Savannah republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1816-1818, December 28, 1816, Image 1

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jpMi ':-\ip \ g5* Thft'subscni NAH FREE nQiiOOh, «•' their annual suA*ci"if > ‘ Jot,s - dec 19 —-lol frorov.!4 im* containing one ta ,decline 'the Dry tfeod jgrrv that busmessou- fw k will be attended.'% U8>J may be i»e#t 1 jfase femes and yfe H s^ts Milliard Balls iO boxes CDocoiate Who offer for saktuhAi* of ’-apes. Hosiery, Sac. - ENGLISH, FRENCH, lit' t»l ;ub»<:r.bter. ^ , : 5 V k\ &*!*&&? dj w shares nk the & tatfe Bank nJtju, noy. 28——i die firm of 6f Johnstr accommodai the city, ^ Clothe A few Treiitlemeft can be accma- a 5o CoaUng^ FHtsiiihf feted- With FKIVaT E BOARDING and LODGING, A do Bojgbh^ variou Irs." MutfEra’s^on the,Bay, (upper end;) next door 1 bale supernne Cloths dr. E. Coupee’*, at the corner of lyest-Breiad-street. * po C^suneres ‘it « Ijal ^ V"' *'•: ' “ o/bafes*'lanne)s, assort; hJOHN 7-ldo rose, point at,d diij 2 do Irish linen Cambrics A. do ,«Jo white, and half white Linen 1 do nun’s Thread _ d' , . - e ' . . 3 boxes’eane and common silk Utqhr^ilas and Parasols 1 trunk Irish fropUns 3 cases Gloves, beaver, kid and silk 2 do cotton Hosiery- - „• ' 3" do bidiea-’, and children’;* french beaver Hats, assorted, t case ccffored Sincliews’and tiars^hets 1 case Nunsooks mud ipull and jaconet Muslinfr fife cut Glass and silk Buttons : ’’ , i . V 1 box-couch and riding. W hips 2 do suibb and double barrel;]^ wTi^-Pigces ’^'V^ ■. 1 do brass and stubb barrel pocket 'Pistok 6 casks sad Iroij^ ^ pact LGF 3 Elegant satin Robes, Afeced^iija, Pari? and feshlona- ble borders .Merino, plush and velvet Capsaiid Bonnets, Feathers and Artificial Flowers - TuVChenelte and other worked Pilloreefls . ^ . ... % VSret Jjniding, head and gown Garniture, fkndy'TWh* nungs . '4e£ .g Bilk, Cheneile and silver Cords and Tassels X ©ilt and silver alasp indispensables Silk, velvet, Zephyr apd-daniask 'Gauzes Brilliant white, Palmira, 'Ahiaritjthe.gTeen, 'lilac, pn- . , mootid, Macedonia, Lev&atirie, Florence, satin, Vergene and Taffeta. $iikA.'" ; ^ x, . 'v - 3 f Gilt and pearl diadem Goinbv table and head IfrUs&es | r l’^feet and China Inkstandfr ipfehfonn of a shoe Needie Cases, ladies’; Valices,.watch Stands Gentlemen and iadits'xndrocco writjng Cases“d- t.consist- aJjnFatuk .in 'alTits I ■>f Saounnah, Boats,, between Satfanfiah and either place to didiftther. * Wayne, secretary. Wil Unsure Augusta, and m rowg i4nm> ' *- : \ -a - A . B$T- ' . * • - Work, art; infbrqjedfeat p-ebeen received at the nprejS Georgetown and :aken in paymeht^for the ,V nov 16 ———137 •' Subscribe the ninth^ai Jit-publican. Alexandria Weekly Hej ;6rtnaryft, ifisgr. JXaett kUno. ‘ . ' *k ' *- ■ welhcondncted edtf- re^^sndatkjrvrsand Ecology necessary for Lirnetl, will prove."bet* Notice. An Electa will he held at fee Indc^n.Umt P,-esln . , at i i: d fa t r.. .a**f..aT- Vr* La I thllut *1. an (-/iMT'Ch^ A^aa -a*-*'- j - - ■ * a-,’— ve 'f-auSTEES' of. s;dd .Church, for the year lal7. . .The wh caudhis^ its advant generally. attemrJtin rian Churchy jati fee first M relay in' Jattfe^ five T-ftCSTsBES) A>f. said Ghurcli, for the year 1317.— Poll will open At, 13 o’clock andclose at I o’etoek. > Oliver Stargeis, 4e C y -^-)146 . > C.W'rtnnn, Jiaurd Tmtutees . /'Notice.*' mbscriber, is at the house re- fdoetor W1*miu Id Wal’d F. TiUtuail. ■ulatedtbinl nent education than is Usually ejected ip fee brdmary seminarthsToriemides.. . A -',;-, J ... -1. -• 21 \- / The leading’advantage-of this mstltutittn consists in providhigvoung ladies #ith atiberiil ^nd.Sofef edhtf^tidn in drawing the. attention to swek- pumiks as are. lasting and useful, as .well as elegant iutil ornamental—and io sifestitutittg'. tl»e Jiibre' HripflSrtanC ac^Kremeftts of fett mind, in ljeu of fee fnyfl^is,pOTffliits which engage fee timearid felehtB #f the majority Qf the. rising generation^ T^et^er i^o ev e^febu^s 4e*igji^b.ih.titxhindte’fee fews and regulations oft he schpol, appear superfluous and fe2* necessary farther than'to observe that every part of fee pu^SWEe is deTotrti tt> improvemeuf, their conduct is encouraged or reproved, Ejccording to it* nature, by. ex- pl^ning its eifects'i» L Bbch,ff point of Vieftr, as to stimu late laudable ambition and encourage merit On one band, aadifo expose ,tm ; fee ofeer^ with an esgeciail The Jaw offiee of eentiy in the occupat Wet} recommended, will meet.firith ei lieatinn to : R. oc J. dec 7—-146 ; v ■ . plornoent- on ap- ABEBSHAM. Ladies’ work: Boxes, set'^vfith nw Supefene Fomatum, Scent in b< Walnuts, in pieces; Mussels;-Ch Toilet Tabled, Secretaries end s ■VVooden sand Boxes and .iuoruc Silver Spectacles, looking-TiLisst Cioak Bags,'boot fass^^ t ones ■ ' yfi u-iugs and elastic A Prantufeio i for Consisliogof between .500 and fOQtl imT^pnttdhLan l, cyfriidarable part; of tnd has befen cultivated. : It lies in Mil A two story HOUgE, wjtb'ofeerAUt BUILDINGS, to. gefes^ wifea H \LF,LO r,ritU;.te in Franklin warcf neai the Vfark®.4 and a^ood Sta^d far husipes* ^Ancly’a tliis Gfficei , . jt.'- - f •.. . Bov 7—° per qtiarter ail'd g3 dollars of entiance. money to each ef the above branches. • ‘ T‘ And’ for the preservation «# health, there-is a framed Summer Hobs*? built in the pine-wxiods,^whicli is refy SpaefepSf fee school room, 4ofeet longiaiKl 24 feet wide, With a bed ;roobri of fee seme «i/.e. The school Wiri be moved to the summer establishment fe June, and there mfiaiii during what is cadsidered the sMdy’montlis. A valuable PLANTATIOX-fewfee A containing about 12(KI s«yes^ ivefl calcula ture of stigar,,rice or cotton^ situated oi about four or five miie# from Darien,,and distance from Major Butler’s Valuable sesses advantages which feWykwrao-Ofee^ «r does, having a prp^drtioaif lyihg insucli a.manufetr aato "save very „ I . JP Mr in. damming, ^ajid tl«t high land at fee settlement- heresenpnaiy has met withi3»r the twelve «e»tbs if lias •The lot to. : «t-.iatersaar|y o For terms ;dec 5 . -■■■if- To rent .The school witfrecomme Ipach quarter comni^nci tlie frPst of iBfmlaiy, iSar ANDS under fee Bluff. f or retail, p price. A. S.KMAtES. Ranawayfrom fee sui^criber, S A stout*, likely, young. ieliow, ►mplexion,' feipfc iips^ very iudfuj A large frnry iirc' r.t Broughton- ~*rr i-i ff/on fee .night of 'fei do^uit. ;How, tliirtfeVearB of age, wifeno i, and prebably endeavor to get , fev|ng % a^wife^belonging^tofee paid on co» harbored by k white or black rs for cither beipg lodged ip fee A»#lectloh will be held’at fee th, okeMONDAT, 13th ianttM fessiiP gotd chain-ami t gence offee j i tiu* ; diSce', ham county,/to fill the vacancy occasioned ation of Jolin F. Oates, esq. JOHN -W* WlLLJAMSUGf, j. . EDWARD HARDEN, j, i. c. c. c. in of either in, or Twe»tj swhatebieor rewj