Newspaper Page Text
r«»» to Wealth 0»t1wr«*.
- Tw«jr*toeUhouhenpup wealth, which thou muatqult,
.Or, what ts worse, he left by U 7 , . „
Why dost thou load thyself, when thou Jt to fl>,
o, men, ordained to die I
Why dost Vhon bnlld up stately rooms on high,
W K *r^
For death, alas! is sowing thee.
Fond man! like a bought slave, thou all the while
Dost but for others sweat and toll.
Officious fool! thou needs must meddling be
In buidneM that concerns not thee!
For when to future years thou extend'd thy cares,
Thou deal st in other men's afialra.
ged men, as If they truly were
omiurcn again, for age prepare;
Provixlohit for long travel they design,
In the U^t point of their short line.
Wisely the ant against poor winter hoards
The stock which summer's wealth affords,
In grasshoppers, who must In autumn die,
llow vain was such an Industry 1
Of power and honor the deceltftil light
our cheated sight,
If tt 01 mo the whole small time would stay,
And be our sntiahlne all the day.
Like lightning that, begot but In a cloud.
uAA! 1 ?’??? Mpht and speaking loud,)
" bust It begins, concludes ita violent race,
And where It gilds, It wounds the place.
0, scene of fortune, which dost fair appear.
iHily to men that stand not near;
Proud proverty, that tinsel bravely wears,
And, like a rainbow, painted tears.
Be prudent, and the shore In prospect keep.
In a weak boat trust not the deep;
Placed beneath envy, above envy ri«c i
Pity great men, great things despise.
The wise example of the Heavenly lark,
Thy fellow poet, Cowley, mark;
Above the clouds let thy proud music sound,
Thy humble nest build on the ground.
•A great economist.
opening their Stock of Fall audwhite^
tug In pdrt of black and faucy colored French and
English Cloths; French, English and American^' ‘
meres, of all grades and colon; Veatings of
.Hamits, Cashmeres, Cut Velvet, and Kwbroklen
overdjoHtlngH—Such m line FngUah Beavers
way do, Esquimaux double-aided Jo, floe Kerseys and
Pilot Clbths-ull of which will be nuuleuo and trim
med In our usual style, and at the shortest notice.
Our ready clothing is manufactured by one of the
tint Houses in Broadway, New York, and comprises
< arpet-bags. Also India Hubbor Goods, such as Coats,
< looks, Ponchos, Leggtna and Capes—ull o| which we
<»tlbr as low, and on as accommodating terms as can
be had elsewhere, at OAUDRY’S1IU1 LD1NG,
*cp>3 Next door to Pulaski House.
IlcldNleck & Co. Cliampublic.
f|MiE Subscribers, having been appointed by
X Messrs, fleldaleck & Co., to succeed Mr. Charles
ffingler, heretofore Hole ugeniln the United {States for
the sale of their Wines, who this day retires from bu*
Hlness, respectmily call the attention of the Public to
tho subjoined card.
The Messrs. IIEID&IBCK A CO., as set forth there
in, Justly claim to lie alone enabled to send l*» this
country the genulue Huldslock A Co., t’liampagne,
Under the same name and style us originally introduc
ed Into this market, now nearly .10 years ago, they be
ing sole proprietors of all tho Identical vineyards, cel
lars, etc., wfdch the founders and originators ol this
celebrated brand had owned.
Such being the fact wc need not dwell upon the su
perior quality of Urelr Wines, the reputation of the
name ainout; the American public’ being already Idem
titled with unsurpassed excellence.
We bog particularly to notice that their brand still
boars the same name HKIDHIKOK ft CO. In full, by
which It became so favorably known, being thereby
easily distinguished from other similar marks, which
have since appeared. CRAMER A A UKUO,
(Successors to Charles Kngle.r)
Huidsleck A lk>,, In 1854, the senior partner who had
tho sole charge of Its liquidation, continued the busi
ness, retaining exclusive possession of the vineyards,
j0 g
ults, etc., which the original partnership had
in oruer to distinguish the dittmi from ImltatlouH
ami marks similar to our own, which have appeured
anil may hereafter appear In this market, the nume
of our firm In foil will be found on the labels and
around the corks. II KIDS I IXJK A IX).
Khelina, March 5th, 1840.
la 19
Agents In Savannah.
South weiiterii Railroad.
P AtiSENUElt Trains louvo Macon daily at
6V« A. M., arrive at Oglethorpe 111)4 A. M., ui
at Columbus 1 o’clock. P. M.
Leave Columbus dally nt 9 o’clock, A. M., ami Ogle
thorpe at Ilk A. M,, arrive ut Mhlou 3) a P. M., cpn-
uectttig at Macon each way with Central Railroad
trains to Savannah, Augusta and Mllledgevllle, with
Macon and Western trains to Griffln, Atlunta, Dal
ton, Chattanooga. Nashville, Ac.
Connecting dally at ColumbUH, by that line of
coaches, 28 miles to Opelika, thence 04 tulles by AI. A
W. P. Railroad to Montgomery, Ala.
Connnctlng at Oglethorpe with Tallahassee and Ku-
faula mall stages.
Passengers breakfa and dine at Fort Valley.
Ang. 31st, 185.1.
A General 'mi thmplete Assurment just
liece it'd l. ,
f|iHE Subscribers uro now propnrod to offer
X to the public. CAltKIAUKH, PH.ETON'S, BUG
GIES, CARRYALLS, Ac., fresh from some oi the
most popular Establishments and Builders at the
The selections were made by one of the firm,
with strict reference to tho requirements of this
They are determined to keep only such articles In
their Une as they can continently recommend ami
warrant, fouling assured that they will be sustained
iu offering u butter, and liner class of work, Hum bus
been usually kept In this market.
The public are must respectfully requested to call,
examine, and satisfy themselves, whether they are
In earnest, by an examination of their stock.
jt«T All klmlH of repairing done oh heretofore.
mug 1 conifer West Uroad and llay-streets.
~ k Call at JOHN J. MAURICE'S,
. A-9} No. 10,12 and U lhiruard-atreut, where you
will tiud us good UII assortment us there I..
BmOK ii tue city—which on examination, will
HHPR ompete with any; and all of which will be
^ .varranted to bake, boll or roast, or the pur
chasers cau return them. Havingun overstock of
those In want would do well to rail, being purchased
laet season ut a reduced rate, 1 feel positive In saying
Icon sell anything In the shape of a large Cooking
Etuve cheaper titan those purchased this season. Also,
nil kinds of' Parlor, office und iiall Stoves on the most
accommodating terms and lau* t styles. Also, The
Ware of a Very description.
Cast iron pumps lor Wells and Cisterns.
Lead Pipe ot the various (,’alllbre.
Wooden W are, of every description.
Drooms, scrubbing and Dusting Brushes. Ac., Ac.
Class Lamps lor Fluid auii Cumphone. < HI, Ac.
Having two of the best Plumbers In tho United
Btdtes * am prepared to run Water Pipes on corn—
principles, ol the best material. 1 would reforto w<
done in tho now Landings of Mr. Waldlmrg. Mr. W
Remshart, Stoddard*, Lloyds and Clrcopely’r, and i
ui crotts other buildings In the city.
John j. i
Cheap Cash Boot & Shoe Store
bouth-weat corner Congress and ^
Whltuker-atrect*.—The subsci
are now receiving their Kail and"
Winter Stock, which has been selected with
particular attention to the demands of the au-
vannah trade, and which upon Inspection (which we
invite) will be found in quality, assortment amt cheap-
new of price, all that can Ite desired by the purchaser.
We omit particulars, as every article in our line may
lie found ut our Store, Including a large stock ol I Ian*
tatioti Brogans. MURPHY ADEVANNY.
Iiovse FvnivisiirixG noons.
J. P. 0 0 L L 1 N 8,
Importer and Dealer,
100 Bryan-street,
I S now recoiving, and offers for milo at very
low prices, a large assortment ol Ilouse-FumUh*
lug articles, such as: _
Crockery, Tureens,
China, . PM"*.
Class, Dishes,
Plated Teapots, Ac.
llrltadida Pitchers,
Japan A Bowls,
Goblets. Castors,
Tumblers, Knives,
Decanters, Forks,
Preserves, bpuons,
Wines and Walters.
Jelly <1 lasses, Lamps.
White and Fancy China Dinner Services, While
stone do, Tea Sets, together with every description
of Cut and Plain Glaaswure.
China Vases, of elegant patterns ; China Powder
Boxes and Colognes; Bohemian Glass Vases and Co
lognes; Rich Cut \\ Inc Bottles, China Jewell Boxes,
and other Fancy articles In great variety.
Family llurdwure, Wire and Brass Fenders, And
irons, Shovels and Tong.t, Lamp Wicks. Wood and
Willow Ware. Brooms, Brushes, Door Mats. lanterns,
both gjarded and plain; Fancy and Ladles’ Work
and Truveiling Baskets—In short, every article In tho
House Furnishing line may be found at his estate
‘ Cabinet F urniture excep-
nov l
Ibdiuieiit, Dry Goods and (
r PHK Subscriber bogs leave reapoctfully to
X Inform his friends and the public In general that
In consequence of alterations be Is about to niuktt on
Ids premises, he Intends to sell the remainder of his
Fall and Winter Stock positively at cost, and many
articles below cost.
A great variety of Plain ami Figured Dresa Silks.
Plain and Figured Alpacus, In great variety.
Velvet Cloth and Silk Muutlllas and Talmas.
Plain and Figured DeLnlncs, very low.
Scarlet and White Flannels.
French, English and American Prints.
Ladles’ Embroidered Handkerchiefs, In great variety.
A great assortment of llolsery.
Irish Linens, Towels and Table Cloths.
Shawls, of different styles and qualities.
All wool Blankets In largo sixes.
A variety of Drest Trimmings and Bonnet Rlblions.
Persons In want of the ubove mentioned articles
will do well to call soon, as such bargains cannot lust
long. '*
(l.-c 24
Ikll Hanger and Manufacturer if Fire J’rmf Sifet,
Iron Hailing/, iAtckt. tfc.,
Respectfully u to the publlt
are warranted for i
nWat>7inii T int'JtW p u t ( .„t Metalic Indestructible SAR
are now taking the place of ull others throughout the
United States. 11. b. UOGARDUS having been made
the sole agent of the ubove lor the City of Savannah,
would respectfully call attention to their vast supe
riority over anything olthe kind that has yet been
before the public. The Improvements consist in
before .... ^ Mi
inentliig the top and sides, and, by the application ol
L ‘ Ich meuns the
change of ap-
atr pump, removing the ulr, by which iiicuua the
cuntems remain without eilluvlu or change of "■
pearance for any length of time. It is on these
antuges the claim ol superiority Is based.
The undersigned having examined the above, do
.jot hesitate to say that,. In their opinion, they
fully calculated to answer tho Intended purp
S. N. Harris, M. D.,
It. Wayne, M. 1).,
J.C. Habersham, M. I>..
K. Lochilso
O. W. Wert, M. D.,
P. M. Kollock, M.D.,
W.G. Bullock, M.D.,
it, Machinist. 1
Taylor’H Intcrnatlonul Hotel,
llllOAD\VA}',(M:r. (if lAxmkliu^it.,) A’AH' YOHh■
U miinpltitod umi upunud for truvollorr
who desire agreeable and attractive accommo-
ARIL tut Ions. It Is conducted uiHin tho principle ot
the foist European Hotels, the nteals being sorveil
In the several apartments,or ut the tubles hi tlio sa
loon, at the option of guests. The Hotel and Furni
ture combine elegance with comfort, and ts designed
ns well for the convenient reception of travellers by
the lute trains. JOHN TAYLOR,
Ja 2t> 2in Proprietor.
f. CERVEtr,
rpHANRFUL fcr the liberal p»tron«r» .rtOTjyl
A toward, him, wllctu »conlli;o«iic« ttgapTl*
thi viri^us hriotaifces ofhls Hiftonw.
Animal and Lam.scape Painter. AH kliidsor weuicai
Drawings for Diagrams, Banners on Bilk, W Indpw
Shades fdr StoresTIn a variety of deslgni, painted In
"coforedW.wiSthc cltr ot for
hi, oilier on Broushtoirat., new » hluher-up ““ lrik
reua —
ffl, HI CHAMS, Agent.
laid out nroitlf. MkotoII. and Oak Trera plant,
eil to order and warranted. A| ! onlera left » lin the
subscriber for trees or plants, will be particularly at*
SSid tS. Itealdence. com.r of Ifthendnun and
JunoMtteets. near the Collelie. tf felt
C l ARI’KNTKHS—Work Shop In Stafford’. Build-
r Ilia, on llull-atreet, 3d door from Whluker-»t.
jari In era for work lell ill .hop, or at J. W-
Sldtra Jewelry Store will lie prompt-
ly attended to.
Ja 28 3m*
J U8T roo’ii. nt tho Fanoy Trimming
and novelty store, Wlittaker-st.. next door
to Congress si-, w holesale and retail, the
contents of 50 cases of Silks, Straw and Sta
ple Dry Goods, comprising every novelty In Silk, Sa-
” n? *i, jitejci
id Neapolitan Bonnets; Gent’r
J Infant's Huts and Fitts, laadtes 1
Dress,Opera, Morningund Mourning Cups; Bonnet
Linings, trimmed with Straw’, Embroidered KHuslon,
Crape. Silk. Satin and other styles. Wire Buckran
tul Lace Frames.
We display an extensive, choice, ami well selected
ariety of styles, partly ns follows Rich Silk, Satin,
Crape and Gauze in Plaids und Brocade Bonnet Rib
bons, new styles ; Also, Plaid IMblfons, every width
nml quality, mixed Trimming Rlbl>oiis,|sultable tor
Summer, Bunns, Silks, Satins and other dress fa
brics,variegated colors blended together to match the
most dlttlcult patterns; Ouuxc Ribbon Fringe, a
style of .MniitfllaTrlnimliig.
French Flowers , Feathers und Wreathes,white and
colored Japonlcus, Roses, outside Bonnet and Fa<
Flowers und Tabs, white and colored Feathers at
Plumes, fresh worsted, F.mbroldery,Floss and sew ing
silk, ever)’shade and color, worsted outtems, regalia
Trimm lugs,ullt and silvered Fringes,Tasela,Lace and
stars, and will auuply to order byeucli steamer from
manufacture!s, Banner Taaels, Fringes and every
thing appertaining thereto. A great variety of Pearl.
Ivory, shell, Pupler Muclie Portmoneys, n<*gar and
Curd Cases. Funey,,let, Breast and Cult Pins, rich vest
Chains and huitou»,tiew styles ofdress Buttons,liolu,
Montes and other styles,steel,gilt and sllverTrlniinlng
Perfumery, Perfume Bags, lmia Rubber und other
Combs, lialr, Nall and Tooth Brushes.
such us Ladies’ Tupees, Pull's, Curls and Braid:
new styleH In chenilsetts. sleeves, colars,bands, lidkfs,
ting und edgings, silk '
l misses niolmlr tups
mourning tuns, fancy purses and bags,
satins, eml)ORM*d EmuINn and French c
Mantillas, scarfs and apron pinked ladl'
■lls, Ii
ts, fancy und
I bags, bonnet silks,
slippers,smoking cups ami child
ked for bruldlng; every description ol luncy atruw non-
nets and hats Bleached and pressed in a superior man
ner; every description of muntlllas made and straw
Bonnets trimmed In one hour's notice. Persons from
the Interior ofUeorglaaiid Florida, will Und It to their
advantage to call, us they will Und every thing they
require In the fancy Hue.
r 11
Millinorynnd Fancy Hoods. No. MUJ
Congress-st., takes this method of Inform
ing the Ladles ol Savannah und vicinity,
that she has opened the Store No. UD.S, Lou
dress-st., next door to Messrs. Einstein A Kckmuu,
where she will keep constantly on hand, every varie
ty ol Bonnets, Feathers, Flowers, .Mantillas, Collurs,
Pocket Handkerchiefs, Chemisettes, Sleeves, Hosiery,
Trimmings, Ac., Ac. Struw Bonnets washed In the
best style.
»u' All orders from the city and country promptly
attended to. 8ep34-11
Fushionnble Millinery nr.d Drees Ma
king Establishment, No. 16, Up Stairs, Lilli-
bridge's Buildings..,ml No. 17 Barmurd-street,
Mavuniiali.Ga. The attention of the Ladles
of Savannah und ot those visiting the city, are InyRed
to the new, large and well selected Stock ot Fashiona
ble Millinery and Dress Goods, consisting of the follow
ing articles: , „. ...
Silks, Satin atvl Straw’ Bonnets, Blbbons, Flowers.
Feathers, Wreathes, Buttons, Combs, Laps. Head
Dresses, Velvet Trimmings for Dresses, Plush Hats,
Rtggcrlcttcs, Infants’ Caps, Plain Silk Brocade,"Plain
Silks, Shally .Muntlllas, Cloaks, Talmas, Ac. no- J
MRS. 811 j HER.
Millinery und Funcy Goods. No. 157
Congress-st., Savannah. Begs to announce
to her friends and the public that she bus Just
returned from New York w ith a large assort
ment of Full and Whiter Goods, consisting of Cloth
und Velvet Cloaks and Mantillas; Bonnets, Sutln,
Struw and Beaver Head Dresses, ami Cutis of every
description. Some of the most elegant French Em
broideries, In the way of Undentlueves, Collars and
Chenib'ettes: also, a very large quantity of the
choicest Blbbons und Flowers, with a great variety
of the most beautiful Silks for day and evening
dresses. Mrs. Sllber will also curry on the Dress Ma
king and Millinery on an extensive scale. All orders
which she may be favored with will he promptly in
tended to. ocf•
r PHK undersigned has loused, and now fit-
1 ted up In neat and elegant style, the building on
Drayton street, next door to Way A King's, to be oc
cupied us a
where he Intends to serve up In superior style, every
Delicacy of the Season.
JS’ew J ark Oyster/, Savannah Oysters, Venison,
Grouse. Jhrlridges. Fish, uYew York
and Philadelphia lkef, tic,, i£c„
Will always be kept on hund, ami served up In astyle
never before cqutued In this city.
Parties furnlsed with prlvute Suppers and Dinners
on short notice, lie will keep only the best Liquors.
Jun 7 3ui JOHN McK. CODY.
I N quantities to suit purchasers on the
wharf, or delivered in any part of the city. Also
Black Jack, Upland Oak. Live Oak. Ash, Pine and
Light Wood, by the Boat Loud or at Retail.
For the convenience of persoua residing In the up
per portion of the city, Boxes for orders are placed at
the stores of Messrs. J. M. Cooper A Co., W. W. Lin
coln and W. G. Dickson, and ut the Office of tin
** Morning News.” In oilier to Insure promptness In
supplying orders, these boxes are examined dally at
9 A. M.. aud 3 o’clock, P, Yl.
Particular attention will be given to furnish lawful
measure, and purchasers will confer a favor by linrae-
3 lately reporting any Instance In which my tfeumsters
aould full to deliver the quantity ordered.
Having made arrangements for a regular supply of
the above artlclea, and lor their prompt delivery, 1
respectfully ask a continuance or the favors of my
former cuUoiners, and the patronage of consumer*
for shipment In any quautlty. supplied at abort
notice. J.T. THOMAS.
Successor to D. Hkmshart, Ferry Wharf.
OctS Opposite the Gas Works.
St- Julirn-street, next to the Market-Square.
The undersigned, Agent for II. Knauff’s
Church and Purlor Organs, J. F. Browne A
Co.’s celebrated llarps, L'urhart A Need-
hum’s Melodeona, T. Gilbert A Co.’s, Sto-
durt’s. Grovostcen’s, Dunham’s, and Firth, Pond A
Co.’s Plano Fortes, has on hand the largest and most
complete stock ot .Musical Instruments, Sheet Music,
Instruction Rooks, Strings, Ac., Ac., ever known In
Huvuuuuli. Orders promptly und faithfully uttended
u. by II. 1!. MITCHULI,,
Jan 6 Successor to F. Zogbauni A Co.
Union Steam Saw Mill.
T HE Subscribers having completed their
mew Steam Saw Mill, are now prepared to cut
and Ull orders for LUMBER of every dimension at
abort notice, in the building of this Mill, we have
taken advantage of all the recent Improvements iu
the construction and muchlnury of Mills, and a - •
opinion that our Mill will only require a trial to
vince any one that she can munufuctnre LUMBER
equul, If hot superior, to any other Mill In the State.
To those who may favor us with their orders, we will
aay that our utmost exertions shall be used to give
satisfaction, both In punctuality and prices.
tffT Order* may be left at our office, No. 105 Bay-«t.
or at the Mill. Eastern Wharvea. tf ang 3
Saddle*. Bridles & llarne**,
183 Orngrcss-streei, Savannah.
The subscribers manufacture and keep
constantly on Jiuml, a large and varied
r . ~ i
— of dABDIJCS, lmlDLKS ami llAll-
NF.SS, and make to order every descrip
tion of articles In their line. Uur stock comprises ui-
so a large assortment or Trunks, Carpet-Bags, Valises,
.Saddle-Bags, Whips. Ac. Persons desirous ol supply
ing themselves, will do well to call at our establish
ment. All articles sold by us are warranted for ma
terial and workmanship. II. W. HOLLISTER,
N.B..—For Repairing o
xecutlon prompt.
Wood t Wood !
I MiE SUBSCRIBER will keep constantly
. on hand at His Wood Yard, at the Canal Bridge,
a full supply, ut all seasons, of OAK, HICKORY and
PINE WOOD. All orders left at J. 1). J ease’s, Urougli-
ton-straet. will be promptly atteudeed to.
jGr Wool) Sold Low run Cash.
Ian 1 f J. M. BUTLER.
New Jewelry Store.
C£L THE Uudoraigueri hua opened a Jew-
elry Establishment, at 155 Congress-street.
***”•«. where he will be happy to show his patrons u
new and splendid assortment of
of all kinds. . ,
Having engaged the services of a competent w utch
maker, he is prepared to do repairing of every des
cription in the best maimer, ami hopes to give entire
t-lstactlon to his patrons, jiiov lo| H. 8ILDKR.
uaniei. (itom.r.v.
corner of Broughton and Hull-streets. T
subscriber desires to Inform the public that he
has opened as above, where he Is prepared to
. — . *•-- -—* -.... w •• -|iistyle,
tue public. Having r
have been his patrom
licit* from them und the public u cull u
A MODE A BRO., return their thunks to
• the citizens of Savannah and its vicinity, for
the very liberal patronage which they have received,
and encouruged by the success of the past year they
beg to announce that they have compteted their
rangementa and are now dally receiving from
Philadelphia, Boston und New York markets tlieir
- * *—! Fall aud Whiter Trade,
Of which their stock will comprise every quality
style and description. nov 5
rpHE Undersigned bus opened a now Hard-
X ware Store ut No. 14‘J Congress-street, In the
store recently occupied by Messrs. N. K. Barnuui
•lvlng on entire new and well i
lotted s
ck of
Karl.* uA tlrt lMWMn Agenej-
T HE Undcrffigtawl will Uk« rUka on Car.
ffoaa ami Krtlahta. AHo. on BnUdlnm and Far
thSMTin ule H
- imuurewueu jig
inml Company, Ini
naao by Fire, and
1 Tran.porUtlon, o
nland Navigation
on" aa fcvorablt term*
NndltuUoiu. In thla"clty. " " —
Protection Inanranca Company.
O F Harti-ohd, Conn.—Tho .nmforaignod,
Axenti nf (he alwvi- Company, are prepar-d to
take rlak. agklnat Fire on llulkllnga and their con-
tenta. AI«o, Martne Sen llUka. on the moat favorable
terron. [Jaw] BK1UIIAM. KKLLY * 00., Aaenta.
_ ‘ tiRNKHAL
Fire and Uf, lnanranee Agency.
( Thaktrr Oak J.itK Ikbubanck Company,
J Hartford, Conn. Capital, (endorsed by the State)
YIUO.OOO. Alfred OHI, PresMenti Ja. 0. Walker, He-
city of New York. Capital. KYfl,000.
Utlea, New York. Capital, WOO,000.
PANY of Middleton, New York. Capital, $150,<XO.
PANY of Waterfont.N Y. Capital,*150,000. Charles
Cramer, I'realdent; F. D. Moe, 8ovrctary.
These Compatib-s having a cash capital, safely In-
estetl In bond and mortgnge, ure prepared to effect
Insurance against damage by tire,on ull kinds of pro
perty on reasonable terms. A ppllcatfonjecelved by
ap 22
PlaStaUona,ui TB now of
mo rt ^i&^y° 0 a f n ' , “ th *
\' ot 2 led Pkdns; Common de Lalues,
l“!lfa > ?lJ*^l“' C * nton Cl0,h *- Poplyna,lUnghama,
pU'n, w,H -MSjjiUfjyjBJ—* varlr, .took
“ * ny -*•
W * ' u ' 1, '.fo?'stK«« lock of
both on account o! thoqualltyandlow prices ot which
we are ottering them. Among them may be found
6-4,8-4,10-4 atid 12-4 line Bed Blanketa, Linen and
Cotton Sheetings, Linen and Cotton lnilow Casings
Counterpi ties and Toilet Quilts, extra largo and Une
Linen Damasks and Cloths. Napkins, Dowlas, Furni
ture Dimity and Chlnxes; Flannels.dll colors, styles
and qualities; Huckabacks, Russia Towels and Tow
ellings, Ticks. Drills, etc.; Embroideries, 1 Julies’ Em
broidered Hdkfs. prices from fl to 920; Collars, Un
der Hdkfs and Sleeves to match; Edgings,Inserting#
Rands and Flounces, very tine and rich. Together
wlth a full stock of Plantation, Fancy and all other
styles of Dry Goods, to which we Invite ull to call and
exHintne. Goods freely exhibited, and customers left
to their own Judgment and tuste to purchase, or look
further. tf oct 17
Home Insurance Company
O F (ho City of New York. Cupitol $500,000,
all paid In. Simeon L. Lormls, President; Chun.
J. Martin, Secretary.
The subscribers having! been appointed Agents of
the above named Company, are now nrepared to take
risks against Fire on lliillillngs. Merchandise, Ac.
favorable terms. (J.v 8J
!*, Him iMNUllf, At., Ol
Tlie United Stales Life lnanranee*
A NNUITY ami Trust Company. Charter
Perpetual—Cash System. Capital $250,000.
This Company combines the Mutual and Proprieta
ry system, and will Insure the lives of white persons,
also negroes. Dr. Arnold, Medical Examiner,
mar 15 ly MLN IS h FLORANCE, Agents.
Fire and Life Insurance Company.
r |MlE Undersigned Agents of tho ubove Coui-
X puny, will take risks against Fire on Hulldlngs,
Stock In Trade, Ac., on the pmstfovorableteniis.
Jan 24
No. 117, Bay-wt., Savannah.
Iloyal Insurance Company.
J 2,001,000 of Pounds Sterling.
This Institution has established an Agency In Sa
vannah, and Fire Policies upon Produce and Pi oi
will be Issued by ANDREW LOW
Savannah, January 21.1853.
London Phoenix Fire Office.
r l'*IIIS Company takes Fire Risks in this city,
X and Insures Rents and Leases,
sep 2 ltOBT. HABERSHAM A .SON, Agents.
jEtna Insurance Company,
signed, Agents of flie above Company, continue
to take risks against Fire on Buildings, Stocks. Ac., on
the most favorable terms. COHENS A HERTZ,
up 14
Life lnanranee Company of N. York.
I President; Dr. R. D. Arnold, Medical Examiner.—
Applications received by W. P. HUNTER, Agent.
r PHK Rates of this Company are lower than
X those charged by Northern Companies for resi
dents of the South.
Oiiu-fourtli uf the llrst premium Is entirely remit
ted. After the Hint year, this fourth may be puld by a
note when the policy Is tor the whole life.
For one or Hve year policies, this Company offers
great advantages. —
Policies may be modoraftyablc to the wife, or wife
and children, with or without a trustee.
All t he funds of the Company ure Invested In State
Ronds or In Unit mortgages on real estate, worth four
times the amount of louu:
Applications for Insurance received by
W. KING, Agent.
Dr. C. II. Wells, Medical Examiner.
Savannah, Dec. 29,1863. ly
A LL PERSONS having claims against Win.
Robertson, late of Chatham county, deceased,
are notified to present the same properly attested
within the time prescribed by luu, and ull persons
Indebted to the said estate ure required to tuuku pay
ment to GEORGE ROBERTSON, ) « vlril
fc 20 wft GEORGE ROBERTSON, Jr. J rrt ‘
W E have This Duy associated with ub in
business, Mr. Wm. A. Jaudoa. The Hrui will
be as heretofore,
I ^iOUR months after date, Application will
be made to the Honorable Court of Urdlnury to
leave to sell the real Estute belonging to It. P. Bui
ton, lute of Camden Comity, deceased,
nov 29 K. E. BURTON, Executrix.
r IHlE undersigned have thin duy foriuod a
X Co-Partnerslilp, for the practice of Law and
Equity In the vurtouH Courts of the Eastern aud
Middle Circuits, under the name and style of Marsh
r |iHE Subacribora have removed their stock
X of Goods, to the store recently occupied by
Samuel Solomons, Esq., No. 201 Buy-street, where
they will be happy to see their friends aud custo-
iaein. [sep 10J CltANK A RODGERS.
1 .^ACTORS, Merchants and others, desiring
to have their Cotton re-packed, c ‘
applying ut my Press, Eastern Wharves.
ler the style and name of Wm. R. Muc-
. iran Auction, General Commission ami
Grain business. WM.1J, MACLEAN.
Savannah, Jan. 5,1854
» .VI. U. MAUiRAa.
Notice to Debtors and Creditor*.
A LL porsous indebted to the late M. W.
O’BYRNE, will make Immediate payment,
aud those having clulms against the said deceased,
will present them for settlement to
fe 10 tf D. A. tTBYltNK, Administrator.
S IX Mouths after date application will be made
to the Ordinary of McIntosh county for Letters
DismUsury on the estate of J. V. L. Corker, deceased.
fc23-luw6m ANN J.COKKFIR, Administratrix.
Hardware Store. Having purchased his stock direct
from the Manufacturers In England aud this country,
he Is enabled to offer Ills Goods as low us they ciui Ik
purchased at any other establishment ut the South.
He respectfully asks of the patrons of the lute Urm
of McCleskoy A Norton, the citizens generally, and
person* visiting the city, to give hliu a call, und be
satisfied of Ills prices, etc.
yPH Tho undorpigued respectfully
amdEliiforms aI1 "'ho may need his services
taut lie has churge of the MARINE RAILWAY,
which is now hi successful operation. Ho Is, there
fore, prepured to take up vessels of any slae usually
visiting uur |>ort. and to do the work of repulritig,
Ac., on reasonable terms. Those who wish to clean
or paint the bottoms of tlieir vessels, cun also be ac
commodated on the Railway, upon reasonable terms.
f Slilp-Carpenterlug, Spur-imiking und Caulking
In all Its various brunches, ut the eastern extremity
of the city.
03* A good ShlpHinUli Ih
O N THE FIRST TUESDAY in April next,
will be sold before the Court House door, In
.leifersuii, Cumdcn county, six tracts of Luml, belong
ing to the estate of Robert. P. Burton, deceased, con
taining Twenty-three hundred acres, more or less. 8obl
by an order obtained from the Court of Ordinary, and
sold lor the benefit of the heirs and creditors of tlie
Estate, R. K. Burton, deceased. Terms on day of
sale. R. K. BURTON', Kxc’x Estate
R. 1*. Burton, Deceased.
St. Marys, February 13th. 1854.
luwtd fe 16
(hr. if Omures* und Jetft-r/on-sls.,
M AAS a HEYMANN are fully prepared
to show to thelr customers, und to thosu who
may be visiting Savannah, the largest assortment of
Cloaks, Over Coats, Vesta and Pantaloons In every
variety of approved style, for Gentlemen, Youth* and
Boys. Tlieir stock of Clothing will compete with uny
other In this city, for good material, workmanship und
reasonable prices. —also—
At this establishment may be found a well selected
assortment of Cravats, Sends, Stocks, Hosiery,
Gloves, Suspenders, Shirts, Undershirts and Draw
Hats und Cans, Umbrellas, Trunks, Carpet Bags aim
V ullses, Ac., Ac., the whole of which Is offered for side
low by
C "1 K0RGE S. NICHOLS has now in Store
X and offers for sale the following:
Gent’s line blue, black und brown Cloth, Reaver
Cloth, Petersham, Fur Cloth, and Cumblet Over-
Gent’s Cadet Casslmere, Tweed Casshnere, black
Casslniere, blue Cusslinere Frocktees, and business
Suck Coats—n great variety.
Gent’s black Doe Casslmere, and more than thirty
different puttemsof fancy (Jasslumre Pants of latest
A very large lot of Satlnett Round-Jackets and
Punts, Flushing Overcouts, Frock and Sucks for Ser-
r been equalled In this place, .and contains
Petersham Overcoats
ml clur:*t Cloth Dress Frocks
Mixed aud Ke . ...
line black Doe-Casslniere, blue Cloth, and a large _ .
Hortnieut of fancy-colored Casslmere and Satinet
Black Cloth, and
Wisdom shall bow down to M
earth shall kneel tyurt it.”
Never could thin be said
with more truth, than it no*
applies to this remedy for af
fections of .the throat and
lungs. Tha exalted !n learn
ing and power, acknowledge
Its supremacy, while both the
A little and the gieat can feel
IU beneflta. The liberal mind
ed among those skilled to cure, are free to own Its
mastery over distempers which have bn Hied their
art. Those of exalted stations ure not ashamed to
testily to Its virtues, but deem It a duty and a please
ure to thus hold out the lamp of their experience to
their suffering fellow men.
.. v kkmillionville, La., April, 1863.
Mons. le Dr. J.C. Ayer:—1 have oflate, made fre
quent use of your Cherry Pectoral in my practice,
and aiu happy to Inform you thut in no case yet has
It failed me. I have made some signal cures of Laryn
gitis and Bronchitis with It, and huve completely
cured one case of Asthmu, which had withstood eve*
ry other medicine I could employ.
Accept, Hlr, the tuMUrauce# of my distinguished
consideration. JULES CLAUD UOUUUKT, Si. D.,
laite Surgeon of the Royal Marine, France.
Extract from a letter of our Minister at the Court
of the Sublime Porte.
Legation or the U. 8. A., \
‘ . _- ; - ^Constantinople, Turkey./
Dr. J. C. Ayer.—Dear Sir: The Cherry Pectoral re
ceived from yon for tho Sultan, has been delivered to
his private secretary ut the palace, and you will
doubtless hear from It In due seuson. Thut you wove
so kind as to semi mu has been given to ray friends,
w ho have In many cases, found It exceedingly useful.
Yours, respectfully, GKO. P. MARSH,
Minister Plenipotentiary of the U. S. A. to Turkey.
Cvkacoa, March 5, 1852.
Dr. J.C. Aver:—I use your Cherry Pectoral, dully
In my practice, aud am sutlstled It Is a remedy which
must meet In every country the highest approbation.
personal experience and knowledge of the wonder
ful cures, und Immense usefulness of the Cherry* Pec
toral In their sections, we may mention—
’ McConnellsburg, l’a
J.B. Samson, “Democrat,”
J. Russ, Jr., Shelbyville News, Tenn.
Harvey, McKcnncy A Co., Stute Uaxette, Burlington, _ A . dreapful bad breast cured in one Hontit
' —- ISrfractqr a Letter from Mr. Frederick h
vpijf/iijf-*/ a on# .... f?*" suma
All of the ubove
Black Satin, figured Silks, Alp
a great variety of Merino Vest
for boys from 10 to 17 years old.
contains very pretty fringed aud plulu black Cloth
Suits; fancy colored Casslmere Suits, with Vests aud
Pants connected ;,Genln’s new style of Fancy Dress
ik, have been made up expressly for my trade,
ami muler my Inspection, at the North, and can con
fidently recommend them as good, and as cheap as
can be found elsewhere. The citizens and public
generally are invited to call and see ut the Clothing
Store. Gil • • ••
llbbon's Range.
J AMES II. CARTER A CO., Wholesale
and Retail Dealers In Drugs, Medicines, Chemi
cals, Oils, Paints, Gloss, Brushes, Perfumery, Instru
ments, Patent Medicines, F’aucy Articles, Ac., Ac.
TO MERCHANTS.—Merchants whiling to purchuse
anything In the above Une, will find It to their In
terest to call and exumlne our stock, as we are certain
they will be pleased both with the quality und prices.
We are determined to sell os low os can be bought In
uny Southern market.
TO PHYSICIANS.—Physicians nre respectfully In
vited to cull and examine our stock of Drugs, Chemi
cals, und Instruments, as they were selected by one
of the firm, aud we warrant them fresh aud genuine.
Dr. Gordon's long experience In the practice of
Medicine, qualifies him for appreciating the wants
aud glvlngperiett satisfaction In tilling their orders.
PATENT MEDICINES,—All of tlie most approved
Patent Medicines of the day always on hand.
PAINTS,OILS A GLASS.—A large stock of White
Lead, and every variety of Color, tills of ull kinds,
Lamo, Train, Linseed aud Ncatsfoot; Window Glass
iff an sizes, French and American.
of all kinds of Perfhmery, Cologne and Extracts, Fan
cy Cologne Ilottles, Fancy Smelling IfiiialB, llslr and
Tooth brushes, and In fact, every article usually kept
iu the Drug line.
XU" Don’t Forget to call at J. II. CARTER A CO.’S,
and examine their stock before you purceaso.
aug 10 lawl ly
friends aud the public generully, that he has pur-
ed the entire stockof Mr. JOHN CAUUUTIIKRS,
175 Congress-st., aud thut he will sell GUNS, RIFLES,
PISTOLS, Ac., at very low prices, lor cash.
Manufacturing aud repulring, of all kinds, promptly
B y
>Y a decree of Court will bo sold on tho
I first Tuesday In April, 1844, In front of theCourt
House In the city of Savaiiuali, at the usual hours of
Hule, vacant Lot, In lee simple, 60 by 90 feet, situated
ou Franklin Square, Franklin Ward, No. 28, bounded
by Congress und Montgoniery-streels, south by u
Lane, and immediately In the rear of Mrs. Mary
Marsliafi’s large tenement building Broughton-st.—
Sold for a division of the heirs ot John Shock, de
ceased. Terms ou tlie day of sale. Signed,
’ \ JSxec*r
H. F. W1 BUNK, Jr.
T HE 8UBSUIUBKR would rospeotfully in
form his friends and the public generally, that
he Is located In Savannah, (lx, and is preuarod to
give his exclusive attention to those wishing Ills
services In preparing plans, furnishing Drawings for
Steam Engines, Saw Mills and Machinery In general,
lie will also devote his time to superintending tlie
erection of Saw Mills throughout the South, as he
has the agency for some o! the largest Machine Manu
facturing establishment* In tlie United States. He Is
aUo prepared to give parties desiring jt, every infor
mation In regard to the cost of Engines, Mill Gearing
*nd olaUiihriy oi all descriptions; Shingle Machines,
Leather Belling, double or single, made to order ami
warranted to lie good. Persons ordering work
through him may rest assured their orders will be
piled with dispatch, and every attention paid toglv-
Ing them Machinery from the best style of patterns,
and of the most substantial and durable workman-
Bhlp. lit} would likewise Invite the attention of those
about to orrect Mills to Ids plan of circular Mill,
nUn tC .^‘ ,“ 0lrcular -MW.” believing It to be
S*?*&!*? J? cmi be. successfully operated In
alt kinds of Umber. By thin plau, the timber tsse-
I at No. 9'., C. llallroiKt, muI fifj., U n„ .
{Ml Ralifuiul. I<m« i xport.-uc. .Vu clOT.' at*},'
iglvan oracUcally loconatnirtlun alu outralfi..
un Saw Mills, warrants the mitiacrtberin tlufcSf
WIMH. ofheluK able to alv« every Mtlrfectlon
*448*0 wanting machinery for working woo,i, ,„ch
tt Daniel. InioroveU l-Uner, Tenoning miulihw
Morttatn* machfoe#, Saab, Moulding and a.i si u :
cbluws, Scroll Saw. 4c., by calling on the .ubKrlber
tn.iv Obtain them from the best manufacturers, oru.
Bor saving machines for working wood ever ottered to
\ POTIIKC ARIES’ IIAl.L, 8. K. corner Broughton
amt Bamard-streets, Savannah, Gu., Wholesale
and Retail dealer In Drugs. Medicines aud Chemicals,
Dye-ftdflv, French, English and Amei h-up Perthmerj’,
fine Toilet and Shaving Soups, fine liulr und Tooth
Brushes, Paint Brushes, Surgical and Dental Instru
ments, Trusses und Supporters of all kinds Spices,
Snuffs, Manufactured 'lohocco, all the patent or pro
prietary Medicines of. the day, superior inks, pure
Wines aud Brandies for medical purposes, Extracts
for flavoring, choice Toilet aud
I make my purchases for cash, and offer goods
equally as low as they con be obtained from any aim-
“nr establishment In this Bcction, warranted to be
Orders from tlie country promptly filled and satis
faction guaranteed, with regard both to price and
Jan 9 J. K- DkFOUP. Chemist and Druggist.
T AKE NOTICE that I have lost or mislaid
a Pronilscry Note, for Two Hundred and Four
Dollars and Thirty-nine cents, dated Savumiah, Jan
uary 13th, 1854, und payable Sixty Days after thedat
ir Prompt attepti
t.paid)addreasod t
HENItY MITCli EL, 1 *”
t Savannah.
l(.V Unx*. M llmlngtori. N. ft
Kaon 4 IlaugNustYOUH,) Wllralngion
1. U. l*opi. 4 <X. *
J. 91. .tWIi * w., J
Osmond 4 Grxt, Augusta, (Ja.
thereof, being made In my tl
;y I)»-g at
, — ... . by J. M. Haywood,
and by me endorsed. AH persons are hereby forbid
den to trade for said Note, or to take tin; same In pay
ment, as payment thereof has been stopped, and 1
shall not be responsible endorser.
thick sole BUSKINS and BOOTS, aud for sale low hy
fe 21 HKIDT A HAWKINS, Gibbon’s B ulldlng
W E HAVE opened this duy, und are pro*
pared to sell on very moderate terms, ten
s new Madder Prints, assorted styles, to which
beg to call the especial attention of purchasers.
M. i'llKNPKRU AST k CO.,
178 Broughtou-street, opposite St. Andrew’s Hall,
W c. WADSWORTH, No. 115 Congress
commenced receiving bis Spring
Tissues, Grenadines, Bareges, Challle-
fSSSxJSm Dt’Labic*, French, English and
reJwctbmJVnvf; 0l K ttU, , llw ! Muslins,and Lawns- aud
same mUy 1,,V t0s “ lc * Ladies to call and Inspect the
/Crackers, crackers, landing from
V aehrP- IL Burtop; 28 bbto Butter Crackers, 25
InULOUR, dtc.-200 afmks Georgia Flour, 100
C bhls do, 25 bbjs lllram Smith's do. 75 bbls Potai
tow, 2tX0 pounds Codfis'ii, 75 boxes layer iialaius, 60
rr'* K fo! ^M y AH0N * DOYL
A SR0W HOOT—A fresh Kupplv of IIul-
-gy»-...., oor-Bragghtj;4
rpUE subscriboi-B having thu Hay gold their
. PEW GENTLEMEN can got Board on
* y reasonable terms at No. 125 York-stieet,
s Square, the House recently occupied by
— tf U20
A line or four Horse Post Coaches
leaves Savannah for Darien, via Bryan Old Court
House, Midway, Riceboro’, and South Newport,every
MONDAY und THURSDAY at 6)4 o’clock, A. M.,ar
riving In Darien at 6 o'clock, P. same duy. Re
ne, leave Darien every TUESDAY und FRIDAY,
, o clock, A.M.,arriving In Savuunah at 51*. M.,
ectlng with the cars for the west, the boats for
Charleston and the North, and the New York Steam
t>~ All Express Business promptly at tended to.
jBSF*Office iu Savannah, at Sawyer, llollbterdc Co’i
Stables, corner of Stute and \\ httaker-sts. Office h
Darien, at Mansion House. II. L. HART,
oc :t0 ly Proprietor.
AIunIc & musical lusti-uinciils.
The subscriber having purchased
itho entire business of F. Zogbauni A
Co., of which tlrtu he lias heretofore
been the uctlng member hi Savaiiuali,
would respectfully Invite the atten
tion of those In want of anything In the Musical Line,
fo his establishment. From many years experience,
both in professional and business matters connected
with Music. Mr. M., feels himself thlly qualified*
- -• • - 'Mu '
pro tier his t
vices In the selection of Music ami In-
ot his utmost zeal mid Industry In Ids <
deavorto deserve the patronage and confidence
the public.
Je 15
J AS. H. CARTER k CO. invito tho attention
of the public and Planters, Merchants and Ph>
details In particular, to tlieir large and well selected
dock of pure Medicines, Instruments, oils. Dye stuffs
Window Glass, etc., which they ofter for sale ut the
lowest thurket prices. Their stock for the spring
' ale consists In part 1 '
200 ounce* Sulph.
50 lln». Hydro bubl- Calomel
i W Gloss, assorted sizes French und
lmencan. s
10,000 lbs. White Lead, pure and No. 1
3,000 do Putty In Bladders
2,000 do Epsom Suits; 50 bbls Copperas
50 bbls Logwood; 50 do Sup. Curb. Soda.
fe 13
Iron Railing* Verandahs, Orusmen*
B EING the ttgeut of u largo Manufactory, I
uni prepured to frimlsh at short notice,
uov 22 J. F. PKLOT. 224 Bay-at.
at the Apothecaries' Hall.
r.inune nmn, iij
F. W. CORNWELL, 102 Bryan-street.
suiting Action for Mcsuo Ifroflts; with addi
tional Notes, Ac., to the present time, by Thomas W.
Waterman; 4th fed. B. G. A Co., ’34. Jtec'd by
ter*. Also, Oysters, 8h«d, Prawn and Ice put up to
order when in season, by [fe 23] W. D. FOB I).
E JORfti.—5 half pipe* J. J. Dupay A Co.,
rd Brandy. 6 do Rochell do, 5 pl|H*.s cliem Uaf
Ot) bbls B Phelps do, 50 do P A h do, 75 bbls
N B Rum, 60 bbls Cln. Rectified Whisky, 301 bbls old
MonoDgaueU IX and XX Whisky, for sale by
febt* McMahon a doylk.
r PHE Subscriber begs to inform his frionds
X und the public that be has opened a new and
••legant Shaving aud Ualr-Dresslng Saloon, on Bull
street, directly opposite the site of the new Hotel,
shortly to be erected, where lie will lie happy to wait
on his friends and others, who may need his services.
Thaukf ul for the very liberal patronage heretofore
bestowed ou him, he hopes to merit Its continuance.
He llatter* himself thut hi the art of Cutting and
Dressing liulr, he Is equalled by few aud surpassed
by none.
Ojir Gentlemen shaving by the month will he fur
nished with private boxes and brushes free of churge.
Give me a trial A. OKlSTADOKl),
uov 24—3ui No. 9. Monument-sq. and 28 Bull-st.
New Carriage Repository.
MR. W. W WOODRUFF, of Griffin,
— *0a., and Messrs. M. C. ft J. H. GREEN, of
Newark, N. J., having purchased the en
tire Interests und secured the location of Messrs. T.
J. Naylor A 00., Ill the Carriage business in this city :
res pec tidily aniiouuce to the cltlzeiisofSavannah aud
of the State of Georgia, South Carolina, Alabama,
Korkin, aud all sectluus trading at this growing city,
that, It Is their Intention to keep on hand, at ull times
a large and general assortment of every kiudof Car
riages In use.
They feel confident ttiat their business relation:
such as to enable them to offer Inducement* to pur
chasers equal to Charleston or any other city.
The .McHsrs.Green have been engaged In the manu
facture of Carriages In Newark, N. J.. fora number of
years, and are well acquainted with tho wants amt
requirements of the South. Tlieir reputation os
Manufacturers, combined with the experience aud
(uiulhtcatious of Mr. Woodrufi,loug known ut Griffin,
Ou.,ln tlie Carriage business, emboldens them to
promise that they will be able to meet tlie expecta
tions of the public.
Mr. II. D. W. Alexander, of the late Firm favoi „
known iu connection with tlie carriage business In
tills city, is associated with them, and will act as tlieir
Agent lu the transaction and management of their
. Mr. Woodruff’s Intention Is to divide Ids time and
attention between this i*olut and the interior, and
hopes to moke the acquaintance of this community
By strict attention, coupled with fair and honorable
leafing, they hope to secure a share of public )>at-
promptly and neatly done.
All work sold by them w ill be warranted.
• A CARD.—It will be
No. 223 uud 225 Bay-afreet,
—— Savannah, Uu.
by the above that we
Savannah, Uu.
t — the above that - *
nave deemed It best for tlie Interests of ull concerned.
to withdraw in favor of Messrs. Woodruff, Green, i
Co. We take this opportunity to return thanks to<mr
trleuda for the kind otters of support that were so lib
erally proitered us, and to solicit the same lor our
friends of the same firm. T. J. NAYLOR, A CO.
Savannah, Dec. 7, 1863. dec 7
/'1ANDLKSTICKS, Lamps, Snuffers, Snuffer Trays,
1. Tin Bon*. “»•
OAMUftL rl.bal nil m 0U3,
Wilmot’g Jewelry Store.
T HE Subscriber has ou band and is constant
ly receiving from the best and most respectable
manufacturers In the country, rich Dulniuud, Ruby,
Pearl and other Jewelry, uud Sterling Silver Ware,
such as Table, Dessert, and Tea Spoons und Forks; Sll-
Ladles. Pie, Ice Creatu, Cake aud Fish Knives solid
Sliver Desert, Pickle and Butter Knives, Napkin Rings,
Saltcellars am!Fruit Knives, Silver Plated Spoons,
Forks aud Ladles, Cake Baskets, Castors. Walters,
Snuffers and Trays, Ivor)’ balance-handle Knives aud
Sliver pluted ou Steel Table und Desert Knives.
Fine 21 Day Marble Mantle Clocks and common
Brass Clocks of every description.
Gold and Silver Lever mul Loplue Watches; Fine
Enuniellcd Hunting Watches, Gold and Bllver Thltii-
hies.Gold uud Sliver Spectacles,U6k!and Silver Watch
Chains, Seals and Keys, Flue Rogers' Pocket Cutlery,
Razors and Razor Strops, Card Cases, Port Monals.
Particular attention will be given to repairing of
Watches and Jewelry.
From tils long experience and extensive facilities, he
confidently believes he will sutlsty all who may Sitvor
him with their patronage. Ills prices are as low, and
terms as liberal as at uny establishment In the State,
ir 18 8. WILMOT. No. Market Square.
MONS. A. BONAUD respectfully iu
forms his natrons that his Second Term for this
season, will commeuce on Saturday next, the
•7th lustunt. During this term, his Fancy
Datices, such as Cachucha, Turrontellu, Arrogoucsu.
Gavotc, Polka, Mauallu, Clclllcnne, Zapateado, ami
Bolero, will be Introduced. Tuition days—Tuesday,
Thursday uud Saturday. Tuition hours from 4 to 7
P. M„ for young Ladles and Musters.
Price of tuition $12 per Tenn. Families sending
more than one pupil will be charged us follows: 2 or
2 pupils, 20uud 30dollars pur term: 4 pupils 36 dol
lars per Tenn. For further particulars iuqulre of A.
B.,at Armory Hall, during Lesson Hours. Jan 6
H 0MG5PATHY; it* Tenet* and Tendencies
Theoretical,Theological and Therapeutical. By
Jainca Y. Simpson, M. D. F. R. S. K.
The Children of the New Testament. By Rev’d
TheophUu# Stork, D. D.
Thu Art of Manufacturing Soaps; Including the
most recent discoveries, embracing the best methods
for making all kinds of Soap. By Pliilllp Kenton.
toes, lauding from brig Munueld. for sale b;
brig Manueld, for sale by
I also be ul$o used us u furnace. For sale b;
le by
J UST RECEIVED 1 5 Boxo* “Julia Dean’
Twist Toliacco. • For sale by P, JACOBS,
[inarflj No. 29 Bull-st., sign of the Big Indian.
B OSTON, Soda, Butter, Sugar, and Lemon
Biscuit*. Just received at SOLOMONS,
E ASTERN HAY, just received and for sale
by [ft* 161 JAS. I. SNTDEH.
J UST RECEIVED ut tho Cheapest DRY
GOODS Store In Savannah, 50 pieces genuine
English Print*, light color* adapted for the presen
season, and warranted Fast colors at the very low
price of 12'a cent* per yard. J. 11. COHEN A CO.,
fe 11 140 Broughton-st.
S PRING STOCK.—The subscribers ore
now receiving their spring stock, which coninri
ses every assortment of goods usually kept In a Drj
Goods Store, some of which have been uiaiiutkctured
in Europe expressly for their own trade. They Invite
the attention of buyers to cull and examine,
B LACK and Colored Sisk Talmas, Man
tillas and Scarf*, together with ir large variety
ol' ApplUiut! 8114 Serf 1 ., Bprinij;
marl No.* 155 Congress-street!
«. nuauu* vu,, tiumiiui. nrauiiiK. I u.
Raymond, Harper A Co., New York Times.
S. Cobb, Clirlstluu Freeman. Ronton.
Wm. B. Jacobs, Christian Chronicle, Philo,
lion. J. Wentworth, M. 0., Democrat, Chicago, III.
Rev. K. G. Reese, Methodist Protestant, Baltimore.
W. M. Wtghtman, Christian Advocate, Charleston, 8.
J. M. Mugenuls, True Delta, New Orleans.
W. T. Thompson, Dally New, Savannah, Ga.
Geo. D. Prentiss, Louisville Joumul, Kentucky,
lion. Schuyler Colfax, M. C., South Bend Regis
ter, lu.
A. Cummings, Christian Mirror, Portland. Mulnc.
M. II. Bartlett A Co., Republican, Hartford,Conti.
Chuddlck A Berry. Banner of Peace, Lebanon, Tenn.
Thompson A Co., United Empire and Patriot, Toron-
Churles Cook, Democrat, Danville, l‘a.
M. Ilunnum, Democrat, Allentown. Pa.
Sherman ft llurron. State Gazette, Trenton, N. J.
Wright A lloven, Prairie Farmer,Chicago, 111.
These gentlemen have not only certified to these
statements In their papers, to the public, but have
sent me their personal letters, to the effect that they
have found my preparation uu article of greul public
Spuce will not udiuttfull testimonials here, but the
agent below named will furnish my American Al
manac, gratis, to all who ask for it, wherein are full
particulars, and Indisputable proof of these state-
' elite.
Prepured by J.C. AYER,
Practical and Analytical Chemist. I«owell, Mas*.
G" Sold by A. A. Solomons ft Co., W. W. Lincoln,
M. Turner A Co., J. B. Moore ft Co., Savutuinh,
and ull Druggists throughout the South.
“ " v 23 eoiUmftlawtw
Mlraculou. cure of bad Lem uVr a vL* 1
"-rVtf uffi, 1 ™,' > Ollier fnjraMr. W
oMU Bt. ilary W ejmouUl, dateduu,^*'
To l-rofraeor Holloway:
slr ,—Atiho “sc of la, my wife (who fa .
caught a violent cold, which leuiod in hi? £2? "I
ev.r Mince that time they have Ken
More, and greatly Inflamed. Hor^ aeonief ». or '■»
tracllnu, ami for month* together eho wi uSL" 1 -
entirely ol real and Bleep. Kvoryreineilv
cal men advteed was ti led, but wlthon?
health MUltered aeverely.and SaJtuS of kn
terrible. I had olleu reid your" *“
advleed her to try yourMlfa and Ulntnim?- “ w
laet resource, after every other remedy iff?!**;
useless, she consented to do so. Bhe conin,t?S? v * 1
weeks ago, and, strange to relate iy5SJS cm
health. Her legs arc painless, without X, I" 0
and her sleep sound aud nil diet urbed f’,- 11 .
have witnessed the sum-rings of my wlfeaSS? »«
last «yeara and(contrast them Witt hwnSiV"
Joyment or health, .ou would indeed' reefKS'";
In having been the meansol sogreatlviIlleiHrt
suficrlngs of u follow creature. y a afe'1atlng the
(Sinned) W1LLUM GALPin.
Urn if a Letter from Mr. William Abbs, Builder
Gas Ovens, <f itinhchjfr., near HuddersfuZi
Mavbl'A, 1851. M "*«*rVWd, Ualed
To Professor JIollowat :
deriving any beuellt, and wu« even | ite . ,l '“ ul
must.hesmputated.yet.lnopiMisIllontotlnboi.ui l ' K
your Hills and Ointment have eneetial
cure In so short a time, that lew-wfaThli'
uessed It would credit thoracu I a °t wm
The'fruth or this statement ca^he L reri| l |cd! IB ^
J. H.Kugfand, Chemist, b>
volts Debility, Diseases of tho Kidneys,
And all
Diseases ari
sing Iroui a dtsor-
tlon, Inward Piles, Fullur.#
or Bluod to the Head, Acidity of
the Stomach, N auHcu, 11 curthuru, Dis
gust for Food. Fullness or Weight In the
Stomach, Sour Ernctutlons, Sinking or Flutter
ing ut the pit of the Stomach, Swimming
uf the Head, Hurried und Difficult
Breathing, Fluttering at tho
Heart, Choking or Sullbcatlng
Sensations when In u lying
posture, Dimness of
Fever and dull pain In the head, DeUclencv of Perspi
ration, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain In the
Side. Back, Chest. Limbs, Ac., Sudden Flushes of
Heul, Burning in the Flesh, Constant imaginings of
Evil and Greut Depression of Spirits, cun bu effect
ually cured by
.»» oZRMAN uuTf.nn. rius
At the German Medicine Store, 120 Arch-st., PhilatTa.
Their power over the ubove diseases is not excelled
If equalled, by any other preparation lu the United
States, as the cures attest, In many cases, uilur skilful
physicians hud fulled.
These Bitters are worthy tlie attention of Invalids.
Possessing great virtues lu the rectification of dis
eases of the Liver and lesser glands, exercising tlie
most searching powers In weakness und affections of
the digestive orguus, they are withal safe, certain
and pleuaum.
[From the Bostou Bee.J
The Editor said. December 22d—
Hr. Him fund s (kleltrated German Bitters, for the
cure of Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia. Chron
ic or Nervous Debility, Is deservedly otic of the most
popular medicines of the duy. TIichc Bitters have
beer, used by thousands, und a friend at our elbow
says he has liimself received an efibctual and perma
nent cure of Liver Complulut from the use of this
remedy. We are convinced thut, In the use of thes«
Bitters, the patient constantly gains strength uml
vigor—a faet worthy of greut consideration. They
are pleasant In taste and smell, und can be used by
persous with the moat delicate stomachs with safety,
under any circumstances. We are speukin* from
experience, and to the afflicted - • ■ - “ -*
Scott’s Wekly, one of
fished, said August 25—
“ Dr. Hixi/lamTs German Bitters, manufactured by
l)r. Juckson, are now recommended by some of the
most prominent members of the faculty as an article
of much ettlcucy lu cuses of female weakness. As
such l* the case, we would advise ull mothers to ob
tain u bottle, and thus save- themselves much sick
ness. Persons of debilitated constitutions will find
these Bitters advantageous to their health, as we
know from experience the salutury effect they have
upon weuk systems."
The Philadelphia Saturday Gazette, the best family
newspaper published lu the Uultcd States. The edi
tor says of
'* It Is seldom that we recommend whut are termed
Patent Medicines, to the confidence and patronuge of
our readers; and therefore, when we recommend
Dr. Hoofiaud’s German Bitters, we wish It to be
distinctly understood that we are not apcuklug of the
nostrums of the day. that ure noised about for a
brief period aud then forgotten, after they have done
their guilty race of mischief, but of a medicine long
established, universally prized, and which ha* met
tin- hearty approval of the (acuity itself.”
Evidence upon evidence has been received (like
the foregoing) from all section* of the Union, the
last three years, and the strongest testimony lull*
favor is thut there is more of It used In the practice of
the regular Physicians of Philadelphia, than all other
nostrums combined, a fact thut can easily be estab
lished, uud fully proving thut a scientific preparation
will meet with their quiet approval when presented
even In this form.
That this medicine will cure Liver Complulut and
Dyspepslu no one will doubt, utter using It ns direct
ed. 11 act* specifically unon the stomach and liver;
It Is preferable to calomel lu all bilious diseases—tho
effect 1* Immediate. They cun be administered to
females or infant* with surety and relluble benefit ut
any time.
This medicine ha* attained i that high character
which Is necessary forali medicine* to uttain to In
duce counterfeiters to put forth spurious articles at
the risk of the live* of those who ure iunocfeutly de
Look well to the marks qf the. Genuine !
They have the written signature of C. M. JACK-
SON upon the wrapper, und Ids name blown upou
the bottle, without which they ure. spurious.
For sale Wholesale und Retail at the
No. 120 Arch-street, one door below Sixth, Philadel
phia, aud by reupomlblu dealer* generally
through the country.
To enable all classes of invalids to enjoy the advan
tages of their great restorative powers.
Single Bottles 75 Otnts.
Also for sale by w. W. LINCOLN, Druggist, Savan-
ton. S. C.
u., uouriet
Itogle’* Hyperion Fluid,
F OR Restoring, Preserving and Adorning
the Hair, to the following low rates, viz: Bottles
formerly sold at 50 eta. reduced to 25 cts., 76 to 50 cts.,
$1 to 75 cts. Is the best article ever known for cur
ing Baldiicsn, Dandruff, Salt Rheum, and ull atfoc-
tlons of the skin. Where every thing else has fulled,
Bogle’s Hyperion Fluid has affected a permanent
Is another wonder of the age. It instantly converts
Red, Grey or unsightly Hair, Into a beautiful Black or
Brown, literally dying it the moment it la applied, ut
the sumetime Improving the softness aud llexlbfilty
of the Hair. It does not stain the skin, and can be
applied In any weather. Its efiects are sure and cer
tain, whilst It* virtues are beyond price, und when
ever used, at once establishes Its superiority overall
Is an article of rare merit. Us mild and detergent prop
erties prevent the skin from chapping, aud ulso resist
the sudden change* of the temperature or climate
whilst the lather is both creamy uud lasting.
For preserving and beautifying the complexion, and
rendering It fair and delicate, Is without a rival.
All these articles ha”u stood the test of the strictest
Investigation, uud are considered to be the only ones
worthy ol gracing the toilette of beauty, taste and
May be had of the Inventor, WM. BOGLE. BosUm.
And Ida Agents throughout thu United Status aud
Canada. For sale by A. A. Solomons ft Co., J. B.
Moor 4Co., W.W.Lincoln, Jir ,r " * —
aud Thomas M. Turner,* Co.
Thu above celebrated Tobacco, put up In tin
ve guarantee to suit purchaser*. For sale by
WM. B. MACLEAN ft (X).
9 TUM8, Cold Cream, Amandine, ftc- Just ro
ved at the Apothecaries Hall, corner Broughton
and Barnanl-ctreets. fo 21
rage Robes. Printed French Jaconet* and Organdie*.
White Torletan, Dotted and Embroidered 8wins Mus^
Un*,' Embroider©*, Clear Lawu Handkerchief* Rib.
bon* and Hosiery. For sole by
fe 23 DiWITT k MORGAN.
T HE trabscriher ha* ou hand the greatest
collection of new Musical publications ever of
fered In Savannah, to which he would respectfully
invite attention. G. B. MITCHELL,
B fe 3 Successor to F. Zogbauni ft Co.
RYAN’S PULM0NIC WAFER 8—Are warranted
to give relief In ten minute* after use, and cure
in a fow days all Coughs, Cold*. Intlmmzu, Bronchitis
Sore Throat, and all disease* oi the lung* und chet'f,
for sale by JOHN B. MOOR K k CO.,
*|& 23 Gibbons’ Buildings.
B ASKETS. Just received a very flno as
sortment of ladle*’traveling, work, key, knit;
1 fif, knife, and other Baskets, which will be sold at
prices, by [follj J.P.00LL1N8:
TJ18CU1T8.—Soda, Butter, Sugar aud Wmcv BD|
i) cults, aud for sale by [feSSJ W. D. FORD*
To ProteMor Holloway: '
Dear Sir—My wife had Buttered from bad ««.„•
for more than six months, and during UibwIm5u?*
rli.rt liujl tire but mwuc.1 Mtsaifann, but I f" I *'
use. Having b-.rure lrealclon wound K
own b*g by your unrivalled medicine, I defarmlSJ
again to use J’our l'llls ami Ointment, amt thSS
cave them a trial In tier case, and fortunate
1 did so, lor in less tlmu a month a perfect enro u!!
effected, and the beuellt that various oUler bruthS
ul my family have derived lYum tlieir use ™i3 J
astonishing. I now strongly recommend thdii loK
my h lends. wuli
Tho Pills should he used conjointly with the nim
ment lu most of the following cases: ne r '
Rad Legs Uhilhlalna Fistulas 8ore Throsti
nartUrcast*, pupped (lout, BklnWiSJJJ;
Cane .
ultoea and Contracted
and Stiff
Glandular Scunv,
Lumbago, Tumors, ^
I Hes, Ulcer*,
M ounds, Rheumatism
Bite ot M<
(iiiRoe* ai
Sand Fuo.,
Cocoy-boy, Joints, Scalds. ' Yow*"’
Chlcgo-foot. Eluphantlasl*, Sore Nlpplis ’
Sold at tlie Establishment of Profcor IIOTT/v
WAY,224 Strand (nearTemple Bar. WlmfmR
all resnectablu Druggists uud Doaier* In MedldiiM
throughout the British Empire, and thiwo ol th.
United States, in Polxat :i7)ic„ Wc., ttnd & L c h
and by Me**r*. A.
lnr*?r"»fy!<'-» rB “ - :ul,hW “ n i | >lo saving by (akin, th,
Sf. II.—Directions for the guidance of patlenls In
every disorder are affixed to each Hut. “
W. W. LINCOLN, Agent,
For huIu by
may 20
R ADWAY a CO., the Inventors, Manufac
turers and Proprietors of the Justly reWraml
77- 7. ,, „ „ of the Justly reWraml
It. It. It. Iteuiedles, were the llrst to dlscuvera Kem e
dy poHtteHMing the marvelous * mlracullou*power 0
Htopnlng the most Excruciating Pain* In an instant
allaying tbo w orst Cramps uud Spasms, either inter
nal or uxternul, In A tew minutes, amt hoothlnz the
n, j« I? 1 ? I’uroayani* of RheurnatlMm, Neuralgia
and flc Doloreux, u* soon as applied. The R. K. K.
lleinedleH coii*l*t of three Remedies, each pot*»CKslii^
quick und wonderful powers over certain complaints
and dlrtuuKi!*, und will Instantly relieve the Human
System from Pain—Regulate each Organ to a Healthy
Action—Resolve away all Diseased Deposits—Keim-
vote the body from ull Corrupt Humor*—Rebuild the
W euk and Broken Down Constitution*—Mestore to
Uculth, Strength and Vlgjr all unsound and worn out
R. R. R. NO. 1.
Had way's Heady Relief, far all Acute Onnpiaints
Internal and External.
Tlie moment It is applied externally, or taken In the
system, It will stop the most excruciating pain and
quickly remove Its cause.
RHEUMATISM.—Mr. Granger, a Mason, well
known In Brooklyn, was a cripple nine year*. Had
way’s Ready Relief relieved him from pain In fifieen
minutes, enabled him to walk two mile* without the
aid of a stick or crutch In three day*, aud cured him
entirely In one week.
Thousands of other cases equally as wonderful as
thu above have been cured by R. It. Relief.
CHOLERA MOKBUB.—Railway’s Ready Relief will
relieve tho sufferer from all pain In fifteen or twenty
minutes. It will euro the most desperate cases In *
SlfcK HEADACHE.—It will relieve the most dis
tressing pains iu fifteen minutes. It will llkewlw
prevent renewed attacks.
AGU K.—In ten minute* a ten spoonfiil of It. R. Re
lief will stop the Chill* and break tbe Fever.
Aches of all kind*, Ruins of all kind*. Bruises,
Burns, Scald*, Strain*, Sprains, Stiff Joints, Lame
ness. One application of iludwuy’B Ready Relief will
tn a fow moment* entirely stop the pain.
It reduces Hwelllug*. heals sore*, cut* and wound*,
removes bruines, allays the mo*t violent irritations.
For all pains use R. R. Relief. Look for tbe signature
of Kudwuy A Co. on each bottle.
R. R. R. NO. 2.
Htsulvct, Renovates, Rebuilds.
IT CURES—Scrofula, Tumors. Bleeding of the
Lungs, Syphilis, Consumption, St Vitus’ Dance, Sores,
Rickets, Suit Rheum, Asthma. Noles, Canker, Bron
chitis, Fever Sores, Rash, Ulcers, Erysipelas, aud
The above eighteen complaints R. R. Resolvetit
will positively cure.
It renovate* the system completely, Resolves away
from the Solid* all impure Poisonous ami Diseased
Deposits, freeing the Blood and Fluids of Life from
ull corrupt humors, restoring Energy and A Igor,
Health und Strength to every Organ and Member nt
the body.
Hon. J. I. Middleton, of Waccamaw, S. C., writes
us under .late of .May 2d, 1854, that Radway’* Reno
vating Resolvent oared one ofhlB negroes, on mb
plantation at Ileanfnrt, of a Scrofulous complaint, 0!
many years’ standing. The poor fellow was a Uur
gustlng object of pity; ho wus a moving mass of
sore*. The other negroes could not remain in the
suiuo place with him. lie was entirely cared ly
Uud way’s Reiiovutlng Resolvent, and Is now at work
upou the plantation. To the people of S. C. Mr. Mid
dleton is well known, und to the political world Mr.
Middleton Is no stranger.
SCROFULA.—When tlie Patient has been afflict
ed for five year*, or under, favorable symptoms will
appear on the third day after using R. R. Resolvent;
Ten years
Ffteen years
Twenty years
Thirty years
Forty yeurs
Fifty yesrs
i the
Vftb day.
Seventh day,
Teuth day,
Fifteenth day,
Twentieth day.
Thirtieth day.
We have had cases where old men of sixty yean,
who have been scrofulous all their lives, were entire
ly cured by Rudway’s Renovating Resolvent. R. R-
Remedies exhibit tlieir efficacy immediately. They
do not keep the afflicted, pain-stricken sutterer linger
ing In doubt, but readily exhibit their efficacy; in
stantly relieving pain, renovating, restoring, rebuild
ing, und regulutiugthe diseased body, to health and
Mr. W. B. Oliver, of Drayton, Dooly co., Ga., under
her whole body, was entirely cured by Kudw*y’«
Rudway’s Regulators, Ready Relief. RcnovatW
Resolvent are sold by Druggists every where. v
UAIIWAY YcO.,182 Pultmrtt., NA;
N. B.—R. R. Regulators are of light color, oct
C HRISTAD0R0, inventor and sole pro
prietor. Science and art have heretofore
lu vain to produce a hair dye, which, by aasIniBaj 1 *^
wltlitbetlulff. tbAtiilvevitality to Uie ff«l>7 w““
clninffe It j hire without tnjurintt the fibre. Tli.i
Jcct fa uooomulfahtxl. Chrfatkitoro'n I.lqulij Hall • 1 .
Invlfforatoa the roots and Ittamonts white It chans
the color. In Ovc lubiutesa gray orcolorlessh'a''
lmlr Is transformed to a rich brown, ora red or Mire
one to any dnrker shade that may be deslnsl.
Is no caustic Ingredient In the composition. The ,
Is Impregnated with an liivtfforaunr Juice, farm,
IVom tlie same cliemlcal elements as the nsturai
urtna matter, nils Is the only hair dye in t re wops
which Is free from lime lllhanre and every other»
ruslvo aubtanco. Call and witness lu effects. »
Chrtslaiioro’s Shaving and HaMresffng
nicut, near lire Ihrlaskl Honse. MonunR‘lil-»|n«^'
where II Is applied and for sale. -
SANCTIONED by publio opinion, nnd»“’-
IJ tallied by Medical Authority, tho AMKRItA
COMPOUND stands belbre the world aatt*®"®
liable and speredy remedy for a certain sp» me
ease or the iirlnan- organs und lls ,„v,iis-
plaints. Adapted to every form and stage
plaint* from which thousands suffer HKMoo* .
knowledge of a remedy. Prepared by a PJJSL-
Physician whose practice has been vejT e *\ " r ' T en
reliance con be placed upon IU meriw. Gver
Tuoumiiiu tiotllcv liave been *old during
year, and not a single case of failure has [ va ™f: I i c *) -
proprietor. Around each bottle are plain pr*
directions for self-treat meat. Price fl yer »io«^ .
*3“ Observe that the Genuine has Die wriit*.n
nature the wrapper, and name Wown In U
Vor sale by Thoma. M. Tumor A Uo. A. A