Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1840-1853, December 20, 1849, Image 4

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atflnl Sates.
?icanl plotters.
P BORGIA—Ellington County.—To all
VX whom U may concern i , . ,. _ . .
Whereae. John »•. Ilrsler,A(lmlulstratoro! the Estate of
iilu: Lot No. lit), Q, situaia tu tha town Valentine Ke-ler,deceased, hath applied to the Honorablt
ft, bo indetl, agreeably to toe |d m or.-nid town, the Inferior Court of said county, sittingfor ordinary pur
U. .Marts sit tel, South by Tradri-Streut, EhnI pose*, for a citation to l*.*ue and be published, accoiding
rv* river, and Vvesl by street, name unknown i I to law, for Letter* DI»mie*ory. ....
Munrfmi Ai.iaMhuUm. i q<| lMe are therefore to cite and admonish, all concern
/ 1AMDEN Sheriff's SALE.—Will bo sold
V-/ on Inc first Tm.-eday in Ft bruary next, before the
court Ilou-e la tho town or, between tint legal
hours or Biilui Lot No. toll, Letter Q, situate tu tho town
ofacMuiys, bounded, “““* “ ' “ ,J *“ 1
Norm by St. ~ “
by dt Marys _ ..... ... v
lovmdhy virtue ol an execution issued out of the lion- , •-
orabletlie Superior Court of Camden County, its. Pin- I ed, to file their objections (ii any they have) to the appll-
leyvs. Jar. t-e.icrovu, Hanilnlph McUillis and Jos. Boog. I cant In the Clerk’s office ot aalil Court, on or before the
Prop rty pointed out iy Gll.l* .McDonald. 10th dayof January next; otherwise Letters DlsmUsory
ili-oU j NO. TOMPKINS, Sheriff o. o. will be granted.
. — ^ . —————— Witness,the Honorable P. C. Pendleton, one of the
\ DMIN1STUA1 Oll’S SALE.—by *vir- justlcesW.aid court, this loth day of July 1849.
Xjl. too of an of the Honorable thu lnletl»r Court j July is JAMES HAHN, o. o, o. a. c.
ftEORarA-Efflnglmm County.—Nutico
Aryan, berween Urn usual lioureor sale,on Utn first Tuca I VJ is hereby given to all persons concern- d, that on Or
day in January next, nine hundred and filly (IfcW) acres 1 aU.ut the fourteenth day ot Nrivcmber, last past, Horace
_ (tnore or less) comujon“'““ ‘ 1 1 * ' “ " l “” “
' of lilack Creek lit saidL-— V| . — r ^
fiiiitluj lnl-irust In fifteen adjoining surveys. the estate of said deceasedt yon
Also, nt the same tint* and place, one hundred and I objections (if any you have) in terms or Urn law, why
sixty aeies (160) Acres (more or leas) situate on (he North thu Clerk or the said Court or Ordinary, should not have
side of Black Creek, haring about twenty acres In good the Adminhtration of said estate committed to him.
nrdcr forcnUWaUon. Terms CAth, purchaser paying for l Given under my hand.and official signature this 6Ut
titles. Sold as the property of the estatu of Andre w Ulrd, | December, 1849. JAMES HA
Junr, late of Chatham County,dec«-aued.^ -
JuueST AJ —*
Uoou Ofttomfscmcnts
J? QYPT and her MONUMENTS,or Egypt
JLLl a Witness for the Bible) by Fra. L. Hawks, b. 1).,
with Nines ora Vovase upthe Nile by au American—with
numerous coloured plates; 1 vol.. 8vo.
The sacred Poeta or England and Amcrtcn, from the
earliest to the present period; edited by Ruftts W. Gris
wold; illustrated with fine steel engravings. 8vo., gilt.
The Four Uospals, arranged as a practical Family Com
mentary for everyday in ine year; by 8< II. Tyng, D. D.|
19 highly flnislted steel engravings,8vo., gilt.
. of Nature In dlflVf—
'Humbolitt’s Aspccu r
A-rent lands and
fornla, with"Wandetlnp In Peru,Chili and Polynesia; by
Lieut. Wise, U. 8. Naty.
Physician and Patient, or a Practical View of the mu
tual duties, relations and Interosta of the Medical Pro-
fusion; by VV. Hooker. M. It.
The Puritan and his Daughter; by J. K. Paulding,
•owell’s Living Authors of England.
Howlit’s Juvenile Days, and other Tales. Just
tv. TiinnNr **“
CYRUS niRD, Adm’r.
XJL'dky, the first day of January next, before the Comt Administration on the goods and chattels, right* and
Hons# in the city of Savannah, within the usual hours of credits of Thomas Chesser, Isto of said County, tle-
G .EORGIA—Liberty County.—Whereas,
William T. Chesser applies to me fbr Letters or
[ Administration on the goods and chattels, right* and
il Ball St Dunking Company’iStock. Terms,
Sold a* the prop -rty of Philip Banks, lata Map-Prdlar. I to file their objections, ir any
deceased, for the benefit or the heir* and creditors or said 1 within the lime prescuhed by
deceased. nov 18 WM. A. WALTON, Adm’r. Witness, the lion. John/. H
. V • . ■ of said Court, this 4th Deo/mber, 18*9.
A DMIMSTllATOK-S SALE.—On lira j«i J. 8. inuotvcuL, c. c.
Jr\. first Tuesday in Febru try next, will be sold be. ^pAbniA—rTuI'Jr'o—^— 1
iwm Ihn I,wnl Itmtr. nf aala. in f.niil nf lh* Pniirt Homo I / ’ LaUIUjIA—LtlDCf V UOUIttV.— 1 03
ceased i
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin.
gular the kindred and creditor of said Thomas Chesser,
to (Me their objections.^ If any they have, iu my office
llentirr. one of the Justices
o. u c.
'HE Kour GOSEELS, arranged as a Prac
tical Commentary for tmy day in the year; by the
nuthor of the “Peep of Day,” fee.; edited by Blophe.u II.
The Monuments of Egypt, or Egypt a Witness for the
Bible; by Francis L. Hawks, D. D., L. L. D.; with notes
of a voyage up the Nile,by an American.
The Puritan and his Daughter; by J. K. Paulding,
thor of the Dutchman’s Fireside.
Los Gringos, or an inside view of Mexico and Califor
nia; by Licul Wise, U. 8. N.
Lectures on Subjects connected with Literature and
Cnptnliia and Cicrka of Steamboat a
ought never to be without a good supply of the genulno
Dailey on board of their vestela* Explosions and collaps-
‘ of both ‘ ——
I ing of boilers do (Veuui-nUy occur, and dreadfol suflbring,
and—not unfrequemly—lo>e of life is the consequence!
Ills therefore poelUveiycrlmlnBi. to neglect theacqulsl
lion of such an Invaluable Remedy. Read the following:
,.£„Zh£hS“or r JI!Cilu«ln{SfZfJ.EORGIA-Libcr'/County-ToUlwhom
In Crawford Cimiity, by th-rniitslon of Uie Honorable the VJ it may concern t
Justices or tho Inferior Court of Chatham County when Whereas, Joseph Uturt irman applies for Letters Dls
of Land miwory upon the estate ol William LeConte, late of said
sitting for ordinary purposes j All that tract of Land mlwory upon the es
known as Lot No. 183 in the 6th district of originally Hous- County, deceased!
ton, but nrtw Crawford County, containing two hundred These arc therefore to cl» and admonish all concerned
and two and a hair acres, a.) more or less. Drawn I to file their objections (if anv they have) within the time
by Wm. Epidnger, late of the County or Chatham, do-1 prescribed by Uw, in my ofllce, or said Letters will be
ceased, and sold as a pirt of the cat ite of said William granted.
Eppinger. WM. FABIAN LAW, Witness, the Ilonoratde Chariton Hines, one or
"tc 4 Administrator estate Wm. Eppinger. I Justices of said Court, this 98th day of July, 1848.
— 5 ’ I augfi JOHN E. FHASEll.P. c. c. o. u c.
ering or decaying plant. Neither Is restraint front occu
pation required, nor need tear of expoeure be apprehend
ed whilst taking these Pills.
It Is almost Incalculable tnd Incredible, what amount — ..
of suffering might be prevented by a little timely prepuu- Wheat Finns, Nisootu Co. N. Y., Feb. 98,1848.
Uon. If moat pateont, when they at first I wain to teel I Mr.DtUty— Dear sirs White my ton, fifteen years qtd v
unwell, aud are aware or existing symptoms of disease or \ V; ,i at work in the ahinglo manulhctory of I.. P. Rose he
sickness, would take at once 4 to 6 of Dr. Leldy’sSarsa- had Uie misfortune to slip and foil Into a large vat, used
partita Blood Pills, and repeat, after a day or two, should for the purpose ofbolllng blocks preparatore to cutting
the symptoms not entirely subside, seAst «» smeimt or The blocks had just been removed from the vat. con
nftring MuUUtmvti, how mini »Ml»MM*****tf*P*rti, mining a largo quantity Of boiling water. He tell for
and hue mack tail, treuklt and alttntian nf fimlliu and ward, scalding both hands and arms, all one tide, and one
ftindi rtndmd unnrcrttnry! leg badly and the other partially. The scalds were so
Think, reader, of the foregoing; reflection will teach bad on his arms and lei that moot of the flesh came ofl
A NIVTTAIJ4 FOR 1 Rfif! Th* Rrillinnt » y°“ Ite Irulh- Tnere is nothing to very alarming in most with his garments, and his life was despalrud of by both
A low-—ine Hrilliant, a £ UtflKI0r .tekness; it is the delay In Checking ite pro- ,2 physlclana and friends.
AA* u >-‘ Boo » fo f I83 °* . _ .. ■nt.aihninmiimu makes recovery Impoosible. I Dailey’s Pain Extractor was procured as soon as posh
The Living Authors of England; by Thomas Powell,
'amlly Picture, from the Bible; by Mrs. Ellet.
Eichborn’s German Grammar, or a natural method of
learning to read, write and sneak the German language,
(imley’s Lady’s Book for November.
Graham’* Matnxine for do
Ella Stratford; by the Countesa of IHeuingtan.
Received by JOHN M. CUOr
T^XECUTOR’S SALE.—Notice, on the A “ A ' ,7 "r,
.lli first Tuesday In Febiuary next, will be told before (IJ. EOIIGIA—Glvnn County.—I
lira Court House In Springfield, In the County of Efflng- | U it may concern! Whereas Samul M.
' iFiwir 1 ‘ ‘ 1 jfi ■ H * gm * '
To all whom
, County of Efflng- I U it may concern! Whervai Samul M. Burnett, Ex-
jiain, between the UMial hours of sale, the following ecutor of th« last will and testament of Col. John Burnett,
tracts of land belonging to the Estate of William Bird, deceased, hath applied to the Honorable Uie Interior Court
san.,dec*d, for the benefit of the heirs and creditors of | of Glynn County, when sitting Cut ordinary piirpo«es,for
said Estate, vis: n citation to issue and be published according to law for
On# tract of Pine Land containing two hundred acres, L'U*r*Dismis.«ary:
rmerly belonging to Joshua Rahn. . Also one other tract These are therefore, to cite and admonish
The Sacred Annua), a gift for nil seasonal by Rev. 11.
asUuts WfkL
The Ucm of Beauty, or Literary Gift Wl 18301 by Emi
ly Pcrcival.
The Rosemary, a collection of Sacred and Religious
The Poet’s Offering, for ib50: edited bySarah Joseph#
Christmas Roses and New Yeat’aGlft—a present for
young people. ,
The Rosary, or Illustrations of the Bible! edited by Ret
Edward E. llate. Kietivad by
nov 8 J. II. CUII HEDGE, South of the Market.
containing filly acies, formerly belonging to Solomon
Gnann. Also, one other tract containing two hundred
acres more or less, and known as the Spence tract. Also,
one other tract containing one hundred acres, formerly
belonging to Snlumoit Zeigler.of which about fmty acres
are under cultivation. Also, on* other tra-t conulnlng
twenty eight acre# drawn by W. W. Wilson—all which
said tracts af Land are situated in the County or Efflng.
him. EDWARD BIRD, Ext.
Savannah, Dec. 3,1849. dec A
GUARDIAN’S SALE.—The Undereigned
VX will otter for sale on the first Tuesday in March
next, at the Court House in Payette County* Lot No. one
hundred and fortv-three (143) fifth district llengy County,
i Now Fayette County) ortgnally diawn by Stephen II.'
touting of DeLyon’s district, Chatham County: Sold as
part of the real estate of the late Isaac Norton, T»y per
mission of the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Chatham
County for the benefit nf tbe of said estate.
Terms cash-purchaser paying for Httes.
F. B. THREAD, Guardian of
ed, to flic their objections (If any they have) to the appli
cant. in the Clerk’s Olllce of said Court, on or before the
second Monday of January next, otherwise Letters Dls-
mlosnry will be granted.
Witness, the Honorable John M.TIson,oneof the Jus.
rices of the said Court, this 15th dsy of June, A’. D., 1819.
ALEX. SCRANTON, Clerk c. o. o. c.
Brunswick, Juno I3th, 1849. t June 18
(GEORGIA—Effingham County.—Present,
VX the Hnnorabli! P. C. Pendleton, George W. Boston
and Robert J. Mlngtedortf, Justices of said Court. To
all whom it may concern i
Whereas, Ephraim KietT.-r, Admini-trator upon the
Estate of 8oliimon Cramer, iate of said county,deceased,
applies for Letters of Dismission from the Administra
tion of said Estate; therefore, the kindred and erodltiir.
of said deceased are h*r«by cited aril! admonished, tt
file their objections, (if any they have,) In my office, in
terms of the Uw; otherwise letters dtsmissory wilt be
granted the applicant, at the July term next or the Court
of Ordinary for said couyty.
By order or the Court, thl* 3th November, 1849.
nov 8 JAMES RAHN, Cl’k c. o. a. c.
/^J-UARDIAN’S SALE.—The Undersign- MVl*OTICE.—Four months after dale nppli-
VX ed will otter for sale, on the ftrst Tuesday In Febru- J-X cation will be made to the It *
Intel for Court of Bryan
wnw, wnne swung as a court of Ordinary, for leave to
Hall the Heal Estate of the late Harriet Sapp, of said
" eu w i,i oner lor saic, on uie nisi i uei
ary next, at 11 o’clock, at the Court Houm m nrunswica,
Glynn County. BETHEL PLACE, situated on Uie head
waters or Turtle River, conulnlng nine hundred acres of county, deceased, for the benefit of the heirs and cred-
land- more or teas. This le a well known stand for mer- l Itors. WM. J. CLARK, Adm.
cantlle business, and has upon it a Urge Store House, I sept 19
Dwelling,and all neceesary out buildings for planting op- - r, ; j 31 —rr
erstioni. Sold as nirtorthe Heal ErUteof the Into Isaac VfOTICE.—Four months &rterdate,appli-
‘ iro( the Honor ible Court of. Ordinary ofl J.X cation will be made to Ota Judges of the Interio
notes by F. J. White and O. D. Tudar, of the Mid-
d e Temple—with additional annotations and references
t American Cases; by Hure ft. Wallace.
Smith’s Leading Cares in various branches of the Law,
with Notes; by liars h Wallace, 9 Yols.
American Leading Casea; by llare & Wallace, Vol. I.
Misa Pardoe’s L'Ouit and Reign or Francis ls|, King of
France,9 vols., Must received )
Miss Pardoe’s l.ouls 14th and the Court of Franca in
the i;th century, 9 vols., many plate*.
Humboldt’s Aspect of Nature in ditterent lands and dif
ferent climates, with erientlfic elucidations) translated
by Mrs. t-aldne—a new work.
Humboldt’s Cosmo*! a sketch ofa physical description
of the Universe, 9 vols — Bohn’s edition.
Wandering Sketches of people and things in South
Ann-rUa, Polynesia, California, kc.) by W. Maxwell
Wood, burgeon D. 8. Navy.
Memorial* of John Bertram and Humphrey Marshall,
with notice* of their Botanical contemporaries; by AY.
Darlington, large 8vo., with illustrations.
Commerce of the Pialrica: or, the Journal of p SanU
Fe Trailer; by J. Gregg—9 vol*., with plates.
Montaigne** Works, translated by Haslitt, large 8vo.
Hudimt nU of tha Art of Building; by Dobson, 30 ets.
Rudimentary Trenlise on Mineralogy, for begiuners; by
Farley, 73 cts. Just received,
Norton, by order of the Honor tble Court of. Ordinary of lx cation will be made to Ui^ Judges of th
Chatham County, for tha benefit of th* heirs orsaid Estate. Court or the County or Effingham, when sitting
Terms cash, purchaser paying for titles. 1 •'-** •-— *—•• * — J
u F. E. TEBEAU, Guardian of
d#c9 "
EORGIA—Chatham County.—To all I
whom It may concern t ■
hereas, William M> Leigh, will apply to the Honnra-
u * of said C - i
- - a Court
of Ordinary, for leave to sell all the Lands and Negroes
belonging to the estate of Jaa. ft. Crum, late or said
CountyTdecsased. ** ** —•••"—* -
-^pt7 •
1 of Jas. 8. Crum, late of sal
VTOTICE.—Four months after date applica-
1X rion will be made to the Honorable Trustees of the
Ordtesi^tM7^^rnrVe?ennr < AHmiM«»iim! U nl! o. I d,n • , ? , purposes, for leave to sell gisc^Real Estate of John
u.Jkl^. d 1 “111, Hlnoly, law of Efflnghrm County, deceased: consisting
JOtttejUjIeflbctaof William Itankln,late of CincinnatU, | nfthree tracte of Land: one lying In the said Countv of
Me the Inferior Court 0
Letters of Administration, on tbe I |'|j ne T,
Uam Kanklu, late of Cincinnatti, I „fthree’tract* of Land: one Ivlng'
These are therefore to dt and admonish, .11 and .Ing.,- SST’ ° DC tf,Ctln TsMeEhS/eL'
lar the kindred and creditor! of tbe said deceased, to file AdminUtr
their oifjectiona (If any they have) to the appilrautin the •
agS..? 1 SK.ISHS 1 lYrOTICE.—All persons concerned sre here-
fenwtnteS&M? 1 ^ Lcttcr * of AdmlnUlra ' lx bv notified, that four month, after date, I shall apply
uon wiu be granted. 1 ... f. ni|0fml ,|. the inferior Court of Effingham county,
* '■ W “ ' " SEAnOKN ioODALL. c. o o. o. | “• of h '"* lOsW <■««*•
Nov. 8,1849.
doc 10
( ^.EORGIA —Chatham County.—To all
5 AH ml ni nf .h-XTOTICE.—Four months after date, appli-
0 r^h^Jr M w^i^. ^!h A i7iu^ t ^?iS 1 f 'i| h nn^m! LX cation will be made to the llnnoralde the Interior
rn^n. v P rir Court of Itrya?CDanty. while sluing a# a Court of Ordl-
dSSiStt a. w .“MS«uS«'S: £••*>•«:a.j,.w D „d
cording to law for Letter. DLml-sory. H n.teoT«aUrtountydee«tee
These are therefore pelt* and admonish ail concerned ...n nritanv niim > Executors,
to fils their objections (Hany they have) to the applicant I nor3 JACKSON uird, )
in the Clerk’s office of sai l Court, on or before the third
-day of January next) otherwise letters dismissory will be
Witness, the Honorable Ellas Reed, one of the Justices
of said Court, this 3d day of July, IBM).
July 3 SEABORN. GOODAI.L, c. c.
,/^J.EORGIA—Chatham County.— To all I
VA whom it may concern:
Whereas, Godfrey Bower, will apply to the Honorable
th • Interior Court of aald County, when sitting fur Ordi
nary purpose*, fur Letters of Administration d>* bonis
non on Hie estate and effects of Michael Wolf, late of said |
County, deceased. In place nf Elisabeth Wolf, whose
let’crs have abated, rbe haring Intermarried since obtain
ing such letters oradnifnlatratmn.
. These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and sin
gular the kindred and crdltora of the said deceas' d, to file
their objections (If any they have) to the applicant in the .
Clerk’s Office of said Court, on or before the 91th !
day of December next; otherwise Letters or AdmluLstre- j
tlon will be granted.
Wittier*, the Honorable Robert A. Lewis, one of the
Justices orsaid Court, this 96th day of November, 1849.
- nov 93 c. c. o. c. o.
GEORGIA—Chatham County.—To all
\Vh7re*? 1 nf tha p.,„. I ►• ! *d. Please call and esamin'e before purchasingf
able the Inferior Court or aild county, when sitting for I ^ i-T_ , . n A° ockel CuUcry,73c. to «90 V di
ordinary puniose*. for a citation to issue aud b« published
according to law for Letters Disnu-sory.
I *«•““ Anti CMiHmt. am
12 i* WSr.’ .tW™ 5! ».<™ Ibi. luwiurf Hook OO'I n.t* Hioie., AoV
In ill* Clerk S office of snid Court, on or be.ori tho fourth I Orfc XfannrartuHna an<<^nr.ll klnU. ,
day of .March next; otherwise Letter* Dismissory will bo
Witues*, the Honorahle R. T. Gllison, one of the Jus
tices of said Court, this 4th September, 1849.
HpHE Sulwcriber is now receiving direct
J. from the manufacturers in Sheffield and Binning,
ham th- folfowirg Good*, together with a general assort
m nt or HARDWARE and CUN MATERIALS, all 01
which have been purchased for cash, at the fountain
*i«w iu». "w'iwu nuns sal ri"'" i"wa, ac.
ft/- Manufacturing and Repah'r/r of alt kinds of Fire
Arm*, by superior workmen, and at moderate nri—s.
oct 5 sml—oly
• tept 4
SEABORN GOODALL, a. c. n. c. c.
Itestornlion ami Preservation of Uie Hair
By M. IVISE 4- SONqf Virginia.
M WISE 8c SON, finding it altogether
m l.nhlM.Ihla In ..... J In .k. — '
/^.EORGIA — Chatham County.—To all
VX whom it may concern:
Whereas. Robert Watkins Flournoy, Administrator . IWI , .... - a
of Robert Willis Flournoy, deceased, hath made applies- A • Imposrible to attend personally to the great num-
tiou to the Honorable the Inferior Court of said county, J ber of dally applications, from all sections of the Union,
when sitting for ordinarypurpo<es, for a citation tois«tie for their for lln|. ness, and for their celebrated
and ha published according to law for Letters DDmls- HAIR TONIC, have found It nece*sary fo appoint a Osa-
•orr: tral TranUing Jtgnt, to vlrit different cities and towns
The*n are therefore V> cite and admonish all concerned, throughout tl»e United 8teles, vesting him with authority
to fi’e their objections (If any they have) to rite applicant In apimintsub agents, use and vend Ihe Hair Tonic, and
*“ the Clerk's Office of said Court, on or before Uie third 1 W *PP'-y the llEal'i tRATIVE, and to pul them into **-
day.1 January next; otherwise Letters Dismis-ory will
be sinnted. .
Wltne*!, the Honorable \V. Thorne William*, one of shall be obtained.
„_jd* > of those he ma. nppoint to operate whcrcv'er as’uf-
fici'-nt number of patient* in any town or neighborhood
—... — — —— * n * ii.unit »> iiiiaiu-, hub ot I *h»h hi umukhcii.
the Justices of said Court, this 3d day of July, 1819. t’apt. GEORGE CALVERT,of Fauquier county, \
July 3 SEABORN GOODALL, c. v. n. c. c. Is alone authorized to act as General Travelling Act
. n 7; ^—r,—; w,lh At* p ,weM * bove Indicated.
GEORGIA —Bryan County.—To all whoin t’apt. d. may be expected to visit, u speedily as pt
V^ It may concern: lleai-ie, the principal chics and towns of the Union.
Whereas,Jamas Sherman, Administrator of the estate N. B—t’apt. Calvert will always have on hand a full sop
or Lewis Lanier, lias applied to the Honorable the Info- ply of the IIAIR TONIC (which cleanses the head of
rlor Court nf said County, wiiUe silting os a Court of l dandruff, rirenztliern* and Invigorates the hair, and pre-
Ordinary, for Letters of UDinLaion from Ilia snid Adminls- | veiita it, niao, from falling ofl‘,)forUie region of country
tfntlon: most contiguous to his operation!, or it may alwaya twi
Theaenre therefore to cite and ndmonteh all p-r-ons obtained, at wholesale, and forwarded to any part of the
i * ^kSON.
—... ... ... lah all permna obtained, at wholesale, and forwarded to any part of
interested, to file their objections (If nny they have) in Union, by addressing tbe proprietors, M. WISE k S(
the Clerk’# Office of the Court of Ordinary for said Richmond, Va.
tJounty witliln the time prescribed bylaw, otherwise
Letters Disiniasory will be granted the applicant.
Witness, the llonoraldo John P. Hines, one of the Jus
tice* orsaid Court or Ordinary, this twenty-first day of
June, one thousand eightItnndred and forty-nine.
June 37 0 J. SMITH, o.c.o,
.tt?- Price $9 per dozen cash. Slz bottles for #5—or
one dollar single bottle. tit 9 m { 1
Gcitcrnl athimtscmcnts.
Awfni Cnee of scaldl
lilt. l.KIUY’S
The Km yur All 1*111 Manuffcotueer.I
W ELL may they bo envious or jealous
when it is n so well-known and undeniable fket
wherever Dr. Leldy’a sarsaparilla Blood I’llls are Intro
duced and become known, other* ara auperseded, and
rite public will taka no othera than Dr. Luid> ’*.
The only tdlta known to contain Sareannrllla. No oth
er Bitch combination In form of Pill# aims. I hey pro*
due* both Purgation and Purification; in other words,
while they purge and cleanse the stomach andI bowels,
Uiey at tho same Ume purify Ihe Mcwd and fluids of the
body. Hence the reason why Physician# in all part# of
the United Slataa recommended them*
.1. I chnllcngc the world to prove, Hint
That l« to say, the original amt only peuutno Article, (not
rite couuterU'UMid Imitation Extractor,) lias ever failed,
In any one single Instance, from iu first Introduction by
me In 1839, up tothls period,) to cohb the worst Bums
and Scalds."
To Mothers of Pniulllca. .
I would aay, many accldenis, auch aa Burn*, Scalds,
Cuts, Wounds and Bruises, arc offrequcnl occurrence to
children, nnd they are moreover subject to nirtnv other
complaints, snch as . Sore and lntlam> d Dyes, Blicunm-
tlsm, Eruptions, Hwc’.ilna*. Sprains, aud Inflammation*.
HALLEY »d EXTRACTOR fa A certain, quick, safe and
never Hilling Remedy, In nny and till of rite above enu
merated casualties nnd dtionses.
The True Teat
s, that the genuine HALLEY’S EXTRACTOR, in tha
worst Bums and Scnldf, draw* out the Are nnd pain In n
fow minutes; nnd from the moment or its nppHcntion It
iHcMcnl aUiDcfUiicmcnts.
J-Hrtfcnl sasiicvtlsemctUs,
. ....... I IU.T IlllllUll'n, UflU II.fill ui l— -.*■ — «■. •«
EAT, DRINK AND LIVE AS USUAL. relieves, subdues the paiu. nnd produces n coqtlng and
Dr. N. H. LRIDY, sole Proprietor nnd Mnnlkctiirej or guothlng eflkct, and Wlmt is of vast lni|>ortenc«, it heals
(he celebrated Sarsaparilla Blood Pills, doas not require the wound*\vitlnmtec*al No family ought therefore to
you, while taking Uiem, to abstain front entiiig, or Dorn bo without it lor a slnglo day, for it frequently Is th*
customary habits. It does not require much argument to means or preserving llfo UselN nnd now,
convince any one with common sen**, that the_ human 4 MARK THE DIFFERENCE,
system requires nourishment nnd support In sickness as The counterfeit nnd Imitation Extractors taaiTATg and
well as in health. Nature teaches twthe fact In the with- | l g C RSA»sTna r*ral
./H Ihe German Mididns Store, 120 Jrc/i-st.,
*\X/ILL Effectually Cure Liver Complaint,
V V Jnuudlcc. Dy»iii |>sia, chronic or Nervous Debili
ty, DiscasL'i of the Kidneys, nnd nil Diseases arising
limn u Disordered Liver or Btomach.
Buch.asConstlpoUon, Inward Piles. Fullness of Blood
to the Head, Acidity of the Btoinncli, Nausea, Heart
burn, Disgust for Food, Fullnesa or weight In the Stom
ach, Sour Kructetmua, sinking or Fluttering nt tho l’lt
of the Btomach, tiwimmlng of thu Head, Hurried and
g lllkah BieulliiiiB. Fluttering nt tho Heart, (.'linking or
uflbcallng sensations when in n Ljlng Posture, liimnr/H
of Vision, Dots or Webs before tho Bight, Fever and Dull
pain InUm Head, Deficiency orPcr-juMiimn, Yellowness
of thu 8kln nnd Eyes, l’nln in the side, Back, Chest,
Limbs, kc., Sudden Flushes of Heat, Burning In Urn
Flesh, Constant imaginings of Evil and Great Depres
sion of Splriis.
Tho Genuine ara Entirely Vegetable and freefrom Al
coholic stimulant Syrup, Aloes, llheubsrd, Calomel,
Acids and all Mineral and Injurious Ingredients, they
arc pleasant In hi-.I* and small, and mild In their opera
tion, never griping or giving any uneasiness: they give
strength to rite whole system whilst they drive from It
disease. They can be administered to Uie mostdelleate
infant with perfaet safbty.
It appeared In the leading German Journal of Philadel
phia—the “Philadelphia Democrat.” The Editor was
personally acquainted with Dr. Iloofland, nnd prislng.the
services ofthis great man he could not quietly look upon
Ihekssuiance of no I minister, without apprizing the public
of aptUoachlng danger t
“One of ihe most renowned physicians, on# of the
cress that ofrtlines makes recovery Impossible. Dal lily’s Pain Extractor was procured aa soon a* posit
— „ ...... 1 hie (which was In aboutsl* hours) and applied, and which
MOST DISEASES COMMON TO MEN, WOMEN relieved him front all pain, prevented InflatnaUnn nnd
AND CHILDREN I swelling, and In a fow days commenced healing Ills eorc*.
are overcome by Dr. Leldy’a Sarsaparilla Blood Pills. I There appeared a general Improvement, so much so that
They are eflleaelou* In Dyspepsia, Headache, IlixxlneM, | n three weeks he wm removed to his father's house, dls-
Giddiness or Faintness, I’alprtetion or Hull -ring of the tant about one mile and a half.
Heart, Dimness of the Eyes, Costlvem s*, Indlfr-tlon, YVe continued the use of the above medicine for two
Want of Appetite, Dislike or Disgust to Food, l ulnesa or months, nnd we believe it wn* the means, under l’rovl-
at the btomach, Heartburn, V\ ntnhresh,Snur dence. of saving Ills lifb, nnd we would cheerfully recilm-
A.rai.1..I.WHU.HM, i —-••- r mllnr cases as a sate and Invaluable renie-
Weight at rite btomach, Heartburn, vvaternrasn,»nur I donee, of saving
Eructations nr Acidities or the btomach, inward Fevers, mend it in nil sin
Foul or Ottenrive Breath,Bail Taste In Hie Mouth in tho 1 •
morning or at other times, CnRc rains, Flatulency, Paine
or the Breast, the Lungs and Limbs, or the bldr —■■* -*
th* Loins, of the Uack, bhonldcr*, Hhcumalis
Diseases of the bkin, Scaly Eruptions, Dry and Watery
Pimples of tho Face, Neck and Undy, Tetter, ltch,King-
worm, l’rlckly Heat, and an itching, bunting and prick
ing sensation of the skin or flesh, Depression of Spirits,
1783 obtained tho degree of Doctor of Medicine, at til*
latter University. From 1793 to 1801, he officiated aa
Professor at rim University or Jena. In 1801, he wm ap
pointed Private Physician to the King of Prussia, Mem
ber of rite Academy of Hclenee, and upon Ihe establish
ment ortho near College at Berlin, Professor and Court
B slolan by the Ministry or the Interior. Ills character-
i profoundness and deep penetration enabled him to
combine the theoretical and practical; ip unite old and
ncwsyitrmsi produce in common the practical and use-
* ' — J “ “•—'— results and necessary
With scntitiiente of respect, I remain, dear sir, yout
Ing sensailon of the skin or flesh, Depression ofbplriu,
Melancholy, Morning Sickness, and Cramps at tho btom
ach, etc. common to Females.
Susannah Cla.k.
C. E. Cl.A#K,
We the undersigned being personally acquainted with
ie en*e of Mr. Clark’s son, believe tho above statement
substantially correct.
M. Downy, Louisa Dewey, J. S. Kelsey, Henry B.
Pearce, Wm. Evans, E. Clark, L. P. Rose, Ira Newman,
Wm. Nowman. Msrv J* Hose-
Take no otlierthatrnrLeWy’VSarsapailda'Rlood Pills; I mntSy BiipririiuiU^estliiioniidsof^ires^pcrformuil, nnd for
They are warranted to do more good, nt all times, than l the truth of which statements, t hold myself responsible l
any others, and maybe lately taken fur m<M ilisensca Piles, lUremnntlrnt, ball Rheum, Erysipelas, Hcnld
common to mankind, requiring no restraint iu living or Head, Carbuncle, Fever Sores, Cut* of thu suvereslklnd,
occupation. . t I Bruises, Swellings, Punctures, Sore Nipples, Broken
Mors confidence can bo placed In them than nny other*; Breast, Chapped ilantUnnd Lins, Sprains and Inflnmuta-
became prepared by Dr. N. R. Leidy himself, a regular tinns, where the parts aflVcted can bo reached and the
Druggist, Chemist and Physician, Graduate orthe Unlvcr- Extractor applied, yield to it* pain subduing, curative and
sity of Pennsylvania, a Member of different Medical In- hcnlinc properties! But I distinctly declare, tlintT will
— •*- •• not hold myself responsible for the effect# of any Extrac
tor, excepting what liaaheen procured at my own depot,
nnd from nty authorised Agents, being cognisant of the
dangerous tendency of the rouuterfrit*.
il. DALLBY, 415 Broadway, New-York, nnd
933 Clinstuut-strect, Philadelphia.
A. A. SOLOMONS, Agent (hr Savannah.
0. U. PLUMB k CO., Agents, Auguste,Ga.
R. CARTER, Agent.Coluntbus.Gn,
KNOTT k BROWN, Agents, Griffin, Ga.
I. principally, who exposed and destroyed
rstem.’whlch.notwllhstandliigihe brilliant
. Ierfacu6tta,‘
Proprietor of these Pills.
Refutation at Stan#.—Dr. l.eldy infers to any of the
ng, and as a professional man, or man of honor,
nothuszard his reputation by recommending pills
other medicine to the public, excentof known effleae;
YA/OMEN of the Old and New Testament:
v Y A series of PtirtraU* with Characteristic. Descrip
tions by several American Clerg; men; Edited by WUliatu
B. Sprague, D.D.
The Women of the Bible t Sketches of Prominent Fe
males mentioned in Holy beripture, Illustrated by eight
een Characteristic Steel Engravings; Edited by tne Rev.
’ M. Wainwrlght, D D.
Leaflets of Memory t An Illuminated Annual for 1630.
Gems of Beauty for ie60; Edited by Emily
Poems by Amelia: A new enlarged edition, illustrated
with Original Designs; by Robert W. Weir.
An Illustrated Edition of Proverbial PhllOiophy) by
The Brilliant t A Gilt Book for 1830.
A fine assortment of Papier Mache Portfolio*, Wilting
Desks, Wurk Boxes, Dressing Ca.-es, kc. Hec<-ived by
other medicine to the public, exceptor known efficacy. rn :—^Y*innn’
ft/- Be assured, then, If you derire, at any time, pill*, I.) HO WN’S Essence of Jamaica GINGER,
for purgation or purification, or fof the cure of auy dls- J j Prepared and Bold at Fatnaatca Banwa’a Drug
•«. >• • • * nnd Chemical Store, N. E. corner of Chestnut and Fifth
sue, to give those PUts a trial; you will never tegret it.
Sreets, PHILADELPHIA. The primary effecte or this
valuable preparation are experienced In Its gcntlestlmu-
_ . n . ann »-.. n .r i latlve Influence In the stomach, and from thence dliru-
ftjfo Principal Depot,_ DR. LEIDY’S DISPENSARt, sing iucifthrmigh the whole Mslcm. It Is excellent In all
No. 114 North FOURTH street, between Race and Mne* nous and hypochondriacnl aflectlops, some of the most
streets, Philadelphia. \ . . evident of which are an oppression or sense of weight,
Sold olso by all respectable Druggists and Storekeepers [ nnd flatulency, succucded by nervous headache, giddiness
■" *-' These ft removes by actlngnn the stomach a* a
In Augusta, Mlllcdgevllle, Macon, Columbus, and goner- fcc.
ally in the United tftntes. In Savannah by gent
r pHE ROSEMARY—A collection of Sa-
X en d and Itellgioua Poetry, front Uie English and
Amcri an Poets, with elegant lllusirations.
Thu Ivy Wreath; by Mrs Hughs, with elegant illustra-
’i he Invisible Gentleman; by theautlior ofTbo Robber.
A Cruise iu a Whale Boat; by the author of The Ocean
Recollections nf Anthony; by Alexandre DuniM.
The Dt-spuraJo.'s ot the New World; by Charles Sum-
merfleld, of Texas.
Ada and Elflue; by Mrs. Grey.
Mary Beach, ot the Fultnn-street Cap Maker.
The I’aitsiin Countess; by Alexandre Dumas.
The Fuitunosof Woman: ju*t received bi
oct 5 w.
ed by
r PHE POET’S OFFERING, for 1850—
X edited by Mrs. Sarah Joseph* Halo.
Oliver Goldsmith: a Biography; by Washington Irving,
being vol XL of Irvins’# Works—new edition.
The Practical Elocutionist and Academical Reader and
Speaker; by John W. S. Iluws.
The Cra>on Reading Book. coiapri>lng selections from
the various writings oi Washington Irving; prepared for
the me of Schools.
The Elements of Reading and Oratory; by Henry Man-
deville, D. I).
The Child’s First HLtnry of Rome; by E. M. Sewell.
Retribution, or Uie Vale of Shadow*: a Tale of Passion;
by Emilia D. E. N'evitt Southworth.
David Copp.-rfleld, part 4.
Tha Water Cure for Debilitated Young Men; by Dr.
V\ m. A. Alcott. Received by
il of Birds, Intended for the amusement and Instruc
tion of Y nuug People.
The Bonk of Animals, exemplified by original and se
lect ll.ustrntire anecdotes; by T HR by.
Fanny and her Mainma, or Hints for Nursery Disci
pline; by the aulbor of “Mamma’s Bible Stories.”
The Life and Adventures of Punchinello, embellished
with one hundred designs.
Tales and Stottes for Boy* and Girlest by Mary Howitt.
Little Annie’s First and Second Book, i hiufiy in words
of three syllables: by her Mother.
City Cries; or, a Peep at Scenes in Town t by an Ob
Popular Moral Tales for the Young: by Mary liowitf.
Little Lessons for Little Learners, fu words of one
syllable, by Mrs. Harwell.
Innocence of Childhood, by Airs. Column.
The Little Savage, by Gapt Afsrryat, R. N.,
l he Caxton, part 2.1, by air E. Hulwer Lytton.
New supplies of thu Woodman, Mordaunt Hall, Ellen
Piercy, Tha Parricide, Blanche of Brandywine, ke.
Received by J. u. CUBllEDGE,
Market square.
r T^HE Geology of South-Carolina; by M.
X Tourney, in one volume, quarto, with Alap and II-
lustrations; price fft.
Letter* from the Alleghany Afountalns; by C. I.anm
author of “A Tour to Uie rioguenay,” “A summenn
Wilderness,” kc. kc.; price 75 ceute.
Combe on the Constitution of Alan, considered in re
lation to externa) objects, new edition, 37K cent*.
Mechanics’ Arkrunt: A thorough practical treatise on
Alenstrurailnn and the Sliding Rule, fcc. fcc,; by D. AI.
Knaper, price one dollar.
6 ™s ChlW,, ' Flwl llUu,ty nT Uomq i by E. M. Sewell,
Reuibulion.or the Vale of Shadows: A tale or Passion;
by Emma D. N. Houtliworili; price 33 cent*. •
Blackwood's Magazine for Augmt. Just received.
r PHE Magic of Kindness; or, the Won-
Afa hc r ° U * 8tory ° r the Good Hu,a 1 by 1116 Brotl,cr *
l^® rkra “’« History of the National Assembly,from May,
Whately’s Logic—new edition.
HLtoryof Peodennis: by Thackeray—with numerous
illustrations—No. 1, price 35 cents.
Sir Charles LyelPs 2d .VWt to U. 8., (new supply.)
Just received by W. THORNE WILLIAAfe'
f< EORGIA—Bryan County.—To all whom
It tnsy concern t
IVlicrcas, Jerse E. Item, Administrator onthe Estate
landukdtii’s garden needs,
THE Subset ibers have just received, a fresh
X supply of Litndrelh’s Garden Seed*, of the follow
ing arlelbs:
BEET—Long Blood, extra Early Turnip, Alansle
of Mown* Ham, laic of this county, deceased, has applied CABBAGE—Eat IrYorlc, Large York, Early Battersea,
to the Honorable thu Inferior Court of said county, Large Drumhead, Flat Dutch, Large Bergen, Drumhead
while sitting as a Uuurt of Ordinary, for Letters DU- Savoy, Green Curled Savoy.
mUsory. * CARROT—Lons Orange, Early Horn.
1 CAUL1 FLOWER-Early, Late.
CELERY—White Solid, Red Solid.
LETITJCE—Early Cabbage. Royal Cabbage, Brown
Dutch, Philadelphia Cabbage.
PARSLEY—Curled, Plain. PARSNIP-Pugar.
PEAS—Extra Early, Early France, Large Alanowfat,
Dwarf Imoerial.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all and sin
gular the kindred and creditor* of said deceased, to file
their objection* (If any they have) in the Clerk’* office of
said Court within Uie time prescribed by law; otherwise
letters ofdUmission will be granted the applicant.
IVitneiw, the Hon. Joseph L, McAllister, one of the
Judge* of said Court, this sixteenth day of Sept., 1849.
sept 18 ALPRBD B. SMITH, Deputy Clerk «.
Plat Dutch, Red Top, Yellow Aberdeen,
Monument square.
QEORGI A-Glynn County .—To all whom
\Vlierea*fFranXM. Scarlett and Stephen M. Tim- iiS rDcclwi1 for nniv ,u '
mon*. Executors of tbe last will and testnmentor Petet | TURNER fc ODEN,
Massie.daceased, liatlt applied lo Uie Honorable the In
ferior Court of said County while sitting for ordinary
purposes, for a cltaUon lo Issue and be published nccord-
logjo law for Letters Utstnlssoryt
These are tbereforr to cite and admonish all concern- , n , , ...
ed, davlsees, legatees and creditors, to file their objeo- J, l f. do!n * M IMPORTING XND
tlone, if nny they have, to Bio application of said Exccu- COMMISSION IIUBINESS, and will be thankful fork
tor* ns aforesaid, In my office on or before the first Mon- shareor patronage from his friends and the public,
dny in May next; otherwise Letters Dismissory will be | nov 20 PRA’B. WAVER,
granted to them.
Witness, the llonoramo imas. uraiii, one ot me .
Uccs of^atd Court, ihU fifth dayof Nov. f A. D., 1849.
THE Undersigned has taken the Store No.
X 178 Bay-street, under the one now occupied by H.
Witness,tiic Honorable cha>. Grant,fine of the Jus- Y/CTBEDS Sc MORRELL are opening
"3-m.iJUflfu, J«»of Nn. A. U.,m». VV- nowurotuiniorP..nch ,„ M tanLndfin.
ALEX. 8CIIANTON, Clerk r. n.«». n. J white Chins, flowing mulberry, Canton blue, and while
( 'ajrnnni \ ' "n< il flint Dining, Toilet and Tea Bette; also Brass Fenders,
^.EOilGIA McIntosh County.—’To all Andirons,l/hovel and Tongs, Balance Handled Knives
.J whom it may concern: * '— •*’—s| - -
I Andirons, onovei nuu i ong*, unnnee Handled Knives
.... r~--. « — -a--r.- .. and Fork*, Tea Trays, fcc. Tngetlterwlthnfullasjort-
Wlicn-iip, Alexander McDonald nnd Daniel McDonnld, ment nf cut, plain and moulded Glass-Ware—will be
Executors upon the estate of Wlllinin B. McDonald, late sold at New-York prices,
of said County, deceased, applies for Letters of Dismli- nov8 . UROUGHTON-STREET, Savannah.
lion from said estate i —■■■■■—
Therefore, the kindred and creditors of said deceased T^O the PLANTERS and FARMERS of
are hereby cited nnd admonished to file Uieir objections, X South Carolina, Georgia, Alnbama, Tennessee and
(if any Uiey have,)in my office. In term* of the law; I Florida.—I am the authorized Agent for the sale nnd pur-
otherwise Letters Dismissory will be granted ihe appU-1 chase of the “CAMELINA BATIVA” or GOLD OF
cant* *t tbe next term of said Court, eigliteati hundred PLEASURE SEED, a native of Siberia.
or ....
* «• °* “h.p. j may3 •. - • Agjintforth# Company ofN»w-York.
TYT EW-YORK Court of Appeals.—Reports
■Ll of Cases decided from Heptember 1847, to Decem
ber 1848; by Geo. W. Cnrnstock—vol. 1st.
k (’ollyer j ery * lc P oru t vo * 20 i containing Y'ounge
Wharton’s American Criminal Law.
Also, the Cholera, Its Cause. PrevenUon and Cure; by
Charles Richardson, M. D. Price 13J{ cents.
The Old Judge, or Life in a Colony; by Judge Halibnr-
tnn. Price 50 cents—complete edition.
The Spring-Street Milliner’s ApprcnUcc, or Life
ew-York., 95 cents. .
Eller’s Housekeeping Made Easy. 19U rente.
Old London Bridge, or the Days of Henry 8lh. 60
The boquet of melody—a mu
X steal Annual for I860.
1847'"l/yH ^ H^aifo or Notes of an Unflnl.hed Tour In
IHIdreUt’s History of Uie United States—vol. 3d; com
History °f Charles the 2d and Alfred the Great-being
ivo additional volumes to Abbott’* series.
A TreaU*c on the Management or Infancy t by An
tew Combe, M.D.
Sights in Uie Gold Iteghns t by Theodore T. Johnson.
A System nf Phrenology: by George Combe.
Real urn, his First Voyage t by Herman Melville.
Sidotiin, the Borcereset by VVflliam Heinbold. Re
ceived by JOHN M. COOPER.
(ill, and thus draw therefrom the
applicable means.
“Il was Dr. II. p
thu*Brown’s System, —
exterior, could not conceal ite nanyimperfactlons3irou|ht
tn light by lloofland’a noble Impartiality, sound truths,
and deep penetraUnn. independent of his piacUcal use-
hlncss a* Physician nnd 1’roiessor oT the healing art, he
las earned undying fame for his superior knowledge in
Itntcrla Mcdlcn.a* well aa for his manifold works on Med-
cal Juri'pnidenco. Among these may be mentioned
ill world renowned ‘Makmbeollk. or Uie art of proloni
ng life,’ ’System of practical healing ait,’ 'Ideas or l’i
thogenlc,’ 'Journal of practical Medicine,’ Ac. He hi..
besides all thl* gained eternal fame and praise, from suf
fering hutnntdly for the discovery and cotublnaUon of
several Infallible medicinal*, among which is the far
famed nnd Justly celebrated compound, known as
Tlte application of aciduous earth far the cure of sul
phuric disease*. The celebrated Diaphoretic remedy—
aud numerous Invalunble recorded recipes.
After the celebration of hla fiftieth professional festivi
ty, in 1833, upon which occasion the King of Prussia hon
ored him with the Insigiiiaofthe Order ol Uie Gross ofthe
Red Eaale, and many other Royal Orders and Matka of
distinction, he died on the 23th day of August, 1KW, (as countv t
Uie King or Prussia’s private Medical Uouncellor,) with- ’
out any Icgiilmate male heir oi nflVpring.
Dr. U. M. Jackson, of Philadelphia, has had the
----- - . gcntlfcstimulus,illffiMtignmildandenrdialwarmth,grail-
A._A».SQLpMONd, _ I ually uxhilirntiiig the nerves and giving tone totlte dlgea-
**• tive organs. It Is also useful In chronic rheumatism,
lumbago, fcc. as an external application to the parte nf.
ied. When nppllert externally .il should be mixed with
•ct 16—mwfoly T. M. TURNER k CO.,and other*.
ting It GhJWINR, Original, etc. This Townsend Is no
iliwinr nml wm*. Imt wa* formerlt' a worki-r no rail. I
doctor atid never was, hut was formerly a worker on rail- I wTtr ror wine d fa^rah^s anires'slsts'dlveiUon 8 ItYs*
sksctoxs’K imam***w
a week. 1 will give 8. P. Townsend «500 If he will pro- A ’ aOLOMONB l^!^
T/RESH DRUGS 1—Just receiving, a com-
irnb Townsenrfte P ,e, ° assortment Of choice Drugs, I’harm
the public not to lm deceived, and puri-hase none hut the
Sarsaparilla, having on it the Old Dr.’s likeness, hi* faini-
•——"w W"* k - —*— 1
pie to
Preparations, Medicinal Herbs and Extractei and Uon-
!y COM ofuiu, ana hi. i'l«.UlS Ml». tt. mtrfjmi. I Kg, Z“S w'Jwptu toSSnSulu
Principalaffice, 109 NacMu st .Nne-Y. rk City. I
The Original Eitcoverer qf
Old I)r. Townsend Is now about 70 years of nge, and
bus long been krown as the AUTHOR and DISCOVER
SAPARILLA.” Being poor, ho wa* compelled to limit .
its manufacture, by which means It has been kept out of
market, and the sate- '•ircttmscribed to those only who
had proved it* worth and known its value. It had reach
ed Uie ear* of many, nevertheless, os those persons who
had been healed nf sore diseases, nmlcnv.d from death,
tocluimed its excellence an.1 wonderful HEALING
,'OWEK. This Grand and Urn-quailed Preparation Is
manufactured on Uie Inrgest scale, and is called for
**■ oughoutthe length and breadth o. the land.
Old Dr.Jaceb Towiiseml’s8arsnnnrllla
Is so prepared, that Ml the Inert ptopeitL-sor the Sarsa- I
par ilia root are first removed, everything capable of he- I
coming acid or of fermentation, is t-xiracted and rejected;
then evety particle of medical virtue 1* secured in a pure 1
and concentrated form; and thus it is rendered incapable
rif losing any oflu valuable nnd healing properties. Pre
pared In this way, It Is made Uie most powerful agent in
Uie 1
Cure of Innumerable Diseases.
Hence Uie reason why we hear coumicmlsUons on
every side in its favor by men, women and children.
We find it doing wonder* hi theeure of
TIONS, PIMPLES, BLOTCHES, and all aflecUonsati
■ing from Impurity of the llloml.
it possesses a marvellous efficacy in all complaints arl-
mndcrate advance nn cash cost.
HECKElt’S FARINA ill—This dellghtfril article for
invalids and children, just from the Factory, warranted
of superior quality.
BALTIMORE Epsom SALTS, and many other ar
ticles, obtained from first hnuds, attho lowest cash rates,
■ug 10 JOHNSON k CO.
F )R Ihe Removal and Permanent Cure of
NERVOUS DISEASES, and of those com
unequal circulaUon, determination nf blond to the head, I l ,lnln H wh,ch nn CHU l ed , T. nn i,n P' llrL 'i> weakened nnd
-r .u..—. — ' 1 unheidUiycnndlUon of the Nervous System. Thlabeou-
Uful and convenientappllcntlon oi tbe mysterious powers
of Galvanism nnd Magnetism. Iia* been pronounced by
distinguLhed physicians boUi In Europe and the United
States, to bo the most valuable medicinal discovery of the
age. Da. Ciiristik’s Galvanic Bkw and Maonntio
11 did, is used with the most perfect aud ceitnln success
in all cases of General Debility, strengthening tho weak-
Nervous Diseases anil Debility, | '-med body, giving tone tothe various orgnns, and iuvlgo
it is not possible for Utl* medicine to fall to do good) It , .! ,l J ,, *V ,e •V**® 1 "- In Ylte, Cramp. and
ha* nothing in It which can ever harm; It ran never sour I Ifafay. Dyspepslajir indigestion. Rheumatism, Acute and
-- poll, and therefon
leauses the blood,
tone# the stomach site
Imwels of torpor and eon*ti|
palpitation of the heart, cold feet and cold hands, cold
chill* and hot flashes over the hotly, it lies not had its
equal in coughs and cold; and promotes easy expectora
tion, and genUe perspinuiop, relaxing strict *-
lungs, throat, and every other part.
Ily removing obstruction*, and regutaUng the gnnoral
system, it gives tone and strength to Uie whole body, and
cures all form* of
bowels or torpor and constipation, nllny* inflnination, J^mpiaini, anti curyauiro c
purifies the skin, equalizes the circulation or the blood! ,ho K, ! ,n ?. y, A
producing geuUe warmth equally nil fiver tho body, anti I Physical Energy, nnd nil Nt
he ioiensilde persphaUon; relaxes at) strictures nnd I P la >nte arise from one almpl
ve* all ohstru
Deficiency nf Nervous anc
fervous Diseases, which com-
— almple cause, namely, a Derange
ment ofthe Nervous System.
7 j strictures and
Ughtness, removes all obstructions, and Invigorate* the
enUre nervous system. Is not this, then, , . —
The Medicine you Pre-emlnenlly Need I mo * 1 recpcc-tnblo sources could be given, sufficient to fill
But can any or Un-re things be said nfS. P.Townicnd’s «>v«ry column in this piper. We make a fow selecUnna.
Inferior article l This young man’s liquid is noi to lie i ’ ,, ° flr,t »" cxtraordinary caso.aiid conciuslvelyprovo#
('oinparcd with the Old Dr.’s. Uist “troth i* stranger thnu fiction.”
becauscof one Grand Fact, that theoue is INCAPABLE rhe ' 0| l° w >'falatter, narrating not
or DETERIORATION and nble events in the antiRl* of Medical 8clence, is from the
Never Spoils, Rev. Dr. Landis, a Clergyman or New Jersey, ofdis-
while the other DOE8; It sours, ferments, and blows the tinf'libcd otuinments and exAltcd reputation:
bottles containing!! into fragments; Uie sour, acid liquid l . .. „ StDNBr, New Jersey, July 18^1848.
New Jersey....
Da. A. H. Christie—Dear Sir: You wish' tn Ironw
are what haa been the rcsultin my own ease, ofthe spnli-
ration of UieGALVANioBsLTANnNsoKLACK. My reply
is a* follows:—
For about tieextg gears I had been suffering from Dys
pepsia. Every year the symptom* became worse, nor
e would fain have It understood that Old Jacob co . ul ‘ l 1 perenonent relief from nny course ofmedl-
id’s GENUINE ORIGINAL SARSAPARILLA. I •* ,i^***V}* n J wtial ? v ® r \, Wy Phvsiclans were skilful
Al/out fourteen years since, Iu consequenco of frequent
exposure to the weather, in Ure dtechnrge of my perennni
duties, l became subject to n severe Chronic Rheumatism,
conteinlngit into fragments; Ure sour, acid liquid
explodingand damaging other gootls i Must not this hor
rible compound be poisonous to Ure system.
Now, is It not horrible to make and acll, and inflnitel
worse to use this
Souring, Fermenting, Add “Compound 1
andyethewouh*^’ ‘
Townsend's GEL.
is an IMITATION of bis Inferior preparation..
Heaven forbid that we should deal in nn article which
would bear the most distant resemblance to 8. P. Town-
U.n.r,. m «.ni. who b.v" .„id, ISd jUZmSti “if ■n,'" «.y, i>i;y.Td»n.
have used 8. P. Townsend’s FERMENTING C03I- I (forded lire great relief; but tills relief was on-
POUND! raiuiaannu ly temporary. Farther: In Ure winter of ’4.3 and ’48, In
We wish II understood, becauso It is the absolute truth, “"“fluenf 18 °f preaching n greut deal in my own and
that B. P. Townsend’s article and Old Dr. Jacob Town- f v 1 nrl ' ,u * other churches In this region, I was attacked by
*end’s Sarsaparilla are heaven-wide apart, and Infinitely t,lu l ,,ronc 1 1 I li, * , 'i which soon become so severe S# to require
dissimilar; that they are unlike in every particular, hnv- nn suspension of my pastoral labors. Mg ntr-
Ing not one single thin* In common. »ras#vrieiN ieM now lAor-.N/Afg nr-Mfrated, and ns my
d ^ cW J!’. ,nd never jivu, In no .?>'*P e P,’ ,a ? n ' 1
the Nervous System.
But reasoning from effect lo enuso, I concluded that the
Nervous System must be reached, before liny hope could
be Indulged of my obtaining relief from those most dis
tressing mnladlcs. In Ure whole phnrmncopaiin Uiere
seemed to lie no remedial agent whic h could rench nnd
recuperate my Nervous System j everything that I had
tried for this purnoso hod completely failed. Atlnst I tens
led by myfrlend*loexninlneyourlnvontlon»,nnd ftliou:
chemist, no pharmaceutist—knows no more or medicine Iaffection—thu* evlncinx that these disorders
ordisense, than nhyodrercommon, unsclenUflc, unpro- *vereconnected with eaehother ihmti.t.ih.
feutonal man, whal guarantee ran the public have that
they are receiving agenuine scientific medicine contain
ing all the virtue* of the articles used in preparing It,
nnd which are incapable of changes, which might render
them the AOENtA or DISEASElnstead ofhralth?
It Is to arrest frauds upon Ure unfortunate, lo pour Imlm
-iited humanity, to kindle hope In the despairing
iWCore health'and bloom _uml vigor Into the
T YELL'S 2d VISIT.—A Second Visit to
XJ Ure United State# | by Sir Charles Lyell-3 vols.,
pnner^^l 20.
cIoth Ut, "i y 25 C ' 0n,ra ° n ® oolr » compieto—one vol.,
Hlldritit’s History of the United States—vol. 2d, p.
History of the American Bible Society; by W. P.
Strickland—1 vol.—ifl 50.
Edmond Dantes: A Sequel to the Count of Monte
Crlsto—50 cente.
Mrs Ellis’Hearts and Homes, or Social Distinction—
50 cente.
The Malden Aunt: A Storyj from the last London
edition—50 cents.
Clara Book or Zoology; by Professor Jaeger.
An Easy Introduction to Spanish Conversations; by
Velazquez de la Cadens.
Story of a Genius; by Cola Mantl.
Downing’s Landscape Gardening and Rural Architec
ture— 4th edition, many plates.
. ■Afcfr-The Annua! Digest, for 1847and ^848, of Decis
ions ia tbe various United States Courts.
Jusi received by W. THORNE WILLIAMS. ’
• pimiiimi-uiiujia uiero
e no remedial agent whic h could reach and
cupernte my Nervous System; every thing that I '
_ iedforthls purnoso had completely failed. Atlnst I
crushed nnd broken and tobnnUhinfirrnlty—timVold Dr. I l *»yM« n u*fo«*»mlne your Inventions, nnd (though
JACOB TOWNSEND has SOUGHT and FOUND* the 1 } vl,h no very sanguine Impcs of thflr efficiency,) I de-
opportunity and means to brings bis n*» w Asm e< T»?L PJ ,,,L ’* t l on of ,llu
Graitil Universal Concent rnteri Ilemetly, I . NECKLACE, with the
within Uw reach, and to the knowledge of nil who ured II
•i... *nd know, by Joyfal experience, IU
...... v m. ta.i—pemiitWtf, f. could
letnils of pnrtlcu-
brief abstract..
scdtliousands and million* from the bed of sickness 5^";. n ?i'
d despondency, to hope, health, nnd n long life of vigor fln.TA 1 . A .if ti . mo P 1
d usefulness to Uiemsclves, Uieir families and friends, fi!- *»..?/*?**; of P°P r . w J ,h , U ' B j( el1
Prlncljmloffice J02 Nassau street,N. Y. « r *’«!’ ul 1 e * n . now on ^ rur "'*h ‘hi*
>27 WM. HUMPHREYS, jR.,Agent,Pavannnh* JJRIJC! 1 '*!'** **>* returned i the Rheumatism once
—■ -— ’ —— - j 1” “.Yi 1 J n®' huy OBJ'Br severejyj and Is easily
■ ■ ■ ■ — I ore, ire. never severely, nun is easily
mu *»»*«■«■»• OiLVAKIO 00 a*TIV*S.
The Galvante Belt,,, .T)in-n Dollnn
The Galvanic Necklace Two Dolla??‘
0-h« I...V
No. 3 —Warranted to stop Uie hnlrfrom falling ofT,
to make it grow agnln in its nriinitlve beauty.
No. 4—Thl* preparation Is of the most efficacious na
ture to cure l/nldness.
No. 5.—Contains a mosi powerful Ingredient that de
composes ihe substance* ny, which the hair is rendered
No. 0.—Hpecially prepared for the diseases of the skin
ofthe head, to cure ringworm, pustules, humors, ke.
/hp »Jove preparaUwte for sate by
r «h9 W. UUMPjlRBYB, Jr.
Tho Galvanic Bracelets, ....One Dollarin/h
to. dm
Por $tSt in B./annali b» tho mnhorhwd Annt,
roiui iciivwiii. cuuiaiiun, ire, lino iiit i.hmit anil grsnU-
iltcr, (two celebrated Doctors,) voluntarily devoted him*
If in the study ofMedlcine, at Jena and Gottingen, and
cojirot-ao xiTRsfr or
AVomler nml BlMIlng of the Age.
Tks moil extraordinary hit did nt in the World I
This Extract is pol up In Qum t Itottlc* ; It is six limes
cheaper, plc&vanttr, and warranted superior to any
sold. It cures diseare without vomiting, purging,
sickening, or debilitating tbe Patient.
Tire great beauty and superiority of this 8amptr!|.
Ia over all other .Medicines is, while it eradicates dls.
ease, it invigorate* th* body, it is one ol the very best
•»*r known I it not only purifies the whole system
and strengthens tire perron, but it creates, new, pore
end rich blood t a power pi>ne-.Ted by no other Med.
iclne. And In ibis her tho grand secret of its wonder,
fal success. It has performed within the lost two years,
more than ont hundred thousand cures of ssysr* cases
of disease, at least, 60,000 were considered, incurable.
It ha* saved tho lives of more than 16;000 children the
three put seasons.
100,000 cases of General Debility nnd want
of Nervous Energy*
Da. 8. P. Townsxud’i Sonanarilla invigorates tho
whole system permanently. To those wire have lost
their muscular energy, by the rfleets of medicine, or
indiscretion committed in youth, or tire excessive In
dulgence ol the passion*, and brought on by physical
prostration of tho nervous system, lassitude, want of
ambition, fainting sensations, premature decay and
decline, hutening toward that fatal disease, Conimnp.
Uon, can ba entirely restored by this pleasant remedy.
This Sarsaparilla is far superior to any
As it rensws and invigorates the system, gives activity
lo tha limbs, snd strength to tbe muscular system in a
Most extraordinary degree.
Consumption Cured.
Cleanse and Strengthen. Consumption can be cured.
Hrontkills, CansumgtUn, Liver Complaint, Colds,
Catarrh, Csugks, .‘Ittkma, Spitting of (Rood, Sen-
nets In tks Cktit, lltttit Flask, A’igit Sweats, Diif.
JltttU or Prs/uss Ejrptctsralim, Tain in its Side,
ft, Asm Inn end can ks cured.
Spitting Blood.
Da. 8. P. Town«*i»i>—I verily believe yonr Sana-
B riUa haa been tbe means, through Providence, of
ving ray life. I have for several year* had a bad
Cough. It beoatna worse and worse. At last I raised
large quantities of blood, had night sweats, and woe
E reatly debilitated and reduced, end did not expect to
ve. 1 have only used yonr Barsaparilla a snort time,
and there has a wonderful change been wrought in
me. I am now abl# to walk all over tbe city. 1 raise
no blood, and my cough has left me. You can well
imagine that I am thankful for these results. Your
obedient servant WM. RUSSEL, 83 Cithsrlns-st
FI tat Fltat! FI tatlt
Dal 8. P Townisreo, not having tested his Sens,
par ilia in case or Fits, of course, never recommended
it, and was surprised to reeeiva the following from sa
intelllgsnt ana respectable Farmer Iu Westchester
ra in weaanesa amt attecuons OT ttio digest
they are withal, safe, certain, and pleasant.
Opinions of the PliIlKtIelphI* Pres
e German “Illustrated News” saysi
“Dr. v>. nn .ai'M'iu, ui rniiiiuL'ipuiaj ii
mean* of obtaining the recipes or the great med
ical connsillor 'Christoph Wilhelm HurdamL'and Uiese
Invaluable medicines are prepared with the utmost caro
at the German Medicine Store. The bitter mixture i
lloofland’a Gerinnn Bitter*, Is the result of many yeara’
study and experience by the great inventor, and known
and prixed in Europe as nn Infallible remedy for thu cure
of Liver Complnlnt, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, kc. I)r. C.
M. Jaqkson’apreparation of this medicine has obtained
the same celebrity In this Western World. The testimo
nial* and Innumerable confirmation* of thousands of the
most severo nml difficult cases cured, is ample proof of
bis. The medicines compounded by. Dr. C. M. Jackson,
lave produced Uie very eflecte and thessme happy results,
which Ihe Immortal inventor indicated and intended, and
consequently must be prepared with scrupulous accuracy.
In view ofthe above facte it seems singular thatany body
could have the hardihood and Impudence to abuse the
nnme offals distinguished Doctor, who died thirteen yean
ago. To pass off ■ charlatan quack preparation ns tin
real and genuine medlciuo, and to give a semblance of
originality by affixing n facsimile of the deceased, Is in
deed extraordinary I The public will understand what to
expect, and whal to do undet such circumstances.”'
A number of German (vipers copied Uie above snd are
therefore entitled to our Ihnnks.
These Bitters are worthy the attention of invalids.
Possessing great virtues in the rectification of diseases oT
the liver and lesser glands, exorcising the most searching
power* in weakness and affections of the dlgesth o or
gans, they — -*<•*-• -*• —-•
“Our editor and others ort
German Hitters and can recommend It with confidence to
our readers. A* prepared by Dr. Jackson, U fully equals
it notsuipasses In Its effects upon diseased Liver and
sioniach| tho fullest expectation or tlte distinguished
••cityItem,” October 16th, says:
Jox ma Ttta lavauu.—llow many of our readers ate
afflicted with diseased liver, stomach, or nerves l Many,
no doubt. They are to bo pitied, yet to all there Is a cute*
Dr. Hooilsnd’s German Hitlers fia# already cured hun
dreds; anil that it will cure, no one who once u»es It will
doubt, If they uce it os directed. It has established for
Itself an undying fame, which few have done nut of the
vast numberthat has been thrown before the public. It
Uonu of the montperfoct preparations In use, and, as n
German contemporary has said, that aa prepared by Ifr.
Jackson, It fully equnls, if not surpasses, in IU effect* the
fullest representations ofthe distinguished physician who
first compounded it. As a spurious article Is now before
the public, we would caution all against using any but
that signed by U.M. Jackson and sold by him at 120
The “Camden Democrat,” the best paper in West Jer
sey, says, July 311
“We have seen many fluttering notices of this medicine,
id the source from which they i *—»—-• •-
iquiry respecting iu merit*. Fi
inded to use it, and must say we found it specific In Iu
action upon di-ea*es of the liver and digestive organs,
aud Ihe powerful influence itexerte upon nervous prostra
tion Is really surprising. It calms and strengthens the
nerves, hripgingtheui into a stato of repoic, making sleep
If this medlclnn was more generally used, we are satl*-’
fled there would he less sickness, as from Uie stomach;
liver and nervous system, the great majority of real and
Imaginary diseases emanate. Have them In a healthy
condition, and you can bid defiance to epidemics general
ly. This extraordinary medicine we would advise our
friends who are at all inritspnsed to give a trial—it will
then recommend itself. It should, lu fact, be In every
family.” No other medicine can producesnch evidences
of merit.
This medicine has attained that high character which
is necessary for all medicine* to attain to Induce counter
feiters to put forth a spurious article at tbe risk of the
lives of those who ore innocently deceived.
Look tesll to the marks of tks Genuine.
They have the written signature of C. M. JACKSON
upon the wrapper, and his name blown in the bottle, teiU-
out which then are spurious.
For sole wholesale and retail at tho Getman Medicine
Store, No. 190 Arch-street, one door below Sixth, late of
378Race-street, Philadelphia. For sale in Savannah by
, , * . .. J. A. Laroche.
In Charleston by IIaviland, Harbal k Co.;—In Au-
' ■ **’“ " — - ia f er# gen ,
oct 97
F'orikam, August 19,1847.
F. Towniawn—Dear Sir t I ha vs k little girl,
of age, who hu been ssvtrel years
Fit! t wa tried almost evarv thing for
out success | at last, although wa could
in bj ii.aau, a 1 11 ;—in AU-
gusw by Wm. Haines, nnd by respectable Deafen gene
rally throughout tho United States. oct 97
t^R. 3. N. KEELER 8c BRO. met im-
«.»m. PSn fu ! l . J f.??J! r,t *“«mlon to their fresh stock of
DRUGS, Medicines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuff*.
Gln**-wate, Perfumery, Patent Medicines, kc. Having
opened a new store No. 904 Msrket-Sireet, with# full
ipply of Fresh Drugs and Medicines, we respectfully
diet Country Dealers to examine our stock before pur
chasing elsewhere, promising one and all who may feel
dlspowd to extend lo us their pntrousie, to sell them
genuine Drugs and Medicines, on as liberal terms as any
other house in the Clly, and to faithfully execute all or
der* entrusted to us prompily and with despatch.
One ofthe proprietors being a regular physician, affords
«KXU r 'nl' " r ■" “‘ dM ““
8 We respectfully Invite DnfgglsM and country Merchants,
who may wish to become agent* for DR. KEELER’S
popular remedies,)m forward Uieir address.
J. N. KEELER k BRO., Wholesala Druggists,
Ds. 8. 1
•even years <
afflicted with I
her, hut without , , —,—
And no recommendation in yourclrculars forcasee like
hare, wa thought, as shs was In vary dsifasta health,
wa would give her soma of your Sarsaparilla, and are
S 'id wa did. for it not only restored her strength, but
a has had no return of tha Fits, to out vary great
pleasure snd surprise. She is fast becoming rugged
and healthy for which wa feel grateful.
Yours respectfolly, JOHN BUTLER, Ja.
Female Medicines. ' t
Da. 8. P. Towaiaitp’s Sarsaparilla k a sovereign
and speedy cure for Incipient Consumption, Barren
ness, Prolsiisni Uteri, or Falling of the Womb, Cos-
tivsness, Piles, Leueorrbms, or whites, obstructed or
difficult Menstruation, Incontinence or Urine, or In-
voluntary discharge thereat; tnd for th* general pros
tration of tha system—no matter whether th* result
of Inherent cause or esuies, produced by irregularity,
illness or accident Nothing can be more surprising
than its invigorating effects on the human frame,
rsnons ail weakness and lassitude, from taking it, st
ones become robust snd fall of snsrgy under ite in-
finance, it Immediately counteracts tbs nerveless-
ness Of the female frame, which is th* great cans# it
Barrenness. It will not bs expected of us, in eases of
so delicate a nature, to eahlblt certificate* of cores
performed, bat we can assure tha afflicted, that hun-
urtds of esses have been reported to ns. Thousand*
of oases where families have bean without children,
after using a few bottles of this invaluable Medicine,
bav* been blessed with fine, healthy offspring.
Great Blessing to Mother# nnd Children*
It is the ssfest snd most effectual medicine for
purifying the system,and relieving the sufl'erings at.
tendant upon childbirth aver discovered, it strength
ens both ths mother end the child, pt events pain and
disease, increase* and enriches the food i those wh«r
bare used it. think it Is Indispensable. It J* highly use
fal both before and alter confinement, n« it prevents
diseases attendant upon child-birth—In Costivenei^
Piles, Cramps, Swelling or Ihe Feet, Despondency,
Heartburn, Vomiting, Pain In th* Book and Lions,
False Pains, Hemorrhage, and In regulating ths •scre-
tlons snd equalising the circulation, it has no equsL
Ths great beauty of this medicine is, it ia always safe,
snd the most delicate us* it most successfully, very
few esses require any other medicine, in tone e
little Castor Oil, or Msgneiis Is useful. Exercise in
Ihs open sir, and light food with this medicine, will
always secure a safe snd easy confinement .
Blackwell's Island, Stft. 14,1847.
Da. B. P. Towhskho—Dear Sir t I have suffered ter
ribly for nine years with ths Rheumatism | considera
ble ofthe time I could not eat, sleep or walk. I bad
Ihs utmost distressing pains, and mr limbs were ter
ribly swollen. I htvr used four bottle* of your Sarsa
parilla, and they have den* me more than one thou-
■and dollars worth of rood, I am so much better—In.
deed I am entirely relieved. You are at liberty to
us* this for the benefit of th* afflicted.
Yours nspcctfally, JAMES CUMMINGS.
The Rev. John Beger
Of Jersey City, an old and highly respectable clergy
man of tha Baptist Denomination, handed in tho fob
lowing certificate st Dr. 8. P. Townsend’s office. It'
•peaks for Basil.
Da. 8. P. Townienu—Dear Sir t I am constrained to
give you a statement of tha benefit I derived from
using your Sarsaparilla, believing, by so doing, I
shall render a benefit to those who are suffering ■* I
have been. I was reduced for many months by tbe
Dyspepsia, so much that it was with much difficulty
for ms to walk or ksep about. 1 had also a tetter,
which covered the most part of my head—which was
extremely troublesome snd so re i it got to be almost
a scab, fused quit# e number of remedies for both
the complaints, but recslvsd little or no benefit, until
I took your BsnsperilU, which, through the kindness
of Providence, has teetered me to more then my ueuel
health, as I sm now enjoying better than I have for a
number of years. I sm now 60 yoars of ags. I be
lieve it to be an invaluable medicine, and recommend:
it to my numerous acquaintances, which is vsry
Urge, as 1 have been a minister a great many years
* hop* this hasty sketch may be u much benefit to
you as your medicine has to ma.
July 11, 1847. JOHN 8EOER, Jersey City.
Methodist Clergyman*
Th* following was sent to our Agent In Itehway,
ir* - ** —Hr*
.1 1 M^GN/SLL—Hu*bnnd’# Ca j cjnei| Magnlsia is en
tirely deprived.of Carbonic Acid, free from unpleasant
taste, smell, or other disagreeable property, and without
roughnes or glltiness to touch or palate. One tea-spoon-
ful of it Is equalln strength to three or four tea spoonfuls
ofthe Common Calcined Magnlsia.
Having made trial1 0 f tho Calcined Magnlsia prepared by
Thomas J. Husband, I have found it a superior article,
nnd can recommend it as being equal to Henry’s. '
rww.iphi.MH. "SrWjM.*
1 hnve 'lluihntirf'fl deified Mlwi.H,” much lo
>" '..ooimend-
Philadelphia. 1814. N. Siiokmaxkh. M. D.
1 h , n . vo ?* nn, incd a bottle ofthe Calcfand Magniria nre-
MM^te ,0mtt * , ‘ Hu,b * nd » < S M U e S? dU M ■" ««el-
lent article. R. M. Huston, M< D.,
rw w.ipWM&!!u 1 ' ri * M “" e * ln Jelr ' M ' 1 '-
, ^•"■'.A. Calcined M«ne.ln PHniued
KfSSry ofRfanc?ieitor. C ° n,1, * e ^ , * U * t0 ‘ ef * Un * t0
Mal5in« n ta h ^ih Hm ° M P er,enc ®*fa tiie G tiso*of"lusbnnd’■
Magnesia, with my patient*, I feel cnnfldontthntitisfally
■2nlnii?ii» ry i?Magnesia,and I think nno tea*
3iwd MtaSSliSte"Gli. oommoo C.I-
I'ww.lph’ilnial 1c ' u, “ s
Price Menu. Poraaleby
Titan fc-obEN, .
- Mpniim«ih»lii»r»,.
0"'tK w . Aold Sprlnn.Whirr.— of din-.,.., lor MmMHBRRSM BIS
Bn| l back, the
It?- ^ " • * b0re “••7‘lons. It is put up In iiuwt bote
derful effects of Dr. 8. P. Townsend’s Bsmpsriliaon
the system.
Farann Pexasow—Having for soma Ume past, M yon-
are aware, experienced great general debility of my
•yitem, attended with constant and alarming IrnUfon
of my throat and lungs, I was. at your instance, and to
consequence of having read Captain McLean’s ds
elded testimony in ite behalf, induced to tre Dr. 8. P
Townsend’s far-famed Sarsaparilla. I tried it, I con
fess, more in ths hope than in ths confidence of Its
proving sfflesotous j but I sm bound In candor now to
acknowledge, that I had not tried it long before I be
gsn to experience its salutary effects; and I msy non
say, with Captain McLean, "that I wou'd not be with
out it on any consideration.” It h*s dune m# more
good than any previous remedy I have tried, ana u
Utis statement is deemed by you of any importance!
you have my fall consent to make It pubuo.
Rahway, August «d, 1847. J. &. TUNI80N.
This certificate conclusively proves that this
psrilla hss perfect control over the most obstinate
diseases of ths blood. Three persons cured in on#
house Is unprecedented.
Three Children. -
Da. 8. F. Townixnn—Dear Sir t 1 have the pl®“ ur *
to inform you that three of my ohiidren have been
cured of ths 8crofals by the use of your
medicine. They were afflicted very severely with
bid Sores; have taken only four bottles t it took
them away, for which I feel myself under great
obligation. \try respectfully,
ISAAC W. CRAIN, 108 WoostsnsL
Da. S. P. Townsend Is almost dally .receiving order#
from rhyslcisni in different parts of ths Union.
This is to Certify that we, the Undir*Jgnsd,Phy»i
clans of ths City of Albany, have in numsroui caies
prescribed Dr. 8. P. Townsend’s ftotaipariUvandl be
lieve it to be one of the most valuable preparations in
th. m.rlMh II. r. PULING, M. D.
Aiosny, April i, 1047. .
5 oa. .No. « ■ “j
Mr,. E. Kiihlor, No 100 Oonrt.ite.yio.toD
Kidder. Jr.. Lowell; Henry Trait, 8»lem, James »•
chants generally throughout tho United States, «V*«
Indies, snd the Canadas.
ao,.A,.hHf. ffi .;n.h kTm n ,
augio 181 Bay*efreei»
PROP. BARRY'S TrloopliermHo-tg
.E wond.rrnl llnir ,CI« HrjflXJMjH..
upon tho hair, stimulating the Inert veuelSjOpwiini
rairfis, Imparting activity to the circnntion.nwnitenmff ?I
from Iliclr Ictiinrqy nil the yegetatlVO'«*ry
give life, Vigor, nml beauty to the fibres; Ml wuniWJJ,,
G irtlclo of Scurf and Dandnilfatodsoon e oihlnge*™ to».
ild Qf hplf denuded hea<ftvitli‘« thick) lojsy,
.l«llh'tov..lo(;• In.*. hoiti««. P' 1 "”T.I
lagfj&nm "gfftfJISXSi&r* ob.