Daily morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1850-1864, December 04, 1851, Image 1
F IVC DOLLARS PER ANNUM, HALF YEARLY IN ADVANCE. TWELVE CENTS A WEEK—-SINGLE COPIES TWO CENTS. VOLUME II. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 4, 1851. NUMBER 278. I'Uin.lSHF.U DAU.Y AND TIU-WEEKLY BY JOHN M. COOPER. WILLIAM T. THOMPSON, EDITOR. T I) RMS: The “Daily Morning News” is delivered to City Subscribers at five dollars per urimiiii, pnyuble half marly IN ADVANCE, or lor twelve cents u week, Jay able to the Carriers. Single copies, two cents. 'The “Tei-Wf.ekly Morning Nkwb,” (for the Country,) containing all the now mutter uml new tisemciits of the Daily, is furnished for three dollars per annum, IN ADVANCE. I gp* Advertisements inserted at the following rates: FOR ONE SQUARE OF TEN LINES, in* insertion. (Mlcts. One Month, $0 (JO wo “ $1 UU Two “ 10 00 lireo “ 125 Three “ 12 50 onr “ 150 Four “ 15 00 ive “ 1 75 Six “ 20 00 Une Week, 2 00 One Year, HU 00 For advertisements not exceeding fivo liner three- fourths of tho above rates will be charged, i. v., |<’or one insertion, 15 cents. .75 “ one week, 50, See. Sec. gal Advertisements inserted at the usual rates, vertisements from transient persons or strangers lie paid in advance. lvertisers will h« restricted to their regular l all other advertisements, not pertaining i their regular business, as agreed for, will bo charged Yearly advertisers,exceeding in their advoi fisemonts da: average number of lines agreed for, will becliargod „t proportional rates. Adverlisoments sent to this office without directions, as to the number of insertions, will be published daily until ordered to de discontinued, and charged accord ingly. All new Advertisements appear in the “Tri- Weekly News,” for tho Country. ! yf* All Lettersdiroeted to thisofficn, or the Editor, CHARLES V. COOPER, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, JACKSONVILLE, Florida. References—Col. H. Sibley, 11. Hilton, Editors of Georgiun; Messrs. Snider, Luthrop Sc Nevitt, Boston Sl Giinby, Jl. A. Crane Sc Co., Suvanuuli; Hon. Titos. Douglas', Judge Eastern Circuit; lion. Levi 8. Muw* hiiib, Judge Western do.; Hon. Isaac H. Bronson, Judge U. H. District Court; Gen. Win. Bailey. oct20 IHimVIPKllY. M RS. DANNERFELZER offers her professional services to the ladies of Suvnnimh. Mrs. D. is a graduate of the Gorinuu College of Midwifery ut Hei delberg, us her diploma from that institution will testi fy. Residence corner of Bay and Montgomory-sts, sept 29 ly PATENT WIRE RAILING! G, BUTLER, AGENT. For the New England Wire Hailing Company. All orders promptly attended to ly oct 18 ED W AHD II. BUNKER, General Commission Merchant, 80 liny Street. Prompt personal attention given to consignments for stile or sliipmeut. Liberal Cash Advances made on approved Merchandise consigned to ine, or to my New York, Boston and Baltimore friends, ly oct21 CABINET MAKING ANI) UPHOLSTERY N. A NUNGEKER, No. 50 Liberty-street. Making New anil Repairing Old Furniture* OLD FURNITURE UOUOUT AND SOLD. The Bottoms of Sofas, Divans, Chairs and Ottomans made over and rc-covered. CARPETS, OIL CLOTH, AND MATTING CUT AND TUT DOWN. Bells and Lumps Hung—Curtains uud Roller Blinds put up. ITT E vory description of COFFINS on hand and" made to order, of the best material and finish. Prices low. ly mar 12 MOORE & HENDRICKSON, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, AND DEALEHS IN Paints, Oils, Window Glass, Brushes, Garden Seeds, S^c., npr 28 Gibbons’ Buildings, Suvunnuh, Ga. CLASSICAL AND ENGLISH SCHOOL! 157 Broughton Street. BERNARD MALLON, Principal. Miss A. M. PARKER, Teacher of Primary Classes and Drawing. IIEN111 1IERR1SSE, Teacher of French. Hr. I,. KNURR, Classical Teacher. july 19 I’JBTfiU O. THOMAS, (3UCCEI80B 70 CIURLE8 VAN HORN) Dealer in WINDOW SASHES, BLINDS, AND PANEL DOORS. jnu 4 No . 1 5 3 B a y • s tr 111. ly WOOD! WOOD!! WOOD!!! rpilE StJIlSCKI HER keeps constantly on bund 1 at tin: Canal Bridge, a large supply Black Jack, [’mu, uud Oak Wood ot’lbo best quality, which lie will veil at a reasonable rate. Orders left in order boxes ut Carswell Sc Sweat’s, Market square, or at John D. Jessie’s, Broughton strcot, will be punctually attended to, and wood delivered immediately, lei.22 PETER WHITE. WOOD ! WOOD!! WOOD ! J! 4 I.L those iu want of wood for Parlor,Bed Room, or 1V Kitchen, will please tuko notice that the sub- n'Tiber keeps constantly on hand, at the lowest chsIi price, Black Jack, Oak, Hickory, Pine, Ash, aud Muple Wood, at the Kail Rond and Canal Bridge. Orders Mi ut J. A. LaRocIio’s Drug store, will bo attended to, f«h 28 tf o. a. Laroche. UJI IUIRHOW A 11INJU, DEALERS IN HIDES AND SKINS. WANNING AND CURRYING carried on, near the -I. junction of the Louisvills uud Augusta ltouds, where the highest market prices will ho paid for HIDES aud SKINS. Tanners supplied with Hides on reasonable terms. All orders promptly uttonded to. ly nug 28 llOL’8li-K.EEi*EK8’ TINWARE ESTABLISHMENT. mm: SUBSCRIBER is now prepared to execute 1 all orders in TIN, COPPER and SHEET-IRON Work, at tlio shortest notion. House-Keepers and others, who regard economy uml dispatch, would do well to givo mo u cull. sept 20 3m O. P. SELLERS, Jefforson-st., betwocn Congress nnd Broughton. T. HI. HO sis, SEGAR SNUFF, AND TOBACCO STORE No. 107 MAY STREET, (At the. Blue Sign, one door west from Drayton,) l/" KEPS constantly ou hand, imported und homo IV made, SEGARS of different Brands, fino cut l'OBACCO, aud SNUFF of all kinds; pul up care fully, at wholesale and retail, and at the most reason* aide prices. '.’if* Orders from the Country punctually attend- til to. 6 hios. ' oct 1 ill. CASSON, SEGAR AND TOBACCO STORE. NO. Hi IIUEI-STKEET, Opposite Sign of the Big Indian, near Monument-sq. Keeps constantly ou hand SPANISH, HALF SPAN ISH, and AMERICAN SEGARS, nt wholesulo nnd re- toil. Also, Chewing and Smoking Tobacco, mid Snuff, out it) ly S. Z. MUKPMY, CARRIAGE MAKER & BLACKSMITH, No. 96 aud 98 St. Juliuii a Street, Best Side of the Market, Savannah, Ga. Carriages repuired at short notice, uud at reasonable julie 26 prices. 61110s. SMITH A GLADDING, Auctioneers nnd Commission Merchants, SAVANNAH, QA. ft ho. J. Smith. | Wm. 11. Gladding. oct6 ly TO PLANTERS. GEORGIA SHOES. OA AAA FAIRS NEGRO KKOGANS. The Subscribers ure now receiving their Fall Supplies of Plantation Work. Gentlemen’s, 1.allies’ und Children’s Boots nnd Shoes, of every quality and style, selected by n member of tho firm with the strictest caro, comprising tho largest und hast arranged stock ever offered iu this market. Wo nro prepurod to furnish groat inducoinouts to those wlm will favor us with a cull, and pledge ourselves to give in overy instuuce satisfaction. VERSTILLE Sc BUTLER, sept G 3mo Market-square. IV. K. BARNU9K & CO., f/H 149 Congaess Street. Sk HATS AND CAPS ^ At WholcHiile anil Retail. ra WHOLESALE & RETAIL .Oh JanAT AND CAP STORED ^PHE Undersigned would respectfully inform the -*• citizens of Savannah and Chatham County, as Wi'll US those of tho adjacent Counties, likewise the citizens of South Carolina, who visit our city with u view to the purchase of HATS AND CAPS, that he 18 dow opening, on Broughlon-streot, two doors Eat °f N. B. Sc H. Weed’s, a large und well selected Stock *>f HATS AND CAPS, of various styles nu4 qualities, which, for iioutncss and durability, cannot be surpassed by any establishment iu tho city. He respectfully asks mi oxamlnatiou of his Stock, and a share of public patronage. . 1-^* City and Country Dealers will find it to their interest to cull and examine my Stock. Orders from the Country executed with dispatch and fidelity. I'tE?’ 5 * No abatement or deviation in prices. J»o» 24 If. R. BOX. LAWTON, DOWELL Ac CO., no. £10 bay-street, savannah, Georgia. WM. 8. LAWTON CO., COnNEn SECOND AND PorLAR-STREETS, MACON, OA. A. If. LAWTON Sc CO., OGLETHORrE, GEORGIA. FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS. f I LENDER their services to their friends and the A public generally. They are mutually pledged not to speculate in Cotton. Liberal advances made on produco consigned to them, and Planters’ ordors filled with dcspntch uud at the lowest market prices. A. B. Lawton, 8. L. Dowell, W. 8. Lawton, of Raker County, of Savannah. of Macon. july 28 ly HENRY K. PRESTON. TEACHER IN THE CLASSICS AND MATHE- MAT1CS. No. 147 Broughtons t. sept 1 . tf OHO. TROUP HOWARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office No . 97 Ray Street. dec G ly Savannah. PETER O. THOMAS. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, ACCOUNTANT, AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Office , No. 153 B ay street. Court Days, tho Second Satnrduyin each month.— Return Days, 10 days previous to the Court. jan8 ly 8. P. HAMILTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW: Commissioner of Deeds fur South Carolina. Office St. Juliun-street, corner Whitaker, sept Iff 3m J. F. PE LOT Sc CO., FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Williumson'B Buildings, Buy-strcet. J. F. TELOT. Z. N. WINKLER sept 3 <>mo YONGK Sc ODEN, FACTORS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WntcliFM, Jewelry, nnd Plated Wnre. rfj? The Subscriber’s stock is now complete— consisting of Gold Hunting uud Plain Case, eTl JL Gold and Hard Dial Chronometers ; Duplex, ■■■PDetached and Anchor Levers, uml Ladies’An chor ami Cylinder Watches, some extra liue and valu able, with Diamond settings; Diamond, Ruby, and Emerald Rings, in great variety uml prices, from $5 to $200; Sterling Silver Ware u large stock, uml a new supply of Children’s Cups. Also u full supply of Cream Pitchers, with covers, and plain ; 1 lino old fashioned Tankard; also Pitchers, 1 extru large; Castors a very extensive stock, and ofovery pattern in the niurket; 'Pea Sets 0 different patterns of 4, 5, nnd ff pieces, from $25 to $10 ; Plates uml Services of real Sheffield, ami u new style of Birmingham no.; Candle sticks all sizes and patterns, real Sheffield and Birming ham ; Snuffers and Trays to match, a very tine and stylo article; Cake Baskets, Sugar Bowls, Tea Kettles, Urns, Butter Bowls, Forks, Spoons, MILLINERY. MRS. s. TOMBS, No. 15 Barnard Hr roc I, OPENS THIS DAY, her Fall Stock of Bie ^latest styles of Fashionable MILLI- Mrs. T. respectfully solicits the inspection of the ladies of Savannah to her choice selections of BONNETS and RIBBONS. N. B.—Press-Making in all its branches, ly oct 20 variety of Plated Ware usual ly kept in my line of bu siness. Silver uml Plated Salt Cellars a variety of ulterus; Fuucy Goodsa larger stock than ever opened cforu ; Pearl Ring, Watch and Jcwc^y Boxes, from $3 to $100; uud many articles loo numerous for tin Advertisement. Culls solicited by • G. M. GRIFFEN, v 12 Successor to lute M. Eastman. CARY’S COLORED DAGUERREOTYPERY. P M. CARY would respoctfully give notice tliut • hisGallery is now reopened for the season. He would he happy to wait on all persons who would have a superior picture. —FOR SALE— A grout variety of Plates uud Casks, of the finest quality. oct 29 J. €• THOltNTOiVS CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY. SAVANNAH, geo. The Subscriber is pleased to he able to unnouuce to his fellow citizens of Geor gia uud Florida, that his Ikon Front Buildings on the CORNER of WEST BROAD uml BAY'STREETS, in tin; city of Savuiinuh, are now complete, uml he offers for sale one of the ric.d, durable, and splendid assortment of Carriages ever exhibited in a Southern City. Among my stock will bu found all of the latest and most Fashionable styles, combindiug elegance with Lightness and Strength. My whole stock bus hern manufactured by tho most celebrated manufacturers in Nrw-York and Newark, N. J„ ami has been gotten up uiidor my own eye du ring tho pust Summer, and is Warranted in every Par ticular. If twenty-four years practical experience in tho Cur- riage business (eighteen years of tliut time in my na tive State South Carolina) is any passport to confi dence, then the Subscriber feels emboldened to ask u share of his fellow citizens’ putyoiingo, and to assure them that the inducements now offered iu the City of Suvanuuli are unequalled by those of any City in llm South. It is my intention rooii to enter largely iuto the man- tifacturo of Carriages in this City. 1 have secured the sorviecs of some of tho best work men in the various brunches, both native and foreign, ami I feci confident ol tny ability to present specimens of Georgia made Carriages that shall oompurc favorably with those made any where. I have now iu inv possession two Medals, awarded me by the “ American Institute,” New-York,and the “South Carolina Institute,” for specimens of my work, tliut 1 would lift pleased to show to any one who may have the curiosi o soo those tributes to South ern skill. J- C..THORNTON, nov 17 Late of Columbia. S. C. No. 94 Bay Street, Suvuunuli, Gu. WM. F. YONGE. (july 9) W. ODEN. HOME MANUFACTORY, OF SADDLES, BRIDLES AND HARNESS. 183 ('oiigrvHH 8trcct,8avniinnli The Subscribers manufacture ' and keep constantly on band, a Lf dies, Bridles, and Harness, and ® make to order every description of articles in their line. Our slock comprises also a large assortment of Trunks, Carpet-Bags, Valises, Saddle-Bugs, Whips, "cc. Persons desirous of supplying themselves, will o well to call at our establishment. All articles sold by us are warranted for material und workmanship. MRS. .1. F. DOF, No. Hi llnmard Street. OPENS THIS DAY, her Full stock of FASHIONABLE MILLINERY, and invites the Ladies to mi inspection of her elegant assortment of Bonnets, Ribbons, Flowers, Gloves, Combs, Bead Bags, Puncy (’ups, Ro settes, mul a choice selection of Crimp and Velvet Ribbons, for Dresses. ly oct 20 MRS. SILK Hit, No. 157 UongrcK* 8irt*ct. HAVING RECEIVED, per steamship Florida, her Fall stock of fashionable Silk and Straw Bonnets, Ribbons, Trimmings for Dresses, Feathers,French Flowers, Silks for Party Dresses, Mantillas, Collars mid Umler-Sleoves, respectfully invites tlm attention of Ladies to her Store, No. 157 Congress-st. 5-^"* All tho above Goods uro of Mrs. S’s. selection, oct20 ly MORNING NEWS. GEORGIA LEGISLATURE. AUCTION AND COMMISSION* MERCHANTS, TARVFR .V TRUCHFLUT. No. 126 Bay 8lrect. For flic sale of all kinds of Merchandise uml Pro duce, Real Estate, Negroes, &c., &c., at Auction or Private Snle. nov II NOTICE, All Persons, bore and else where, desirous of having procured for thorn WILD GAME, Ducks, Fowls, Tur- Ac., Ac., mid all other articles no- •y lor private use, as well as for hulls, mid public occasions and parties, previous notice being given, cun have them. Orders supplied by leaving a written or der for him at Mr. A. Mode’s Store, corner of Jeffer son uud Cougruss streets, nov 8 lino* E. MENDEL. keys, HACK, LIVERY, AND SALES STABLE, At the Old Stand, IVhitaher-st., near Guard House, Suvanuuli, Georgia. This well known stand, hav ing been thoroughly repaired the most substantial mfortablc nmnuor, with a good Lot at tached. is now upon to receive Drovers, Travellers, and Boardim: Horses. Its central position ronders it superior us a SALE mid LIVERY STABLE, mid af fords facilities not surpassed by any iu tho Southern country. Those who nitty favor u« with their patron age will find every attention paid them und their Horses. Carriages, Buggies, und SaddleHorses for hire. iy.. ifpiA N. II.—Wo also run n line of Four 4f~ Horse Mail Couches from Savannah to Duricii, (eiivTng Suvanuuli Mondays uud Thursdays ut 7 o’clock, A., M., returning Tuesdays and Fridays. Office kept ut the Stable. SAWYER, JIOLL’STER Sc CO. A. SAWYER, n. G. HOLLISTER, G. II. SAWYER. Savannah, Oct. 4, 1851. is ly JOHN F. McVONNALI), Commission Merchant, Hamburg, S. C., ( CONTINUES tho receiving, forwarding, and sol- J ling of goods and produco entrusted to him, uud no pains shall be spared to give sutiefuctiou. npr 23 4 a w JOHN V. TARVFR, Factor ami General CoiiiiiiIhnIoii Merchant, DEALER IN HAY AND GRAIN £7®^“ Evory description of Produce mid Merchan dize sold oil consignment or purchased to order, uct 12 Exchange IV ha rf. NG, SAMUEL A. OLDS, MANUFACT U HER O F CLOT 11 AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 51 Broatlicuy, Ncto-York—Upstairs. N. B.—Particular attention paid to all orders for si gle Garments or Suits. j*» 6 TO PARENTS AND GUARDIANS. B OY S’ READYMADE CLOTHING! The undersigned would respectfully inform both Parents und Guardians, hav ing Boys to clothe, that lie lias just returned from Now York, with a complete assortment of i Boys’ Readymade Clothing, *“ and will keep up the assortment through the 2 season. Ho lias taken much pains in having m O them made up to suit this inurket, mid will offer £ then to bis patrons as low as possible. Each SHAVING, HAIR DRESSING AND SHAMPOOING ESTABLISHMENT, Broughton Street, opposite St. Andrews Hall, july 7-ly WM. J. HUNT, Proprietor. JOHN IHALLFRV, DRAPER AND TAILOR, 15S BAY-STREET, K EEPS constantly OH h.md a complete assortment of voiymoice CLOTHS, CASSIMERS AND VESTINUS, of the newest shades and patterns, with a full supply of fnaltionablo READY MADE CLOTH ING und furnishing Goods, comprising ovory article of Gentlemen’s Append.oetf” F. O’JBYltNE, -XT taylob’s building, mabket wharf, Keeps constantly on hand a supply of CROCKERY WARE, GROCERIES. Sec. oct 9 »y RAIL-ROAD HOUSE, OPPOSITE THE CENTRAL RAIL-ROAD DEPOT, EAST MACON. july 3 BY 8. M. LANIER. ly FALLIGANT & TAYLOR, CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. Shop—curner of IVhiUtker and Perry-sis. jau 38 ly “ Savantmli- GILBERT BUTLER, MASTER HOLDER, DEALER IN WHITE PINE LUMBER Yo rh-street, Oglethorpe-sq. jan23 ly TAKE NOTICE! AN ANIMAL, ANY THING BUT AN ELEPHANT, CAN BE SEEN BY CALLING AT P. D. HELZHfilM S (lothln, “ " ‘ I —-ng Emporium, Jelf'ertjon Street. 7 D. HELZHEIM begs leave to inform bin friends • a mul tho public generally that he has returned *roin tho North with one of the largos land best selected Jtock of Readymade Fnl! and Winter CLOTHING to found in the city. He has also received a vr ty ,ur go assortment of Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoe*, Ac., together with nearly three hundred Trunks, Valises, He also bus his usual supply of Guus, Rifles, * Huddles uud Bridles, Umbrellas and Walk- j!'8 Cunns, with other articles too numerous to muu, Lon. He would respectfully invite his friends nnd all cuted, Connoisseurs of good clothing, to exumine his stock, and assures his visitors that If he ounuot show them nu F)ephuut,he can give them n little touch of the Rhi noceros. Country merchants supplied ou liberal 9*8 NO terms, at No. 4 uud 5, Mclutire's" "Now Buildings. N. B.—p, fL Jl, will not attend the World’s Fuir. july 10 *y JOHN CAMPBELL, HOUSE, SION, AND SHIP PAINTER, GILDER, GLAZIER, GRAINEK, AND PATER HANGER, Corner West Broad and Bryan Street!!, apr2 1 y Savannnah, Georgia. NEW DRUG STOKE. JAMES H. CARTER. JcfFcrMou-nt., 3 doors from CongrcNM-Hf ritHE Subscriber having established himself here JL in tho above business, is now receiving a ’ and well selected gtock of DRUGS, MEDICI CHEMICALS AND PERFUMERY. Also, White Lead,* Window Glass, Oils end Varnishes. All of which ho warrants fresh mid genuine. Merchants, ‘ purchaso any thing ** * exumine Physicians, mid others, wishing to purchase $1 in the Drug line, would do woll to cull and < his stock. Evory urticlo usually kept i on hand. 6ino P. PENT, CABINET MAKER, COBNEBMONTOOMEBY-8T. AND BAY LANE Cano Bottom Chairs repaired with neatnes* and dispatch.ly J nn 22 JOH3T POOLE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN PAINTS, OILS, TURPENTINE 6l VARNISHES, French and American WINDOW GLASS, Paint, Varnish, and White-wash Brushes, Sahel and Camel Hair Pencils, Badger and Camel Hair < Blcudors, Graining Combs, Artists’ Brushes, ice. ice. , Paper Hangings, Borders. and Fire-Board Prints. N. I). House, Sign, nnu Ship Painting, Gilding, Graining, and Glazing, done ou reasonable terms by JOHN POOLE, II Whitaker-street, mar.30 Nearly opposite Swift, Donslow &. Co. BOOK AND JOB PRINTING No. 10« BRYAN STREET (ENTRANCE IN THE LANK.) O RDERS left at tho Printing Office,er at tho Bool «-»o'* 0 ‘ u S r »LcoM m, r y ca c N. B.—For Repairing, < Locution prompt. D. MALLETT .V CO. r terms are moderate, ou; Gmo* nov 15 low urticlo will ’be marked with the selling pr </) mid no abutement from it. The following os compose the assortment: “ Boyi rill Black Cloth Clonks mid Overcoats ^ Drub mid black Pilot Oversucks green, brown und lilk Cloth S<teks > fancy Tweed, Cas., Frock &• Sack Couts q “ “ “ Polka Coatees full trimmed bl’k Cloth Frock Coats ** blue, bl'kjbr’n, green Sc Cad’t Junkets 2 bl’k mixed Satinet It. Juckots fancy Cassimoro and bl’k Cus. Pants Tweed, Cas. and Satinet Pants bl’k fig'd Satin Vulentiaand Mrsl’sVests t* 1 Children’s bl’k nnd fancy Dress Suits Bo>s’ w hite and col’d Shirts and Undershirts o “ fine blue uud black Navy Caps, with and r I" without Covers, with a complete assortment of Cups of all other kinds, from children’s Jockeys N.B.—Having a private, room for trying on i ^ Boys’ Clothing, I must decline sending it out to — I" be tried on. except in cases of sickness. Those -g be tried on, except it in want arc invited to give me a cnll, at the _ u. Clothing Store Nos. 69 nnd 150 Gibbons' Range.,.. oct 24 tj2 GEO. S. NICHOLS. DIBBLE A FAHEY, MERCHANT TAILORS AND DRAPERS, N. 12. Corner Broughton anil Wliilnker-Mtn. Keep coustuutlv on bund a largo and well-selected stock of Ready-Made Clothing,for the season, together with a varied assortment of Furnishing Articles. I). & C.'s selections of Cloths, Cussimeres uud Vest ings are from the best sources, and for styles mid qual ity cannot bo surpassed by any establishment in tho country. *'* ' n ’ r ty sept 27 C’orreftpouiloiico of Bnily Morning Mown. Mii.lkdgkvili.k, l)oc. i2, 1851. Tho Seunto continued yesterday afternoon the debate upon tho Hill for tho protection of tho rights of married women. Nearly the whole day was consumed in the discussion, and the Senate adjourned ut u lute hour ydsterday uftcruooti, without taking avotc until! it. Messrs. Calhoun, IIurdeuiQi), MoCttne, Miller uhd ( Simmons advo cated the Hill with zeal jukI ability ; and Messrs. Hird, of Taliaferro, Huituon, Mooi-e and Mosely, not having llie fear of tho ludics before thcii eves— ulbeit ouo of them acknowledged himself a bach elor—-opposed it with equal determination.— Grave Senators relaxed from their official dignity, and all the weapons of wit, raillery uud satire, were brought into requisition, and ono reverend gentleman denounced the tncunttro us contrary to tho doctrines of the Hilda. I have little doubt that the Hill will pass the Senate tliU. morning, and then it will probably l»o debated by the House for two or three days, uud lost. Such, at least, bus been the history of this measure before sev eral previous Legislatures. In the House, yepterduy evening, tho only business necessary for mo to report is tho pas sage of the loll owing Hills, viz : A Hill to alter and umond the 3d Section of the 3d Article of the Constitution, which was passed ut the last {Session of tho Legislature. The ob ject of tho Hill is to give the election ol Solicitors General to the people. Also, a Hill to authorize und requirq the Gov ernor to cuusc the ussets of tho Central Hunk to be deposited in the Treasury of tho State. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. The suh-eoniiuittee from the Committees of the two Houses on Internal Improvements, who lately visited tho State Road for the purposo of examining into its condition, returned a few days since, alter an nhsetico of eight or tcu days.— They huvo not yet made their report, but it may he expected iu u short time. Mr. Hurtow, from the Committee on Internal Improvements, report ed u Hill this morning to provide, for tho govern ment and management of the Western and Atlan tic Huilroud. The Hill provides that tho Govern or slmll appoint uu officer, to bo called tho Su perintendent of the Western nnd Atlantic Rail road. 11c ahull hold office two yours, or until n successor is qualified, and may be removed by the Governor, or rc-appoiutcd from term to term, lie shall also bo subject to impeachment fora vi olation of his official duties, uud fur the proper performance of tho hitler lie shall give bond in the sum of $20,000. It shall be his duty to con duct ull the operations of the road, iu icluliou to its construction, couipment, mid management.— He slmll appoint all tho necessary agents and of ficers of tho l oud, subject to tho approval of l)io Governor, save a Treasurer uud Auditor, who shull be appointed by the Governor. He shall, by and with iiic consent und approval of tho Governor, establish rates of freight and passage, and make nil necessary arrangements with other roads. All contracts over u certain amount hereafter to bo fixed, shull ho subject to the up- provul of the Governor; hut for less uinouuts the Superintendent is authorized to make them ut his own discretion. Ho slmll be liable to be sued in his official character for cluims ugainst the road; uml is authorized, in the huiuo cupucity, to sue for debts due the road. 11c nmy impose penalties for breach or neglect of duty, by the of ficers ami agents appointed bv him, and shull re- BUFFINGTON HOUSE, •1ACKMONVII.I.E, EAST t l.OltIDA. rilHE SUBSCRIBER rnspoctfolly informs tho pub- J. lie in general.tliut this House is now completed nnd prepared for the reception of Boarders, having above 5UU feet front, with piazzas in front and rear, making it us cumfortublo as any House ill the South; uud will In; able to nocommodute over o|io hundred and fifty per sons. Ho would say more particularly to those visit ing the South for health, apd the benefit of our delight ful climate, helms uu eye to their espnciul comfort,nnd lies made his arrangements to make all who may give him a call, comfortable and well cared for. His table will be under suporoiitciidciico of Mbs. Young, a lady of much experience, by whose aid lie flatters himself he shull not booutrivallcd by any House iu the South. And in view of this fuel the subscribe* has determined tliut his exertions to merit the patron age which shall be bestowed upon him shall bo without regard to toil or expense. SAMUEL BUFFINGTON, I’uofuietor. Nov. 7 lmo WOOD YARD, FERRY WHARF. TE11M8 CASH. A LARGE supply of FIRE WOOD Cash obdbrs promptly tention given to measurement. Boxes for orders are placed at the Stores of Messrs. J. Murchison, J, M. Turner, J. M. Cooper Sc Co., ut tho office of tho Morning News, und at tho house of JOHN T. THOMAS, Jones Street. Nov. 5 if D. REMSHART. lhand, applied, uud strict at- bueli JU8T RECEIVED, A Lot of Gentlemen’s lino Calf Boots, made expressly to my order ol* tho best mutoriul.aud by 4 oxperioiicod workmen. Also, achoice lot of Ladies’ Shoes und Boots, us Black and Colored Silk Gaitorg, Morocco do., Pol ka {Bouts, Morrocco nnd Kid Tics, Slippers, and Buskiim, Jciiiiv Lind Ties, &c M Misses’, Youth's, Boys - und children’s Shoes and Boots of different kinds. All persons in want are respectfully invited to call and " amine tny slock and judge for themselves, octal WILLIAM IIEIDT. I1AT8, CAP8, iVc. The above named articles uro offered holesalc or retail, ut prices that will please purchasers in tho line. Call and be convinced of the fqct, ut No. 106 Bry sept 25 wj* a wniflvi FRANCIS KOPMAN. CLOTHING EMPORIUM. W li O L E S A EE AN D R E T A IE A The Suliscrilinrs, haying junt arrived ih thi« city and opened a new nnd ele gant Storo oil Jaflereou st., next d to Mr. James II. Carter’. Drug Store, heg Icuvn to announce to tho citizens of Savannah, Couii- try Merchants, nnd others wanting to purchase goods in their line, that they will keep constantly on ham a largo and well .elected stock ot DRY tiOOlW and ’I.OTHIKG. Also, Blankets, Trunk., Boot., Shoe., Suns, Pistols, Pocket Knives, Hats und Caps, and u Guns, , r _ vnriety of Fancy Articles too numerous to mention All persons in city und country arc iuvited to call and examine our stock nnd prices, and we venture to suy i.'cy will not regret having culled nt tho EMPO- R1UM. (sept 25—ly) L.&M. L1L1ENTHAL. TAILORING. milE Undersigned respectfully inform the public A generally, that they have engaged tho services of B.S. HORNER, late Cutter at Messrs. Robinson Sc Cump, wlio will bo happy to seo his iYieuile and the cilizons generally ut the Old Staud, corner of Brough ton and Whitaker streets—where will be found a choico selection of Cloths, Cassimercs, Vestings, Ac, nov 6 DIBBLE Sc CAREY. TN LOUR.—50 bbls und 25 ty bbls Ualtiluoro How A 1 urd Stn « ard Strcot. On baud, and for solo by nov 8 McMAHON Sc DOYLE. issortiilent justr F. VV. CORN " 102 BryauS tree!. REMOVAL. R oberts, foote a marshall have moved to thoirlurge, now uud convenient Store, corner of Broughton and Jeffcrson-streels, opposite St. Audrcw’s Hall, where they are now opening a large and splendid assortment of Foreign and Domestic DRY GOODS, which they offer for sale exclusively at wholesale. Merchants from the interior cuu rely on their stock being surpassed by none iu tho country, anil ut prices equally low. They, have in store uud are now receiving: 100 bales Brown Shirtings uud Sheetings, 50 Cases Bleached “ “ 50 bales Blankets, 100 cases Kerseys uud Lindseys, -eorgia Plains, drub und brown, at factory prices. Cotton and Wool Pluius, Cordarile, Tennessee, Low ell and others. Lersoys, Georgia, Southern,ami other makes. Liuseys, plaid and plain. All-Wool Plains, assorted qualities nnd colors. Culiforniuns, u very hcayy, ull-Wool cloth. Soldiers’ Cloth, such us is used iu the U. S. Army. Blankets, Duflil, Point and Mackinac, full assortment. Flannels, heavy red, twilled and pluili. Shirting Stripes, assorted qualities. Cotton Osuuburgs, of Southern manufacture. Browu Shirtings, 3-4, 7-8, 4-4, heavy stylus. Prints, Plaids and Stripes, in grrut variety. Wool Cups, Kilmarnock and Glciigurry, dyed und all blue. Handkerchiefs, Roinall, Vernon ami I in. Madras, Ac —also— 44 and 45 inch heavy Sea Island Cotton Bagging; just received, uud for sale, in quantities to suit, on liberal terms, by JAMES ANDERSON A CO., dec 20 No. 70 St. Julian and 103 Bryatt-Sta _ per. Florida, u lurge variety of Overcoats, consist- ..jgof Black and Colored Cloths, Petersham und Nor way Coatings, Black uud Colored Mohair; also, a few fine Black Cloth Clouks. All of the latest style und for sain low by W. R. SYMONS, nov 14 17 Whiiakcr-st, IJATENT MEDICINES.—Georgia Sarsupu- A rilla;Toi i; Townscnd’s-do; Marshall's Pain Erndicator: ll's Tetter Wash ; Luciua Cordial; Ayer’fc Marshall , . . Cherry Pectoral; Dr. Strong's Pills;, Spencers do; Peter’s do ; Moffiltt’s do. Tho above urticles are for sale by JAMES II. CARTER, Druggist Jcflurson-street. WINTER TRADE. milK Steamer Florida and brig Philuru havo just A brought us more Clothingtlmu we have room for in our smiill storo. 96 Bryan street; which, in addition to our former stock, makes u large and varied supply us cun be found in the city. Our facilities for the manufacture of fine uud FASHIONABLE CLOTH ING, cannot bo surpassed by any other establishment With light expenses, satisfied with small profits, and strict attention to business, we feel confident that wo can moot tho wifjts of the community, at extromc low prices, uud respectfully invito ull to look ut our assort ment. No second price, tho same to ull. HOUSTON A GROUNDESON, OGBrynti nov 27 One door West of Whitaker, be B AK.EK’8 COCOA.—Affords u dclich veruge, recommended by physicians as very tritious, not only to persons iu health, but to the s and convalescent; us very tranquillizing to wcuk nerves. Also. Heckor’s Prepared Farina, just receiv ed ami for sale by nov 27 MOORE A HENDRICKSON. 25 bales lied Flannels, 10 “ White “ Amt a large assortment of Ludius’ Dress Goods, Fancy Goods, Cloths, Cussimeres. Tweeds, uud inis ceilancous urticles usually wauled by merchants from the country. >,, -l >t ^ and for sale by (nov 11) J- DlMAWMNi I JONK Y 80AP.—For softening and Iwuutifying highly perfumed und for sale by enting it from chapping ; also, alnut Oil Sand Soap, just received MOORE A HENDRICKSON. J JAM8 AN1» SllOUr-DHKCi.—ti hlidi. llum. 3 lilitls. prime Shoulder.; lemiillg frem aelieolier Mary F. LuUcrluh, and ler enle hy decl COHENS &. UBRTZ. ORLEANS MOI.ASMIJS.—Ml barrols New Crop landier, ami for nale liy eel WEBSTER & PALMES. H A.RW.-A few casks Sugar Cured hut. F' dec 1 THOMAS, FRIERSON 6c CO. ^ i(IKN.—Prime Baltimore <3d W‘>te Coni Vf la"i! ng and for mile by DAVID R. DILLON, c 2 J.'oot of Weal-Broad »trei QATS—Pn dec 2 street. ....d for sale by DAVll) It. DILLON, oUats, landing DA VI Foot of Wcst-Brvud *treet. A paragraph is going the roundfl of the C apei'd) extracted ljom thcLondou Times, which odes a revolution in the proseht received opin ions on tho subject of Theology. Upon tho snme, one of our Northern Journals thus com ments: t “ Tho pith of the prticle is that Prof. Gonm, ol tho University of Lodi, njolts certain substan ces known only to himself, in a vessel, nnd al lowing the liquid to cool, produces thus exact resemblances of the existing mountains of tho earth, even to their stratification. His deduc tion from this is that the inequalities on the earth's surfnco tuo the result of certain of its mutcrials haying been fused, and afterwards al lowed to consolidate; nnd as a result, wo nro told to hid good-bye to Lycll and Agassiz! The received notion of the formation of stratified rocks is that they were tho result of gradual de positions ut the bottom of sens, und that subse quently violent internal ( commotions elovatod them to their present positions, in mountains, or on plains. In no other way, indeed, can the urcsenoo of organic remains in stratified rocks no c-xplniiied. Professor Gorini’s theory does not, so far as wo see, attempt to reconcile the existence of these reinuins with his supposcdTu- fritnt of the stratified rocks; nnd, to speak frank ly, wo do not believe it can. The process of inciting would huvo destroyed overy vestigo of organic life, from the mightiest monsters to tho siimllnst vertebrate. Hugh Miller’s well known fossil fish, which ho fpuud imbedded in thn old Red Sandstone, would have been culcineu into ten thousand pieces if Professor Goriiiijind been correct. It will bQ remarked that the Italian Professor does not reveal what substances ho employs in his experiment. Ho merely places certain things in u huge crucible, fuses them, nllowi theitv to « oool: and. thou out comes a miniature earth, mountains, strata, und all. We confess that nil . this looks “ vory liko a wliulo.” J’ftine, in his curlier Worcostcr experiments, produced result? evert more extraordinary ; but where noyr is tno wonderful light, which was to illuminate tho world nt sixpence the hourf 'Moreover, even if ProfotMor Gorini is honest in his experiment, tho theory which he broaches by no menus results from it. The linstrntified rocks nifty have been the result of fusion, olid probably wore: but it is certain that the stratified rocks were not thus made *, and any man, who attempts to prove the contrary, in the face of organic remains existing iu the lottor, vet being absent from the former, only writes himself down, liko Dogberry, an ass Ei-tkcts.of Fbaii.—'The following is quoted from the Boston Medical ami Surgical Journal, u periodical ill which wo should not look for a fictitious narrative, yet tho story is wouderuh “A young mun, twenty-three years old, came from the mines to Hun Francisco, with the inten tion of soon leaving tiie latter place for home. On tho evening of his arrival, he. with his com panions, visited the gambling saloons. After wutchine for a time tho varied fortunes of a tablo, supposed to ho undergoing the process of “top ping,” from iho continued success of those bet ting against the bunk, the excitement overthrew iiis belter judgment, und he threw upon the “ seveuspot’’of u now deal a bag which he said contained $1100, hi* all—thfwestiU of two years privation and hard lubor—exclaiming, with a voico. trembling from intense excitement, ‘My homo oi U»o mines.” , , , . e As the dealer slowly resumed the drawing ot his cards, with his countenance livid from feur of the inevitable fato that seems over attendant upon tlio tupping process when commenced, 1 turned eyes upon the young man who had staked ' * * ‘ * and never ahull quire prompt- settlements by tho same, lleshull his whole guius upon a card: and never sliull make quarterly reports to the Governor of tho forget the impression made by his look of intense A r.*i... ' I .. I • I. . I...I1 1 .1.1!..1.^.1 ■ • * • • * *•-- >- — <*«a operations of tho road, which shull ho published iu the public Journals at the seat cf Government, llis salary shall he $3,000 per aiiiiutu ; and be fore entoriug upon the duties of his office, lie shall take uud subscribe an oath thut ho will faithfully und impartially perform all the duties of his office, without lenr, favor, or reward, ortho hope thereof, hut solely for the interests of tho State of Georgia ; and that lie will neither make nor permit discrimination, ill favor of or against ly Railroad Company. The Hill also provides that the Governor shull appoint a Treasurer for* tho ltoad, who shall huvo a salary of $2,000, uud give securities in the sum of dollars : uud ho (tho Gover nor) shall appoint uu Auditor, who shall ex amine and puss all accounts against the Rond before they shull he nuid. llis salary is fixed lit $1,000, uud ho shull give bond and security iu u sum of $15,000. No agent sliull give credit for freight, nor shull lie permit any goods to he removed upon which freights arc due, with the exception of freights collected by rouds iu connection with tho Htuto ltoad. Conductors slmll make settlements ut the end of each trip, and pussengers negjeeting to get tickets nt the stations (ut ull of which tickets ure rcqnirtcd to bo kept) shall bo required to pay extra. This, as your renders will perceive, is a vory importuut Hill, uud emanating, as it does, from gentlemen of weight uml influence, will proha- >ly, iu its principal provisions at least, become a law. 1 think therefore that the synopsis will not occupy more space in your columns than its importance dcmnutls. The House took up the special order, that is, the Hill for the pardon of Garland I). Cornett, of tho county of Morgan, who is under sentence of death for the crime of murder. Mr. Thurmond-made an elaborate speech in favor of the prisoner, and took the ground that the killing was done without deliberation-or premeditation, and that therefore it was only manslaughter. In this position ho wus ably sustained by Messrs. Russell, of Lumpkin, und Mobley, of 11 arris. Mr Floyd, of Morgan, spoke against the Hill, and the House adjourned till three o’clock this afternoon, Mr. Milledge, of Richmond, being entitled to tho floor. IN THE SENATE. Hie “ Ladies Hill,” as it is cnlled, has been debated all the morning, in the Senate, by the same gentlemen who spoke yesterday. Mr. Slaughter, just before the vote was taken, made a few remarks ugninst the Bill, on the ground that it will destroy that unity of feeling which should exist between than and wife. Yesterday there wus evidently a majority in favor of the Bill, but it has been amended so us to displease some of its friends, who consequently voted against it. One or two of its friends were absent wltoti the vote wus taken, and- the consequence was, the Hill was lost, hy yeas IS, nays 19. As it is a Hill that has attracted a good deal of pub lic attention, I seud you the yoga und nays, us follows : vcuh, Messrs. Anderson, Hothunc, Con nelly, Day, Dickinson, Flollropy^ Flewcllcu, Hicks, llurdemun, McCune, Rccd, Stroud, Him- iiious, Tuiiilin, Wolfe, Wellborn aud VV alters. Tho nays were, Messrs. Bryan, Butler, Hea vers, John L. Byrd, Philip M. HyrtJ, Cone, Coffee, Chappell, Furris, Griggs, _.Harnmn, anxiety, ns he watched the cards as they fell from the dealer's hands. All tho energies of hie system seemed concentrated in tho fixed gaze of his eyes, while tho deadly pallor of his face be spoke tho subdued action of his heart. All around seemed infected-with the sympa thetic powers of tho spell—even the hitherto suc cessful winners forgot their own stokes in the hazardous chonco.placed upon tho issue of tho hot. The cards are. slowly told with the precis ion of high-wrought excitcmeut. The seven spot wins. The spell is broken—reaction takes place. The winner exclaims, with u deep draw it sigh, *1 will never gamble again,’ and was car ried from tho room iu a deep swoon, from which he did not fully recover until the next morning, nnd then to know that tho equivalent surrender ed for his gain was tho color of his hair, now changed to a perfect white.” American und Engllnli Colleges, elm's Astor Hristed, an American gentleman, w ho after graduating at Y ale College, went to En gland und entered in Trinity College, Cambridge, has lately published some interesting tact*.res pecting the differences between pur own nnd the British Colleges in expense, standards of study and other matters. Ho says that any one fitted for tho Sophomore class ut Yale cun easily pass the ‘examination necessary to obtain admission into Trinity: but, after entrance, the course of study is very much moro Bcvcre in the English than in the American College. . The expenses ofa fellow commoner at Trinity, arc not less than twenty-five hundred dollars yearly, uml arc more apt to reach four thousand dollars. Very few young men go up to the Eng lish universities until they are eighteen or mne- tceu yours of age. Tlio study of the classics is carried to u peflection ut Cambridge* but moto especially at Oxford, which con only hoexplani- od hy thin compnrutely mature uge of Iho col legian, Physical exercise is regularly taken by English students, as regularly, indeed, ns the monUof tho day; uu ono thinks of devoting loss than two hours to it, and generally it isof the most violent kind. Tho result is that a healthier ciuss of young men can be found nowhere. Loner., Liioppcu, rums, vmss”, "‘“»i Knight, Lillie, Mostly, Moore, Uoss’, Slaughter, Waftliour and Wright. Immediately nflcr tho vote, the Senate adjourned till to-morrow morn ing, when probubly the friends of the Bill may be strong enough to curry a reconsideration II. ’ 1*^* According to a culculution by tiro New- York Times, the indebtedness Of this country in various forms, is us follows : The federal indebtedness is------..$64,000,000 'Indebtedness of the States -il ,000,1100 Indebtedness of tho Cities — 40,000,000 Indebtedness of Western Oountios 5,000,000 Bonded debt of Railroads...........50,000,000 Total i. .$370,000*000 The minimum estimates of that portion of the above owned or advuuced on abroad is us follows Federal Loans. $40,000,000 Slate Louus City Lomis und Bouds 2 i'25S’!S2 County'fcoani"and Bouds ■ ■ Railroad Bonds 20,000,000 Kossuth.—The Now York Times says: Wo Icurn tliut preparations ore being made to give Kossuth a grand'sorenade by torch-light, on the night of his arrival in this city. The United Ucrinun Singing Academies, composed of eight different classes, comprising about 300 persons, will perform some German aud American Na tional Hymns. There will bo throe grand bands, uml the musiciuns will be escorted by tho Turner Association, numbering 400 members. This will bo ono of tho most enthusiastic musical de monstrations that has ever taken placo in this city. J-y The Cincimmtti, Ohio, Commercial-, states that a fino quality of Colton turn been grown in tho garden of Major J. M. Browne, iu that city. The raiser of this miniature cotton crop, is so impressed with tho succoss he has met with in its culture, that ha will, it is said, advise a repetition of tho experiment next year on a more extended scale. Boats os the Eiue CanaI.—Ifthe boats on the Erie Canal, five thousand andtiueen in num ber, were placed in line, they would reach from Albany to Utica, a distance of eighty-three niiles. . Tlio distunco achieved by this enormous fleet, ill tho yeur, is equal to three thousand six hundred voyages across the Atlantic—transporting more than three millions of tons, wine hi s twonty-six times the quantity curried by the fariroads which run along tho hunks of tho cnnol. The value, in money, of the property ‘W 0 *?? Jit cm m l in 1850, was one hundred and fifty-six millions of dollars* $‘£5,000,000 ff3TTh* number of Murshnls und assistants —. . . . .i CtntoLi l oncna employed in Hiking the United Stntos Census witB 3,444. rsp George l’cabody, Esq., tho celebrated Aimricun Banker in London. 1ms given ena thousand dollars to the Maryland Institute for tho promotion of the Mechanic ArtB, established in Baltimore,, of which city he was tormoriy, wo believo, a resident. ty It is stated by some of our exchanges, that California, after all, is likely to gain the frac tional Representative in Congress, inasmuch as tho returns just received from that Sluteara suiu to show tlio number of inhabitants to bo 1 Co,000 ami thn blncks 1,800. This makes the fraction 74,000 over the ono representative allowed,