The Savannah daily republican. (Savannah, Ga.) 1866-1873, October 18, 1868, Image 1

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iUuvmmlj VOL. LXV111.—NO. 154. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, SUNDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 18, 1868. m DAILY REPUBLICAN, ID JPUitT K. JINKED. 4 t";»aAnON IN CITY ANO COUNTY.*i WAIIIABIY IN ADVANCE. • k#*r. *tlM)lt)t, i > i ni,.t, • fin 1' . r.u rn. U KKKI.V IlKIM OI.ICAII I. .■<«>- t * st f Mlnnlni iimrriln*' TKIOU • !NV»«l*‘'lY is AOYAHCl, «•••• *•*,. • M» Noiiil,*. ritiii N ortO>». It til • OK AlIVKIlTININDl Oi»,. *<|iiur«% l iw lion, 91. I. h lltvri lloil. AOc. a ,• >»i M tas iii«*fur«4 tines ot Nuo|wrol DJ* AOKNTI, l to IWtwlro Ad»srti#si»aat# an-l hub- *•* i(• i lb* Dstt.v *nl Wrirlt Urm'rm n. v M I’rttirsill 4 Co, Sut# itreei ? K Nil f* '<* I .•»*-•> M PartlaaiUL A Co Park !*•>• . .•r «>i rc X Co 7 liwkmsn »tr*«t, Jot C« R X (*• I II ■tr* 4 Co !'>■>,t -Con. Wrtrrmi.l X Co. Lflf.rr Uuildln* tUilltmi-t \IJ II iirnl C»., I 1 .'fteatb #trvst ItVyj*. Ga If n H I C Y For .Vin/f||ioV li.i K A SlUIVU Ar.'iau i,.i N'mi It F, ui.rr Ho«%r li.» Ai* era A Orrrmq, Jr /l un'ti.i/t, <»4 7 H. Ci>*i i», who ha# tb* K# rrsi.i> *• ft r /«!# rX- m.lintir liil Mill K A McClRLLAN oil" ivi .# i.« ri #l.l>'AS fuf /I ...; li,I .. II c |'ii t r h *»«i *i>« a Krulr A Co / . J J V *' R L H , IU Mr I) || Kkip. IVatui-uter •k bn* 'm» l *11 )* lot >hI» *' • • l.o Tn »ti Sinn-##, Rm X' I Inrs. fit J II 1 It III R Itlll.lMR K*1 tti.-mJa t ft Wu WuiriRii. *»•>-¥ Hi M JJ »»««■ *•* al'c 'vrsrisrlac > i NDAV "CTtiUKH 1-, '!:* n :N0 MATTER ON EVERY PAGE TIIK GllKL'IAN IIICIIU, It* t nil It «l Ion, Prnrtlrr mhI Klunl I»« v«ln|ini#nt. ft# true bn. I. :t,v t «r.J ol lb* *lit* *t. 1 rrfinoJ la the ) ut|C I* ly thf3»lo| b«r br-ly l r *»*rl *r.-l I## I I.*.** >• tburh #h" w#rs trying t» f«'rh 4 »<*p I'Jol.l ■ n Ilia rr. 4 ol her fi re at 'tit *•■*»«*, >'i uj(ii tb* intdrem ,.f fslier b« cl«* I ■ ’ u' iarhej high, «-h<» i« roinj rile i (■ *** lk »l® »’ ».rJ lif e ol hrr tour. 1 III*. A- , n.»fr» t r.(iM|:imv. thr w# th* |n«t«r! -r |->r- II n I (radio lar into th* rear firing tbn «n ,r <:.* ’ infr ! a trUnfla writ one of ihr < .n ill* ft ubi. th<> «.thnr rbotinf hr«t«T.««r l ,i »»t Inrlinrtloii tf «l> it thitl^rlirr I*/*<■■ ; i . r ii»tr.t*.f .-be | Anting In * lm<* I .i(v . lok <• ’iihMi*» t’ia *rti> te of tr L • M p.t Iff it e '-.i I tin.. • ,.f ai. nri 'j th i» c-r »* • it lfM.wl rlaffaiall .d to ll.r IrUIlfUllf Ilf ’* "*>!rh l, uraut to be j.rM.-uUjlj ravubibf A ) «« f U-lt ' « « f fl T lINRi'ltR IIIMIII rtre*! in a wanner tn -llrtnrb ali I. r.r I « m .(loll that »t»-'ll I it i• r.lbar . .# ..." i ■ loll U. if» flinging »»t,t»:(. K"U f ■ i j •' t*. m a- * itio free, un’on* •••ii* '( • o' f !•’■« I ’<’ittflf c«rrl*gc. like ■< •t u. rlij k -f .«4bgmf gfacelullj oitr tbo long »«rll* -! a r«» it* t.i^ *. < r raiber |aif* h*r nay nl .i.g with an tr »‘ <1 eijra-ri.T, .1 r. ur.'.tnan.’o, m> l: •r, Nr % jr*| ■ .a! a|»| f*b*m.. n .,{ her t<|al- f >14. • S t , I'.Ibf over OB brf lle.i I If tu the ■tetri*.- ' tier unltniable |irinlefe rbo atlciii|itr I* , v Ur | ruttj Rtikle at the mrn. *be »| in* ■*b u- ni, u‘ uriy. regain# bor (we »rr« about to ./ i«r|-«i,.|i ularl trlangl* with .lifVuItjr, nn-l t<*r fire# it u;> in «e#^air. or H‘uiu • ti^elljr n 1 I'* !«r in .re than ih* inten l«.| I' *he ii.r"-# a fentirtniti (rien I. *ha rerj-'tili t" fa'-antlj l.?;»*4 til* t./ u -lUtorio i wriggle « t - 1 ri • .*» tail eti I a for.'el raiilr, b/ which rln ■ i laaiir# wi wuk (be Fh/#ia*l augunb #he f i jraiing ■ jr .ung lad/ U|> to '.bo |>orf*ctlon A ■I. tut* rti n -.11 »a-iT| ia I * in RR t) nr MIR tlCflR *• r »* whl 'b wo w-.ul.J have thought in • I I. ' I.*I Joring that rlio Utually lulnuitt to f their cruel jif.vei#, by one wbu ba« " bean l ' win rupp-.ia the e»-« of a boar ling rohuul •• |'.*e»iirig both batoty ati4 grace-all of • . .» i r |- lei to trab*!uriu Into the hi-ieoumo** • .■ ih* ciaMid inimownr In the f.-»t |>ln-*o ■ cut »to|«i In a Oor**t ai iilfl an I rtroiig a* n • f arm# an I Drawn to tightly (bat rbe ran but • o lifll-qt‘7 i rratba She li i»>uif.*ll«D to wear ught an-1 4<y, for a retain number of week#, - -r»et never Ut.if inelDle l with, exc'-j-t for the arista of -Iranlog a llltlo lighter "beu lb>* | tiaio A the Jefurinity tr coiu|>!otc, rlio • •ul-Jrel (<• what i» r tile J ilia -ran. arRRTt mkh I hi# li the i.r.«1, flat Heel roj, nlway* a# itirt .»# , her eiienJiog up iiw back, from tbo lowur #dg® •r,igh» j I hot (to which it liri»*tc l;to th" ■ *| f (he ii*s k. an-i at tbo #aiu* tuna aUbering f.nn , : . me jiCRet all tUe way ii|. At tb* t»|* !• % .tr .* i nqr 4«fi-*a(a »rrew n (win of which |>rene» a h»r i t.i igvintl tho lu'inmt of tbo i[*ln»l column, l-r - / il r*,r-| at tbo will of (be operator. A | air .? Cruller breoe* beneath tho eoriitgn <«i hi* ih 4 ton fore*! back In a manner that ■ * I bn be- • fi «| were It not for the ao.’OMorie# of ,u * nu.i iintr'iiueni Whoa eouipletely encaeoU In l ‘‘ • ".uiriian e, the *crew I# lurnei down ri far a« l •'*‘*‘* ".ihmt actually m»|.|lng the backbone, »bI ti„ ll( , |, t ri U itta>l to lliup, groaning about tbo | r,i, | , r n <ort4ln number of day#, uutil the U| j<r non,] f, •utitrooed to be echiavr-l rr One ». u i thin* thl* wero enough for an ordinary mortal to eniui* t ., u t actually teiuptlnt the grim dMtroyeri but »un nu yet to reoelre the flnliblug tomb. “ utirtna, heel# of which in mtoy e««ni are, without #«• .fger.llon three end . half lneho# high, are tbo •h.i* In which till* refinement «,f t,.„ uro foUl „ If the |<*r glrl't euSarlbg. w,re ,;r«at before. - y are How abe ilutely ei-ru tatmg ll*lly #be i* “I*"' * uf , along. f..r unlr*. I even leigua#, In thei* abimlo*tlui,, i I wltli which the lr..n ih-.n u f the Ch.nuie >• i« un indlau wu*«a#ln l libel w.ih .l|„j j llW0 . •»iy itaj. U b rtmu, every movement a .gulrh. " Mu y..tfbg laljr ii awtliiou. Tb* Or-eUn '•**» I fiiiumei# inlbe dliunoe, end #be will atiaiu It r I. lbceently #b« d-.a* attain II, a*li II forlhwitb *'m-J »*ui fr>ao #tr«trher, rjln* breaker, itrelght- *'*el «oI •h'.uMer I'.rajrf lurued nut fr«iu every ' og out tho high h*tie J gaiter# arid U lbero«lter • mince f.*.te I, l.ent ba k animate I irtaugle d i '*,«nt |«in and iuluie l-.eerahle lualedie#, which i-‘ bit it the ntjeii uf her atablll n I II..R l«A »!• H|R< I’UrioR CuRRa ToUniRt I' * I be leii.euiUfe I by our raadan, #ay« the I hh'iirl lln'joifer that #<>1110 week# ago a party S 'Mkeffi • «}ltali#<#, »o vilUd, reMoienll'ig that "y te I (Rtf'Mi# at their t«uitu*u) arrived here •' • i IM • < I. | at a lour of ta»j-« M-.U to llie lerwl i >he \ ik riier utlroed, up»a the Vurk rinr *) wire #•> iuwh pl*aMj, aoie.r-ling lo Ihelr ac * • Miei they mveelel lu the pwrehxe of the l#)iii - r Wnl Paint wtete eonetitlng of 6,0011 * ■ I l**y aanogocel their ialeallvR ol bringing ‘a* non k-iiately a Urge numUr of emigrant#, end •••-oil bate ikAigbl from their eitravegaut pro- or mat tb»y w ulj ere Ihli have f <un le I a • > 'bet Ideality whuh would have rivalled Now 1 '<■ wnwercf »od (rede Rat Uhldi, lh‘*e weebh wae ee unUma Je-J, k# » faded to wiebf the Afel |**yme» t ln ‘• '•e* , ■ uf a bun the ealee hae been forfelUd ••‘I ibe gia.t H Ml Point bubble buret . 1,1 • ’• »" lit you oteerva bow 4#volir#tal i# I a#ke.f a gi-«d ledy *#f her bu# •oi j*. f tk# gtvoUowal. * * •'••J# k*. p# bu b#«4 bowel in HifN until the ^‘'■4i.,u J .we4 11 »elf eri»o>le4 Nfd*«o|ial eeithe f«»# »h« ’ - I'.e v -ogle* allow Welt I King "Ok *»>.|wr4 :-.»|4w* * #he eMieiwed, 'I am ♦••ei. 1.1 it, i, bu»vf Ifni, keep |««t m.U !'* I'rolealaut Kpleropal CoitvenllwN In hew Vork City. (From the New York Tlutee, OMoher U | Th# General (Won'b.n of the Proteetanl Rpti- c.|.a| Church wa« In w*#lnu ye*t*rday, a# uiual, flout ten A M t<» four P. M. Alter the Iran#*? tlon of Kune biKinte* uf little puhlie interert, Hov Dr. llenjimin I Height, ol New York, from thr CoflXDittee m Canoor, I rerented a refwrf upon oaimn twelve, title one, ffCtbw ill, damo two, of the Digeet. for violation of which Rev. Mr. Tytig, had I «rn tried The committee did not prnpoeo til make any any alteration In the oanon except to add in the lino nineteen after the worde "ihall bo htreiMry the following word*: "But nothing in tht# canon rhall be conttnied to nrevent any olergy* ta»ti uf ihli Church from officiating in any parirh or m any place ( .f public vvorihlp uied by any congrc- gaimo of tho Church with tho eon*eot of the olergy- u hi iu vbtrgu uf euch oongregati-jn, nr in hi* ah-, of the church warden* and veetry or tru.teo* of #uch congregation, or auajirityof them Ibe report of the ^•tnmiMec wm ma le the rp»ci*l order for twelve o'olock next Friday Subu<|iiotitly the lubject wa* rcoouitdered and made the rpviel order lor twelve M to day. Kev. Milo Mahon, (rout the Committee cn Canon#, tu which n*a referred the memorial aeklng the ro peal nf caimu two. title une, a* unneeruary and in- •xpedlatii. repotted that *otne #u:h canon *#> needed to prevent perion# not tuinlvlera of (hie Church Iruiu otbctating tn il 1 he oututuilUc, there (ore, could not recommend that the cam.n be re galed 'I he emutoittec recommended that the title if the canon be amended n e# tn read : “Of p*r- .on# ro t mmlrter# of tbii Church otndaling tu any cungregatb>n thereof." After rnucA d.-bate the rep<'rt war made tho rpc cial order fur Frlfay aftcrn.*in. Kev Dr Thnma* C Pitkin, of Michigan, (r in the Committee on Now Dtocevei, ronorted in furor -f granting content for tho erection !r| the new <fio «mi ul I. ii k’ Man I and of New York, in the pre# ent po-ente of Now l -irk, to lake tflect Noreuihor I£>ih nr at The riport wa# adopted Kev Dr. A N l.ittlejohn, of New York, moved that Kev. Mr William C. William*, of tfoorgii, be ad I" I fj the c'lnmittce appointed to name a IS ar I a( Mievlun*. which wa# agreed lo Mr S It Ibigglei Hated that hi* Lord'hip, the Huh. p »f Ontario, wu in the II -u#e. and at hi# motiin, the (light llevrrend gantloman wa* Invited to fit br#i/# the Provident lie wa# intro faced to the ||i.ii<e. the rnemticr* riving to receive him Mr William Cornwall, of Kentucky, offerol a ro- *oluu< n directing the C.-mmiltee on Canon# to re port what part of the m »rnlng and evening verrice in ,y l-c re 11 by lay reader# end to prcicnt a canon applicable m the c i*c that would proveribe the no "«^»ary dnct| une (>r lay reader* ll w*« ndoptcJ A vote ..( thank# having been prop-*cd by Mr. William Wel#h, <■( Poun*ylvania, Chairmen of the Cmnmitleo.-f Arrangement#, to Kev. Dr. Deri jauiiii i II ngh(. Chairman of the ofd Cnmmiffoe of Arrongetnen*#, for the accommodation# provided nt Trinity Chapel lor th'**e attending tho Convention, tereral g«litlniiieti n*pre##ed their aatiafnctloc with the el! irt# - f the old committee Kev Dr Dlttlr-j dm objected to a declaration in n morning pvjwr that that ciwmittoe bud been *' do- 1-na.l. It wa* relieve I at It* own requeit. Kev Dr II light, •) caking with evident feeling *al l he had bc?u lueulied by a in irnit.g paper and ought to have mmo reparation, lie did not aneoily (he paper or the paragraph which conveyed (ha in- lult The degree of rouitdcration and loving kini- ne** which he exhibited toward the turiuheri of the p>re*« whun they were dependent upon bi« courtoey for the urdit. iiy fn ilitiv# in reporting tho proccel- • id tho''.invention were doubtle*# appreciated by nil -f them I h<» ro#*dut|on w i# pvno i without divent li.o »florn.« n *cvio;i wa# h*t I at tho Church f the Traruflgu'atl'.n in Twenty ninth «triiet (litre ampin n.v<iiii!iiud.itirip« were provided f- r all rid n fifiioufty wik nj.fricncod by any uicuibor in tv l" M A Dcllowe, ot Penneylrnnia f’«-tr. the t '..ii. mil tee v3 Canon#, preuntod a roinluti»n -l« laring it lawful l<>r the >liin:«tfo# now exi*lii,g or hereafter to ■•u#' t*. •#'.abU*h for thoiurolvor v Koi rate C uncil, rcpreiemitig #uch din« , «.io# l which nt vy !o!il.«tu'c r decide < n the comtc'm inter,**! • *-f the t'hur. Ii : * limit*: hut holuro liny poru nr.'i.t w tt ii ..( • ild V nventi -n be liq l,| that tbo p ov.-r- prop let l to bo exerc*e I tborrb) iha.i be MHmiii.u » .ne «(• <ienf t'onren'i-.n f->r frt approval. Aitor III.- *i**cii, I. T, it vv.«* lull over IK v Dr Merge il Norton of Virginia, •'lord revolution iiiiir'i-ling thoconititut.on o| tho t'hurcb ml #'i tu'tng :(.*■ word ' c.imcii'' (• r * n w||.-ru."r t!i • I nt, r occur.* in the .*oi-liui.on c.imm* of the I'Unren Kev I'* William Adam#, of \VI#eou»in, ariruc.l leri.-iII in I iv• *t i N.iM-.ikI Council. Allot ii.-* lurthrr -il cu‘#i■ Mr iir-.rgc A >i"'-l !i <! Alabama, t--»k tin ll ...r in rupport o| Kev Dr N ,rlon'# re*oiuttoo | I i tlio c. iifje tl I.D tomvrk#, ho *aid. I am r, t rn tavor ( the w.-r I* N I'loual Council. I k...w 'b.,t n. till* b * Iv I Mild I.ot be mi«ititqrpretn t n it.,.- e*..t-mi.-ii*- wtiioh I am about to unko. li'i i vi.g *.h-i privilege I-.* the tir*t time #mco the yeir t I-**(• «,f Mttu g in count'll with my brother ehur- Ii t mvti ol tin* Augunv body 1 can toll thorn th »l tho '■it'*ret in ttm nip u( sorrow, which wa* drained by ih in tho South, wa# that which furcc i i*iu dinner .-nr c-.rinoctinn from thi# body 1 w- ulj haw vvirhnd, I do vruh that tho Church - f t) | i h il, never be nlFe-'tod by th« *troam of pa#- • ion < r rim wimlwiiid of p-dilnwl oxcitement; th*' I *, ehai.g-* "t p-iiti-'il organmati -u n»r upteattng ■l e.iij .*e» -hiii..:lj» „ur integrity; that rov. lu-j ‘i n« an I w ,r niiy |m«« over mo Church un i lonv- Dor Intact 111 her living unity, in teed, il tbi# ha* riot I. .en the .ce-luring l ho late unhappy ye>r# it i# oh mg in n • miiiiII degree to tho verbal change* which Horn made by oil* tnrefathor# in tho Pravur IJ-.-.k ol mo Church of KnglaiiJ, and hun-ro 1 wuh in blot out from our Council# ©very word which may lioronflor. in commotion to which my children -r y> ur children may bo subject, tend to tho dtrin- Ugution ui the Church 1 bog to bo unleratood tti.H 1 mu not alr»i-i ol the term "National." nor am any of u* ll I am di*franchi#ed I am #till a citi- ecu of Aiiii.ri.'t. mid bavirig taken (be oath to keep my i.tij*e'j.iji i* t., the u*c of any term con nected with tho statu, which *hall impair tho over* la»(ing unity «f tbo Church of (iud Some lur bur dt*cu«#icn on#uod. iu tho inid#t of wJdch, nl J.-ur o'clock P M , the JJouao adjourned. Urllgloti nnil (lie Merle* Kuch little <ecl build# its little wall, und inciosa# it# »peeial atom ol Mod i truth It donio# ail out- ile .-( Mi-I wall, and then wlion wo swoop that wall way charge* u« with denial. Our arnwor to them il mu*i no that '-In church of Irood-m, und philan thr ipy i* older, larger and grander than they. A# butter »iti I, wc ray, but iu a wider spirit, " Wu arc the church.” because wo ropreront n-i j.latfortu liar- rr tb hi Immunity i.tclf. Koligioii i# tho natural instinct ol tho huuiuti soul; this and this only lio# behind all these |>otty organisation#, and give# them their I etng ; and when wc push them away, ami oiiie down to tlo l'# solid lomidation, it i# no doniil but iilUrin.itioii. That is tho only assertion ; it is that which giro# tbo lieliever in natural religion itrengtb, not alone for liimsell 1 but to labor (or oth er* ; becauso lie reprr.«onU, not this or that cotiven title, but tho central spirit which they all embody, Ibe Jove of Mod and man, by which alone thev live Take away trout them what ta superficial, and they are nil alike. Tako away a few coreruonio# from tho Catholic aud the i'roteilant, a few technical phrase* from tho Trinitarian and tho Unitarian, and they urn > no und the samo. Take away from tho lew and Mohivmmolan tlioie separating forms and dogma*, bring back each ono to what make# hi* manhood, and they are all the fame. Behind the lilgbeit utterance* of the wo*ld, the Veda*. Kpicto- tu#, of M«rcu* Antnnlu*, ami|of Joiui behind thorn all, hi, ) greater than thorn all, i# tho eteriovl aspira tion of luiiiiirl'y i" the absolute truth of God It i« that tru'h »o which tho radical iv pledged, because It ll fi .‘oral roligi >11 which ho recognise*. 11** il i» who idlirin*, an t leave# each hide »ect of each little religion to .lo it# own denying. Book Into your book# of ploty, and too tho unity uf th« gtcat expression# among all people#' I.»»k into >nur hymn book, aud y«u *eo that the hymns cone nearer! to ovory rollgioui soul uru tho hymn# whleh are not isetarlan, which were not writ- t*n hr #"ct«rl«i}», which Were written, In many • by | ersoD# ca*l out by the eburrbof. Those hymm wb.di are in-#* linmoftil In the hymn b ok* • re ..(tdi mute which ibecburohei borrowed from p-eu whom they left nuulde Who wrote, "While 1 #*.#k, protrciiug Power," that perfect utter- ienc«*«f Ui« tut triumph if reiigiius tract / Helen Mens William#, tin* friend aud Imitator of Mary WidUtomicrait You may stlil fin I her hrandoi u» a hervtlc In th# Id- graphical diollmierl#*. Who wrote, Newer, my Hod, to That 1" It wa# rfarah Flower Adam#, the friend and disciple of WiJIiaw J Pot I u h#r lifetime, >ht would have been die- own# I by th* very churMiv# which now caenof draw near t" lh#tr Uu-I wilh-iut b .rrming her wing# to fly with And #o, through p.ety a# through ru»r- twill/. you flis-l that all forma are teperflelal. and all rout# are aafed b» that ittepU rellgl-.u* #entimetil which lie# b#hln«l all creed* T IF. //lyymsou Oriuin or M a ii m t ■» Ft 1 Mail mta.-A Weel ladtaii .•plain about the beginning of tbe eighteenth eeulury, had brought route log# of II R« Ullast for hia #btp, ami gave ibeiu Iv hi* brother, Dr (libboti*. an eminent physician, win wa# than building a bouse The wwwd wae thrown a#hle a# 1*m bard f«r the workman'# lo>l# Amu# time afterward hi# wife wealed a eandle Iwf. The doctor thought of ih« W##t Indian weed, and out ol that the box was ma.le l<# »do( and pulhb lempied the d.Niior io beve a bureau made of tbe aaiae walertal, and thl# wae thought #o iieauliful that It we#*hown to all hi* frlehds. Tbe Ducbaa# of lluokiugham, wlm came l>< look at ll, begged wood en»ugb to make another bureau l.<r herself. Than the demand ana# lor more, end llmduraa mahogany became a eomuton •fUete nf wale. -/>i«A<n» r AH (A# J'#ur /fvmtw. THK I'KOVIKIONAI. UOVKilHi.MKNT OF MPA1N. Tho Unttcvt hfntve llie l-'lrat Country to Hrcni'iili* ||. In a telegram of the ith tn*t mt Ministur (laic a)>plied for insl'ucliuu# iu view .-t the p diti.Ml situ ation at Madri-1. 'I In- IdiDumi.u.v wore given through tbe #ame mcdi'tm on Hi- f»th Mr. Kale now telegraph* that in comidtance with the initruc lion# he lias teooguitod the now g.-vomtuent at Madrid ID# (ir.'ceediug has been u. fir mod Cable ui«|alchn la*, nign* #.iy : lho United State# it the first nati -n to e'ognit'’ tho now Pro visional (loverutnenl The Me Irid «l#»ctto publish- e* auch ofTwiul recogniti- n through Mr (Iwle. tho Amcricun Minls'or The .luniv ha« du-lared iu favor of additional reform* among which nro tho abolition of tho death p#iul'y no I 'ho tvnetity of private letter# and domicile*. The Junta ha* or dered th« reMontb.n Ol the ha*k Tori ado to Kng- land, the payment if daimgr# lor n«-r wruug'ul de tention and the iu.pri»vnmcu‘. f ;Iie Spanish tfficer who ordered her seisure .-ervund tb# Haptuin Gen eral of Cub i. h vr givan in bis adh sum to tho revo lution. Cuban# in Pin* will l*e p»rmiued to ch-KMW two member* of tho Junta. Olam line -ieclined the • dlor i-f a plaro in tho Cabinet, but will probably lo appointed Presbl'iit I tho C* rtei The following i’ the iub*»unee «.( what wa# said on both si le* at the intorviow between ’ho Amctican Minister and the Duke De Da Torre : Mr. Halo, u'idioiwing tba DuU» in the of the United State#, congraiulat • 1 tho I’n.vMonnl Junta and the pei-ple of Spain >>n the *u--cr;* ol a revolu tion uf euch grotid pro|-orti"in#. He harry to return tho greetiug which Spain gnn the Urated State* on their entran o in tho f itnilj of ftco mid sovereign people I lie rcluti- i - l.e'.atcn Spiin and the UuKc-l Stvto- In I .ilw..y • been friendly, aud tin der the present circutitdan.-i-* nil hi< • ir -it# va••til I be • xerte.l in augmenting the fii-md-hip between the two people# Tbo Dak-v Da l.u I'urrr. in rejly. Slid: Amid tho rum* ul Hie old nut. w .uld be loun-l u *truc'.urc which, lie behoved, w-.u.d n» th»* eyinj vthy and approval ol tin Luitcd Mat.** Spam u..vv deserved sal nee.Id tho ruppoft ol ml (n-o p-»ple*,aud that d the Amor icon tiovurnnicut w.*., highly e*tecmed Tho Djko coiiclu-lod by declvrii-g that thi* Inter view wi u'.d aorve to maintain uubr> k"n friond*hip botvvecn tho two nati-un, b .tb cl r nn-l exorci sing successfully tho principle •( • . -u.1 sover eignty Ht-ncral Dulco ha* lioi-n appoiulv t > •(•tain Heno- nil of Cuba. A loan >-l ten million re.n*, • Herod by (he Jun'n. wa* tu.tmj lutoly taker. lho tvanb. is now-piper punli-li -1 a li-'iet Irom • Prim whi'h -'ruigly (avors the g.-tting to gether of tho Curt".- mi I the lurui i'.i -ii id a king dom ut - nee. il i. rail tint Prim himsulf ivpiro to lo King CosvitJvTi..^ i r \V-oi.s is v#.-1 -i v *v ‘»rs the l“th of (In# month Mio W.ii.rn | iiorrnany vvoro to have hell a conlercticc at .->'.u , g-*t-i but not for the purpotcol Uncufsing tuo .|m tullnpo I he point* they iiitati'l to th-jy lnvc oreught to gether tu tho luliuwtpg pr -gramme. I. To till 1 i-u*. tho Imi*: way* ut, i means to teach vouiig mother* ln-vv t c-i to regolitu tho physical education ol their children. The oslubliihmaut «d riuall tiiun urn* of litura lute, art an>i iu tuslry Thc*v mu-m..i : w .ul I not merely earn in tho or.-’. .» k- ./ >ro and art especially adap'ed : -r w,. u.m but they vv-iuld prin cipally bo ii kind ot *rho.ii*'..r ni-tleiiii"# Place# t -r meetings, lecture* and the iiki-, in wrl.i.-h topic.', Mich nr tbo nitration - f .-In! |r-1, - i m .t(.-r* ot d— ino.tii* inicrost should bu tr,- u, | t, v n.pcU nt no- met, and men if lb<-" - .n ic »r-s . .-I uj to v- M*t iu Hie m -veuu-nt I neio w-.u’ i ai.*, —i ui.-.ay .■sen -.ds f«r mm .m . i I f - .- - .. . t raving* bank-, euppiy -**•- :i.. i-n *•:!. .... t:.-#o t ...t WMUli.l , lace-, A- a. iu-.i-..Uiii.oii- euo i:t -. .1 r .. n. :n ire? - cln- lly lirtM-iuvl Hgiiit.-: .ii- ••.;>. . . n, »i.-i-iho '-(•*( way# an I m- .i *r, , .t t • r.: -..n duct- ual.v A- a bn-'. : • ... •. ) ....i..»'.tig po-tK# have licet accept- i '» That n .thing ho d> ■ - I fa.-Id >ne!' i'. Ton r.othit.g pr- vod it: ■ ' t . : mg the driu in N -J •' ■ T hat .» i g ImH'til t-> h"a!Mi • ] i might I." in nl.» XitK !*• I . V...avs*- vi.r !v.. rv w . < ! her e!\ 1 :.o -.r :. thomsolve# - upon >i mi: nor, and aii lti-j pt ..g-'.g t • an art ill-1 any r.icnfi-'t ii.a ie ' w ifio of power, are aw real me .u'.t.g --1 the. :y charm <• hir v..i: |ii.s . r int -.f thi evoty charm *. vvuma;,;.. i. .. t :. ,. -io.gui.ily '‘ by 'hs vv iry 1 ju.kmg t"r bi--..J themstrlvr* t* a very .u-.-i.- g !r i.i n. ku.g ir**-and per--mil \ r.i y •, f, •<*.-. i. -.:i r.-..( Iilo. W hero vvom'-n in : . 1 . . . ; >\»g- gerations into wnifli o- ■ ... -. tin.- a-.; .im -t ovory o’.liei nuor im Jiu. ... bo ustli -r domcrijH < r dovotec*. Irgu'n r i! '* ,*■■hi.-*, .bb* t>. an extent that I Hid# ii.em i, i.,u, bdly amt drags their uUibauu# imus> Cir.-og i -t io tu.rt; ->r they arc *-, dowdy 'ii it tV-y !i-.*'-ico a woil urd -rod drawing room, uni ri at . ..-rung ; ir.) iitn -ng nicely dre.-*cd won,.-;,, -t u, 1 . .... j • .t-rmors on aluvonliuc** If limy tiro d-vcr. they are be. cun im lily biuo Hocking*, u.-l let tho wbaio homo- h >:.l go l-y the •-..•■! ! - th, II luitll.'f •mdic#: and if they ar,. n . i* .»?..! g •• i man- .vgers tt.oy sink uu • uie.e *etv.ui..-, nev«-r cpvti a Ii ik *av« I heir ii.ii y ie I.' r. .ml never have ii thought l ey-r. I tho . i.- •.- u, i_i-r'. mil aud the butcher'- puces Th- y vv.u,' t . ,t ti: .• '• ,', that a-curate tel. uien.-uremti.-. kn..w:«-lg) >f re sult.*, which g ics by tli-j in,t.ii; .. ■■,.n sense, and which is tho be t m u,ij.-**;Hi m brain.- they cun give, and im one wmoh men m st prt/.-». It t# tho m...-t valuaUc working t .rm of mtv'b - i a I power, and has most on luraii.-o am! ...tty . 1 it is tho lorm which help# a ui.ui on in ii - he h i- Sound it in hi- wil". .jui.o iiiucii i i.r-m-y or u go,d counoctuiu. H..tut u e, Ih.'.ot. —The story i# th-- Djso Moinpcn-ier «» tit a trim i to ip-.a-oi, w.j mo.-.-ago that the Du •l.o-.-woiii.l never a.’-i.p* tno tbr-tio v.icitnd ny Isiboll.i N'lip-.loen urn-wrred in etto t that he thought tho Duku s head wu- clear oil tliH p-lilt. Tho author ol me puuin "I w. aid nt live alway,'' is uoarly eighty and yot will- ‘ng - tienoral William «I it» • wl.. die I in Now \ ..rk on tho 7rh instant, ut the ago <•( eigii'y .wars, wa rn Mio 1‘lilted Matos army t- rsi.v.y -own ,o ,r.-. and wa# a commanding * llicor duruig (orty-nine year*, ticnoral Mate# served i‘i l-m I I-ai-la win, and i*l*»* ia the Mexican war. Hscijiiu i-J >h» Jam m* '»• coda Honoral Mates wvh never rcp- i cl rick dur ing his rorvico in tho army MaUiiio Italia (larib-ildi wito ot M-n..»to Mar-, is uliovit to ruiso a rcginituii -1 Amu n* wh" aid (it bo I'Soil in tho odobrite.l Meur.)t..r l ••uiros* which is Inith bull und bayonet proo!. A I 'cndi j.uroal is givon as authority l-r ibis Himouucemout Minnesota expect# a crop of iib-m' fif ecu mil lion bushel# of wlinvl M.»•*«•..- >. worm iweniy mil- lieu dollar# Tho dm to i# In Pari*, it t* *vil Mi.h h-:• n- l-ngrr srorn, and that tho #kirts are citbor very l«ngor i« ty diort -S.imo one. it '• -'"I iia invcwtc-l , 'gT unking ti.iichino vrhinh turn* • ut one hundre I th* u ian-1 u day. During her rocuul vidt t-, P >m« tocii \ i to lU gavs ono Iboufan l dollar- t-i th ■ seivanu ut tho llrltl#h Legalion MISCELLANEOUS. French Medicines APPROVED BY TIIK PARIS ACADEMY OF MEDICINE, AND PREPARED BY QKIMAULT & CO., CHEMISTS TO II. I. II. PRINCE NAPOLKONi PARIS. CHILDREN'S DISEASES. I ODIZKD Byron of Uoroo Radish prepared by Ori- niMUtt *. t-o , Van# Till* Uyrup contain# Iodine to in hi nod with the Julro of wraler-crc##. borne radish and M-urvy-grass, tn which Iodine and sulphur exist naturally, and for this reason it Is an exoellont snbsU- Hue for IJod Liver Oil, which I# generally suppaevd to nwo It# oniescy to tho nreseneeot lodlno The Iodized Hyrup uf llorao Itadlili Invariably prodneos most sat isfactory r, stilts administered to children saflcilng from lympliaUsm, raehtUsm, oongastlon of the xlnmla of tlm ircfe, or tho vatfous eruptions on the face so frcqu«nt during Infancy. It is olio tho best remedy for tho tirsl aiago of oonsamrllon. lining nt onrai v.’iiln and il«)>urmUvc, u cauttvs Uiu appetite, promote# digestion, and restores to the t'ssues their natural litmness and vigor. DISEASES OF TIIE CHEST. Hyrup of llypophosph-te of Lime, Grimault 4: Co, Mlu mlsts, l'ari*. A syrup enmpvunded with this now sail lias been Inlroducod by Dr. Churchill fortlio treat ment of pulmonnry phlbsis. trials made at tho Hronipton Consumption Uo#p((a(, an institution es|Mclnlly devoted to the treatment of diionses of tbo I'bi-cl, have abundantly domoustrated tbe alisolute ne- re##ity of obtAinlng this new Mierspouttc agent In the mo#' perfectly puru aud nnulrul condition. K*.cb U- bletpoonful of syrup cunt,tins four grains of pcrfoctly pure hypnplintpblte of lime, and, as crinpounded by MM. Unmault A Co , of l'ari#, ibis syrup ia tho only prtpara'ion which guarantees to the medical profes sion all the properties required in this valuable modi- cine. Lirr Rrilimrtx, Krraro, VlOYOltA, ( Australia. { Mipsita. GRiRitiLT 4 Co., Paris—Gentlemen: 1 would thank yon to forward lo my address your price Itu of medicines, Ac., by return of mail. At the same time 1 couipllinoiil you (or your Hyrup of ilypophos- ;*'->te of lame. 1 employ It daily amongst adults uud c* it T--n who aro a'.ticked with disease of the Sang? •nl liver. It outvies every other preparation of the day. T. U. LANG, M.l'i SOLUBLE PHOSPHATE OF IRON, Dy Lora3. it. D., Docteur es Science?. Griiuault A Co, Chemists, Paris. According to tho opinion of tho members of tho Paris Academy of Medicine, tbi.-* article u superior to nil the ferruginous preparations known. It agrees best with the stomach, never causes ooetivoneas; it ''■■ntains the elements ol tho blood nnd the osseous Iranio, and succeeds where other preparations fail, *ueh us Vallet’s pills, iron reduced by hydrogen, lactate ol iron, and terruginous mineral water. One table #]>oon{ui ol the solution or syrup contains three graius ol salt of iron. They aro both colorless. DIGESTIVE ELIXIR OF PEPSINK. Grimault A Co., Chemists, Paris. Pepsine, the latest scientific discovery of Dr. Cor* vDiirt, physician to II M. tho Emperor of the French, i# the gastric juice itself, or rather tho diges live principle pu*ified which digests food in tbo H.,roach. When, by somo cause or other, tho supply <jf figestivo fluid is too small, tho inevitable conse- llu-u.ct# are had digestion, ga.-triti.*, giistralgia. in- l! iui.ition of tbo mucous coats of the stomach and bowels, heart-burn, pituito. nnivtnia, loss of strength, an-l (in female#) chlorosis. The Elixir of Poprine, which is sauclionud by tho approbation of tho Paris Academy of Medicino, speedily euros all such dis- and prevents vomiting Juring pregnancy. .SYRUP "F SEA-PINE SAP, Prepared by E. Lagasse, Chemist at Bordeaux. For centnries past, the most eminent phy-icians bavo recommended persons sulToring from weakness -J tho ehc?t to broatbe tbo frugran*. oir tf pine forests, fho remedy is as popular now as over, and thou- -ands every year experience Its beneficial eflects in '»,« lorod iif Arcncliiin n«jir Unrilnaux, To bring this cuntivo agent within tbe reach or alt wrio neou u tlio cliomist's art bus succeeded in combining in the *•*/>■«*// awl l\iitc of fine-Sup all tho volatile, bal- - imi.t and rofinous principles of tho Sea-Pino, ex- ■r.icted l y the aid of steam. These two preparations nre prescribed with tho utiiio*t «uccQ*s !<>r tbo various discuses ot the chest, in-I especially lor coughs, colds, catarrhs, influenza, win...j ing-c-Miph, bronchitis, asthma, and also for tho iiderent affections of the urinary organs. NERVOUS HEADACHES, NEURALGIA, DI- AKUIKEA, AND DYSENTERY, Initantancovuly cured by GHIHAULT'S OITAHAIYA. This vcgotati'o substsucp, wliicli grows in the Kru* '•*. t'H# twer- employed ) time Lr.m--n.orlB! to cure 1 I.VV.MATtoM or TUR BOW It III.# proved Of -lltc > Co uf the greatest sol vice in caaos o( cholrhs, us it a ]>ruventivu uud cure lo ca<c# of DianLiua. NO MORE COPAIBA AND CUBEBS. GatMici.T’s CxrscLRS ian Liquid Kxtsaotov Mitt* 00 VttUtTJLUt). Whurtf nil other uiodietnes have failed, these prepsr- t-n:.« vvl.'l always effect u cure. Tiicso tnanr* 1 rap'd nd • x'rao'dlnary cum of aivi-ru, r«c<nl und chronic '»•«.■» of j.iivuto diseases. They arc used In thi- bos Hals of Paris Ivy tbo celebrated Dr. Kia<rd. ami are found gro.tly superior to ull hitherto known mli.i-ral .-die# and (Jo|uiibu and Cutubs. The injection is ,t it recent, and capauies in tbe more chronic cases. DRt'OTS: New York—E. FOUUEUA, 30 North William st Savannah—SOLOMONS A CO., Du. J. A. MAYER jyTO-lawly FULTON WIRE WuRKS. WALTEi 1 . W. WOOLEY, AI Fulton wvrcct, Hi. V, MAM'FACTI BEK OF BRASS, COPPER AMD IRON WIRE CLOTH, l/im**'igir u Ik.* .1 Run If "•»*}*• alii IHOK WIHIt«;l«»♦ sl Ouster \N m*. ^In ll ,Ut|.g t!..»'b (»l Miners *■ •' *1." * 1 ■•I"' 1 Makers, Wire Wuplow hha-b-, m- ,(b> • »' • nd Hand Herron#. NUUHKitY f KSDKIl . Fit' Guild# Ac., Plata and Oiomri.-n Wlf Wots. #u#a|-U BENEDICTINE. i, I (J (J K II Jt Das Moils# lfa>#ne»ia# ns l'husi# *»• Ksosur- t Patios) OmarRU ImiieilNli UmssUw KiimimHi K'iriirli lllllria, Hi»#••(*« #. LllfUU|)«M***'*i Cl*l«l#i SR ll of MIR Wlitrs nimI CmiiIIsIsi (J. HR OAUOUK 4 GO.. Gsnersl A<->nts and |oi|mwI6» I w Hi'i liu'lod Ht)l • aud (Ja-iadas, RupIluvUM Nw. 8 WultROt at, New Yuik yity. . jitlrra'nU. B. Ho.inPi-s ant nn-uiber# of Block and Mo>d Kxcbungvs tn toto c>t'e# Imno Drafts on l.jnIon, Pads, Frankfort, Ac., uud Letters uf Credit kvjllabSo thro* ghi ut Btt'Ope. Accounts of llnnlt# d Ki)ok< rs received »n liberal terms. .-to e .ISm BUSINESS CARDS. MACKENZIE BROTHERS, No. MKS DALTIHOIIIQ STHHKT, BAi/nnoKK. ESTABLISHED IN 1 825. TMPORTKRH of And Msoufsclurors lo Coach and A Bsddlcry Hardware. 1c9-0m M. O. MTJRPHY, CAltPENTEU AND BVILDEli, Bay Lari, Batw*is Dkaytor amd AnancoiuiSrf CTUUBB AND 0FF10KB flttod up, and every da- 0 scrip tlon of CAUPBNTERINO promptly at tended to. novln-U H. Gr. RTJWE, WDOI.KSALB DRAt.BR IR Foreign mill Domestic Liquors nnd Scgiirs. Agent for A. M. Binnlnger’s celebrated Wines and Liquors. •ar Also, MANtJFAC'fGfiKtta of Havana and Domeatio Began, 8. TROSI.BR 4 CO.. |olfl ts Market Bqnnre, coiner Bt. Julien street. J. B. BTIIOUB, l. n. BCWH SAVANNAH Steam Bakery, . 67 mul 69 Bay Street, SAVANNAH GEORGIA. Manufacturers of all kinds of SHIP BREAD AND CRACKERS. MT Orders for Bhlpping promptly attended to. STROU8 4b RUWE, jel-ts Proprietors. INFORMATION!! HAT IS TU K BJ ATTKR WITH MB ? Ia that the <|'io4'l"n joa nek yonrw't twenty timee the e, k r Dn# yourM<>micli lo#t i’s lone* Aro your bowel# rou#ti|iAtod and your sleep disturtM-d by unpleaennt visions, and your waking in. .monte anxious * Arc you in, Ian* holy tmtl pet-viMi? Ar# you ill#i♦rod tolixik iilH-n the dark #ld# •>! IKtle evenU In every day life, mid 11 agiuu cverytlnng g-mn wronxf Gave yon loss oi sp|iolitef Uavu you nervou#ddiility. with (m'pi- ta'lsiii nf tbe heart ? Are your foot and hando some- ' anecod? Ilavo you HEADACHE, FLATULENCY, HEARTBURN, NAUSEA, NEURALGIA I You it ernfleiing f-oni li.tmupted dlgcsDou. You ni-i d s-iuio agcr.t to ro i ■uitilisli tho vital funcHona of " e laaly. A torpid liver I# a bad cutupanluu. DO YOU SEEK RELIEF f You lire earnestly and cm#cluntlouidy sdvi# d to try G-astrine! and you will ticar Lulhnony w lh bnndrcd# who have In i'll livnclUlcd by its uho. T fc’.STI MON IA LB. T#ld Is to certify that I have been Rfqu ihlod with Dr Craven's U*#trlu-< liw about two yuara. During that time I haw noasloually used it fur Indigestion ard general doMUty. ilnvo found very deelilod relief and h.iK ll Iron) iu use, Slid can, most cheerfu ly. recom- t'li nd It to all who sufler from dyipeps a, dublllly. or Iom (f Rppullto. lu nil these retpesta, I regaref this renn dy as mvaluibis. LKWIB It llUNN, l'nstor of M Paul*# M K Church. Jenny City, N J, I cun assure tho sill clod that Uastrinc la an vflcctual remedy for iodlgottori an 1 dutiflity. A ncmtwruf my family was a groat »uflr rer-Ua trino was advljcil, and I roved an augel of meicy. E. DIIAKL, Lalhiop, Luddington A Co, Uroadway New osi.KAh-, La.. April IB. IMA Dr. J. .l.t aivRH-l*ar lk*tor:~l most chrerfuliy rccommeiif. Craven’s OasUlno as a remedy lor Indigo#- Uon. dobltity and nervous prostration- 1 have used It -rr 1 '" ‘’"na/Asssi. 1 , 1 lw I was Uirtorol with dysfaipsla; 1 had used, without iN-ncdt. nmiyof tho admtlsed remedies without re lief. I was recoinrnendod to try Gsstilno 1 did so, and I am entirely cored. WU. FIOKITTB. Union F.iuoru Hotel, New York lily. ir GAbTRINK e»n bo found at all DragflaU. 'li HALL A RUCKEL, Niw York Principal Agents for A retries. ii, N, IIKIDT, Wlielssale anil Uatnll DMigRl.t, Nil. UO Wliimkcr Htrssl. »«- vaiiituli, Urn., lias !»••»» appoInteU Wholo* sals Agent for thi bUtss «f .Oaorgln anU rtoritU. 0 10017 M. KEATJ8S & CO., DI1LSR8IX BOOTH AND SHOWS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Under Ut. Andrew s Hall, Comer of Broughton and Jefferson Streets. Til K attention of thoir friends and tho public generally (s called to^hofr exlon sivo uu t well selected stock of all kinds of Ladies'. Missos’ and Children's Shoos. a»|well a# Gentlemen's, lfoys'uod Youths' fc'hoes and Hoots, at as low prices as to be found anywhere Kspecinl altenlir n is called to their Philadelphia hund-sewm Men’s Guuls uf all descriptions, uusur- passable in qua'lty us woll as in moderato prices. au#14 lv L BIRDS, ANIMALS, FISH AND REPTILES STUFFED Q. NOBLE. 52 BROUGHTON ST., NEAR LINCOLN, SAVANNAH, OA. PBtuflbd Alligators, Birds, and Bird Bklna for sale. •M«o live Alhg itors Bpeclmons l -ft with J. 1*. White A Mann, Gnu o-iths, f'.t. Julien street#, near tho Market, will lie ■romptly atter.d-Kl U». morSl—lv LIBERTY STREET FOUNDRY. OPPOSITE GULF R. R. DEPOT, j. McDonough, j t. kalj.kntyne. Iron nnd Brass Castings Made to Order. KsMtiii-tion in Wo will sell ns fol'owa: fcugur Mills 18 iuehes " “ IU " " " » '• " " 12 “ Boitcr#, 40 gm'ou# JPricea. |90 03 . 70 00 . 65 00 . S5 00 , 17 00 . 22 CO . 26 00 . <4 CO . 46 00 Cur Mi!' Shafts are mudo out sif the very host of 8 nob wrought iioa. llouncgs will bo all o: a standard Boxes always on hand. From our well known reputation wo solicit a rlirtro ol pnMic pntronnge A!l mir work w#rr*i.tod and d-li’-ered to Dojiot or Blenmi. u' tree of charge AH orders promptly nttt nded to. sogl0-3m T. BA I.LBNTYNK A CO. JOHN J. MAURICE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MANUFACTURER OF Plain Tinware. H AVING recommenced the Manufacture of TIN- W AUK, I am prepared to till orders at tho sbort- c#i notice. %JT TIN HOOK I NO, GUTTERS, LEADERS, UAlVANIZKD IRON CORNICES, Ac., dono at the LOWEST PR10E4. JOHN J. MAURICE. Bryan stroet, reavl4-ly Northwest of Market Bquiue. REMOVAL. C. L33DL.IE. llBALKIl IN Skins, Furs, Wax, Wool and Hides, J^AB RKMtJVKD irom 2III liny street, lo Corner of ABKltCOUN and UlVEU Beroets iDuncim A. Jchnson's Building), Where hst u pro; ured ;o offer ulterior advantages to mds i.i Ii s lire. ocO-rndXw SEAliORN B.GOODALL, (Successor lo Bea'-orn Goodail) wiiolkhxlr psiliii in BUTTER, CHEESE, LARD. COUNTRY PRODUCE, &C., MIG liny Street, Savannah, tiaorgla. “COSTAR’S” Preparations. EVERYBODY—Tries Them! EVERYBODY—Uaea Than* I EVERYBODY—Bellov«s In Them I EVERYBODY—Recommends Them I “Costar’s” Exterminators, For Kate, Roaches, Ants, Ao. “Costar’s” Bed-Bug Exter. A Liquid—Kills— 11 Boro thing.” “Costar’*” Insect Powder. For Flooa, Moths, Insects, Ac, “Cottar’s” Com Solvent. For Corns, Bunions, Ac. “Costar’s” Buckthorn Salvo. For Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Ac. “Costar’s” Bishop Pills. (Bugar Coated) Dinner 1*111. “Costar’s” Cough Bemedy. For Coughs, Colds, Ac. “Costar’s” Bitter Sweet and Orange Blossoms. Beautifies tho Complexion. Makes tho Bkln fresh and fair. tore. 'til Beware!11 of all Worthlots Imitations. ' Nono Genuine without "OOBTAlt’r!" Blgi.a- ■26c nnd 60c. sizes kept by all DRUOUIB'JU •arn sixes sent by mail on receipt of price. Mr |2 pay* lor any tbree *1 sizes by Kxprm#. NT $6 pays for eight |1 sizi s by Express. Address nu!% itv it. cornu. 012 llronilwuy, A. Y« For mile by KOUERT II. TATE91, Di u«Klsl, Comer of Ji-flumon i McDmiougb stieo'#, und corner of Kurtl itrooil A Broughton stn-utn, Bavumiub, (la. And at Wholesale in ail tho uule# nr.d lurgt town# In the U. H. niaylU-em PROPOSALS FOR BUILDING A THIRD ORDER LIGHT HOUSE AND KEEPER'S DWELLING AT UR NEAR bT. SIMON’S, GEORGIA. S EALED PROPOSALS will lio UCci'. ’. a! ofllso ontil one o'chnk 1* M oa FRIDAY, Oth day of November, 1SC8, for fui tsl.'ng r.-m* nls und lalor of all kludi neecssar'. lo Liui» ruct, e nnd complete a third order light Lou#'- and hen dwolUng at or rcur Bt- Simon’s, Georgia, iu u trot l. with plans and specification# which may I cuM-, "* W.’ihBriUDPlOK, Ohamii.. TBKASUHV DlfAHTMKKT.UmOK Ll'.UT ilOCMtiio, WasiiiNOTOX CiTV, Bfplembt-r 20th, KC-t. tcp. r o :i.tw4w STOVES! STOVES !! O N HAND, a large mid complete stock of COOK BTOVKP, from the best manufactories in the United BUtcs, among which will bo found tho follow- ing: GOOD BAM A RITA N, MARION, FOR BBT CITY, RED JACKET. KABTKRN P1UKUM, PALMETTO, CU1EKTAIN, EX PEERS, ORIENTAL, ORNAMENTAL, WAVKUI.V, li Alt VEST tfUfsHN . Extra Casting# can be found on band at all timo for any of tho above Btovc#. Those Btovos are no surpassed for durability by any In this market. Tire above Bloves will bo sold st PRICES TO BUIT TIIK TIMES. roay!4- LOVELL A LA'ITIMORE. BOOTS AND SHOES! W E have received from Philadelphia and Nan York, and oaw offer for sa.« ono ot the LARGEST A*ii BEST SELECTED STOCKS Of DOOTS AND SHOES avsr opcnedTn this nuukogcxprcsaly manulkcturod for lho retail trade. GENTLEMEN'S PHILADELPHIA BOOTS, BAITERS, BALMORALS, Ac. LADIES’ AND MISSES’ PHILADELPHIA BOOTS, GAITERS, BALMORALS, Ac. LADIES’ AND MISSES’ POLISH BALMO RALS, something unique. BOYS', YOUTHS' AND OOILDBEN’8 BOOTS, BALMORALS, GAITERS, and SHOES of aver daaeri^tion^ handsome^ enough to suit the UaU o TUMI ! FAF^IDIOUS. Our friends and the publio looerelly are Invited U call and examine our stock. Einstein, Eckman * Co., «°U 16) GOHQRXSS 8TESTB. ISTotioo- FOR INDIAN RIVER, FLORIDA. UEBBONB who coitcinyinto removing to the I.i* d 1. of Promise, where all tropl-'ii' n-ituronhound#, .)»<• hereby notlfl“d that their Uoods, W ire#, X :, wi. ’ e convoyed lr'-m Jacksonville to rand PJn*. fndhre River, at ONK-UALF TIIK USUAL RATE by clu- signing the same to MESSRS. E. HOPKINS A CO., JACKSONVILLE, AND TO H. T. TITUS, SAND POINT, FLORIDA, A# tho undesigned bos placed a I.INR OF VHB BE LB on the outor or Atlantic route direct Staunch boats have also been placed on ludian river, to convey passengera nnd freight at moderate rotes. All klods of provlsiout und good# enn \ c procured atStnd Point at Juckaonviilo price#, Ireight addu,!. tt Jyl-lttwflm H. T TPl’UB. HAWLEY IS HERE! PROTECT YOUR LIVES AND PROPERTY, J£IB LIGHTNING RODS ure sup-rcoding ALL others. An examination of the Ri#l and in#u>atiou will de cide you ut one*. K#" Orders through tho Post Ollice will meet w-th pru.npt attention. suplO-ts I1AWLKY Ai. CO. BUSINESS CARDS PRINTED AT TUB LOW EST RATES.AND IN TUB BEST MANNER AT TIIK KKPUHT.inAN JOH OFKIOtt PRICE 5 BAGGING, ROPE, TIES, &C. BUNNY CLOTH AND ROPE. 250 BALES EXTRA HEAVY BAGGING’ 500 Bor,LB AMERICAN BAGGING, nnnOOILfland half eollssuperior HEMP ROPE landing from schooner " Ormomcr" and brig "lsalKilla Jowctb’! for solo by Jylt-ls OUTaVUB OOHKW it 00. ROPE. C 0N8TAKTLY receiving direct from lho Mills, BEET MACHINE BALE ROPE, and for sale ut uiaimfacUircrs' whoRsulo price#. Factors and dealers will And II iqnul to nest Hump Rope fox planters’ usu, and much cheaper. A. M. SCARBOROUGH, No. 11 Btoddord's Lower Range, yP-ts Bav stroet Hope, Rope. 300 CUILH BUl’ERICH BALE ROPE, In store and for tnlo by &ug21-U BUIOIIAM, IIOLBT A^CO. IRON TIES, IRON TIES. rjMlK undersigned aro prepared to most order# for BEARD’S SELF-ADJUSTING BUCKLE TIE, Anf ai#' for Beard # Patent Lock Tie. Kactoik supplied at lihrrnl rn'c# set-a-ta BUIOIIAM, UOLBT «t CO. TOR BALK P RIME RICE; BREETINUB AND YARN1J, from Columbus Factory; TOBACCO; GUNNY BAGGING; SKA IHi AND '• Tucker,'Carter A Co.’# BALE ROPE. Je?0-4ni .INC. W. A KDKKdONV. BOND A OO VICTORIA PERFUMERY, MANUFACTURED BY KIGAUD & CO., 45 Rue do Richelieu, Paris, ' j^llE SKIN has twogrw»tenemies—water nnd air. a. To the#- I** )i-.alife u'umc'tn wn miikLndda th’rd—;/i> ttteof ba<f }»Tfttmrrtj. Fully convinced cf lbe»n t "Jlhs, we or.' i.rx-ims to pri'inulc th* usu of . erUtin artlcie#, the hesi i.ri#lur.tlont of iciectlilc Uld til Klein- perfumery, nn winch Messrs. Kiguii! A Co, have concentrated *1! their atleuilon end skill. They are. Rigaud’s Tolutine, AN EXQUISITE TOILET FLUID, Extra#.toil f-om tire Ktlsamcf Tolu, whose emollient virtue# urn umvcrsaJy v kuowle-ived, rombintd with tire newest and most giu'efal pci time*. A few drops of thi# lla'.l iu water will suffice to ./ ake a cosmetic which can bo employed with equal "urc ■#• tor i lie- face nr.d r-ore leJcat*.- r-.-quirourenta o( th.* to.iot. R ; gaud’s Miranda Soap, HAVING F'lK ITS BASE THE JUICE OF LILLIES AND LETTUCE. Tho V fleecy of lt.t tu-rfuni i'. .•.imti'uni. at*-*, '.o t:.c «i.r edbytli-j l’irl»i,ir. -liwioi r-.i i nml tbe vu V ly »,»ftn -#| uve can i -il ii to bu adopt- Rigaud’s Dentoriuo, DLM'KIUCK ELIXIR CF l • il AL1.ED Vl&iUMS. The Extract, of Ylangyiaug, The Manilla Bouquet. THE MONROE ADVERTISER (VOL. XIV.) H ABTIIK LAbOKBT 01 ItUUl.ATlON nl any country new#pu|H)r publuhe 1 in Mtddlu Ueurgm, aud Is the Best Advertising Medium FOR MERCHANTS, Planter# end Fanner? of this populous and wealthy section. Tho Advoitlstir clrcula'ei in (he interior ii way from tho lines of, unit roach*# # cla## «»( people nailing whom tho daily J innal# ure not taken —the sturdy yoomanry, tho • hockhuae amt ntrewof lb# J.i«d," whoso pur/K-rtrhigs »ro a) way# uoJor#»-!. City Merchants who have mJvcrtiscd in the • -.•lur.- of the Advertiser expre## t!i?nitclvns ri# every way satisfied with the result of their Imt-stmcu', uud con tinue to gtvo this journal tin ir pstroiingt.. Rates of advorti#i"g lib«r*l. Addle## JAMBS P. UARKIBON, Proprietor, m*l 22 U Box 7U. Porsyth, Qv SOUTH GEORSIA TIMES. THE ATTENTION OF MERCHANTS AND OTHERS £NTKUK8TKD to disseminate kliowlt- tgu or tb-jir business Operations In Bouth Georgia and nuithorn counties of Flotilla, espcoiully along the Une ol tire Atlantic and Gulf Road, is Invited to tin# paper, which has the legal advertisement* for niau counties ad join- ng and contiguous to tho Gulf Uoa 1. jy 24 Name Plates for Marking, NAME PLATE, a Brash and a bottle of Indell bio Ink, for marking clothing, can all bo liad fo# FIFTY CENTS, by leaving anlordur for them at may*Til IB OFFICE. GUM PACKING. g BALKS PURE SHEET GUM, ft M FIBROUS SHEET OUM, 20 001U3 PISTON PACKING, For #ala by W. D IL MILLAR. 'Ala r form an airrec* o.- llir# Ol p.-r- rW nr. ..Tig the ! preserving tbo T*>u"*nrl’si Bontrifico Or/mm. wn II \ ‘dUININ’". BASE, v* , !i-.;-na tie U*-f’ w in,.-u U^vl.ig Irctween them uytrovao! p.'W'c , an l kjtv-a ti-c enamel renewed nfllniuy. Bigaud’s Miranda Pommade Uoi.'.a r..i none but ton'a m. 1 fortify i'« "itiutanee#, nd at lh . nim. Lm- a 1 ' • » l.r-'iU a n-Csi. Xqoisiteudor UigDud's Miranda Oil. la h- t r*. iiu.Il* prolererre reusu. ily ,von to per- t-inujir.cnt t-im# ol com- tlo.ud in the ! ea. i. i.ti. r in d-. !»;a-:y am! nwi ctncM of i.n.). I. t-o *'i--r.g!y r\*. inn-nd. d to u!l • f>»e lu dletj cUc:i in psrlunu .i as ire’.l at They rlvi l/idh-u xv: o other m:.t . »• ’.tv; 1 ! ■ -v •- :hsr. -a. v.h’i ;i ha e In r. irr-entiy iu.-.! i’. hur ‘ j Uv#-'r) Kigitild A C ar« , 4 :• l wif. • .- rvM-n-i- .f IU e^linp (unona o-loratlt # tn 11 ’1 li- ir fravrance ts in..-, 'a!!*-*! by any- . r.. k-i..-iv!i; th-y surce-a.vtl, h. paittotho han.'kt-irhi-l tnn«t nnd mgrateful 'im,mu uni) In *lu>ri, limy fir aurpar# .he Jockey Club, 7-oiel ^uJ o.h *r cUrucD. MESSRS. RIGA I'D A CO. pore, too, tire cit-cured tract# for the hand kercMef. PKP'iTH : Now York E. FgL’GLRA. jU North Wiiiutin fit. SaViintmh— SOLOMONS «t CO. j.v'IUlawlv ^*•0.37X11 XUL270. pAIU.OU, DINING li> DM, and CHAMBER tiUlTEB AT F. Kru i i ii a 5 s if !.i.u'ac'.oi> and U'arexcoius- N<>» and Pi lfa«( Uoustou street, between Bow- ry and Second Avenue, New York. A'l good# war- #epl7-rodilm llAHUWABIi. Kft DOE. KICK 1IOOKS, ou 75 • (In » llo ,k), f>0 •• tlr\#» S'-ythet, 26 14 Bcvtho HriAitha, ?<w Hh t. :i.j,0o0 I'ariiugu Bolts, 10,0'oT i.* Bolls, tb nper Rivet*, nssnr’i;.!, f-as sale by reels WKKTSA OOUNWELI*. WHAT 25 CENTS WILL BOl V 50,000 Agents Wanted MuHduMtfllllNU CENTS COMMISSION MERCHANTS. V, 0. R. MILLAR, Commission and forwarding MERCHANT R AILROAD and MacblneryBapp'.iot, Paint*. Oi!«, ^ Vtkxnithm, Ckitton ujd v/oou^i wosto, Moss, Agent for tho Bsltlmoro Oil Mcnufactnrlnv 1 Com pany; Ingeraoll’s Patent Cotton, Huy and Moss Presses; WaUon A Go's Axle and Wagon Grease. ftnglHImo 1ST Day Street, Savannah. wu. J. LAWTOK, Hint, J. G. GAP.SI.IT. LAWTON, HART & CD,, flsn NO. 4, nAUUIB BLOCK, BAT in BEET, angll-d&wfim 8-i\-*nnah. Ga. B. 0. (Bt - cctfitor to C •'» LD - v El... \ COTTON I’ AX/j.'t U A N D General Commisp>i'>n Merchant, 20 OLD SLIP, NEW YOpK. BENJ.G. M(JURIS,.Jn., Gcr-.i i; c 1 #.' FHAS’IZ 11 Ml .'.A K:: WM. II ARM AN I’.llUV , • H aving form'd a : -. - ,- r .-j law# rf tire Stare . t N-*v . o-i: 1 - # riU-N,Z B. MULLER .... '-.'.) ■ ■ . \i A.7 BROWN, ns ipec'al p-»rtu- r* Vr ' • ...u l U (J. MORRIS Jit, I boh ' on tier - U :n- created Hciltlies—ll." u#ia ••' I.i---' ' ' .1 by the l#te Urni of OALDm K;L-k 6! .Ri ', ■•’. .i.<r >11... V-rt •>,. « i. I J . same office. No 20. Old Nkw York. Augurt 4th,*1369 aug'dl-flm B C ENTIRELY NEW. Mon, Worn.::: aud Children esu make money by act IK r* OUT OgCIll* No Patent Nostrup-.s. t' B*>ok Canvassing, no Qlft Karorprses. no Potent Uuht* linttrciy ditforent iu every resp* ct from anything b*-u:.jforo ottered. If any ptnsou « ! wit to l<» A, J. HOYT & GO., No. W Clli;*>TNIlT STlIliET . PHILADELPHIA, PA, And euft'oM a ti roe coat a'arap. by return mail a Cat- slogite will be sent, giving the partlcnlars of an entire- y now business that any ono can engage In—without cost je8-ts ■spiff t# 167 Bay street gQ BBLB REFINED BUGA11B, For aalo by 0«1I U. L. GILBERT, REPUBLICAN JOB OFFICE. CHEAP AND NEAT PRINTING. l»opMJ C. L. GILBERTl 3 IS u k: DAVID R. ADAMB, [ ABBIRV A. ADAMS. Of Eatonton, Ga. | Of Amcricus, Ua, HEimr k. wAsiiBDR.v, of 8avnnnah. Oa. ADAMS, WASHBURN & CO., COTTON FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Office No. 3 Stoddard's Lower Range. J302m ROSE & M’CONAGHY, 207 BAy STREET. gem&l mmm heechuts AND DIALKE9 IV WHISKIES, BRANDIES, GINS, WINES, NATIVE AND IMPORTED, Ac. •ar POLE AOBNTR FOR THE HTATE OF GEORGIA FOR WARE A HUtlMlTZ M (JELCBKATCI) riSH KITTKIW, Which wo offer nt ir.aniifcc'.n n-j' price. N. B.—Oon#itinmont# solicited. Ba.-.) guaranteed, mav26-eod0m B. W. pnCMMONP, 0. C (IIILMMONI), Of tho late llrra of L. J. OullmorUa A. < o. E. W. DRUMMOND & E-SD,, GENERAL SHIP I’ING Javd COMMISSION MERCMA5ITJ, 154 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH GEORGIA. OUgl-tH A. S. HARTKIDGE, Coiiiiiiission laid Foru aiding Iflcrclinnfy NO. 92 BAY STREET, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. Hep8-2m SUHREL BRUTI1EHS, COT'rOIV FACTOHS AXD General Commisaion Merchanta AL >, AGENTS FOR ZELL’S PHOiPHAfFS. ffif~ Liberal advance# n.adc • -.r- u i. #. Office No. 72 B.iy Stievt. sepll-eoddm JAMBS KNOX l ll f OIL!. KNOX & O-TI#: , Cotton Flirtoi's siml Cttni# mission .Tlcrc.liuiif VTO. 125ami\h’i VV;*iar/,, Baljuiure •' f llVm 1 advanooi mado th-rnon. o»-l«r» : - n -•I'-i Jr, G. A. NEUKFKH, COMMISSION M'Ei».CH - NT, All orders are promptly cx-cured at le v.-, price. IlKFXHXICEd . Mr. W. H. Btnrk, } Mt-nsrs btonhouso Ai 00, i c Mr A Neely, | b ,,,l “ M II Wl'llan? A fj<)P, 1 Messrs. G.T. Janksnu A Co.. I . Mte-ri'. G. A. WihinuiiiA« j.. \ Murfreesboro', Ter.n., August 11, lSd?. n. p. fi-knoir, | j. uu «s . i • ,1, Formerly of Coluoib.js.Ua. | Late oi Tui.a- • F.u. SPENCER & OLIVES, Cotton Facto; s, Commission Itlcn 1 limits ami <iei»- cral I'liK lutMiit; and FORWARDING AGENTS No. 1:2 Bay Street, ll.iljsons Biotk, P. 0. Box 182. Savaxx.ui. G a. ■y Consignments of Colton, Tobacro. Hie -. W*n I. Hides, etc, solicited, upon which liberal sdviwill lie made wh»n required. #• • tw FItAXK L. (iUB. GKO. C. PKAKCB. ALt-KN li. UA*S GUE, PEARCE & CO., COTTON AND PROVISION BROKERS, No, 70 Hay Street, Savaauuli, (in, ocl-ta Also,doalcr« In Wool, Hides and Fura of all descur* lion. Consignments solicited. W. C. DAWSON, of Savannah, W. A. VUBBRY, of Macon. || .11 ' i’ T i ; il .< i . i WILKINSOir & -WILSON, Cotton Factors AND 6ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Agent# for tbc-o’d r*liable SEA FOWL GUANO. Office No. VO Bay Street, Savannah, <ia. B9* Liberal Advances made on (J&asigr.m- nt# U. 0. WLLKINSUN, •op0-3m B. «T. Wliib 'N W. 0. DAWSON & CO.. GENERALCOMMISSION & FORWARDING MERCHANTS ■V* OCTco 208 Bay atreot, Savannah, Ga. eop22 diw(tetawflm C. V. HUTCHINS, Gcncrnl CoinniKsion unit Whole sale Dealer in EAT, GRAIN, &c. C ORN, OAT* FKAB, B11AK, KYK. KHKd.l UBPi'B and MKA1., Ac.- Ac. ou bond uud lorisiilu at LOWEST MARKET PKICKd NT Grain Warcbotuo—103 Buy strict, I'a-nn- nab. • «jc14 Im 0. T. SCRANTON, WHOLESALE GROCER. Tom mission ITIcrclunii, lan b■■ nvn r« HAY, CORN, OATS, FEED, AC. HEAD OF 1UL UA V, FOOT OF JEFFERSON .ST, SAVANNAH, GA. SBT Liberal advances made on cotMifcumenU. OClI-fflBQ