Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, December 24, 1816, Image 3

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t** . =ss SAVANNAH REPUBLICAN, Tuesday Evening, Dec. 24, 1816. r7 » ) j n consequence of Christmas Hollidays, »^„,, OI rcAN will nof appear on Thursday ■the Republican win not appear next. tiie legislature of this state \iljournecl, on Wednesday last, sine die.— . A C ts passed during the session will be f nd in our columns to-daV. The Bill to re- f "m the Penal Code, and the" Act to legalize the Proceedings of the courts in this state, occ. have passed both branches of the legislature. ENGLISH EMBASSY TO CHINA. The Prince of Wales Island Gazette, of June co states, that lord Amherst, the ambassador to China, was expected to touch there shortly, on his way to Canton.-. The object of this diplo matic mission, the English take some pains to conceal—were credit due the ministerial papers, nothin" farther would seem to be contemplated hy it, tlian a mere interchange of civilities w ith the imperial sovereign of China; but scanty'as are the means of obtaining correct information with regard to tlie internal state of that coun try. enough has transpired to convince us, that the' ancient edifice of Chinese polity is crumb ling into ruins—its very basis quaking to the undulations of anarchy and rebellion. Ever since the time when De jGama doubled the Cape of Good i/ope, the policy of Europe an nations has, in similar ihstances, been uni form in every quarter of the glohe. The Span iards in America, profiting by the internal dis sections of Mexico, deposed its monarch and founded an empire; in a condition somewhat analogous, Pizzaru entered Peru, and met with the like success; the Portuguese, under the guise of friendship, introduced themselves into the east, and established their power when intes tine discord had relaxed the nerves of Hindu stan. So have the Dutch and Punch, succes sively, obtained footing in that devoted country; but the English have reaped the most benefits from the principle and given it the widest scope. By clothing their spies in the sacred habiliments 6f ambassadors, the resources of the countries have been ascertained, and dissentions sown among the native princes, who usually embraced the overtures,of England to dethrone their sup positious rivals. When this was accomplished, they found themselves alone, unsupported, at the mercy of their victorious allies, and necessitated to accede to any stipulation proposed. In this manner, Britain has extended her con quests from Cape Comorinlu the south, to the Hirti 'iala mountains in thS north, and to the tributaries of China in the east; but still her thirst of dominion is insatiated, Her avaricious breast sighs for the riches of China, and the pre paratory measures for fulfilling her desires have been taken. Knowing the weakness of the Chi nese marine, the Malayan pirates have been congregated at the Ladrcue islands, and let loose upon the defenceless shores of southern China; with the malcontents of which a good understanding exists and arms and ammuni tion supplied them. Tire coasting'trade thus iutev- cepted, and a spirit of insurrection excited, the emperor has been reduced to the necessity of supplicating, it is said, the English to suppress these marauders. This service, no doubt, will be performed oniv on the condition of ceding a permanent settlement in some part of his domi nions, eligible for the furtherance of that pow er’s private purposes; and, pressed as he is by foreign and domestic enemies, no remedy is left him b’ ‘ that of sacrificing the ancient and re strict! e policy of his country tb the exigencies of the rimes; In he mean while embassy w ill follow embas sy until no part of his territory will have bee a left unexplored. Under the pretext of converting his idolatrous subjects ? hosts of mis sionaries w ill be irffmead over ins dominions, between whom and the English establishment a regular correspondence will, of course, be kept up. His already rebellious vassals will bb ex cited to persevferein their opposition,'and when the fermentation becomes general, swarms of English sepoys will he poured into his western and southern provinces, and perhaps a descent made by Europeuu troops at the head of the Sea of Wang Jlci and marched upon Pekin.— The consequences may easil y be foretold—the total overthrow of the" Chinese empire, and the subjection of the disciples of Confucius and the worshippers of Po to the same rigorous bondage in which the children of lirarno. are now ing. COM WV.NTCATKljr. , We understand that Messrs. C. Dr. Yoxnv. and si S. Yossk, from the Charleston theatre, have arrived in this City, and in the course of a few days propose giving the lovers of music ah evening’s entertainment—we anticipate much pi: asurc from their performance, and trust 'that their talents may meet with encouragement. Vurancy in Congress—t*he only returns, received since ouv last are from Burke anti Jackson counties, which give Cook a m joritv of 37 votes over Charlton. Fn most cf ti e counties yet to hear from, it is believed no election was held.—MilledgeviUe Journal. A letter received in town from a gentleman at Autrus- ta, Georgia, November 26, says,“There s some prospect of establishing the head quarters ot the southern division in the vicinity of .Mobile, t.> be prepared to meet anv movement of the Spaniards. The fourth and seventh regiments are ordered to assemble at Fort Montgomery, about twenty miles above Fort Stoddard.” The writer f ces not believe in a Spanish war.—JYew-Yock Colum bian. Cuarcvstox, December 21. We are requested to state, that no Fifty Dollar Rills, of the State Bailie, signed John C. Faber, have been is- wied from that Bank, and that, consequently, all Bills of that description must be counterfeits. It may also not be amiss to mention, that all the old impression of Five Dohars of that bank were called in, tlctober, 1815, and •rrew emission of a different plate issued. The bank used every diligence to detect the counterfeiters of bills, and a reward of 500 dollars was paid’by them » person in Augusta, Whose evidence convicted one of V; Cul l’ m « at Watrenton, Georgia. The editors of the gusta Herald will no doubt give publicity to this arti cle for general information.—Coarier. F. Bnrepkih, esq, n f Wilmington (tc. c.) has been bti flritahhic majesty »s vice consul for that state. •Akw-Jar* G alette, lltA ms*. Theshqt ThomasScatffl^ood, has had the Minukiblv fine passage of HGdavs ‘from the Sand Heads, -Calcutta, end brings a cargo fully equal in value to the ship Ben- jamm Rush, whose amvabwe noticed a few days ago. and is owned, we understand, chiefly by E. ThomosoS, esq. Since the sailing of those shtps from this port" for India our government has levied a duty on goods generally from India, equal to ninety per cent, which is regarded equal to a prohibition for the future, and from which those valuable cargoes are exempt, in consequence of the ships havmg departed the United States previous to the passage of the law.—PhiUuklphia Freeman’s Journal. — > It is said that AVtixtam Ghat, the wealthy merchant declines serving as a director of the Branch Bink of the United State-sat Boston. The following remark, refer ring, it is presumed, to the politicuLcharacter of that di rection, is from the Boston Yankee, and is frequently ap- tplu-d, in conversation, by eastern republicans, to oilier appointments than those by the bank—how justly we sav not:—5VV. Intel. ’ ' jo j “We luve sometimes thought an opinion prevailed at the southward, tint there was no republican party in Nev- Enghnd; ami we have little.loubt that this opinion isen- tertamed by the direc ors of the United Stales’ Bank, at l ..tiadelph a. VV e could inform them there’certainlv is such a party, and that it is not destitute of feeling; that although long schooled in the principles of patience and foi hta.iance, it knows where submission ceases to be tem- perance, or eoal; ii.n a political duty. But more on this subject anoUici ume.” Shark h at Sire.njc.—I' ivi'l be seen hv an rj-ticle front the 1 rhtidad Courant in otir columns to-dav, that the Bri tish are preying upon each other, being, in .he course of events, debarred from pirating upon their neighbors — \n obsolete law iuis been revived, which gilts some of ibein a legitimate right to -.e;ze and com er! to tlit-ir own use, the property of others. We aie told hv a master of a vessel arrived at this port, a fetv days since, from the West ladies, that the officers o. government enter on hoard British nicrcliantnieii, and demand to know the number of British sailors in the crews, at the same time time intimating their to impress them. The masters of the vessels, fearful of this result if t e v tel! the truth, represent :hc,rcrews to he composed mostly of Foreigners. The confession, thus insidiously oh ained, is made use of to procure the coiitiscuikm of the' vessels, fra violation cf the navigation laws. “And so that wrap it Uii.”—Providence Patriot. . From the Georgia JourniU, j recent jer 16. Died, on Monday morning, after a short but severe illness, colonel Gr.oitns G. Nowlax, senator from Kfiin- r - ham county. He was an excellent member of the legis lature, as well as a most respectable and worthy citizen. From his exemplary life, and fervent piety in the moment of dissolution, there is every reason to hope he has quit this “vale of tears,” for a world ot unspeakable joy. As soon as,his death was announced, both branches of the general assembly adjourned, and met in the evening to make arrangements for his interment. Yesterday, at nine o’clock, tlie procession moved to the place of burial in the following order, accompanied by the tolling of tne bell; / Military. Clergv and Physicians'. [CORPSE.] Chief Mourners. Members cf Senkte. Governor and State Officers. Members of the House of Representatives. Citim-us. On reaching the grave-yard, an appropriate discourse was delivered by the reverend Myles G:ecne, and the body committed, with military honors, to its kindred dust. As a token of respect fur the deceased, the legis lature . have unanimously resolved that each member wear crape on the left arm the remainder <>f the session, and for ten nays thereafter. • - iev*ar i'U SAVAJfJtrAk rOlUMtfiPTl GUARDS! “j; y°’"‘ P 8 ™ 1 * ground, on SATURDAY ^ i L insiant, in full uniform, precisely' at 10 trclock a. Jr. with arms and accoutrements in complete order, to shoot for your Annual Medal. By order Fredei-ick S. Fell, captain. , • D’LYON, f. s. s. v. g. dpc 24 153 Regimental Orders. The .-Officers of the Marty-fifth Regiment are here-b ordered to wear crape, on the left arm, for thirty days on tne occa ion of the death of our gallant and' much beloved Colonel, Geouuk G. Vowus dec 24- William Harrison, Major, 2d Fat. 35th Rig t. Gu. 153 WiUtiu -For Havrc-de-L!t’act! ’ The fine fast sailing brig SALLY, having* great part ot her cargo engaged. Fur freidit , a PI ,l . v to R &. ,1. BOLTON? For Ncvv-Vurk ...p* The ship I1E\Ity, Peter Edgar, master. For •reight or p:.ssage apply to the captain on board, or to b. M-KINXE &, CO. dec. 24 153 For JSe\v-York tfr Tiic i ter, to eachet brig BI LVIDKItE, .Tocelin, mas- t sat. next Sunday. For freight of on: hundred bales codon am-ilv to the-c.ipt.-iin, or to B. -M’Khme & Co 1.53 th e 74- bor Ai'.WrxufX The bfi^ k with immediate tils *, ua*> u.u to li* oh. F<j c *r.iuri, will meet rrtjj-diL o»* nay Ssag*c to *ht tm ho..rd. or to A. Erwin, Lethbridge <fe Co. dec r 153 June#' ivh'V'f Public Auction. >■ To be sold at neanfir-t, South’ CnroHni, Un the lltb p eftrnary next, A number of VALUA BLE^tOT8, in said town, b& th l Be iuf0rt Co,le e e - T he well known salu brity of the climate, and the advantages afforded for the f- < mTes°wt 0fy0 t!i th ’ of ‘ >oth seXes * cla ™ the attention of Lmdies who aVe not already provided with a summer The conditions of the ‘ ’e will be one, two? and three t ears cretin, the purchasers giving bond, bearing interest securitv"ifbvf* ropeAy, andVeS security, if required; the interest payable annually and file expenses of sale and necessary paper* to be pmd by the purchasers. WILLIAM JOV^ER &.CO. 7 —Becrtfort, (S. C.) Dec. 23, 1616, r|-153] Auctioneer* ’Negroes! * * I : '" U K b:e • £ r n S - ’ cni| ris:ing of FIFTY REG ROES’, among u houi is an excellent Dwver, will be sold by .Fiction, at Coosau-huidUe, -on the first Monday in Fe- b '"ir7'>4? Xt ' n & J HABERSHAM. (.iruricL v’oucert. . - "The ladies and gentlemen of Savannah, are respectful ly informed, that, v On Thursday Evenin wil W pas For Notv-York The packe-s scii.i >ner LOilSA, can tain West. 1 have-immediate disoatch. For <V. ight or passage apply to cioii .in Wes' on boa- I, at Hun ter’s wharf, or to * JOHN LATHROP & Co. d. c 24 153 For Providence The sloop SUSAN, to sail on Sunday next. For freight or passage apply to ‘.he captain oil board, at Al'Kiune’s wh if, or to Hail tf Hoyt. dec 23 154 For Charleston The regular, fast sailing, p .cket sloop GF.N- nf 7 !)j^EUAL-WASHINGTON. R. Campbell, master, JX5^&o'vill positively sail the first fair wind. For freight or passage, having handsome accommodations, apply to the master, on bo; rd, or to Nichols 8f Iluntt r. dec 24—-A 153 ■S’ ()i 1 ' «3AV Ai>i^ail 45 Tuesday, December 2-1, 1816. AH HIV Ml. Brig Ann & Maria, Lowell, Malaga. Klfeab%th, Bradford. Boston. —— Amelia, Rodman, \ejv-lfork. Arrived, yesterday, atCqckspur, brig Hero, Haraden, New-York, 4 days. CtEAMT/l. Ship Georgia, Low, Liverpool. Brig Three Sisters, Saumlers, West»Tml a s. Langdon tiheves, Davis, AVest-Inuics. Sally Ann, Smith, New-Urlcans. Schr. Dallas Hayden, Ciiarleston. Rose-in-Bloi m, , do. The schooner William, Pr.idtlv, from Philadelphia, spoke, in lot. 32, 50, long. 77, 54, the schooner Mechan ic, 7davs from St. Marv’s hound to New-York & The ship WILLIAM, captain Brady, for Humv-dr-Grace, will take a tew- passengers, if application is made during this week, to the captain on board, or to JOHN GUENIN St CO. dec 24 'f 153 V. few shares in the State Bank Appl) at this office. and Inswance Office, for sale. doc 24- 153 & FVnir or five accommodated in a private family, in the city. dec 24 -153. gentlemen can be central-part of T. PINE. . & At a inee.iug of tne Managers and Assistants of Fire Engines, convened at. the request of the mayor, on the 2hl!i inst. Jleib'lved, That Thomas W. Rodman, Moses Herbert, Isaac Russel and Thomas Jones, be a committee, to re port such amendments as 1 hey may deem expedient to be made in the present fire ordinance. Resolved| That Jam-s M’Cteisli, and Thomas H. Harris, be a committee to report on the stale of the Fire Engines, public ladders, buckets, he. Resolved, That (lie several reports lie delivered to his honor, the mayor, to be laid before council, at their next regular me^tmg. WINTER, den ?4 j&8Wl53 .feed if. iiiiuKdui the United Scutes. Subscribers! to the capital of thr Bank of die United States, at Auga ta, who-may find it most convenient, to pay the coin part of the SECOND INSTALMENT; at Savun/uih; are hereby notified, that, the under- signed will attend at 12 o’clock,, daily, anti every day (Sundays excepted) at the Planters’ Be tk, from the filet (lay of January next ensuing, to the eighteenth day o! the same month, both days inclusive, for the pen-pose of receiving the same. EDWARD HARDEN, One of the Commissioners of the United .Slates’ Rank dec 24 153 - To rent One of the best STANDS under the Bluff, for retail ing, at a moderate price, dec 24—153 A. G. SEMMES. Nmely-eight casks Cut Nails, Received per schooner Laura, For sale, on favorable terms, by J. BATTELLE. dec 24 153 Pork, Gin, <kc. 40 barrels Irish mess Pork 20 pipes Holland Gin, ve ry superior 20 quarter, .casks L. P. Teneriff Wine 10 half barrels Fly Market Beef For sale, on good terms, by Lawrence & Thompson. 74- -1 5°. lYcsii Fruit, i\C, JVoro landing, from brig Ann Maria, direct from Malaga, Boxes Muscatel attd bloom Raisins, casks Rai ins, bags soft, shelled Almonds, boxes shelled Almond-, bags Fil berts, Fruits, figs, kegs Anchovies, kegs Olives, quarter casks rich su e rt Mountain; Wine, quarter casks Colmi- nar Wi e. All of which, are fresh and of superior qua- lit v, and will be sold low from tiie wharf, bv Henry W. Hills. Also, now landing, 150 barrels first quality Richmond superfine FLOUR Boxes playing Cards and cases Tow Cloth d.-c 24--—153' , ... J. i . Wild (rice’s w.iarf) Has for sale 300 boxes new Candles 2L bags superior 50 bolt-, first-sort Prussia Duck 1 cji--'.-con'ainin -14!> flag Handkerchiefs . . next, 26th Inst. , r T" K eoNo-itnoH ix T hk p.xi haxbe, * It ill lake pUe a GRA.YT) CO.YCKRT on the 1 muoA , (i(fnir«rl U nil fathionnhle inntrvnfm 4 . , GRAND PEDAL HARP. Senior Pucci haring had the Jmnor of performiilF id all the Frtncpl cities ofthe United State, has no doubt ot grvmgsatist.cfion to such as may favor him with their company. The children brought by their parent* ad mitted gratis. . P.iht'1. (J-neral Washington's March, (in honor of the American Stars;) Overture, Ludoiska, on. tile hariij the .\etv-Orleans’ fashionable Shawl Dance; soft Melody, the Rising Sun; Sooc-, Sweet Maid, accompanied with The harp; Battle of Mwcngn; a Grand March. Psiit U. Grand Sonata, composed by Cardoip Italian Am, accompanied with the Siil .M..rgineil’un Rio; Varia- fmne t.ri tko F . n!.. - J r»« « .. . . . * of tne Kxdumfr*. flee Pe rformance to commence at 6 o’clock. — A few pipes Olive Oil • c 24—153 Tiie subscribers Having declined the Dry Good Business in favor o l Messrs. IIai.1., Cookk & Co. and sold to them our entire stock or GOODS, beg leave to solicit the patronage of their friends and the pl.b ic for said firm. Henry Harford Sf Cc. T)jrfp*i % 5th Dpfrrnhrv. 1S*16. Tbe i o rent Tiie House, in Broughtm-treet, lately occupied by s. - - • - dec 24—153 O”. Cpsf-v. V. vrv’i ire :*t tiiis office. 1 o rent A House, in the Baptist Church square, suitable for a genteel family. Apply at this office. dec 21—m—153 Negi roes. In Council, 18th December, 1816. Ordered, That, from and after the 24th day of the present month until the 2d day ot January next, no more than two negroes, from any one plantation, sliali be per mitted to edme into the city, on the same day or night; and, if more than two negroes, belonging to the same plantation, shall be seen or found, limits ol tiie cky, on any day or night, froi^ tfac 24tli instant to tiie 2d January next, even though they may have tickets, they shall betaken up and imprisoned, by the city marslial or atty of the city constables or city guard, and shall remain in prison until they shall be regularly discharged and costs paid.' Extract from the minutes. John B. Norris, c. c. dec 24 —153 subscribers Having purchased the entire STOCK of GOODS, in Daiica, u-oifi Mc.-.s:i. HvnhT Hahfoi.d & Co. who have declined business in their favor, beg leave to solicit the patronage of their .riends and the public, and hope, by assiduity and attention for their interest, to merit confi dence. The stock consists of Lupcrfiue Broadcloths and Cassimeres, blue and white Plains, cotton Bagging, Osnaburgs, negro Shoes, Home spun, J cun , I list f Linens, Shirtings, Calicoes, supei-fine Jreaveraiutnf gro Hats, Muslins, Dimities, Handkerchiefs, Sluiwls, Checks, Bo.nhaze-ts and Uombaz nes, Hardware, Cutlery, Castings, Cognac Brandy, West-india and Ja maica itinn, Gin', Wine, Coffee, Sngar, Porter, Tea, &c. I,i addition to the above, we have received foom Liverpool, 6JUi) bushels Sait, 12p{J iron Pots, assorted 400 Skillets, 5'X> camp Ovens, 200 Spiders 2000 stone Jugs and Bottles Sheet Copper, copper Bottoms and Rivets Carolina Hoes, Shovels and Spades 20 tons bar Iron, S00 plough Moulds Copperas and Ailuni 80 crates Earthenware, assorted Window and fl.nt Giass Cut and wrought Naiis Shot, Lead, ami HARDWARE An extensive assortment of CUTLERY All of which they offer for sale, on the most reasona ble terms liA LL, COOKE & CO. Darien. December 5, 1316. [153] Factorage and Commission Business. Tiie subscribe- having declined the practice of law, on the first instant}' now offers his services to his friends and fellow-citizens, generally,-in the above line, and pledges himself tint his attention, exertion and punctuality, in business, shall be such as to merit a pojyion of their fa vor and support. He has obtained commodious fire proof stores on Howard’s wharf for the reception of pro- diiee, and his counting room is in the east tenement of said building, immediately under Mr. Charles Howard. Joseph S. Pelot. pep 3 . —f .*o—-—105 A Majiager wanted For a Ri ver Swamp plantation, on the Alatamalu, where cane, cotton and rice are cultivated. To a person of experience and respectable character, a salary of from 60U-to 900 dollars p«r year, will be paid, which, by pro per cpndtact, may be ma.le permanent To prevent im proper application, security must be given, if required, for the performance is the contract Apply to B. Riea- utwih. esq. Savannah; HI iff. f. B» lMM( ^>tSli dec 24——>143 Eatoutoii Academy. This seminary instiuited for Hie instruction of youth of both sexes, in the solid and ornameHtal branches of r education, opened in the male department on Uu- second Monday m January, 1SJ7; at which time rev Doctor Brown, late president of T>anklin College will attend and deliver an inaugui-al sermoh. TheT/emale department not being as yet in a state of readiness, can- not commence at that time, blit, it is probable it will b« ready shortly thereafter. It is anticipated almost with certainty, that this institu tion, possessing advantages inferior to none in tbesouth- ern country;, will not fail to have its desired success J 7 h , e buddings are ccnvenu-fit. pleasantly situated on 4 delightful eminence, remote from a'l the noise and scene* of disorder commonly Incident to county villages: an d where the blessings of health have, perhaps in rto pJt- of this state been more enjoyed. The institution will, in a few months, be provided with a valuable Philoso phical Apparatus, the trustees having made an appropri ation of two thousand dollars to the object, and received a list selected suitably to that sum, from Mr. Harris’ cata logue (L .xdox) by Dr. Davis, prisident.df Middlebury College, and -have made arrangements for its importa tion. Viewing the important advancements that ed-ical lion is making in our state, and the ample resources of all to participate in its blessings, they fondlv hope that their labors for its establishment, will not haVe been in vain, t he trtislees engaged as a Rector, Mr. Atox*.-. Ciiuacn, from Middlebury college, who with the requisite assistants will have the immediate charge of the male department. The terms of tuition will be, for tiie minor class, twelve dollars, for the second, or Eng lish grammar class, sixteen dollars, and for the highest class, including the Latin and Greek languages, Mathe matics, Philosophy, &c. twenty-four dollars per annum, payable quarterly in advance, and no scholars will be taken Tor a less tehn than six months. Parents and guai (i mat rest assured that the-utmost pains will bo taken by the instructors and trustees, bv all proper me thods to excite i.-i their children a laudable ambition t«* excel in a \ ii-tuous, amiable deportment,' arid in every branch of useful knowledge. J Genteel board can be obtained in the village and ita vicinity, on low tei-mS. ' By orilcr of the Board of Trust-et, ■ „ , VVILUAM WILLIAM 4, secretary. F.cJontorr, 9/h D. tenibvr,- L816. r 153.. vjeoi jjia Sixth Circiiit Court. The following persona, Viz; Wilson Fuller, George Street, James BiHiO, William Savage, Thomas Stewart. John F. Coufvoisie, Fleming Akin, Robert Mitchel, and John Carnorhan, having been summci^d to attend at tiie said court, in December term, in the present year* as Grand,Jurnrs; and the following pi rsons, viz: Sheldon C. Dunning, John E. Hartndj,^ Jame* MRIenrx, David Taylor, t.ran-ei!e Ueville, Augustus Dou^set, John Chubb, Vicioi- Dohet, John Gribbin, “and George Low, having been sununoned to attend at die said court, in the same term, as Befit Jurors, made default. .They are, therefore, severely required to file with the clerk of said court, on or before the next term of saidMiurt, their ex cuses, under outii, for such detail is, otherwise they will be fined agreeably to law. JOHN J. BULLOCH, (1-0.24; ’5-V • - -.M.. - ■' PP-k Notice. The honorable the Superior Court of Chatham countv, will commence its regular.session on MONDAY, the 6tK Jannary ensuing, at 10 o’clock. Free people of. colotf may liavfe Guaidians appoin'edat this term Job T. Holies, elk. dec 24—-—153 - Notice. An Election will be held at the Court House, in SavanJ nah, on MONDAY, 13th January ensuing, for CORO NER of Chatham county, to fill the vacancy occasioned by the resignation of John P. Oates, esq. JOHN P.’ WILLIAMSON, J. i. c. c e. EDWARD HARDEN, s. i. c. c. c. OLIVER STCRGES, j. i. c. c. c. dec 24 "g .153 , ' DisiiictWUeorgiir—In tbe Atliuiralt^j The president of the United States, to the marshal of siitd district, greeting.- * J JOHN J. BULlDCH, elk. Whereas, a libel hath this day been filed in the admi- miralty court of the United States fob said district, against the brig Three Sisters, James Lane, master, by John Couper, of St. Simon’s, alledging, that the said brig is answerable to the said John Couper, in the sunt of five hundred and eighty seven dollars, for assistance, services, arid supplies, rendered and furnished to th* said brig, the master thereof, and the crew, and person* on board of her, by tbe said . John Couper, at the in stance of the said James Lane, commander of the wid brig from, the first day of October last, to the twenty eighth day of October, inclusive; and thaftbe said brig is now lying within the jurisdiction of th^t honorable court. Now, therefore, yon, the said marshal, are hefebw commanded to cfee amfcadmonish, all, and every -person? and persons, having or pretending to have, any proper, tyor interest in the said brig, to appear at a spetnal eonT* of admiralty, to beheld at Savannah, in the said, on the twenty-sixth day of December, m answer the premises, and to shew cause if any thev&ve. why theprayer of the s^id libeL should not be granted! and what shall appertain to right and justice, be done SLy’ the premises. Witness, the honorable William Stephens, ludtre of ■'* day efDsewpher.ui the year eigh^ea said c’oftrt, this hundred and sixteen, dec 34-133 "ri TATTNALL,