Daily press. (Augusta, Ga.) 1866-1867, June 06, 1867, Image 1
ItTplJ" ss ' _< t £fgflEß P RICB! >5 ## 1,1 * i4 1 w.i»A*i U advene*-—* I %k ***' in 1 ” fwMtod «• «* city printer—Official Paper ttRGEST fITT fIRCt LATIOIL SrsSt SCISSORS. __ Toronto is overun'wilh profeMiowl thieves from ts»« Sutes. ItLr* a* <fe*w I*d K « of German Odd Fellows in lndi»na. . "jU* «• »»o*^ 8W ? loT twelve bodies w- re dragged *, of the river »t Chicago, 111., Utf *j, i(l rumored that Mr. James Gordon Bennett, Sr., has suffered a slight stroke of paralysis. _ y movement is on foot in V tcksbnrg send a negro Congressman from Mississippi. -Major Ben Parley. Poore, of the Boston Journal, is partially blind and in declining health. -The excise board of New Ywk ri:r have received one million dollars for license to sell intoxicating liquors. -As high as ten per cent, per month has been demanded and obtained by the money lenders of Lynchburg, \ a. -The New York Herald is connected with Mr. Bennett’s residence on Wash burn Heights by telegraph. The United States Government calls for bids, until Bth Jane, for 7,400 tons of coal, to be delivered at Barraucas, Florida. -There are 3,241 newspapers pub lished in the German language in Europe, of which only 747 are poli tical. —One-half of the pianos sold in Europe at the present day are construct ed on the same plan as those sold fifty rears ago. —A man in Meriden, Conn., has two magnificent Newfoundland dogs of pro dijous size, which have drawn a burden of no less than five hundred pounds. —Chicago claims that it has no good beef to eat —nothing but ‘ widowed, emaciated cow; superannuated old bull; aged and invalid stag. - ’ —They impound dogs, in Macon, in stead of shooting them. A man can recover his “animal” by paying the city tax. —The Kentucky Ladies’s Association of Louisville have just forwarded SI,BOO to Gen. Lee for the benefit of Wash ington College, Va. A plantation in Louisiana, which anterior to the war yielded an income, of $50,000, was sold the other day for $2,000. —Connecticut has a population of 540,000, against 460,148 in iB6O and 370.792 in 1850, and ar. expected popu lation of 570,000 in 1870. —A small lot of tobacco was sold in Lynchburg last Friday, which was 16 years old, being a part of the crop of 1851. It was entirely sound and sweet. —The weather in the Northwest con tinues so bad that fears begin to be entertained that injury may result to the corn crop from the unfavorable planting season. —Reports from the west say that thirty deserters left Fort Hays, Kansas, last week, five of whom were killed and scalped by the Indians, near the fort, on the 24th ult. —A clergyman in New York created a sensation by taking from his pocket a morning newspaper, and reading the news, last Sunday, while in the pulpit wailing for service time. —“Gents” in Boston submit quietly to the liquor law and get their “eleven o clocks” now at an advance of two hundred per cent., including a chair and a cracker. —ln the State of Mississippi there are thirty-nine political papers. Os these fifteen are opposed to reconstruc tion under thß law of Congress, and twenty-four in favor of it. —The amount of grain now in Chi cago, as reported by various warehouses to the Board of Trade, is 2,056,000 bushels, being a decrease of 1,745,000 bushels from the same time last year. —Appjeton Oaksmitb, who was con victed years ago of being engaged in the slave trade, recently made applica tion to the President for a pardon, but his wife protesting against it, the pardon was refused. —lwo negroes, near New Canton, in Buckingham county Va., got into a nsht last week about some chickens one had stolen from the other, during which one of them was killed by a blow on the head with a brickbat. -lbe following telegram has been received : “Mexico, May 25-Horace Oreeiv, N. Y.: Itn m a tight place. ■ 'f; Urat 'rain, and do bv me as you did by Davis. Say nothing to the • block neada. —Maximilian." —A man iu Milwaukie works up andr a , d d '*» at » Profit Os about s2.;io the h■ , Bklns are ase,i * ,,r gloves, forl:;w^ boneSare^UU ' ,and U <' -Au English physician dined every day lor more than twenty years on •- -1 of strong ale. a h y o(,n-^rC a Tarter of a pint of brandy and thuTd' 1 f" 1 * h ‘ lf ° f rum P ""rak’ He is dady spent an hour and a half of h,St 7’ ,al<| iig only one meal a day. penalty of having * W ■ Undtr lhe out. 7 “ Vlng hl » drains blown thrilofernment' in th** n^ al of decided to ,) e urratt ca »e have -urder found of have anew one “thu i ® UrrHU > and to Jury ot the June -dj 'be Grand Uourt, charging him with* Cr ' mi " al conapi rtlcjr 'h ;= , W,l “ lre *«on and c °urse, probably u^, kn0,,l, ‘ d(?e of this nek, one of the cm P“ a ' ed Mr - Mer inciden tally declare" 66 Surratt, to ffie 29th, ult 1,, '*? °P en court on tlial the trial 'ol h ng r a 8 a,lotlier dase, take place. h,i el,eu ‘ "Ould never THE DAILY PRESS. . . a v I /y AA A i **; *II fl 1 4 » _ VOL. 111. Special Notices. tar freFtcTeverybody.— a large 6 pp. Circular, |iria( iiformation of rite greatest Importance to the young of both aexei- It trachea how the homely may broomo beautiful, the Jarpiacd respected, and the foraakoa loved, lie young lady or gentleman ahould Ml to wend their address, and receive a copy post paid, by return malt. Address, Pi O. DRAWBR 21, mh2o —Bm VtnyvN. T. #©*■ KNOW THY’ DESTINY.— Madams Et FS Thornton, the great English Astrologist, Clairvoyant and PsyehomeMt rian, who has asiooishad the scientific rlsssss of tbs Old World, has now 1 nested herself at Hudson, {7. Y. Madame Thorn ton possesses fuels' wonderful powers of second sight, as to übablo her to impart knowledge of the greatest importance to the single or married of either sox. While in a state of tranee, she delineates the very features of the person you are to marry, and hy the aid of an instrument of intense power, known as the Psycbometrope, guar antees to produce a lifelike picture of the future husband or wife of tho applicant together with date of marriage, position in life, leading traits of character, etc. This is no humbug, as thousands of testimonials can a s sert. She will send, when desired, a certificate, or written guarantee, that the picture is what it purports to be. By en closing a small lofck Os hair, and stating place of birth, age, disposition, .and com plexion, and enclosing fifty cents and stamped envelope addressed to yourself, you will receive the picture and desired information by return mail. All communi cations sacredly confidential. Address in confidence, MADAME E. F. THORNTON, mh2l-1y P.O. Box 223. Hudson, N.Y. gag* WONDERFUL BUT TRUE.— Madanjo Remington, the world renowned Astrdlogist and Somnambulistic Clairvoy ant, whilo in a clairvoyant state, delineates the very features of the person you are to marry, and by the aid of an instrument of intense power, known as the Psycomotrope, guarantees to produce a perfect and lifelike picture of the future husband or wife of thS applicant, with date of marriage, occupa tion, leading traits of character, etc. This is no imposition, as testimonials without number can assert By stating place ol birth, age, disposition, color of eyes and hair, and enclosing fifty cents, and stamped envelope addressed to yourself, you will receive the picture by return mail, together with desired information. Address in confidence, MADAME GERTRUDE REMINGTON, P. 0. Box 297, West Troy, N. Y. mh2o—ly r«aP A YOUNG LADY RETURN ING to her country home, after a sojourn of a few months in the city, was hardly recognised b> her friends. In place of a course, rustic, flushed face, she had a soft ruby complexion of almost marble smooth ness, and instead of twenty three she really appeared but eighteen. Upon inquiry as to the cause of so great a change, she plainly told them that she used the CIRCASSIAN BALM, and considered it an invaluable acquisition to any Lady’s toilet. By its use any lady or gentleman can improve their personal appearance an hundred fold. It is simple in its combination, as Nature herself is simple, yet unsurpassed in its efficacy in drawing impurities from, slso healing, cleansiug, and beautifying the skin and complexion. By its direct action on the euticle it draws from it all its impurities, kindly healing the same, and leaving the surface as Nature intended it should be, clear, soft, smooth, and beautiful. Price sl, sent by mail or express, on receipt of an order by W. L. CLARK A CO., Chemists. No. 3 West Fayette st., Syracuse, N. Y. The only American Agents for the sale of the same. mh2o—ly ASTROLOGY. The World Astonished AT THE WONDERFUL REVELATIONS made by the great astrologist, MADAME H. A. PEKRIGO. She reveals secrete no mortal ever knew. She restore* to happiness those who, from doleful events, catastrophes, crosses in love, loss of relations and friend*, lons of money, etc., have become despondent. She brings together those long separated, gives infor mation concerning absent friends or lovers, restores lost or stolen property, tells you the business you are best qualified to pursue and in what you will be most successful, causes speedy marriages and tells you the very day you will marry, gives you the name, likeness, and characteristics of the person. She reads your very thoughts, and by her almost supernatural powers, unveils the dark and hidden mysteries of the future. From the we see in the firmament— the melific stars that overcome or predomi nate in the configuration—from the aspects and positions of tbc planets and the fixed stars in the heavens at the time of birth, she deduces the future destiny of man. Fall not to consult the greatest Astrologist on earth, it costs y»u but a trifle, and you may never again baye so favorable an op portunity. Consultation fee, with likeness and all desired information, sl. Parties living at a distance can consult the Madame by mail with equal safety and satisfaction to themselves, as if in person. A full and explicit chart, written out, with all inqui ries answered and likeness enclo-ed, sent by mail on receipt of price above mentioned. The strictest secrecy will be maintained, and all correspondence returned or de stroyed. References of the highest order furnished those desiring them. Write plain ly the day of the month and year in which you were born, enclosing a small look or hair. Address, MADAME H. A. PERRIGO, P. O. Drawer 223, Buffalo, N. Y. mh2o—ly TO MERCHANTS. QN HAND— AN ASSORTMENT OF TG S ! FOR PACKAGES AND MERCHANDIZE OF ALL KINDS. They ere made of Linen Paper, rery strong, and are Eyeletted. Designed to bear a Business Card, which will be Printed upon them at very low rates Also, JOB PRINTING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, at the DAILY PRESS OFFICE. fab—tf AUGUSTA, GA., THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 6, 1867. OITY DIRECTORY, MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT. mayor: Hon. Foster Blodgett; office, let floor, southwest corner, City Hall. covnciliien: Ward A*. I—James B Bishop, Henry T Peay, Thos N Philpot. Ward Ko. 2—Ephraim Tweedy, Joe B Reynolds, Samuel Levy. Ward No. 3—Benj F Conley, Jacob B Platt, Wm H Tutt. Ward No. 4—R B Bollock, Otis G Lynch, David L Roath. Clerk of Council —L. T. Blome ; office, City Half, 2d floor. Collector and Treasurer —l. P. Garvin ; office, Broad Street, over Sherman & Jessup’s store. Chief of Pbliee —John A. Christian ; office, City Hall, basement, N. E. corner. TAentcnomts of Police —Benj. F. John son, Thomas Walsh, and Charles Evans. Kkeper of City Hall —James Mullet., Sr.; office, City Hall. Superintendent of Streets and Drains — John Morrison. Superintendent ot Water Works, Pumps, and Wells —Peter Sheron: office, Tel fair street, near Spaeth's saloon. Keeper of the Bridge —Louis A. Pic quet; office at the Bridge toll-gate. Deputy/ Keeper oj the Bridge —Charles H. Rogers ; office, with the Keeper of the Bridge. Clerk of the Lower Market —H. R. Phil pot; office at the Scale House, below the Market. Clerk of the Upper Market —William Keener. Lamplightei —J. M. Snelling. Keeper of the Jail —T. C. Bridges; of fice at the Jail, corner of Elbert and Watkins’ streets. Keeper of the City Hospital —William D. Tant; office at the Hospital, t reene street, between Houston and Wilde streets. Keeper of the City Cemetery — Jerre Mor ris ; at Cemetery, Lincoln street, be tween Watkins and Taylor streets. City Sexton —Thomas A. Konze. City Surveyor —E. V. Sharpe. City Hospital Physician — Dr. M. E. Swiuuey. Wharfinger —H. C. Foster; office Mc- Intosh street, corner of Bay, up stairs. JjOt Inspectors — First Division, John Reilly; Second Division, John Mc- Kenney. Inspector and Measurer of Wood — First Division, J. F. Turpin ; Second Divi sion. Keeper of the City Clock — Geo. Harbig. City Police. — M. J. Deween, L. F Radford, John Kavanagh, A. M. Pra ther, James lteilly, T. W. Olive, Patrick Pows, Thornton Waters. John Shields, James Lawlor, Peter Pardue, Daniel Buckley, Joseph T. Godwin, Joseph W. Ramsey, Patrick Hughes, E. J. Hicks, Richard Hays, James Garrahan, E. Rumley, Dominick Conlon, John C. Lewis, John Lillis, Patrick Kearney, John Jennings, Joshua Dean. Wm. Vale, James McDonough, Henry Harris, John McArdle. Fire Wardens — J A. Robert. D. H. Denning, J. B. Platt, C. A. Platt. City Assessors —From Council. Charles Estes ; Ist Ward, Josiah Sibley ;2d Ward, Tlios. R. Rhodes ; 3d Ward, F. Lamback ; 4th Ward, Wm. H Goodrich. HOUGHTON INSTITUTE. Greene and Ellis, between Elbert and Lincoln streets. Boys' Department (Eutranee on Greene street) —Principal, Jos. T. Derry ; Assistant, Miss Kate E. Parmelee. Girls' Department (Entrance on Elli3 street) —Principal, Mrs. Sarah J. Lathrop; Assistant, Miss Funuie A. Scott. AUGUSTA FREE SCHOOL, Greene street, between Mclntosh and Jackson. Boys' Department —Principal, Martin V. Calvin. Girls’ Department Principal, Mrs. Josephine Jones. CITY COURT. Judge —Hon. John C. Snead. Clerk —J. Taliaferro. City Sheriff- —Isaac Levy. Regular Terms —Fourth Mondays in February, May, August, and Novem ber. RECORDER’S COURT. Recorder —Matt. Sherou. Clerk —L. T. Blonifi. Sheriff* —City Police Officers. Regular Day *—Tuesdays and Fridays of each week, at 10 o’clock, A.M. AUGUSTA FIRE DEPARTMENT. Chief Engineer —.l B Plait, ... Fird Assistant —F A B Jennings, Second Assistant —Daniel Galvin. Secretary —Wm Crane. Treasurer —A Iversen. Freights on Cotton FROM CHARLESTON TO NEW YORK — ‘.or.— POTTON WILL BE TAKEN FROM L CHARLESTON to NEW YORK for SI 3?ex* Bale. We will receive and forward to New York from this City, by the REGULAR LINE OF STEAMERS, all COTTON con signed to ns, at ONE DOLLAR PER BALE, free of commission, enrtage and other eg peases. RAVBNKL A 00., Agent* of Regular Lin© Steamers, ap9— tf Charleston, S. C. ( Jewellers. ESTABLISHED IN 1850. Extensive and attractive sup plies of Rich Jewelry, Geld and Silver Watehes, and Solid Silverware of evefy’de scription, Diamond Rings and Pins, Ladies' Gold Leuntine and Chatelaine Chains, Gent’s Guard, Vest, and Fob Chains, Wedding Rings, Bridal Setts of Pearls,, ALSO, STERLING SILVER FOR BRIDAL PRESENTS AND A GREAT VARIETY OF FANCY ARTICLES. Fine Watches and Jewelry repaired at A. PRONTAUT’S OLD STAND, 163 Broad street. One door below Augusta Hotel. je2—tf “ESTABLISHED IN 1855*’' T. RUSSELL & CO., Have just received and opened e fine assortment of Diamond Rings & Breast Pins, Snitable for BRIDAL and WEDDING PRESENTS. Also, keeps on band RICH JEWELRY, FINE GOLD <k SILVER WATCHES, ETC "W a t c h. © s , CLOCKS, MUSIC BOXES k JEWELRY, REPAIRED and WARRENTED. All work done by first class workmen, and at the Shortest Notice. I. RUSSELL <t- CO., may9—tjs No. 286 Broad Street. Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry. EH. SUMMER— . 184 BROAD STREET, Three doors below Daily Press office. Avgusta, Ga. WATCHMAKER’S TOOLS, MATERIALS, and GLASSES. WATCHES and CLOCKS repaired and warranted. JEWELRY made and repaired Ail kind of HAIR BRAIDING done. no7—tf • There cometh glad tidings of joy to all, To young and to old, to great and to small, The beauty which once was so procionß anfl rare, Is free for all, and all may be fair, By THB USE Off CHASTELLAR’S WHITE LIQUID ENAMEL I For Improving and Beautifying the Complexion. THE MOBT VALUABLE AND PER FECT preparation in use, for giving the skin a beautiful pearl-like tint, that as only fuuud in youth. It quickly removes Tan, Freckles, Blotches, Moth Paiges, Sallow ness, Eruptions, and all impurities of the skin, kindly healing the same, leaving the skin white and clear as alabaster. Its use cannot be detected by the closest scrutiny, and being a vegetable preparation is per fectly harmless. It is tho only article of the kind used by the French, and is con sidered by the Parisian as indispensable to a perfect toilet. Upwards of 30,000 bottles were sold during the past year, a sufficient guarantee of its efficacy. Price only 75 cents. Sent by mail, postpaid, on receipt of an order, by BERGER, SHUTTS & CO., Chemists, 285 River street, Troy, N. Y. mar2o—ly Reparator Capilli. Throw away your false frizzes, your switches, your wig— Destructive of comfort, and not worth a fig: Come aged, come youthful, come ugly and fair. And rejoice in your own luxuriant hair. REPARATOR CAPILLI, For restoring hair upon bald heads (from whatever cause it may have fallen out) and forcing a growth of hair upon the face, it has no equal. It will force the beard to grow upon the smoothest face in from five to eight weeks, or hair upon bald heads in from two to three months. A few ignorant practitioners have asserted that there is nothing that will force or hasten the growth of the hair or heard. Their assertions are false, as thousands of living witnesses (from their own experience), can bear witness. But many will say, how arc we to distin guish the genuine from the spurious? It certainly is difficult, as nine-tenths of the different preparations advertised for the hair and beard are entirely worthless, and you may have already thrown away large amounts in their purchase. To such we would say, try the Reparator Capilli; it will cost you nothing unless it fully comes up to our representations. If your Druggist does not keep it, seed us one dollar and we will forward it, post paid, together with a receipt for the monev, which will he re turned you on application, provid.ng entire satisfaction is not given. Address, W. L. CLARK & CO., Chemists. No. 3 West Fayette st., Syracuse, S. Y. mh2o—ly BEA.TJTY. i ’ u r 1 .< One application warranted to curl the most freight and stubborn hair of either sex into wavy ringlets or heavy massive curls. Has been used by the fashionables of Paris and London, with the most gratifying results. Does no injury to tbc hair. Price by mail, sealed and postpaid sl. Descriptive Cir culars mailed free. Address BERGER, SIIUTTS A CO., Chemists, No. 285, River Street. Troy, N. Y., Sole Agents for the United States. ma2o—ly WHISKERS AND M oustaches! rfSfK FORCED TO (trow npnn the wmH smoothest face in MfcjJT from three to five m week, by using fjgrfjL sEVKKiN’s eJsßßm*. RESTAUT EUR ” CAPILLAIRE, “ the most wonderful discovery in modem science, noting upontbe Beard and Hair in an almost miraculous manner. It baa been need by the elite of Paris and London with the moet flattering sueoeas. Names of ail purchasers will be registered, and if entire satisfaction is not given in every instance, the money will be oheerfully refunded. Price by mail, sealed and postpaid, ft. Descriptive circnlars and testimonials mailed free. Address BERGER, SHUTTB A CO., Chemists, No. 285 RiveT Street, Troy, N. Y., Sole Agent! for the United States. ma2o—ly. Rail Road Sohedules. Change of Schedule of Sonth Car olina Rail Road Company. Orrsoo Sotfrw Ca holm.a R. R. Cos., ) Charleston, March 11, 1867. j ON AND AFTER WEDNESDAY, March 13, 1867. the THROUGH MAIL TRAIN iron Columbia to Augusta, will run as lollptrs, vix.: Leave Augusta 6.5& A.M. Arrive at Charleston 4.06 P.M. Arrive at Colttobia 5.20 P.M. Leave Charleston. 8.00 A.M. Arrive at Augusta 6.00 P.M. Change of Schedule on the Geor gia Railroad • To improve connections at Atlanta and . other points. emsa f\N AND AFTER WEDNESDAY, U March 13, 1867, Sundays excepted, the Passenger Trains will run as follows - DAY PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Augushr »t 6.30 A.M. Leave Atlanta at 8.30 A. M. Arrive at Augusta at 8.00 p. M Arrive at Atlantaat 5.30 P. M. NIGHT PASSENGER TRAIN. Leave Augusta at 9.30 P. M. Leave Atlanta at 6.30 P. *4. Arrive at Augusta at 6.15 A.M. Arrive at Atlanta at 7.00 A. M. Passengers for Mayfield, Washington and Athens, Ga., must take Day Passenger Train from Augusta and Atlanta. Passengers for Mobile and New Orleans must leave Augusta on Night PassoDger Train at 9;30J?. M. to make close connec tions. Passengers for West Point, Montgomery, Nashville, Corinth, Grand Junction, Mem phis, Louisville, and St. Louis can take either train from Augusta, and make close connections. THROUGH TICKETS and Baggage Checked through to the above places. SLEEPING CARS on all Night Passen ger Trains, E. W. COLE, mal3—tf General Superintendent. Atlantic and Gulf Railroad. DAILY (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED). Leaves Savannah at .....8.30 p.m. Arrives at Thomasvillo at 7.45 a.m. Arrives at Litre Oak at....,...., 6.30 a.m. Arrives at Jacksonville at ~12.40 p.m. Arrives at Tallahassee at 3.20 p.m. Leaves Tallahassee at 10.15 a.m. Leaves Jacksonville at 2.10 p.m. Leaves Live Oak at .....8.00 p.m Leaves . Thoteasville at 0.45 p.m. Arrives at Savannah at 0.00 a m. fes—tf PIONEER YEASTtPOWDER Ladies, use this and no other, And with j»ur Pastry you will have no bother; At every grocer’s you can get it. Try a box and you will ne’er regret it. This Yeast Powder is used by all first class Hotels and Restaurants through the country, and is finding its way into every household whore good Yoast Powder is ap preciated, Every box war ftttfOso til Sr moncytrofuud cd. Manufactured by TAYLOR <t- YOUNG, 186 Front Street, N. Y. Trade supplied at manufacturer’s prices by JOHN D. BUTT 4 BRO., Ag’ts., 266 Broad street, Augusta, Ga. ja27—6m* Pionki.h Soap. give: it a fair trial,. This soap requires only to be used to prove its superior quality. Use it as you would any common Soap. TRY IT, And yon will be convinced that it is supe rior to any other article in market. For sale by Grocers generally. Manufactured by TAYLOR & YOUNG, 186 Front Street, New York. Trade supplied at Manufacturer’s prices by JOHN D. BUTT A BRO., Ag’ts, No. 266 Broad st., Augusta, Ga. ja27—6m* Corn! Com! 1 firm BUSHELS PRIME 1 TENNESSEE CORN, AT GEORGIA RAILROAD. For sale low by my2l—lst C. A. WILLIAMS A CO. Piano-Fortes Tuned. TO MEET THE TIMES, I HAVE RE duced the charge for TUNING to THREE DOLLARS. Orders left at Mr. GEO. A. OATES’, 240 Broad Street, or at my Shop, opposite the Post-Office, promptly attended to. sel—tf ROBERT A. HARPER. “THE DAILY PRESS” Job O fifi c © HAS RECEIVED AN ENTIRELY NEW SUPPLY OP LATEST STYLE TYPE AND THE FINEST ASSORTMENT OF ALL KINDS OF Printing Papers! IN THE CITY. Colored Inks kept on hand AS USUAL. GREAT ATTRACTION! Spring Prints, Fast Colors, AT 12 CENTS PER YARD. ' JULIUS G TUCKER, 322 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. : my29-tf Southern Express Quickest Time ! LOWEST RATES I THROUGH RECEIPTS GIVEN VIA INLAND OR Steamer Boutes SPECIAL CONTRACTS Will be made by the Agents of the Scmtliern EXPRESS COMPANY AT BOSTON 82 Court Street NEW YORK 59 Broadway PHILADELPHIA 320 Chesnut Sl BALTIMORE 64 Baltimore St. CINCINNATI 67 West Fourth St. LOUISVILLE.. 72 Sixth St ST. LOUIS Cor. Main & Chesnut St. FOR FORWARDING Heavy Freicrlit OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. FOR ANY POINT IN THE SOUTH ERL STATES FaR eight c To be Sent by the QUICKEST ROUTE Should he Marked “Inland.” SAME ARRANGEMENTS MAY BE EFFECTED A7 ANY OFFICE Os the following EXPRESS COMPANIES: ADAMS HARNDEN AMERICA N HOWARD & CO.’S KINSLEY & CO.’S SARGENT & CO.’S CHENEY'S EASTERN EARLES' HOPE IN THE NORTH, EAST, and WEST. s®*Order Freight TO BE FORWARDED BY THE Southern Express Company, , Office, No. 179 Broad St., AUGUSTA, GA aulfi—l2m C. H. 'Warner, PLUMBER, GAS and STEAM FITTER 355 BROAD STREET, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA JEB~ Pumps, Gas, Steam and Water Pipes, Ruhber Hose and llose Pipts, promptly furnished or apS—tf MMES. BEGIN'S FRENCH MILLINERY! AND DRESS MAKING ESTABLISHMENT ! 328 Broad Street, Augusta, Ga., Opposite Planters’ Hotel, HATS, BONNETS, RIBBONS, FLOWRRB, BUTTONS, TRIMMINGS, SPENCERS, VEILS, Etc. To Ladies in the country who may de ■ire to have a well fitted Dress ent or made or Patterns of any kind, we will send All directions for taking a correct measure. Te9—ly Blanks of all kinds- PRINTED AT THIS OFFICE NO. 132. Snuff A. Tobacco. P. HANSBER6ER & CO. 304 BROAD STREET, W holesale and Retail Dealers IN SEG ARS, TOBACCO AND SNUFF, PIPES WALKING CANES, Etc. OUR BRANDS OF SEGARS AND TO BACCO are of the finest selection, and will suit the taste of the most fastidious. Call and examine for yourself. fe2B—tf AUGUSTUS BOHHE, qon BROAD STREET, OX/\J (Opposite Planters’Hotel' Has always on hand a large assortment of IMPORTED A DOMESTIC SEGARS Chewing and Smoking TOBACCO Lorillard’s SNUFF Fine Meerschaum PIPES AND CIGAR HOLDERS, genuine and imitation ALSO, Robber, Briar, Rosewood, and Clay PIPES, PIPE STEMS, SNUFF BOXES, Eta., AT THB LOWEST NEW YORK PRICES. THE TRADE SUPPLIED ON LIBERAL au4-ly] TERMS. Hotels, Restaurants. beTizeliaT THIB WELL KNOWN AND POPULAR PLACE, situated twenty miles from Augusta, with ample accommodations for visitors, a FINE SPRING OF MINERAL WATER, Delightful climate, in the midst of the Piney Woods, and 500 feet above the level of Augusta, has been refitted for tho ac commodation of the public. The Proprie tors are ready at all times to make each visitor feel at home, and the Table is fur nished with the best the country affoids. Give us a trial. H. A. MERRY k CO., fe22—6m Proprietors. MILLS HOUSE, CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA. This first-class hotel is now opened for the accommodation of the public, and possesses every accommodation and comfort calculated to please the most fastidious. The patronage of the travelling community is respectfully solicited. JOSEPH PURCELL, au2S—l2m Proorietor. SCREVEN HOUSE, gAVANNAH, GEORGIA, THIS FIRST CLASS HOTEL navingbeen renovated and newly furnished, is now open for the reception of the travel ling public. GEO. McGINLY, Proprietor, mhl 6—ts Heating housed Berzelia, Georgia R. R. PASSENGERS BY THE PASSENGER Trains ioaving Augusta at 6.30 A. M., and Atlanta at 7.15 P. M., also, those leaving either Augusta or Atlanta- by Freight Trains, can get a GOOD HEAL AT THIS LONG ESTABLISHED AND POPULAR HOUSE. H. A. MERRY A CO., fc22—6m Proprietors. Crockery. Mosher, Thomas & Scbaub, Q/1 \ BROAD STREET— Under Masouic Hall AUGUSTA, ui*., Direct Importers and Dealers in ENGLISH AND FRENCH China I BOHEMIAN, FRENCH and AMERICA Grlass "Ware! AND KEROSENE LAMPS, AND AGENTS OF KAOLIN WARE. Try us, and we will convince yon that you can save the Freight from N«w York to this point. JOSIAH MOSHER, J. JEFFERSON THOMAS, GEORGE SCHAUB. oo2—ly New Crockery House. BEAN & ADAM, 26 9 BROAD STREET, Augusta, Ga., Agents for English Manufacturers, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE lIEA LEES IN CHINA, GRANITE, AND COMMON WARE. On band, and arriving, 200 Crates, selected by one of our firm in Europe, to suit THE SOUTHERN TRADE. Being sole Agents for one of tbe largest Potteries in England, our facilities for oh taining Goods will eoable ns to compete with any eity in 'he United States. f«2B—tf EEMOVED. WE HAVE REMOVED OUR FOUN DRY and MACHINE WORKS to the extensive building and fine Water Power privilege, on KOLLOCK STREET, opposite Stovall’s Excelsior Floor Mills, where, with increased facilities, we ire prepared to take large contracts for Iron and Brass Castings and Machine Work in general. We would bn pleased to sea all of our old customers and a host ot new ones. BENDLETON k BOARDMAN, Engineers and Machinists. my!9—aodlm ®ft Jail]) frfss. BOoirilD JOB PBIITIIG or IVXBY DESCRIPTION EXECUTED IN TnE BEST MANNER. The Fattest Power Presses, and Best Workmen enables us to do Superior JOB WO UK at Cheaper Rate, than elsewhere. Insurance. B. H. BRO DN AX, JNSURANCE AGENCY. OFFICE AT THE OLD SAVINGS BANK, ;229 BROAD STREET ju6—ly JFurnitiire. Furniture and Piano Hauling. JJAVING A NEW AND LIGHT SPRING DRAY, I am prepared to haul Furniture, Pianos, and anything else, without scratching or braising, as is too often the case. Orders left at my store, on Washington street, between Broad and Ellis, will be promptly attended to, at reasonaole rates. Particular care given to moving Furniture and Pianos. WM. nALE (Colored), Dealer in Family Groceries j»ls—tf Ice Notices. 3E-Cr JES NOTICE I ICE CAN BE OBTAINED AT THE Augusta Ice House, opposite the South Carolina Railroad Depot,and at the Brunch House, on Campbell Street, at ONE DOL LAR AND TWENTY FIVE CENTS PER HUNDRED POUNDS, aod for any less quantity, ONE CENT AND A HALF PER POUND. Both Houses will bo open for delivery of ICE on Sundays from 5 to 9 o'clock, A. M., and from 6 to 7 o’clock, eveniDg. This arrangement will give every one ample time to get their supply, and Ice will not he delivered at any other time on Sundays. my3o-tf C. EMERY. “Christian Messenger” copy twice. tJIHE McINTOSH STREET Tc© Hoias© IS REOPENED. trust my old patrons will remember it, uu send in their orders. R. A. HARPER. mars—ts TO SPORTSMEN. Guns, pistols, and ammunition. Just received, a full assortment of Sin gle and Double Barreled GUNS COLT’S REPEATERS, all sizes Smith k Wosson, Merwin k Bray’s, and Remington’s PISTOLS POWDER, SHOT, and GUN WADDING Best quality Water Proof CAPS All kinds PISTOL CAPS METALLIC CARTRIDGES, for all Pis ola All kinds of POWDER FLASKS and SHOT BAGS DOOR and DRAWER LOCK3, all sises. Abell hanging, KEYS FITTED TOORDER at short notice. A general assortment, of everything to he found in a well stocked Gun and Locksmith Store. .Repairing done promptly and in the best manner, anti on the lowest terms. Remember the place. W. D. BOWEN, 290 BROAD Street. Orery Barry <b Batty’s Drug Store, spll—3mo MECHANICAL WONDER ! The Hicks Steam Engine, Manufactured by the Hicks Steam Engine Co s, of Delaware. BLANTON DUNCAN, President. TIIOS K. BIIARP, General Superintendent. I BEG LEAVE TO CALL THE ATTEN TION of tbe public to this wonderful Steam Engine, which is cheaper, lighter, less intricate, occupies less space, consumes less fuel than any other engino. and is superior in every other way, it being in fact a double cut off Engine, without the friction of a double set of valves with their multiform attachments, and for its superior merits was awardod the gold medal at the Maryland Institute Fair, in October, 1866, over all other engines. This invention, therefore, forms tbc most radical and ontire change in steam engines which has occurred since the days of Watts, being durable, uccurato, and econ omical in operation in space beyond all comparison with the past, and at far less original cost than ever beforo attained. All orders promptly filled at the DAILY PRBBS OFFICE, 100 Broad street, Augusta, Ga. Send for circulars giving a minute de scription of Engine. ap2—6m “The Daily Press” IS NOW THE Official Paper OF THE CITY. AI) VEIi TISEMENTB INSERTED ON VERY LIBERAL'TERMS, E. H. PUGHE, PROPRIETOR.