Daily press. (Augusta, Ga.) 1866-1867, May 31, 1867, Image 1
J|jc fM]! f » frtprirtw. insert*« PRICK : M Twr .fc »*» ,^|-"— j oo Itr- L J MP ,r r»*j»» «y »*' «*" c'" I ’ o/ ' l<w j Paper , .amsiTiTT mrrnrnw ;ni .u' jtOßSUte—' M *y si ; I ®P scisso»s. Sir ArtlitaM Allison. ‘ h « w * 11 " too*, Scotch hUloriao, » T hirte«n ,ho«sa*» person.-««»<» tlto eirc’js in Worcester. -Then, are five female editors in l0 !!lhe Bef.at.licw> P»rtT in New O<J I (WS T I>« split ''‘* to “ lt;l;,lL ' aLs a ' ,d "Unionists' ... _Gen. Swnvne has given notice that no negroes »'iil be appointed ontheMo bile police. _M s* Anna Dickinson is said to he Mtitfvkh the Rad.cal “National Committee for a course of lectures to the tree!men. _g x .President Pierce is just com pleting his summer residence at Roe Beach, on the picturesque bluff known as the little Boar’s Head. —John Bull complains that the in land navigation of the Celestial Empire is rapidlr passing into the hands of the Yankees. -Chief Justice Chase intends going to North Carolina next mouth for the purpose of holding the United Suites Circuit Court of that State. —The leader of fashion in London is a tall, handsome looking widow, who never appears a second time in the same dress. —The President has notified the B.v-wu Free Masons that he will not be able to visit that city to participate in their celebration. —One dry goods house in Chicago last year did a business of $9,200,000, and titty eight firms did a business of over $1,000,000. . —A Minnesota man realized from his wheat crop last veur more than twice the amount paid for his farm the year before. —The ex-Emperor Solouqne is living in elegant style at Ouraeoa. He is reported to have a large fortune in the Bank of England. —Lord Brougham bus settled a scandalous case for $5,000, besides costs. He was threatened disgraceful developments unless he complied. —lt is estimated that the '‘strikin’” operatives in Pittsburg have lost $318,- 500 by their recent experience of three and a half months of idleness. —The whole number of registered voters in the parish of Orleans up to the present time is 22,C4(i of which 9.073 are whites and 13,583 are blacks. —During a quarrel and tight between two women at Logan, Ohio, recently, a little, li'id of one vs them. About four years old was killed by a random blow. —The Germania Beet-sugar Compa ny, at Chatsworth, Illinois, have used one sixth ot their last year’s crop, and male eighty thousand pounds of sugar. —A watch has been manufactured in Paris, which is wound up by simply opening the case to note the time. It only requires to be opened once a month. —Mr. Southern is to play in Paris during the Exhibition, and is to receive £350 (upward oi $1,500) a week during his engagement. He is to appear at the Theatre des Italiens. - Lti. Hayes analyzed some hop beer which bad been seized by a State con stable, arid said it contained fire and one-tenth per cent, of alcohol, or as much as London porter. —Norfolk, Virginia, lias set a good example of enterprise for her sisters of the Southern seaboard. She has opened a direct and heavy trade with Liver pool. I wo beautiful little girls, aged respec tively twelve and thirteen, the pride of their parents and friends, were burned to death a few evenings ago, in Quincy Florida, by a kerosiue explosion. Air. W. T. L-a, near Louisville, sheared seven sheep, one day last week, the wool of which weighed sixty pounds, one, a yearling buck, yielding fifteen pounds, nice and clean wool. J’he Union League Club, at their meeting on Thursday evening, resolved that Mr. Greeley had a right ,o do as he pleased relative to bailing Jeff Davis without any interference on their part. ’ Pl] 7 H T he ™ f o, > e Buffalo Union Fuddhug Mttis, ninety by two hundred feet, fell in, the other day, burving one hundred workmen in the mins crushed' 6 ki!ied and fifteen dread 'uHy —J he Chicago Board of Trade re reutly appointed a committee to collect V-- was realized. The Clneago 'Times thinks the people ol that city have dis graced themselves. y ls —General J. Shelhv of vr formerly Os the C 7y’ f Mi^oun, vanaonthe I9th % Kiehard H st l ] ,V° re t the •' body of 'wstotf l h\- TtChe \ 68Ja tllat soldiers rp ’ < " i ln H themselves Church'in Ne w ? pi8l:0 > ,fll > Possession of u le "l 8n ‘ ,took 1 f r ibl ' e re !nf V, “ 1 f<>r -' b,i causing the , lh congregation, and ahand on the church. Uible f'crce have'adorned" f ' /ll Ittn!ber 1 ttn ! ber ,j( Com a National c'J! and r '- , * ( 'l“uoiis favoring accordance °f the New Y or t, © ri . c<int re » ( >lutions fur the coni] , , Pr " duce Change, tena, they ■, i * 'f 0 oP tbe cental svs tstahlishnient oflT lbe t ' errafl "^* t m, -et once a year ‘ a " ma,,lutioi > to °thcr precioug ° n diamond ’> End sma H portion of !h * ays t,lat b,,t a genuine Tb! 80 ! J and worn ' "fonda le d,!l "">'‘ and *W of Nidia are ram,/Lf'‘'H° Ut 'aad" and thoße of ° f The Bcttrc 'itj geouitv Os counter^* 11 met the lu, ' e spurious L- ctimoisseurs CqUeUtly ** THE DAILY PRESS. VOL. 111. Registration- OrAei*. Hsanqt'AßrKHs, 3 u Mimtaut Dis't,] (Gewyia, Florida and Alabama,) [■ Atlanta, Ga., Hay 21, 14)670 Ginxral Cruxes, ) ,fl j i "S. No. 20. } In Kcordancc with an act of Oon grcsifc, mtpjdbmentW- to art AH bo pro- 3 vide a more efficient Government for thf rebel States, Ac., dated March t, 1807, the following arrangements are herein made for the registration of vo ters in the States ot Georgia and-Ala bama . I. The Slates of Georgia and Alaba ma, are divided into Registration Di stricts, numbered and bounded, as here inafter described. 11. A Board of Registration is herein appointed tor each District, as above mentioned, to consist of two white Re gisters, and one colored Register. In the State of Georgia, where only the two white Registers are designated in this Order, it is directed that these white Registers in each District imme diately select, aud cause to be duly qualified, a competent colored man to complete the Board of Registration, and report his name and Postollice address, without delay, to Col. C. C. Sibley, commanding District of Georgia, at Mncon, Georgia. 111. Each Register will be required to take and subscribe to the oath pre scribed by Congress, by an act dated July 2, 1862. and an additional oath to discharge faithfully the duty ot Register under the late Ac-.s6f Gbngress. It is not believed that auy ot the appoint ees, heretofore designated, will be unable to take, the test oatlT above mentioned. Blank forms ot these oaths will be sent to the appointees it once, and on being executed and returned to the uperintendents of Sttttc Registra tion, their Commissions us Registers will be issued, and forwarded to them i turned lately. IV. in order to secure a full registra tion of voters, it is determined to fix the compensation ot Registers according to the general rules adopted in taking the census. In the cities, the compensation is fixed at fifteen cents for each recorded voter; in the most sparsely settled counties and district*, at forty cents per voter. The compensation willvbe grad uated between these limits, according to the density of the population, and the taciliiies of tb<- communication. Ten cents per mile will be allowed for trails portation ol Registers off the lines of railroads -or steamboats, and five cents per mile, when travel is done on rail roads and steamboats. V. It is hereby made the duty of all Registers, aud they will be expected to perform it strictly, to explain to nil persons, who have not heretofore enjoyed the right of suffrage, wliat are their political rights and privileges, and the j necessity ot exercising them upon all i proper occasions. VI. The name of each voter shall appear in the list of voters, for the precinct or ward in which he resides; and in cases where voters have been unable to register, whilst the Boards of Registration were in the wards or pre cinets, where such voters live, oppor tunity will be given to register at the county seals of their respective counties, at aspecified time, of which due notice’ will be given; but the names of all voters, thus registered, willbe placed on the lists of voters of thejr respective precincts. VII. The Bowls of Registration will give due notice, so that it may reach ail persons entitled to register, o! the date when they will be in each election pre cinct; the litpe they will spend in it; and the place where the registration will he made; and upon the completion of the registration for eaeii county, the Board of Registration wiii give notice that they will he present, for three suc cessive days at the county seat ol such county, to register such voters, as have failed to register, or been prevented from registering in their respective precincts, and to hear evidence in the case of voters, rejected by the Registers in the several precincts, who may desire to present testimony in their own behalf. VIII. Unless otherwise instructed hereafter, Boards of Registration are directed, in determining whether appli cants to register are legally qualified, to hold that the terms “Executive and Judicial.” in the Acts of Congress of March 23, 1807, comprise all persons whomsoever, who have held office under tlie Executive, or Judicial Department of the State, or National Government— in other words, all officers not Legisla tive, which last are also excluded by the Act. Persons who apply to register, hut who are considered disqualified by the Boards, will he permitted to take the required oath, which, with the objections of the Board, will be held for adjudication heraaltcr. IX. The lists ot registered voters, for each of the precincts, will be exposed in some public place in that precinct, for ten consecutive days, at some time sub sequent to the completion of the regi stration’for each county, and before any election is held, in order that all sup posed cases of fraudulent registration may be thoroughly investigated. Due notice will he given and provision made for the time and place for examination and settlement of suc h cases. X. Blank books of oaths, required to be taken by voters, ana blank registra Lion lists, as also full and detailed in struelious for the performance of their duties, will be at onee forwarded to the Boards of Registration, appointed in this Order; and it is enjoined upon these Boards that they proceed to complete the registration with all energy aud dis patch. XI. The detailed instructions to lie gisters will designate the member of each Board who shall bo its President, XII. Violence, or threats of violence, or any other oppressive means to pre vent any person from registering bis name, or exercising his political rights, are positively prohibited ; and it is distinctly announced that no contract or agreement with laborers, which deprives them of their wages for any longer time Ilian that actually consumed in register ing or voting, will he permitted to be enforced against them in this District ; and this offense, or any previously mentioned in this paragraph, will cause the immediate arrest of the offender and his trial before a Military Commis sion. XIII. The exercise of the right of every duly authorized voter, under the late Acts of Congress, to register aud vote, is guaranteed by the Military Authorities of thjs District; and all persons whomsoever are warned against any attempt to interfere to prevent and AUGUSTA, GA., FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 31, 1867. man fr-an exeVciling this right, under any pretext whatsoever, other than objection by the nsual legal mode. XIV. In case .of any disturbance, qr violence at the places tegiptrwtos, or Any molestation ofKegtsters or of appli canto to register, the Boards of Regis tret fen wifi call upon the local civil authorities for a police force, or a posse to _ arreat the uflfendsra and presene QtwMVQr, if neeeswiry, upon The nearest military authorities, who are hereby instructed to furnish the necessary aid. Any civil officials who refuse, or who fail to protect Registers, or applicants to register, will be “reported to the head quarters of the Officer Commanding in tho State, who wiH nrfest such delin quents, nod send chargee against them to these headquarters, that they may be brought before a Military Commission. * * * * * * By command of Brevet Major Gen. Pope. G. K. Saxdkrsox, Capt. 33d Infantry A A A A G. MILITARY DISTRICTS. Headers District of Gf-orou, 1 Macon, Ga., April 19, 1867. J Gexeuai. Ordeks, 1 No. 5. | I. The Military District of Georgia is hereby divided into (8) eight Posts, as follows : Post of Savansaji —To include the counties of Chatham, Effingham. Bul loch, Bryan, Tatuall, Liberty, Mcln tosh, Glynn, Wayne, Appling, Fierce, Ware, Coffee, Charleton, Camden, Clinch, Echols, Lowndes, Brooks. Ber rien, Colquitt, Thomas, Decatur, Mitchell Miller, Baker, and Early. Post of Augusta —To include the counties of Richmond, Columbia, War ren, Glascock, Washington, Johnson, Burke, Seriven, and Elban * * • • Post of Atlanta —To include the CorirttieS of Cobb, Fulton, Campbell, Carroll, Coweta, Heard, Fayelio, Clay too, Spauldigg. Henry, Newton, De Kalb, Milton, Gwinnett, and Butts. Post of Bahi.onega— To include the counties of Fanuin, Union, Towns, li&ban, Gilmer, Pickens, Cherokee, Dawson, Lumpkin, White, Habersham, ‘Hart, Forsyth, Banks, Franklin, and Hall. Post of Rome —To include the coun ties of Dade, Walker, Catoosa, Whit* field, Murray, Chattooga, Gordon, Floyd, Polk, Paulding, Haralson, and Bartow, (formerly Cass, recently changed by an Act of the Legislature). Post of Athens—To include the counties of Clark, Jackson, Madison, Elbert, Oglethorpe, Morgan, Walton, Wilkes, Greene, Taliaferro, Lincoln, Jasper, Putnam, and Hancock. Post of Columbus—To include the counties of Troup, Mt-riwether, Harris, Talbot, Muscogee, Marion, Taylor, Schley, Webster, Stewart, Tatuall, Quit mail, Randolph, Clay, Calhoun, and Chattahoochee. Post of Macon — To include the counties of Bibb, Jones, Baldwin, Wil kinson, Twiggs, Laurens, Pulaski. Montgomery, Telfair, Wilcox, Irwin, Worth, Dooly, Houston, Macon, Craw ford, Upson, Monroe, Pike, Sumter, Lee, aud Dougherty, By command of Col. Caleb C. Sib ley, U. S. A. (Signed) JOIIN E. HOSMER, Ist Lieut. 16th U. S. Infantry, aud A. A. A. Gen. Official : O. C. Knapp. Ist Lieut. 33d infty., Brev. Capt. U. S. A. Post Adjutant, THE MILITARY LAW. The following is a correct copy of tiie act ‘“to provide for the more efficient government of the rebel States:” Whereas, no iegai State government or adequate protection for life or property now exist in the rebel States of Virginia, Nort.i Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Mississippi, Ala bama, Louisiana, Florida, Texas, and Arkansas ; and, whereas, it is necessary, that peace and good order should be enforced in said States, "until loyal and republican State governments Can be legally established ; therefore, Be it enacted, etc., That said rebel States shall he divided into military districts and made subject to the military authority of the United States, as hereinafter prescribed, and lor that purpose, Virginia shall constitute the first district, North Carolina and South Carolina the second district, Georgia, Alabama, and Florida the third district, Mississippi and Arkansas the fourth district, and Louisiana and Texas the tif.h district. Sec. 2. That it shall be the duty of the President to assign to the command of each of said districts an officer of the army, not below the rank of briga dier general, and to detail a sufficient military force to enable such officer to perform his duties and enforce his authority within the district to which he is assigned. Sec. 3. That it shall be the duty of each officer assigned as aforesaid to protect all persons iu their rights of person and property, to suppress insur rection, disorder, and violence, and to punish, or cause to be punished, all disturbers.of the peace and criminals, aud, to this end, he may allow local civil tribunals for that purpose; and all interference, under color ot State authority, with the exercise of military authority, under this act, shall be null and void. Sec. 4. That all persons put under military arrest by virtue of this act shall be tried without unnecessary delay, and no cruel or unusual punishment shall he inflicted ; and no sentence of any military commission or tribunal hereby authorised, affecting the life or liberty of any person, shall be executed until it is approved by the officer in command of the district; and the laws and regu lations for the government of the army shall not be affected by this act, except in so far as they tiiay conflict with its provisions. Sec. 5. That when the people of any one of the said rebel States Shall have formed a constitution of government in conformity with the Constitution of the United States in nil respdels. Ijyimed by a conven'ion of delegates elected by the male citizens of said States, twenty* one years old and upward, of whatever race, previous condition, who have been*sidents in said State for one year previous to the day of such election, except such as muy be disfranchised for participation in the rebellion, or for felony at common law ; and when such constitutions shall provide that, the elective franchise shall be enjoyed by all. such person* as have the qualifica tions herein st.tef for election of dele gates ; and when such constitution shall be ratified by a majority of the persons voting on the question of ratification who are qualified as electors for dele gates, and wben such constitution shall have been submitted to Congress for examination aud approval, and Cou gresa shall have approved the same ; and when said Stile, by a vote of its Legislature, elected under said consti tution. shall have adopted the amend ment to the Constitution of the United States proposed by the Thirty ninth Congress, aod kßQwn as article 14, nqd when such article shall have become a ■part of the Constitution of the United States, said State shall be declared entitled to representation in Congress, and Senators and Representatives shall be admitted therefrom ou their taking the oath prescribed by law. and then and thereafter the preceding sections of this act shall be imperative in said State; Provided, That no person excluded from the privilege of holding office by said proposed amendment to the Con stitution of the United States shall he eligible to election as a member of the convention to frame a constitution for any of said rebel States, nor shall any such person vote for members of said convention. Sec. 6. And bn it further enacted, That until the people Os said rebel States shall be by law admitted to representation in the Congress of the United States, any civil government which may exist therein shall be deemed provisional only, and in all respects, subject to the paramount authority of the United States at any time to abolish, modify, control, or supercede the same ; and in all elections to any office under such provisional governments, all per sons shall be entitled to vote under the provisions of the fifth section of this act; and no persons shall be eligible to auy office under any such provisional gov ernmonts who would be disqualified from holding office under the provisoes of the third article of said Constitutional Amendment. THE CONSTITUTIOSA’L AMENDMENT. The following is the “constitutional amendment” referred to in the proceed ing bill. Resolved, by the Senate and . House of Representatives of the United States ot America, iH Congress assembled (two thirds of both houses concurring), That the following article he proposed to the Legislatures of tho several States as an amendment to the Constitution of the United States, which, when ratified by three fourths of said Legislatures shall be valid as a part of the ' Constitution, namely: *• Article—Section 1. All persons bora or naturalized to the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens ol the United States, and of the Stats rfcside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the priv ileges or immunities of citizens of the United States. Nor shall any State deprive any person ol life, liberty, or property without due process of law, nor deny to any person within its jurisdic tion the equal protection of the laws. Section 2. Representatives shall be apportioned among the several Mates according to the respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not t ixed : but whenever the right to vote at any election for electors of President and Vice President of the United States, Representatives in Congress executive and judicial officers, or the members of the Legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such States, being twenty one years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridge, except for participation in rebellion, - or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the tiumber of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty one years of age in that State. Section 3. No person shall he a Senator or Representative in Congress, elector of President or Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or any State, who, having previously taken an oath as a member of Congress, or as an officer of ts e United States, or N as a member of any State Legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United -States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to tho enemies thereof; but Congress may by a vote of two thirds of each House, remove such disability. . Section 4. The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by law, including debts incurred tor the payment of pensions and bounties for service in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned, but neither the United States -nor any State shall assume or pay any debt or obliga tion incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or claim for the loss or emancipation of any slaves, but all such debts, obliga tions, or claims shall be held illegal and void. Section 5. The Congress of the United States shall have power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article. “THE DAILY PRESS” Job Office HAS RECEIVED AN ENTIRELY NEW SUPPLY OF LATEST STYLE TYPE AND THE FINEST ASSORTMENT OF ALL KINDS OF Printing Papers ! IN THE CITY. Colored Inks kept on hand AS USUAL. Rail Road Schedules. CS’iiye of Schedule of South Car ||aa Rail Road Company. (hi**®* South Carolina R. R. Cos., 1 Mp i Charleston. Maroh 11, 18(57. j AND AFTER WEDNESDAY, V ; Hareh 13, 1887, the THROUGH MAWfkIRAIN from Columbia to Augusta, will as follows, viz.: Lotai&AUgusta 6.55 A.M. ArrlvT® Charleston 4.00 P.M. Arriyjtot Columbia 5.20 P.M. Leafo/wharleston 8.00 A.M. Augusta 5.00 P.M. Chang* of Schedule ou the Geor- gia Railroad To itiSfyroee connections at Atlanta and ■fi other points . —mLrrn totoawa. u-iTI AFTER WEDNESDAY, slm 13, 1807, Sundays excepted, the .Passenger Trains will run as follows - sat passenger train. LeareAagUsta at 6.30 A. M. Leave jjaanta at 8.30 A. M. Arrive-yff Augusta at 8.00 P. M Arrive At Allan taut.. 5.30 P.M. •night passenger train. Leave A&gusta at 9.30 P. M. LeS-e Atlanta at. 6.30 F. 4. Arrive ti Augusta at 6.15 A. M. Arrivec&Atlant* at 7.00 A. M. Passaiigers for Mayfield, Washington and Athens, ,Ga., must take Day Passenger Train iryin, Augusta and Atlanta. Passengers for Mobile and New Orleans must leive Augusta on Night Passenger Train a1|9;30 P. M. to make close connec tions. ! for West Point, Montgomery, Nash vice, Oarinth, Grand Junction, Mem phis, LAflsvillo, and Bt. Louis can take either trSiO from Augusta, aud make close connocttAls. THROjUdHI TICKETS and Baggage Cheekeij through to the above places. SLBBsfitNSl CARS on all Night Passen ger Trails? E. W. COLE, ma 1 General Superintendent. and Gulf Railroad. DKfy (SUNDAYS excepted). Leaves Savannah at 8.30 p.m. Arrives at Tkomasvillo at 7.45 a.m. Arrives qt Lkve Oak at,.......:........6.3ft a.m. Arrives at Jacksonville at .....12.40 p.m. Arrives at Tallahassee at 3.30 p.m. Leaves at 10.15 a.m. Leaves Jacksonville at....... 2.10 p.m. Leaves Lire Oak at 8.00 p.m Leaves Tiomasville at 6.45 p.m. Arrives ai Savannah at...., .6.00 a m feo—tf AUGUSTA TO NEW YORK IN 47 HOURS! TWO TRAINS A DAY EACH WAY ! THE HiiKAT ATLANTIC SEABOARD au<* GULF MAIL ROUTE is the quickest, most pleasant, safe, reliable, aud comfortable, from Augusta, Savannah, Macon, Columbus, aud Atlanta, to the North l This old and favorite route from New Orlcao9, Mobile, and Montgomery, via At lanta, Augusta, Wilmington, and Weldon, N. C., to .-PuAinond* Washington, BaDi moro, New York, is now in excellent order and successful operation, with* r.o« Eugiues, new and elegant Cars, and Sleeping Cars. From Weldon, Throe Routes to New York ar6 now open, viz : Via Richmond and Washington City. Via Portsmouth and Old Bay Line Steamers. Via Portsmouth and the new Anna* messic Route. Tho last is a now and very pleasant route, by Steamer from Portsmouth to Cristield, on the Eastern shore of Virginia, and thence by Rail over the entire length of the State of Delaware, connecting at Wilmington, Delaware, with through trains to Philadelphia and New York, or to Balti more. Faro from Augusta to New York, by either of the three Routes—s 36. ELEGANT SLEEPING CARS on all Night Trains. BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH. The 7 A. M. Train connects via the Old Bay Lino. Tho 6.30 P.M. FAST TRAIN (through to New York in 47 hours,) Connects via the N*w Annamessic Route. Both Trains connect via Richmond and Washington. THROUGH TICKET. 0 , good by either route, until used, for sale at the South Carolina Railroad Ticket Office. P. 11. LANGDON, General Southern Agent. For partiulars inquire of ISAAC LEVY, 136 Broad street, Augusta, Ga. del 3—ts PIONEER YEA Vl|Po WDO LADIES, USE THIS AND NO OTHER, And with your Pastry you will have no bother; At every grocer's you can get it, Try a box and you will ne'ei regret it. This Yeast Powder is used by all flrst class Hotels and liestaurants through the country, and is finding its way into every household where good Yeast Powder is'ap preeiated. Samples Free. Every box war ranted to give satisfaction or money refund ed. Manufactured by TAYLOK <k YOUNG, 186 Front Street, N. Y. Trade supplied at manufacturer's prices by JOHN D. BUTT & BRO., Ag’ts., 26ii Broad street, Augusta, Ga. ja27—6m* PiONET.it Soap. GIVE IT A FAIR TRIAL, This soap requires only to be used to prove its superior quality. Use it as you would any common Soap. TRY IT, And you will be convinced that it is supe rior to any other article in market* For sale by Grocers generally. Manufactured by TAYLOR <fe YOUNG, 186 Front Street, New York. Trade supplied at Manufacturer’s prices by JOHN D; BUTT & BRO., Ag’ts, No. 266 Broad st.,. Augusta, Ga. Jn2+—6 in* Cotton Yarns. 1 nn BALES SUPERIOR IV_MJ COTTON YARNS From Fontenoy Mills, Now in store and for sale ; assorted num bers, from 6'§ to 12*s, constantly on band. no29—tf A. POULLATN. COAL A CARGO OF SUPERIOR COAL TO arrive, and will bo sold on the Wharf by the Ton and upwards, to suit pur chasers, by A. POULLAIN. no 29 —ti GEORGIA STATE LOTTERY, For tlie Benefit of the mmic ORPH*N’S HOME ! H THE LEGISLATURE OP THE STATE of Georgia, at its last session, granted to W. W. BOYD and others, a Grant to adopt a Lottery, or series of Lotteries and Agencies, to raise money for the purpose of building a Home for, and supporting tho Indigent Widows and Orphans—the Home to be called the “MASONIC ORPHAN'S HOME.” The grantees have associated with them as a Board of Managers, some of tho best citizeus of this State, in the great work of benevolence and charity. We call the attention of the public to the GRAND SCHEaME below, and a<k your patronage. In purchasing Tickets, you will remem ber that should you fail to draw a prize, that your money will be strictly and Ma sonically applied to a ©taaticable work. Georgia State Lottery for the Benefit of the u Masonic Orphan’s Home !” To be Drawn in Open Public AT ATLANTA, GEORGIA, ON WEDNESDAY, April 17, IS67—Class A. WEDNESDAY, May 15, IS67—Class B. WEDNESDAY, June 19, 1867-Class C. WEDNESDAY, July 17, 1867—Class D. Scheme the Same Jar Each Month. 1 Prize of. $51),00(1 is $50,000 l Prize of. 20,000 is 20,000 1 Prize of. 10,000 is 10,006 1 Prize 0f....... 5,00 )is 5,000 l Prize of. 2,500 ) , , n .. 1 Prize of. 2,500 j arc s'oort 5 ' 00rt 24 Prizes of. 500 are 12,000 55 Prizes of. 250 are 13,760 125 Prizes of. 200 are 25,000 100 Prizes of 100 arc 16,000 APPROXIMATION PRIZES. 9 Approximation Prizes, of SSOO each, for the nine remaining units of the same ten of the No. drawing the $50,000 Prizes, are 4,500 9 Approximation Prizes of $250 each, for the nine remaining units of the same ten of tho No. drawing thes2o,ooo Prize, are.. 2,250 9 Approximation Prizes of S2OO each, for tho nine remaining units of the same teu of tho No. drawing the SIO,OOO Prize, are.. 1,800 9 Approximation Prizes of SIOO each, for the nine remaining units of the same ten of the K os. drawing the $5,000 Prize, are 909 18 Approximation Prizes of SIOO each, for the nine remaining units of the same ten of the Nos. drawing the $2,500 Prizes, arc.., 1,800 424 Prizes, amounting to $168,000 Whole Tickets, sl2 $ Halvcii, s6| (Quarters, $3 ; Bigliths, $ ) .50. Ati the Prized above stated are drawn at every drawing. IP LA InT Os the Great Lotteries, and Expla nations of Drawings: The numbers from 1 to 30,000, corres ponding with tbe ■numbers on the Tickets, are printed on separate slips of paper and encircled with small tubes, and placed in a glass wheel. All the urizes in accordance with the scheme, are similarly printed, and encircled, and placed in another glass wheel. The wheels arc then revolved, aud two boys blindfoldod, drawing the num bers and Prizes. One of the boys draws one number from the wheel of numbers, and at tho pame time the other boy draws out one Prize from tbe wheel of Prizes. The number and Prize drawn out are ex hibited to the audience, and whatever Prize comes out is* registered and placed to the credit of that number ; and this opera tion is repeated until all the Prizes are drawn out. The Tickets are printed in the following stylo : They arc divided into Quarters aud Eighths, printed on the face of the Ticket. Four Quarters or eight Eighths bearing.the same number, constitutes a Whole Ticket. Prizes Payable Without Discount. W. W. BOYD, Deputy Grand Master, Principal Manager, Atlanta, Ga. Orders for Tickets by Mail or Ex press to be addressed to L. It. IHIUADBENT, Agent, or W. W. BOYD, Principal Manager, Atlanta, Ga. M. G MeKINNE, Agent, mar!4—tje 17 AUGUSTA, GA. ASTROLOGY. The World Astonished AT THE WONDERFUL REVELATIONS MADE BY TIIE GREAT ASTROLOGIST, M ADAME 11. A. PEHRIGO. She reveals secrets no mortal ever knew. She restores to happiness those who, from doleful events, catastrophes, crosses in love, loss of relations an A friends, loss of money, etc., have become despondent. She brings together those long separated, gives infor mation concerning absent friends or lovers, restores lost or stolen property, tells you the busiuess yon are best qualified to pursue and in what you will be most successful, causes speedy marriages and tells you the very day you will marry, gives you the name, likeness, and characteristics of the person. She reads your very thoughts, and by her almost supernatural powers, unveils the dark and hidden mysteries of the future. From the stars we see in the firmament— the melific stars that overcome or predomi nate in the configuration—from the aspects aud positions of the planets and the fixed stars in the heavens at the time of birth, she deduces the future destiny of man. Fail not to consult the greatest Astrologist on earth. It costs you but a trifle, and you may never agaiu haye so favorable an op portunity. Consultation fee, with likeness and all desired information, sl. Parties living at a distance can consult the Madame by mail with equal safety and satisfaction to themselves, as if in person. A full and explicit chart, written out., with all inqui ries answered and* likeness enclosed, aent by mail on receipt of price above mentioned. The strictest secrecy will be maintained, aud all correspondence returned or de atrpyed. References of the highest order furnished those desiring them. Write plain ly the day of the month and year in which you were born, enclosing a small lock of hair. Address, * MADAME H. A. PERRIGO, P. 0. Drawer 293, Buffalo, N. Y. mb 20—ly . To Northern Tourists. PERSONS VISITING NEW YORK during tho Summer arc reminded that they may And elogant accommodations in a private family, at No. 6 LEXINGTON AVENUE, oorner 22d street, near Gramacy Fark. M. P. MATTHEWS, • rnylS—lm* Formerly of Augusta. I NO. 127. Snuff & Tobacco. P. HANSBERGER & CO. 304 BROAD STREET, Wholesale and Retail Dealers IX SEGARS, TOBACCO AND SNUFF, PIPES WALKING CANES, Etc. OCR BRANDS OF SEGARS AND TO BACCO are of tbe finest selection, and will anit tho.taste of the most fastidious. Call acl examine for yourself. fe2B—tf AUGUSTUS BOHNE, 9 00 BROAD STREET, OiCi\J (Opposite Planters’Hotel' Has always on hand a large assortment ot IMPORTED & DOMESTIC SEGARS Chewing and Smoking TOBACCO Lorillard’s SNUFF Fine Meerschaum PIPES ANP CIGAR HOLDERS, genuine and imitation ALSO, Rubber, Briar, Rosewood, and Clay PIPES, PIPE STEMS, SNUFF BOSES, Kte., AT THE LOWEST NEW TORE PRICES. THE TRADE SUPPLIED ON LIBERAL au-t-ly] TERMS. Hotels. Restaurants. BEIIZELIA! Tins well known and popular PLACE, situated twenty miles from Augusta, with ample ac#ommodations for visitors, a FINE SPRING OF MINERAL WATER, Delightful climate, in tho midst o’s the Piney Woods, and 600 feet above the level of Augusta, has been refitted for the ac commodation of the public. The Proprie tors are ready at all times to mako each visitor feel at homo, aud the Table is fur nished with the best the country affords. Give us a trial. H. A. MERRY Ik CO., fe22—6m Proprietors. MILLS HOUSE, CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA. This first-class hotel is now opened for the accommodation of the public, and possesses every accommodation and comfort calculated to please the most fastidious. The patronage of the travelling community is respectfully solicited. JOSEPH PURCELL, au2S—l2ra Pronrietor. SCREVEN HOUSE, gAVANNAII, GEORGIA, THIS FIRST CLASS HOTEL Havlngbcffn renovated and newly furnished, is now open for the reception of the travel ling public. GKO. MoGINLY, Proprietor, m h 16—ts ""EATING ROUSE, Berzelia, Georgia R. R. PASSENGERS BY THE PASSENGER Trains leaving Augusta at 6.30 A. M., and Atlanta at 7.15 P. M., also, those leaving either Augusta or Atlanta by Freight Trains, can got a GOOD MEAL AT THIS LONG ESTABLISHED AND POPULAR HOUSE. 11. A. MERRY J; CO., fc22—6m Proprietors. Crockery. Mosher, Thomas & Schaub, ,) A A BROAD STREET— Under Masonic Hali AUGUST n, 'a,..., Direct Importers and Dealers in ENGLISH AND FRENCH China! BOHEMIAN, FRENCH and AMERICA Glass Ware 1 AND KEROSENE LAMPS, AND AGENTS OF KAOLIN WARE. Try us, and we will convince yon that you can save the Freight lroin N*w York to this point. JOSIAH MOSHER, j. Jefferson thomas, GEORGE SCHaUB. oc2—ly New Crockery House, BEAN & ADAM, 269 BROAD STREET, Augusta, Ga., Agents for English Manujacturers, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN' CHINA, GRANITE, AND COMMON WARE. On hand, and arriving, 200 Crates, selected ♦ by one of our firm in Europe, to suit THE SOUTHERN TRADE. Being sole Agents for one of the largest Potteries in England, our facilities for ob taioing floods will euoble ns to compete with any city in the United States. fe2B—tf REMOVED. WE HAVE REMOVED OUR FOUN DRY and MACHINE WORKS to the extensive building and fine Water Power privilege, on KULLOCK STREET, opposite tStovall’s Excolsior Flour Mills, where, with increased facilities, wo sro prepared to take Inrgo contracts for Iron and Brass Castings and Machine Work in general. Wo would be pleased to see all of our old customers and a host of new ones. PENDLETON A BOARDMAN, Engineers and Machinists. my!9—cod lai ®i)e gailj liras. BOOK AUD JOB PBIKTIHG OP IVERT DESCRIPTION JSXZCCTID IN THE BEST MANNER. The Fattest Power Presses, and Best Workmen enables us to do Superior JOB WORK at Cheaper Rates than elsewhere. Insurance. nsTHTBRODN^ JNSURANCE AGENCY. OFFICE AT THE OLD SAVINGS BANK, (229 BROAD STREET iuß—ly Jewellers. Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry. Eh. summer— . 184 BROAD STREET, Three doors below Daily Press office. Augusta, Ga. WATCHMAKER’S TOOLS, MATERIALS, and GLASSES. WATCHES and CLOCKS repaired and warranted. JEWELRY made and repaired All kind of HAIR BRAIDING done. n<>7—tf Furniture. j’URNITUREI FURiyiTUREiT “ whoi *esale AHD RETAIL. DEGRAAF * TAYLOR, 87 and 89 BOWERY AND 65 CHRISTIE STREETS NEW YORK, have the best, assorted stock of Parlor, Dining Room and Bed-Room FURNITURE 1 SPRING BEDS and BEDDING IN THE CITI CANOPY and HIGH POST BEDSTEADS, Expressly for Southern trade. STEAMERS AND HOTELS FURNISHED A T WHOLESALE PRICES. KNOCK DOWN CANE WORK AND TURNED POST BEDSTEADS, in cases. ALL WORK GUARANTEED AS REPRESENTED. Our Facilities for manufacturing defy competition. myl—ly Furniture and Piano Hauling. JLJAVTNG A NEW AND LIGHT SPRING DRAY, I am prepared to haul Furniture, Pianos, and anything else, without scratching or bruising, as is too often the case. Orders left at my store, on Washington street, between Broad and Ellis, will be promptly attended to, at reasonable rates. Particular care given to moving Furniture and Pianos. WM. HALE (Colored), Dealer in Family Groceries. j'al.s— tf CLOSING PRICES!! E. B. LONG & CO. DRY GOODS DIALERS 286 Broad Street. Having received their recent purchases bought at 3?anic Prices, in New York, are resolved to sell accordingly, and respectfully invite the calls of all in search of GOOD AND CHEAP GOODS. Their stock, as heretofore, is comprised of a General Assortment of DRY GOODS, adapted to the wants of all classes, and must be closed regardless of profit, to make room for anew Fall Stock. E. B. Long & Cos. myl4—eodlO Bacon Joles and 8, F. Flour* 2000 LBS ' JOLES | AQ RUES. S. F. FLOUR For salo low at corner Washington and Ellis streets, by ap24 —ts M. A. DEHONEY. T«inv rpHE Mclntosh street Tc© IT ou. s e IS REOPENED. I trust my old patrons will remember it, and send in their orders. R. A. HARPER. mars—ts Fish and Oysters, GAME, POULTRY. VEGETABLES, FAMILY GROCERIES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Always on hand and for sale low. CALL AND SEE ME. WM. HALE (Colored), Washington street, between Broad and Ellis. ;al s —if Corn! C otii I i nnn bushels prime 1 ,UUU TENNESSEE CORN, AT GEORGIA RAILROAD.' For sale low by mytl—lst C. A. WILLIAMS A CO. WHITE ALPACA. Beautiful quality, for balk by MRS. FUGHE, do 16 190 Broad street.