. WHI TE St CO. dec 10—.—151 Stolen, From the Exchange wharf, a sl-.ip’s LONG BOAT, of about fifteen feet keel, copper bottom. Whoever wi 1 give information wiiere she can be found wiil receive three dollars reward, or five dollars’ it delivered along stde the brig James Scott, lyihgVt the Exchange whart. y, Joseph 2V.UZ8. dec 10 . — w 151 Lost. On the evening of the 17th instant, supposed between the State Rank and Mr. Abner. Woodruff "s stove, a simil Box eiYvelopeil in paper and seated at the middle with wax', conUufiug a silver WAICH, Witn gold chain ami cbrystal key. Any p«ri*»n giving intelb- gence of the same Aall be liberally rewarded. Apply at tnis office. dec 19- lal A Runaway taken up By my driver, an African fellow, whiri says his name is August, of the Eboe nation, with his cd.wdrv marks on his cheeks, and that he belongs, to a Mr. f . The#choo iwi ^ *i*1P*s, k 1 * AW:;’v Umd. IAm-d.Ju:YJM*l‘ vertisement and take ! <Jec 19—x—ifl The Camden Academy commenced on Wednesday, the 11th inst. for the instruction pf youth of both sexes, un der the .snpvri.ntendance of Mr. Job P. Vinaxi., a gra duate of Union College. From his experience in teach ing, and the satisfactory testimoui ds of his literary and moral character, the Commissioners feel much assur ance that the institution will be conducted to the perfect sat -f. ciion of those, uho may send their children litre for education. The strictest attention will be paid to the morals anil health of the pupils, anil testimonials of their proficiencies and behaviour forwarded, when parents or guardians cannot be present at the examina tion. Children will be accommodated with convenient hoard, in respectable families, at the customary prices. The School Room is spacious, and from its location, cooi and pleasant. St. Mary’s is one of the most healthy spots in Georgia —tiie inhabitants enjoy a degree of health not surpassed in any part of the union. In this institution, will be taught, the La-in and Greek, with the various branches of English education. For the languages, tile tuition will be nine dollars: for other branches in general six, paya ble one week immediately preceding the close of e .ch quarter. WILLIAM G!B ON, DAVID G. JONES, ( Commis. ARCHIBALD CLARK, f siontrs.. THUS. H. MILLER, J Ceorqia, Dec. 7, 1816—f>—151 Treasury Department, 6th December, 1816. N otiee is hcrebi given, that funds have been assigned for-tfie payment ofsuch treasury notes, and the interest thereon, as became due at the loan office, at Savannah, in the state of Georgia, on the first day of September, 1816. And the said treasury notes will accordingly fie paid, upon the application of the holders thereof respectively, at the said loan oifiee, at Savannah, at any time prior to the first ot January, 1817, after which <l.,y interest wiil cease to fee payable upon the said treasury notes. William H. Crawford, secretary of the treasury. dec 19- ‘151 Jarvis Norris Informs the gentlemen of Savannah that he has opened an establishment at the comer of Bryan street and Mar ket square; he keeps RELISHES of all kinds, at thesign of the Philadelphia Coffee House—and will thank the gen tlemen for their custom, as he Will endeavor to do every thing that lays in his power to please them. He also puts up Oysters for sea captains. doc 19—-151-, . ~ ■ N otice. The subscriber gives notice to the public, and her customers in particular, that she will commence fumish- iug them from tiiis week with all kinds of TEA CAKES. JELLIES AND MINCE MEATS in any quantity they may order, as reasonably .as she can a.^rii. Please call at her house, in Falun street, the upper part of the city. Leali Simpson. dec 19 -s —151 . Slieriif’s sale continued. On thefirst day in January next, Will be sold at llryau court house, between the usual hour’s cf ten and three o’clock, All that tract of land containing 50 acres, more orj less, situated on the salts; levied on as the property of Joseph Sill, dec. to satify sundry executions—conditions, cash. LEE BLACK3ELL s. a. c. dec 19 -151 Ten Dollars’ reward. Ranaway on the iOth of the present month, from R Du Bignon, esq. a negro man called TOM, yellow com plexion, about 5 feet 5 or 6 inches, speaks plain and ve ry slow; the above reward wilt be paid, by the under signed, to any person for apnrehertdirtg and securing the said negro in the eaol of this city. Williaiiison & De Villejs. dec. 19 151 * Belfast-House, Boarding School FOll YOUsX’U L.lblKS, MISS THURSTON, IllOM KJfBLtSn, t On the plantation of tVi.lioni Seo.rhrovgh, esq. Horn-well ‘ Dist-icl, Si.nll.- Carolina. The importance of an early and well-conducted edu cation is too obvious to require recommendation: and its advantages, both to inillv iduals and to society, too ■rent-rally admitted to render any apology necessary for attempting apian, which it is presumed, will prove bet ter calculated to inculcate a ratio-ltd, solid, and perma nent education, than is usually effected in tiie ordinary seminaries for females. . , The leading advantage of this institution consists in providingyoung ladies with aliberul and solid education in drawing the attention to spell pursuits as are lasting- anil useful, as well as elegant and ornamental—and in substituting the more important acquirements of the mind, in lieu of the frivilons pursuits which engage the time and talents of the majority of the rising generation. To enter into every hour's designation, to minute the laws and regulations of the school, appear superfluous and un necessary, further thin to observe that every part of the oupii’s time is devoted to improvement, their conduct is encouraged or reproved,'according to its nature, by ex plaining its effects in such a point of view, as to stimu late laudable ambition and encourage merit on one hand, and to expose negligence on the other, with an especial re<rard to that delicacy of expostulation and mildness of rebuke which never tail of their effects ou the juvenile anil delicate female mind. Terms.—Reading. Writing, Spelling, Arithmetic, Gram mar, Needlework;, Board, Lodging, Washing and mend ing, §3U per quarter, payable in advance, scholars to find their own beds, bedding, towels, combs, brushes, knife and fork and sp./on. Books, pens and mk may be had at the school and charged extra for. _ French anil drawing will be taught m addition at §6 per quarter anil g3 dollars of entrance money to each of the above branches. . _ And for the nreservalion of health, there is a framed Summer Housed™;It in the pine-woods, which is very inacious; the school room, 40feet long.and 25 feet Wide, Georgia—^-Scriven county. Supertax Court, December Term, 1810. John I. luviNe, T vs. p-Rule Aisii Samuel VV Allen; j : , g Upon the petition of Johft t. Irvine, praying the foreclosure of the equity of redemption of and in • certain tract of land siUiate, lying and being in tiie county.ox Scriven aforesaid, contah^ng seven hundred acres, more 6r leas, called Uak Land plantation, situate on Little and Big Ogechee ri vers, bounded by lands of Mrs. Waters and Mond Gross, being a tract of land purchased by the said Samuel W. Allen from Preserved Alger, jun. which said tract of land was mortgaged on the twentieth day of March. eieh*een hundred and fifteen, by the said Samuel W. Allen to the said John I Irvine, for the security of the payment of six hundred and sixty dollars. On motion of Messrs Charlton & D’Lyow, attornies for th* petitioner, * It is ordered, That the principal, interest end costs doe on said mortgage be paid into court* within twelve months from this date, and unless the same be so paid, the equity of redemption* of and in the said mortgaged premises, shall be from thenceforth foreclosed a»d other proceed ings had pursuant to the act of assembly, in such cases made and provided. And it is further ordered. That this rule be published in one of the publip gazettes of this state!* once a month for twelve mbnths, or served on the*, defendant or his attorney at least six months pre vious to the time allowed for the payment of lb* said money into court as aforesaid. • Extract from the minutes, SEABORN GOODALL, clerjt. dec 19 151 with a bed room of the same size. Tbe school will be ^ _ .. . moved to *e summer establishment in June, and thire in oiy office* svUhiU tiie time prescribed remiun during what is considered the sickly months. Miss Thurston fitters hfcrself from the encouragement her seminary has met with for the twelve months it has been established that it only -wants to be more known to meet with that encouragement, that will enatde the es tablishment to become permanent. Tbe school will recommence January 12. Each quarter gorowneucea on the first of January, Api-fi, Ju;y>uidQpt«M. <iecl9—cx—HI Georgia—Liberty county* By Elijah Baker, clerk o; the court of ordi nary for the county of Liberty Thomas M’Leisnd Stone, applies to be dismis sed from the sdministrattou of the estate of Ma ry Ann Jurdine, late of saM county, deceased. These ore, therefore, to Oita ahd admonish end singular the kindred and creditors of the deceased to file their objections, (if any they 1 otherwise he trill be dismissed from hit tratton on tbe said estate. v ... Given under my bend and seal, this twenty. . third day of November, in tbd year of ear Lord eighteen hundred and sixteen, and in tbe forty- first yssrr tff American independence. S-.- [L. S.f - EhUiVt JtXXESL c, 1 dec !?—4».—*51