The National Republican. (Augusta, Ga.) 1867-1868, October 31, 1868, Image 1

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National Republican
Official Organ of the U- S. Government.
0,,.- Year, in advance $5 00
Six- Months, in advance 2 50
L’Ureo Months, in advance. » 1 25
A paper f urn inked gratin tn any one tsend
m a Club of tea itibecribere.
The undersigned, having a completely
furnished office, is enabled to execute all orders
for Book and Job Printing, Book-binding, or
Ruling cheaper than any other office in the
Sotfth. B. H. FUGHB.
SATURDAY MORNING October 31, 1868
Hkadquarters Department of the South, 1
Atlanta, Ga., October S, 1868. |
General Orders No. 27.
Whereas, By an net of Congress of the
United States, approved March 2d, 1865, it is
made the duty of tho military authority to pre
serve the peace at the polls at any election that
may be held in any of the States ; and VFAerea*,
this duty has become the more imperative, from
the existing political excitement in the public
mind, from tho recent organization of civil gov
ernment, and from the fact that Congrcrs has,
by statute, prohibited the organization of mili
tary forces in the several States of this Depart
ment, it is therefore, ordered,
I. That the several District Commanders will,
as soon as practicable, on the receipt of this
order, distribute the troops under their com
mands as follow? :
* « * * * «■
In the District ot South Carolina:
One company Sth Infantry, to Chester.
One company Sth Infantry, to Unionville.
One company Bth Infantry, to Laurcttfiville.
One company Sth Infantry, to Abbeville.
One company Sth Infantry, to Newbcrrj.
One company Sth Infantry, to Edgefield.
One company 6th infantry, to Beaufort.
One company 6th Infantry, to Georgetown.
One company 6th Infantry, to Florence.
In the District of Georgia:
One company 16th Infantry, to Albany.
One company 16th Infantry, to Columbus.
One company 16th Infantry, to Macon.
One company 16th Infantry, to Augusta.
One company 16th Infantry to Washington
Wilkes county.
One company 16th Infantry, to Americus.
One company 16th Infantry, to Thomasville.
One company (U) sth cavalry, to Athens.
Toe company a t Savannah to be reinforced,
should occasion require, by such number of men
at Fort Pulaski as can be spared from the post.
* « * * » *
11. Detachments, when necessary, may be
in.ide to points in the v icinity of each post; but
in no ease, nor on any pretext whatever, will
detachments bo sent, without a commissioned
officer, who will bn fully instructed by bid Po/t
VIII. District Commanders will instruct Poet
Uommunders in their duties, and the relative
position of the civil and military powers. They
will furnish them with copies of the circulars
from these Hcaquuartcrs, of August 251 h, and
October Ist ult., (the latter of which was for
warded September 15th, to District Command
ers), in which tbc instructions of the War De
partment are set forth in full. They will
impress on Post Commanders that they arc to
a. 't in aid and co operation, and in subordination
to the civil authorities; that they are to exercise
discretion and judgment, unbiased by political
or other prejudices ; that their object should he
exclusively to preserve the peaee and uphold
law and order, and they must be sa isfied such
is the object of the civil officer calling on them
or aid, that they must in all cases whore time
will permit, apply for instruction to superior
authority, but ihcy must at all hazards preserve
the peace, and not be restrained by technical
points, when, in their conscicnt ; ouß judgment
under the rules above set forth, it is tbeir duty to
act. Post Commanders, on being notified of the
proposed bolding of political meetings, may
send an officer, and if necessary a detachment,
to watch the proceedings and see that tbc peace
is preserved.
IX. To the people of the several States com
posing the Department, tho Major General Com
manding appeals that they will co-operate with
him and the civil authorities in sustaining law
and order, in preserving tbc peace and in avoid
ing those scenes of riot and bloodshed, and the
wanton destruction of property and lite, which
has already, in some instances, been enacted in
the Department. lie urges abstinence from all
inflammatory and incendiary appeals to the
passions; discounMHiancing the keeping open of
liquor shops on days of political meetings and of
election; the abstaining from carrying arms,
and asserting the individual right of construing
laws by force of arms. No just cause is ever
advanced by resort to violence. Let there be
charity and forbearance among political oppo
nents, whatever may be the result; let each
good citizen determine that all who, under the
law, have the right to the ballot shall exercise it
undisturbed. If there arc disputed points of
law, let them be referred to tho Courts, and let
not mobs or political clubs, or other irresponsible
bodies, construe and undertake to execute the
law. This appeal is made in the earnest hope
that the Major General Commanding can rely
on tho good sense and correct judgment of tho
mass of tho people, and that he will not bo com
pelled to resort to the exercise of tbc power with
which he is intrusted, and which he will most
reluctantly employ. But he thinks it his duty
to make known, that so far as the power under
his command will admit, be will not permit the
peace to bo broken, and that ho will not be
restrained in tho conscientious discharge of his
duty by technicalities of laws made when the
present anamalous condition of affairs wore
neither anticipated or provided for.
By order of Major General Meade ;
oc 14—tnov3 Assistant Adiutant^G eneral.
Assignee's Sale.
House door, in the town of Sandersville,
Washington connty, Oa-, on the FIRST TUES
DAY IN NOVEMBER next, between the legal
hours of sale, four hand red and forty (449) acres
of land, on the east, aide of Buffalo creek, adjoining
lands of Dr. J. Stone and others —it being a bal
ance of tire hundred acres, pnt of which was sixty
acres set apart as exemption
Sold as the properly of the estate of John Tra
wick, an adjudged Bankrupt, free from the en
cumbrance of liens, etc., for the benefit of the
creditors of said John Trawick. Terms cash.
October 14th, 1868.
w 14—td _
JLx Linen, and Cotton Bags, suitable for Wheat,
Corn. etc., for sale in quantities to soil.
Bags loaned far tlto transportation of Grain, by
Bag Manufacturer,
oc 13—fiwicon] 10 and 42 Whitehall St., N. Y
Richmond County.
Richmond County.
Wbkreas, James A. Gray, Administrator on
the estate of Francis O’Conner, applies to me
fir Letters of DlsinfSsioh.*
These are therefore to cite and admonish all
and singular, thojiiudred and creditors of said
dectiwM, to be and aiipear at sny office on or
before the first Monday iq November next, to
show cause, if any they have, why sai I Letters
should not be granted.
Given under my hand and official signature,
at office iu Augusta, this 2d day of June, ISIS.
j«8 dm* Ordinary.
Letters ot Dismission.
RickuMid County.
Whereas, Josephine Wilson. Administratrix on
the estate of Peter Wilson, ucceascJ, applies to
me for Letters of Dupnissioa.
These are, therefore, to cite aud admonish all
and singular, the kindred and creditors <>f said
deceased, to be tni-1 appear at my office on or be
fore th* first Monday iu October, to show cause,
if any they have, why said Letters shpitld not be ,
Given under my hand and official signature, at
office in Augusta, this 4th day of May, 1868.
my6-w-6m* Ordinary.
Letters of Dismission-
k3 Riektoiond County.
Whereas, John 1). Butt, Administrator ou the
cjstute of Patrick O’Sullivan, deceased, applies to
me for Letters of Dismission.
These are, llierefore-. to cite and admonish all
and singular, the kindred and creditors of said
deceased. to be and appear at. my office on or be
fore the firJ. Monday in October, to show cause,
if any they have, why said Letters should not be
Given under my hand and official signature, a
office in Augusta, tlqs sth day <1 Mav, 1868.
uiyG—bm* Ordinary.
O Richmond County.
Whereas, Rob. Dguglass ami S I). Williams,
Executors on the Estateof Ira 1). Mathews, late
of said county, deceased. apply to me for letters
<>f dismission :
These arc, therefore, to cite and admonish all
and singular, the kindred and creditors of said de
ceased, io he and appear at my office on or before
the first Monday in February next, tv show cause,
if any they have, why sttid Letters - hould n<»t be
Given under my hand aud official signature, at
office in Augn. la, this August 15t.1i, 1868.,
an 16 !am6m Ordinary.
Letters of Dismission,
i v /(ichniHnd County.
Whbhkas> William J. Farr, A-liuiuii-trfttor
de bonus non of the estate of. Hoorgn P. Greets,
deceased, applied to me for Letters of Dismjssion.
These are therefore to cite and admoriisii all
and singular, the kindred and creditors of said
deceased, to bo and appear at my office on or
before the liret Monday in March next, to show
cause, if any they have, why said Letters should
not be granted.
Given under my hand and official signature
at office in Augusta, this 7th day of September,
sepß-lm6in Ordinary.
Letters of Dismission
k’ Riot Ain't Cyunty.
Whereas, John 11. Rhodes; Administrator on
the estate of William F. Mulune,. deceased, ap
plies to mo for Letters of Dismission:
These are, therefore, to cite and"admonish, all
and singular, the kindred and creditors of said
deceased, to be and appear at my office on or be
fore tic first Monday in ’March next, tn show
cause, if any they have, why sa’d Letters should
not bo granted.
Given under my baud and official signature,
at office in Augusta, this 25th day of
sep 26—law6m Ordinary.
Letters of Dismission.
k 1 lUcTunond County.
Whehkas Timothy C. .Murphy, Administrator
on the estate of Phillip MuGue, late of said coun
ty, deceased, applies to mo .Icr Letters of Dis
mission :
These are. therefore, to cite nnd adm<vti>h iil,
and singular, the kindred and creditors of-■ id
deceased, to bo and appear at my irffioc, on or
before the first Munday in ?\pril next, to show
cause, if any they have, why said Letters should
not be granted.
Given uut’er my hand and official signature,
at office in Augusta, this I st day of October, 1868.
oct 2—lam6m Ordinary.
Letters of Dismission.
Richmond County.
WtiEilEAs, John 11. Fearey, Administrator on
the estate of Harry Hughes, deceased’, applies to
me for Letters of l/isimwiou
These, are, therefore, t o cite and admonish all
and singular, the kindred and creditors of the said
deceased, to l>e and appear at my office on or before
the first Monday in March next, to show cause,
if any they have, why said letters should not be
Given under my hand and official signature a
office in Augdsta, ihfs ‘2Bth day of September. 1868.
scp2o-6m Grdinary.
Leiters of Ih mission
' J Rich tumid County.
When-AS. CaiolißO Dubet. Administratrix,
with the will annexed on the estate of Antoine
Picquet, deceased, applies to me for Let tors of
These are, therefore, U» cite and admonish all
and singular, the kindred and creditors ot said
deceased, to be nnd appear at my officii ou or
before the first Monday m < htober/to slf'w cause,
if any they have, why said Letters should not be
Given under my hand and official signal tire at
Augusta, tho 16th day of May. 1868.
IO '. i‘J Jajv6m* . ordinary.
Letters of Administration.
kA Richmond County.
Wbureis. BUen Dowc applies to mo for Let
ters of Aduiiuialration on tho estate of John
Dowe, late of said county, deceased.
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all
aud aingahtr. tlie kindred and Creditors of said
deceased, to he and appear at my office on or before
the first Monday iu November next,to show canse,
if any they have, why sai l Letters should not be
Cfiven under my band and official signature at
office in Augnsta, this 29th day of September,
sep.3o -Im Ordinary.
Richmond County.
Whekyas, Daniel Brogan applies to me for
Letters of Administration di: nonis non, on the
estate of Martin Brogan. late of said comity de
These are therefore to cite aud admonish all and
singular, the kindred and creditors of said de
ceased, to be aud appear at my office, on or before
the fourth Monday in October next, to show
cause, if anv they have, why said Letters should
not be" granted.
Given under my hau l and official signature, at
office in Augusta, thus 1 tith dav of September. IStiS.
sept*—m Ordinary.
Letters of Dismission-
■R ich nt mid Cuu n t if.
Whkrkah, J&mC' T. Bothwell, AdßMnitftfatof
of the Estate of Thoma? B. Bmith, deceased,
applies to me for Letters of Dismission.
These are therefore to cite and Buinoui'b all
and singular, the kindred and creditors of
deceased, to bo and appear al mv office on «»r
before the first Monday in March next, to sh w
cause if any they have, why said bettors should
not be granted.
Given tinder my hand and official . at
office in Augusta, this 7th dav of .‘•cptemluT,
1868. SAMHteL LEVY,
The American Artisan
189 Broadway, New York.
Messrs. BROWN, COOMBS & CO., I’ropcw
t-ors of the AMERICAN ARTISAN, offer their
best services to inventori. as Solicitors of Ameri
canaud Foreign Patents. Mr. HenryT. Brown,
of this firm, lias had more than Imenly-two yeat s'
expeiiem-c in that profession, both la this comilry
and Europe, and his long practice bus made
him personally known to thousands of inven
tors and patentees. The applications for the
patents upon many of the greater and more im
portant inventions of the present century have been
prepared by him. Messrs. Brows, Coombs & Co.,
are thoroughly familiar with all the rules and re
gulations instituted for the rapid tiansac.tion of
business with the United States Patent Office, and
the general practice iu the Patent Bureaus of vari
ous European countries; nd this knowledge ren
ders them confident that t heir post experience, with
their pi i-seiit uiieqttaled facilities, enables them to
elaborately and yet speedily prepare all the uocn
meiits required by law in applications for patents,
and to promise their clients un absolute certainly
of succcssin theh'enorts to obtain LetteraPatontfur
inventions that are really new' and useful. Parti
cufar rare is given to the execution of the accurate
draioiny* winch luurt always acconipauy every
application fora patent, and they employ none but
the most efficient diauglitsmeu. The best evidence
of the manlier iu wliicli Messrs. Brown. Coombs
A. Go.’s business is perfoi-inod, is, that the ‘-Amkr
ican Artisan Patent Agency,” during the three
years of its existence, has been themost successful
institution of the kind ever established.
The principal offices of Messrs. Brown.Coombs.
& Co. are situated at 189 Broadway,opposite John
: treel, New York, in the most central part of the
city. This location is one of very easy access l>y
strangers inasmuch as it is within a stone's throw
from the City Hall. All inventors temporally so
piuming iu the inelropuUs are invited to visit this
establish meat. I n|t lio majority of i nstance uo model
or drawing of an invention will be necessary on
t.lie first interview, us a mere oral description by
the visitor will ordinarily suffice to convey such
aknowledgc of his invention as will enable Messrs.
Brown, CooMbs it Co. to definitely determine
whetheramuchino or process is Hew or old—paten
table or not. The office hours are from '.I \ »i.
to 5 I'. M.
Messrs. Brown, Coombs A Co. arc prepared to
furnish to persons residing at a distance from New
York—free of charge— irritlen opinions as to
whether inventions contain any features of paten
table novelty; to do this they simply require a
sketch or rough model of the niaeliiue or other iu
vention that is supposed to be new, together with
a brief description of the same, and as soon as pos
sible thereafter a letter of the best advice is mail
ed to the person desiring tlie information. These
opinions are formed from their own mature exper
ience; but If an inventor desires to know, posiiii, ly,
whether bis incipient idea lias ever been embodied
in a machine or process already patented, his wisest
course will be .to have a preliminary examination
made at the United States Patent office by Messrs.
ItttowN, CoOmbs & Co., who will make a special
searehjamong all the records of that institution, and
then promptly forward a full and carefully written
report ar to the patentability of the invention un
der examination. For this labor the small fee of
$5 is payable in advance; and the leniittance
should be accompanied by a sketch ot the invention
and a few lines of writing describing the same,
and distinctly stating those points of novelty which
the inventor’desires to have protected by Letters-
Patents for new and useful inventions are now
granted for the term of seventeen, years The
first instalment ofjtlio Government fee is sls, which
Mini—together with fifty cents revenue stamp tax
ou the power-of attorney -is payable tn advance,
on applying for the patent; and additional are
due to the Government when the Letters-Patent are
allowed. The Agency fee is from $25 upward, ac
cording to the labor involved; but m all cases our
charges will be as moderate as possible in the pre
paration of drawings and all necessary documents.
This fee is not payable until after the application
has been prepared awl the case is ready io be sent
to YVashington. Messrs. Brown, Coombs & Co.
have a branchia Washington so that all applica
tious made through them can have every necessary
attention in their, passage through tlie Patent Office
Inventors applying for patents must furnish
models of their machines, whenever possible, for
the inspection of'tlio Examiners in the Patent
Office; but if the invention is acliemii-al composi
tion, samples of all tlie ingredients will be neces-
Bary. Em-Il of these should be marked with the in
ventor's nanffi. then carefully boxed, and sent (by
express. prepaid), together with the first instahiien
oftbeGovernment fee,to Messrs Bbown, Coombs
& Co. When the mo lei is .-mall and light, it can
he conveniently and cheaply sdntliy mat/ The
mode! must not exceed one foot in any of its dimens
ions, unless it is of such a character that it is im
Patents, except those for designs, ate granted
on equal terms to citizens and all foreigners except
inhabitants of Canada and some others of the
British American Provinces.
Besides patents or new and usefu. inventions,
there are also granted patents for designs.
Design-patents are not now, as formerly, limited
strictly to oriiamralal configuration ; but under
Section 11 of the Act of March 2,18111, any new
/or»»ofany article, orariy impression orjiynre upon
the surface of any article or material, by whatever
means or’process produced, can be patented. Un
der this Act, patent ecs are entitled to the exten
sion’of their respective patents for the term of sencn
years from the day on which said patents shall ex
pire, upon tho same terms and restrictions as are
now provided forthe extensions of Letters-Pateut.
Among the numerous subjects foi patents of this
class inay be particularly mentioned—castings of
all metals, parts of machines, household furniture
and utensils; glassware, hardware of all kinds,
cornices, and ot lieruil'Tior aiul exterior decor lions
of buildings; also, designs for woven aud printed
fabrics, dress and upholstery trimmings, aud har
ness labels and trade marks for medieiin s, per
fumery, and all pn-pnraiions, compositions, or
inerclsuidi-e, put up ill bottles, boxes, or other
packages, are suitable subp cts; also, the forms of
such bottles, boxes, or packages themselves, and
envelopes, likewise all works of art, as statuary,
busts, compositions in allo or basso relievo. Tlie
Government fee on a design patent for3J years is
$10; 7 years, sls; II years, $:1<I. No models of
designs are required, but duplicate drawings or
photographs must be furnished- Idle specification
to accompany the drawings or photographs re
quires to be prepared with great care. Messrs
Brown, Coombs &- Co. give very particular! at
tention to this branch of tbeir business. Their
charge for preparing applications for design-patents
is generally about sls. Design patents are only
granted to American citiz< nsor to aliens wholmve
resided one year in the United States and made
oath of their intention to become citizens thereof'.
The facilities of Messrs. Bbown, Coombs &. Co
for obtaining patents in the various European
countries are eqna! if not superior to those of any
other in the United States. With rftgard to their
qualifications for such business, it need only be
stated that Mr. Brown has laid the prepara
tion of more European applications than any
otliei person in this country, Messrs. Brown,
Coombs A Co., besides having « branch office in
Washington, have their own agencies m the
principal capitals of Europe. A circular i elating
to foreign (latent business will be furnished free
on application personally or by mail.
Messi s.Brown, C< . mbs & Co. also attend to in
terferences, the extensions of expiring Letters
Patent, ami all proceedings relating to patents be
fore the United States Patent Office
All letters, packages, boxes, ete., should bead
dressed, prepaid, as follows;
Solicitors of I’atcnts.
ra y 14—fy No. 189 Broadway. New York.
Advertisements forwarded to all Newspapers
No advance charged en Publishers’ prices.
AU leading newspapers kept on file.
Information a. toyost of Advertising furnished
All orders receive careful attention.
Inquiries by mail answered promptly.
Complete printed lists of Newspapers for safe.
Special lists prepared for customers.
Advertisements written anil Notices secure.!.
Orders from Bm iuass Men s pecially solicited.
Asiatic Cholera in China.
CUlll-It M Iffl
1 V Rev. R. Telford. Missionary in China, now
visiting his home iu Pennsylvania:
Washington, Pa., June 25,1866
Messrs. Perry Dari.db Son, Providence, R. l.i '•
Dear Sirs—During a residence of some ten
years as a Missionary in Siam ami China, I found
you'- vegetable Pain Killer a most valuable
remedy for that fearful scourge, the Cholera.
In administering Hie medicine, I found it most
effectual to give a teaspoonful of Pain Killer in a
gill of hot, water sweetened with sugar; then,
after about fifteen minutes, begin to give a table
spoonful ot the same mixture every minute until
relief was obtained Apply hot applications to
the extremities. Baths the stomach with Pain
Killer, clear and rub the limb-, briskly. Os those
who had Ihe cholera, and took the medicine faith
fully in the way stated above, eight out of ten
recovered. Yems, truly,
If an attack with Diarrlirea, Dysentery, or
Cramp Colic, don't delay the use of the' Pain
Killer. Sold by all tnediciue dialers Price, 25
cento, 50 cents, and $1 bottle.
Manhattan, Kansas, April 17,18t>6.
Gentlemen— * * • f want, to say a little
more about the Pain’ Killer. 1 consider it a very
valuable medicine, aud always keep it on hand
I liuvellod a good deal since 1 have been in
Kgnsas, and never without taking it witli roe,
In my practice 1 used it freely for the Asiatic
Cholera, in 1849, and with better success than atty
other medicine ; I also used it hire for cholera, iu
1855, with the same good result.
Truly, yours, A. HUNTING, M. D.
Swatu, China.
Cholera! * * * I regret, to say that the
cholera has prevailed here of late to a fearful
extent. For ihe last three weeks, from ten to
fifty or sixty fatal cases each day Ims been re
ported I should add that the Pain Killer, sent
recently tr*.ui the Mission House, has been used
with con iilerablo silfxxra dutiltg this epidemic.
Tftakt it in season is geii'-rally effecliial in check
ing the disease.
Sholupore. India.
[From the Portland Monthly.]
Summer Complaint and Dysentery.
Bowel complaint aeoni just now to be the
prevailing element, ami any medicine that is
everywhere a<ce|4ablc, ami that m reliable, is a
very desirable acquHsilion. From what we have
seen, heard, and experienced, we believe Davis'
Pain Killer rs this desideratum. For the best
method ot using it., we quote from the directions:
“For common bowel complaints, give one tea
spoonful in a gill of new milk and molasses, in
equal parts, htirr<‘d Well together; lessen the dose
■for children, according to the age. If the pain be
severe, bathe the bowels and back with the niedt
cine. Tiffs mode of treatment is good in cases of
the cholera morbus, sudden stoppages, etc. Re
peat the dose every hour. '•
“The quickest way 1 ever saw the dysentery
cured was l>y taking one spoonful of the Pain
Killer in one gill of milk and molasses stirred
well together and drank hut, at the same time
bathing the bowels freely with medicine. Let
the dose be repeated every hour until the patient
is relieved.”
If every person who has reason to fear tiiis
disease would themselves with a bottle
of this medicine, and use as occasion required, we
believe a great amount of suffering and sickness
would be saved. je!2—2ni
Special Notice.
JF • > r # w t
',j i a 5
■Ur 2 » S °
JR > _ • W
' B n t/2
i «
&I ? 5
I I'S f
ps I 2 s >
P \IW i 2 ?
He ** e b
Psi M K
-Tv ■W ri SV
Spectacles Rendered Useless.
1 Oculists and Bivines recoiutnon l ttio use
of the CORNEA RESTORERS for Presbyopia
or Far or Long Sigblcdncss, or every person
-who wears spectacles from old age ; Dimness of
Vision or Blurring; Ovcrworuodeyes: Astheno
pia or Weak Eves; Epiphora, or Watery Eyes;
Pain in the Eye ball; Amaurosis, or Obscurity
of Vision; Photophobia, or Intolerance of
Light; Weakness of tbc Retina aud Optic
Nerve; Myndesophia, or Specks of Moving
Bodies before the eyes; Ophthalmia, or Inflam
mation of tbc Eye and Eyelids, and Imperfect
Vision from the effect of Inflammation, etc.;
Cataract Byes; Hemiopia, or Partial- Blind
ness; and irntny other Diseases < f the Eye.
Cure Guaranteed or Maney Refuwieß.
He Best Restorer "J the Eyesight Known.
Ihcy can bo used by soy one with a eer»
tainly of success, aud wifi receive immediate
beneficiai results, without the least fear of injury
to tho eye. Circulars sent free.
fhf the Rnttul or Cornea Flatlenert
’Only known HemeJy in WorM—ha*
proved a **fcat css.
For lurtber inforiMation, price, and certificates
of curcß, address
Dr. J- Stephens & Co,,
p. o. ROX, 92«,
Ofiee, 849 Broadway, NEW YORK.
flamed eye lids, stys, and prevent sty*.
Travelling Agents Wanted
Selling °f H IC Keutorcrs is a pleasant at«i
honorable ciopßyfnent, desirable for all Ladi.eß
Clergynnn, Teachers, Studente, and Farmers
and for all who desire to make aa bone.; living
by an easy employment. All perron.* tki
! «r terms to Agents mu*cncLtwruiv lire
cent’ t ■ pay postage and cost of printing mate
rials containing informat-ion for Ageni Tc.wn
Agents Wanted. nnv27 dawly
United States Marshal’s Sale.
of fieri facHiß. issued out of the Honorable,
tho Fifth Cirottit Court of the Vttited States for
the Southern District of Georgw, in favor of the
plaintiffs. Hurn & Cushing, in tho following case,
to wit; Harn 6c Cushing versns John N. Webb
and John M. Stark. 1 have levied upon, as tho
property of John M. Stark, one lot of land, con
tiiinnig ton (lb) acres, more or less, together with
the improvements thereon, situate, lying, and
being in Wynnton, county of Muscogee, and
State of Georgia, about two miles east of U'ohitn
bus, and, bounded on the north, cast aud west by
tho lots belonging to Janies M. Chambers, aud on
the south by the lot belonging to the estate of
Moses Butts, deceased, and known as tlie resi
dence of John M. Stark; and will sell the sair.e
at public auction, at lite Conit Monse, iu the city
of Macon, conntv of Bibb, and State of Georgia,
next, between the lawful houw of sale.
Terms- Cash. Property pointed out by plain
Dated at Savannah, Georgia, October 2, 1868.
oct 1 —law Iw United States Marshy
Assignee's Sale.
I) FOSTER, Esq., Register in Bankruptcy, sold before the Court Hodae door, iu the
town of Crawfordsville, county of Taliaferro, and
Stiite of Georgia, nt public outcry, for cash, be
tween tlie legal hours of sale, on the FIRST
TUESDAY IN NOVEMBER next, free from
the inrumbrence, of liens, the following property,
One tract of land in the aforesaid State and
comity, containing two hundred and twenty
(22(1) tiercK more er less.
Also; it lot of land in Cherokee County, Georgia,
described as 10l number 695, iu the 18th District,
anil 3d section, containing forty (49) acres more
or less.
Sold as the pro|vrly of the estate of David E.
Darden, adjudged a Bankrupt.
Also, at the siiini- time Htid place, a lot of land
in Taiiaferro connty, and aforesaid Slate, contain
ing one htindred and seven (107) acres more or
less. Sold as the estate of Littleton B. Taylor
Also, at the saiuc time and place, two lots of
land, containing in the aggregate, two hundred
aud ninety-nine (299) acres more or lens, in Tulia
fi-i-ro county, and said State. The property of the
estate of Joli’.i Rhodes, n Biniknipt.
Also, at the same ttnio and place, a lot of land
ia the aforesaid State and county, containing tn i
hundred and thirty-six (236) acres more or'less,
the propel t.y of the estate id Ahsolom G. Evans,
Bankrupt.. -
Sharon, Ga., 13th October, IB6S.
<>ols—ld Assignee.
Assignee’s Sale.
1 A.G. Foster, Rcgiater iu Bankruptcy for Ita
Northern District of Georgia, will be sold, at
public outcry, before the- Court House door in
Lexington. Oglethorpe conntv, Georgia, on the
tween the legal hours of sale, undivided halvegQf
lots of land, each lot containing in al! 250 iM.fe.t,
one lot being N 0.269 in the 10th dibUict; the dtffer
lot Jibing*N«». 276 in the 9th district, both lots in
Mitchell county.
Tne whole of lot No. 827, in ihe 9th diatan
Mitchel! county, containing 250 acres. Lot No.
276, in the 7th district z of originally Berrieiqaiid
it is Indicved now Berrien, containing 190 acres.,
Lol No 180. in the 13th district of Dooly co Mill,
containing 2021 acres, and Lot No. 89, in fhs 2d
district <4 Early connty, containing 250 acres. .
also, ."■■ ■
Mortgages on the following lot> of land> exe
cuted by Lewis Ethriflge to B V. Willingham,
to wit: <>n lot Nn. 310, in the 10th di trict of Ber
rien. containing 190 atres. On lot No* J 55, in the
2il district of Irwin, containing 191 apres. On lot
No. 231, in the Sth district of Early, containing
acres. On lot No. 196, iu the 6th district of
Dooly conntv, containing 202$ acres; and on lot
No 60, in the 2tkh district of De-mtur county,
containing 239 acres
These mortgages, the Assignee has been iu
formed, have been duly recorded and foreclosed.
Whatever right belonged Ui Dr. B. V. Willing
ham at the time he became a bankrupt in and to
■said mortgages, and the land mentioned therein,
and the judgments of foreclosure on the same, if
there be such judgments, will be bonglit by the
purchaser, and 6* will he placed in the room of
said Willingham in relation to said mortgages.
Al! the Hfoic.said property ami rights sold as the
property ot B. V. Willingham, bankrupt, for the
beuefi :«»f bias creditois. free of incumbrance of
judgment aud mortgage liens.
Tcrmsrash B F HARDEMAN,
Oi l ill—td Assignee.
Postponed U. S. Marshal’s Sale.
U write of fieri /7/cmx, issued out of the Hon
orable the Fifth Circuit Court of the United States
forth** Sontheru District of Georgia, in favor of
the plaintiffs, iu the following ciweft to-wit;
WILLIAM C. BROWNING, Sunivor, etc., vu,
1 have levicd-upoii, as tlie property of Benjamin F.
Adams, a Plantation, coufliiiniig twenty six him
drc<t (2.63'1) acres, more or less, situate, lying
and being in the county of Randolph, and Stale
of Georgia, numlM is ot lots unknown, but lying at
and immediately a round Wards Station, on the
One lot ot Laud, con tain iHg one hundred (100)
acres, more or less, with a dwelling house, out
buildings, and other improvetnents, is?ing Ihe
rctidcuceof Benjamin F. Adams, arid adjofoing
tin’ propel ty of Coi J. A. Wingfield, A.O. Motley,
W. E. Adams, R. U Jenkins, and »Mhers. in the
town of Eat out «u j.county of Puinaiu, and Btatc
afore; ahi.
Two Store iloioeH ami Lots ou the Gouri
Hoiim>. square, known llmUon and Thomaa cor
ner, now occupied by B. F. Johnston & U<»* and
Beuj. F. AdtuiM.
One Shue Hom e :uid L>t, rtenpied by Ethridge
vV Davi . druggtete.
One St»>ru House and l/ot on Mam street, occu
pied by J M. Ballaid, Jr.
One Town Lot near (he Railroad Depot, now
All the :t»«l luw ii hots sihiste, lying and be
ing In tlie town of Eatonton,county of Putnam,
and Statu Hforr.«»md.
And wiW spli 4ho sanie.xt public anctioh, al the
Court Hou.-'.-in the city of Macon and county of
Bibb, mm Stetu of Georgia, on the FIRST TEES
DAY IN NOVEMBER next, between the law
ful Iwurs of sale. •
Dated at Savannah, Gu., this 3d day of Septem
ber, 1868, WM. G. DICKSON,
oct2-Jaw4w U. 8. Marshal Diat. of Ga.
Richmond County.
WiiritEAs, Edward O’Donnell, Administrator
on the estate of Richard Quinn, late of said
county, deceased, applies to me for of Dis
These are, therefore, to cite aud admonish all.
and singular flic kindred ami creditors of said
deceased, to be and appear at my office, on or
before the first Monday in March next, to eiiow
cause, if any they have, why said Letters should
not be granted.
Given under jny band audofficial signature at
office in Augusta, this September 11th. 1868.
sepi2—UmGm Ordinary.
Letters of Adiijinis*ration.
RichmonA County.
'Whereas. James C. C. Black applies to me for
I/ettere of Adminirtration, wiib the will annexed,
ou the estate of Jane Odem, dreeaw*!.
These ate, therefore, to cite and admonish all
ami singular, the kindred bh<l creditor ot said
deceased, to be and appear at my otiice, oirfir
before the tnst Monday in December next, lofhow
uaure, if any they have, why said letters-should
out be grantetl.
Given under my hand and official signature, at
office iu Augusta, this 21st day of Octobei. 1868.
odS2— 4t Ordinary.
Leave to Sell Real Estate.
I > (irdimny of Richmond conntv. notice is
hereby given that,sixty day* alter date, appliea
lioikwiil U< mad* to tbc Cmiu of Ordinary for
h .vet” ■II the Roil Estate of Marlin Rn»gsin.
August a, Out ’.Mi, IK6B. Adm’> deboHis non.
oct 27- law2mo
R. R. R.
out or
OF DEATHS, that annually
occur, are caused by Prevent
able Diseases, and the greater
portion of those coinplaints
would, if Radway’s Ready Re
lief or Pills, (as the case may
require,) were administered
whan pain or uneasiness or
slight sickness is experienced,
be exterminated -from the sys
tem iir a few hours. RAIN, no
matter froin what cause, is
almost install fly cured by the
Ready Relict. In cases of Cho
lera, Diarrhoea, Cramps,* Spasms
Bilious Cholic, in fact all Pains,
Aches and Infirmities either in
the Stomach, Bowels, Bladder,
Kidneys, or the Joints, Muscles,
Legs, Anns, Rheumatism, Neu
ralgia, Fever and Ague, Head
ache, Toothache, &c., will in a
FEW MINUTES yield to the
soothing influence of the Ready
Sudden Colds, Coughs, Influenza, Dip
tUeria, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Chills, Fever
•nd Ague, Mercurial Pains, Scarlet Fever,
&c., &c., take from four to six of Radway’l
Pills, and also take a taaspoonful of the
Ready Relief in a glass of warm water, sweet
ened with sugar or honey: bathe the throat,
head and cheat with Ready Relief, (if Ague
or Intermittent Fever, bathe the spine also,)
in the morning you will be cured.
How the Ready Relief Acts I
In a few minutes the patient will feel a
ilight 'tingling irritatios, and the skin be
comes reddened; if there is much distress in
tho stomach, the Relief will assist nature in
removing the offending cause,—* genera)
warmth is. felt throughout tho entire body,
grid its diffusive stimulating propertieg
rafddly courses through every vein and tissue
»f the system, arousing the slothful and (
p.irtially paralyzed glands and organs to re
, uqwvd and healthy action, perspiration fel
lows, and the surface of the body feels in
‘ creased heat. The sickness at stomach, colds,
chills, head-ache, oppressed breathing, the
softness of the throat, and all pains, either
internally or externally, rapidly subside, and
the pat ient falls Into a tranquil sleep, awakes
refreshed, invigorated, cured. V
h will bo found that in using the Relief
externally, either on the spine or acrosa the
■ kidneys, or over th# stomach and bowels, that
fin several days after a pleasing warmth will
he, showing the length of time it con
tames its influence over the diseased parts.
I fF Price of R. R. R. RELIEF, 50 cents
~ei bottle. Sold by Druggist# and Country
Merchants, Grocers, &c.
87 Maiden Lane, He* York.
This disease is not only cured by
Dr. Kadway's Relief and Pills, but pre
vented. If exposed to it, put one tea
spoonful of Relief in a tumbler oi
water. Drink this before going out in
tho morning, and several times during
the day. Take one of Radway’s Pills
one hour before dinner, and one on
■r>ing to bed
If seized with Fever, take 4 to 6 oi
.ie Pills evttry Six hours, until copious
iisvborgos from tho bowels take place;
dso drink the Relief diluted with
water, aud batho tho entire surface oi
the body with Relief. Soon a power
ful perspiration will take place, and
you will feel a pleasant heat through
out the system. Keep on taking Rebel
repeatedly, every four hours, also the
Pills. A cure will be sure to follow.
Tho relief is strengthening, stimulating,
soothing, and quieting; it is sure tc
break up the rover and to neutralize
tho poison. I>ot this treatment be fol
lowed. and thousands will be saved.
The same treatment in Fever and Ague.
Yellow Fever, Ship Fever, Bilious
Fever, will effect a cure in 24 hours
When the patient feels the Relief irrita
ting or heating the skin, a cure is posi
tive. In all cases where pain is felt
the Relief should be used.
Relief 50 eta; Pills 25 cts. Soli
by all Druggists
See Dr. Badway's Almanac for 1868
mb4—iy. Augusta, Ga.
TA Proclamatioll
By the President of the United States
of America.
11l the year which is now drawing to its end,
tho art, the skill, and the labor of the people of the
United States have been employed with greater
diligence and vigor, and ou broader fields Ilian
ever before, and the finite of the earth have hecu
gathered into the granary and storehouse ia mar
velous abundance. Our highways have been
lengthened, and new and prolific regions have
been occupied. Wa are permitted to hope that
long protracted |>olitical and sectional dissensions,
at no distant day, will give place to returning
harmony and fraternal affection throughout the
Republic. Many foreign States have entered into
liberal agreements with us, while nations winch
are far oft, and which heretofore have been
unsocial and exclusive, have become our friends.
The annual period of rest, which we have
reached in health and tranquility, and which is
eiowned with so many blessings, is by universal
consent a convenient and suitable one for eubi
rating personal piety und pi act icing public devo
I. therefore, recommend that Thursday, the
twenty-sixth day of November next, be set apart
mid observed by all the people of the United
States as a day of public praise, thanksgiving and
prayer to the Almighty Creator and Divine Enter
of the Universe, by whose ever watchful, merciful
and gracious providence alone States and Natious,
no less than families and individual men, do live
and move and have their being.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my
hand, and caused the seal of the United ..later to
be affixed.
Done at the i-ity of Washington, the twelfth day
of October, in the year et onr tainl,
rsRAi..) one thousand eight liundred mid ’jxty
eight.and of the independence of the
United States the ninaty third.
Hr ihe Prorate nt:
Wm H.Sewskb.
oct 17—td 8ec ’ r y °f State.
NO 390
!■ ■* 1
Whetibas, on the 3d day of November next,
an election will bo held of the various places in
this State established by law for bolding elections
by the people thereof, for nine Electors of Presi
don! and Vico President of the United States:
And whereas, from tho increased number of
qualified voters in this State, additional oppor
tunities must be afforded, that it must be possi
ble aud convenient for all persons, who are en
titled to exereiifa the elective franchise, to vote
at said election:
Now, therefore, I, Rufus B. Bullock, Governor
and Commander tn-Chief of the Army and Navy
of the State of Georgia, and of the Militia there
of, do hereby issue this my Proclamation order
ing and requiring that, in uddiGen td the ejec
tion in each Militia JLfisr.riet, there shall bo at the
county site election precinct, three bijjlot-boxes
used, and three boards of Superintendents of
election duly qualified and organized to each
ballot box, and Ibo election shall bo conducted
by each board of Superintendents, in the same
manner, and with tho same formalities, as if
‘hero wore but one ballot-box and one board of
Superintendents. Each Board will make separate
.returns, as required by law.
Given under uiy band uud the Great-Seal of the
State, at the Capitol in the city of Atlanta,tins 12th
day of October, in the year of onr Loid, eighteen
hundred and sixty-eight, and of the Independence
of the United Slates of America, the ninety third.
By the Governor ; Governor.
Davio G. G’ottixo,
Secretary of State,
oell-l—lde ..
CUMBUANUKS, intliemty of Atlanta, on
the THIRD TUESDAY in November next, at
11 o’clock a. in , the.following properly, to wit;
City Lot Number Eleven,
On east side of Peachtree street, being part ot
land lot 78,11th district of originally Henry, now
Fullou county, fronting on Peachtree,st*el 31 J
feet, und extending back 91) feet.
On this lot is a
Besides a dry baseßient, 31 j feet front by 781)ack,
and considered oue of the beat buildings in tlie
at the name time and place, a lot of
Choice Wines and Liquors,
CoUßlHtjllg of-
1 bbl. St. C. RUM,
1 puncheon GIN,
2 bbls. SHERRY WINE,
1 bbl. PORT WINE,
6 coaks PORTER,
6 packages CHAMPAGNE WINE.
26 one gallon yltigfl, and sundry Notes and open
Ln mediately after which, I will sell on the
premises- -
House containing foirr rooms and basement,
situated on east side of Peachtree street-, on city
lot No. 31, containing om? half acre, more or less.
adjoining above lot, No. 31, and fronting 100 feet
on Ivy street, contains one-half acre, more or
All sold as the property of John H. Lovejoy,
Possession given immediately. Terms cash.
od24—3w Assignee.
Tax Notice.
Make Tour State Tax Returns'
All pkrsonk take notice that,
for the purpose of receiving said. Returns.
I shall attend tire following places, from October
26 to December 15, 1868 :
At tlie Upper Market, on every Monday, from
9 a m. to 1 p. m.. aud from 3 to 6 p. tn
On Tuesdays at Messrs. Day Inman's Auc
tion Room, ou Broad street.
On Wednesdays, at tire Court House.
On Thursdays, at the Scale House.
On Fridays, at the Court flonne.
On Saturdays, at District Court Grounds, of
which due notice will be given.
All citizens, white and colored, between the,
ages of twenty-one aud sixty, are liable to return
and pay a Poll Tax of One Dollar, and such other
taxes as may be imposed by the County. For
failure to make your returns, of all propertw,or to
comply with Ihe law. now of force, the penalty of
the taw will be strictly enforced, unbiased ’and
impartial, ou all defaulters.
N. B. For failure of making returns, the
penalty is a double tax.
R. T. R.. Richmond County.
Augusta, October 21.1868.
Augusta and Simmiciiville R. R.,C0.,
(Depot MoKinnie Street,)
Augusta, Ga., October 22, 1868.
facilities for Cheap Passage upon this Road,
Tickets, entitling the purchaser to unlimited
passage over the City JAue, for tbe |>erlod of
three mouths, are offered bv this Company far the
sum of TEN DOLLARS ’
These tickets call be obtained at the office of-the
Treasurer of the Company, iu the Depot Build
ing, on McKiiinie street. .
octSS— 6 Superintendent.
leave to announce that sbe has -removed to No.
251, over Mrs. McKinnon's Millinery Store.
Miss JAMES js amply prepared to fill any
orders with tire latest Patterns to make Indies’
and Children’s Dresses. Mantles, etc. •
oet27— Imo
Servants Wanted.
WaMrer and Ironer, to serve my family of
three nersons.
A small, bnt competent, lionse Girl. Good
recommendations required. Apply - immediately
to Wm. C. BARBER,
oct’Jl —ts 221 Broad at.