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fTransmitted for the Savannah Pally Morning Nows.J
Three Days Later from Europe.
arrival of the franklin.
State of the Colton Market.
New York, Sept. 14, A. M.
The steamship Franklin has arrived, bring
ing Liverpool and Havre dates to the 31st ult.
The soles of cotton in Liverpool market for the
three days previous to the 31et, reached 10,000
bales, of which speculators took 1,000 and ex
porters 3,000 bales. The demand was moder
ate and prices were in favor of buyers, though
quotations remained unchanged.-
The Manchester trade lmd slightly declined
in goods of all qualities.
Flour has slightly advanced. Canal brands
were selling at 20s. 6d.
Corn.—The demand was good, and prices
had advanced Cd. Yellow was selling at «&s.
Board of Health.
Savannah, Sopt. 14, 1853.
The Board met—Prosont, Dr. J. G. Howard,
Chairraun, Capt.ll. W. Pooler, H. D. W.Aloxnndor,
Ur. M. 1C. Hoald, J. J. Waver, J. A. Fawns, T. S*
Lewis, A. Borchert, W. Burko, J. E. Fnllignnt, It.
FUuigau, W. A. Conory, D. Ferguson, W. Kussell,
J. Sullivun, J. A.Richardson, H. K. Prostou, S. A.
T. Lawrence, and Dr.S. Shoftall.
Wards reported.— Anson, Brown, Carponlur’ii
Row, Chatham, Craword, Curry Town, Decker,
Derby, Franklin, Green, Henthcote, Jackson, Jas
per, Luluyetto, Liberty. N. and M. Oglolhorpo, Per-
civnl, Spriughill, Wulton, Warren, and Garden
Lot No. 11, Wost.—Total 22.
Report of Interments in Laurel drove Cemetery,
for the Week ending 13(/t Sept, 1853.
7— Anu Murphuy, 25 years, Childbed, Ireland.
B—Mary McCurthy, 9 mouths, Cougestivo Fevor,
s—Infant Bird, 8 days, Spasms, Savaunah.
8— Aim C. Liudergreeu, 45% years, Dysentery,
South Carolina.
10—Alary Hastings, 1% years, do. Ireland.
10— Margaret Janies, 40years, Consumption, do.
—*Churlos White, 35 yrs,, Typhoid Fever, Russia.
11— Win. II. Morris, 42yrs.,Consumption, England.
12— Margaret Hawkins, 14 years, Congontiva F
12—*jonu Parker, 56 years, Intemperance, Massa
Black and Colored.
7—Rose, 11 years, Bilious Fovur.
10—John, 7 years, Spasui»,
lll_AI.I,u unnfi,
duty to request the judges'or Commissioners who
may bo appointed to tuke the ballots of Use voters,
to put up boxes at tho different localities where
elections will be held, for tho purpose of receiving
such contributions as tho admirers of tho illustrious
Father of his Country may think proper to doposit
in aid of the great Monumont, now in course of
erection in this city to his memory.
They feel assured that when this uobloand patri
otic purpose is presented to tho people, they will
not hesitate to give thoir mite for such an object;
and now it becomes more necessary, as the funds of
tho socioly are rapidly diminishing, and may not
soon bo adequate to carry on the work. A small
contribution from each citizen or voter throughout
tho United States would he sulllceut to cotnploie tho
Monument,—n work iutended to add to thoir glory
as well as to houor the memory of tho illustrious
dead. A half dime is but au iuconsidbrable sum
and yst a half dime contributed by every inhabitant
of our country, would roar tho grand structure uow in
progress to its dcstinod completion. It will be piti
ful, if out of twonty-flve millions of souls who in
habit thisgreat country, tendored independent, pros
perous and happy mainly by his exertions and do-
votion to its cause, tho sum necessary to oroct a
monument worthy of such a man could not be com
pleted for tho waut of the small pecuniary aid which
every American should leel it his pride, ns well as
his duty, to afford.
At tho last Presidential olcction, tho plan of ob
taining contributions nt tho Polls, thus testing the
patriotism and liberality of tho voters anil others,
wus attempted, though the provious arrangements
wnro not such as to insure a vory full collection,
the result wus as satisfactory as could, uuder the
circumstances, have boon expected.
It is therefore desirable that this system should
bo continued iu the different Slutea at all future
elections of a local or general nature; and the
Board of Managers indulge tho hope that on this
occasion, at the elections to bo held iu the respective
Statos of Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts, New York,
Now Jorsny, Pennsylvania, Dolaware, Maryland,
South Carolina, Georgia, Mississippi, Ohio, Michi
gan, Wisconsin, Illinois, Louisiana mid Florida,
contributions will bo uiude iu aid of tho Monument,
worthy of the couutrymeii of thoir illustrious be
nefactor. The monumuut is uow 140 fuet high.
Geo. Wattkiison,
Now Dlscoverlca at Ilcrculnnenm.
Months havo elupsod, wrltea a Naples correspon-
pondont of the Athenmura, since 1 called your atten
tion to the faot that Government had recommenced
the excavations of Herculaneum. Wonderful it is,
indeed, that, sftor the discovery there of such
miracles of art as now enrich tho Mutoo Borboni-
co, these excavations should have been so long sus
pended ; and equally wonderful is it that ou being
renewed, tho wurklshould be douo ou so parsimo
nious—to wretched a scale. One half of Hercula
neum inay bo considered as layiug under the modern
city ot Reslua, and as therefore lost to tho world
for the present ut least:—tho other half lies under
vineyards. The portion which has hitherto been
executed is but a niiuute portion, a mere corner of
this latter—this accessible half. To the restoration
to tho light of what may influence so much tho taste
and boar so much on the comforts anil convouiouces
of uinnkiud, tho Neapolitan Government has at
length, resolved to devote 400 or 500 ducats u year—
a orant equal to about 480, or 4s. fid. a day—«n-
•Ming tho directors to put on not more than ton or
twouty men. Still, tho smallest initulmuut 0/ what
is due to tho world is hotter than nothing. Before,
howover, 1 speak of wliat has boon dono during this
year } I shall give a hasty Blanco at the past.
It is, of course, as well known in England as in
Naples that all tho chef a d’outre of Art and or an
tiquity which havo produced such a happy revolu
tion in tho taste of entire Europe, Hud so much af
fected domestic ornaments and oven utensils, wera
found during the last century in Herculaneum.—
Until vory recently, the excavations havo been con-
ducted by burrowing rather thau mining; thus en
abling tho antiquary to abstract what was interest
ing or valuuble iu Art, but leaving tho city us far
removed from ordinary observation as V. had boon
jor eighteon centuries. It was at length rosolv.vl,
in 1827, to lift the cover und expose tho city to
light:—a suggestion for which we are indebted
Cavolior Bonucci, who for many
The Latent Paris Bonnet.
A Paris lettor writer says: 1 have sceti
pretty novelties in tho show rooms, destined for tho
ladies of the court, of which the description may be
acceptable to your fhlr readers. A bonnet of yel
low crape, covered with bands of taffotu cut in
squares; these bands are terminated by a Utile
bloude frill which runs ulong tho edges, aud is m
ranged in the shape of a V ou the top of the crowu
the ornament oil one side cousists of a bow of vollow
ribbon, und ou tho other of u boquot of field dowors •
those trimmings are placed very near tho edge of the
front; tho insido has a profusion of field flowers aud
Another bonnet bos a loee straw front, with n soft
crown of pink taffeta, ornamented withsevoral cross
P»°co« of black velvet ribbon embroidered with
straw; these cross pieces form at tho sides hows
mixed with pink silk ribhous; the inairio is com-
Po«od of rose buds with velvet bowa. Tullo bonnets
are very pretty and becoming, wlion trimmed with
two rows of vaudyke-edgod bloudo ou tho frout; the
crown is decorated with tliroo similar rows- the
Vandykes of the first row point towards tho front of
the bonnet, whilst tho two othors fall buck towards
the curtain, which is also covered with u row
bloudo. For ornuiucut there is on each side «
branch of rod roses, tlowors and foliugo of crape
placed, us usual, very uoar tho edge of the frout 1
tho inside trimming in blonde and rose-buds with
cherry bows.
For vory young ladios tho tuile bonnets havo the
frout* covered with tulle ruches; on the crowns a
mass of field flowers, forming a kind of chaperon
Madame Montelgaly has prepared with great sue-
cois some head-dresses for country fetes, consisting
of fruits and (lowers. HoaU-drossos of feathers are
also vory fuihionablo, but they must bo only tho
of feather., not whole oi,c«. All benneu,
whether for travelling, undross or full dress, aro ex
I ceseivoly small, uud worn fur back on tho head
iSSSffS^ .1 “ r '? n, . ,y £® , r * h "‘ beop leaving tho face entirely exposed,
director of the excavations of the Kingdom of tho A
Secretary of tho W. N. M. S.
* Journals favorable to tho above object, iu tho
1 to be held, are requested
Hiiort Work.
Events are proceeding in their due form and or-
“f r » with that regulur course which had been pre
dicted with such inexorable presentiment of evil,
tlmt it was argued that nought but a miracle could
avert the malediction. The 44 Car of Destiny,” as
tho soothsayers iu the good old times would havo
had it, is rolliug on, in iho deep ruts hollowod out
by tho sword and ploughed by tho bullet, while
those to whom was given the puworto lift it from
its track are fain to sit by tho wnysidoand woep us
they behold it pass. No earthly influouco cun avert
its progress now ; onward it goes, forever in iu
bloody path—onward it must go to the vory end,
crushing with iu ponderous wheels all obstacles iu
its wuy, drowning in iu croukiug thundering ap
proach all sound of agony from its bruised aud mu
tilated victims, all murmur of discoutont, all mutter-
jugs of vougoanco from tho lookers-on. Houven has
looked down upon a scouo which should stand
foremost in tho chronicles of our tiino. aud bo cur
ried down with impartial judgment to posterity. It
took placo at midnight beneath the light of tho Au
gust moon, which shono with placid beam upon the f ou .°d
foul and hideous sight, as though such things had
never bceu. Ou otio side of tho Champ do Mars
whs all illumined with tho soft light, its vust solitude
unbroken by the slightest shadow, tho smallest peb
ble glistening in the moonlight, visibly as by day;
on the othor sido lay the dark shade of the elm troes
°“ y. 10 bu,,lt ' a,,(1 t,i0 broad projection of the Ecole
Miutaire. So dcop was tho shadow here, that no
object was discernible, not evon the nioviug forms
which just us the clock of the luvnlids tolled tho
hour, issued from the side goto of the building to tho
Two Sicilies, and who is well known
by the many important discoveries which ho has
modo. The revolution of 1848-9, wus, of course,
deutli-blow to all proceedings connected with nie.«,
taste or the fine arts,—and the oxcuvutionn of Her-
culuueuni and Pompeii were auspended. Tho ob
jects of interest which hud bean discovered in them
und deposited in tho Musoo Horbonico were voted
national property,—and, if purty representations
can bo depended on, wore in daugor of changing
bunds. Everything, however, has now returned to
tho administration of tho Royal House,—and one
of tho first consequences is, the renewal of tho
work both at Pompeii uud nt Uorculanoum. To
direct the latter, Bonucci has in a more particii’.i
manner been destined; and though such a paltry
sum Ims been devoted to so important sc object, wo
yet hope thut the littlo that cun bo done will have
the effect of stimulating to a greater effort.
I he neto excavations, commenced in January
lust, have already brought to light a part of tho old
arsenal, near the port of Herculaneum, so fuinous
in tho times of Augustus aud Titus. Formerly the
flea washed tho walls : it hns now rocedcd full half
a milo,—so that the'bare mention of tho Port of
Herculaneum is enough to nwakou a smile of incro-
dulify on the faco of one who in unnequniuted with
the chnnges that havo taken placo on tho const of
the Mediterranean. Ou visiting tins spot a fow
days since, I found inysolf in a series of small
rooms or apartments, with kitchens attached, which
— open apparently they lmd
10— Abhy, 4 yours, Convulsions.
11— Elizabeth, 33 years, Hemorrhage Lungs.
a 1? 'mitl.AV
Stxton’s Report of Interments in Catholic Ctme*
tery, for thsvcek ending 13*4 Sept. 1853.
Mrs. Hannon, 31 years, Braiu Fever, Ireland.
Thomas Dillon, 11 yoars, Bilious Fevor, do.
Ellen Lane, 3 yoars, do do do.
Ellen Lee, 31 years. Dropsy and Fevor do.
D. FERGUSON, Sexton.
S. A. T. Lawrence, Soc’y B. 11.
* Died at the Poor-Honse and Hospital.
Another Steamboat on the St. John’s
Kiver.— 1 The Jacksonville Netcs of the 10th
inst. nays The steamboat Hancock, which
has been plying between Savannah and Al
gesia fur some time past, has been purchase)
by Dr. A. 3. Speer and others, and arrived at
this place yesterday. We learn that it is the
intention of her owners to employ her as c
tegular packet between this place and Enter-
Id?* Father Mathew’s wonderful reform in
Ireland acorns to need doiog over again. The
London Spectator states that in 1838, 12,206,-
342 gallons of whisky were consumed in that
country, which docreased to 5,290,650 gallons
in 1812. This was with a population of 8,175,-
WH) iiouls. But now, with a population of
0,515,794 only, not leas than 8,208,256 gallons
nro consumed.
1ST' There is to be a subterranean railway
built in London from the lower end of Edg ware
Toad 10 the King’s Cross. The estimated cap-
iial for the execution ot the work is £300,000,
I’he longih of the underground railway will
be less than two miles end a half. There will
be s tntions at vory short distances—say at ev-
® r F quarter of a mile. The charge for the
whole distance in the first class will be only
two pence. Every carriage will bo abundant-
y bghted. It is expected that tho line will be
,n full operation in littlo more than twele
A new act to substitute, in certain
c#8e ®i other punishment in lioti of trans
portation, has been issued iu England. After
•bo commencement of the act (from and
Q fter the first of September) no person is to be
sentenced to transportation except for life or
fourteen years or upwards. Auy person who
jr^fiht have been sentenced to transportation
for a term less than fourteen years is to fee
liable, at the discretion of the court, to be kept
m pen “l servitude. Persons liable to trans
portation for fourteen years or upwards, or for at _ . . . ,. .
lie mna ..;u u . . / . Sister Octaviu held in reverence.
e » lnQ y B tdl be sentenced to transportation,
or t0 penal servitude instead.
m/.. c«. Terrible Gale at Sea.
w/ET#* G eor #* a Severely Injured.
Builri steamship Georgia, Captain
5Son„ ie . h . ,aiIod from New York on Monday
dred a,t ’ ftl * °’ c l° c k, with about three huu-
TP ra J°* Aspinwall, on following
LS,! y ,' a „! al - 30 20 ’ lou &* 73 50, (Capo Hatteras
taken H aorl b-east, aud distant 80 miles,) wus ovor-
Tisocsd y n°„ UOOf ft*® 0 * terrific gules over expo-
u iijil ,. on oar coast. The rain fell iu torreutn
Tim “ perfect hurricane.—
fall of ,a[n 8 ? re * wor ® ,oon P ut out by the heavy
Raleihlf'u’ aud80 • e t |OUl » WM the straining in the
lii U H v *| be sprung aleak, and, tho pumps chokiug,
GVn.t ui foel „ of w *ter accumulated iu the hold.
wa« “‘ arr ?' course, for the safety of the vessel,
tlit7aD»«u tLo crew »“ d Plungers, but
commSuf U ^"! udd ^ P re *«rved great cootuess and
2i n ; ad » »"? •» tliis stage of aflairs addressed
tiiudo. board ' ur B* u flr caUnuesu uud euergelic for-
$I°tn r W wa8 •** bonds set earnestly to
complishuf 1 ! 1 lbo ve ««ol. which was fiually ac-
build thn 80 fa L M 10 ® Da ble tho firemen again to
«*ll tho nil, re8 \ Steam was thus got up, and after
»be Gc<Siii l .r h,Ch ,^ a ? been gouo through with,
lurdav af!HJ*** enabled to ruaoh Norfolk on 8a-
•cuBC?s nm r T n lMt ’ t0 - J® 6Tost joy of the pas-
Mdiab,’ 1 however, Without having suffered Son-
Sa 1 ah. ST* ^ UCh . * U,e ot her iuju-
Lr .nmi W ” n .° l b ® ab, ° t0 Procoed to sea again
W il‘ have 10 bo P« bands for
fuerSlTv r* .o Th ® P aMen «« r *. we learn, have
ci, T bv thi e ?- NO i rf ° S’ and ca,no up to This
tleicSj ?®I egu i 0 . r u Among them is Arch-
ii„li»ht«H f r lh \ Ba ^ am uu to whom
''S Indebted for tho above facts.
•'•T ll1 ' , ,cll00n ' r K.ury A. IUr-
11.',,,“"' f»r New York, put Imo
""J o 1 ®'‘i urdu) ' i" ■ crippled
hl,r “ p * r ' iu *
left of tho Ecole, and proceeded to druw themselves
up in straight array boucath tho talus, still in the
Due of shade, but on its vory vorge. A deep trend
lay at their feet, and down iuto this did tho moou
beams seem to search with cold inquiring gazo as i,
wondering at its emptiness, aud seeking to learn its
Presently from the sumo portal did another
band come forth with somewhat sloworstop, and
murch Into the full light of the moon—they stood
lace to face with tho dim forms which seemed to fill
they, too, weru marshalled in straight tine along its
edge. A word was given which souuded hourso and
stilled on tho midnight air, and then, as if by magic
out sturted iuto the ray of light the bristling steel of
arms. Another word was uttered, and the ringing
sound of advunciug weapons disturbed tbo silence
for a moment. A third time was tho order given,
und tlion a loud report, a glittering Hash, vivid uud
sudden, a light curling smoke ascending slowly to
tho sky hid the moon’s rays for a single instant, und
when it had cleared away, the woupous aud their
bearers were disappearing through tho nortul from
whence (hoy had issued co short a time before—tho
trench was being fast filled up—olio or two ghastly,
blood-smeared faces were for a tnomeut turned up
wards to tbe tuuou, but the spade and rake soon
shut out tho hideous sight. A low wailing sob had
beea henrd by some who liugered among the trees,
but no othor sound had broko tho stilluess—no
word was spoke—the very footsterps of tho diggers
foil unheeded on tho turf, and beforo the clock lmd
■track agniu every vestige of tho Bcoue hud passed.
Had it not been, indeed, for tho indefatigable vigi-
lonce of the gamins who visit the Champ de Mure ut
early dawn, and who picked up an uuutual harvest
of stray bullets, wo uivor could have guested that
the conspirators of the Opera Comiquo plot hud
thns been despatched to give to hoavou their long
account of guilty hopes destroyed, of guilty veil-
goauco unappeased. Assuredly, not one amongst
us all would disapprove of juslico being done, of tho
culprits being submitted to tho rigour of the law;
but why this silenco and this mystery ? this stealthy
march upon the forms of judypient ? These men
have been condemned ami executed, but have been
neither tried nor judged. The great drama of Do-
cembor, 1652, is not yet completed. Tho curtain
will rise again and again to givo us many more last
scenes such as these.—Paris Letter, Aug. 11.
(The second secuo is tho one that took placo be
tween Louis Napoleon and the poet Jasmin.)
True liorolMiii.
44 She died this morning iu tho Charity Hospital,
a victim to hor exertions iu the cause of suffering
The Now Orleans Picayune says this of Sister
Ociavia McFuddon. Aud such should bo her epi
taph : for
“Thero aro doods whioh should nob pass away;
And namos that laustn^t wither, though the Earth
Forgets hor empires with a just docay.”
Ana such a nuine eminently, ia that of the poor
and lovely Sister of Charity.
Humanity weeps at such a death, incurred through
such heroism. Facing danger iu its dirost form,
ministering to misery amid the dead and the dyiug;
rogardiess of poril; with u self sacrificing sense of
duty, the messenger of uiefcy walks boldly into the
abode of tho droud king, and jeopards health aud
life in tho humble path of duty. With no worldly
uspirations, no ambitiou for fame, denying the
pomps aud houors of life, the unheralded Octavin,
the sad-colored nun; lays down her life for those
she knows not of, save that thov are human.
Search the records of high deeds; exainino hero
history; the sculptured stoue and storied mono-
montl and tell us which of all tho mighty, has douo
—hor trials—her suffering—or martyrdom? Aud
yet again what matter?
41 Sepulchral column* wrostlo, but in vain,
Ml subduing time; hor oankoring hand
With calm deliberate malice waeteth them;'*
And shy name, self-denying Sitter, is already on-
gruved upon human hearts, that with their latest
breath, shall bTcsa it. That shall be enough Ibr
l ime; while for Eternity I no pen shall paint the
shilling lusiro of thy crown ; for e'en umid the splcu-
dor* of heaveuly courts, deeds liko thino shall cast a
halo round the doer. Forever bo the memory of
Something of a Pea Vine.—Col. O.C.Popo
sends us the following description of a l'oa Vine,
grown upon his farm near this place. The root of the
vino is at our office, it is tho largest wn recollect to
have seen. Speaking of tho vine, the Col. says :— 41 1
liuvo just taken up a single pea vine which weighs
61 lbs. from which was gathered 1040 pods, averag
ing 17 peus to the pod, makiug 17,681) pens to’ the
vine. The vine covered a space of 430 square feet.
Tho root is 5 and 7 8 inches in circumferouce; tho
vine run off 15 feet from tho root.—Sandersville
Georgian. ,
13^* Derpise not auy religiou; it is easy to despiso,
but it is much better to uudorstand. Uphold truth
when thou caust, uud be willing, for her sake, to be
bated; but know that thy individual cause is uot the
cause of truth, afid beware thut they are not con
founded. Do good for thy own satisfaction, and
care not what follows. Causo no gray hairs to bo
disregarded. Help and give willingly when thou
hast, and think no more of thyself for it; and if thou
hast nothing, let thy bauds bo ready with u drink of
cold water, and esteem thyself for that no less. Act
always when thou knowest, but know always what
thou sayest. Not the apparent devout, but the truly
devout incu respoct and go in His ways. A man
who has tbe fear of God in his heart is like tho sun
that shines uud warms, though U does uot sneak.
Do that which is northy of recompeuto, and ask
none. Reflect daily upou death, and seek the life
which i* beyond with a cheerful courago ; and, fur
ther, go uot out of the world without having testified
by some good deed thy love aud respect for tho Au
thor of Christianity.— Goethe.
jgg** The Journal de Maine et Loire of the 19lh
ultimo, speaks of a wondrous meteor, a species of
rolling cloud, which on the 10th swept aloug the
ground for many leagues in the communes of Jarae,
Serumise, and Drossai, carrying terror and destruc
tion in iu course. It tore up by the roots, sixty
poplars and an old oak tree 35 foot high, carried
away tbe roofa of bousos and whole groves of Wal
nut trees, aud set the population of the district ruu-
oiog right aud left for their lives.
had just i><
been quarters for marines. Tho ontrauco
n roof which »« on u level with tho present surfhee
of tho ground ; and, descending a fow steps ou tho
i.rt «... 1 r fiyo m , lcr atej) „' al tll0 bot
entrance to probably a cellar,
left, wo found four
tom of which w: ^
whoso roof wo had eutored. Here thero was
fouud so much salt wuter surgiug up, that Iho works
had been lor tho moment suspended:—our direction,
lucre fore, lay straight forward, into the small rooms
01 which I have spoken. Tho roof is vaulted, and
vory lolty ; whilst the partition walls urn very low,
—showing that onq large hail or spa chad been
hastily or rudely arrunued with a view to thu con
venience of numbers. Iu the first smull room, which
wus a kitchen, still exist the stoves und grates, pre
cisely of tho samo form as art now to bo seen in
every part of Mugua Griccia. Beneath tho atovo
lay fragments of pottory, winch a slovenly cook
might have thrown thoro an hour before, 44 to put
them out of the way ;” whilst tho bones of the cook,
it might bo, were found mixed up with ushos uud
thu instruments of his trade.
In tiie same placo, also, wore fouud bones and
minute fraginonts of iron plates 5 indicating, iu tho
opinion of Cavalier Bouucci, that iu tho awful mo
ment of this city's destruction some muii were sur
prised and overwhelmed on this very spot. But
fow reuiuins could bo preserved,—so utterly de
stroyed were they by time and so mingled and
deed, tlmt I could well distinguish were portions of
ribs uud skull hones, lot, whut 11 melancholy in
terest havo these, especially as couuectod with
history. It is said of Pliny the older, who, at tho
timeof the eruption of Vesuvius iu ’79, was Admiral
of tho Roman fleet in the Mediterranean, thut lie
went iu a •* liburnica” from Misemn to snvo some
44 clussiari.” His nephew, writing to Tacitus, says
that all the efforts of his undo wore useless in con
sequence of the raging of tho volcano ; and that lie
was obliged to turn the prow of his vessel to Stabia
(now Ciutelmara),—where ho died, the victim of his
love of naturul science.
From tho kitchen oh which 1 havo so long dwelt,
wo passed through a small room aud cutercd an
other kitchen. On tho grate or s*ovo were lying
nieces of charcoal; tho inurk of the smoke was
fresh upon tho stovo. Below and by tho sido of it
was a sink for recoiviug dirty wutor, and tho hole
which carried it oil' was still enliro. Beyond this
wero one or two othor small rooms ; aud then our
progross was stopped by a mountain of indurated
ash. In tins they they wero miuing or burrowing a
passage; aud of discoveries in this direction I shall
huvo to spouk, 1 hope, iu some futuro article. Of
ornament these rooms appeur to bo almost entirely
destitute :—indeed tbe unly traco of any thing of tho
kind, was u 11 ontranco passage wall whereon 1 dis
covered faint traces ol perpendicular puiuted lines.
I must not omit to say, that some silver and brouze
coins, of tho timos of Augustus uud Titus, have
bee 11 found here,—as also u bronze coin with Punic
characters. It was doubtlossono of the elements
of the commerce which was carried ou betwouu this
coast of Italy and tho opposite African Carthagiuiun
Hcooo Shiftlue of the Mcrmoiisi
Old Tiino (says tbe Albany Knickerbocker) has
changed tho scene according to tho prompter’s pla
card. Summer vanished in h breath. Tho fall
scenery is displayed. According to tho almauuc
the summer has onded,and though tho hot wcuiher
lingers to melt tbe starch in one’s collar and the en
ergy of one’e frame, yet the truth is, wo aro wulking
right straight into the middle of Soptotnbcr, and ad
vancing to the little uud of cold aud chilly woatlior.
It pleases us greatly to feel that fall is hero—Unit
soon uow tho ioavos will turn yellow 011 tho trees,
und tho grasp of their stems upon|tbo limbs grow
feohlcr, till uoino wind a little ruder and more chilly
tlmu we huve lately felt will sever their couuexioua
and sweep them away. In our door-yard tho grapes
ou tho sunny sideol tho clusters are turning purple.
There is something rich in this blessed time of year
that ripens them, und briugs the warm blood into
their cheeks. Thero aro more dead lilies than
fresh blooming ones in the border, aud the roses of
Sliurou grow daily scarcer ou tho tree. Tho
dahlias are iu full bloom—n sign always that tho
wiuds will bo cooler soon, and that it iB timo to con
sult the tailor about the winter garb. The buds of
tho artemisin ure spelling. The balmy frugraucoof
its leaves is always plcasout. The flowers aro beau
tiful iu their scusou ; aud us tlioy only appear whuu
the othor flowers are retreatiug, every scented petal
is suggestivo of frost, and glowing fires on kitchen
hearths—of (ire-wood and sea coal—of flannels and
woollen stockings—uud all those cheerful prepara
tions for winter that make old men young ugaiu
when they think of them.
A Father’s Advlco to bis Son*
The timo draws nigii, dour John, that 1 must go
tho wuy from which uouo returns. I cannot take
thee with me, und leave thee iu a world whqrc good
counsel is uot superabundant. No oue is born wise.
uud oxperieuco touch us to separate the grain
from the chaff. I havo seen moro of tbe world
than you; it is uot all gold tli it glitters. 1 havo
soeu many a star fall from heaven, and many a stall'
ou which men have leuued breuk ; therefore, 1 give
this advico, tho result of mjrexperience:
Attach uot thy heart to ytiy transitory thing. The
truth comes not to u4, dear son ; we must seek it.—
That which you see scrutinize carefully; and with
regard to things unseen aud eternal, rely on Gud.
Dearth uo one so closely us thyself. Within us
dwells tho Judge who never deceives, aud whoso
voice is more to us tliao the applauses of the world,
aud more than all tho wisdom of the Egyptians aud
the Greek. Resolve, my sun, to do uothiug to which
this Voice opposed. When you think and project,
strike on your forehead and ask for His counsel.—
Uo spouks at first low, aud lisps as au iunocoul
child i but if vou honor His iuuoceuco, Ho grad
ually loosens his tongue aud speuks moro distinctly.
Evkhy WohdTuuk.—It is a groat and unhappy
prevaleut error, ihat cbildron may bo left to ruu
wild in every sort of cuinpuny and temptations lor
sovoral years, aud that it will bo timo enough to
break them yet. This mistake makes half our
spendthrifts,gamblers, thioves, find drunkards. No
would deal so with his garden or lot: no man
such a principle,— earned Alexondor Mullen was bun
at Omagh, Ireland, for tho murder of his aunt. F
forts had been made to obtaiu a reprieve, chiefly
tho ground that the unfortunate convict "had been
uttorlyiigiiorunt of tho principles of Christianity, iho
jail chaplain huving discovered, provious to his
trial, thut J10 had never even heard the nuino of the
Saviour.” Hu was attended 011 the scaffold by two
Presbyterian clergymen, but muttered only a short
prayer before be was executed.
Nothing in this world is so final to the de
velopment of tno iutelloetuuF powers of the young,
us what are commonly called expectations. Take
two boys of the same uge, and, us nearly as may bo,
of the samo capabilities. Inform 0110 thut ho is tho
heir to a large fortune, which, one duy or other,
t at-interest.
must come into his possession ; tell tho other that
bo has not a sixpence to depend ou, lint must thrive
by his owu exertlon-aml ton yours ufterwun
tuero will bo a mighty dill'ereuco between them.-
ion will find that one hns wrapped up his tulent iu
a napkin, while the othor has iuid it
Blackwood's Maguzine.
For brig Aroturus, from New York—T 8 Wayno, L
S^DonnoW k Co, W Warner, Ogdon ^ Bunker, and or-
P« r dfhr Alice, (Yom New YorkVT 8 Wavi
Mills, 51 A Cohon, U It Johnson, Wells k Durr, juo-
“fihouADoyle. H J Gilbeit, Brigham, Kelly k Co, N
BA II Weed, Claghorn k Cunningham, Lyon k Reod,
J D Jesse, E Lovell, J A Brown, T W McArtbor, Lock
ett, Long A Co, A Bonaud, E F Kinoliley A Co, N K
Barnum A Co, J E Cady A Co, J A Strouu, J MeNoal, F
J Itoaunberg, J T Jones, Crugor A Wade, Cl W Uurd-
oastle, and Staley A Hendry.
Per iohr Jas House, from Now York—T 8 Wayne, T
R Mills, MoMahon A Doyle, J G Falligant, 51 A Cohen,
J 8 iHlvan, Morso A Nionols, Lyon A Rood, Brigham,
Kelly A Co, Cohen A Foediok, J A Brown, Beldon A
Co G Johnson, W Warner. 8 51 Laiflteau, J U Carter
A C°, Mass A Hoyman, J Llppmon, II K Washburn,
Uolooinbe, Johnson A Co. Scranton, Johnston A Co. C
Uartridge, Webster A Palmes, N B A II Weed, W Dun-
0 i a S\? ru 6® r 4 Wa : l °* Crano A Rogers, Uouo A Connery,
J 5 Hamilton, and order.
Hnvununh Exports,
NEW-Yonic—Brig Augusta—277 bales Cot* n, 89
oasks Rico, 164 boxes Coppor Ore, 279 bundles Paper,
22 bales Mdse, 32 bundles Loather, 23 casks Iron, 67
empty Barrels, 12 bbls Liquor, 3 boxes 5Idse, and sun
dry pioces Machinery.
8chr Alice, , New York, to Washburn, Wilder
Bohr James Uoase, Lino, New York, to II K Waeh-
iira. ,
Bohr Mary Anu, Hopkins, Burnt Fort, with 103 bbls
Spirits Turpentine, aud 547 do Rosin,to Hunter A Gam-
1 1IIE subscribers havo for sale, a largo assortment
of almost every thing needed, in Ditsss, Uouss-
KKxriNu, and Plantation Dry Goods: whichaasort-
ln<,rCMln K* by our receiving the Nxwkst
Novklti* 8 by every stesmor. Our details ar? perfect,
for tho constant supply of tho choicest bargains that
cau bo oullod from every market.
Mado poroue to absorb rorsnlration, and In ovory
grade, from the lightest to the heaviest qualities; and
b « ‘ e ' to sudden ehnuje, In tern]*
roturc, than tho kind*generally used. 1
„ dbawers,
frVf^rLrr 1 "’ ""Ydnuiljr ui of
ui :Boye', und Ludle. «nd aontlomen'.
Hose, vory much cheaper than olse-
wnero in this city.
Our itor. Uth. Depot for the beat Linen (Joed., (nil
P .' lr ‘. ni1 ?* “ hk ' h , w ” rtUlUi cheep na the other mer-
ehnnl. here pay fortho eaniogooda, via., Linen Sheet-
Inje In every width nnd quality, Shirting
hnnd-iptm nnd undreaiod: Pillow Llnona tn
rJK Kye Dl.pori, Dowlale end (lleae
K ! Towali; llnokabnok
, “ J Uusk “ b *' k ‘ *
Table Oamiuks Ac Diapers.
In whit, end Brown of etery kind, Tory ohonp. Du-
, m “J‘^'’ r ' k , in,, !i ,ld W 1 * 1 i Dnini.k Bordered Ifnekn-
beck Tewele; TnlloCorcri nnd Toilet t'ororn: Unlit,
nnd Countorpnnee of every klnd.endln.l.eefor Berthe,
Cote, nnd nnnll nnd largo Bedi; Figured etont Lnee for
—-y. Kngllih Wnehlng Furniture
Valence nnd Bed Curtnini, jenghih weening Furul
Chlntv.i, very oh.ep; 7-g, d-t, nnd 5-t Furniture 1
Itlea; Linen Laeee for Billow Cneeo, very ohonp, Co.
do.: Cotton Shirting.nnd Hheetinge in white nnd __
Islowqim ITIaitliigg.
Beet quality, and oheaper thau eliowhere.
Oar etock is replete In almost overy article noodod r
I luutntion aud liouac-keepltiir mesn
at cheapest prices, vis: very cheap Cotton pantaloon
staffs for negroes; Cotton Osnaburgs, Linon Osna-
burgs, eolorcU llomeopuns, Ao.
Success In trade is nlwnys in the ratio of ability to
> best for tbs community, and upon that basis, oombin-
od with intoyritjr, we arnoal to the universal iutelleot,
“ft , w ® oon “do impHoitly In the unerring aggregate
miud^for the result. Our ttook is so thoroughly tiUod
And it is Qxod for eale,
At-price* so uniformly very Cheap
That puroiiasers of a largo assortment, in email and
ie quantities, can be suited ia a greater number of
olos, ami thereby offeot a greater saving than in any
other storo in 8avanual.,-Buysrs are invited to iuspoot
WB r £ ljr on the patronage of tho
greatest number of purchasers—by our diffusing the
T R fugVupport PrOC,k lnt ®ro»ts—for enduring and inoreas-
111 Congress-stroet—next to Bull-street,
JL*ed opposite the Pulaski U
Btoumer Planter, Wiggins, Centrerlllags, Ac
Jacksonville, Sopt IU—Arr, brig Florence, Hopkins,
Boston; brig R Bouthwick, Htilphin, Bath: schr A B
Tuffts, Huntley, New York; schr Aloyonn, Hand, do ;
sohr Ben Nevis, Small, do.
Cld,brig Crawford, Nortou. Now York; schr Ellet
Reod, Rood, do ; brig Catherlno ltogors, Calbum, Phil-
adolphia; schr Evorglado, Cauuer. Now York; sohr
Aloyena, Hand, do; brig Ciarina, Davir, do; schc Jos
Grioe, Rogers, do; sohr 51 L Davis, Davis, Philadol-
Sc^ars! Segars!! Scgars!:!
J U8T RECEIVED, by iace£ arrival, and for
sale iu lots to suit purchasers, by F. JACOBS,
No. 29 Bull atreet, Savannah, Un,
Tho following choice brands, vfaT
.uwn . 3,ooo El Rifle.
10,000 Cousolacion,
2,000 Flor do Proasados
6,000 Cunstanoia,
10,000 Washington,
2,000 La Patria,
6,U00 La Guipaicoana,
2,000 Georgia Itsg&lias,
6,000 Cilandrados,
2,000 Uoorgia Plantation,
6,uuo Rio llond. Londros,
6,000 Goorgia,
4,000 Rio Hondo.
2,000 Cabanas,
4,000 Do Cartaga y Com-
rauia—tho oolobrated
London Bi60, 7,000 Antonio Lopom
Also for sale. Rough and Ready Chewing Tobaooo;
Julia Dean do.; Lewis Cass extra Gold Leaf do,; Ja».
Thomas, ir..Virgin do.; Jenny Llud Twist do.: Dla-
dom Twist do.; Excelsior Twist do.; Eldorado do.;
Crumpton s Four Aces do.
A now lot el Segar Cneei, Fort Mouuies, It. SnulTe
and Pipoa of all descriptions, may 24
. Equal iu ovory roapeut to Henry’s, aud at a muol
r nrico, for salo by JOHN B. MOURE A CO.,
J® Gibbons' Buildings.
. A suporativo Tonio, Diurotic, anti-DyspepUo,
aud Invigorating Cordial. This medicinal beverage is
manufactured by the proprietor at 8chiedam, in Hol
land, and is warranted not only puro from overy inju
rious property and ingredient, but of tbe best possible
quality. Its virtue is acknowledged by the whole med-
Gibbons' Buildings.
UlCltCM£’S LOTION.—Au effective cl..
f for erruptious on the Face and Skin particularly.
imploB, Totter, Sun Burn, Rtugworm, Freckles, Ac.—
This Lotion has boon bdministored with groat success
in Europe and America. It is perfectly safe, yet pow
erful, and possosBus all the good qaalities of tho most
oolobrated cosmetic*. For sale by
jyf 3- B. MOORE A CO.
Tj barb/
found to be a
would raiso a colt or puppy
Take notice, pareute, unless you till the
’ soil
and throw in the goad seed, tbo devil will havo a
crop of poison woods bnfore you know what is tak
ing place. Look at your dear children, and think
whether you will Inalve their safety or ruin at haz
ard, or whether you should uot truiu them up iu the
wuy they should go.
The St. Paul Mionesotian of the 25th ult., is
responsible for the following. It is a fast way of
doiug business, aud beats Australia and California
all hollow:
One of Miss B ’s pupils, ayouns lady, stepped
into tile school room the other nior.)Iox, aud com
menced gathering up her hooks, staling that ahe
wus sorry that she was compelled to leave the
44 For what reason ?” mildly inquired tho teacher.
44 Oh, I was married last evening, that's all,”
“ Why did you uot inform me before !’<
44 For the simple reason,” replied tbe bloomiug
bride, “ that I did not know it myself until during
tbo same afternoon—ho never askod mo till then.”
safe and valuable remedial agent, altero-
u u» oiioots, and purifying iu its uaturo; and zuay
ud with great advantage iu tbo cure of Rheuum-
. Ulcers, Scrofula, Vetter, and othor diseasos arising
from an impure state of tho blood. Just received
for sals by ^ W. Vi. LINCOLN,
je 13
aiouumopt Square, Savannah.
and qualities, 300 gall. Linseed Oil: 200 doTurpon-
tino; 100 do Vixnishes ; 200 boxes window Gloss. A
largo assortment of Paint Brushes, Painter’s Dusters,
Sash Tools and Varnish Brush *, and all variety of
Paints. For sale by JAB. II. CARTER A CO.,
S UHIIAND’8 Calcined Alaaucala*—The
superior qualities of this Magnesia, are. that it
tiroly deprived of Carbouio Aeia, freo from un
pleasant taste, smell, or other disagreeablo property,
and without rongbacas and grittiness to the touch or
palate. One tea-spoonfu) of It is equal in strength to
three or four tea-spoonfuls of the oommon Calcined
Magnesia, thus combining smallness of dose with the
most agreeable form in which Magnesia can be admin
istered. A supply just received aud for salo by
jo 17 A. A. SOLOMONS A CO.
Wnrc room
If. E. Corner of Whitaker and Brougkton-sts.,
qillli SuLaeribera, in announcing to thoir numer-
opeuToV,St‘h.Tr" * U4 th ° P “ U ‘°’ ‘ h * I ' rr ‘ , ‘ l
Spring Stock,
° a lh “ .ir.otngoe Which thelrre-
“ , « m » offer .11 who deeir. to
select their Clothing from au extensive assortment of
tho ohoioest goods, made in tho most
Ffktsliionablc Style.
Those goods have been pureliasod uud jr the personal
inspection of one of the proprietors; aud availingthein-
solves of favorable cironinstanoes, thoy are enabled
uot only to warrant them in quality, but to offer them
At such
J dj»tinee all competition ia their trad
UonTieirvu m vua cuun^ry, wnom r uruoifc - n -
rumnt attention, and who, whon in .lie oity, are
pooifullyiuvited to an examination of oar Goods.
FROCK AND DRESS Coats of every quality.
“ “ ** 44 iu Blaok, Blue, Brown,
l and Olive Colors.
v U a..K88 COATS,in groat variety, vis: Linen, Rus
sia Duck, Drab Dote, Alpanha, Cashmoret.Frook and
Sauk buBinoss Coats.
PANTALOONS.—Block Doeskin at a great variety of
fif k aud Fancy Casslmeres, at a great variety of prices.
44 Drab Deto •• •• ••
White and Fancy Linen Drills, 44 44 44
Fanoy Marseilles, «* «• ••
VESTS.—Black Silk and Satin Vests.
Fancy Silk 44
White Silk, for Party 44
White, Buff and Fancy
Marseilles 44
White and Buff Duok
and Linen 44
Famishing Goods ot overy description for Gentle
men's wear—consisting of soarfs, cravats, watorford
tios, Prinrj Albert ties, spring stooks. merino shirt*
and drawers, cotton do., suspenders, half hose, gloves—
all kinds, best quality patent yoke shirts, a line as
sortment of
Umbrellas, Canos, Perfumery, Combs, Brushes, Fort-
mouias, etc., etc.
An' extensive assortment of tho latest and most fash
ionable styles.
Boys’ Clothing.
Comprising the largest assortment over offered in this
oity, consisting of Frocks, Backs, Polka Sacks, Jackets.
llrougliton ^My-js.-.rr 8.r.ou,
Build mqs, Ao. done at the shortest notlos. aug 19-lflm
« ?• V* HABKU8UAM. Jr.
Respectfully tenders his professional sorvlcos to tho
ejtisons of Savannah.
a«g 2S >fl,<,e, No ‘ 31 Libortyiiroeti
/i ^ °? BURKE COUNTY.)
COM Mission MERC IIA *V T,
No. 93 Dny.itreet,
w „, ... . SAVANNAH, QA.
ir,,.r.!i K .?°ui 8 Personal attention to all business en
6tno angl
Isockett, Loiik 6l Co.,
SA..V ANNA II, I) II D B il I A.
«S U i.“ l !” <1 10 “» kind, of FRODUCE.
10 lll “ BeMlviog and For
warding Geode, and tilling order, from the oouatry.
. hhOKitrr, »a. u. Logo, joint s. navi,.
■ l r
,, . FOlt THE
l-urchnffo nnt! rsnln or 8tock«, Bondi,
lleul nnd l-e rnmml Katnte, dec. dtc. '
OJfice Ceraer of Ha, Laat and Ball dirt,I,
tar of the Pool Office.
' T1 '' l,h pi'chaae
iri-ifi:. .’ <,lthor «r In femiHee. for which wo
are willing to pay highest oaoh prices. jy 20—ly^
t S. It. ClllUoil,
aSSsKfit;.K»^'* uk ““ * Br4 ff- U ^« 4
MILLlNm. ^
.jssmm M,, %-
— Trim min; *
for Party
respeotlhlly invites tlkf
Store, No 167 Congress' street.
tieTf 01 * h • «"*• M* tfOM- *>
miLi.iNjiirr'AMrgAiyoY" gbO*
Jfo. IT BAHKaBD-trM~
Take, tide method of iahJl
oelTed n h« 4 BI-m°N0 7 dT<K,«, m
Uh , .JKBiifaBsBkrasKat.
tlful article, ot the most dclieate tebris, la a
* ad ^ D0Vr t a ® m# r BONNET of Freneh 1
. B.—Ail orders from the oonntrypromptly fiit«nds4
l Vint UauLjBhnncn ror a^
< kOTS iu tiylvania, Soreven county, On. Two
j ot said lota are well improved, am) Immediately ow-
osite. One lot has s store 26 by 39 fset, a stable MiZ-
le to aooommodste K horses, and a never-fluilng w«U
6°,°^ w^ter. The dwelling ii oppwitt ths Kha 17
by 28 feet, suitable for a boardlog-tumM, with sSn■*.
eesiarv out-buildings, and • anrnp of roodwatet. Ia
“oh Joi! 4 *" 14 4 ® SS55«5
TERMS—One half oash, the balance ia thr«a and
six months, for approved eAy paper.
Also, a good STOCK OF GOODS, snob as are urfnal-
ly kept In oouutry stores, lor sale low. If apnltedfsr
immediately. For further parUonlav*^addfe!fl ,, " W *
rantly, an
jy 7-flui
l uctorugc ana C’oniiuisniflon
T WILL continue the Factorngu and Cotumisslon
■ UusiuMa on my own account. Office on Bay-st..
Foot of Montgomery Street.
Mfcy u tf j. g, PELOT.
Hliiclilcy a Thomas.
No. »5 Uur-st., Hnvnnnnb, Ua.
t* L fitKOUIalT. x. THOHXI.
Z. N. WiultlCF,
Wllliara.on , i Buildlu,., Hay*, treat.
Mnvnminh, On. opr IS
Factors and Commission Merchants,
signod has taken iuto partnership.
‘ Law, his son, IHA.1C 5
-The under
partnership, In the practice
ue»f., u» B uu, AOAday AlL’LFOItD MARSH, under
iTi® MAR811. They will personally
attend the Superior Courts of Chatham, Bryan, Bullooh.
Lffinghmu, Soriven, Burke, Wnshlngton and Wilkinson
Counties, and have mado arrangements for the prompt
collodion of debts In most of tho counties ia the State!
M *ir «ffi°e \76 (up stairs) Ba. -strset, 6avannah.
May J6th, 1852. ly MULFORD MARSH
Wholesale and Retail
Bookseller und StaUoner,
f No. 186 Cougress-st.. opposite Monumont-xi.
€11 AS. II. riCKli'IT,
_| AVING resumod his luiainoss, is now prs-
XJpared to oontraot for Buildings, or Jobbing woMt of
any aeooription, iu his line. Stairs oxeeuted with neat-
ntss and dispatob. A share of the public patronage is
most rospeotfally solioited. V H
Carpenter Shop oornsr of Walnut and IlartUon-sta.,
eond atreet west of Brown aud Uari'is’sStublss.,
fob IB Jy *
A TRACT containing tweite Hu*
sores planting Is
olsarod and fsneed, aud in good oonditwan
* ntxt J'^sr: 200 neres unelcartd k
aud the remaining 200 acres well timber 4 i 1
tr ?u •> aUuated on Tmtle RUer. wli
miles of Brunswick—the Railroad passes throask ii
Tho timberod portion lies close toiheriver. Tbihul
.»U1 be sc Id low—part oash. and part on time.
Also, Tw enty lots In tho town of Brunswiek.
Rrucewlek, Aug. 18, IMS.
Dlautatlou for Sale.
a Situated on the Augusta and Waynes- MB.
boro Railroad, adjoining town lends of|H
Waynesboro' and ooataintng slghthwa-mJLSsk
lores—abont ttva hnudred ana tifty olear.d with Th. wholt nr a part m»y b. porctuW
Apply to BimWMAKE A MONfooilKRT,
. "l‘ 1 «W.fneeboro’, dm
St. Mary's, Getr|lft.
W*U known House, situated within •
gjjn short dlstanoe of the Steamboat wharf. Is now
JbM* pen under the saperylslon of Vi. B. Buxxuy.
xnis h use While undor the oontrol of Mrs. R. Miller.
ssasateu? ,ta a w *“ nsmiUi °'‘ “*
„ „ . , W.H. BUIOaST, Preprieter.
81. M.ry e, Ang, g*. 1883,
Land agency.
1 UIK eulikoriljer will purniiuie or ..IL on eouunU*
eien, Lou la Hie town er Bnnawioni tln,bu8«
lying ia the counties of Glynn, Worn., Cmndea, War*,
/ppflng. Clinch, Irwin, Le.ndoe ud SSnk. tar 111
per cent, eommiuion on kmennt of Mica, and win re
port the value of lauds for tan dollar, p.r loa.
lUrnn ro-E. 1. ltarden, Em., Savannah i J. C.
I'lant and Dr. Colllna, Macon; Andrew J. Millar. An-
gueta. E. M. MOORE.
Brnnewlek, Ang. 1 ,1888. Jawtf so, U
B. D. Evauk,
T T O R A E Y A T .J,
ilipractioo in the Courts of tho Middle Ciroult. All
buslnoss committed to Ills care will be executed with
promptness and dispatch.
JHcrxicKNCM.—Messrs. Bothwellh Smith, and Dr. II.
Byrd, Savannah,ly, jan 27
The favorable and long established reputation whioh
their establishment has enjoyed and still maim."ins for
tho ntyle aud finish of its garmonts made to order, ai
well us fortho superior quality of thoir cloths, dura
bility of color and substantial workmanship, it shall bo
tbo constant effort of tbe proprietors stLIl to continue.
Thoy invito tbo inoeial attention or both old ana ni
customers to tho following, from which thoy are pi.
rared to furnish garments, which they will waraut to
bo ne plus ultra in both fit and fashion.
uONl’S k BIOLLY'S best Bias, Black, Brown,
Mulberry, Green, Adelaido, Bronse, Corobo aud GUvo
Blao,>Does)dn, Blaok, Cassimore, and a large assort-
meulof Colored and Fancy Tweeds.
LINEN GOODS.—White, Buff and fanoy Linen
VE8TING8.—White Bilk and Batin, for Party Vests.
Blaok and fauoy Silk and Satins. White, Bnff and
Orange C&uimores. A large variety of White, Buff aud
fancy Marueilles.
For Volunteer Companies in the city and throughout
the State, mado aud iuruished at tho shortest noth
and in the boatuanuor. DIBBLE k CAREY.
■ 4 ly
lYench aml American WituUno-Glass,
Paint, Varnish and White-wash Brushes, Babol nnd
Camel Hair Pencils, Badger and Camel Hair
Blonders. iJraining Combs, Artists’
Brusbos, «o. 4c.
Paper Hangings, Borders, and Fire-Board Prints.
N. B.—House, Sign and Ship Painting, Gilding, Orain*
lng and Glailng, done ou reosonablo terms by
JOHN POOLE, 11 (Vhitaker-st.
mar 20 Nearly opposite Swift, Denslow 4 Co,
Portable Circular Saw wiim.
TFliESE Mills are warranted unsurpassed by auy
1 in use, are propelled by an Engine of U indi bore
>rCylinder, and present the latest sad best improve-
meats throughout. Among tbM#, the patent Oiling Bex
is •xolUBivoiv need, Uoxles oontiaaoas feed Works.
4o. Price delivered at the Faetory 2,600 dollin'1*5
than $100 additional will defray the freight to 6aVan*
nab, Augueta, Charleston or New Orleans. »
.. ^fifimififitlon of these Mills is alone reqalrtd toestab
lish their exceeding simplioity, oheapness, d uabilltv
end superiority thtenghoul. 9 *
AU dutoriptfoni of Engl n « and 51111Work famlshad at
,h gy°A°waByfa:«?tia£4ifeg..-^^a.
UtU Hanger, and Manufacturer, of Fire
Proof Safe,, Iron Railing,, Loci,, lie.
Corner of llrrnn nnd Jtftma-ittnM,
M. B—AH article*
manufactured by nsars
. warranted tor materi
al and wotkmaijuup.
Ileiuy K. Wasliburn,
Jy 91 8AVANNAH, »K«R«IjII\ ly
A. ll« DVLUVi
JTIangrum A Vox,
Atlanta. Georgia,
JWill oolleet Debts in the following Countless
De Kalb. Fayette. Heard, Case, Alurray, Cherokee
Newton, Coweta, Campbell, Gordon, Waltor, Henry
Morriwether, Carroll, Floyd, Dade, Spaulding, Troup
Cobb, Wliitfiold, Forsyth, Gwinnett.
Ueyersnces—E. B. Stoddard 4 Co., Charleston, South
Carolina; Williams 4 Brother, Augusta,Georgia; Plan
Brothers, and O. W. Choat, Nuw-York.
Nat. Mshqpm. [tanr 17 tf] Thoims N. Cor.
General Commission Merchant,
ly]HavRunnh* Georgia. [uov l \
Improved Patent Metallic Indestructible
Whioh is now taking the place of all others throughout
the United State*. U. §. BOUAKDTJS having been
made the solo agent of tho above for the City of Savan
nah, would respectfully call attention to thoir vast su-
lorlority over auy thing of the kind that has yet been
— thone advantages
superiority is based.
Tho undersigned having examined the above, do not
hesitate to say that, in their opinion, they ure fully cal
culated to answer tho intended purpose:
8. N. Uauris. M. D., I C. Vi. Want, M. D. f
R. Wayne, hi. D., P. M. Kollook, M.D. f
J. C. UaBKBSHAM, M. D., I W. O. BULLOCK-, M. U.,
—M2 R. Laculison, Machinist. ly
Congress Bpring, landing fromjbrig Exact, for sale by
jo 29
t lONMUKSH WATElt.-Now lumiing from
) Bark Exact, warranted toboxenuino and recently
bottled. A supply of it kept constantly on loe.
je 30 WM. W. LINCOLN, 5Ionuiuent-sq.
U Just received per stoamor, and for sale by
je S J. E. DsFORD, Apothecaries’ Qall.
SOT A supply Iced every morning,
a Jest received from Pliiladoluhis, a
choice lot of Ladies Uniters, Tie* aud
Slippers. Also, Gentlemen’s fine Congress Guitore,
Patent Leather Pumps. Pump Sole Boots, 4c. Those
who desire a good ortiolo are invited to call and be
supplied. W. IIEIDT,
may 18 Qibbona' Range.
W C. WADSWORTH has removed to No. 115
• Cougress street, directly opposite the Pulaski
ucnee, the tiUrd door from Bull street, where ho will
keep at all times a full aaeurtment of
Fancy and Htuplo Dirjr Goods,
Adapted to the City aud Country t
OLAhSUs and 8 YiltU\-100 bbla Port
land Molasses
) bbls N O Syrup. In store and for sals by
ang 16 SWIFT 4 CO.
auc {j
and Cumuhiuc, for sale
1 PORTRAITS and Memuire of Eminent Atucri-
, cans ; by John Livingston, Esq.—two vols.
Tho Victim’s ItevenKo : by Newton M. Curtis.
tho Land and 4jooan; by
igo ; l
Jem Brunt, ora Tale of
Caj>t. Boodlcy, U. 6. N.
01 eason's Pictorial; Barnum's Illustrated News;
Godey's Lady’s Book; Arthur's Home Magaxine.
Hooper's Medical Dictionary.
6initb'sClassical Dictionar,.
^Disoasesof Young Children; by Charles Meggs, M.
Appieten’s Dictionary of Mechanics. For sale at No.
6 Congres»-«t.
S UGAIC.—Loaf, Crushed und Powdered Bugur,
also A. and C. Clariiiud, landing and for sale by
Q ATM and CORN..
-J Prepared expressly for tbs retail trade, from im-
.orted mater iris, and wnrrzuted full weight. For sale
7 n . WM. W. LINCOLN,
| J At
uuirk.d A i»t brig T. B. W.lwn from Now
- lauglkij OGDEN A BUNKEn.
AVON 81BH8—50 liUdi. Prime Bocou diffois
Undiaff from I loonier bmto of tioorr 1 ., oriUroc
Loug 211]
ft CO,
l»»r K. JTOBI. t. «. UUIlUiM.
oot7 8AVANNAU.GA. 1,
Julian jUuru-idge,
ogles comer Whitaksr-st. and Bay Lane,
» ov 10 Hnvannah,
No. 172 Bny-Htrect. Bavnnnnii.
John t. HowajVp. an 21 joun t. now land, jb
James McHenry,
Marine Protests Noted and Extended, Averages ad
justed, Charter Parties and Average Bond* drawn. Pa
pers prepared whereby to recovor losses from American
or British Underwriters, and attention given to all
matters oonnoetsd with Shipping and Insurance. Of-
fioo No. IIS Bay street, opposite tho front of the Cus
tom House. ly IaQt8
York’* irs st, Oglethorpe S q.,
Ian 28 Savannah*
D. w. MlhcaUy,
Oppoalte l-nnmr’H Uotton Press.
Btvamboat and 51ill Work, and every description o
Blacksmithlng exsouted with neatness end dispateh.
Upholstery aud Cabinet Work
Tbs subscriber having taken the storo oi
Whitaker-street, next to Dibble k Caroy’e Tai
loriug Establishmeut, rospectfully announce to
„ the oitiiens of Savannah that he is prepared
to easoute all orders in the above line on the most
Special attention paid to repairing all kinds of Furni-
Delist BeUsi: Delta I!!
rpilE Bubscribors manufacture and kssp constaa t-
I ly on hand all sises of Chureb, Factory, Bteaabo at.
Ferry, Locomotive, School House, and Plantation Bills.
Theso Bells aro hung with the patent inn yokes wi th
moveable arms, They can bo turned around so that
tho dapper willurika in a new place, whioh is desire
ble nfior a bell has been rung a few years. Bpriags art
affixed in a uow way to prevent the clapper from restln g
on the Bell, thero by prolonging tbe eonnd. Those BeHs
are manufactured from the best stoek and are east ia
iron casings. At this Foundry these waro first used
aud are fbnnd to bo a great improvement. W* give a
written warrantee Uuu if Church Bells besak within
ono yoar from date of purchase, with Mir usage, wa
will recast without charge. The tone of aQ Bslls is
warranted. Nearly DOUO Bells havo been oast and sold
from this Foundry, whioh is tho best evidence sf thsit
superiority. We havo 15 gold and Sllvor Medals,
awarded from the various Fairs 44 for the best Bells toi
sonorousuoM and purity of tone." We pay ^urfleular
. ^ ity di — T — _ ______ _
labliahment ot the kind in the U. H. and has thSIargsst
assortment of Bells, orders ean be filled with great dis-
-WfiefiaMWfto.Bsllsla any ot tbs States.—
Old Bslls taken in exohango for now ones. Levels,
je13 ly*d4tw
Wet Troy, N. F*
A New Cook Stove,
For Burning W„4.r€
The Bubhcriber. b.vs just uud. ifna,.
dolphin, fortho sxslosfvs sate
STOVE. The makers had it
_ j offering it to the publte fiw
i slfies in this city, aud those who
MSI they
ling, broil-
of this excellent
tliorouglily tested before
sale, and it also comes vory higl
those that are now aelr ~ 4 *
on trial a short timo
havo seen them in operation aokuowl
any F‘— '
iel; dim
and mounted in the most periuot manner; tiieh
is sc eonstruoted that you oan get twice tho heat la the
OYsn a. anr other IU>*« how th hr«. W. an MW re-
ooivmgtho different alrea, nnd we oerdlaUy lnrlte tU to
call end eaauiae before pnrelihiloc. Wo hove eleo,
varioui other patteroe, among which may he fonei
the Iron Witch, Iron King, endeel.hrat.d Utah Btere,
>r wood.. T. W. MoAKTUOIt k CO.,
opr HI ‘ “
• nvAnsnvn a vv/,.
Store No. 13 Barnard-et.
Dying and Kenovatine Establishment,
73 York-mrect.renr of tho Court House
T ADIES' Bilk aud Woolen Drossos, Shawls, Ta
I J bio Covers, eto., cleaned, and dysd various colors;
ladies' Bonnets blsaobed aud pressed in a fashionable
style; Kid Gloves cleaned, aud Goutlemen’s Garments
oleansd, rontvated or dyed, as may be rouuired. All
done iu the same style vrhioh has gonerallv so much
pleased my patrons and friends. Terms moderate.
Psrsotssending parcels by Ilarnden’s Expre»s, Rail
road, or steamboats are requested to write her'mail, so
that I may know whereto call for them, and whioh way
to send thorn back. Cost of -Veight each way, for small
paroois, will bo abont 26 oents. AU orders punctually
jy 1 ly. 8. W. corner Bronghtoa nnd WUtnker-et.
C A lilt Alt l 1 AND NKKDUAM'8 .'(IF-
LODEON'A—Tlnue eelehreted InJlrumenu in
every etyle. trolo 4U to 0 ocuvo* iu ooueeee. with one
nnd two eteye, oulutdo for Church or I.rlorue., for
cole dt Enetery "
ang 28
J GOODS.—8 uae«i ol foot colored printed Lawn.
Jaconet end BttUtc Mnillni, all at I2>j eenU. . ,
J oenoe enerted Glnghania In Now Stylee, til et >2«e, I , U J
1 uae “ c4Mbri ° to
We have mnoh pleasure in directing pnrtionlurat
tention to the omvai. by tho Bteamilup Florida this
day, of tho above Goods, and cau with perfect eonfi-
f.'AdVrl^bir^h*' 11 ' 0 *‘° i ‘ ,,K °*■
way 23 172 Bjtughten-tf t. opp. St, Andrew ’eiloU,, LAUD AND BACON*
Oil KEGS Prime Goahon Butler in store.
26 bbls. Lard to arrive.
60 kegs Lard do
10 hhas Prime Bacon Shonldors do
20 do do Sides in store. For sals by
IJUTTFK.—30 kegs selected Goshen Butter j
JL) reoeived per steamer, and for eels by
B acon sides and shoulders—io
casks ohoiee Sides, 15 do. Shoulders^ received
per steamer State of Georgia, and for sale by ■’
aug 22 AloMAHON 4 DOYIJE.
U.ODR—15(1 hi,la. Georgi. Flour, 1MI do.
timore, 3U do. Hiram Smith’s, for sole by
aug 22 M054AHQN 4 DOYLE.
OOUP DIUESTERS, IMain, Tinned ’ and
O Enammelled Iron Tea Kettles, Dutch Ovens, and
a general assortment of Kitchen UteosUs. For sole bv
au 26 MORSE k N10UOL8.166 Broughton^t.'f.V.?!,’N’S/ATENT ICE PHE8EEVINU
... M TCUEB_,a * t levgeet line.
1111 20 MOB8E k MItfHOLS.
20 OOO VAH»» euperior Negro Cloth.
UULf Juet redrid nnd for Ml. ny
C U S»K^*' 1!lt - 1W bM.Ei.Ctah.
In store and tor sals by
SWIFT 4 oa
'I.OHN*—6U0 bushels Prime White Baltimore
QAl’CU FANS t wiih the iuside Uam>d and
O^nem.ll.d-nl 1 fre-^jydnt^jgtj^U.
AY.—£5 bales prime Eastern Bay, landing
froiu brig Philurs, and for sale by
D omestic jliquous.—ioo bbls. haeti
fled Whisky
50 bbls. E. Phelps’# Gin
6U do N. E. Rum
60 do Domestio Brandy
26 qr. casks Malaga Wins
For sale by (aug ,16) WKf
1 UOHH. — Old *
Pie Brend^nad B. Ph.^QU. U ggegg,