The National Republican. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-1868, October 07, 1868, Image 1

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v oil. i.
National UqmWican
Official Orga* of the U.S. &ov»nutte*t.
-~ r -
i ■
Si r Mimtiftrft advance 2 3D
•Uhrea M«mtk»,ln tovanw'..l 25
A paper furnioM syr«ri fe any owe »«ofi
ivy n« n »■?—*" n'i»i4si; I
UtS* The uuderrignto, compTefety
furniihed oflteu, trwMtefisdrfio fa-riitc ah orders
for Book and J-A forts v L .-binding, or
Hurling cheaper than ■ any .■■ talar o®o». in .ft#
~ ’,? ~ *%' -ftKree. * *-*S
WEDNESDAY MOBSSSa.: r |.&lyter l .?, W
i »i itaife
jiwm ELEtiftd#
The Act ax -
Ajf ACT tri reor*«nhe j*o luutotopd
yuverrimont of the Citylto.Ae<pMte:«
Wu»keaß, Thspra»n#t aod City
Council of Augusta were appointed by mill
tary authority, which authority has
BicT«Ui>i, IM Senate awl
HauM ; if Ur Mfotfo •/
frrmyto i« towwrito JwmHy tuto, anti
it ’is hereby enacted fy the aiUliurdy of
the same, That an dilution for Mayor and
f members of Council of aaithcily, he heM oh
Wednesday, the 2d day o[ Decern ber next, in
the manwer established toythe laws of this
State and the Ordinances o! said city,
of force ou the first day of April, Iftfit;,
and not hereby modified or repeated.
Bev. 2- The officers tjp ejected shall hold
their offices lor one year from the date ol
their election, and until their sucQefaiH'a are
elected Am»(J qualified. ■.
Ssv. 3. A registry to rotors shall bitqpniitd
at the City Hall, in said- v|ly, ou the
fifth day of October next; uirrt eontmue
open until 2 o’clock p. m,, bn Tires*
. day, the first of December next, from ®
o’dock a, sn.,till2 o’clock p. m.,of each day,
except Sunday, under the supervision of John
C. Snead, Judge of the City Court of said city,
William B. McLaws, lato Judge of the County
Court of Richmond county,Ellery M.Brayton,
Clerk of the Superior Court of Sard county,
Win. Doyle, Deputy Sheriff of said county,
and Robert A. Harper, any two or more of
whpm.may act, and shall require each and
every person applying for registry to take
the oath provided' by this act for voters in
said eity, except so much thereof as relates
to registering the certificates of registry and
voting, . .. . . ' - -•-■
Sec. 4. The Commissioners of Registry
above fftuned, or suoh of them as may
act, shall appoint the Superintendents
of the Election In the several wards, and
give public notice of their appointments ten
(10) days before the election in all the
public gazettes of the city.
Sec. 5. At said election the polls in each
Ward shall-be opened at 8 o’clock a. tn,,
and close nt 5 o’clock p. m., and each
voter shall, on voting, present hi* certifi
cate of Registry, a ffiieh shall be received j
by the managers and scaled up jn the office
Sec. 6. In the event of the loss or destruc
tion of any certificate of Registry, upon
personal Application by the party to whom
the same was issued, accompanied by his
affidavit of mid toss or destriw-timt, suliacjjbeit
by him, the said comtnissioiers sfiw He
to such persons a duplicate certificate, which
shall serve in lieu of the Certificate lost ox
destroyed: Provided, that no duplicate cer
tificate shall be issued after 10 o’clock p. in ,
of Tuesday, the firsf of December uaxt.
Sec. 7. The Commissioners q! Registry
shall receive from the City Council a fair
compensation for the, services rendered .by
them respectively,
Star. 8. AU -ojbpr elections in irtld city for
Mayor and Members of Coated shall be hold
annually, on the first Wednesday in Decem
ber, except as herein modified under exist
ing laws: Provided, that, after the present
year, the list for the registration of voters
shall be opened on the first Monday to Sep
tember in each yeW, aSid be kept opened
until 5 o’clock p. m., of the fourth Wed
nesday iu November; and provided further,
that no duplicate certificate shall be issued
by the person or persons who may be ap
pointed to register later than 2 o’clock p. m.,
of Saturday iuimediately preceding the
election, nor tuifctl tl-e applicant bao pvtupllcd
with all the provisionof inc sixth occlionvf
his act.
Site. 9, At all eloettous for Mayor into
Members of CouucillieM iu said city after
tire passage of tlris act, the Managers shall
administer the lollowirf* oath to any |><xsou
altcmuling to Vote, upon his being chal
lenged, or in case either of them have
doubts as to bis right Vpte ? Jo
solemnly swear that you are a citinqi) of Uie
United States, that yew are <wenty-«W«IUM
of age, that you have resided iu tiiis State
for the last twelve months, in this city for
last six juoaffis, and in „tlvUdistrict or
ward lor the last l^n-4»js: that you have
cunturideiato >wbo<re;fi*f thq ImK,
twelve mouths, that you have paid all taxes,
- afid-jnade all returns required b/ tfre Ordi
nances of this city that have been in your
poWtT to pay or malic a«co«ling to said
Ordiimuccs, that you have been duly regis
tered within the lime prescribed by law. that
• - the certificate of wow «fcr waa
delivered to you in person by the Registry
Clerk or Ucrmtnisatouers, and that you have
not voted this day. So help you, God.'’
Sec. fl>._'Notbing in this fict shall be so
construed as to exclude spy person from
. registering or voting on account of race or
Sec. H. Thai the. Sheriff of tbs coi»»»iy of
Richmond is hereby directed and required
to be present during said cteetiea, at the
place of voting, with a police force to be
furoisked by the City Council of said city,
and preserve the public peace, and prevent
any interference with the managers of said
- etoetion or voters thereto. : : ’ Z 1
* Sec. 12. Sty much of an A«i iu relation to
the City Couneil of Augusta, approved Feb
ruary 28th, ISlife, as autlu»rizes the said City
Council 14 10 provide the mode, manner and
time <>t elections of Mayor and Members
the Cit| Cette ci 1/’ and «H laws, or parts of
tews, militating against ffiip Art, be, and the
sent are hereby, repealed.
- ' - 11. L., MeWsttiEft, f ,
Speaker House of Representative,-.
M. A. WsaniK,
Clerk Honae of Representatives,, -■
-L >. BskU»W( CoiMHl, "■ ■:
President of the Senator
.•A. E. Makhbalu i ; - -s. .‘ 5
■ ■ Serrelary of H>c Senate.
/ - isHOtAE.
r Passed aver the vWe of Ips Ex&fletipy,
the Govarnoit, by rveiiMtUottonal majorffy
of ayes 00: nays <5. -y ?
, . September .. '■ .. •
T’ . .. M.'A. IlMHtik, •
• Clerk Reuse Os Rnprceeafilfivcs.
* • to
rirsitXAtE. t
Passed over the Vefo of his Exceltemry, |
the (ievcrxwr, by.> cunstitufctenal majority
of>yee24; naysll.
September 23. ifififi.
. t V; A-X MAuitrm, ■ ■
■' 7’J. < . Z ; , Jefiftwr bf Senate.
OF GEORG TA, of thr Soldier’s and
Sailor's National Republican Comn&lfte.
Major E. T. Cotonel J. F
Brown, Savannah, Da.
Captabi’ Albany, Cte.
fWkmcl'.Fdhn pbWW,’Abgfiista, <la.
Major John Knox, Atheu>. Gn.
Captain Jehtt A. Maddeo nft<l ScEgciwit
.Soffitorn-iTones, WaywesberoV ■r>'
Scrpeant 8. JTeWte, Mwcoit/Ght.
Captain , J. -Nadfewemf fcaiy l/Uteteuaid)
~&ffti«te U. B. Blacker, Cwtersvill.. (la.
■ "‘ El EtfrtoAs tirs following]
state etoe true s are yet to <feei»r tins year, -j-
' To-mvc anHtoekittp a toonstanl qtreffious we
ask people to eut pat this table a*d Wife it
to tkeir pocket:
Net.rH.ka.. ...;..o.teol
hadisne. r. "H*—•■•••■ • •..•*...>OM..«Qst>. 15
lem. pteatota <)ct to
■ w« virziz i azz::z.z:.zzzzz.zz.z2ek»
| ,N®w i .Nov.
■ New Jvrey Nov. 3
M'stftod. ZZ'.ZZ. Z.Z Z Z Z
Illinois s
Nov. X
»*•**«*• p'p t’ • ~..N0v« 4
Mi.:.<uuri Nov. 3
Kansas Nov. 3
Nevada. Nev. 3
MassaehaacUb Nov. 3
r r.-' <• J> sMiaatNosoN A t'<h,
•tSFUro'snoat.. New York,
ih;e«i, to be r/M lif ih October,
Or, the Last. Days of Lac and his l‘ulinlins,
By J. Eaten Oeek,
Author of ‘'Surry of Eagles’ Nest.”
tySeiinel.teu thousand copies were alinoat iiawe
mately sold. The new work ieattfl morehitensoly
iutcreatiug printed on due toned nsperaiM riehly
Imund in cloth, wiili upward of SWU page*, it has
ter Us frontispiece u fine steel medallion head of
General Lee, and four beautiful illustrations iu
Hbtaei 'k best style. Either book is s*ut bv mail,
post free, on receipt of the priee, $?.95. For safe
by all Booksellers and Newsdealers in town and
, wruntry, opt L—3t
198 i Broad St.,
Bbxt soon anr van rasacn stob».
I’ khi sbartrit notiM- AH work war
All orders ' will he thankfully received, and
Watches, lheks aitd Jewelry.
L? 18. SUMRMJM, 184 EBOAD ffTRKKr,
lb. aUiwsta, t;J.
taakou' Material* and (Hants. ' - •
SRI wI&TrI ®f w VfitKlnAß
Jewelry, made and repa ired. I
AH kiadii: rt Hair Braidta< tons Agent f"T
Stager's Scivjng Machines. All kinds of Mowing
Machine* Jspairlxl And warranted. •< • ; J
jeSB l«w3iu j ■■>
iro-VHE MmTii.
Great atlantTc coast link, via
Wilmington and MstfeheWer and Wiltntojf;-
ton pnd Weldon KnHroadn afid'cnwtwtibns. -
. Daily train how in f.itetaßdu, with complete
and conlinnous conneeliiipfe from Atlanta, Au
gnsta, Kingsrlllr.Wibningion to Weldon; thence
tja Kichtnoipi, Waahingtofi, Faltiinwc, or via
PortsmiAtth and eriJfetd (,\irtMßtwl>le Koute) Io
I’kiTaddlpbia AUil New lark. ;. < .
NoT-fipugo of C«ur< between A«Rn?« Snd Wd
mibgion into Wddon and Aeqiiia Creek.
e > _• ... '-,Wo ffe-Anumd ■»: 17a 4»ife-
M IV xaiugE'iJ ZSSLk
Mobile - 3 16 p.m. 3 13 p.m
Mootgomeryr. 5.45 aJ#r. 6.15 aim
Kingsvfllo le» \
SS’“" •■." ' '' “3;»
Wumiugten, De).-.vt =— JI
Washington <-...’.t >xM.» Ar?,'l M-pjut.... t—' :■’»?.
MawteftfAn+v.) : .MB 'St
B|Bey Hmatwumir* leave r«rt»uu>uth M Baltfmore at
f’uHman A Kimball’s elegant Sleeping Cars on
this Rente.
.. Baggage .cheeked thremgli.-' Through Tickets
good hy either rout*, until .trued—with option to
Paeseagera eli-tapping at tenuilal poipt^—cap
bo obtained at the (tenoral Ticket office in this
city, Ifoetirt Vodt Tickets read “ via Wifmihg
tdn? W. J. WALKKR,
t . (ten. I’ass'gr Agt.
- ■■ 4»IAAC-lxfeVY, Pws’gr Agent, Awgasta.
t r’iTTv-.z ,jZ ‘ -i-Z’A
Aihrertiremonts forwarded to alt Newspapers
Nfe wfeuuMa charged festWiahwa’
AB fading »Ssirrf*r«reb»p« onfilc-
; Information axio pert it Adv«rf»?ing furnished
’< All order* reeelTe«aßefißaW"ntjo«i. s ..
Twfiurries by nrwM answered protnftty- .
Complete pein ted liils bfNewvparwe for »*#«•< f
f?peeiuHiatoy>rei«<iae<l far vo.totowee
.' < Adverrwements'Wriitcii ajnl Notfrw dteu**A.
'.ltdbca»->« Bnftheri
»t lionte between rhr taanj»|-fiAa(d",hf sMt.
on the Utrt TneAayTa ffaeper. ffibiastaat,
67 Barrels Brtitfe’g Rertifiger *.
In lots to fdit (i*fenat of Mt
(njireentcd. • . ’ . * -«et-3—3t
J „
... *. .wiwia* 111 mi >»»»»■ aw >a at aaita
•-V>AW?STA,»4. .
efected to any uuoairt in the »o«l reliable
Companies iu the country.
Th* fallowing Companies are especially repre
sented by hint:
The QURBN INSURANCK CO., of Uadott and
Liverpool. ‘ff' > » . v<■
:t Cdta»ba*, Qa. r.v. >4"“
CO., of Hartford, Conn. '
, ScottevUfa ¥>.) ...7 ;
■Cke NORWICH ,n«B litoURANCIi CtJ., rt
Norwich, Comi.
n.e IAMBS RIVER (Ste’fMtANCE tob, »f
>. mend, fw -"" '\ J -
The UNION Fi*B W< WCK TO, of Halti-
ThoVlßttmi IJtotlßAbci fX>., of Stadn
ton, Va. , . i .Z
. re-of NeWTort. Cash AsMstk, W,3M,7!3.U.
‘ti ■!***-?’** y ZV-* - ; to: '' '
fiFW court of the
* United State. u»r the Northern lilstrict of
' ’Beeffllji7to "to” > v- ‘1
In th« matter of )
Baa hr u pt. j Nu. 131.
The said Bankrupt having petitioned the Conrt
hereby given to aßpetsons into rested to appear on
the3«b dav of October, 1868,at 10 o'otooJt «. m ,
at Chamber* of wud Dwtriet Court, before Chas.
O McKinley, one of the Registers <rf said
Court iu Bank roptey, al the KegrrterM office In
the city of ’fitewnau. atid show «hu» Why
the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt
sfioaM uoi ba.gnsuted. Abd, farther notice te
riven taut thu bee«n<l and third meetings us cred-,
itota will be held at the same time *odplace.
Witness the Honorable. John. Erskittc
kWAL.I Judge of said Conrt, this 3d day of
Ootoeer. lAIW. W. fi. SMITH,
octi— Ihw2w* ___ Clerk.
United States for the Northern District «t
f “ ! 0 , matter of ,I# BANKRUPTCY.
UNDSKY PERDUE, I . / ‘- - v
Bankrupt. | No. 2!0.
The said Bankrupt having poiitfafal the Court
for a discharge from all his debts provable under
the Bankrupt Act of March sd, 1867, notice is
hereby given to tel person* interested to appear
an the '/Jlli day of October, l£®y»t W o'clock a.
m., at chamber of said District Court, before
Char-fat G McKinley, Esq., one of the Registers
of said Gonrt in Bankruptcy, at the
Register’s office in the town of Newnan,
Georgia, and show canae why the nruycr
of the said petition of the Bankrupt should not
be granted. And further notice is given that the
second and third me<>liu(re J will be
held al the same time nitd ptuco. . t >
Witues* the Hoiioralile John Erskiue,
IsitAL.l Judge of said Court, this 3d day of
October, 1868. .‘“to
- inwJw*"„ ■■•.•.•_ ■•. - • -»r' <3eik.'
■ ;■» ■ o’-'- (yev. 7..«-_
Chartered by Act of Ceaaßrexs.
O~— ’ , ■ A
Banking House, Pennsylvania Avenno, corner
oi Itth street, Washington, D.Cr
open every day—Sundays and Holidays *x
oepted—from oa. m. toJp. m., and Saturday
everriag'- from 6 to 8 p. *.
TA' f -2.
Deposits can withdrawn wllh-nit no
tice. Deposits in specie are repaid in specie.
All other tlopratU* arc repaid in "Hveehbuefis"
or National Bank Bills.
AR the profile belong to the depositor..,
'' I*T’staients are only made in ffewritlev of
the United States. GEO. 11. HARKIF,
Chairman Advisory Committee.
./■ t : DAV IBA. RITTEIt,
Acting Cuhier.
au2l -dAwil -.. ■'
United States lor the Soutbern District of'
Georgia, j
In the matter of )
I ' Wfai»Cß\.' '■''■<£ ; . • Wo. 28.
The said BenkrUßt having petKiouad the
Court for a discharge from all hi* debt* prova-
Irk uinfer the Bankrupt Act of March 2d, 1887.
notice is hereby given to all jrersoua
so itpp'eur on the 22d day of October, 1808, at IB
d’eloeK iu n»., at chambers of said District
tfohrt, before Frank 8. HossclUne, Eaq., one of
the Registers of the said Cmit In Bank raptor,
at Il’s ofllco. at Abe Court House m
Iteiufiridge, Georgia, and -how cause wjiy
the prayer of the said petition of the Bankrupt
toiouldnot begrantmf
Dated at Savnnnah, Ua., this let day of Otae
ber. 1888. JAMES MxPHEKSCN,
o*3—law<w ■ '.r- f - ~ Clark. •-
“Westward the Star of Empire Takes
It« Way.” J* '? ■ ■
Secure a Homestead
1W < iI.IF»RNVA.
S'- n-Cto yH:B.i k .te
mwiw HhMtf csimti,
itcwrjwpfrjtfai Kirftor rte Dttar of the bt'Xto,
” itTt ’ Ptostinber W, ; I
JU TJbajKiforfa mepftsts'.' aid thereby indoor
ca p »<D ffsutek *. . .8< ,eee,w»fi.
TBvMed inlo •yXl.ffiWl sharer, at ffamHi.puyalde
■< United State* e«w*ncy.
CertilnateasE Sfeßk failedt*pnbwriberslmine
aiately upon ,-ceiptedlLtbp'tttefalt- ,
t ’ ■■ ’-r-'"*. * "•*:■ .<•' '.i' 1
A ciwuiar orataifata * faH deeci ipn.m ti
property to be distributed among Aarefal kre
will be sent to gddrem, open receipt of Ma »[-*
recover portage. ,'V - . •
' ■' , Tnformatioo a#to p-fa of land in fay portion <4
trbe Wide, or fam. ••V saber tnbfal & mterert to
partite proposing fo,faa»lgn<tr. cbre-ifolly far-
Tfakiß.itponrttMfeteWfa»l>afo»K*tage , >
. AU fatere. .fib addreartii. "fifa-rrtm y
Imnilstrfail’’flnmrMteid Afebeialion. .Port ifavn
fIU No. «. dan RraWfao, _< >
i an ItfaSui •
i isii isneii in i 111 n it**>*»*■
Richmond County.
State ot'aEOkGiA— f
Riebinoud Coppry.
t - WxU»AßdFu*es A. Uray, AdtninirtcMor on
the Mtat* of Fnincis ©TJonncr, applies to mo
for Leiters ufOlsifanion. • ■-
; These Mr* therefore to cite and mlmoulsli all
, and siaguhut, the kindred and ereditore of said
deoeatM, le bo and appear at my office on or
. before the firri Monday in November aogb to
show osruw, » any they have, why aakl Letter,
should not bomranteJ.
* Gi»»u und* my hand and offioial Slgnaluto,
at office ia Afauste, thia 2d day of Jane. ISSfc'
r to J-J ' Ordinary.„
Leiters of Dismission.
vJ CWnly.
f Whereas, tiaiolme Unbet, AdininHtiaiiix
with tiußvill eiiueaed on the estate of Autoiee
t Puiquet. drwfatd. 10 m <» for Loiters of
These are, therefore, to cite and farnoui.di Ml
f and uagnler, the kindred aud cyeditorp of s»W
decoaaod, to bo aud appear at utv office on or
before the 4rst Monday m October, to eh ->w towwe.
• ttgjfMffiybfae, wire ’1 : Hors should not be
:. favee under my lauui and official signature Ut
• Augwßa, foe Ifohday to May, IWGS. •
■. ; Z ; a E. M. BRAYTON,V ■ •
my 1 a 1 »W«e|* Ordinary.
= . > Letters of Dismission- / , -
kto to c Rickmaxd t-'toifay.. '
Wherewe, Jeeephine Wilson, Adiniuirtratrix' on
theertate of Peter Wiiaou, deceased, epfffiee to
I ms for Letter* to Dwiuiaoiou.
’ Tlicse are, ffierefore, to cite and admontrti ail
1 and JugaJar, the kindred ami creditors of said
deeetiseA, to fateid -«ppCar at uiy office ou us bo
, fore tbo first Mvnduy in October, to show cuuee,
if any they fage.-wny said Letti-w ehonld not be
, gianted.
Given undto my hand and official signature, at
! office bi Augusta, this dtli dav to May, 18ti8.
1 myh—lfa*-.v .1 : ' ortinary, '
Letfers of Dismission. OF GEORGIA.
O fricAwyifa G'«»toy.
i Wliwegt Wm. C. Te ter, Aiiiniuirtralin es the
v estate offifaeh Swinney, deceaetid, epplic a i« tjie
• ffattolteieof Afamfaion. ..,
Tfenee fire,.therefore, to rite mid adufaufa all
end singula,, the kindred liud i redßore to Mid de.
f oeasmL to lie and appear al my nHft-e, on <u before
tbeßrte JOfadtef in show rimae, Il any
they save, wbyfaid Letters sbinrld not b.e granted;
; Given underlay hand and official signature, as
' office in Augnsfa, this Ihtli dav <>; Apiil, 18fS.
‘ 1 RM. BMAX’TON, .
■ - OrJMmry.
Letters of Dismission.
; AJ ' Rie/moMl Coaufp.
Whereas, Jolin D. Butt, Adfauistrator ou Uie
i jfaete es PMrifaO’Sullivan, deceared, applies te
me for Letters es Dfaufaiou.
Theee art, tborefoie, to cite and a'lmteiisti tdi
i and aingtexv, tiie kindred and creditors to said
i decease j. to be and appear at my nffico-oti or be
Store (be first Monday in October, te show lause.
If aey tliey hare, why said Letters should art I*
Given uii'tei my haiul mid official signature, a
i tottoe in Augusta, this sth dav of May, JBSB.
~ my6—Om* jf--- \ (Jrdhiary.
O Ru-bmuu.ll CuOitly.
lihatw, KA; Poogkwt fad S. D. Williams,
fatecutoia ox the Estateto Ira D. Mathews. late
of said county, deceased, apply tome ti>r Wert
us dismission ; ’ ’ . r .so -.
These ere, therefore, to cite fad admoaisb ail
and riugatar, the kindred ami creditors of rtiid de be and appear irt my office or before
the first Monday in February next, to show Cause,
if any they have, why «M,<f Letter* aiiosid not be
granted. ' ''' f • >»-
Given under my baud und official sfauatare, ah
office in Anopsia, this Augtwt Islh, 18w.
au lb— I attorn Ordinary.
' Letters of Dismission.
State '>f «ror<;ia— ...
RiclOnrjnd Copnff^.
WaritK 'S. John 11. Fearey, Adunairtrelor ou
the estate of Harry Hughes, 3re*ared. Applie* to
me for Leiter.- of Di«aifal<.at>-
Tireso, are, therefore, to ei»e »ud admonish all
and tdegnlnr, the kindred and cfeditow to tlie said
deceased, to be alui appear to my office on ogJiefore
the fiist Monday in March next, to stinw cause,
if any they .hag*, why fad fosters tbouifi got be
granted. ' ■ - ’ --
Given uniter nty hand and offifatl signature a
offic* hr Augusta, this 28th day to
sep29~Bn> 1
Letters of blsmission.
QTATfc of 'kEUWiLA, •-•' - fr ■ 1
T firthwell, Adinipiurarer
•f th* ffi'dlto* us Th none B. s lui<l J i,
appHei to me for Letters-*' l bj.'inis#fo|
' are xbcf faTo te ffiitafoto •Amsvi u’aH
and singufa, i s hi tdredr anti "f : raid
devefised, to 'fe and, vpp* rtf office on or
fafote tbe firs: Munday, ri Mgrth fast, to «h«W
. cause if nhy licrirb ive, deity aid fatterl
no t-be granted. ; -
tliven uinieruij- Uaad aoA'tfaciai sigjatpr* At .
. office in liugssta, Jtfellay of Hcpfoui*’-ri
U6S. vt.VIUF.i. I.IIVY.
’ c Ordinary* 1
Letters of Dtommidu
Cl I'- ■■ ■ '■' ' -■ 'y.
W b«r«**, J fan 11. Utesfos, ■ Idnrtrh-fnit. r on
th* estate rtt Williaui F. M*<|Lh>k, deceaw *, ap-t
plies to iw : r f.elfot >5 tafaitfatni
'.’ 'The*eatif, ibUjtoore.fa 'rite fajl,bdowf>v , i, lli)
andriagnlnr, ife. fcifi<hp< tout • to .-will
; deceased, to be ami *.p)*.irart. my "Mob. »’> "r be
ter* tbs first Monday in March nett,'to show
cause, if any tfay save, why sand Ifafats sbotol
not. its granted. > .re V
I Given under tuy hand »nd "fiioiai
- at office in Augusta, fri'lath day of Stotefafar,
’ 1888. SAMUEL LEVY. .
~ -
I -•-» —— —-r*.' fa"" 1 sam, ' «
Letters of Administration. 1
O re ffiefoc-wid t'i»<w»*p.
Whereas, Klien Bowe appffes so ni for IM
. art to Administration 00 tfa:*tt*t« of John
Dhwc, late of said county, Akceaaad. .? ■ h
r Tlieae are. therefore, te cite ami admonish all.
and singular, the kindred aud creditors of s«M
dec.eased, to be and appear at luy office onorbefW
th* first Monday in November next,to show eanse,
if any they have, Why suTd Letters should not be
* n GiVen' under my baud and official stgrrnhwe to
office tn Augnsln, fhi* ailUvfffiy of Beptombdr, IHM.
,’«P S ?" 1 ' B „. . - ii
L ■- Letters of Dismission.
Pre IfichmoO'l CoKutp.
Whurkas, William J- Farr, foiiaioietfuwr
de b-mu, >io« us the estate of George I’. Rrefa,
deceased, applies to me for letters to Diemtsaiofi.
These are therefore to cite luJaifaonifo all
and eiticuiar, the kiudMd a»d creditors of said
<fo?ea*ed, to be and appear »t <m wf
btovtc lb* first Monday in Mbrcll faXtv to show
cause, if any they have, why aaldfoßUera sbotod
both* giantei 1 .
tt’ —tlivtai under my hand and ofilcilt sigfafdae
at office ill Aogstta, tbfojth fay 'to’tkmfoinVer,
1808. rtAMI-UL iJfvy,
’ MgSt-imetn ■ ; ‘ Ortiifairy.
' * Letter*-of AdmiDis’rafeoß.
Wnenrss, .Julia O’Neal applies to ure for lait
tors to A'lininirttatro-i on th* citato <if Michael
fa'Namt, tale of *wld ciMH»ty . dcre»,’e,l—'
ylheie ar* therefore to cite Mid admonifa.-sD
.tad dogufavihe kindled fad eredilure,fotet
and eppear at my office on or' before the trto
Munday in October'ataf, t > Any H any
fß*y far*, why snid LeftUrs toiotod »'t be
xlilven trader uiy heud and Sffifaati|Rnatiitc, at
. aiapfitee in Augusta, this Shied day of raptria-:
h«, Utare rel . . .-■ - BAJTL LKVY,
'’• «pd— 3#d r ' ' Ordinary. •
. a...*..*.*
The American Artisan
189 Broadway, New York,
rre-.’- «;* - <-o re.' W/J .' 'i.*:. I.’
I w
, Mgsota. BWfWS, COOMBS fc CO , Uroprie
tors to the AMERICAN ARTISAN, <>?'<« fafa
best sre-virei to Iwratori.irtßnlicitaia ofAtfirri
cite ami Fond eti Patawta. Me. TBbown,
of tjifi fam, far Into Btute thus ite-Cu/ys/vo wears'
XxpeHUuiu ruHtatprtofaaipa. lpM ll lutliis country
and. Europe, ntwl hla long practice fas made
Hirn petvemrtly knowa to thourttnds tot lapeit-
Mfa-whd patentees. Th» applications for th*
’ patents Offal many of tho greater and mere uu
i pottatu taventious ottlrn present century have been
prepared by lute. Messrs. Bao®». C<x»it»s & C 0.,.
i w» tlitiirtuglily familiar with ail the rales' ami re-.
I gitHtfioiM iuathuled for tfa rapid liaataartisni oi
r faei we»* with th* United State* Patent Office, and
tile g«i»«iLprtfaive inlbe J’ateht Bureaus of van
ou* Kur>pean countries, aud tWe knowledge ren
ders Hwk ooijlMtiittjbat their p>»tuxperwuce. with
, their present nneQfaM foctliiioj, euablea them to
ehboHttelvtlMl vet speedily prepare nil the doefa
. menu refittirtd bv law ill appliautionr for pittetfa,
and to prwuMo l|Li>' ctiuuta an'jabtolute cerfaintb
. nftuffcsfu> tlieiifciforti toolfain ; Letteris*ataWfrfr
J Invcnttims Hidt ate really new aud uagful. Pvte
cular cere is wives to the ttateeution of the acournte'
draunup) which unfa Always areompauy every
jippljfatiewfor a pMato, afa fltny employ fan* but
i tbamort efficientdMiiv'litameu, Tfabenlevidence
> to the mauuer in which Mewrg. BltoW.v, Ceortsa
ft 'Ce.rehurtiiere is performed, i», rhui tfa “Await
I to.vrr AKVifaxi’atattr Aexacr," during theihree
I ynwi tovtauxteteuno, fa* been /*e *»o*f rvcepuful
ZJttuiton eft*kindct" tslabliUesi.
, Hie pl ineiiwl offisu* ofMeasr*. Brown, ConSuc
' ft Co arefitttatedatl*lßr«idv.»y,onpoeiteJohn
Street. New York, in Hie moetcentinl port of Lite
oity. TUe locution w <>fa to iiw.fa»s bMjufeUX,.
atrimgere.UKKimuob as it-i».wiiain« rtope'S throw
from tee City Hull. AlffoyeutoS temporaißy sS
toiii nlng in tlie metropolis ajre invited .to vlsif teis
reiteWitement. InR Itetwjority of iifaande no mMei
. er drnwing <d fa hwoutifa wulbo fiecensury ou
the first ♦Utei vtow, as a uiero woZ descriptiou by
the vwftor will ordinarily suffice /• convey sfan
atewowleilgt to Ilia in volition as vv lit Suable Messrs.
, Bftowa. Uoylrta A. Co. to definitely deteriQiue
wlieteerainaiduneorproi oMwneW »t old- -paten ■
tabfeoriiot Tlie office hours are fxviii & A.K.
'rf * T ; * >'• ZLfai * <
MewO'.’-BayW», CoOmms to Co. are prepared to
' ferui dito persons rpsiftug at a di*tan*q re om Ke W
Toto—free to‘<-fajfi*~ •crtUet opi/',ton« a* to
: whether inv<mtfoin< eimtain any teuttm-* to patoa
tabfo novelfiy. *» to; te* ifaf' n.<i>"’». "
sketuti m rung Ii uradto of tlie luarluuc <a; other In
veiititoi that is supposed to be new, together vstth
a brief daterfafon to the efare, and as sowtus ups,
siMe «h*MMhi>» letter tattle fast nd Vice fen Mil
ed to teg perjsu desiring the information-. Thesp
opinions at e furguij fiotu their gwn reatare exper
ience; big iMiii faveutor iMfrerto know,positively,
! Whether his Wpietft idea Info ever Jieen watodted
is a ihaeMiin nr proceteafa<Miy FW!S«fed> J»i« wisest
course wifi bo to have a yrrfoita amry e rnmnettilui
I mafia al the United St ala* Dutenl onlee by Mmere.
Bltuivs. Ugo Mus ft Co., who wiiliuak? fodpeuito
Seart'Kamotig all the records to tliut tti>st'rtwtent r afa.
; tfan pinibprty forward ftoland carefully wriUon
rcpo»s«<o the puteutabili,V foveiitfoup<ir
<M exautituttew. For tefafebpr the windl fee to
|5 is naviteie m udvance;? pud ,»« ie;uiU»mie
Should be uheffippanfodby A 'tfolri' to the faVfation
and a few tifaa es writing th* stand,
und <hrtiiirtlx«t»ing thoseppmfc tonoveßy wlneli
teelivVgufor'telßU'ta to totrufirotertcd
Patent ‘ v \.* *. tM ' ** • J j
Patent* foffiWr utel uaefijUuveiffiuM are naw
■ fftarfuM fortb»rt>riß*,i>fb£Vk.*ryM team The
l ftsetiusialtfien' tojfa Governmeni tee if slg, wliieh
stye-.-togutfar with fifty efate Mvfafa
I on the miweivot-ultopiey - * *?. ■ate**'*,
■ oii.'U.WyinffiTfaihe ffiftent ; xtatl-lfafaltiotW are
r due t'rtlirGoviwumurt When the liettorsJfotmrture
, ililowreiX Tfa Sfafaey fee.fe front Bit Bpwasd,ac
i eosffiupto-tfa saber tavtovedrbnf In tot ewes oirr
vviU jte asntodtaate tat polMbtahl tfa pre
t ..parupop toAia'wutgsMJl «l uetotsmry dveuatenita.
This ’fr-s is not rnvabw taspf after the :n>p6ctofon
bus been pre pared and the eaw foifady to fa tent
te Washington. Messrs.'Bitowv. CwWM to.Cp-
• have I AtorttoAra W M But tot applies
lions made terongh them uUti have every iisri
attentX'n bl tlieJr vasretgnthrongli tee PhteutVffite
TriVrtf'rta appying for puteßte mast, farpfclh
teoJ«./» ofifaiv machine*, whenever pfafijifa, for
tea fnspmlkm Os Ute KsMttUWrjt in the P&teul
Oflire; but if the iavwitwubi acliemteal cdtifami-
Uvn, samples of all Isa ingrediente will be wfa
rtirV. gliontafa WotAfri with jMin.
tcoUi-’k nunw. tlven cueefttlly boxed, and artW (by I
’ ex pre :•«. pnptud ), together with the first i lutalnwu.
> ol'UieGav,imint>4te«,toMte*iH. BftOWfi'.CbtobßS
' & U-. Wk. n i’m. mol. lis rth-dlnnd light, it cun
ffi. vinvi iiii uity atal cfafaly * urty mate . ,
' tetwelnntstntoexeeet-otfewiiiti tnty ofiiytaW
\ tote. ittfaJHfM sattH.pelterael«y
ptertieublts. -; ’ ’ ' ’ re
,7 Jfafoßfa cxufpt tliiMS* far dosistfa.xft' gratae*
'<m«htuo tenfis tn citizens kfr<r*Utofa»Mttt,ux*«t>t
ifihaffiitante to Canada and satire .tlte
.’.British Autertvau L’roviMtfe k“ '/A-Tr-re.. ■■ .tj
Itaei lee patent* or new afa naetiu-driitewiyp*.-.
there ‘‘rre.-afai gr.u.ted pateWe- feu. fampna.
, Desiaptoud iUf are not noMr. a* fuMwrly, hfajipl
rtrfcHv w? utrtMteWto eotifijiflasrfai t.unt itiidvr
Sarltfa Ibtoflta Ao* to Marelx a. laubeiiy iteyr,
form oftmy aiticfe, fanny i upou
lire M«totte*bf any aa,lG»or i»atertto,.lrt’ Wiftrtfaer
Hienoit or, prntete fo'adueed, ogn bp yaforrted, Vh.
ilfa’tWs Art, I'tokittacs sto rnvftlett to Tlie extmi
tefoon.fair rfopebti vte ■ftareßteTurtoretereu of
ynare frmu cle.t'ter.aai wbuffi fad fat.-tfa shgfrtai-.;
fire, upmt Ufa spite te/mafad riaitiirtivfa Aa;gve
now I'lfa idytiftn' tee Mt«ii»i<iteto lfate»*Jhrtcn».'
AWfa tL< nimferbuK subjects f«l fifaisWkiri'tei»
dn-r msy fa partifateWy menifeute’-uwiijja to
all u..’tulr; parts of uiucbiues, lu»m>toirtM funutufe*
Mui uteusfat gltatpwgru, haedwarfe of all kiiids.
qteiriiaffasii crtfai ietaxtor and to tfaiolilfiutajteM*-
ot I,ififiTureifaa’Sn,designs foe 'j'myir.mtil pritfi'id.;
fiibvi.'. f ilifas-.rtiil tfpbwtfcu »»« «ar
nese labels and-trade-markre far wiMpcs, per
fumtrtj, >y.ii- .nll piopueuliomt, wcpfaitteH», or
taeitlMtnu ir. fat op xa bottfee, bo*e», pt dteer.
pa> k-ag«,ure s'totaMo subjfiffiFtote. tne fiirffis to
rtK.h Wtth-e. boxes,’ of fadtfigte tin iiiwlver. a»d
kiivsdofart.tilferihc uO hrtffiku statuary,
btet*. rmtppi-srtons in alto.or .Ifaeo-reUevO. Tne
Goveraiteiit; fee ou a du*igu-p*lfat for yuan is'
tlOj.l yeurUl-n il'yw»uf : A No mod-da pf
’ ueffign* arfr raqu'.rcd . bnr ilitnhcute drawings or.,
' [>h(>topraida.rnurtbt.-fnrtreifart Tftesfa-ititetion
to arcomppriv the ifawiiig* nt |>hotri?ritfli* ri
uutres to fa pre|tart*i w iiu great uuuu. fa«M*
Bnowx, CwMita *. Co . give very lyrnrjlm’ at
tentioii Ul'llus bmuehiof their fofaifefa. Their
eharge for prefafng applft-Rtrins for Afagu-fwldpts
fr ge ire rest V tafent 84 a. Design pptefae are only
ffantedto Ajnerfeaai oifegneor fcxaht tut who have
resided one year ru Abp LttSfa States and made
oaih ofthi-ir intpnafa to’facffßie cnizetw thereto. 1
The arilttita of H'S own, Coombs to Co
for nbtaMnU pateote in tee vdriow European
countries atefateui ifefat superior to those of any
other in She Ltfited States. With regard to tfair
onaHßcufitoi* for sueh bnsrfartr, it need .only be
Anted that Mr. Bnowfa” hgs fad ths propers
crop -rs mortf European .Mppiicvtions teat} any
<tlbe» pertoti iu Him country, Meaws. Buowji,
Cponns to Cojlnsside* havtugn braAch itffpe
Vf xsutto, ton , bavif sfo-lt owu fereffriM hi tfa'
printout eapitjffifoif Kteope. A errcubit relating
l« fofieifatrotent. luwinawi wiftbe faruiehed fre»
Op aptofofaeu pereonally or Ito unto
Mamsru. Brown , C< .■> fr <«• alte.altepd to ut
tfiriardileefo the extete’fa’ pf expirtwx Ftvlfare-
Pufent Jtm? all proroeJings reirifiug to putti»te?fa
fofe tfa Utoled Stater Rrttedeffiec.
Afr itfafers.fai k*g»s, boffa, tfe . ffifaHd fa ad -
dyessurf, prepaid,™ ffifaW»i— -re,?r
KKW, COOMBS & Cm., •
, Solicitor* to JhMetair, ■
. my ls ly. No. 18U Bruaitwayt New fork-
' Safer; r
, r 7: » 1 er ' *’
H!ILL ’/£ StfUfoCX
• » OCTOBflit, IStib, before ttm x'lipw Umtre
dl.i.r in the town
twosa the Jcgal fioups''rtf faic, Hiic flifoWm*
property, befengiwg in' th’ HyUifh bf JoW rZ
■ Green, to Hurifai smmey, PaaViev*, tu-eit-: . 'i :
: , Nos. 271,.8f&, 24M, 2ttt,awri « p-.rt of 2t», aft
iu the i3fa .lisfriei vs *4 .reutem o£ ter to* n
Null by fader, 6C rhe, GfiiteJ fmes I‘isttito
Court, September U>tb, tsj
the Land-: are-fadeubjeef tatfa ItanSrupt?
• ' -.' WILLi.AM 3. CANTKKLL, .
Sep 20—td ‘ ' .’ • Awignees.
*>» - to .a. . ■ mt** mu. ■ * 1.1 «>*
1.. s
Asiatic CholcramChina,
O’.Mf’.A‘l»'S’art. j. ’ ,
.«gym-*- ’ 7 ?
- ALMOST EVERY CASE r.wHi G-’-fahv
c’J'U- • « oHHEM wrrfcL-^»:.Zr‘
r-f' ..ifrtetoi fy • ’•/.
rlertihg hisfatae ftiT’bunifrh'utiir: .
WeaHtaoTbx.Pi., June®, >866
Afewr«._Ztory DgeOffi tfuw, JVduftiwah ffi./. •
Dear Kits--TM&y? a rfai.leim to'
yean ttea Mtaefenazy in S&m fad UMna, I found
your vecrtgbl* Path Killer fa mtet vuta«We
renteffir ftr thnt fearful semirge, the Cfieletu.
rwerisnifatesfatf tfa taeMUkl fomtoteffiute
ettfaufa to a»o >tewfawtoslof tofaKiUfato*
fittjsriu's js'i s:
TbKy toifa -way etatto AM!*.- eitoifi efa to W
yetovtoMi' ' 5.'- Y-outtotywy. . _ .e ’
’ 7 U fa ‘
1% to V r- efr £
ft- ’
Onitleinfii— * * * L Wiot to say ajittle
f havotmvefad a gopifffeto fluce I favc Ijyeu hi
Kafato-W ’deVferWM'WtHW ff
te my jufattae LNMffifiteftMly for ifa Miatir 1
Caldera, ill 18411, ami wMb better simeess than any
oUter medlelhe -. f tofa usOd it fare for i lioleta in
Chelcxa! * * * I regret to say that !fa
cholera Im- pi faail-'d lu re Us- lute so W fota’fu!
extent, ffr.r (fa tfal tfaesr wpuim, Jeufa tfa «»1
fifty ot sixty Cfad caws^ each
ported. I rtlionW ad-l teat the flun Killed fold
mufajy taem Uta Miseipti .UfiM, Wfarii .fafa
with cvmtuhrabli,- eaccesn -luriwr **w epideuiiK
I fiat mi inseamfa is gtetetotny tofecMnl iu dxdffi-
..:. yr-I- tfiitoirpote, India.
*' ' ’ JX* "** ..’’ r tort* 3 -O- ■\* ’ ' *
iFl’uni tfa PortlamTMontely.l
Summer Complaint and Dyientery,
4 IfetfoJ eowplaiuts seen! jfal »e,ft le Ms 4he
prevailiug clement, and any medicine tbst is
everywhere nrteptaltle, a 11'1 tlufttsreljjjjifa, is u
Very desirable iiiTfUu-itioiu From wliat weliave
seen, lieurti. and expuienoed, w* faW«vu"Vavi»'
rafa Killfa ia this desiderattnp, For ft* best
method of eriog it/We quote from tfa direotione:
“Fpr common bowel complauits, give one tea
fpoonfnlina gnt-if b*W milk arid molaMr*. rri
nftrtf» stiiTtttl well toiFOither * <♦«< Awi
e-kjiifti tr<»tnr’, nniieu wen iNlirtjm »*»<>
pent the Jowd'WfMttT V
’"Wo quickset, xuv towMfe
weft Whether fad drank hot, M'tfa riunwlHfa
faliiteg tfa fawels freely wifh.aediciun Let
Ufa doc*. Ire rrptoted ever* hour uuUi tbajaufaU
Is rdlieved. r . « -''tfa t
If UVeey-fatfan who has icason to Mn 'tnfr
<ii < i.-e wirnld provide llmiusolve* iviih al.mile
of this tfadlene, ahti use i* ot-casiou required. we.
olßa j i - s
I n oi
B f B Nel
■ MMI i 2 2 ?
& twnh
o ’**f ■• ■ * e
g :
trt - T
Np- c “
SMttieM Mfered Useless.
' puff MOriT ’ EMINENT FWftHCLANfc
*- «ctoretrt -ted Dlritte* rmreiawfas ; #te .fa»
totfa ge&N«A RES I'ORERS foe rntovtor's
Vltiurt or Wfastnraeidyrn&'A’thfTio
oipvr We* Emu fitotofeto, <* WMf *>« v J
Pain in the Eye ball; Atnauresir, or ftfaeurity
<if VisioßV’’ Rhotefhobfo, or >at<4erfaec ot
Light; Wrufami to w RtoiitiMto* Oyrtie
M/odeecpkhL fa. gfaeft to Mfaftig
B idiea before Isa mJ; T>nhtfaloUt or Luii*ui
natiow of -th* Bjfo tafd Wytohfe,dftfi Imperfect
Mtei Mtofosto* Wfatato ’■ ■ T
.f Give ktoarantototbr 3kuiH RhftwitoL
OSlf* ’♦> • K ’4 - 4>»£U
h' xb
's-r-' faft -‘-j -ptotot’ ■< Mt#?
Ike jkst Oadtner of St* EtofaiylU EtPitcd.
' ***-■ s 9’ HI T®PWW»r? a i
■' 'i'lmy ■ r*s ’ fa ■ ri4i> Jre a»y ’ *»£ fUtoh'tenert ’
torfadtal rfatau,
fa tee ey.
near cy«KD *
JIH the SfMpl.
Only kn-iwu Remedy rn the-hrtt » kh-eat SuctoST.' ■.-<■>■■■.' ••-'
For "further information, pvfte, e»A«JrlMe»te«
i torefaea, fadrSfr
' z. j Dr. J. Stephen* & 00,.
p. o. BSX, 92fi,
<-k . Ojbce, 840 Broadway, NEW I'ORIL
tiRjEiiTAL KYH OINTMENT will euro in
leeued lids, »ty«, rtys.. , K
TraVfcllmff Agent? Mranteil..
.G; sml >Z.CUfM *1 L N 1O N ' P A D
. vrtiiop of H1« Rerttfata* fel » plefaant and
afaorfed* empl>ymvat, derifoll*A«»f pO AguHes
tUarjfymen, Tcacfarr, bUrte»its. J . anifi Tumen
Sul for *ll who,-leiqre t» make atl hfaoetliving
1.. an eiisy in;ffi >yirtcnK " AIJ faking
’foftaroi* f* fjgfiilltvfitrftfeftAfap- twenty foe
renrrfa-pSylfeStitae audtffeffi ♦f'qirmteix'dtdrv
rjil.v •#-wtawia* iwffirißtofi.nrf^r'Agfais. Town"
Agunts Wanted. ' nov27-d*wly
k PogtpoM* & JUwWs s*le.
Jb? AfJF” i»nto pta of Ae honorable the
' ¥>lllh Coyt of for the
Son t bent Bwrwt of Georgia, ftv favor oT the plaift
tiff, in the IMtowtog otoi.’to-wit: George W.
llatcijw. file Bank of Qomnrarce, I have levied
Spun, abthe property of the itefemdant, the Boult,
of Commerce, part of lot efiend ntuuirered leu
|IO). JekylTytning, ®urky Warfl, together with
all the nnpi-byKrnouU.therifoa, eotißisUng .<rt a
builfiiug. known afthe Bank of Commerce Binid-
rtttiete,lying, Rhdhentg ln the cHy of Sa-*
vaauali, rotmty qf<ttatltou,«li<tßtaleof Gflorgia,*
and ivih aefi the same tp public auction ;nt the
Court House, In tire rtty of tovauilaJi, Cbatliam
botatfo, Heorgra. oh the FIRST TUESDAY IN t
OCTOBER next, letween so lawful hours oi
Dated>vajaiah?G» , 186 S.
* ’ WM. G, DtemspN, V 8. Murslil
' Terms ca’hr Propwty peAtdd; oat by.pleib.*
tip otlrt***— “» 4 »..
AssigSer-s. fate. „■ .
O TYj- Pursuani trto *civr from the Uorf...
Frank ff.' HessOltinS, Btgfrtfic in Bankruptcy for.
the Soolharo Dislriet irfffcoAi*, wilt bo sold in
the city of AfefruStaja* rtn trwro* Market House,*
t«aon CampbeHAnd tfAiAMjten streets, >nowu
as the Palaor (fttfefeh, together with all the iai't
the above rtat estate 1
trances, they having been Mderad. to. bo teans
ferred to tM FtootaU «f tale of-the sunn.
Also, to tto.tata»»too.to4- Haw. wiH-bs raid
Parbluudrtoyhuf fcrpopefo. •
..t-Mlt ' m-'igjt A. MlLßGN,'Assignee.''
.< >- . ■ . /
United States for tto Southern Dirtrrct of’
.’. - h# BAMKRUpicYt
•?s*“ fttMifk r • No. 30.
TheMM Bankrapt biyHs petitioned thd ’
(hmrtinr a provj-
We uniter the RanhrwUU ol March 2d, 1867.
nutlets ta iibfojiy g&en to Ml nersofts Interested
~ tn oppenf df toe 2t?d day Os October, W#, at
9<&&&k *is„tUtatew of said District.
Oparti before Flank 8 Heseeitiue, Esq,, one of .
the Registers of s«M Court In Baukraiptty, at
to«-Court House in Bainbridge, hngiid District,
ajto w>w' iwnse why the prayer «f the said.
petittoa otthe Baukruptebould * gtanU'd.
Anddurthix notica isgiven thatthe ifeeond inft_
twftumeettnKs of creditora.wrll be he|d at the
at 4b. .this 24thday of Sep-
toffltoUMLr'.f ‘ . •
.■ ■ - C?e '*‘
I for *i< Murtherh District of
; sV; fotnkrapt. y ... 54.
r i'-B*»knipt tovkfcg’ petitioned- the
Court fora dtostorge from all bis debts prova
ble ujHler the Bankrupt Act of Marell 2d, 1867,
notice id hereby irtyen to all pefspns interested
t<* appear on the 2t'd day of October, 1868, jt Iv
o’olook Ato tba J tare«tafe, M chambers of
said. Dlaiript Court, beldre'Usrson Blai k, Esq.,
i one of thcßegteters of the said Court in Bank
[ rnptey, at AttunU, show cause why the
t rMfiMf Mtbe said MtiUctoof the Bipikrupt
r dmbald act be granted. . And further notice is .
given Umt thw second and third meetings of
( .cgiptoi s will bt bud at juitnc time add
f tire Erskine,
V - rtaTt l Amtee'bf taW Cwt, <Ai» 25th day
- >»>««»■»»'* yy- -■ ;
AX ' «Mi - ClßtaicT (B)URT w THE
. I-.UniMd Stator Jer the’Northern District of .
‘ In the matter *t. - f , .
■-JEREMIAH-CtrttLANTi,} fs UAmnurercx.
t * '..
may- ttooetoj. Tlie- undersigned
k -&W.- appointment aS,
Arygprit "f Jeismreh Chrtemud, es the comity*
P'r-.pSktfn,' und_ Stale ,of tf#ovam, witMu said
IHsiriej, whn has been adfudged u Bauki ii|l
| upravfrta.qwaptafckm toU>» District Court v s
. DgUd the. -d j| A y
' ' ■><“ ‘ ' Assignee. , I
: rS THM DmiHtiT VDiiltT OT THE -
1 lma*ted-*tatfl»ffi>blriip NowHsnrn District of .',
j 'X: * '• '■ • "•
I -IsWvmiHhto**wefn'foTbe hndersigned. .
I torchy give® nbtfce of rite iippokrttueut au
1 34iito« K.’9«Hj»iuju, oi Augueta, •
> lUbMuoMl 'hfmAmiby., State of Georgia, within
tat Disto(it, .tffco to».bßcwiutjudgetl a Buulw
rapt by the Distrlet
T c?f ANttS •% GOODRICH;
- ;!■ - • ,-3 Assignee.. . ,
fir tiis■ btSt uwDi' the.
JL Baited--ditattadfK the &xrtk®rn district of
ftortjpfo r ■•“ . ,'• • j
- . ?Ifc W . Wittoiu-d the
’OButa fob a tMsetorto froth Wit his debts prova-
. tafr ntedartavDetoatetaActalf M*rdu,M, 186 T .
notke if totoby given tbMAptiraoßS interested
‘rtapptAi nutbe W'day<4\O4obcr,. 1868, at 8
e’clook a. m., at ctmtotorf -of said .District
Court, before ffMak A Sfossdtlto, Esq., one of
, tats at tad Coert in'Btokrujitey. at
CourLHcmse in Bainbridge, iissaul Distnct, ,
*Cd ftirtMv BOtivbWjriwu tout the second and
tantortHW •t-e»Wtato*-iUbehcM kk toe
i > Clerk.
Uutod Rtates for Ac Jidtrtwir ttielriet of
IN BASMSIUPi 6’ff' .j
Th>* MtfStorlii fo>n d to l Mu peplitrtte.l
foaa -bK4ta>ts provable under - -
ferenoou,, said District Ceu.U,
before Charles G McKinley, one of the Ragisters ;
of the eaid Court hi Bankruptcy,.at the Register's ,
MBwitnißs city «t ltowann, Georgia, and- show
iltasa wky tfco rraytahof towuaid petjtofo 6f the
Eaakrupt shoWd «•< gMptefl. And further, 1
M»s is hereby giveu lhal tbe second and third
meetings of eseJlbW wHI bo heU at the same
' ’ C <' j
Witnas* Die Hesforotoe Jotui Erskine,
tWH, ‘ ° - -
\ ‘ ' '. . «erk.
t’wited States* Jor the Sttatltern District of
Geoiwa. . ■ ,
In tbp mattes of
". as. tto firm of
ERLICH * 'KAUL, M= 202.
' • .* Bankrupts. J
The bald Bankrupts having petitioned the
Gomt for a <U»ebarge from all their debt# prova
btounder Um Bankrupt Act of March 2d, IBfl7.
tußioi- U hereby given to all persons Intel eated
ti; appear <m the ilst day of October. 1808, at
J d*cfm.-k »• «• ■ at chambers of said District
Court, before Frank 8 Heseeltine, Esq., one of
the Htlisb-rs of said Court in Bankruptcy, at
the Court House in tjnitnlan, in said District,
andAhow.cause why the prayer of the said po
titloh of the Bankrupts should not begranttd. i
Dated at Savannah, Ga., This 29th day of Sep- I
tember, 1808. JAMES McFHERSO.N,
ocl-lawJw dork, J