The morning chronicle. (Savannah, Ga.) 1817-1819, December 07, 1818, Image 1

Below is the OCR text representation for this newspapers page. 2.17. ,str> ‘Hie J- j tv4 Bo t ov. J ‘>:. Utley, VyrwSt'f* l vri.l. v - - r ‘ accident* V, inrfnrsn atrip in tverf ucilt tliuinj tli f lii'.v; i Charjts tt;ii , vt rv Monday and i-'c.y I aursuav. UAL). It lIOVT. Nov. 11-—<f ~' r > For Freight or Charter (To any Foreign Tort) *"rpv— ‘Hie nulMslaiitial Ship HOBV:i:T, i-jpt Thomson, bur then 358 tons, iu complete order, ;j,d will be ready to take in in \lk-ec o. four il.iv*. Apply to the master on board, to ‘ j rr.i.LF. & co. e/no vr. ox tnsn Pure Holland Gin, high accoml im ported direct (•irrmsm Ki<|tior C.ucs t \ iolins I owltng- Piece*, J:c. Landing I'roiit brig; Olynlhus, and in store, XJ trunks Shoes, various kind*, low charged Nov IS—tMi a-.i. ■ , • . No. 8 Mackerel. I-tirTY fM* No - ! 3 Mackerel, in fine, order, *.vll * *L<- landed thii day, and by JOUN I.JLTHUOP i CO. Jlu'ikr'* wharf. Nov. 13 M 2 3 THE* SUBSCRIBER HVVIN'C removed to the corner l ' ,e n .. w brick buiklinf*, on Hay and Jefferson men, has just received by recent arrivals; and *. now opening an extensive assortment of ’ WOOMJRN, COTTON, LINEN AND SILK GOODS, -which e cfkrcd for aale on accommodating ? wishes to rent the three story Brick Store b ioim , TAKxr.a Nov 13 —"*i7 . . —— TO KENT, MThe aiibarfiber offers to rent his thing, in Oglethorpe rani, at pre sent occupied by Davulaon posaeasion ran be lud on the ~>d No- Comply’. oct. Is l * S . • ■■ ■>■■- Office for the sale 0! Negroes,c^c. MjSilF. Subscriber has now ot> han'hforsaleat i reasonable prices, the following N Ht-ttOLS . \ Woman 37 years of age. • good c °® k “ “J' - .r an Ironcr-htr daughter 141 ears, wd one oth -1 j vekr* old composing a family of excellent 1 „ u e* servants, brought up in a very respectable family mid so’d fur no fault. . , .#. , tme other a girl of W year* oU and her Want 0 yea.s, bro -aid up ids™’ a vc.y icspecabl* £- *, • and Jatefj hoen in Vhe field. - * a ‘ ALSO, Several other house servant*, and field hands, and a very prime likely bov.Sfl yc.fa old acc'.s timed to drive a carriage, and well ac. r uuntl with the care of horse* and first rate waiting, lun. ALSO, A few good Saddle ami Chair Ilorsnj some r ---wind hnml Carriage*, and one P :ur ‘ of su P cr,or S< o *,. “f <"■;- J,r mr.y naj be bu*aJb.Wl-r wrflce ’ D POLOCK. yor Ift, lffl —M Hum. Sug r anti l"offJe. VjO barrels Bum, row landing from hiig Favor he, from 11- Vor, and for sale low, from the wharf r* s rost 50 hoghsheadO fint ali , y Supw IC6 i.arrels > 1 <y baga prime green Cofl'c* l’or sale by CF.ORGK GORDON. Not 4 -44 3 Removal. T’te subscribers beg leave to inform their friend* and the public, that they have removed from their former establishment, to the western tenement tbtse commodioua brick atores recently erect ed on die church lot, opposite to K.bhon. range where they are now opening a very general as ■ortment of _ WavAvittre, Cwuctl And other article* in tlicir line, just received by ♦he late arrivals from England, which they oner fbr lilt ca accommodating terms. LOW, WALLACE fcC. • AMO, 50 casks best London POUTER, in good con dltion. n „ v 5-10-245 Rice Macliine and Toll Mill, On Jtm LUinJ, Fatale of F. 1/n.ctt. THIS excellent Mill is now in operation, and work, a pair of stones that will shell 1 bush •t of rough rice in 8 minute* w ithout breakage— ar.d w ill receive rice for pounding at a lower toll tUn any ori the river. Excellent Coopera to pack and tnm barrels, w ith hoop* and nail* both fur- For further particulars apply to JAMES WARD, Manager on the pbieo. Prime at raw packed up in bundles of I(K> lb* each, for 50 cents the 100,org20thc flat load, ud rice flour at 18 3-4 cent* per bnshel. Cash on H.e spot. ‘ , . W * Nov 11 246 Morse Holler Cotton Gin , to tepa .. rate Cotton Seed from the ffooL ‘TO MECHANICS. Anv perron capable of putting one of Tetter's •Sin’s in motlbn at my place on Skidau-av v ill be amply compensated. 17 W. S IEPHRNS. Who has three excellent Saw (tin’s of different senstructions, for sale low fur cash. Nov 11 246 % “ Bills of. Exchange On London, and on Liverpool, Glasgow and Greenock, payable in Ixmdon, For sale bv james cAimi'Tiinns, S.nUh’o Tcle.rf NavlC 2^ IP* ISAAC NORTON, RETURNS thanks to his friend* in genriwl or the very liberal share of business, whicit tncy I lave given him, anil beg* to acquaint thcru that he lias now on hand ui extensive assentin'lit of the various articles in the net ation *i winch lie- will keep complete by frequent impoilation, at the brlrk atarc-in Slial’i hnihlings Johnsons square, • at the corner formerly occupied by dtebbins anti Mamin. . limi-ij’ ir/urA of the Inlstl reerh ed, aiv Miepherda beat, blue and bik; Clotba do. do. Cassimeres • an assortment of the best quality taylor* Trimmings a Urge supply of seccond and coarser Cloths and Ca*siuieivs Totlanctt and uuiacilles Vestings ‘ llombozetts black anti white Bmnbazcen* ladies and gentlemens silk, k, leather Gldves do. do, silk, cotton, arid worked Hose fine and coarse Linens, Lawns, and linen (’-•nbric* ■ ‘ . ( , brown llolljihL, and brown Sheering* Null, Bo >k, anti cambric Muslin* - homespun Humliuma Steam foom Sluriiugs •ewiugs Milks, Linen and Cotton, ouwcoand InH Threads first quality Needles, Tina Tapes sod Huttons pink, green, blue, bufT, bl ack and otliar Ribbons silk Shawls whole and half llanrikerchiaft mmkin and canton Crape* crape Shawls and Seni-fa Cssninicrc do. merino do. \ half and whole Handkerchief* Levantine and Florence, plaid and phrin bilks india and italian figured Bilk* indiaJaconet* anti Bmchcus ; white blk. and colored lilk Velvet* ladies hair Net* muslin Ridfs tortoise alicH and mock shell Comb* Redi mles, and redicule Clasp* chinell Cortls ■ilk low-tings Thread, Cott- n, and silk Laea • Cambrick, Trimmings anil Button* with many other article* ne<-Jl** *• insert. Nor. 11 -346 t { NOTICE. ~ T I E*ubseriber* having formed a co-partner ship in business inikr the fittn of AY WE &UAULLV, Johwn'o Square— orrtm van salb r wholb>.ix ash mm, An Assortment of Jew elry, Gold and Silver Patent Lever Watches, do do plain do CriiKikale do PLATED WAHF.S -Candlesticks, A MILITARY (JOODd—Epaulet*, Sword*, Gold end Silver Lace , C>. t—, i-hetPiiPci-h**- 1 do English fowling pit-CCS One cast* of Ccl< gne Water 1 do Hats, and. A Variety of FANCY GOOD*. They will repair at their Store Iffl/cLw and Cloeko of every description—will make and mend every article of Jewelry on the shorten notice. Nov 0 245 9 WINE, rOKTEIt, fjc. 75 lmc Madeira Wine, 1 doa. each S3 do Claret ; do 4o 20 cask* lo>ndon Porter 2U barrels Navy bread flO do Groat do 3d Kegs Butter crackers, landing from ship Ellen, from Ncw-Yoik. • Also, IV STOK*) 10 pipes India Toint Gin 4 frails Arabian Dates 10 boxes ladies kid and Morocco aho** 4 do Lailiea and children’s bonnet* 160 nests band boxes 19 boxes 11 by 1J and 12 by 18, Bristol crown W'indow (data, and on* dozen Fancy curled maple Chair* For tale by LETHBRIDGE fc DEUEL, et Hunter'* new Horn an the Hay. Nov 11 246 8t JAMES CAURUTIIERS, Has on hand the following article, which he will sell low to elo** aale: Two trunks wearing Apparel Three bale* acinc Twine Nine pair Lang k Son’s double Jack 9cr*wa Grates and render*—lron Chesta Mcdlmrst’s patent Balance* with weight* A few elegant Soph** also • An invoice of twenty package* Cotton Goods, consisting of furniture Calico, plain and figured Muslins, Shawls, Ac. and Three bales low priced 6-4 Cloth* Nor 26—230 4 Northern Sheetings Ginghams , / Fifteen bale* and one box northern Sheeting* and Ginghams, tuperior quality, landing from ship Robert, and For aale be LETIIRKIDGE k DF.JEL. Nov 20—230 4 NOTICE. The firm of Airx*irn Durwwosn & Cos. of August*, was dissolved bv mutual consent,on the SUi inL JAMES CARRUTHERS, ALEX DRUMMOND. Nov 27—233 3 Carnochan Mitchell Have received by the ship Thom. 8 boxes containing each 30 piece* 4-4 Irish Linen* And by %ie ship Cora, from London. 1 cane Hats*- Which they offer for sale on rea sonable term* nov 20 230 NOTICE. THE Subscriber offer* for BJe an assortment of RApEE, MACAUBUA and SCOTCH SNUFF, that he has juat received. He ha* also, Spanisli, and American BEGAR9 and cut Tobac co, Bay lane, oppos'd* Mr Dclbergbe. • JOHN CIIAUVITKAU, Nov 20-230 3 5.1V.1.V.V.W., DECEMBER 7, 1918. ’ JA >IES CARIItTHERS I/ s imported by tHr ship lwam, 2-Xi Jii- rc Uolti'ii i s’ and gcnriemu.t’a elegant gold AVatcli er i l.oiidon made) P tier and Ale, and 1 bale lamb’s wool Storings and Shirts A id, by the ship Carp, from London, Rest superfine C loti is, Cassimercs, Wairt-, cratiiqr amt Hats Ri ota ami Sb/iea, Porte.•. in lilict,; Clove* E'-pi'it work Table*, tc* Caddie.,, Stc Mustard, crown Blue stoup and ready dressed Beef, put up in tin cases —which will be sold on reasonable terms Received, on consign me t, by the Thc-n, 3 bales Yorkshire sup* Am Cloths, whicli will he sold Inwtoolo •:sales Nov 11 24u S _■ or \ HiMt4ii. * BECEIVP.I) nr**s| *#* ‘ j ■so - . cA.ik a.-jn Li<e • * Aim-’ ’ SO,OOO feet clear and merchantable Board For sale bv ISAAC COHEN. Nov 9 245 3 slate! • fITIIE Subscribers, agents for the New.York t l State Conipanx, will contract for any quantity deliverable at tlit- New York prices, which are now winced to the following rates: m Fii-st quality, eight dollurs per square Second quulitt, six dollar* per square JOHN LATH HOP k Cos. Hunter'* wharf Nov 13 24 7 3 Prime White Baltimore Corn , WHISKEY, Ac. THREE THOUSAND bushel* prime white llai timore Corn, and 300 bush* l* prime yellow flint Com—for sale in lot* to suit purchiiers, bv NICHOLAS It NEFF, Ir.uteri’ U harf. •wno uav* rx aroRK, Rre Whisker in hcgsht-atL and barrel*. Nov. 2—242. & TOTE, Next door to the Office of the MomirgChroricte, HAVE received from tlicir Manufactory in But ton, their Winter supply of BOOTS and SHOES, made of the best materials, and the beat work manship. . \ Thfcy will also makr, and repair gentlemen’s Hoots and Shoe* on reasonable turns, and on. the nhurtcst notisc. Nov 20—250 ts Cotillion Society, NO PICE is given to aJI persons whor name* are row attached to the-“ Cotillion Society,” as having been members the lost year, will be still considered as uch, and accordingly called on for heir Mibtcription, tinier* they notify the treasur :r bcf'-i e the first Cotillion, that they are desirous jf wilhdiawing from the society. Ttr order, J LATHHOP, Tre.-surer and Secretary. Not 20-230 4 FOR SALE, By the suhsc ri hers on acmmm odnting terms, 525 kegs Gunpowder, “ Nitre Hall” ’ Com) bushels Corn 10l crates Crockery, ueorud paticul*rly for . this market 30 hogsheads Whiskey 30 barrels do 180 bbla N E Rum 5 pipe* genuine Cognac Brandy 53 Duxes mould Candle* 16 ton, square bar lion 60 well finished English Miuxeta 30 tons Bhare Moulds . * An invoice of Cvtton Thread and flora Cotton An invoice of beat English Mustard .An of Shovel* and Sp-ulcs . An invoice of hoop lions An invoice, of fine and wool Hat* NICHOLAS k NEFE Nov 15 “19 Caution / Caution! Caution / As person* have been in the habit of going on the north end C f Osvtba hunting and cutting wood, thi* is to inform them that positive orders have been given to prevent any individual what ever, tmder any pretence, from going on that part of the Island owned by the undersigned without a written permission from all or either of them. T. N. Morel. John Morel. N. O. Rutherford. Nov. 2T 353 consignees of Goods bv the ship Science are requested to have them en tered as soon m possible, and leave tlje permit* with the subscriber. JAMES CARRUTHERS. Nov 37 253 3 . and BOARDS, landing from brig Othello, and for tale br J, BATTELLF. k CO. Nor 25—232 James Carrutliers Has imported by the ahip Science, capt Currie, „ from Greenock, a ssmu iHNiretST or COTTON AND UNNEN GOODS. Consisting of Muslin*, Shaw l*, sewed Robe* Der lies* Union Stripes, Pullicat Handkerchiefs, Cot ton Shirting, Checks, Ac: Russia Sheeting, Pla tillss, Oznahurgs and cotton Bagging _ ALSO* Porter, Ale and beer s Herring, and Ling Eah Barley and spfit Pea* j While Lead ground in oil; crown window Glass. Which, will be sold low and on a liberal credit frtr good note*; payable either hereof in August*. Nov. 87—-553 . I Dr. Johnson’s Dictionary, . IK QVARTO. T\ T THOMAS, Philadelphia, propose, to pub. IT A# lish by subscription. •i MCTt'KYAIir EugUsh *. In which the vo are deduced from their originals, and ilh i in their different signifi cation,, by rk .ijfft;, 4i the best writtfr*. To wliieh ix'c'l—A History of the language, and an W.jiiai Urammar By KAMtJEL JOHN SON',?. 1.1). With the addition of the Standard of I’routiiciation eatublislied in Walker’s Critical PT -ouncii>g Dictionary. i ae concurring testimonies of the ablest Lv, hare placed Dr Johnson at the bead of those 1- * iet-f,rapera who have bestowed their labors ! upon the English language. Hi, Dictionary is *mi- j Tersafly acknowledge*] to be the only Vue claasi | cat -rtanderd of ita signification, et> niology and <*•-. I V’ o- i mid, perltapa, ihe most uneqiiiviv J < r I -. cal.. nation in whicli 5 1 --rk'oait -cl.. . i. * 1 . lha *. and the tea* „ , p.-iaxed the a:..! scrutiny with iindiminished reputation and in creasing demand. ; -... r Notwithstiuidhig these recommrmlatinns, there, remain to he added, iu order tu render it * com plete work of reference, rules fur the *pronuncia ticn of the words, the want of .which is particular ly felt in many cooes, where variations ha*e crept, in, and corruptions have succeeded, so as to-be get and circulate inaccuracy in speech extensire aivelv over our country. Jn uune of the London editions is the effect remidied, and there is still wanting a publication that shall combine the inoi:t authentic account of the properties of words with the most correct method of pronouncing them —such as *h: II at once determine any dm Jus where they exist _ To suplv this desideratum i-j the design of the American publisher. The judgment of the. public has long since ar quiesptd in the standmi of pronum ia'ion ascer tained and fixed bv .Walker, in bis critical prow nouncing dictionary: s in confonnity to which, the rules and pronunciation gi\cn in that work arc adopted for ineoi-poratidn with a complete edi tion of Johnson’s dictionary. The rule,* are giv en in the- prefatory part, and the pronunciation of eaefi word attached to its correspondent word in Johnson. This cannot tail to be regarded as a material accessory advantage to a pub i cat ion of Johnson’s dictionary, the integrity of which, at 1 lie same time, w ill be scmpulumdy preserved. The tiyiiificatiqni assigned by Walker in bis dic tionary, are altogether superseded by the more ample elucidations of Johnson. Indeed, fur the distinction of having UWed every part of speech in our language through sIHU nicest sliadts of dis crimination, and widest r.tngo ’ of melwdng, tlut eminent acholsr is without a cnipetituL ’ AVilh a degree of diligence art# research that have confer red upon hi, labors an unrivalled value, he lias ad d ictd in support of his chi,-f decisions a musa of quoted authorities, derived from tle lo st autimrs in cverv department of English literature, which will be found equally instructive and entertaining to the general reader, and essential to thephilo)o-i gil. • ‘ ‘ • ‘ ’ ! In thi* respect indeed, the unquestionable; superiority ot the present over the smaller, m* camplrt* editions me v it to a deckled prefc. -*c f dr. Johsv *i niua • to dictionary, no edition *.n ever btvure been published in this country ; the Englkit copies,be ing very co*tly, are imported in stuall numbers t and it is probable that in the Uhitcd Slates there •ire not more than haif a dvzeu copies for sale at this time. An American rtfition is therefore un doubtedly, wanted * but to print a work of such magnitude, is an undertaking at arduous and expensive, nc-'ding the support of that public patronage which, on an attentive consideration of the advantage* offered, iki* hoped will be ac corded. • A n*w edition of Johnson wa* puqlished last year in ‘London, on the plan of the original folio edition, revised by the doctor lrim elf; from a copy of this the American edition will be printed, with all the care necessary to ensure correct new. Avery ktrgc capital is engaged in the work, and every exertion is employed to render it in all rfspcctHaCreditabl&to the atnerican press. Tlie p.iblic will /orm an opinion upon the specimen before it; perhaps, sufficient to state, in oiler to*ecur*ne auffrage of every friend to let ters, that it is equal, ill every respect if not auperi our, to the lest London edition. *lhr work will lie printed with a good type, on a handsome ami substantial paper, manufactured cxpre-lt for the purpose. It w ill lie delivered to subscribers in hand some cal!’ gilt binding, at 14 dollar* per volume. plain calf, lettered, 13 do do Elain aheep, lettered- 12 .do do oards 10 do do Payable in cash on delivery. The London 4to edition aeßs for £3O per aet in hoards without Walker’# pronu neiatiom A person will call on the citizenfi of Savannah in a few days for their patronage, with a sample of the work. J nov 23 251 MEDICAL RETAIL STOKE. T|fi. KRF.EGER, having opened a store in Har- Xj naid-strcet, east-shlc, second door 1011th of the Market-square, in conjunction with Mr. Sam’l Bender, under the firm ot KTevgeT & YitwAcT, solicits the patronage of hi* friends and the pub lic. His partner will solely attend to the business, in whose knowledge, carefulness ami attention every confidence may be placed. Hi* stock em braces the greatest variety of wzaaaTu oxaw lira MEDICINES, which he considers worthy tlie notice of families, physician* and planter*. Oct. 21 i2*-K7 The Subscribers HAVING connected themselves in the town cf DAHIE.V, with a view to transact YncAotage stud Commission Business, tender their services to their friend* and the pub lic in that line, The Establishment there will commence on or about the fntoj NovenTernetet, to be managed by Mr. BARRINGTON KING, un der Ihe firm of B. A'AW U CO. ’ * JOHN M’NISH, U. KING. Oct 23 -mtf Yinina and TUanicets. A few Bales superior white plain* ami London DuffiJ BLANKETS, just received by the nub scriber, and for sale At Lis store. Johnson aquare. I ISAAC NORTON. I Sat II • BIX DOLLAR* PER ANX % PROPOSALS, By A! itch ell, Ames. % White, F*r Publishing, b j Su!ssc?ipti<m, .1 complete unci ttUr-ndi9edition. OFT UHIUbH POETS, * *NB HCKDREIZ VOLUMES, s -iJand T ttruteC with upward* of rut hup* TANARUS” . drrd eiijrrfiutngt. , II a'ublluhtr* hj\c Lcrc umlrrt. ri th C*.jtmive *fht arduous toskHb.ppJ . / w i mi tnr .b. Seva, lias t>>ng bt eua *„uc, „ v Am-r ----:?* We have Lad ed* of tb* llaieiw in prose; but do .t.* has vet ‘tvtr.'Se, Ito fiirutsh their counter tU ,L* a < o:a ----f.- i- ication of the Bainsa Ptlro. Some il"’ I* n *T! t cylebiwted have indeed, been •*] et! on tins side of the water; but, n ht-n i\ * J * -umbered, that, exclusive oT onr are. there i hmuh-rd imd twenty English } * V; lo h* y t Mi imperishable poetry behind \*rV * O / Prt of the JLk numb £ jo- <e) *■ American rcpnblications enable uto t i''. , C ! And yet, without auch ac. wil i/v r 1", *•’ be haa/asted the .wee** £„y ;V -* | re, tu- rr:diztd tlie strength and t'r - ‘ v - wTr rttceri etlthe utanipofappnilraOmrmn.i an aunt,.*- eped community in England,'can certainK derive - tip additional value from the recommendation t Jan American Ktbtor. \V e luae only toaay, theiefur* that the works which v/e design to publish . -siicii as lirv c survived tlie fluctuations ofephenu-raJ celebrity ; and that, considered either as modela °‘ ,n * , btini, or aa sources of amusement, no work* seem more really wanted in the United butes. I lie busy could snatch up a v oh,me to fill up the interstices of their time ; tlie idle would have one or more resort for a change occupation and sui eh iio-qitcics of rending is better fitted to tq dfotxl icliel to business, or variety to pleasure* ADVERTISEMENT.’ , ,' e fi'rt collection of the British Poets wnsnnde by Dr. Bl ur, in 1/ 70. Itcousisted of 42 voh. 12 mo and ct>utallied a select number-of lrmithora, fnm. Low icy to Lyttlcton. Three years aficrwards,Mi. BvU undertook another edition ; widt h was am* pnsed in 1W iniuature volumes, and contained the vvmiL* of 49 poets, from Chaucer to Churchill. In L,y, the Loudon booksellers published a third collection, in 60 small octavo volume*, containing the works of 53 authors from Cou lev lo Lvttlelon l lus is the edition for which Dr. Johnson wrote Uie Lives ofthePoets; no<l which,—notw ithstand ing its manifest incompleteness, and in spite ofthe •inacconntable failure ofthe publishers to p rfci ui their engagement of inserting‘all tlie English no ets of reputation, from Chancer tothc present ima —has, from the biographer’s apparent sanction, been since considered as the stan.Lml edition. ‘J j, c nnwt perfect collection is tlrnt cf Dr. Anderson; alncb wa* commenced in 1733 ; and which, in the compass ot 12 large octavo volumes, presents us /with the wtftks of 114 authors, from Chancer to Ia) veil. Dr. Chalmcr's edition is l>v far the mrst splcndkl. 1 hat which the American publisher* have made the basis of their own undertaking was commenced in IKO3, sik! completed in UJlj. it bears the mime of Thomas Park, V. 8. A. -j s c ‘ om . prised in 66 miniature volume* ; and, like those of Dr. Blair and Dr. Johnson, begins with the poet* of 1660. All the authors of tLe three preceding .centuries, Chauccts YVvatt, Kurrcy, Spenser I Shakespeare, SacJurille, ikaifiel, f*> KlttcUr-,D*! r-N Carew, Drayton, Doimt , Jonwm, Sttv*Ving, rt. Fletcher, llroune, Drummond, Creshaw,* Hall, Dsvenant and Cowley, are entirely omitteih ofthtue that are included, acarcel) the half hav been famished with biojjmphiea ; and t! t w! 10 le are printed without the re-.urd to dueno. logical arrangement. Tlie American publisher in tends to supply the earlier authors; to add a select number of tho6e of our on n age ; to insert tln-m all, as nearly as possible, in the order of time; and to accompany each with a summary biognml leal notice. And they pkdgc-themselves, t.bat, should the exerution of tlie Mibaeqtteiii volumes be infe rior to that nfjlic one which will be exhibited with the proposal, tlicir stibscribtm veil? not he cowvb deredas under the ltasl obfigation to take their respective copies. MITCHELL, Ai!ES It WHITE. . CONDITIONS. I. Tlie work w ill he comprised in One Hun dreil volumes, 18mo j to contain each, uiion an av erage, 400 naves. • 2. It shall be delivered to subscriber* at th* ra'e of On * Dollar and Twenty-five centa per vo lume, in boards; One Dollar and Fifty Cents, neatly bound with double lettering; One UMar and Eighty-seven ami a half cents, bound in calf and gilt; and Two Dollars Twenty-fire cents, in calf extra. Payable on delivery. ■a. It is the intention of ihe publishers to dcliv es to subscriliers twenty-five volunus every si* mouths; and tlie whole will be completed in two years from the rime cf its being put to press j u Inch will be done as soon as a sufficient niittihcr ot signatures are obtain* and. As the names of all the poets mnv not be fami liar to every reader, we transcribe a list:—tis ian* Chaucer, Wyatt, Snrrev, Spencer, Sac'kville Hkakspearc, Daniel, G. Fletcher, Davits. Carew* Drayton, Donne, Jonson, Suckling, W. Ilrownc- P. Fletcher, Drummond, Cresltaw, Hall. Dave nant, Cowley, Denham, Milton, Ibillcr. Roches ter, Roscommon, Otway, Waller, Pomfret, Dm den, Dorset, Stepney, J. Phillips, Walsh, Smith- Duke, King, Sprat, Halifax, Parnell, Garth, Row e, Addison, Hcwcs, Shifiu-ld, Prior. Pattis. >n, Con greve, Rlackmorc, Fenton, Gay, Granville, Yal den, Green, Ticketl, Hammond, Scir.eniii:-, R. Wert, Savage, Swift, Pope, Brown, Blair, Pitt Thompson, Watts, A. Phillips, Boyce, Mill, !!:.iu* ilton, G. West, Collins, J. 11. Moore, Dvcr, Caw* thornc, Shtnstone, Young, DotLley, Lloyd, Chur* chill, Mallei, Brow n. Grainger, Bruce, Falkcopcr* Cooper, Akenside, Cliattcrton.Gray, Smart, Smol* let, Thompson, Wilke, Grxme, Uttleton, llarte* Cunningham, P. Whitehead, tioldsmitli, Lori* bond, Langhorne, Armstrong, Penrose, Jago, T- Scott, Johnson, Glover, W. Whitehead, Jenvna lleadlv, Logan, Cotton, Russell, Mickle, ton, lUncklock, Lovell, Rampfvldc, Beattie, Cow. per,Day, Sir M . Jones, Glvnn. ‘Howland, E.Moore- Drain, W. Thompson, Cmbhe, Gifford, Coleman, Campbell, Burns, Wndsworth, Southey, Sothhev, Hloonrfk Id, Grant, T. Ilwirt, Rogers,’ W. Scott Montgomery, Byron, Hunt, Brown, Hogg* C.Plui,’ lips, &c. • Nor i* it with these alone that the praient edi tion w ill make the reader acquainted. lighter* , velumi’ of the work will he occupied with tint moat approved transitions of'the bes* ?lreek :nd Roman poets:—Hooter, Apolliinlut Rhndiua. Pin dar, Theocritus. Birnt, Moscbi.s, Tirtseita, Auac re on, Sappho, Virgil. ?*v id. Lucan. Horace, Juvenal, Persues, Tibulhis. Sttlpkix • A late publication in Scotland, under the fi**e of Ah Original CoUretkm vs Osnnn'o Pu:.k. hvi ntit only aDdcd cotiscicrsd'ly to the rock i • bit poetry ,* but thrown a good ties! cf n-w lig t o t the question rr% et t ing the existence and hum ty <f the Gallic Uani.. phthdelpJat, Apjril^C-H