The National Republican. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-1868, July 05, 1868, Image 3
NfltionrtlHeptiblican Official City Paper. I aiujest city CIRCULATION. AV O US 'C-A.* OA..' SUNDAY' Jul ? 5 - 186 S Miniature Almanac for July. 1868. SUNDAY, JULY 5. Rises „....4.s7J_Sun 7-11 MOON’S PHASES. Full Moon— July * th -J*: 3l ; Range of Thermometer. Ar T(IB Natwhau Ry-pubuca- I 12 m. I 3 «»•"*• I I 9p ’"*' | Rd" JS - J 78-J 80 Post Office Bulletin. Avgusta, Ga., June 18th,. 1868. Until further orders, the Post Office will be open as follows : Office hours—Open from 8 a.m. to 4 p. in., and from 5 to 7 p-m. On Sundays—Open at 8.30, and remains open until 10 a. m. Mails close every day at 7 a. in., lor Sa vannah and points on Central Knilroad. ‘For Charleston (night train), .it 3 p. in. For Atlanta and the South, and for all Northern points for through train, at 7 p.m.; and also for Savannah, Macon and Colum bus, at 7 p. m. For Atlanta, Georgia Railroad way mail, and the West; also, for Charleston and South Carolina Railroad way mail, at 9 p.m. All mails close at 1 o’clock p. m. Sundays Money Order business transacted from 9 a. m. to 1 p. m., and from 3 to 6 p. tn. How to Send Money. ggy In remitting' money by mail, the ja/est way to do so is by Draft, or Post Office money order; and when neither of these can be had, send in “Registered” Letter. A letter can be “registered" at any Post Office in the United States, as no Post Master has any right to refuse, when asked to do so. Post Office Notice. On Saturday, the 4th of July, the Post Office will be open from 8| to 10 a. tn., and from G to 7 p. m. All mails will close at 7 p. m. .... —— The Fourth of July In this city passed off quietly. We have heard of nothing to mar the pleasure of the day with those who participated in the fes tivities. ♦♦♦- Accident. We learn that during the alarm of fire yesterday, two colored children wore run over, one of whom is considered danger ously injured. The Printers’ Pic Nlc. The Printers and tgeir friends enjoyed themselves immensely at their annual Pic Nic, at Berzelia, yesterday. The programme ol the day was carried out. The attention of Mr. Nebbut, proprietor of this delightful summer letreat, Conductor Rice, and En gineer Cook, is duly appreciated and ac knowledged. -dßh- - -1 1 '■ 1 - Burke’s Weekly. The June number of this favorite juvenile publication is received. It completes the first volume, and is accompanied by a hand. B»me title page and index. A new volume, enlarged and greatly improved, will com mence wiih the number for July 4th, and the present is a good time to subscribe. Every boy and girl in the South ought to take this excellent papef, and we believe that thou sands will tfoso if they can see it. Send for a specimen. Terms $2 a year. J. W. Burke & Co., publishers, Macon, Ga. House Servants. Hiring house servants in the South is a sure and never ending trouble. The colored people have very vague ideas of responsi bility and the manner in which they obtain their situation encourage their disposition to be careless and indolent. They leave Mr. Jones to day, and arc hired by Mr. Smith to morrow. Certificates of character are not systematically required, and a smooth face and long tongue will generally secure for the possessor any vacancy that may exist in the sweeping, cooking, or washing de partments of a super-respectable family. Housekeepers do not reflect that they throw their houses open to strange servants who have but half a name and not a vestige of local habitation. They give them the run of their yards, rooms and closets, and yet arc surprised if petty thefts are common, and extensive robberies not unusual. The remedy is an obvious one. No ser vant should be employed who does not bring a certificate of character, and this rule should be inflexibly observed. Servants will then know that unless they behave well they will not find work again, and this knowledge will tend to make them respectful, faithful and dilligent. It will make situa tions valuable, will prevent those sudden departures which now throw households into confusion, and will teach servants that honesty, industry and good conduct alone will secure them a profitable and respectable livelihood. In this way what is called the “engaging occupation’’ may be made toler ably safe and pleasant. How to Make n City. A good illustration of what manufactures will do for a place when encouraged is afforded by the flourishing town of Cantqp, Ohio, where reapers and mowers are made. When the inventor went there, a few’ years ago, it was the dullest and least progres sive town in the State, and was retrograding in wealth and population. He asked for ten thousand dollars from the citizens, to help him start a manufactory. They raised and gave it to him. The following are the results ol the investment: Two large agricultural implement manufac. tories, of ploughs exclusively, one of stoves and hollow ware, one of reaper and mover knives, and of saddlery hardware, two of horse rakes, one of farm wagons, one of cultivators, one of wrought iron bridges, °ne of soaps, and others more or less extensive. These are not small concerns. Ihe machine interest alone supports two thousand five hundred men. The town has trebled in population, quadrupled in wealth, besides developing a home market for farm products which is stimulating production and enriching farmers in the country tributary to it. This is how the smart people of Ohio get along. Important to Wheat Growers. Au old and experienced farmer gives it as a fact that the following method is a sure prevention of the insect .veavel in wheat- In piling up your wheat alter it has been cleaned with the fan, to every three bushels put in a good hard brick, well dried by the sun, and be sure it is perfectly dry at the time you use it. The brick absorbs the moisture that naturally accumulates in the grain and causes it to become so hard and flinty that the insect or fly cannot penetrate the outer covering. We are assured by persons who have made the experiment is sq easy and simple, we would advise our friends who grow or deal in wheat to try it. Mad This being the season of the year when nervous people are disturbed in their sleep by visions of mad dogs, we give our readers the benefit of the system of treatment for the bite of a mad dog which prevails in Morocco. The remedy is one that admits of instant application, and is as effectual as it is summary. A Moor always carries some gunpowder in his pouch, and when he is bitten he takes out a handful, and, having deepened and en larged the wound with his knife, with as much carelessness and indifference as if he were the most practiced hospital surgeon, rubs the powder in the sore. Having made a little pyramid on the flesh, he allows it to dry for a few minutes in the sun. A match is then applied, and the operation terminates with a fiz, which has the double effect of cleansing the wound and staunching the blood. No evil conse quences follow beyond an ugly scar, testi. fying to the courage and endurance of the operator. • A’AJfA’S, JGNS, AND BIRTHPLACES UNITED STATES SENATORS. The Washington correspondent of the New York Express furnishes the following information concerning U. 8. Senators, which will be found interesting: Out of a Senate composed of fifiy four members, New England gave birth to not less than twenty two of them, while New York claims seven, Ohio seven, Pennsyl vania three, New Jersey two, Delaware two, Maryland two, Kentucky two, Virginia two, and Tennessee, Indiana, and Illinois, each one. “Auld Ireland,” alone of foreign lands, furnishes one—Conness, of California. The only Slates which originally furnished both their own Senators now representing them, are Vermont, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Jersey, Delaware, Pennsylvania, and Maryland. Every New England Senator is a native of New England, besides ten furnished to other States. Maine gave birth to Senators Howe and Morrill (of Maine.) New Hampshire, to Chandler, Fessenden, Grimes, Patterson (of N. H.) and Wilson. Vermont, to Morrill (of Vt.), Edmunds, Howard and Cragin. ■ Massachusetts, to Ccrbett, Morgan, Pome roy, Sumner, Thayer and Wade. Connecticut, to Dixon, Ferry and Trum bull. Rhode Island, to Sprague and Anthony. New York, to Cole, Conkling, Doolittle, Nye, Stewart. Van Winkle an 1 Williams. New Jersey, to Cattell and Frelinghuysen. Pennsylvania, to Cameron, Buckilew and Ramsey. Delaware, to Bayard and Saulsbury. Maryland, to Johnson and Vickers. Ohio, to Drake, Fowler, Norton, Russ, Hendricks, Sherman and Tipton. Virginia, to Henderson and Wiley. Kentucky, to Yates, Davis and MeCreery. Illinois, to Harlan. Indiana, to Morton. Tennessee, to Patterson of Tennessee. It will be observed that New England, New York, and Ohio, combined, have fur nished just two thirds of the present Senate. Ohio and New York alone furnish u surplus often Senators—equal to the surplus number furnished by entire New England. The Senators who are now serving out their third terms are Bayard, Cameron, Fessenden, Harlan, Sumner, Trumbull, Wade, and Wilson. Cameron and Revcrdy Johnson entered the Senate together in 1845, and were associated with Clay, Cal houn, and Webster. Bayard, Sumner, and Wade followed in 1851. The Senate is composed very largely, of lawyers. The exceptions are Anthony and Ross, editors; Cameron, railroad man ager ; Cattell, banker; Chandler, Morgan, Corbett, and Morrill of Vermont, merchants ; Sprague, manufacturer, and Wilson, shoe dealer. About one half are college educated men— Harvard boasts as her son Senator Sumner; Yale claims Ferry and Stewart; Brown University, Anthony and Thayer; Williams, Dixon and Howard ; Dartmouth, Grimes and Patterson of N. II.; Amherst, Pomeroy; Wesleyan University, Cole of Californina; Bowdoin, Fessenden; Waterville, Morrill of Maine; Rutgers, Frelinghuysen ; Geneva, Doolittle; Dickinson College, Saulsbury; Franklin College, Ohio, Fowler; Asbury University, Indiana, Harlan ; South Hanover College, Hendricks; St. John’s, Maryland, Revcrdy Johnson ; Miami University, Mor ton; Kenyon College, Norton ; and Madison College, Pennsylvania, Senators Tipton and Willey. On examination of the family records of our distinguished Senators, 1 find that the oldest is that stern old Roman, Revcrdy Johnson, soon, probably, to represent this nation at the Court of St. James. His age is 72; while Sprague, the most juvenile of the Senators, is but 38. Cameron is G 9; Wade, 68; Davis, 67; Bayard, about 61; Howard, 63; FeSsenden, 62; Vanwinkle, 60; Morrill of Vermont, 58; and Willey, Mor gan, Sumner and Drake, each 57 ; Wilson is 56, while Trumbull, Chandler and Morrill of Maine are each 55. Dixon is 54, followed by Doolittle, Ramsey, Anthony and Nye, each 53. Cattell, Grimes, Howe and Pome roy are 52; Tipton ami Frelinghuysen, 51; Yates, 50; Patterson of Tennessee, and Hendricks, 49 ; Thayer, Harlan and Sauls bury, 48; Conness, Cragin and Buckalew, 47; Fowler and Cole, 46; Sherman, Wil liams, Morton, Ferry, and Patterson ot New Hampshire, are of the same age, 45 ; Hen derson and Ross are 42; Corbett and Stewart, 41; Edmunds, 40; Norton and Conkling, 39; and Sprague 38. Norton being six months older than Conkling, the latter is the next youngest man in the Senate. Senators Mc- Creery, of Kentucky, and Vickers, of Mary land, who came lately into that body, are not included in this list. They would not change the extremes, however. AUGUSTA MARKETS.’ Office National Republican, | Saturday, July 4—P. M. f This being the 4th of July, no transactions occurred in business. We, therefore, quote all in Hutu quo, as per last report. . Eight Hour System- Washixqtox. July 4.—The Navy Depart ment issued oflers yesterday in accordance with the eight hour law. Work comtncnees at seven, and closes at four, with intervening hours for dinner. [Special to the National Republican. THE GEORGIA LEGISLATURE. Atlanta, July 4. An immense crowd of spectators wit nessed the organization of the State Gov ernment, commencing at noon to day. In the Senate Chamber, the Bench was occupied by Gen. Meade, Gov. Bullock, Judge Erskine, and Hon. J: R. Parrott. At the request of Gov. Bullock, Mr. Taylor, Journalizing Clerk of the late Convention, read (the Act of Congress for the admission of the States, the Proclama tion of the Governor elect, and the orders of Gen. Meade announcing the result of the recent election and proclaiming R. B. Bullock Provisional Governor of Georgia. The names of the Senators present (forty) were then called, and the oath of office as prescribed in the Constitution of Georgia was administered to each by Justice Erskine, of the Supreme Court- The election for President of the Senate resulted in the choice of Hon. Benjamin Conley, of your city. A. E. Marshal, of Atlanta, was elected Secretary. The members elect of the House then repaired to the Representatives’ hall. There were one hundred and fifty-three members present. They received the oath of office from Judge Erskine. Hon. K. L. McWhorter, of Gfeene eflunty, was elected Speaker, by two votes, over his competitor, Hon. W. P. Price, of Lumpkin. The House then adjourned until Monday morning. P. National Democratic Convention. New Yoke, July 4.—New Tammany Hall is admirably arranged for the Conven tion. It is elegantly festooned with large American flags, and decorated with elabo ra'ely painted escutcheons of all the States. Accommodations for delegates are ample, and those for the press are excellent, ex cept that the managers persistently refuse admission to accredited messengers to re ceive reports. Weather intensely hot, but the hall is perfectly ventilated. Among the spectators are many ladies ; also, Francis P. Blair, Senator Patterson, cx-Seimtor Bayaid, and many men promi nent in Southern politics before the war. All boards f closed early yesterday on account of the holiday, and business is very light. The hall and galleries were densely crow ded. A great crowd is outside vainly striving to gain admittance- A strong police Force is at the doors and on the street to keep the road open and preserve good order. The Convention was called to order at twelve minutes past 12 o’clock by Auguste Bellnont, Chairman of the National Demo cratic Committee. [sEUOXD DI SPATCH.] New Yoiik. June 4.—The crowd in the vicinity of Tammany Hall render the streets almost impassable. There are over fifty thousand applications for admission to the Convention. Pendleton’s forces preserve their enthusiasm and confidence. Johnson men are few in number, but very determined. Hancock’s supporters seem in bad temper. Rumors of a Chase letter, bearing strongly on State's rights, excites much attention. The Southern delegates applaud Johnson for his Amnesty Proclamation enthusiastically. The rules of the Democratic Convention of 1861 was adopted. Territories are excluded from a voice in the Convention. Committees on credentials, resolutions, and a permanent organization were appointed; when, after reading the Declaration of Independence, the Convention adjourned to Monday. Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Convention. New York, July 4.—Gen. MeClernatid, of Illinois, appointed temporary chairman. He welcomed all true soldiers, North ami South. Resolutions proposed declaring Convention auxiliary to the National Democratic Con volition. Gen. W. B. Franklin, of Conn., was nominated President of the Convention. - From Atlanta. Atlanta, July 4.—No message from the Governor. City crowded with strangers. Day passed off quietly. The testimony for the prosecution, in case of Columbus prisoners, closed to day. —<— North Carolina- Raleigh, July 4. —Both houses met in the Senate. In the house a resolution was introduced by Col. Sinclair, to enquire into rumors affecting the conduct of his honor, it. \\ . Jones, one of the new Judges. Both houses appeared bn the platform to hear the inaugural of Governor Holden. It is a lengthy document. Judge Read also addressed the crowd. Markets-By Telegraph. Financial. NKW YORK, Jilly 3, Soon.— Hold 143ja 1.43 J. Guvemmont’d slightly better, but little doing ; exchange firm at ; Southern bonds firm ; stock quiet and steady. Produce and Other Jlarkclw. MOBILE, July 4.—Cotton market closed firm. Sales 200 bales; Middlings 30 ; receipts 5 bale*; exports none. Marine News. CHARLESTON, July 4.—Arrived: Steamer Saragossa, New York. Sailed: Steamer Charleston, New York ; Bark Annie Kimball, Liverpool. CHARLESTON, July 4.—No Cotton transac tions. TN THE DISTRICT COURT Or’ THE 1 United States for the Northern District of Georgia In the matter of 1 JAMES S. BULLOCH, UN BANKRUPTCY Bankrupt. ) No. 45 The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Court tor a discharge from all his debts provable under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given t-o all persons interested to appear ou the 21st dav of July, 1868, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, at chambers of the said District Court, before Garnett Andrews. Esq.,one of the Registers of the said Court in Bankruptcy, at the Register's office in Monroe. Ga., and show canse why the prayer of the said petition of Hie Bankrupt should not be granted. And further notice is given that tire second and third meetings of creditors will be held at the same time ami place. Witness the Honorable John Erskine, [seal. J Judge of said Court, this day of , 1868. W. B. SMITH, jyl—law3w” Clerk, IN BANKRUPTCY. rpillS IS TO GIVE NOTICE: 1W on the 1 Ist day of July. A. D. 1868, a Warrant in Bankruptcy was issued against the estate of WILLIAM A WIGGINS. of Fort Valley, in the county of Houston, and State of Georgia, who has been adjudged a Bank rupt on his own petition, and that the payment of any debts, and delivery of any property belonging to such Bankrupt, to him, or for his use, and the transfer of any property by him, are forbidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of the said Bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more Assignees of his estate, will be held at a Conitof Bankruptcy, to be holden at the Hotel, in Fort Valley, Georgia, before F S Hesseltme. Esq , Register, on the 27th day of Ju’y, A I). 1868, at 10 o’clock a. m. WM. G. DICKSON, jy4—lt IT. S Marshal as Messenger. Richmond County. STATE OF GEORGIA— Richmond County. Whkbuas, William K. Jackson applies to me for Letters of Guardianship for Elizabeth M. San chez and Mary B. Sanchez, orphans and minors of ‘ Bernadeno 8. Sanchez, deceased. These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and friends cf said minors, to be and appear at my office, on or before the first Monday in July next, to show cause, if any they - have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my haud and official signature, at office in Augusta, this 2d day of June, 1868. i E. M. BRAYTON, jel—lm” Ordinary. STATE OF GEORGIA— Richmond County. • Whsrbas, James A. Gray, Administrator on » the estate of Francis O’Connor, applies to me for Letters of Dismission. p These are therefore to cite and admonish all . and singular, tfio kindred and creditors of raid deceased, to bo and appear at my office on or s before the first Monday in November next, to f show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should nut bo granted. ’ Given under my hand and official signature, at office in Augusta, this 2d day of June, 1868. ; E. M. BRAYTON, je3—6m* Ordinary. s —rzzr ; —; Letters of Dismission. 1 OTATB OF GEORGIA— ’ O Richmond County. Whereas, Charles J. Jenkins, Executor, and Julia A. Cumming, Executrix, of the estate of 5 Anna C. Camming, deceased, applies to me for 1 Letters of Dismission : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said I deceased, to be and appear at my office on or be fore the first Monday in September next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, at office in Augu-ta, this 16lh day of March, 1868. i E. M. BRAYTON, . mhl7—law6m* Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. STATE OF GEORGIA— Hichmond County. ‘ Whereas, Charles J. Jenkins, Executor, and . Julia A. Cumming, Executrix, of the estate of Henry 11. Cumming, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission : These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, ail and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to bo and appear at my office on or be fore the first Monday in September next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, at office in Augusta, this 16th day of March, 1868. E. M. BRAYTON, tub 17 —lawfim* Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. 4JTATE OF GEORGIA— L 4 Richmond County. Whereas, Charles J. Jenkins, Executor, and ; Julia A. Cumming, Executrix, of the estate of Isaac Bryan, deceased, applies to me for Letter? of Dismission: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office on or be fore the first Monday in Septemcer next, to show cause, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given under my hand and official signature, at office in Augusta, this Iflth day of March, 1868. E. M. BRAYTON, mhl7--law6m* Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. f t BORGIA— Richmond County. Whereas, Caroline Dubet, Administratrix, 1 with the will annexed on the estate of Antoine I’icqnet, deceased, applies to me for Letters of Dismission: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish ail and singular, the kindred and creditors of said deceased, to be and appear at my office oil or ; before the first Monday in October, to show canse, if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. Given unfler my hand and official signature at Augusta, the 16th day of May, 1868. E. M. BRAYTON, myl9-law6m* Ordinary. Letters of Dismission. STATE OF GEORGIA— Richmond County. Whereas, Josephine Wilson, Administratrix on the estate of Peter Wilson, deceased, applies to ■ me for Letters of Dismission. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all and singular, the kindred and creditors of said 1 deceuseu. to be and amtear at my office on or be , fore the first Monday in October, to show cause, • if any they have, why said Letters should not be granted. ' Given under my hand and official signature, at office iu Angnsta, tins Ith day of May, 1868. E. M. BRAYTON, iyy6—6m* Ordinary. To Cattle Owners. \ FINE BULL, KEPT FOR SERVICE, Parties interested will please call on me. 36 D’Antignac street. .t<-27-lw E. I). BEBBE. IN BANKRUPTCY- U. S. MARSHAL’S OFFICE, I Atlanta, Ga., July 2, 1863.] '■IMUS IS TO GIVE NOTICE: That on the JL 29ih day of June, A. D. 1868, a Warrant in Bankruptcy was issued against the estate of MONTROVILLE C FULTON, of Athens, in the county of Clark, and the gtate of Georgia, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on liis own petition; that the payment of any debts and delivery of any property be longing to said Bankrupt, to him or lor Ins use, and the transfer of any property by him, are for bidden by law; that a meeting of the creditors of the said Bankrupt, to prove their debts, and choose one or more assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the Law Office of L dp II Cobb, in Athens, Clark county, Ga. before Garnett Andrews, Reg ister, on the 30th of July, A.D. 1868, at U o’clock a. m. CHARLES 11. ELYEA, jy l—lt U. S. Dep. Marshal as Messenger. IN BANKRUPTCY, U. S. MARSHALS OFFICE, ) Atlanta, Ga., July 2,1868. j THIS IS TO GIVE NOTICE: That on the 30th day of May, A. D. 1868, a Warrant in Bankruptcy was issued against the estate of JOHN A HEADEN, of Gainesville, in the county cf Hall, and the Stateof Georgia, who have been adjudged a Bank rupt on his own petition, and that the payment of any debts, and delivery of any property belonging to such Bankrupt, to him, or for his use, and the transfer of any properly by him, are foi bidden by law ; that a meeting of the creditors of the said Bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more Assignees of his estate will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden al the Law Office of L 4- II Cobb, in Athens, Clark county, Georgia, before Garnett Andrews Register, on the 30th dayof July, A. D. 18(48, at 9o’clock a.m. CHARLES 11. ELYEA, jyl—lt U. 8. Dep. Marshal as Messenger. IN BANKRUPTCY. U. S. MARSHAL’S OFFICE, ? Atlanta, Ga., July 2, 1868. S rpms IS TO GIVE NOTICE:: That on the L 29th day of June, A. D., 1868, a Warrant in Bankruptcy was issued against the estate of EDWARD M CAMP, of , in the comity of Franklin, and Slate of Georgia, who lias been adjudged a Bankrupt ou Ids own petition ; that the payment of any debts and delivery of any property belonging to said Bqiikrupt, to him or forhis use, and the transferor any property by him, are forbidden by law ; that a meeting of the creditors of said Bankrupt, to prove their debts, and to choose one or more assignee) of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the I-aw Office of L & 11 Cobb, in Athens, Clark county, Georgia, be fore Garnett Andrews. Register, on the3utbday of July, A D 1868, at 9 o’clock-a. m. CHARLES H. ELYEA, jy4—lt U. S. Dep. Marshal as Messenger IN BANKRUPTCY. rpms IS TO GIVE NOTICE : That on the I Ist day of Joly. A. D., 1868, a War rant in Bankruptcy was issued against the es tate of LAWSON 11 CARTER, of Milford, in the comity of Baker. State of Georgia, who has been adjudged a Bankrupt on his own petition; and that the payment of any debts and delivery of any property belonging to said Bankrupt, to him or for his nse, and the transfer of any property by him, are forbidden by law ; that a meeting of the creditors of said Bankrupt, to prove their debts, an-1 to choose one or more . assignees of his estate, will be held at a Court of Bankruptcy, to be holden at the Court House, in Amerii-us, Ga., before FS Hesseltine, Esq., Rex’ , ister, on the 28th day of July, A. l> 1868 at 2 o'clock p. m WM. G. DICKSON, jyl -It U.S. Marshal as Messenger. Official. Headquarters Thihp Military District,) (Department of Georgia, Florida A Alabama, > Atlanta, Ga., July 2, 1868. J General Orders, No. 95. Where as, the Ist Section of the Vllth Article of the Constitution of the State of Georgia provides as follows: I. Each head of a family or guardian or trustee of a family of minor children snail be entitled to a homestead of-realty to the value of two thousand dollars in specie, and personal property to the value of one thousand dollars in specie, botli to be valued at the time they are set apart, and no court or ministerial officer in this State shall ever have jurisdiction or authority to enforce any judgment, decree or execution against said property so set apart, including such improvements as may be made thereon from time to time, except for taxes, money borrowed and expended in the improve ment of the homestead, or for the purchase money of the same, and for labor done thereou, or material furnished therefor, or removal of incumbrances thereon, and it shall be the duty of the General Assembly as early as practicable to provide by law for the setting apart and valuation ofsaid property, and to enact laws for the full and complete pro tection and security of the same to the sole use and benelit of said families as aforesaid. And whereas, the Legislature of said State is to assemble on the Ith inst., it is ordered : First. That no court or ministerial officer in said State shall have jurisdiction or authority to enforce any judgment, decree or execution nguinst any real estate or said estate, except for taxes, money borrowed and expended in the im provement of the homestead, or for the purchase money of the same, and for labor done thereon, or material furnished therefor, or removal of incum brances thereon, until the Legislature of said State shall have had time to provide by law for the set ting apart and valuation of such property, or until further orders from these Headquarters, By order of Major General Meade : (Signed.) K. C. DRUM. Ass’t Adj't Gen. Official copy.—T. T. Adams, Ist. Lt. 33d Inf., Comd'gPost. jy 3—lot. IN SUB. ANCE AGENTS. ALBERT G. HALL, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, 221 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GA, VIRE, LIFE, AND MARINE INSURANCE 1 effected to any amount in the most reliable Companies in the country. The following Companies aro especially repre sented by him : The QUEEN INSURANCE CO., of London and Liverpool. The GEORGIA HOME INSURANCE CO., of Columbus, Ga. ' The NORTH AMERICAN FIRE INSURANCE CO., of Hartford, Conn. The JEFFERSON INSURANCE CO., of Scottsville, Va. The NORWICH FIRE INSURANCE CO., of Norwich, Conn. The JAMES RIVER INSURANCE CO., of Montreal, Va. The INSURANCE A SAVING CO., of Rich mond, Va- llie UNION FIRE INSURANCE CO., of Balti more, Md. The VIRGINIA INSURANCE CO., of Staun ton, Va. ALSO, The MANHATTAN LIFE INSURANCE CO., of New York. Cash Assets, $4,391,773.15. jo23—ly Fire, Marine, Inland AND AIWmiMRM JEtna Insurance Company, Hartford Phenix Insurance Company, New 'York. Manhattan Insurance Company, New York. Howard Insurance Company, New York. Standard Insurance Company. New York Commerce Insurance Company, New York. Lamar Insurance Company, New York. Fireman’s Insurance Company, New York. Astor Insurance Company, New York Commercial Insurance Company New York Mercantile Insurance Company, New York. Phonix Insurance Company, Hartford The above aro all FIRST CLASS COM PANIES with ample means to meet their liabili ties. Al! losses promptly and equitably adjusted. WM. SHEAR, Augusta, April 7th, 1868, Agent. ap7-3m CLOSING OHL M HF BOK GOODS AT A MI Mrs. PUGHE 190 Broad st., Augusta, Ga., TS DISPOSING OF THE ENTIRE STOCK OF aiiis% AND Consisting in part o ft O CViVW V s, FIGURED AND SOLID ALL-WOOL 'dcXtuwt, Auction Sales. BY W. B. GRIFFIN. Valuable Beal Estate. ON THE FIRST TUESDAY IN JULY will be sold at the Lower Market House, be tween the usual hours of sale, that valuable piece of property.No.l 12 and 111 Broad street,consisting of two Brick Stores and dwelling overhead, with brick kitchen and out buildings. Lot 42 feet wide aud running through from Broad to Ellie street same width. Titles indisputable. Terms one-third cash, bal mice in one aud two yours, with interest, to be se cured by mortgage, uud insured and policy assign ed. Purchaser to pay for papers. _ jy >—t* U. S. Marshal's Sale- UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT of fieri facias issued out of the honorable the Fifth Circuit Court of the United States for the Southern District of Georgia, in favor of the plain tiff, in the following case, to-wit: George W. Hatch vs. the Bank of Commerce. I have levied upon as the property of the defendant the Bank of Commerce, part of lot of laud number ten (10), Jekyl Tything, Derby Ward, together with all the improvements thereon, consisting of a build ing, known us the Bank of Commercedluilding, situate, lying, and being iu the city of Savannah, comity of Chatham, and State of Georgia, and will sell the same at public auction, at the Court House, in the city of Savannah, Chatham county, Georgia.on the FIRST TUESDAY IN AUGUST next, between the lawful hours of sale. Dated Savannah, Ga , May 29th, 1868. WM. G. DICKSON, jy3—lawlt U. S. Marshal. Assignee’s Sale. WILL BE SOLD, IN SPARTA, GA , AT Court House, on the first Tuesday iu July, eighty-one acres of land lying iu Hancock county, adjoining lands of Benjamin Roberts and Phillip I*. Bethell, deceased. Also, at same time and place, a reversionary one-eighth interest in eighty acres of land, lying in same county, adjoining lands of Cotherer and Watkins. All sold as the properly of Archibald Martin, adjudged a bank rupt. G.F. PIERCE, Sr., my29—luwtd. Assignee. Notice in Admiralty. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA -SOUTH ERN District of Georgia.—ln Admiralty: Whebxas, a libel in rem. has been Sled on the thirtieth day of June, 1868, in the District Conrt of the United States for the Southern District of Georgia, by John D. Ryan, against the sloop "Mariam &. Caroline," her boats, tackel, apparel and furniture, now in the Savannah river, in the ssid District, and against all persons lawfully in tervening for their luterests therein, in a cause of contract, civil and maritime, for reasons and causes in the said libel mentioned, and praying the usual process aud monition in that behalf to be made -, and that all persons claiming uuy’interest therein may be cited to appear and answer the premises ; uud that the said sloop "Mariam & Caroline," her boats, tackle, apparel and furniture may be condemned and sold, to pay the demands of the libellant. And whereas, a warrant of arrest lias been is sued on the said thirtieth day of June, under the seal of the said Court, commanding me to attach the said sloop "Mariam & Caroline,’ her boats, tackle, aoparel and furniture, and to give due notice to all persons claiming the same, to appear and an swer, and make claim thereto. Now, therefore, I do hereby give public notice to all persons claiming the said sloop ‘ Mariam & Caroline,” herboats, tackle, apparel and furniture, or in any manner interested therein, that they be and appear at the clerk's office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern Dis trietof Georgia, in the city of Savannah, on Wed nesday, the fifteenth day of July next, A. D., 1868, at ten o’clock on the forenoon of that day, then and there to interpose their claims, and to make heir allegations in that behalf. Dated at Savannah, Georgia, this thirtieth day of June, A. D., 1868. Fitch & Rice, proctors for libellant. WM G. DICKSON, jy 2—td U. S. Marshal, Dist. ofGa. Notice in Admiralty. UN ITED STATES O F AMERICA.—SOUTH ERN District of Georgia —ln Admiralty : Whekkah, a libel in rem. lias been iiled on the twenty-ninth day of June, 1868, in the District Court of the United States fc>* the Southern Dis trict of Georgia, by John T. Doran, against the sloop ‘ Mariam &. Caroline,” her boats, tackle, apparel and furniture, now ip the Savannah river, in the said District, and against all persons lawful ly intervening for their interests therein in a cause of seamens wages, civil and maritime, for reasons and causes in the said libel mentioned, and pray ing the usual process and monition iu that behalf to be made; aud that all persons claiming any in terest therein may be cited to appear and answer the premises ; and that the said sloop "Mariam &. Caroline,” her boats tackle, apparel and furniture, may be condemned and sold to pay the demands of the libellant. And whereas, a warrant of arrest has been is sued on Hie said twenty-ninth day of June, under the seal of the said Court, commanding me to at tach the said sloop "Mariam & Caroline ”, her boats, tackle, apparel aud furniture, and to give due notice to all persons claiming the same to up pear ami answer and make claim thereto. Now, therefore, 1 do hereby give public notice to all jiersonsclaiming the said sloop "Mariam&Caro line," her boats, tackle, apparel and furniture, or iu any manner interested therein, that they may be and appear al the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern Dis trict of Georgia, in the city of Savannah, on V ed nesday, the fifteenth day of July next, A. D., 1868, at ten o'clock iu the forenoon of that day, then ami there to interpose their claims, aud to make their allegations in that behalf. Dated at Savannah, Georgia, this thirtieth day of Juno, A. 11., 1868. Fitch & Rice, proctors for libellant. WM. G. DICKSON, jy 2—td U. S. Marshal, Diet, of Ga. U. V Marshal’s Sale. UNDER AD BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT offieri facias.isßued out of the honorable the Fifth Circuit Conrt of the United States for the Southern District, of Georgia, in favor of the plaintiffs, in the following case, to wit: John N Kein &. Co. vs. Christopher D. Findlay, Adm’r, of the estate of Robert Findlay, deceased I have levied upon as the property of Christopher D. Findlay ,Ad'r of the estate of Rob't Findlay, deed, one lot of land, situate, lying, and being in the city of Macon, county of Bibb, and State of Geor gia, aud known in the plan of said city as lot number one (1) Block twenty-four (24), in the Macon Reserve, containing one-half (j) acre more or less, together with all the improvements there on, now occupied by Greene Deane (colored) Also part of lot number three (3), Block twenty two (22), Macon Reserve, in the rear of Findlay's Iron Works, together with all the improvements thereon, now occupied by Jeremiah Crimmins, aud containing oue-fifth (1-5) acre, more or less, aud will sell the same at public auction at the Court House, in the city of Macon, county of Bibb, and State of Georgia, on the FIRST TUES DAY IN JULY next, between the lawful hours of sale. Dated at Savannah, May 29, 1868. WM G DICKSON, my3l law4t U. S- Marshal. Assignee’s Sale. WILL BE SOLD BEFORE THE COURT • V House door in the city of Atlanta, at 10 o’clock a. m., on the first TUESDAY in JULY next, the following Real Estate, as the property of Asbury I’. Bell and Benjamin F. Moore, mem bers of the firm of M. R. Bell <t Co., Bankrupts, to-wit: An undivided iuterest of 40 acres, more or loss, in the "Leonard or Nelson Place,” situated about two and a half miles West of Atlanta, Ga. To be sold free from incumbrances, and for cash. JOHN MILLEDGE, Jr., MARSHALL J..CLARKE, jo 18—Iaw3w Assignees. TN THE DISTRICT COURTtil' THE 1 United States for the Northern District of Georgia. In the matter of ] IN BANKRUPTCY F ELK ER, NOW ELL 4 Co }• Bankrupts. I No. 88. The said Bankrupts having petitioned the Conrtfora discharge from all their debts provable under the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1867, notice is hereby given to al l persons interested to appear on the 21st day of July, 1868,at 10 o’clock a. m.. at Chambers of said District Court, before Garnett Andrews, Esq., one of the Registers es the said Court in Bankruptcy, at the Register's office, 'Monroe, Georgia, aud show cause why the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupts should not bo granted. Aud further notice is given that the econ 4 and third meetings of creditors will be held at the same time and place. Witness, the Honorable John Erskine, t , Judge of said Court, and the seal ,seai..j thereof, this— day of 1868 W. B. SMITH, jy4—law3w» Clerk. N otice. ■ l PETITION HAS BEEN FILED TO TRB 1 May Term, 1868, ot the Court of Ordinary I of Richmond county, for leave to sell the Real Es tate of Sarah May, deceased. At the July Term, 1868, application will be made lor the paa sate of the Order required by law. RICHARD W. MAHER, myß>eow2in Adm’r o£ Sarah May. AUCTION SAXES. City Sheriff’s Sale. WILL BE SOLD AT THE LOWER Market, in the city of Augusta, between the usual hour, of sale,on the First Tuesday in August next, the following property, to-wit: One House aud Lot, on the corner of Washing ton and EUi B streets, fronting on Washington 40 “ore or levs, and extending down Ellis i street 88 feet, more or leas; and bounded North by lot owned by J. R. Powell, Trustee of R. E. Nehr and Emanuel Nehr and Wm. B. Kulkley; East by ot belonging to the estate of Richard A deworth; South by Ellis street, and West by Washington street. Levied on by virtue of a Distress Warrant in Javor of John B. Pourneli v , J ' R R ' B - Nehr . Emanuel Nehr, and Wm. B. Kulkley, returnable to the Au gust Term of the City Court of Augusta. Also to , satisfy one tax execution for the year 1867, City Council of Augusta vs. J. K. Powell, Trustee of R. E Nehr, returnable to the August Term of the City Court of Augusta. Augusta, Ga., June 6, 1868. ISAAC LEVY, je7-td City Sheriff C. A. Georgia—Warren County. T N THE DIS IRICT COURT OF THE UNITED 1 States, forth. Southern District of Georgia. In the matter of i H. 11. FITZPATRICK, I IN BANKRUPTCY. Bankrupt. j Pursuant to an order from Hon. A. G. Foster, Register in Bankruptcy, will be sold at public . outcry, before the Court House door in Warren ton, in the county aforesaid, on FIRST TUES DAY Iff AUGUST next, between the legal hours of sale, one tract of Land, lying in said county in the fork of Rocky Comfort aud Golden Creeks, containing six hundred acres, more or less, free from the encumbrance of liens, etc. This land doos not include the dwelling and improve ments. Sold as the property of Henry 11. Fitz patrick, Bankrupt. By order of Hon. A. G. Foster, Register in Bankruptcy. Terms cash LEVI FOWLER, June 22d, 1868. Assignee. je2s—lawtd Sale of Land in Burk'e County. WILL BE SOLD, AT THE COURT HOUSE door in the town of Wayneslioro, Burke comity, Georgia, between teu o’clock a. m and three o'clock p. tn., on the FIRST TUESDAY IN JULY next, at public outcry, by order of Hon. A. G. Foster, Register in Bankruptcy, a certain tract of Land, situate aud being iu said county of Burke, containing two hundred acres, more or less, adjoining lands of the estate of JohnC. Poythress, deceased, Vincent Bearfield, estate of Alexander Bearfiold, and others, being tract, conveyed to him bv deed of Thomas W. Cullen, less fifty acres, including houses, set apart and surveyed for Joseph D. Perry, Bankrupt. Sold free from encumbrances of the creditors of said Joseph D. Perry, by order aforesaid, and as the estate of said Bankrupt. Terms cash. JOHN T. SHEWMAKE, jell—d&wtd Assignee. U. S. Marshal’s Sale. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF fieri facias issued out of the Honorable the Filth Circuit Court of the United States for the Southern District of Georgia, in favor of the plaintiffs, in the following case, to-wit: M. &. E. Myers vs. Joseph Stiles and Nathan Hawkins, I have levied upon as the property of Joseph Stiles, one of the defendants, thirteen hundred (1300) acres of land, more or less, together with all im provements thereou, situate, lying, and being in the District, of Baldwin county and State of Georgia, and bounded as follows : on the North by plantation of Mrs. West; on the West by plantation of Rivers; and will eell the same at public auction at the Court House in the City of Macon, county of Bibb, and State of Georgia, ou the First Tuesday in July next, between the law ful hours of sale. Dated at Savannah, June 4,1868. WM. G. DICKSON, jeb—lawi'v U. S. Marshak U. 3. Marshal’s Sale. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT QF fieri facias, issued out of the Honorable the Fifth Circuit Court of the United States for the Southern District of Georgia, in favor of the plaintiffs, iu the following rase, to wit: Benner, Brown & Pinckney vs. John T. Brown. I have levied upon as the property of the defendant, a dwelling house and lot, said lot containing eight (8) acres more or less, situate, lying, and being in the city of Cuthbert, county of Randolph, and State of Georgia, on which the said John T. Brown resides, and bounded as follows: ou the west by the street running to the Baptist Female College, on the uortli by the lot on which Willoughby Jordan resides, on the east by the lot on which George D. Smith resides, on the south by the street leading from the Court House to Fort Gaines. Also two (2) offices in upper part of building now owned by C. E. Brown, situate, lying, and being in city of Cuthbert, Randolph county, Georgia, and bounded as follows: on (he south by Court House square, being on lot No. two (21, in square No. five (5), in plan of said city. Also fine hundred and eighty (180) acres of land, more or leas, situate, lying, and being in Sixth (6) District, of Randolph county, the same being por tions of lots, numbers unknown, now occupied by C. E. Brown, and will sell the same at public auction, at the Court House iu the city of Macon, county of Bibb, and State of Georgia, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN JULY next, between the lawful hours of sale. Dated Savannah, J uue 1,1868. WM. G. DICKSON, je4- law4w U.S. Marshal. Assignee’s Sale. WILL BE SOLD BEFORE THE COURT House door, in the town of Newnan, Coweta county, Georgia, between the legal hoars of sale, on the First Tuesday in July next, the following property, belonging to the estate of William G Herrin. Bankrupt, lots of Lund Nos. 13,20, 21,43, and 102) acres of Lot No. 12, in the 4th District; and Lots Nos. 192 and 193. in the stli District of Coweta county, Ga. Sold subject to certain incumbrances thereou by virtue of an order from thd Hon. Charles G. Mc- Kinley, Register. Terms cash. JAMES P. BREWSTER, jo6—law-iw Assignee. Notice in Admiralty. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA—SOUTH ERN DISTRICT OF GEORGIA. IN ADMIRALTY. Whereas, a libel«« rem has been filed on the fifteenth day of June instant, in the. District Court of the United States for the Southern District of Georgia, by Matthew against the bark “Sylvia,” her tackle, apparel,furniture and cargo, now at Venus Point, in the said Dis trict, and against all persons lawfully intervening for their interests therein, for a cause ot con tract, civil and maritime, for reasons and causes in the said libel mentioned, and praying the usual process and monition in that behalf to be made; and that ell persons claiming any in terest therein may be cited to appear and answer the premises; and that the said bark “Sylvia,” her tackle, apparel, furniture and cargo, may bo condemned and sold to pay the demands of the libellant And whereas, a warrant of arrest has been issued on the said fifteenth day of June, under the seal of the said Court, commanding me to attach the said bark “Sylvia,” her tackle, appa rel, furniture and cargo, and to give due notica to all persons claiming the same, to appear and answer, and make claim thereto. Now, therefore, I do hereby give public notiee to all persons claiming the said bark “Sylvia,” her tackle, apparel, furniture and cargo, or in aay manner interested therein, that they be and appear at the Clerk’s Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of Georgia, in the city of Savannah, on WEDNES DAY, the first day of JULY next, A. D. 1868, at 11 o’clock, in the forenoon of that day, then and there to interpose iheir claims, and to make their allegations in that behalf. Dated at Savannah, Ga., this sixteenth day of | June, A. D. 1868. WM. G. DICKSON, li. S. Marshal District of Georgia. Fitch <fc Rice, Proctors for Libellant. je 18—lOt Assignee’s Sale- Georgia, warren count y -pursu ANT to an order from Hou. A. G. Foster-, register in Bankruptcr for the District of Georgia, will be sold at the Court Honee door in Warren ton, Warren County, on the first Tuesday in August next, between the usual hours of sale, one tract oflandiik toe unencumbered estate of Mat thew Shields, of Warren County. Bankrupt, ad joining lands of Carson Battle, T. F. Persons, R. Pt. and others, containing about three hun dred and forty six acres, more or less, with no dwelling on it. * Also, the one-third interest iu one lot of land in the Seventh District of Cherokee (now Union) County, known aa lot No. eighty fonr (81), con taining one hundred mid sixty (t® l ) acres, it being one-third. Also, the interest of Shields. Smith S Co., it being fifth (1-5) in a lot of laud in the Tenth District of originally Lowndes, now Berrien County, in said State, known in lot No. 122, con taiii'ng four hundred aud sixty acres. Also, three ebares of stock in the Macon &. Au gusta Rail R->a6. on which »• 55 per cent., as tile property of Ma'tbew Sliields Terms cash. E. 11. POTTLE, jeJO— lawlw Assignee,