Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, December 21, 1816, Image 2

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) .1, Fourteenth cq BECGXDIgSESSlON. Is Sx vat*.—fVednetdaty, December 11. Mr.Vsmum presented to the senate the instructions jftf the state of Mhssachnsetts to their Senators to use their exertions to procure a repeal of the compensation 'law. The motion of Mr. Barbour to amend the constitution. ♦.'* read a second time, and committed to Messrs. Bar- hour, Roberts, Daggett, Mason, of N. H. and Brown, ■ocsa or HnUMTlTITH, Weibtesday, December 11. The speaker laid before the house 4 letter from George Graham, the acting Secretary of War, in comph ance with a resolution moved some days ago by Mr. the" commissioners for laying out and opening a road from Reynoldsburg, on the Tennessee river, through the Chickasaw nation. Mr. - Forsyth of Georgia from the committee appoint ed to lay befi»re the president the resolution requesting the president to lay before the house a statement of the proceedings of the eontmisnnner of claims, reported that the committee had performed that duty. CORPS OF 1VVALIDS. ^ings for 16«studeii»ts,“refeetovy, rilv in the basement story) fuel sioh; cellars, servants* apartments, by 46, . 3. Le-ture rooms, at the S. W. angle, steward’s apartment, Bus. 75 feet square, 4. Planting and enclosing, 75,000 45,000 20,000 S200.00Q A BILL ro* wi WT**irsirwtirr or a vatioitai. CTrrK*srrr. Beit enacted by the senaie and haute of representativet of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President of the United States be, and he is hereby authorised and required, to cause to be survey- Revnolds, transmitting a statement of the proceedings of «t and laid off into buSding Jots, such part a« he shall -* ' •- ' °— •—-— -- J —-* think proper of the ground reserved for the use of the United States in the City of Washington, ami to cause the same to be sold, at such, (ones ami places, and in such proportions, and under such regulations as he shall prescribe; and the proceeds thereof, after defraying the charges of survey and sale, to be invested m such stocks or public securities, as shall, by hint, b» deemed advisa ble, and the same, when so invested, and the dividends thereon ariang, shall constitute a fund fur tlie support of a National University. Mr. Johnson of Kentucky from the committee on mili tary affairs, reported a bill for the relief of die infirm, disabled and superannuated officers and soldiers, of die army of the United States of the revolutionary war, and .•of the late war, and of militia disabled in the late war.— jThis hill contemplates the establishment of a corps of invalids.] The bill was twice read and committed. NATIONAL UNIVERSITY. Mr. Wilde, of Georrra, from the committee to whom that part of the president’s message was referred, made the following report : “The committee of the hAusc of rcprcsen*artves, to whom was referred so much of, the president’s message as relatesto the subject of a national university, report to the house, as the result of their deliberations, a bill for <he erection and endowment of such an institution, The committee, pursuant to usual forms, might per-. Imps, without iinpropriety, regard this as a sufficient per- meaas firm Ance of their duty, and after presenting the bill, without comment, h.-ive left it to find its appropriate place among others, and to receive or be denied consid eration, according to tjie opinion entertained of its con sequence and urgency. But the number of communications relative to this •subject, which, though they have received attention, ■seem to have escaped it, because theyh.ive not been de finitively acted on, may possibly expose the house to a cen- Jfire more serious than that of .merely neglecting the suc cessive recommendations of several chief magistrates—a censure as injurious as un just, yet not unbecoming that- 'Jjody to prevent, bv making, as soon as possible, some disposition of a question, that ought to be determined, ist account of its frequent occurrence, even though ii should not otherwise be thought particularly interesting. No room will then be afforded for even supposing the Sec. 2. And. be it further enacted, That tjie President of the Upited States he, and he is hereby authorised to cause to tie erected, on such site, within the District of I Mr. Fbrsytb moved for the eonsidokticlt of bis motion should have acted on lit. On the question 16 proceed to consider the same, It waa'decidcd in the negative. Mr. Hath Nelsoin of Virginia, moved a resolution in tile followingwords: Hesrrtved, That the military Committee be instructed to inquire into the expediency of making provision for the widows and orphans of those militia who, after their return home to their place of residence, roav have died of diseases contracted whilst in the service of the. United States. The necessity of this motion being questioned by Mr. Condict, on the ground of the law of the last session embracing such cases— , It was supported by Messrs. Hugh Nejson, P. P. Bar bour and Burweil of.Virginia, who stated that the law of last session embraced the cases of those dying on tlie road home, but did not include 1 the cases of those who reached their own doors before they fell a sacrifice to disease. The motion was them agreed to, nem. eon. Adjourned. Is Si:Vat*—Thursday, December 13. Mr. Troup, from Georgia, and Mr. Gnhjsbo rough, from Maryland, appear* d and took their seats. The two senators from Indiana, Waller, Taylor and James Noble, (the act of her admission into the-ouiion having been consummated) produced their credentials, CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT. Mr. Pickens, of X. C. rose to propose an amendment to the constitution of the United States; on which hav ing on former occasions expressed his views, he would 'now only remark, only once had the question ever been really tried-in this house, and that was at a moment of great public einliarrassnient, not favorable to a mature deliberation on its merits. This was the first fair occa sion of presenting the subject fully for consideration. Several of the states had, since the first agitation of the question in the bouse, given to the proposition their sanction and recommendation, among which were Mas- jjational legislature indifferent to an object, admitted by- sachusetts, Nortli-Carolma and Virginia; and it had,'at most persons to be desirable, and by many believed to be now both practicable and expedient; justice will be 9tone to the representatives of the people without detract- ^tg any ■thing from executive- merit; that confidence, u^iicb is the chief strength of our government, will be •preserved, and public opinion, enlightened by discussion, -expressing itself at length decisively on the proposed IXbeasure, will either require its adoption, sanction its rejection, or acquiesce in its postponement, until the necessity becomes more obvious, or the difficulties that oppose it can be more easily removed. Your committee, therefore, have ventured to suggest some of the reasons which recommend tlie present as a favorable time for investigating, and perhaps also for adopting, the plan they have proposed. Among these, the prosperous state of our finances, -paving a large unappropriated surplus,ithfc probability of a long continued peace, the flourishing condition of our capital, an»l the facility with which a portion of the pub lic property within it might now be advantageously dis posed of, so as at once to increase the convenience of the city.and support the proposed institution, may (airly be enumerated. Besides, the information heretofore collected has en abled tlie Committee to report at an early period; and it til believed that the present session, though inevitably a short one, will not present so many objects of grtat" dif ficulty or deep interest, as entirely to exclude others of a more tranquil and less obtrusive character, to which it is ■possible a portion of time might be profitably devoted. The acquisition of a scientific and literary reputation, Ant unworthy of their naval and military renown, can never be beneath the ambition of a people, since the most durable of all glory is that of exalted intellect. The world is still a willing captive to tlie spells of ancient genius; and the rivalry of modem empires will be 1 perpetuated by their arts and their learning, the preserv er* of thatfame which arms alone may indeed win, but can-never keep. Any measure which contributes, however remotely, to give American literature a rank'and name among man kind, cannot therefore be regarded with ‘ indifference by our citizens; and every effort towards Unit end must be witnessed at the present moment with unusual satisfaction, «tnoe4t will present the interesting spectacle of a young Action, bending its whole strength to tlie . pursuit of true greatness, and anxious to emu luteal 1 that is amiable in peace as well as all that is noble in war. . , That the institution contemplated V*H hive a happy influence on the harmony of our country apd tlie unity of oar national character, rms been often supposed, and \ your committee feel inclined to "Anticipate effects no less happy from its Operation on the genius of our peo-) pie. If American invention, unassisted as it has been, alrea dy excites the astonishment of Europe, what may- not be expecte l from it when aided and encouraged? And why should not nil and encouragement be yielded by institu tions like the present, founded and endowed by the munifi cence of the state, hi our own day we liavy seen them work wonders m physical science, even when directed hy a stern, jealous, and exacting government, which, while training the mind to be quick, (lekterms and daring, darkened its vision ami circumscribed its flight. Is it here atone they wotil 1 be impotent whVfe no depth could be hidden from its glance, no height forbidden to its wing?. But your cmnmittee, fearful of exhausting your pa tience, forbeupbo extend this Teport by arguments which, it is easier to multiply than to withhold: for the * same reason they refrain from answering objections which could not be slated without injury, since, m replying to them, force and perspicuity must be sacrificed to concise- new. Nor can such a course be required wlrere it is in tended merely to present a general result, not the par ticular process of reasoning by which that result has been •obtained. Your committee however desire it to be un derstood, thatathey have not declined examining any ob jection wljich occurred to them, amf though some have Deeft found whikhit must be confessed are not without slifliculty^ ali.are thought capable of a satisfactory answer. Under a conviction therefore that the means are ample, the end desirable, the object (airly whhin the legislative powers -wCcongreiw, and the time a favorable one, your committee recommend the establishment of a national university, and have directed their chairman to submit a fcitl and estimates for that purpose.” fbHmate of the vabte of fell and Square.» belonging to the United State*, at furnished by a communication, from the Snperinttndans of the city. 4000 building lots of 5265 square (Set fa{h, and about 2000 feet front on the > - waters of the Potomac river, eastern branch, valued at 55750,000 Squares I to 6, proposed to he laid off 'into! milding foM* containing, in tlie whole* SIG.f 30 square feet, hr ISSstandard lots* 1 ‘ valued at 200,000 But the latte* amaqnt Is the onto one which it is supposed-could lie speedily realised. - Columbia, as he shall svit-ct, the buildings necessary for a National University; and for defraying tlie expcncetiiere- of, the sum of —p dollars is hereby appfojm.-.ti-d, to be paid out of any money-in the Treasury of.4J;e United States, not otherwise appropriated by law. Sec. 3. And he it further enticed, That the President of tlie United States be, and lie is hereby requested to cause t ibe prepared and laid beforeUonim .-is, at its next session, a plan for tlie regulation uikTgovernment Jl the said University. The Gill was twice read and committed. ( On m ion of Air. FOi sy'h, the committee of ways and ■re instructed to enquire inti' the expediency ,v.iig to the state of < Georgia fiftec n per cent, on the -mount of the direct tax for the present year, assumed and paid by the state; but. it appears, not notified to the treasury .ificers within tiie time necessary to entitle tlie fje created for the purpose, provided the st state .to the discount. «t .k-.u L llw- ii-iiTK* >nl fill* wklururti: morrfta amendthismots, >; "Wright of Md. tm rikequt the Emit to m to include an enquiry into fte “expedieJv the whole law. He predicated this motion ontid^ 1, - rty of the operation of this whole tax, wWcht^' greinous in some sections of the country ‘ larger proportion it was scarce felt. J t "> tin Mr. Desha of Ky. was opposed to Mr w-u. , tion, thinking that no tax could be more co.i/ki * " • t *L° n J U , XUry •* «P^-e l-bitt A To S: ,r quality of the bus, it Was more than counterbaU J 16 , '■ tlw inequality, in an inverse proportion, of other Mr. Wright’s amendment was lost; and Mr ” ^ ^ -jon,, ' Hoi an * were qual.iied. afafor doe National Thu- one session, received the sanction of the senate of the United States. If evir there was a period favorable to a proper amendment of the constitution, it was the pre sent moment, when we are literally at peace, at home and abroad. Mr. P. then introduced tlie following re- solution; Ueoolved, by the tenate and house of representative* of the United Stale* of America in Congress ut embied, two tiiirds of-both hou .cs concurring therein, That tlie fol lowing amendment to the constitution of the United States be proposed to tlie legislatures of the several states, which, when ratified bv tlie legislatures of three fourths of .the said states, shall be valid, to all intents and purposes, as a part of the said constitution. For the purpose of choosing of representatives in tlie Congress of the United States, each state shall be divid ed by its legislature, into a number of districts, equal to the number of representatives to winch the state may be entitled. Each district shall contain, as nearly as may be, equal numbers, which shall be determined .by adding to the whole number offrpe persons, including those bound to service fora term of years, and excluding Indians.not taxed, three fifths of alt other persons. w In each district the qualified voters shall elect one re presentative. For the purpose of choosing electors of President and Vice President of the Uuilcd States, each state shall be divided, by its legislature, into a number of districts, equal to the number of electors to which, tlie state may be entitled. Each district shall contain, as nearly as may be, equal numbers; which shall be determined by adding to the whole number of free persons, including those bound to serve for a term of years, and exciuding'ln- dians not taxed, three fifths of all Other persons. In each district, the persons qualified to vote for represen tatives in tlie emigres; of the United Stales, shall choose unci' elector, the legislature of each slate shall have power to regulate the manner of holding elections, and making returns of the electors chosen. In case oil the electors shall not meet at the tune and place appointed for giv. ing their votes a majority of the electors met shall haye power, aud forthwith'shall proceed, to supply the va cancy. A division of tfie states into districts, for choosing representatives in tlie congress of the United States, and into districts for chopping electors of President and Vice President of tlie United Slates, shall take place, as soon os conveniently ni% be, after each enumeration and apportionment of representatives shall-he made; which districts shall remain unaltered, until after ihc suc ceeding enumeration and apportionment of representa tives. - Tlie resolution was read a first aud second time, and referred to a committee of the whole house on the state of union. Mr. Hopkinson of Pa. after stating tlie actual or con templated departure of Mr. tiargea. * a member of tins house from Penns* haiiia, for Europe, and the little ad vantage and the needless (rouble .an election to supply bis place for a short remainder of this session wouid af ford, which consideration prevented Mr. 3. from resign ing his s“at—move.d tliat, Air, Shrgyaat have leave of absence-for the remainder of the session. This motion was objected to by Mr, Forsyth, as un precedented and incoirect, inasmuch as tlie member, in question had not appeased in bis seat at. the present ses sion Mid could not have leave of absence, wliere lie had not bedn present. Hence arose a brief debate. Mr. Pitkin, Mr. Hopkinson, Mr.Grostfnor, and others supported the motion, on. tlie groqml. of precedents somewhat .wdogous, and on the mem of Mr. SsKp-uJitx claim to tliis indulgence, on account of the importance to the public of the busines he bad undertaken. MV. Nelson, Mr. Forsyth, Mr. Southard, opynaeit tlie motion as well because without pyee -dem applicable to the case, as without a foundation in right or reason. It was no sufficient excuse, it was qontendrri, particularly by Mr. Nelson, for a member of this bouse to abandon his duties, that he bad accepted anojtherpost of honor or of profit, his duties and obligations in and to this house being paramount to any other except those of necessi ty, 8us . By some gentleman, both for and again* tlie motion it was contended and admitted, that Mr. Sargeaut’s ab sence was a question between him and his constituents, with which tlie house had no concern. But on tlie other hand, it was objected, tliat to puss a vote giving him leave of absence, would be sanctioning what was cer tainly a relinquishment bf his publicities. At length, Mr..Hopkinson variod his motion, so as to stand thus—that Mr. Sargeant be excused from atten ding the hou-e for the remainder of the session To this also Mr. Forsyth objected, considering Hin substance the same as , the first. The question on agreeing t6 it wna then taken. There were. * For the motion 74 Against it M So (he motion was rejected. of Mr. Scott, of Missouri, public lands tftrosent Hemraerftr l. HWthy W'p. {or the principal and <tx m" Fill" la* year might be The usual ceremony of classing them, by lot, took place; when it ap|>eared tliat .Mr. Noble was assigned to the class of senators whose term of service expires on the 3d of March, 1821, and Mr. Taylor to that whose term ejjpireson die 3d of March 1819. lions*.of* RxpitKSKXTATiTiM, Itecrmher 12. Mr. Wriglit, fid’ Aid.) from the commit ice to'whom the subject was r<-fcm.d, reportfi! a* bill “to authorize the setuenunt and pay nth it of certain claims for the ser vices of Militia.** .’lliis bill requires the accounting of ficers of the treasmy to credit and settle all accounts for services of any detacbmenia c.fmiitia called into sen ice under tlie authority of the slates for the defence of any part of the United Stales against tne invasion of the ene my during the late war, in the same manner and on the same principles as accounts for the services of inihlu called out under the ; au'liority of tin. United States— payment therefore to l»e m.ule in six per rent, stock, to ' jvided the states interest- fill! salisfaction of their claims. The* bill was twice read ami committed. Mr. Johnson (of Ky.) from the military committee, re. ported a bill to establish three additional military Aca demies, (one in this district, one at .Mount Dearborn, South Carolina, and one iii the vicinity of Newport, (Ky.) at the confluence of Ohio ami lacking rivers.) Tlie bill received the ti-niai readings, and was cominilted to the same committee* to whom was committed tlie bill for the establishment of a corps of invalids. Mr. Wilde of Georgia, offered for consideration tlie following resolution, under tlie impulsr of positive in formation of its necessity; to prevent frauds committed by the sales of vessels abroad, and discharging the seamen without jiayment of their wages, tec. "‘Jlasotved, That the committee on foreign relations be instructed to inquire what alterations are necess..ry in the several acts for the government and regulation of sea men in the merchant service, and for tlie relief of sick and disabled seamen, or of those discliargcd abroad after the sale of their vessels.” After some observations fwn Mr. Smith (of Md.) res pecting existing laws and usages on this subject, and by Mr. Wilde, the resolution was agreed to. On motion of Air. T. M. Nelson (of Va.J Resolved, That the committee on military affairs be instructed to inquire into the expediency of making pro- vison for die payment of such arrearages of military clothing as may be due to soldiers discharged from tlie army of the United States. Mr. Bennett offered for consideration the following resolution: Resolved, That the committee of ways and means be instructed to inquire into the expediency of repealing or modifying the act laying duties on retailers of wines spi- ritifous liquor*, and foreign merchandize. Mr. Lowndes (of 8. C.) remarked, that, as a member of the_committee of ways and means, he certainly could have no objection to any inquiry winch the house might direct; but, in his opinion, there never had been a mo- meut when there was less inducement to repeal this tax tiian now-—and stronger reasons might perhaps be ad duced for increasing tiian for reducing it. He had risen only to say, that he did not wish those who, with him, would vote for the inquiry, because requested by a mem ber. to be considered as at all pledged to co-operate in tlie ultimate object of the mover. The resolved wss agreed to. TIIE STAR-SPANGLED BANNER. On motion of Mr. Wendover (of N. Y.) tlie house pro ceeded to the consideration of his motion to appoint a committee to enquire into the expediency of altering tiie flag of the United States. Mr. Wend .ver said he deemed it improper, in the present ofitge of the business, to discuss tiie merits of the proposition to alter tlie flag, as the object of his motion was i uquirv only... As to any essential alteration, he hoped no man in the house would consent to change a flag, under which had been falsified the predictions of European orators .:jul paragruphists, when they said the Yankee cock, boats Were to be speedily driven from the ocean. His object, Mr., W. said, was to make an unes sential variation. When first adopted, the flag bore one stas and one stripe for every state; when two additional states entered tlie Union, tlie flag had been altered by a special act, by tiie addition of two stars aud strifies, which made the flag correspond to the fact. Since that alteration, four stales have been added, and the flag re main tlie same. Conceiving this not to be correct, and tliat the flag might be appropriately altered, lie hoped the house would consent to tlie proposed inquiry. Air. Robertson, of Louisiana, said, he had, for Jus part, no objection to the proposed alteration; and suggested the expediency of some general law for altering the flag in future, hy proclamation of tlie executive, on the ad mission of new states into the Union. Mr. Taylor, of N. Y. was in favor of the inquiry, and for a reason different from that assigned by his colleague. Hfriiad Seen informed by naval gentlemen, that our Hag could be seemaiul recognized oil the ocean at a greater distance than that of any othe£ nation. If the stripes and stars were increased, the flag would become less distinct to distant observation; which Mr. T. was desirous to pre vent, and therefor* was' in favor of restoring the flag to its original diameter of thirteen stars and strtpes, and establishing it permanently the same. The motion of Mr. Wendover was agreed to, and a committee ordered to be apjminted accordingly. NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, Ac. Mr. Atherton, of N. H. offered for conu deration a re- eolation embracing the proposition of an amendment to tlie 1 constitution of tiie United States, in .the following worils: “'Hie Congress shall have power to establish a National Univ^rjity.” v Aild on the usual question, will the house now pro ceed to tiie consideration of the resolution, it was de cided in tiie negative, thus: , For considering it - - - 54 •Agsinst it - - - - 86 On motion of Mr. T. M Nelson, of Vt. (who suggest ed tiie great economy and suving to tiie United States, as well as benefit to the suldic;-* of such a provision) it was Resolved, That a committee he appointed to inquire into the expediency of authorising a commutation for money of the bounty land to soldiers of the regular ar my, _nd that they report thereon by bill or otherwise.. Mr- Root, uf N. Y. prefaced a motion he rose to moke, by some observations to shew tlie severity of th? opera tion of the carriage tax on tliat description of carries, (light waggons, he.) used by farmers aud people in mo derate circumsta.ices, on fanning and market business and occasionally in carrying familjea tochurch, or ttvsee •their neighbors, &c. and argued that, as the faith of the .United States was no longer pledged to "retain tiie tax, It could be dispensed with, without prejudice to the public wrvice. He then moved. That the committee of ways and means be instructed to inoulre into th€>tXDc<ikncv of itoeifinf to mulch r/ the law laying a taxon carrissres, fcc. Major general Caines, of the army of the r States, and general I*. B. Porter, one if the era under tiie treaty with Great Britain are * "• on a visit st the seat of government.—JsiuioHal L, P » sert cer, 12th inst. The legislature of Indiana, now in semjmi ly engaged in the organization of the details’ of Tl^' government. A resolution has been passed I ' ••instructing their senators and representative ? thuo *n con. gress to use their influence to have the lit#. m ‘ con ' law of congress repealed.” penscticn Much debate has taken place on a uetitinn i . from \V. E. Sumner, of Williamson countv fTp ? tlcr questing that the legislature mav enable him to W? «> the state a numberof slave*, with the S expresses in the followingwords: John W. Eppes, esq. was elected on the 10th inst. by the legislature of Virginia, a senator in congress from that state for six years from the 4th of March next Col. James P. Preston, late of die United States’ armv and who wa# wounded at Clirystler’s Field, on the dc’ •scent of the St. Lawrence, is elected by the same lerisfi. ture, governor of the state of Virginia. The very eccentric Jowr R. D. Hcoeivs, Hair-Dress?- of New-York, committed the horrid act of suicide, bv cutting his own throat, with a razor, in tlie city of Alba, ny, on Monday, tiie 2d instant. I o the stai e a number of slaves, with the view 7 1 ' expresses in the followingwords: C1 “Have about forty, and my intention is, if pern-tt^l i, the Uws of Indana, (o bring and free then,' " r- ” by land for them, and settle them on it; to g, ve them « visions for the first year, and furmsli them withfootef™ agnculture aiul domestic manufiictory, and nexr r with domestic animals. You must awa^ sir' ” ? this will be etteuded with no small expenditure ,,f ney and trouble I think, that, after a man h£ use id Slav VS and their ancestors 20 or 30 years, it is u * ■!!*?“} “‘‘‘“'.'.“V’ diem free, unprovided with a -V s - . th “ t 1 llJVC were raised bv my father vert ^ a,ld the °‘. ae8t 1S ub:)llt ">y age (46.) I am ulw very desirous to leave the slave states, and spend m . tew reniaming days in tliat state where Involuntary slavery .. not ad miss b e; and will, with the blessiae of God, prepare to do so, as soon as l can settle mv a (fairs » I ue inode in winch this letter sliould be treated i, the subject of the debate. It appears to be agreed that lie const.Uit.on of tiie state forbids a comphanct w tl Ins, request.—16. m AMERICAN INVENTION. Among the uscfii! inventions daily made bv our<-our trvmen, periiaps a more useful one lias not been publ'-h" ed than one tnatlias very recently been discovered fc." Mr. Edwards, of Catskill, in the tanning of leather the process hitherto pursued, tlie usual time for tan ,i-~ has been sixteen months. Bv the new‘discovery oi \j ’ Edwards, this is effected completely in four wuliout employing any pew ingredients, and without any chemical preparation. But not only is there a saving in time and labor J and bark, of at least 10 per cent, on the most moderate calculation, but it is ascertained bv t xne nonce, the best and only satisfactory test, that tlie leather tints tanned, gains materially in weight, in qualitv. is more hrm and solid, and consequently will be more durabls tor every purpose. Mr. Edwards has obtained a patent tor msinveution. Any one desirous of further partial- birs, ire referred to Messrs. Cunningham and M'Connick. No. 6, Ferry street—New-York Evening Rost. We understand that Aiaxainics C. Hasiqx, e=q. is ap pointed to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation iff Robkut <ioom.oE Harpzb, who, it is ri.motxcl, will be tlie next governor of Maryland.—Georgetown Alts senger. ‘ We understand that Mr. H arper publicly assigns as a reason tor resigning his seat in the senate of thu United Slates, tliat tiie duties of that station interfere with his professional pursuits. It is well known that Mr. Ilurper is wealthy, and that the practice of the law is not necessary for the support of hia family: nor can tliat ge-.rteman hope to acquire fame at the ban his law knowledge is superficial for a man of his age; be is but a second or third rate lawyer, and certainly pos- sesses little of tiie talent of an eloquent advocate.— There must therefore have been some other reason for the resignation of bis senatorial seat. Perhaps that step was tlie condition on w hich he was elected; perhaps, al ter going into the senate, he found that his humble ca pacity enabled him to play but a subordinate part in the legislative drama;possibly, but not probably, he has be come ashamed of bis late violent, malignant, unprincipled opposition to the best rights of his country and to the efforts of the government to vindicate those rights. We should not be sorry to learn that even the most harden ed shiner had repented.—Balt. Pal. The gallant commodore Bvrxkt passed through Mays- ville, on the 25th ult. on liis way through the interior of Kentucky to Louisville, wijK a view of procuring some desirable spot for his future residence.—ChilUcathe paper. A NEwTaznyowran.—We have seen lately s'tlier- mometer, which was invented and made by aa artist iit Copenhagen, of veiy extraordinary workmanship and upon a principle which, although well known, his never, before been employed for this purpose. Tliis ther mometer is, in form, similar to a watch, and is entirely composed uf different metals, without any* fluid. These metals are so combined, as, by every contraction and expansion, to move an index in like manner as the hour or minute band of a time piece—^which index points to a division of a circle corresponding to Reuuincr’s scale.” —Lyuchbwgh paper. The histoiy of tlie Dartmoor Prison has made its ap pearance in a new edition with some additional recollei - tions. It has been read with great pleasure by our citi zens of every class, and few books hove been more ea gerly sought, or have become more the subjuct of conver sation.—Essex Register. Tlie rapid passage out and home of the Prometheus is a fact not to be silently Jiased over. Her passage from Boston to and from Cronsfadt, was completed in 76 days. Such facts will fki orably impress the world with respect to the skill of our ship-builders, and the sea manship of our mariners.—Democratic Press. Upon tlie election of Mr. Moirnox to the presidency, the Albany Register observes, that the Union is, there fore, safe for eight years more at least, maugre all the efforts of foreign or domestic foes. In vain may the genius of rebellion congregate her choice spirits at Hart ford, or blue light torches,, lit by the hand of treason, guide the moveihents of a blockading enemy; for the helm uf state will be in the hands of a man, whose ener gy and patriotism have been tested in times that have tried thy soul* of men. St. PrrsRSRcanH, September 25. The government labors to render the iuvy still respectable. A great number of vessels of die line and frigates are building at Constradt and Arehangol. Two vessels of 74 guns, and four frigates of 40 each, construe- ted in the latter port, have arrived here lately. Government also employs every means to increase our commerce with China.