Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, December 19, 1816, Image 7

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fclsml, boundcd'fwrUiMst tO' ... west on the, F/ont rivu. : - Sit. for a high ground settfum land for plantation pitch ofud?,andisea!.n\ wood. Tew*. § 60 per ..ere, one ' •U) do « ne t#brq Ootids tract there is« valuable -r/iSct the use of pine usd and *thjtfjand&ih a ft» cleared* being only in under- - V'fV# -*r ' \ y ■■ • : third down > ^50 do ^hjjspteable bills, bills of exchange on maybe seen. P“ Ste^CnS, ■ dec s-144 Ex’or. Ujuct jov the *£ gJ\J***f •{ ounty Elections. The first Saturday in Januarynextifc the day appointed by Law,fOrW.etection. of two,. Justices of the Peace, ior each captain's district, tn die Several counties in this state, for the term of foqr years-,' wftich elections shall be su^nntende,. by three freeholders'of |fte dismet,, who are to' be sworn by the commanding officer of, the said district. • Chatham county contains eigUfyistrjc^, tow it, fmir in »va f nsdj and Cherokee HUl* Little Ogechee, Robeht Cams'© f'~'' v.^uiiast pows John'Coffee, Brig JV"ew r Orieans Pa The President ofthelinited States to the Marshal sf. the 4 District of fiei>rgio~Greetingf fc-^gSr*? " .Whereas, Walter Sm'itbj-joha. Dbuglass,WilliaijCMan- son, Robert Camron, William Codec, and John Coffee, late mariners on board ffie byig NevV-JMeansiBkckfet, hhVfe • *»«% day .died and exhibited a I the said brig New-Orleans Pack furniture, as she now lies .in wages due tbernkw ^ , Now, theixfore, you the said Marshal are’hereby,com mandedto cite and admonish, and these ore to cite and admonish the owner or oivpers;: and atl .pfrsona whom soever, .whohave or pretend to have any .right, title, in terest or claim, into or upon, thtesaid brig’New-Orieans. Packet, now lying in the.river Savannah,'Nvhereof John Cole, nowis, or late-was-’niaster, to be and appear'before the honorable William Stephens, district judge of Geor gia, on the 26tb- day of December instant, at a special .District Cotirt of Admirahyy to be held at the Court- ..bpuse, in Savannah, at eleven o’clock, a. u. on. that day, ,*fo adsyec the premises..y Witness,‘the honorable William Stephdhs, district BUM for ‘X&SW PdrtaffO; i^jpunt g34. ®0 jd^ytsi. . A; i f ’ ■ _ Greene TSurm- lfo. 14; thFee atfarfirs due; George At- kiraom- amount 5525 40 cants.-Sffc 19’,' three qt.alters due; John Deveaux; jg39-. . '.'y, ‘ / \ ' . tydw-TgahSctihretard--Bo.'7, fourquarters due; E. Coopeh;tjKhiit?unt,g9d;4cebts. : r >'> V '' r JuCkson-mard-?Nos) 25;26,37 and 38, threequartera due, ft', |- v . Williams, feSf 84 cents. ; N(>8. 46, 47 and 48, three quarters due; John M‘Kim ><>b, gS2, 56 cents! , s; Spring awiok, 5 and ih-fbp'r quarttfs"due; ,late Bank of tha^United‘Btai^'amount gl4 fclfuwtsfVSjfo. 9,' sii quarters.due; Wm. Richardson; amount g9f - Hast Bafof Pi/atuee Loe—l'wq quartern dne;iT. F. WiRtgnisf &tjp.%■:' '•;>* • SuTipfp* v. Wind Jf£% Hit—SeVeq ^larterF; Sf. .Tenks, §35 '*■ t . M. Stone ? c* m. el in this C-Ourttagainfet her tackle, apparelmid ie ’ river Savannah, .for ;defrjC---y—147 Marshal’s sales caiVtiiiuctr. For the 1st Tuesday in January, 1817y ‘ -At the court house, in Savannah, between the ^imial A Building, on Lot No. 31, Columbia ward; levied on aS the property of 'Silarj Xnrt Lewis, to Satisfy her dty -tax&r"&p*gtyr.lQl4r'jt''i'4 f ^ \ &■■■*■*<'£o, ;. t No.l, Ty conn el ffything, ie property -of Charles Mackaj* kte qf Savannah, merchant, deceased, as text of kin. - - . ■ '•••7 • Now, therefore, these are,.td cite and admonisli,a]l'and singular, the kindred and creditors bf the said^Robert Muckay,, deceased, to tile, their objection (if any^ they have) in my office, on or before the figst Slohday in Ja nuary next) othei-wise letters of adriumstration will be granted tp the applicant. Given.(under my hand and Seal of officE, at Savannah, the 20fh day of November, IB16. r L. 8.1 ' S. M. BOND, c. c. o. to-satisfy bis city A^ra Btyldinj Vied on as ffie pre cityjb«.fqF^p<yi ^ Also lint No. 6, Trustees Gardens; levied on as the property of estate Keller, to satisfy the tax of said lot for eight years, y. n . Also Lot No. 17, Bwensbntg; levied on as tbeproper- ty of John Ellerbie, to satisfy nis city tax for the yeat 1616. a, ’ . Al?o Lot-No. 24, Ewepsbiirg; levied on as the pro- peHyof ncu-residenfs, to satisfy its city, tax for the year 1816. , AlsoiLot 28/ Fahm-street; levied on as the property of non-residents, to> satisfy its city fax for tbi^ear i^Id. Also Lot and TSuildings 2, Ewensbuig; levied on aa die properfy of Peter M‘Farlane, to satire his city tax es forthe year l8l6. r ’ F. M. ST-ONBi 'c. k. dec. 10—147 Police Office, v . r ’ •• December' i.4, .18i6. * The'Streets and partictrfarlv the ftarket-square, being at improper hours much- qbstwicted by Wtiggonswld Whereas) Pbine;is Stewart, brig Planter,-has this day ftiecTand exhibited a, Libel in this Cotljrt, ‘against the brig Planter,, bdk tackle, aj^paref and fiirniture, as she now*Bes'in the river Savannah,'for wages flue him: Now, therefore, you are comn;aitded ; to cite and ad- monish, and then are to cite and admonish, theowiier or owners, and all. persons wliomsoevejy who fiave or pre tend to have >*y right, title, interest or claim,-into or upon the said brig; Planter, now lying in tiie river Savan. nah, whereof Alexander Lane, now is, oMate was master, to be and ifppear beftare tlise honorable iyilliam Stephens, district Judge-of . G^oigia, on tiie tWeritv ; )sBdh v - «iay of Remember, ntstant,,at a apd^feil District Cotrrt*pf Admi- nov 23— 1d^—Chatham county, By Samuel >1. ffoncl, clerk oftlit court ofonliiiary; for the county of Chatham. ' To all whom it may concern. \l^bf W A _■ .Uk*,a»rr nf Cannnnnk ItAn pliddfor petty of infants, » chiHdren ... raxgr-wisgKS- ■ '• , „ - - Now, these are, to cite and admonish all and every person-and persons interested in the welfare of the said infants, to file t heir objections (if any they have) in my office on ot before the twenty-first day of December next, otherwise’ Letters of guardianship will be granted to the applicant. : ' Ca 'rc tria Atin Hyrrie; Carls: It is ordered, T or Carts be »future all when not engaged in Fortifications, or at 90! the limits of the city. Given under my hand and seal of office, at Savannah, the 21st day of November,1816. • “ Georgia—Chatham county. By Si M. Hchd, clerk of. the; court of ordinary for the county of .Chatham.' To ail whom it may concern. Wherein Elizabeth Bunch, William T. Williams and John P. Henry, of Savannah, have applied for letters of administration on the estate of Samuel Bucnh, late of Savannah, merchant, deceased. > . r Now therefore, these are, to dite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and'ereditors of the said Samuel G. Bunch, deceased, to file their objections (if any they have) in my office on or before, the nineteenth day of December next, otherwise, letters'of administration will bd granted to the applicants. .:/ > Given, under my hand and seal of office, at Savannsh, this 19th dky ofNovember;T816. u • * ' [L. S') S. Vl. BOND, c. c. O. C.. C. Georgia—Chatham County. " , By Samuel M. Bond, clerk dt tlie court of ordinary of Cliatliam county.' To all whom it may concern. AFIictdas,Nirs. Ann Delannoy, of Savannah, widtsiw,has applied tp lie appointed the guardian of her two sons, JulesDelannoy, and Emile .Delahnoyiiinfants under t^e * age of fourteen years, tlte children of Alexander Delannoy, deceased. - • 'i*. Now, themefcre., these are to cite-and admonish all per sons interested ip the welfare of the,kaid infaittt, to file (thfT °bj etipps (if any they have) in my office on or be fore tljc, J6t\\ daw of December next, otherwise letters of ^iwrdiar4¥p will be granted to the applibant. J Givep under ffiy hapd and seal of qfficS,at Savannah, ’.the 25th dayf of November, 1816. • > ' [L,S-I ' SAMUEL M BOND, c.c. o/ " Bv SaniuelM Fond, clerk of the court of m Hre bounty of Chatham. To ad whom it may concern. Whereas, Joseph Jf^ersham esqs. of Savannah rhsvd appUt Isi.ratlo’n on. F the *. ettale and* i Habersham,- Isfeof.SkvaWiali, d« ..... , ..... . . 4l Now, therefore, ffiese kre,^ ei» and admonish,. aU and sihguta^j the kindred and creditors-pf the said «»lo- nel Joseph' Habershim. dec. to file Their objections, (if • any thfy*hitve) in ffly onkJe^ on oirbtforc tbt ficst, M°n« - day in Jandsn* next, athepvig$Jette» of administration will be grimtid to the applicants. : f Given under my hand and seal, ait Savannah, the 2d 1 'm ' *' fc'a'fl . _ iT.a.>,f f /inrl nno- thnliccn^ William Habersham, By EliyrfCBaker, clerk of tfie court of ordinary for Hie comity bf Liberty, Jn tfce sMate hforesajd. Whereas r ,Mr. Davies Cartri* appljes for, Ieme^ riwiustritidp v on the estk%?-aHd Cfihcfs’ of Join Carter, dec^ *Bfr>m^lW3Bohd, clerk- of the court of ordinary of said ebuntv. ' 4 -■ s.^f’o all whffin it m^. cbpsern. Jj . * Whereas, the honorable W lifiamStephens, has applied for letters of administration,aAe wi-i etmeated) bn the estate and efiects of John Charles Lucena, late of ■FbrtqgalFdesdaked- .. -f Now, tlierrifose, these am *». and admpnish, all and singular) the kindred and.'credijriiir qf .tbe,,6ia«l de ceased to ffle tbidr b^tfbetionk, (if any they have)^ ,my office#' on op before thfc first otherwise letters of admimstration will be granted to fnc ^Given under nivhand and seal of offied/itt SiiannrfG |he 2d day .of .December, .g-w.:w*^' : lateof the county afw«said) of kin. .y ; These, are. thercJwfe/to cite anif admonish all and sin gular the kipdred and creditork of the ssud;\deeeased, file their o&&ption»w any they have) in p*jf office, at Riceborougu/on *r befo rftiie first. Jtfqnffiiy in .hmuary next; otlierw iseletterspf administi^riop^Il be granted t0 Gi^iTunder my' hand and sea^this dfNovem- ber, in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and six teen, andin theforty-i|rst .yearof Amencao Indepen.- deuce. * \ -gL -.v .. ' , /L; S.) E. BAKER,C* C. O;;V^ Guorsjia—Chatliam county. SaJhtiel5f. B.->nd, clerk of the court of ordinary of sairl ccuntt —To ail whom it may concern. \\;bereas, Pa«l .P. Thomasson of Savannah, has applied to arte for letters'of administration on tbe-estate and ef fects of Frimcis Leroy, lately of Cumberland ^ Island, planter, deceased, on behalf of the hejrs. i Now*, therefore, fTicse. are to cite afidjidmonlsh all and singplar the kinUfed and creditors of th^ said Francis Ieroy,JlecJto .file ffieir objections,, any they bllse/Y: in mj ; office, on or before the twenfy-sixtb day of fo! center next, otlurwi^e tetters of administration wdl be gmhted to tine applicant. Given under myj^nd and seal of office*, gt Sa v annah, *Ke *25tU^^day of NavAraber,-A. n.1816.$ ' F. SAMUEL M. BOND, c. o. «. 4 am county. By Samuel M, tl -r'the county of € To all whom itfl Whereks w tbeb®lv!c~Y.7. \ -a - ..-v. .•’■*. <o, r letters of admuusfcratipp fentb tkerantt va te estate and effects of James Lucena, late of Portugal, ? Now, d therefdt^tbbse orfi to qite rad^dmonisb, ill a^d ngdfar, the kindred *na, fieri to^file foejri «bJ«^dns, X#> of Selby ..ThOsnas