Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, December 19, 1816, Image 6

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Per *hifi Harmony f^fiStfeaoc^iaitd; mill be ■maenofPAXcV^. white l4ce VlelS and Shawls of various sizes; face Viels, Merino Shawls, very :lowf silk Shawls of all sizes and ray cheap; Mock Merino arid cotton .Shawls;' safin, Levan tine, Florence and changeable Silks, assorted, colors; bladE Silk for dresses, Of Vsuperibr quality bfiifc, white • andstriped silk Hose, silk and'cotton' ‘Fringes; linen Cambric of all. qualities; long« Lawn, .bed Lace, carpet Binding, Irish' Popfins, thread, side, add -cotton Laces; black, white and colored French Grape, black and color} ed Canton do; superfine biue T blacky grey aitd drab French Johnston. if Cloth, superfine blue,* black, green; grey aricrhrOw*y£"g- lisb do; superfine and etmimon Oussi«ieres, iis.sortetl'e«>- lois; low priced Cloth and pebsse ,®ptb; blue, White, brown, drab and mixed Plains; blackPlbcentiwe, Mar- _ segues Vestings aiid. Vestuletst bkfck and eofdred Bombs* zets and Bombazines; white, red, green -and yellow Ftan- * • Jim- -e--.-jrir.L pels; .white;, VeHqw* and'^iwfeed Camas; dswiarit-iwte The dwelling TIOUSE, belonging to thesubscriber, Clotiisand.JQmper.^frarti &4tak^% ? Bussii'Piaperi/^ in Warren- ward, No. 4. The standing furniture, ifte- and r-fHinenBedtick, oottoirklo; gentlemen’s Slid ladies’ quired, will be rented, with the house, fororteyear. black and white siik Cloves, gentlemen’s beaver, and re *' * '' v ^ * ^dWfekekindo; Very dine French linen Sheeting, Irishdo; cotton, worsted and lamb’s wool Hose, children’s worst ed and cotton do; children’s biatef Hits with feathers, a r-*> 8-4 9-4,10-4,Tl-4 and 12-4 rtfeft Blankets, Bristol do; . Bath Cbating, 4-4 and 6-4 cotton Cambric, 6-4 figured do; figured Lenoesand-Muslins, jaconet and mull Muslin*, daming^wooren Yarn, asssortedoeolors; Estopilas; 44 -and y*8 Iijsh Linen, pocket Books, assorted sizes and on qualities, 3-4and4-4 phiid and striped. Ginghams, ■cam- I brie and common .ffimity-,/white, piaid and. chambray Homespun, cottbn and linen Chepk,'best Scotch apd Cer- man OsnaBurgs, Mock Madras and Romal Handkerchiefs, fine Bafters, Miiinet, Pins, assorted sizes; Cologne and Lavender Water, Antigua Gil/boxes of PerfumeryvssOTt- ed, hair Powder, powder Puffs,' &e. Also an assortment of ladies’ work Boxes, Valices, ttfitet phi Cushions, Boses ommented with birds and flowtn, Necklaces, Purses, Boyer’s Frehcfeend English Dictwjpary; togetherlirithan assortment of fine and common T\bibltrs, wine Classes nts in' the city For bdsines iatciy. f ■ v: • A.H. Putnam. Valuable Four liandred and fifty ari-es,- prime .fide swamp, on the Savannah Back Hirer, situated-about ten miles above the city, well adapted to the culture-of rite or the surar canejupwards or hue hundred aches now under d»™. ank cultivated by James Ancram, esq:' . .' Also, a tract,"Pobuining upwartfsof "three hundred acres, adjacent to die above tract-—fills tract will be worthy the attention' of. the" owner of'.the river svdHrip, having some eoRrauent buildings oh it; itJ*lsp:<&nlains goou propWtiph of t.igh pine tand^and*the;-balance is r ell adapted to the culture of v cotton aiid provisions also, a swamp, abounding with cypres® said other valua- bfe timber. _, yfo&t a tract, containingfive hundred acres, situated Savannah River,,a few miles above Pnrysburgh, known by the/mme of Hear muff—this tract is very vatuabie, as it abounds with white oak and other timber, suitable for the Savaftnab market. Abo, two tracts of pine Land, in the vicinity ofPurvs- burgK’, well timbered. ' ' The whole of the property will be sold on easy and moderate terms. Apply toJoHX Koreojr, on the O.katies; To renter le&se, A five acre I/)T, at Spring Hill, with a comfortable dwelling HOUSE upon it; possession to fie had imme- di*t*fijr-%Z'i-isk&j?: I•. ■ SPsKmJ Hwtesji vJllso f&t sale .. An excellent LO r, rituated onthe.Bay, 60 feet front by 90 feet dedp. Apply to „ James G. Greenhow. To be sold, at public auction, infront.ofthe court- house, in the cjty of Savannah, on the first Tuesday ia January next, one tlKmsgod acr^s of prime land, situate on the south bxhnch of Turtle rive% Glvnn county—the joint property of fe^Union Society, Chatham Acatlemy and tlie Savanpah .Poor-House and Hospital Society, hddeft tract of land w>s originally granted to theBethes. d* College. Aiiv person who feels disposed to embark largeh in tlie cultivation of cotton,-com or sugar-cane, would find this a most eligible situation. The- grants can be seen by applying; ap the office of Lloyd- & Morrison, in the Exchange. .Terms of sale—one half cash, the ba lance in one year, witli interest -from the date of pur chase, secured br’bond and mortgage, on the premises. MOSES. SHEET ALL, President (I. S. R. W. H A I) EKS H A M, T> easu -er. C. A. J. MORRISONS Com. Sav.P. H. andH. S. The: T^dh-Pridge over Great Ogechee River; at which Joseph Hill lately resided—it is a substantial well built bridge, composed chiefly of cypress; it has stood the creshe^,^and appears to be in all respects a good and fomplete piece of work. For terms apply to ■ V,, v ; JOHN BOLTON or ? ex’or*. v i aprfl 4- 40 JEREMIAH CUTLER. 5 J. IfiU. For s ale ■' A House and Lot, ia 8t. James’s square; being one of the most healthy and pleasant pHupfioitsin this ci1y-«-on the said lot are all necessary out buildings. This pro perty will )>e Sold for a iqoderate price, and a credit of one* .two and three years given for the'{teynient,"' Per sons disposed to puechase will apply to either of the A, Contract lafelyAhV property ofia Mr. Bretet^ containing about 520 acres, is offered for sale. It is situated about five miles from thecity of Savannah, within a suort distance of Thunderbolt, and on the salts, it lias a veiy com fortable dwelling house, a good barn and out buddings. ' The .above . tract will be disposed of upon the niost reasonable terms, as the heirs of tlie estate, of which it forms a part, are ^Ixious for a division of the property. Persians desirous of purchasing wili apply’ for further particulars to either, GEORGE JONES; EBENEZER JACKSON or oct 8 -120 ‘ EUWAliU F. TATTNALL. ■■■■■■■■■MMHMilMMMWHinMMiMHnRMM'AMaHBanii AdmirUstrator’s sale. Will be sold on the premises, at public outcry,' on the I5th day (^January next, between the hours of eleven and two.—that well known plantatkih it» Effinghan county, long the,residence of tlie?late Thomas Polhill, sen. known by the rianie of Newington, together with several tracts The Wardens and Vestry of Christ jCharcb, being de sirous of having the Tower of the GfiUrch finiriied, 1 and the Bell Suspended, as expeditiously as possible, have S pointed thejinderaentioned -a. committee for having t work done. /The committee will receive-proposals for finishing the tower with frame Work, to be about twelve or fourteefi' feet elevation, termiuated with a dome. Proposals With a design of the wockv may be either of the committee, ft is understood that the workman will find all the materials. JAMES MARSHALL, WILLIAM T. WILLIAMS. nor 14 i 136 , 'V-.-I.-.'' ; The subserfoer, intending to Inake Augusta his per manent resident, offer few sale two lots m‘Franklin ward, an the block of buildings extei-ding from die .Old Theatre to West Broad street, well known by the The atre lota. Those persons who are disposed to purchase will find the situation a pleasant one for a dwelling and likewise a most excellent stand for business of any kind. Applications .can be made to Joan Lawson^ esq. or to the subscriber in Augusta; respec’iiig die price and terms. Committee. W. H. Oakman. Will be sold ori the 31st day of December next, at the house of Frederick Herb, ia Savannah, between the hours of eleven and two o’clock of that day. Ail tife Household and Kitchen FURNITURE,, consist ing of Table®, Chairs, Beds .and Bedsteads, Ci-ockcry. ware. Also one Jersey Waggon, -three Horses, Kc — being part ot the personal estate of\ Robert S. Gibsor., deceased. GEORGE HERB. firm- JAMES BARNARD, 5 tors. '■•nov 5—fT—133 ' ■ - - Contract. " i COMMISSIONERS OF PILOTAGE. ' : ! Proposals-will be received for erecting a BEACON on tlie White Oyster Bank, one on Adam’s Knole, One- - on' Cocksptte, one on R^todli Island, ami two on ;the ~ Upper Mudflat. Application to be made to A mum r . 11 . Tnuv n imt micnr « « « continued Sheriff’s sales On the first Tuesday in January next, Witt be so’d at the court house, in Jefferson, Camden County, between the usual hours ofTU and 3 o’clookjf The following LOTS, in the,itown of St.^Mary’s^ viz.-— Nos. 65,34 and 149, each containing four,^crcs ; levied on as sfe. property of the late John HoweH.iieceused, to satisfy an execution in favor of trie late William Jones, Wjr- > , JOHN BAILEY, s.' c.,c. Brought to gaol, on the lOthf 1 of December, 1816, a negro man, who says his nifoc is Like, and that he belongs to Mrs. Juliet Elliot, widow of Bar- net Elliot, of Charlfistun. Ue ifij^pdc'2$,fears of age, and five feet nine inches high, he has a small wart pyer las left eye.; ^ ‘, ' 'y,.H;M'CALL,e.c. cl A valnabk*. gnng of Negi On the first Tuesday in January 'naetr* - Will be sold at the court* house in die city of Savannah, ’ between the usual hours of 10 and ipo’clock, V A roan HORSE; levied du as the' property of Jdhn Friwer, deceased, to satisfy Joseph Kitchen. Property ^dinted 4nit6y file defendant; ,r ; . ' v Adajn Gopevs. c. c. December iofewhos to Mrs. Ri On the first Tnesdtty in January next. Win be sold at fife court-house, in,fixe city of Savannah, between the usual haurs of IU and 3 o’clock, ^ The following Negroes:—Sampson, Billy, Diamond, ^George, Leith, Jenny, Shadow, Cupid, Toby. Par s, Ned, Joe; Dick, Doll, Darcas, Betty, Member, Lucy. Kitty,, Fanny, Rinah, and. ten cfiHfirert, viz- Sam, Ann,, Grace, John, Sandy, Funny, Jacob, Tom, Frank, and Jim—levi ed on as the property of Henry MTirtosii, dec. and sold to satisfy II; milton fe. Coupev and others. Tlie above negroes faring very prime, are worthy the attention of purchasers, ‘ . ADAM COPE, ». c. c. ■nov 28-^142 ‘ . V e j : - ?'■ of South Carolina, hear Augusta; she >s ches high and about twenty-live years of she has a small mole under her right, eye, has on a t negro cloth wrapper and white cotton pett : cpaL H. M‘Oall, g. c. c, »1V ^ sen .. . ■ ' " •• ■ .m county Brought to gaol, in Savannah 5, 1816, A negro man,, who says his. riame i: To all whom it may concern. Whereas, the honorable W ed for letters of admimstratii or the estate, which remain*. James B. Young, late of Savare Now, therefore, these are, .; and singular, the kindred and to Benjamin Pres- •scfuy in January next, ' : house iti the city of .Savannah tours of 10 and 3 o’clock, sauted Nefi and David—levied ut l. Gray, to satisfy * judge, i. Gibson. ADA^i COPE, s. fl< p. On the WtllJbe sold at