The National Republican. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-1868, October 07, 1868, Image 3

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    National Utpublican
Official City Paper.
AV 4 VS T A . U A
Miniature Almanac for October, 1868-
Sun Khw 5 59 f Sub Sets .* <3
Full Moon—Oct. Ist, 2.50, evening.
Last Quarter—Oct. 9, 1.05, morning.
New Moon—Oct. 15th, 5.53, evening.
First Quarter —Oot. 23d, 4.34, morning.
Fall Moon—Oct. 31st, 5.57, morning.
Range of Thermometer.
At Ths National RsriisLicAn Orric*,
October 0, 1868.
o «.,»< I 12 m- I 3 >,.»«■ I 6 p.m. | 'J pm.
®F | 71' I 7S I 62 | HO
The Illness of the Editor
Is again plead as an excuse for the
paucity of original matter in this issue of
the National Republican. He hud a very
severe attack on Sunday last, but rallied
again on Monday, and, we 1, Uy hoped,
with milder weather would come at least a
partial restoration of his shattered health.
On yesterday, however, he had a relapse,
and, at the present writing, we regret to
say, ho is in a very critical condition.
ffllacou and Augusta Kall road.
The stockholders of the above railroad
company wilt meet in this city ou Thursday,
15th instant.
——— - •
Recorder’s Court.
Mr. McMahon was the only person before
thia Court on yesterday. His bad whiskey
and disorderly conduct subjected him to fifty
dollars fine, or one hundred days on the
chain gang- He chose the latter alterna.
Fires in Georgetown.
Two fires occurred in Georgetown, S. C.,
on Thursday night last, by which soms nine
or ten stores were consumed.
Colored magistrate.
K. C. DeLakge, colored member of the
South Carolina Legislature, has bwu ap
pointed Magistrate for Charleston county.
Quick Run.
The schooner N. W. Smith arrived at
Charleston on Monday last, from New York,
in the short passage of seventy-two hours
from port to port.
Among the improvements going on around
the Capitol at Washington is the hying of
the celebrated Nicholson pavement. We
should like to see some improvements of that
kind in this city. Many of our walks need
it very bad ; and, rather than miss, we would
take a brick walk.
■ • .—";*■•■ ’ ’ ■ - i-
Up to the close of the list yesterday, 274
names were registered. Those receiving
certificates of registry cannot be too careful
in preserving them, as they will not be
allowed to vote at the city election in Decern,
ber, unless these certificates are presented at
the jiolls.
A Teat Run.
We see by a late paper from Washing,
ton City that the Fire Commissioners had
a test run the other night.
We think the man at the lower market in
this city was trying a little of this game on
his own hook in ringing so long after the
fire was out on Monday evening last.
The almanac makers say that there will be
two full moons during the present month—
one on the Ist, the other on the 31st. Jen
kins, the prophet, assures us that there will
be more marriages this month than during
any other month since the close of the war 1
This prophecy was probably based upon a
knowledge of the above (act.
• <B
Watch Prcae jitatioii.
Uncle Jesse Oslik, the venerable and
popular Messenger to the House of Repre
sentatives, was presented with a watch by
that body, oh Monday last, in a neat speech
by Hon. W. J. Hudson, of Harris. Uncle
Jessn has been reelected, consecutively, to
his present position for about twenty-five
years, and well deserves the compliment
paid him.
Have You Seen it 7
Our exchanges tell us that Eueke’s Comet
is tiow visible through a glass. It is lo
cated near the constellations of Geimini
and Cancer, and can be seen between 3
o’clock and day-light. If this uj the case,
we may soon look for it in the evening, as
astronomers have said that in the latter part
of October it might bo seen with the naked
eye from 9 itt the evening to 3 in the
Bureau Changes.
We Team that Captain W. S; Whalen, of
the Freedman's Bureau, has baen trans
ferred to Daltou, in this State, nnd Captain
R. J. O'Roak, of General Meade’s staff,
detailed to succeed him here. We regret
to lose Captain Whalen, who has dis
charged his duties both in an unostentatious
and satisfactory manner, and cheerfully
commend him to our friends in and about
The Democracy of the First Ward, in
their club room last night, made rather a
novel display in the way of dancing, crying,
or frolicking in some way. From all that
we could learn, the speaker of the night was
blistering those members of the club who
had formerly acted with the Republican
parly, when “one of the good Old sort, - ’ who
had fallen from Radical grace, approached
the speaker and reminded him in the words
u yon zare 1 you zaie'" that he was treading
heavily on his sore -toes, when a scuffle
ensued, and the lost scalawag was gently
reminded that a little fresh air would benefit
his heated and temporarily disordered brain,
and perhaps have a tendency to strengthen
his back, which appeared to be at this time
iu a “iwai’iHj way.'’ The second act was a
grand boo-hoo try, at which time our re
porter left.
Ola Newsparera
Can be bad at this office for fifty cents per
hundred. -- ' 'V
[From the Atlanta Er».
The Georgia Legislature.
Atlanta, October 5,1808.
Mr. Hinton moved to reconsider so much
of the action of the. Senate ae relates to the
bill creating u Board of Commissioners in
reference to public rouds and revenues,
which was not agreed to.
Mr. Harris moved to reconsider the
action of the Senate in reference to the
resolution extending tho time of adjourn
ment until Thursdyy, which was agreed to
and the resolution laid on the table.
To change the lines between Macon and
Taylor counties. Passed.
To Incorporate the Georgia Marine and
Fire Insurance Company. Passed.
The incorporate the town of West End.
To authorise the municipal authorities
to license and define the privileges of pawn
brokers, Passed.
A bill to incorporate the Citizen's Bank
of Dalton. Passed.
A bill to amend section 2,530 and 2,531
of the Code, in behalf'of widows and
minors. Lost.
A bill to provide for the payment of the
interest on the bonds maturing for the year
1868. Passed.
A bill to alter and amend an net tu incor
porate the Oglethorpe University. Passed.
A bill to carry into effect the clause of the
Constitution in reference to grand and petit
jurors. Passed.
A bill to change the lines of Marion and
Taylor, so as to include the residence of 8.
Montgomery in Taylor. Passed.
A bill to change the line between Berrien,
Irwin, Lee and Terrel!. Passed.
A bill to incorporate the Brunswick Gas
Light Manufacturing Company. Passed.
A bill to incorparate the Brunswick Street
Railroad Company. Passed.
A bill to make valid the tax levied for
educational purposes in the county of Echols.
A bill to revise an act relative to the
building of a railroad from Athens to Clay
ton. Passed.
A bill to incorporate the Memphis Branch
Railroad Company. Passed.
A bill to incorporate the John King Bank
ing Company of Columbus. Passed.
A bill to authorize Ordinaries to issue
writs of habeas corpus. Passed.
A bill to incorporate the Alpharetta
Mining Company. Passed.
A bill to amend the charter of the city of
Atlanta, so as to provide for registration of
voters. Passed.
A bill to define the jurisdiction of courts
in this .State iu suits where railroads are
concerned. Passed.
A bill to amend an act relative to indigent
and maimed soldiers. Passed. a
A bill to incorporate the Nacoochec Valley
and Hajmay Mining Company.
Senate adjourned to 2} o’clock.
Mr. Barclay moved lo reconsider the bill
passed Saturday, giving laborers the first
lien on saw mills.
Mr. Rawls opposed the reconsider ition ol
the bill.
The motion to reconsider was lost.
Mr. Darnell moved to reconsider the bill
incorporating the Van Dyke Hose and
Hydraulic Mining Company, laid on the
table on Saturday.
The motion prevailed.
Mr Sanssey moved to reconsider the ac
tion of the House incorporating the Pulaski
Insurance Company.
The motion prevailed.
An act to carry into effect section 12, di
vision 2, article 5 of the Constitution of
Georgia. Passed.
A bill lo expedite the trial of coses in the
Superior Court. Passed.
To change the lines between Polk and
Haralson counties. Passed.
To authorize the formation of the Protec
tion and Ocmulgee Fire Companies, of Ma
con. Passed.
To incorporate the Gainesville, Dahlon
ega and Ducktown Railroad Company.
To amend 4333 section of Irwin’s Code, to
punish cattle stealing. Passed.
To regulate the payment of orders issued
upon the County Treasurer. Passed.
To organize a Criminal Court iu each
county of the State. Passed.
Mr. Scott, of Floyd, offered a resolution
appointing a committee to confer with a
Senate committee in regard to adjournment.
The resolution referring to unfinished busi
ness stated that the General Assembly could
not adjourn on to morrow the resolution
was lost.
A bill to provide for the Columbus Mu
nicipal election, withdrawn.
House adjourned until 3 o’clock this after
senate —afternoon session.
The Senate met, anil took up bills of the
House on their passage.
A bill to amend an act incorporating the
town of Spring Place. Passed.
A bill to incorporate tho Dalton and Mor
ganton Railroad Co. Passed.
A bill to change the 10th section of the
Constitution in reference to changing tho
present Capital from Atlanta.
Mr. Nunnally said he was in favor of the
bill, and moved to amend that alter the
passage of the bill, the peoplc,shall endorse
on their ballots at the next election, “re
moval or no removal.” He was willing to
do what was right in the premise*, and if
his amendment was agreed to the General
Assembly would still have a voice in the
matter.- The car populi, box Dei, was still
in vogue, and he was simply in favor of the
people having a showing. The bill was laid
on the table—yeas 21, nays 20.
A bill to incorporate the town of Kingston
was passed. *.,
A bill to authorize R. L. Rogers, execu
tor, to pay over a iro rula share of tho es
tate of H Rogers, deceased, Passed.
A bill to authorize the Trustees of the
State University to provide an Agricultural
College. Lost.
A bill to allow attorneys to administer
oaths in certain cases. Passed.
A bill to allow W. J. McGill to peddle
without license- Laid on the table.
A bill to incorporate the Georgia and
Alabama Steamboat Company. Yeas 1,
nays 1. The President voted yea, and the
bill passed.
A bill to prescribe the mode of ,adminis
tering the oath to voters at elections for
President and Vico President, and mem
bers of Congress. Laid on table.
■ A bill to change tho residence of John
i C. Shipp, of Cobb, to the county -of Pauld
; ing. Passed.
A bill to change the line between White
and Hall. Passed.
1 The bill vetoed by the Governor in re
i ferenee to amending the charter of the
> town of Lumpkin, was lost—yeas 23,
i nays 15.
A bill for the relief of Isaiah Williams.
’ Passed
! A bill tp extend the time granting lands
j surveyed under head right*, until January,
r 1869. Passed.
’ A bill to increase the number of sessions
of Superior Courts, not less than three time*
> each year. Passed.
* A bill io provide for the relief of crimi
s iials in prison who are unable to pay costa.
A bid to relieve Suaiurn Montgomery,
- security, of Schfoy Wibirty/ P*s»»d.
The Senate adjourned until 8 o’clock jLtn.
Inc examine into the digi
r bility of Beard, Belcher and IHvis, reported
that they, alter full investigation, found
Beard to have in his veins more than one
eighth of negro blood. Report adopted.
Whereupon Mr. Gober offered a resolu
tion that said Beard be declared ineligible
tea seat on this Poor, which was adopted?
The following resolution was adopted
Whereas, To-morrow being the last day
of tho present session,
dissolved, That the ladies of Atlanta be
requested to visit the House of Represents
fives, where their many warm friends and
admirers can once more receive their sweet
smiles, and that tho city papers be re
quested to publish this resolution to-mui
row morning.
The House adjourned to 'J o'clock to
morrow morning.
The Stale Hoad.
The following brief note from Colonel
Hulbert to Governor Bullock, is quite
expressive :
Western A Atlantic Railroad, I
Office of HvperiHlendent, >
Atlanta, October o, 1868. J
To His Excellency Unfits B. Bullock, Gov
ernor ;
Sir—l have this day paid over to N. L.
Angier, Slate Treasurer, twenty-five thou
sand ($25,000) dollars, earnings of Septem
ber, 1868.
Very Respectfully,
Your obedient servant,
E. lIui.nEHT,
. Superintendent.
iW • W"
Who Wann lo Ret?
As our offer to bet even, on tho Prcsiden
tial election, Las not yet been taken up, wo
amend by now giving the odds: SSOO to
S4OO, $250 to S2OO, $125 to SIOO, or $62 50
to SSO. Come up, ye Blairites, and take
any of the above amounts. The money is
iu thia otlico.
Another Bet.
Editor National Republican-^I offer
the following proposition for the benefit of
jubUan.l Democrats. At the State elections
on the J3th instant, I will bet—
sloo that the Republicans carry Pennsyl
vania ;
SIOO that the Republicans carry Ohio;
SIOO that the Republicans carry Indiana.
1 know that Democrats will bet when they
think there is a chance to win; and
as some of them are boasting of carrying
the above States, I make this proposition to
teat their sincerity. Put up the money,
Democrats, or quit your big talk. Enclosed
you will find the $360. You may bo aston
ished, Mr. Editor, when you read this, but I
bet to win. A Democrat.
The money is in hand.—-Ed Bep.
Beautiful Fancy Goods,
In great variety, at 190 Broad street.
Latest Style Hat* and Bonnet*.
Mrs. Pughe, 190 Broad street, has just
received an as.s rrtment of Hatsand Boimets,
including the “ Grecian Bein'.”
---Another bond robbery was successfully
nceomplished yesterday in- Wall street. A
box containing SIO,OOO in Five-twenties was
taken from the office of Mr. Phillip Dali r, it
is slated, by a man who came into the place
under pretence of looking at the Directory.
Office NatibNai, Kbpitlican, i
Tifesoav, Oct. - I’.M. f
FINANCIAL.—(foId is buying at sl.lO, and
and selling at sl.l 1ai.45, Silver Is buying at
s*.BB, and selling at $1.40.
COTTON Market easy. Middlings 25c.
Flour, Bacon, Bagging and Rope the same as
at last report.
LONDON, October 6, -V00,,.- -Securities un
NEW YORK, October 6, .Vboa,—Gold 1.395,
Money easy, at 6a7. Sterling Bs. ’M’s, 13.
North Carolina's, 68J; new, 07J. Virginia’s,
ex coupons, 53J; Tennessee's, ex coupons, 66J ;
ucw, 68.
NEW ORLEANS,) October 6.—Sterling 491*
51. G Id 1.39 R
BALTIMORE, October o.—Virginia’s, old,
inscribed, 46J bid, 47 asked. ’66’s, 48a49 ; ’67’s
48 asked. Coupons, old and new, 53J.
NEW YORK, October 6, £veni»i/.. — Gold is
firm at 40g. Sterling dull and heavy at BJ,
Money easy at 6a7. Discounts dull. Southern
Bonds weaker. Stoeks active—Government’s
strong ; 62’s, 13 ; Tennessee's, new, 841: North
Carolina’s, new, f>6s.
Produce and Other ’larket*.
LIVERPOOL, Oo over 5, —Cotton
LIVERPOOL,October 6, A’ooa.—Cotton quiet
and steady. Sales 10,099.
HAVRE, October 9.—Cotton quiet.
NEW YORK, October 6, Noon.— Cotton quiet,
at 27a27Jc.
Flour slightly favors buyers buyers. Wheat
dull and drooping. Corn dull and Ic. lower.
Mess Pork dnlt, at 28.75. Lard dull -steam 19|»
19fc. Turpentine quiet, at 43c. Rosin dull
strained common 2.59*2.06. ’Freights quiet.
BALTIMORE, October 6.—Cotton firm.
Flour and Wheat dull. Coru firm—white
1.25. Oats firm at 75a80. Rye firm at SQ.
Lard 29}»21e.
SAVANNAH, October 6.—Cotton quiet, Salos
187 bales Middlings 25J. receipts 1,722 bales,
exports 950 bales
CHARLEfstoN, October 6. Cotton qniet
and weak; sales 281 bales; Middlings 25c.
Receipts 842 bales. Exports coastwise 859 bales.
NEW YORK, October 6, feeat*,/.—Cotton
less aetfvc and a shade lower. Sales 1,461) bales
at 27.
Flour unchanged. Wheat ia2c. lower. Corn,
Southern, la2e. lower: Mixed Western I.lla
1.12. Mess Pork 28.60, Turpentine
Rosin 2.15a2.47f.
MOBILE, October 6.—-Cotton—Market o|moed
with a fair demand. Middlings 25a25J. Sales
400 bales. Receipts l:}7 bales. Expoi*v
l,so9b*lcs. r ‘
NKW ORLEANS, October 6.—Cotton quiet
and lower- Middlings 25j*25)e. Sales 1,400
bales; receipts 4,117 bales; exporta 7,080 bales.
Sugar and Molasses quiet and unchanged.
Lit ERPOOL, October 0, Evcninj.— Cotton
LI v ERPOOL, October 6, Afternoon. —Cotten
easier. Uplands 10$; Orleans 11$.
LOUISVILLE, October jß,—Flour Super*
fine 6.25. Corn 98a1.00. Mees Pork 29. >0a29.70.
Lard 19ja20. Shoulders 12j|al3; clear sides 16a
16$. Whiskey—free $1.25.
CINCINNATI, October 6.—Flour dull. Corn
doll. Mess Pork firmer »t $39*32. Bacon buoy
ant— .-h iaiders 12}; clear ribsides 16. Lard
quiet at 19}c.
WILMINGTON, October fl.—-Spirits Turpen
tine firm at 38}o; New York caaks 3Vc. Rosins
' steady—strained, 1.79; No. 1, 2.59*4.96; p»ie,
4.25*4.50. Tar 2.99.
Murine N»w»
CHARLESTON, October 6.—Sailed : ‘ Str.
I James Adgor, New York; Str, Prometheus,
Philadelphia; Brig Cecelia, Liverpool. Scbr.
1 l.irtie Batchelder, Boston ; Behr. Bob’. I'aldwell,
New York.
Arrived: Str. Champion, New York.
SAVANNAH, October fl.—Arrived; Sbip
Screamer, Now York.
Cleared : Steamship Leo, New York.
WILMINGTON, Oot. 6.—Arrived: Steamer
• Fairbanks, New York.
NEW YORK, October 9.—Arrived; Steamer
Manhattan. >'
NEW YORK, Oehiber fl.—Arrived ; Stasrs.
I Mereidßa and Clyde.
Special to the Augusta Republican.)
Senate Adjourned Sine Die
Address «f Speaker McWhorter,
House Adjourned Sine Die.
Atlanta, October 6.
Iu the Senate, tho following were piuzcd :
A bill relative to fishing and huntiug on
the |iremises of person* without permissiow.
To incorporate the Savings’ Bink of
To incorporate tho Georgia Western Bail
A res-oluiioii appointing Committee ou
To authorize Ordinarica to appoint arbi
trators in certain eases.
The bill to make uniform cl. clion tickets
was lost.
A resolution of ‘.hanks to the President
and President pro tern., (or the faithful dis
charge of their duties, was passed.
The above resolution was amended, by
thauking proprietors of newspapers for the
gratuitous distribution of their papers. Also
to reporters for correct reports of the pro
The President of the Senate was added
to the commitiee to examine the books of
the Western and Atlantic Railroad.
Tlw President, after a few appropriate
remarks in reply to Senator Nunnally, de
clared the Senate adjourned situ: die.
The House, after passing several local
bills, ailjourncd sine die.
The following is the substance of Speaker
McWhorter’s remarks :
Gentlemen of the House of lleprcsenlatives:
Our work for the present session is ended.
Whether il In: for the good of those whom
we represent is a question they must de
leiuiine. Os your many responsible duties
we were no: mistaken in the boginhiug.
True,, tin. session ha* bi.en uuu.nally
prolonged, but many perplexing and ceubac
rassing questions, upon which you have
been called to act, rendered our stay
here unavoidable, I know you have been
constant, in season and out of season ; that
your time and energy have been constantly
taxed in the execution of your duties while
upon this floor. But it is not lor utrto speak
of these things. Representatives, we met
here as strangers; personally and politically
our feelings were embittered by the extraor
dinary I, achiugs of those who should have
known better. Time has done mueh to
eradicate from our mind the bitter parlizau
estrangement wc bore to this hall. We sep
arate td-Jay uhuvst as one people in seuti
ment, with a common Interest. For myself,
I desire to say that I am glad we met to
gether here ; for, whatever may have been
the estraugeiimnl of feeling I brought iiito
this Assembly, God knows I bear none
hence; and now that wc .reparate for a
time, some of us, perhaps, never to return
«—for already the angel of death has
entered here and removed from us forever
a Moom and a Ballard—may I not ad*
monish you to bn kind ih feeling and in
word and thought, o>c toward another.
Listen not lo the teachings of tho political
slanderer, nor to him who would destroy.
This is our Government; let us endeavor
to correct the evils' which uuty exist, ap
peal to the intelligent;.' and wisdom of tbo
nation, -and pot to the pa si on aof a m<>L.
Ixst your motto bn ‘'wisdom, justice and
moderation,”'and all will La well.
Wishing you a sife retain to, and a
happy reunion with, your families and
friends, and that the evening of your days
may be as gentle as the setting sue, 1 bid
you an affectionate farewell.
I now declare this House odjuuruyd
without a day. Go<)d luck to you.
News from Washington.
Washington, October 6.—Partial returns
1 indicate five thousand Democratic majority
i in Connecticut.
r Mr. Seward recognized, and wifi continue
to recognize, Goni as a representative from
t Spain until Spain names a successor.
1 There is a full Cabinet, except Evarts.
The debt statement shows a net decrease
in the debt of $970,000; coin in Treasury,
1 $906,891,000; currency. $13,365,000.
McCulloch thinks the disbursements for
1 the current mouth will be li/hter than last,
and that the October statement will show a
further decrease of debt.
’ The September disburscnieirts will show
an aggregate of $30,270,900
, Revenue to-day, $249,000.
Sibley telegraphs from Atlanta that the
1 Camilla reports will be mailed to-tnorrow.
Many parties here claims there has been
- juggl'"?-
» Advices from Hayti, to th* 2d, says that
» the Haytian man-of-war Galatea attacked
the rebel cruisers Sylvain and Liberte. The
Sylvain was sunk, and the Liberte burned
by her own crew.
, Sftlnavc had gone on the Galatea to bom
. bard Mirsgoane.
, Telegraphic advices from Mexico, to the
23d ultimo, stales that Juarez sent a mes
sage lo Cuvijjrere, presenting a cheerful pic
(• titre of affairs in the Republic.
It is expected that Congress will ratify
♦fie treaty with the United States.
r —,—**-» .
r Relief to Sufferers
Ban FR.ixns<T>, October, d.— jhw oity
!. lia; contributed thirteen thousand dollars in
gold to the earthquake sufferers.
Democratic Demonstration.
New York, October o.—The meotiuß butt
night whm the largest ever held in this city.
An experienced police captain estimates
Ural there wero ninety thousand in the pro
cession. Afterwards tho procession whs
joined by delegations from adjoining coun
ties. It extended ten miles. Tho scene Tri
Union Square was grand.
Tito main stand represented the temple of
liberty, and brilliantly illuminated by st rings
of lights stretched to Tammany Hull.
The street in the vicinity of Tuinmany
ILill semned literally on lire with calcium
lights, rockuis, lira piuiiitnga and balloons.
The main stand, facing Broadway, won the
centre of attraction outside of Tammany
Hall, although there were six other stands
at which speeches wero made to an itn- ■
mense thruiig, which was roughly estimated
at half a million men women and children.
The crowd stretched comphely down
Broadway to Eleventh street, while the
cross streets were alive with citizens.
General Baldy Smith presided, and said
he represented hundreds of thousands of
soldiers who thought the results of the war
would be lort without an entire change of
A letter from McClellan was read, em
phittieally endorsing the Democratic candi
Alabama Legislature-
Moxtuomkry, October Ik—The Governor
him signed the Registration bill passed by
the Legislature.
Both Houses have passed bills providing
for an election.
The Senate bill makes it a misdemeanor
for any person to challenge a voter, and
punishable by a fine and imprisonment
The Probate Judge of each county is to
designate any number of voting places he
This is done to have all tho voting at the
Court House.
Tho Democrats denounce the Registra
tion and Election bills as frauds. It took
five days last February, by Gen. Meade's
order, for the negroes to vote at the Court
Cablegram s.
Paris, Ocfitber 6.—Later advices from
Rio Janeiro state that Lopez had arrived at
Sau Fernando, with leu thousand men.
Twenty thousand at the allies have occu
pied Pila, tire chid port of Paraguay, to
form a base ol operations against the Para
guayan position at the mouth of the Tobi
Madrid, October G.—Prim Ims arrived,
and was enthusiastically received.
Corrxn a<ikx,Oder G.—The King's speech
to R-igsday announces the negotiation® with
Prussia regarding .Schleswig Holstein as
without result.
The ratification of the sale ol St. Thomas
and other islands to the United States has
been postponed for owe year.
From Atlanta.
Atlanta, October 6. —Tin.- House Com- 1
inillcc to examine into the eligibility <4
Beard, Beh her lord Davis reported that
they, alter a full mvi aiignti'.iA, fouml Betnd
to have in hid veins more limn or.e-eighih
m-gro blood. The report was adopted,
whereupon a icinlutioii was ufl red that
Beard be declan <1 ineligible to a seat, which
was adopted,
Gim-r .l Mead : ri viewed the garrison of
this city, to day, comprising uh-teu compa
nies nf in!<ihlry, several ol cavalry, ami two
of urtillory.
N ews from Richmond.
llii'UMuxn, October 6.—Today, as forty
new pcniicntinry convicte, hired out Io work
on the Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad, were
going on the Central Railroad to Covington,
they overpowered the guard, four miles be
yond Gordonsville, nud twenty-four leaped
off while the train was going at full speed.
Two wen iiwtairtly killed by the leap. Three
were inoriullv wounded. The rest of those
who leaped off escaped.
John Quincy Adams, of Massachusetts,
arrived here fb-d iy, on his way to Georgia.
Connecticut Flection.
Uaiitfoko, October 6.—The municipal
elections occurred throughout the State to
day. The Democrats gain largely. The
majority in this city is sevbn hundred and
fifty. D -inocraiic gain over Fall four bine
dred ; over Spring one hundred. The p- m
oerntic gtiin in New Haven is nine hundred
nnd nineteen.
Sale of Savannah Republican. *
Savamkau, October 6.—The Savannah
Republican was sold by the 'Administrator,
to day. It goes into the han Is of CAoltei
J. R. Sneed, its old editor an ) proprietor.
He takes possession immediately,
Memphis, October G. Four thousand
stand of arms have arrived,'consigned to
Little Rock, supposed to arm the nngiees.
No Htei-inboat would l ike, them as freight to
Little Reck on any terms.
St. Lovis, October G.—Capt. William
Doirelson, charged with killing a negro on
the steamer Republic several months ago,
has given bail in 10,0<>»».
Pruxsau lieaHilff I.ibcraak TroiiUMUf.
Th • Medical Ucllege of Breslau, Prussia,
by command of the Government, instituted
enquiries in regard to the purity ol Dr. Rani
way's Pills. The following is a copy of the
re|>ort, after a thorough analysis', signed by
Professors of tins College s
Report nJ aa Analysis ofß'lchrutf* Ksffu
lallwj J’IZL,
Instituted fur the satisfaction of the
Prussian Government and people. It ap
pears that the great popularity of the Pilis
throughout Germany, as an hqiericnrt, nnti
billious and alterative medicine, had pro
voked tlie maliee of the apothecaries, who
caused a report to be circulated that the
ingredients were poisonous. Therefore a
scientific inquisition into their nature and
properties was ordered, the issues of which
was a triumphantvindication -of the
sanitary value of the Pills.
The Faculty of the College state in their
report that after a careful anti minttie ex
amination, they have the honor to slate that
° the Pills are not only free from every sub
stance injurious to health, but arc composed
wholly of substances and elements proHiotivg
Os digestion, and certain at the same time to
act favorably ujion the nervous system,’-
etc., etc. They st ite. further, that-the inju
rious rumors set afloat by the Prussian
a|Kathee»rics originated “in a meat! spirit of
trade jealousy, excited by the celebrity
attained by the Pills within a wry brief
Signed in behalf of the College.
Director of the Polytechnic Ruieaii,
.. ‘ Dr. Hkuh, ’
First Assistants
Dr. Radway's Pills ate sold by Druggists
anu Country Merchants everywhere.
See Dr. Railway’s Almanhc for 1868.
ex; 3—-2 w
The usiiKitgTONKD is fkeMr'ed -rfl'
teceive order and deliver she Vest quality
Castto Rock Coal. • '
octi -Jw CHAS. A. ROW LAND. I
■. . 1
"riw VWnvwMMk
; V '"fa' If* \
r \ j
Executive DoeAigttwZKT, ?
Atlanta, Ga., October TBt>B. y '
To the Principal Keeper of the Penitentiary •
Whkhsvs, ut a session of tli* Superior Court
held in and for the eoutity of Lumpkin, in Sop
tember, !•>«, Jnnws Jackeon was tried f<*r and
couvieted of the crime of murder, for the leilfing
of Isaac Turner, in July, IBM, and <>u the jury
reeomfiending him to the luijqy of the Court,
then ami there, Uterefor, sentence by the Jsdfte
presiding at said Court to be imprUoiied at iiard
labor for his natural life, h> the I’emtciitiary of
line State : It appearing from the evidence ad
duced upon said trial that the killing was done by
a military organization in rebellion against the
governrneut of the United Staten; and whereas,
the military parole given said Jackson would pro
teet him from prosecution for.aots done iu rebel
lion, so long as he obeys the laws in ton e wiiere
lie may reside; it is. therefore,
Ordered, That he, thy said Jaqie- J u-kso i, be
set at liberty and restored to M* civil rights a
citizen of this State, subject to the conditions of
the said parole.
Given under my hand and the Seal of the
Executive Department, at the Capitol, irt At
lanta, the day and year aboVe writton.
By th Governor: Governor.
Kionira Davis,
See’y Ex. Department,
oetb— 3i wit
/ a
J■■ ■ ’
We will fitrnirili copies of
the above Badse, neatly printed
on white or colored Ribhoii, at
§ls per one hundred; or oh Pa
per, at §1 per hundred. Orders
respectfully solicited-
I United States, for the .-<uii|i<:ru DLtrict of
fn the matter of )
of the firm of j
Shields, Smith <fc Co., | No. U7
Bankrupt. J
Tho said Bankrupt having petitioned the
Court for a discharge from all his debts prova
ble under the Bankrupt Act ol March 2d, UW,
notice is hereby given to all persons interested
to appear on the Oth day of Novi-mber. lS>B,at 10
«’ch>ek *. nt ehnnilwra of s idd District
Court, before Allxsrt G. Foster, Esq., one of the
Rogustcrn of said Court in Bankruptcy, at his
office at the city of Madison, Morgan eoufity,
GiU and sti<nr caueb why the prayer of the said
petition of the Bankrupt should not be granted
And further notice Is given that the second and
third meetings of creditors H ili be held at the
same time and place.
Dated at Savannah, Ga , tills 2d day of Octo
l»er. 186 X.
o<-4 lawdw .Clerk.
Hand-Kook of Politics for BGS
O JJENTIAL Campaign. Contains ail tbc
matter in the Political Mauualsof 1888, ISftJ,
and ItJtiti. Compiled from official sources. Gives
the whole I'uliucal action of tho. Govern moat,
including Impeachment, Reconstruction, Gene
ral Politics, Platform*) Acceptance of Candi
dates, etc., from April, >866, to July, IW>B.
Tables en Debt and Taxation, Pbvenue and Lx
pssdttfnc;, Jtettks, Swtthers HcgisKbUaa asd
Voles. Election Tables from 186<> to date. 100
pages, Bvo., cloth, SX6O, poet paid
Tbc Polit est Mkbtml for 1868, Separately,
cloth, JI paper cover, 7» cents, post paid.
Clerk of the llottse Os Representatives,
sepl—lNov3 Washington, D.C.
Banjo Hook?
The best uoofit rfrß thk banjo i
are these ; each contains Instructions and 1
Mesic. Bttrkley’y New llaqjii Guido, 76 cents.
Bucktey's Instructor, fI.JO. Piee’s Method,
• 1.50. Briggs’Bliitjii rtstruufor, 75 etf. Howe's
i two jo fnstruetof, 48 couU. In them you have
easy D-soni, »tiv»i-tivo, Rules for
Tuning aqd Keeping tho Banjo. Copigs will be
uiaiJed, past pci J, en receipt of tho price, by
Pitblisi»er‘,'i77 W«shingt«* SR. Boston.
septa-ts . Hl Broadway. Saw York
Advertiaoments forwarded to all Newspapers
No advance charged on PublT<heM*-j»riecs.
Amending newspapers kept op Sic.
Informal ten as to cost of AdvcAifing fiynished
AH orders receive careful atteniiou.
Inquirieeby mail answered, perippUy- ■/ <1
Complete printed Jiete nf
Special lists prepared for customers.
• AdvertiMmeata written apd Netjces secured.
Orders from Business Men eepeelaFy selicited. 1
40 WWW
I e, ' j
1 '.■.!£ j!“f! '■gSSBMHBaif
Similia Similibug Cnrantur.
t riff
ttAvi ’Abvki), hub* the most ample
Il experience, an -entire aweccas; Simple—
Prompt-Efficient «»t< reliable. They are the
only Medicines perfectly adapted to popular
nee—so rimple thaibtirtekw cannot be made in •' .i
uaiug them} eo bararie* N to be free from
danger, and it efficient aa lebe always reliable. ,
Fhey have raised the highest wunmeturalioa from
and win always render satisfcetion.
Gur «- "' C* o **
1’ {**“**» Congestion, inflammations «
3, Worms, Worm Fever. Worm-Colic M
? Urinr-Coifc, or teething of Intanto 9i
4, IMarrheaa of children or adults 38
b eriptog Biffimrooba »
S’ i’ , ®rbu»s Vomiting -
7, Coufftld, Colds, Bronchitis 25
8, Jfottralgin, Tootache, Faeo.-whe »
8, Headache'., Smk-Headwhe, Vertbio «• „
10, Dympapßia, HiHionsstomach ....77.. 2
11, Siippreaaed' or painful Periods *.
12, Unites. toopromse Periods .. .25 '
13, ''roup, Cough, difficult Breathing .28
14, Waft itheum, Erysipelas, Eruptions 26
35, llltounruliKSn, Rheumatic, Fain,. tb
16, Fever Ac Apae, Chill Fever, Agues M
17, l*iiaa»blindor bleeding no
18, Oplsttaalmry, and sore or weak Eyes so ~
15, Catarrh, eon aorehronie, Influensa so
20, WbooptngriJeugh,violent Coughs no
21, Aatlama, oppreasod Breathing M
22, Car Jt>tsclaargc«« Impaired Hearing. GO
33, Scrofula, enlarged \ sands, gwellmgH. .50
21, General Debility, Physical Weakness. 50
23, Drapsy, and scanty Secretions *3.-50
26, Meu-Sicknes», sickness from riding..
*7, Kidmey-IMaMtee, Gravel »0
28, tkorvoaa BeWIHy, Peminai Ernie-
Blona, involuntary Discharges I.ob
», Sore Nlouth, Canlrer so
30, fJrfaary Weakness, wettipg bed 50
n, Painful Periods, with SpasnM 50
82. Stiff erft><s et change of Ufa. ...1.00.
33, F, pile pay, Bparum, In. Vitus’ Dnecs .. XM
34, Diphtheria* ulcerated 86re Threat....... 90 • j
Os 35 large vials, aioracce case,
con taint ng a apeeific f«r<37ery
ordinary diaoaßo a faaaMy is
subject toi and a book of direc
tions, . 11000
Smaller Family and Travel!■»* cams,
WitttWitoH Mils, from SlrtopH
Specifics for Private fHweasen, berth
for Curing mid for Preventive "»
treatment in vials and pocket cases... ••'to *•
These Remedies, by the case cr single
box. are sent t° aD y P ftrt of tlie country by Mau
or Express, free of charge, on receipt -f the
price. . . *
Office and Depot, No, 662 Broadway. N. V.
Agents : * “ .
W. 11. TUTT, „ * . ' ■
' ■ - ' ■ Augusta, Ga.
Dr. Humphreys is consulted daily at hit office,’
personally or by letter, aaabeve, 4<rr all forms
of disease. ‘B—l2m d&p , ’ <
A Sew Volume of Music _ I
FOR t ’
VoUng Fo11€h»
- BNTITUIU ' " ‘ ,
I. Musical Xtttalioti. If. llouttds and L'x
ereites adapted t > Physical. Acfiom
HI. thiys for all Dccasfons.
IV. Saeed Pieces.
Author ,<>t ‘‘The. Nightengale,” b S«bbalh
Nviliool Triuivprtt,” ejc.
A TH ACTIVE Mbstc Bout, ft>< ' Juvonjle '
Classes, Seh'ool.s and Wenifriatfrs, sad one that
enniu.i tail in he iidmired by all Teai-lmrs and
ehularai i rice 40 < Shot port paid.
OLJVkfi, DIWN 4 00.,' '
Publishers, 277 VViwjujuiton st., Boston: - *3
CHAS. fl. DITBON A 00.,
«H2—lf 711 Broadway. New York. _ :
Ooal! Coan CkTal!
BppoiMed agbnt'kzr the
will be receiving, this time, and during
tho Winter, Ono Tbuusand Tons of the above .3
This Coal will bo sold EAR BELOW THE
PRICE OF WOOD, in'prepidtieß to its value
M fueh Tn tho altered condition ot eur system
of labor, it* advantages are important, and - *.
should he considered by all Consumers" 1
let. Il is cheaper.
2rl. One third less hvbbr*|s required to han
dle it.
3d. AH tCiuptdfl'ou toqriUcr i- reiuobed.
4th. Great so<-upity against the a»cidents. of
fires. ' ■ '
It wiH be solid, at the Coal Yard (Georgia
Railrood Dr-path et .
I-ileren Dollars per Ton !
Delivered in any Portion of the City f
To parties tekipg CAB-LOAD,-prier-ttKbep— I
tember Ist (when rafee’er freight ate
a deduction of
Fatvr' Boltnrv per far baud
will be made. Ctf ABS A HOWLAND.
. I
Rchmend Sheriff’! Sale-
DAY IN DECEMBER next, between tire
legal hours of rille,n£ thj» Lows Market Home.
iii the city or Augusta, the fallowing property, '
viz., situated in the county of Richmond ■. One
Tract of Land, about ttiree’miles from the eity of
Augusta, on the Augusta and Savannah liiuh-oad
(atoMptinp the right of way of said raNroud
through saki tract of land), eontainiug three h»n
dred uud nine acres, more or lose, bounded south,
by lands of John Phinizy and Rocky- Creek, ou
the west by lauds now qr formerly owned-by De- - J
Laigie, 011 tlie iiersh by fatsd now or -formerly -1
owned by Deloigle and t laae of J dim Pbin'rxy,
<W4 by land of John I’Juniz-y. Levied rm under
a mortgago n. fa. op foreclosure isenod from the
th4 Cutift as Riduinmri wujßly. i« fever
of John Phinizy against Robert C. Easterl ng, i<> -I
aaUsfy ssW debt and coeta, a* the property of
Robert C. Eaeteiliug, lieiug fog the pureiiase .
mopey of ijDd tract of ’and, ejrixart such poruou
of said laud as < lainred by defendant as exempt
from h-vy and-sale; said laud being Dow in pvs
seseiou of John (J. Epinks. .Ind notice this day
oervedou hint according to law. Tlieaboveprvw
erty |H.intod out by John Phinizv.
• OtfolwrT IWB.
octi Id Deputy Sheriff Khrlunoud co.
1 I nited States for tbc N'ortb<«ru Bitlrict’os’ S
" In the matter of )
Bankrupt. J Jia. 258, ' > ■
T he mid Bauirupi haying ( >etitH>uud tlie Com t
fora dMefrufge from ail his debts provable nnder
tlie. Bankrupt Act of March ‘Jd, 1817. notice is ■
hereby givep to all iutereoted to am>e«r 9
on tile Ith day of November.lß6B.l4 lUo'clock a n> 8
at ChaMwra <rf the wild District Court, before ■
Albert.G-Fester, E«p, one of the Registers of '
*ud .-Court iu Bankruptcy, at the Reg
isters office iu Madison. Georgia aud show '■
cause why the wmyer of the said -,>eticioii of the fl
Bankrupt should not be granted. Aud forther no fl
lice is given that the second and third mectiuge fl
of creditors-will beheld at the same time and place ..fl
s. i Wiiuees, the flunorable John Erskine, fl
[Seal] Judge of said Dirtrirt Court, this 3d . I
pc' l day of (iytober, 1868. i
w. B SMITH, - S
pch—law’Jw* * Clerk. >
United State* Marshal** Sale.
of fieri fo«ia». tetraeil nut of the Hmiurabfo.’- ■
tbe Fioil Cirenrt Court »f the United States fmr ■
the Soiithern Daftrictof Georgia, in favor of the -H
plaintiffs. Harn <k ohisbiag’.daihe foHoWipg case, B
p, wi': Uarn & tfoebiag vermis John N. Webb ■
and Joint M. Stnrk, i itavp fovjyd upon, as the
property of John M. Stark, tme Jot of laud, con- ■
taimng ten m-ree, more or less, together with
the inipreveuieuts thereon. Mtmtte, lying, aud B
lieing’in Wyunton. comity, of Moseogee, and
Stale of Georgia, about two miles east of Colutu
T>Urt. 'qiid bohfided du the worth, east and west by fl
the tote bi-longing to James M. Chambers, and on
Ltd- rtnuth by tbe Ipt belonging to the estate of B
Mwea Hotis, deceased, and known as the resi
dence of John M. Stark ; aud will sell the eutre M
at public idctioß. at the Court Houee, in tbe city
of Muecm. county ot Bibb, aud State of Georgia,
rbext. between the iawfill hours of sale
Terms—Cash. Property pointed out by plain
tiff’s attorney.
D:il< 4 :t» Savannah, Georgia, October 2, I8(i8.
oi-ll -lawfw Uuited Stales Marshal.