The National Republican. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-1868, February 26, 1868, Image 4
Nationatßepabiican UIMJEsfciTY. CIRCULATION Official Organ of the U. 8- Government. WEDNESDAY MORNING... February SO. 1868 «■ yi!..i ' iL'-U-iu ■■ " "i't 1 m-. OWE BT SIDE. BT FAN NT C. OSGOOD. Side bv ride on their pillow soft Two felt bead* lie at reet j While the mother heart brood* tenderly, Ae a bird o’er it* hidden neat; And the low ran sends in loringty It* last warm beam* front the we*t. r Ide by aide on the battle Said, While a wan moan pale* in the aky. Clad in the color* of North and South, In a dreamless sleep they lie ; - And the distant cries of a lewdly bird From the marshes float and die. Sid* by tide in the hospital Two fair head* lie at re»t; While a mother murmurs, amid her tear* ; “Father, Thou knoweat best!” And the low sun shine* in lovingly Through the windows looking west. republican national nomi nating CONVENTION. The undersigned, constituting the National Committee designated by the Convention held at Baltimore on the 7th of June, 1864, do appoint that a National Convention of the Union Republican party be held at the city of Chicago, 111., on Wednesday, the 20th day of May next, at 12 o’clock m., for the purpose of nominating candidates for the offices of President and Vice President of the United States. Each State in the United States is authorized to be represented in said Convention by the number of delegates equal to twice the number of Senators and Repre sentatives to which each State is entitled in the National Congress. We invite the cooperation of all citizens who rejoice that our great civil war has happily terminated in the discomfiture of the rebellion; who would hold fast the unity and integrity of the Republic, aud maintain its paramount right to defend to the utmost its own existence, whether im periled by secret conspiracy or armed force; of all friends of an economical ad ministration of the public expenditure, of the complete extirpation of the principles and policy of s'avery, and of the speedy reorganization ol those States whose Gov ernments were destroyed by tfco Rebellion, and their permanent restoration to their proper practical relations with the United States in accordance with the true princi ples of republican government. Marcus L. Ward, of Now Jersey, Chairman. Johr D. Defuses, of Indiaun, Secretary. Washington, Dec. 11, 1867. td’ NO “OPENINGS.” OPEN ALL THE TIME! Latest Styles I THE NEW Millinery Headquarters, Next to the Planters’ Hotel, Have no special “opening day as the LATEST STYLES and NOVEL TIES are always on hand, r» for inspection. In all eases, Satisfaction is Guaranteed ! RECEIVED, EVERY FRIDAY, DIRECT PROM NEW YOLK, ALL KINDS OF Goods in our Line. WB SELL LADIES’ AND MISSES’ FELT and STRAW HATS OF EVERY STYLE, AT FROM Fifty; Cents to Three Dollar*’ HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR FOES. Send for Price Lists. WM. R. DAVIS A CO., Newt door above the famous Planters’Hotel, ISoet—ev Thurs Augusta, Ga. Meriden Cutlery Company# MANUFACTURERS OF SUPERIOR 7 ABLE CUTLERY, OF PEARL, IVORY, HORN, BONE EBO NY, AND COCOA HANDLES. Also, Exclusive Manufacturers of the “GOODYEAR” Patent HARD RUBBER HANDLE. WHICH IS THE Most Durable Handle Ever Known. It is less expensive than Ivory. It always retains its polish when in use. It is warranted not to become loose in the handle. It is not affected by hot water, j—-For sale by all the principal dealers iu Cutlery throughout the United States, and by the MERIDEN CUTLERY CO., selß-ly New York. O. H. Johansen, CORNER OF . Marbury & South Boundary Streets, (NEAR RACE TRACK), AUGUSTA, GEORGIA, Keeps always on hand fresh LAGER BEER and the very best LI QUORS or all kinds. Visitor* will find Shuffle Boards Bagatelle Ta bles, Air Guns, and amusements of all kinds. Bt sure and give me a call. nov2B~Bm C. H. W arner, PLUMBER, GAS AND STEAM FITTER, MO. 3.M BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA. ftf Pump*, Um; Steam ami ','ater Pipe*, Rubber Hose and Hoae Pipe*, Promptly furnished or rep'Drsd.'^ jauSO —ii Piano Fortes Tuned. TO MEET THE TIMES, I HAVE RE DUCED the charge for TUNING to THREE DOLLARS. Order* left ut Mr. GEO. A. OATES’ 240 Broad Street, or at my Shop, opposite the Poit Offlee. promptly attended to. el— lye ROBERT A. HARPER Book and job printing - Executed at thl* Office At tbe Lowest Terras and in the Best Style Come and see samples. uni i a, , - Georgia Printing Cos s Book & Job PRINTING OFFICE, 190 Broad <§r 158 Ellis Streets, <=Ro€upu6ta, la Now Supplies! with the Latest ansi Improves! PRESSES, TYPE, BORDERS, ORNAMENTS, ETC,, And is ready to execute any description of Book and Job Printing IN A FIRST-CLASS MANNER AND ON REASONABLE TERMS’ BILL HEADS, CIRCULARS, BRIEFS, CHECKS, POSTERS, LABELS, PAMPHLETS, BILLS LAD NG, HAND BILLS, PROGRAMMES, WEDDING CARDS VISITING CARDS. BALL TICKETS, INVITATIONS, CARDS OF ALL STYLES AND SIZES, BILLS LADING, DRAY RECEIPTS, DRAFTS, AUCTION BILLS, STEAMBOAT BILLS, AND, IN FACT, EVERY DESCRIPTION OF PRINTING!! — 0 THE BOOKBINDERY Os this Establishment IS A SPECIALTY, And wc havo recently made large additions of NEW TOOLS AND MATERIALS ! IIMTIOIAL REPUBLIC!: A Morning Paper, PUBLISHED AT FIVE DOLLARS A YEAR, Contains the Latest News by Telegraph and’M&il FROM ALL PARTS OF THE COUNTRY. Office— l9o Broad and 163 Ellis St., Augusta, Ga. ELBBBT COUNTY. IN TUK DISTRICT COURT OF THIS UNITED States, for the Northern District of Georgia. In the matter of JAMBS IN BANKRUPTCY. bees adjudged .Bankrupt, of the county of Elbert. This it to give aottee, once a week (or three weeks, to all person* interested, that the under signed, of the town of Blberton, and county of Elbert, has been appointed Assignee of the Bank rupt in the above stated ease. JAMES J. BURCH, < ___ < ________As*>£»ee >(t Wilkes County. Letters of Dismission. STATE OF GEORGIA— Wilke. Count]/. Where*!, John C. Fanning, applies to me for Letters of Dismission as Execqtorof B. J. Orr, deceased— These are to cite all persons concerned to be and appear at my office within the time pre scribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters of Dismission should not be granted. ROYLAND BEASLEY, Dec. 21st, 1867. Ordinary. dc22—iam6m Chatham Comity. SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA, SS, at Savannah, the 10th day of February, A. D., 1868. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment as assignee of George McGinley, of Savannah, in the county of Chatham, and State of Georgia,within said Di9triot, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon hi# own peti tion by the Distriot Court of said District. ALEXANDER N. WILSON, feb!3—lw3w Assignee. BRITISH PERIODIC ALS THE LONDON QUARTERLY REVIEW (Conservative), THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig), THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Radical), THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free Church), And BLACKWOOD’S EDINBURGH MAGA ZINE (Tory). These periodicals arc ably sustained by the contributions of the best writers on Science, Religion, and General Literature, and stand un rivalled in the world of letters. They are indis pensable to tbc scholar and the professional man, and to every reading man, as they furnish a better record ot the current literature of the day than can be obtained from any other source. TERMS FOR 1868. For any one of the Reviews 84.00 per an. For any two of the Reviews 7.00 “ For any three of the Reviews 10.00 “ For all four of the Reviews 12.00 “ For Blackwood’s Magazine 4.00 “ For Blackwood and one Review... 7.00 “ For Blackwood and any two of the Reviews 10.00 For Blackwood and three of the Reviews 13.00 “ For Blackwood and the 4 “ CLUBS. A disoouut of twenty per cent, will be allow ed to clubs of four or more persons. Thus, four copies of Blackwood, or of one Review, will be sent to one address for sl2 80. Four copies of the four Reviews and Blackwood, for S4B 00, and so on. POSTAGE. Subscribers should prepay by the quarter, at the office of delivery. The postage to any part es the United States is two cents a number. This rate only applies to current subscriptions. For back numbers the postage is double. PREMIUMS TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS. New subscribers to any two of the above periodicals for 1868 will be entitled to receive, gratis, any one of the four Reviews for 1867. Now subscribers to all five of the periodicals for 1868 may receive, gratis, Blackwood or any two of the four Reviews for 1867. Subscribers may obtain back numbers at the following reduced rates, viz.: The North British from January, 1863, to De cember, 1867, inclusive; Edinburgh and the Westminster from April, 1864, to December, 1867, inclusive, and the London Quarterly for the years 1860, 1866, and 1867, at the rate of $1.50 a year for each or any Review;, also, Blackwood for 1866 and 1867, for $2.50 a year, jsjf” Neither premiums to nor discount to clubs, nor reduced prices for back numbers, can be allowed, unless the money Is remitted direct to the Publishers. No premiums can he given to clubs. THE LEONARD SCOTT PUBLISHING CO., 140 Fulton street, N. Y. The L. S. Publishing Cos., also publish the I’ARMEU’B GUIDE, By Henry Stephens, of Edinburgh, aud the "late J. P. Norton, of Yale College. 2 vols., royal octavo, 1600 pages, and numerous En gravings. Price $7 for the two volumes—by mail, post paid, SB. feb6—lm -A. SA.FJS CERTAIN, \ Speedy Cure NEURALGIA vFmversalJTeiiralgiaJ AND ALL /NERVOUS diseases. Hi !■: Heels arc 1 Magical- TT IS AN UNFAILING REMEDY IN ALL JL casos of Neuralgia Facialis, often affecting a perfect cure in loss than twenty-four hours from the use of no more than two or threo Pills. No other form of Neuralgia or Norvous Disease has failed to yield to this wonderful remedial agent. Even in the severest cases of Chronio Neuralgia and goneral nervous derangements—of many years standing—affecting the entire system, its use for a few days, or a few weeks at the utmost, always affords the most astonishing relief, and very rarely fails to produce a comploto and permanent cure. It contains no drug3 or other materials in tbe slightest degroo injurious, even to the most delicate systom, and can always be used with perfect safety. It has long been in constant use by many of our most eminent Physicians, who give it their unanimous and unqualified approval. Sent by mail on receipt of price, and postage. One package, SI.OO, Postage 6 cent*. Six packages, 5.00, “ 27 “ Twelve packages, $9.00, Postage 48 cents. It is sold by all wholesale and retail dealers in drugs and medicines throughout the United States, and by TURNF.R A CO., Sole Proprietors, 120 Tromont Street, Boston, Mass. oot6—fimd&w Mosher, Thomas & Schaub, O A A BROAD STREET— Under Masonic Hall, AUGUSTA, GA., ’Diroot Importers nnd Dealers in English and French * ' ““f- * CHINA! BOHEMIAN, FRENCH, and AMERICAN Glass Ware, Kerosene Lamps, ETC., KTC., AND AGENTS OF THE Southern Porcelain Manufacturing Cos. Try ua, and we will convince you that you can saw* thb frkioht from New York to this point. JOSIAII MOSnER, J. JkFFERSON THOMAS, GEORGE SOHAtIB. ooV—ly CLOSING OUT. CHANGE OF BBSS. GOODS AT A SACRIFICE! Mrs. PUGHE 190 Broad it., Augusta, Ga., J 8 DISPOSING OF THE ENTIRE STOCKJOF Rllil AND DRYGOODS Consisting in part o GiOOtVs. & ovcv\) otxvwes, FIGURED AND SOLID ALL-WOOL VvcwcXv NXevvwoft, V o\oC\.vs.s X'VvvvN. w\\A VAtvwwcXs \\ 'Y\yyW\ S\\t\vw\.¥> LjtewVv- Wevvwo SVwvVs, In Great Variety. YxuAvv’v.' 1 u\s Tory Cheap. XtaCives' 1 C\oW\ G\o»tn&, TuaAve*' Cs«\wwWc\%. CP The whole of the above »tock must bo sold out immediately. REMEMBER TBE FLAOM: 190 BROAD STREET. Augustin, «n. Warren Comity.' Letters of Administration- STATE OF GEORGIA— Warren County. Where**, it ha* been made known to toe (bat the estate of I’eterton Heath U unrepresented, Then are, therefore, to cite and admonish ell and singular the kindred and creditors of laid deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show can**, if any they here, why said Letters of Administra tion should not be granted to the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county. Given under my band at office in Warrenton, 29th day of January, 1868. febl3— lw4w H. R. CODY, Ordinary. NOTICK ~ SIXTY DAYS AFTER DATE APPLICATION will be made to the Court of Ordinary of Warren County, for leave to sell the real estate of Mrs. Hannah Spence, deceased. January 2<J, 1868. J. R. SPENCE, febl3—6od Administrator. ■- Letters of Administration. STATE OF GEORGIA— Warren County. Whereas, Mrs. Jane E. Cason applies to me for Letters of Administration npon the estate of John R. Cason Deoeased— These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased to he and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they have, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my band at office in Warrenton, January 29, 1868. H. R. CODY, jan3o—lawlw Ordinary. Letters of Administration. STATE OF GEORGIA— Warren County. Whereas, J. A. Mays applies to me for Let ters of Administration upon the estate of Wm Littleton deceased— These are therefore to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they havo, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand at office in Warrenton, January 29, 1868. H. K. CODY, jan3o-law4w Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. STATE OF GEORGIA— Warden County. Whereas, James Hall applies to me for Let ters Dismissory from the estate of Joshua Geesling, deceased— • These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they can, why said Letters should not be granted. Given uuder my hand and official signature December Ist, 1867. 11, R. CODY, deS—lam6m Ordinary, Oglethorpe County. Letters of Dismission. STATE OF GEORGIA— Oylethorpe Cos. Whereas, Elizabeth Jewel aud George Jewel, administrators on tbc estate of William Jewel, late of said county, doceascd, applies to inc for Letters of Dismission irom said trust— These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singujar the kindred and creditors of Sgjd deceased, to bo and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters of Dismis sion should not be granted. Given under my band and official signature, this 15th day of November, 1867. E. C. SHACKELFORD, nol9—lam6m Ordinary. Letters of Dismission, STATE OF GEORGIA- Oglethorpe Cos. Whereas, Wm. W. Davenport, guardian for Robert 11. and A. 11. S. Glenn, minors of Wm. Glenn, deceased, applies to me for letters of dismission from said guardianship. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and friends of said minors, to be and appear at my office within the timo prescribed by law, to show cause, if any they have, why said letters of dismission should not be granted. Given under my band .and official signature j £ d-.-orfAtflbL*: ujc v*xrt>, novl9—lamGm Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. ' STATE OF GEORGIA— Oglethorpe County. Whereas, William M. L&ne, Administrator on the estate of Harrison G. Lane, late of said county, deceased, applies to me for Letters pf_ Dismission from said administration— These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any they havo, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under ray hand and official signature, this 12th day of December, 1867. E. C. SHACKELFORD, doll—larnfim Ordinary. MORGAN COUNTY. IN BANKRUPTCY. TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE -L United States for the Northern District of Georgia. In the matter of 1 JONH W. WOOD, | of tho county of Morgan, }■ IN BANKRUPTCY, who has been adjudged | a Bankrupt. This is to give notice, once a week for three weeks, to all persons interested, that I, the un dersigned, of the town of Rutledge, and county of Morgan, have been appointed Assignee of the Bankrupt in tbo above stated case. JOHN F. JACKSON, fcb22—law3w Assignee. TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE X United States for tho Northern District of Georgia, In tbo matter of j ELIJAH BOSWELL, | of Morgan county, who } IN BANKRUPTCY, has been adjudged a | Bankrupt. J To all whom it may Concern ; The undersigned hereby gives notice of his appointment ns As signee of Elijah Boswell, of Morgan county, aud State of Georgia, within said District, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon tisown petition by the District Court of said District. ALBERT M. THRASHER, Madison, Feb. 15, 1868. Assignee. febl9-law3w IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF TIIK UNITED States for tho Northern District of Georgia. In tho matter of Y REUBEN WINFREY’, lIN BANKRUPTCY, Bankrupt. J To whom it may Concern : The undersigned hereby gives notico of his appointment as As signee of Reuben Winfrey, in the county of Morgan, and State of Georgia, within said Dis trict, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said District. Dated February 14th, A. D., ISOS THOMAS H. S. BUOBSTON, folß-law3w Assignee. TN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE X United States for tho Northern District of Georgia. In tho matter of j JOHN BREWER, lIN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. J To whom it may Concern : The undersignod hereby givos notico of his appointment as As signee of Jonn Brewer, of tho county of Morgan, and State of Georgia, within said Dis trict, who has beon adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition by the District Court of said District. Dated February 14th, A. D. 1868. THOMAS 11. S. BROBSTON, folfi-lawilw Assignee. IN THE DISTRICT CO OUT OF TIIK UNITED States, for tho Northern District of Georgia. In the matter of j ANDREW F. BIRD, lIN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. J To whom it may concern: The undersignod hereby gives notice of his appointment as As signee of Andrew F. Bird, in the county of Mor gan, and State of Georgia, within said District, who ha* been adjudged a Bankrupt upon his own petition, by the District Court of said District. Dated February 14, A. D. 1868. THOMAS H. S. BROBSTON, felA-litwSv Assignee. Riokmcmd GouS I*ti*« of Admin lltr . QTATK OF GEORGIA-^* mv i. R'ckmoni To Ml whom it may concern: ? son having, in proper f ortD permanent Letters of Admi»S2 estate of Edward F. Kind,?*? county— ”< I This is to cite all an.l . and next of kin of Edward *? ?• and appear at my office within by law, and show cause, if an - ~ permanent Administration ..hoald? to George T. Jackson on Edward s estate. *" 1 Witness my hand and official ri _ uary 31st, 1868. "P LAFAYETTS u, Clerk Superior a ' .-m -.a Letters of UiimT^ gTATE OF GEORGlA— ■Whereas, Solomon L. tor de bonis non of the tstatTof Bassford, deceased, applies to me . Dismission — 5 “* These are therefore to cite an j u and singular the kindred and end? deceased, to be and appear at -T. before the first Monday in ,J UDe ** cause, if any they have, whv said ?? not be granted. “ Given under my hand and oi««j this the 9th day of December, lift 1 ' JACOB delO—lawtd* Letters of DismUrilT STATE OF GEORGIA- 1 lilihX[JmA Whereas, Mordecai llvams uL of the estate of James Ken»T late of said county, applies tome* of Dismission; These are, therefore, to cite and id. and singnlar the kindred and creS deceased, to be and appear at nme beiore the first Monday in show cause, if any they \mT letters shonld not be granted.’ 1 Give under my hand and oUta! this, the 4th day of DccemberMT dc7-d*wtd* JAC ° B *■ Letters of Disma^m STATE OF GEORGIA— Richm.i Whereas, Frank 11. Miller, Exem W. Miller, deceased, applies to a* of Dismission : These are, therefore, to cite adjj and singular, the kindred and cndS deceased, to be and appear ttm* before the first Monday in M ay cause, jf any they have, whysaidLet not be granted. Given under my hand and official at office in Augusta, this 7th fa. 1867. IUVIbI octß—w6m i Letters of Dismiitii tJTATif OF GEORGIA— O Kitkmi t Whereas, Mary ’ Ann f Turpin and Jesse M. Tank, E« William 11. Turpin, Letters of Dismission : These arc, therefore, to cite anirti and singular, the kindred and ertdite deceased, to be and appear it ayi before the first Monday in M»y ntit cause, if any they have, why saidLst not be granted. Giren under my hand and official j at office in Augusta, this 7th dn | 1867. DAVJDI. SO oct S—w6m ( Letters of Lismiaioi STATE OF GEORGIA— Riclnud f| Whereas, John McAdara, Alminfet the estate of James Conlon, deceased,l me for Letters of Dismission: These are, therefore, to cite asdadm and. singular, the kindred and credits deceased, to be and appear at my o before the first Monday in May next, cause, if any they have, why srid Letts not bo granted. Given under my hand and ofieixl I at office in Augusta, this 7th day of is 67. ;>.mi)-U ~ ’banks coraiiT NOTICE, ' IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THB States for the Northern District rs In the matter of ) BURTON RUCKER, lIS BANK Bankrupt. ) To whom it may concern: Hit ill ticc that I have been duly apfeflwf the estate of Burton- Rucktr, tfth Banks, in said State and liiitrietri adjudged a Bankrupt upon his owip the District Court of said Distritt JAMES J.TTEB fcbl4—lwJw 1 NOTICE IN THE DISTRICT COCF.IMW States for the Northern Distrietfl Iu tho matter of ) REUBEN JOURDAX. 1 RENNY CHASTEEN, ; lUL vr WM. BREWER and james m. McDonald. | Bankrupts. j To whom it may concern: Rii» ticc once a week for three week*, u* been duly appointed assignees of tee Reuben Jourdan, Rcnny ChssWH Brewer, and James M. McDoaud, county of Banks, in said SuK •> who havo been adjudged Bankrupts a own petition, by the Distritt Cow* trict. M. VAN IS® JAMESJ.II® FOUNTAIN®'" febld—lw3w FORSYTH COIWTY. Assignees’ or Trustees' pointment- T NTHE DISTRICT COURT®*? JL States for the Northern In the matter of ) JOHN S. FLOYD, UN BAB* Bankrupt. J _ J To whom it may concern: I* William A. Turner, *>*"*,!? gives notice of his appointment, tho estate of John S. Floyd. county of Campbell, in *»>“ TV, was, to-wit, on the Ist d*?® 1868, adjudged Bankrupt himself, in tho District ConrUfwt. for the Northern District ofliw**. Dated at Ncwnan, the 3» A.D. IS6B. fel6-law3w green cousir 1 N THE DISTRICT COURT®* 1 X States for tho Northern DtfW* In tho matter of WILLIAM O. CHENEY, of tho county of Greene, j. jjf Bi» who has been adjudged a j Bankrupt upon his own . petition. J „ Notice is hereby given, on s weeks, to ail porsons interwnw , dersignod, of tho town of Foj 1 -j Greene, have been appoint**! tato of William O. Cheney, judged a feb 19- f aw3w ______ Taliaferro Oon»* Letters of Gua^ gXATE OF GEORGIA- U| Wherras, Quintus has made application to ni« ■ of tho property of th* Stephen Ellington, late “ j ceased— ~ yjg This Is therefore to citeaU rg to bo and appear at tbo said county, so bo bold os March next, to show t*®** why said application sl10 " lie appointed Guardian Given under my R®” „ this the 27th day of January ja29 SOd