Daily morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1850-1864, April 22, 1863, Image 1

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•T-t . 3t\ ST'* : i |flffr.i.* h'.V vpu^ DIHVIH 1 * VOL. XIV. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, APRIL 2?, lrttL'L NQ. 94 y\,u\\) ^Noimnij^lcirs | BY THEODORE J3L01S. W, T. TH0MP80N« - - KIMTOK. reHnsov siibm!Iiiption and ai»- vkhiisiisij. roll TUB UAILV 1‘AI'KK. For one mouth... f*2 00 For three mouths. 5 00 roil TUB TKI-WEEKLY PAPr.ll. For one mouth I\l 5.1 For thiee month* rOK TUK Wl.KKl.V PAPER. For three months Advertisements lusi rted for fl 5U per square of ten (10) tine* or leer, ea. h lunittlon; WEDNESDAY MORNING, APRIL 22, 186U :i 50 f t f.o lFront the Wlnahestec(Tcnn.) BnUcIln.] Font Day In <’am • Clinee. Seldom lm« ntiy detinemeiii more profoundly touchimr met our eye* than the followin«,lnv;- ntent of :i discourse to our Gonleder.itt H.nmv captives ill l’uiup Chnse, l^liio. It was brought to us l»yfan olll. t r Just returned from hi* cap- livit-y; and the paper on whieli it w.s written was concealed in at cake of bread. Noble pa trlotiam ol our captive bretbren. The ardeul zeal ol Col. (Jlllespie, aud the inaolcul inter ruption of tbe Yankee officer* ol the Kuard, I• ir«11 a picture whieli many a Confederate will contemplate proudly, not without tear-.: FAST It AY blSCoURSK, MARCH 27, 18fW. Preached by Col. C. G. Gillespie, of tbe 25th Texas Cavalry, before the Confederate otll eis and soldiers in Camp CIlim*, prlsou No. 3. Gentlemen and Felloio-Soldiers :-'}his is the pp nnmt da>» appointed i»y our honored and pious Presi dent as a day of “fa-ting humiliation and pray er,’’ that the blessing ol Almighty God utay rest upon our country, and especially ii| 1 ha the tie .lull, TELEGRAPHIC. Wheeler** Horae Marines at Work. r i ullaHoua, April 80.—A mid was made by Hen. V% h.uK-r. at Hartsvilie, on the lath with bis cavalry, tie swam tbe river, captured on.- hund.ed piisontrs, a luige Dumber of email arms aud a quantity of cum ml?* *ry stores ChaTTinoooa, April 510.—(Jen. Wheeler, witli his command, swam the Gum her land river near Nash ville, op:tired a wagon train, and killed and cap tured forty Yaukeea. Alt quiet along tbe Hues lo ssy Latest Iroui Ike United States. Fkumono, April ’A) —Northern dates of the 10th Hate that dispatches I runt Gen Foster, at Washing ton, N. C\, up to Sunday last, say that he can still nold out for three-w. eks. Seward baa sent another dispatch to Minister Adams. warning Great Hiitaiu agumstallowing run more Alabaman to go lorih to |.rey upon A uicnean commerce. lbe Marquis of Unrliuatou, lately in Kiclituou.l, b»s made a speech, saying tbe North can only exter minate the Mouth, aud that the South will light to tbe Inst. The New York Ttibune'e correspondent, speaklig oi the attack nn * harleston, says—“We have experi enced a bitter repulse. Our ironclads have di-ap pointed the expectations of eveu the most coulldeui;*' Reported. Defeat of Banks.—The .1 toksou Appeal ol the Itkb suys—A private telegram received to-day from Pouchatouln, auiioiinci * the urrival of Home Indies ut that point direct from New Orleans, who state that when they left the city rumum were current that Banks hud been defeated by Sibley ut Berwick's Bay. The reports iu ciretiUliou were somewhat sub* sluotial, tun] to the effect that Banks ma.le the attack on Sibley, aud wus defeated and driven (i-tck to 1 hi'oadeaitx, and had expressed to New Orleans for t*uigeoue uud medical supplies to be immediately forwarded to his command. Subsistence lor the Ariuy-The Presi dent’s Appeal to Hie People. The laic uddicH&ut the Piesuleul to tbe peo ple of the Coiift-derulc Blules bus attracted great attention, and is most favorably lcceived by the press aud people. The Hon. John B. bsidwm, ol Virgiuia, in an address to Lib con stituents, bays “ibe appeal of the President goes with directness uud force to the highest und nest motives by which a free people can be iudnericed, and, taken iu connection with the plan ol thedecreiury of War,renders It impossi ble that any just unu or good citizen eou doubt as to tbe path of duty. He urges (tie appointment of county committees in every county, aud adds : The couuty committee might well be author ized to cull to their aid In each justice's di*- met sub committees, who nhonld have iu charge not only me inquiries suggested by the Secretary of War, but the duty of urging upon our people, iu each neighborhood, the import ance ot systematic industry iu the proUuclioif, aud cureltll economy iu ihe use of ull kinds ol food aud forage. Gare should be taken avoid everything like uuduc apprebeu.-iuu ol scare ty, udd, in obcertatniug iu each neighbor hood me surplus available tor the use ol (he army, it should not be lorgolleu that tin; fami lies oiabscul soldiers uniat be provided lor. To secure efficiency iu this wotk r wc must euiist the sympathy and assistance of the men of the country, without whose co-opera liuu uo enteiprise can be successful Wlii.-h re quites indusuy, e.-uuomy, self-denial, patience aud chanty. Tbe people iu several of the counties ol Vir ginia, that uubftf'Siaie, wUose popiilullou ha* suffered more from the ravages of The vandal ‘ Yankees thuu perhaps all the Staten iu Ibe Con federacy together, are already utovlug iu the patriotic work ot carrying out the recommen dations of the Prfcaldeui aud Secretary of War. The Richmond Sentinel ol Saturday lust says— We have received a most gratifying report from the good people of Amelia; county, Vir ginia. They are nlreudy at work in ihui coun ty. They have appointed their corn in 11 tec, and the committee Is attending to its duty nobly, uud tbe people are responding like good mm and patriots ! Here is the result of one week'* effort, all sent or ready to be seut to Kubiuoud by the Danville railroad ! 14,290 pounds Bacon. 1,130 barrels of Corn. 93 barrels ol Flour. 2,500 baits of Provender. So much lor Amelia in one week / What couuty speaks next ? Aud what couutv will speak louder tnau little but patriotic Amelia ? Will uot our own citizens be prompt to imi tate the example ot the citizens ol Virginia. No lime should be lost iu putting in practical operation ihe plan of the Secretary Of War. Lot tbe Judges of the Inferior Courts appoint proper committees iu every couuty, wh« will zealously perform ltie duties assigned them. Wefeel confident that they will meet the hearty co-operation of the patriotic men and women of Georgia. The success of our struggle de pends upon our power to clothe aud subsist our soldiers aud their families. We huveabun dant resources, and it is only ueceseary that they snail be made available tu tbe government. We do uot feel that any appeal to tbe patriot ism aud liberality of Georgians is needed in •ueb cases. The Smifts Library.—On Saturday the House woucurred iu tbe resolution of tbe 8« ir ate, authorizing The Governor to confer with ihe executors of the tbe late A. A. Buiels, Esq., of Chatham county, as to tbe terms on which hts extensive aud valuable library may be pur chased for the Stale, aud to report the terms at the next session of the General Assembly. ISF - * The formation of negro regiments is pro gressing In Memphis, a portion of the navy yard he- jng used as a Imnacks Two regiments are organ •*lng, the principal strength being derived from con- transude that reach the ciiy an*) are forced to enter the serv ce. It was announced iu the city some days ago that a brigade would he o ganized, by couemlp- 1,0,1 or otherwise, and if they could be perf cted lit urtli would he regularly mustered iu. Our inform ant wa« cured of the malady of “button ou the oi.dn " ea d to b« prcvab-ul among the ladles, by •eting a white officer drilling a large equad of the new rectuus on biudby street recently. [J.ickeon Appeal. A Fohtunb Made in two Hours.—A gold speculator at New York, who jumped iu and out at the right time during the day when the “yellow fever" raged most fiercely, and there ___ T .„__ r - were the greatest fliietuatious in gold, mode j already atiVj~ ibe Buffering already of the sympathies clustering around everv Confederate < 111 cr and soldier. Duly and nightly, our wives, mothers, sisters, lathers, children and friends, lilt iheir praying heart a to the Throne ol Heavenly Glare in our behalf. 'To-day, all over owy lamb wlvrc the sanctuary lias not becomede^nlatu, in r the Urea died upon the jiltur, atnl where the thronging feel of the peaceful assembh still come, and the ac customed voice in still heard iu the pulpit, bow litany prayers go up to God for us ! Gan the Smith he our home, if it should, with all these sacred treasure* ol lne heart and con science, luMMimethe prey of Ihe spoiler? Never will i live iu that, glorious laud after it f hall have despoiled and degraded ! (Here the officer of ibqguard on the wall in terposed and said :) "Mr. Preacher, if you will preach a religious you can go «>n; lull il you want to war speech,you hud better stop." Gillespie replied : have Obt lineal permls: ljTATVOF GROKia t, WA VNKGOHN- U'Y —Whereas, .latifefc K O aptnsn, Adiuiuieiru i tor ou the c-i.ute of lilrliuid L. fVimarvis, deceimeU, J applies to the undereigued lor Lstters Glsmissory ,, vtM> subt AdmiuUtr »tb u Tln relorc, all persons concerned are hereby re quirt if follow cause (if any liny have) why sort Ad uuuirtrator, oil tbe lirsi Mouday iu August m-xt, rh.MiUl not be tlisch ugtd. (liven under tuy tmml sml oltlcial signature,Hus January 8ad. 1 S«ki. JVS JAM ICS IllUtl.SM ITU, cj'I ATK OK RKUItlCI t, WAYNK (JOHN ^ l Y To u 1 whom it may cbticeru : When-a-, John M. IV u,« l *aid Slate aud .xiutjtv ol Glynu, niM'iies to the Ornltmry'bir Duiter# c»f Adluiliisirn no,,, with ihe will annexed,on ihe esta’a- oTbuerrod hhelHebi, dt ceased, late <>f said county and Mate. Tleed are, iliercTors, tocr\f .-ffiiLudmonisli, ull and singular the kmcirodahu ct -__^id At..- , Till! the time pre and show cause (if any tin y have) of Administration, with the wdl Notice, IMailUltiOU, MULES,WAGONS, L j r.< »tt's4A r.t:. nut of the Slate in He army, ut.d my ) V*ifl>cer having :p»ntf receu.fy iuU» * rv c**, f >ller lie sale lli u v.i ualilo I l.iululiou, k’liowu as •Hi. e Hope. liuu. ■ ne H ou-aud »cn*s, situs- b d oii Kavi'niifth Ri er. rouriet-n mi «► fft iu tiovsit- huiulrni and dfiy cly’lil Suvsutiah, A pi II 1&, IN'. !, On and alter Monday, the vbth IK3 th 11 rales of transportHHon for i will he advanced thirty three and one thirA«|r over the. present rate. Bacon, Laid, Liquor,Hall, fturar, Hyup, Tallow i and Wool will be classed as recond clavs goods and ( barged for aveurdiug y. G J. MU. ON. aprir*—dAtw'Jw . Gem rat Huperiu'cndetil. \ hil.idted a. d ully ES& CENTRAL HAlLHtfAU OWisiCK. >. Savannah, Ha.. April Sd. 1 C3 > CHANGE OF SCHKOOLK. O N »ud nft.sM.irtuhy.'AltiWAtb, IS* - ), the tr«im • •it thin i to ml eitil brunches' fb "Awgusta and hulouloU MU van »U follows : . DAlLX DAY THAWg Lea v« Snvanuah... i. 5 A. !■ •r up Mill, part j arilvo in Macou. iuul< Notice. , the f Hind deceased shottld not i to hold this Otll ci I the officers uud soldiers in this prison, asked the privilege ol observing the. day in *♦ *»r iiwii way, by holding divine service. 'This has beeu grauled by the uiiihoiaies of this place, lor which we are thankful, though it soul.I seem that this is a privilege winch could Imi dly be denied. We are confined within wall*, guarded by soldiers on Hie r.uuptri-, and our eetilituentb, howler earnestly exprea--« d, can- not puHKilily dawpy barm to the cause of tbo eue.iuy. 1 call your attention to tbe first six verses ol e one hundred uud Unity-seventh F.-.ilm : "By the livere ol Babylon, there w,;sat do« n; m, we wupt wheu we reuieiflbi ied Z on. W n bung our harps upon the willows in ihe midst lliereof. For there they that earned in away •npttve fcquired ol us a song; and they th o varied us iccjuired ol us mu th, raying, “ siug IS one id the song* ul Z ou.” How ehall we siug the Lord’* sung in a strange, land? If * forget thee, O, Jerusalem, let my right imini lorget her cunning; il 1 do uot remember ib.-e, let my tongue cleave to ihe roof of my mouth; il I prefer not Jerusalem above my ehiei joy.” Gentlemen, thcic is a striking similarity «»e- l ween our present condition aud that ul the <<:d Hebrew patriots whose beauului aud en'.bu*i words uud .-eutiuieu s we have jun read. We, as they were, are, by the fortune ol war, uudur the provideuco ol G»>d, e.iptiv■•* in the bauds ul our enemies, iu a strange land, (fur •aplivily is eveu mure rigorous than was tlieir’.-. They were allowed sums persouitl liberty; we are allowed uoue. They were allowed the com munkonand sympathy ul Nature. Nature., um mother, like God, our lather, is always Irieud ly everywhere, iu au enemy's laud as well a* at home; aud when mau IrowtiB aud bate-, sue smiles and loves. She is the resource mid » > of the lonely, the desolate, the cap.ive and stranger. Through her mediation we can bold communion with the Measured past, and with distant loved oues and associations. Those old Hebrews sat dowu oil the bauks ol Babel’s streams, under the shade ol the adjacent wil- lows, and ** wept” when they remembered Zion.” But we are denied tins communion with nature, except tbe. small tract of sky we. are permitted to see, ami the day light aud sun We, like these ancient patriots, are far sepa rated Horn our home and families, and our struggling country. Our homes are lonely— ami we are not there to cheer them; our loved ones are desolate, ami in mauy cascb dependent —and we are uot there to protect them. The tide ol war sweeps through our loved laud- mid we are not there to b niggle side by side with our brave countryuieu. We know uot when we shall be liberated from our. captivity. We are doomed to bear the hardest trial ol m patriot soldier—impotent captivity in the time of our country's extremity. We cau lecliugiy understand why the'old ILbrew patriot** "wept when they remembered ZioU." Bui, gentlemen, there is auolber point ol re semblance between Us and the pious old He brews. 1 trust we imitate and emulate then iu the constancy and integrity ul our ullcgi mice to our country aud cause. They scorned to profuuc their harps uud their musical skill, which belonged to their country, uud which weiy consecrated lo Ihe divilie temple service, by using them lor tne hoTVich uud giutillculiou of their eueuues. Ami shall u Confederate ol lieer or soldier, whose life belongs to hie coun try, pledge Ins ullegiuuce, under any cifeuui stances or pretext*, lo the esU.-e of bis cowl try’s enemies ? Gentlemen, the loss of houor is a loes never lo be remedied. Ft-rjuiy is as much perjuiy when couimitted among enemies as among Irieudb. The gruud charueier ol old Daniel would uever have beeu one ol Hn moi- Ul landmarks ol the world had he bowed tfowu to the King’s idol; uor would those old He brews have furnished it* with their beuuuiul setilimeuls aud example had lliey lalteied it) their ullegiaitce. The taking the oath ol alle glance to the power that seeks to rum us, by a Confederate soldier, la, iu my estimation, uot to be contemplated without horror. It seems lo iue that we have the highest mo lives aud inspirations to devoted loyalty to our cause that ever existed. A grander cause win never vindicated by a grander struggle, nor l»> grander sacrifices. Our reudiug ol past history docs not furnish us with the knowledge ol a war in which so uearly everything valuable,*., cred, dear, is involved. Wo are fighting lor everything that makes life desirable, valuable and noble. If we lose, we have uothinglell lo live for. , . , . We are fighting for our honor—lor the honor of one ol the most honorable and chivalrous race* upon eailh. The aim ol the po.itie.il warlart; waged against us was to destroy our euvied honor, and to disgrace our detested dig uity. 11 was to wiilidriw Irom dLhoiionug a* soeialious, and to preserve our diguii> il^no paired, that we sought to live to ourselves.— Aud now degradation is sought lo be lorced upon us by the sword. And if, by possibility, the South should uliimatd) belom-d lo bum ble her houor before Hie baled power uppuj-rd to her, she will be rtiiued forever. The proud uud chivalrous Southern people, should the marrow and backboue ol their character their honor—he destroyed, would be the most won bless race upon earth. The highest, when they fall, become the lowest. Paradoxical a* It may seem, we. ate UgliHug fur peace. Although euriicslly desiring it. and seeking it, we have been denied this legitimate Unit ol the blood of our revolutiouary sire* i«u the bust twenty live years. The race that ha* troubled and persecuted friend ami st'anger lor centuries, from mere desire ol domination and discord, must needs trouble what they claimed as their own country and those whom they regarded as their owu couturymeu. And when peace iu such association became hope less, uud we sought to go quietly to oureclvc*, the Intolerable fraternity wu* sought to !•« forced Upou Us at the point Ol the bajouel. War IH being waged ilpou Ils to force Its to come back aud live with them, and quarrel with them forever. Could a people, uud the war they wage, assume mote hateful aspect* ! 'There is great wlckeducss in all wars, and the responsibility lor a war is au awful one ; but we uienoi responsible for the preseui war. It was Jorcetl upua uh "We declare be fore Heaveu uud iu the face of luunkjud, lh.il we d tip ire ouly lo lie let alone,” iu Uo language of our uoble Piesideut, i* the seuiiineni people, and their utolLo iu this V” you; MY- V lllt : Gillespie ; ••I did not intend it lor ] Officer ol ihe gu ird : ••You uilist preach a rel Col. Gillespie ^ "We will cease if you w ill not -Hirer y.oi to diet tH i). Gbiireliill. ri*ilig : 11,at’* iigtil, Colonel, I we uni free.’’ And the lapping and the applicu Glv. it tin. M .nh -J'l, lf«iJ * hurrah Jeff. Da gliald culled out. Halt that uni be distinguished in the The above, ol noli-', liter set Vice. The in eel mg was with guard: on the Thu St imihi, lakeu hastily from tbe held in the muddy street, VS ^ The laic lliove- l he -the drawal of Banks from Baton R mge after hi.* nn- siieeesKliil atluek upou Pori Hudson, and the wilhdtawul ol Grant up lli’e river with a p. riiou of hi* lori es alter hi* kuliiru iu the Yazoo Pass Xpedltion, and their sllbseqiteut rellliu—tench lesson in the stm thought that Bulk* had goi expedttio • IV 11 i thieving Ko I'Z. d as having goli e The d« muiry, while Graut Ihe : upon Vicksburg uud Port Hudson were a* having terminal «d for thu seusou. But our dispatches Hus inoi ulug, botli from above and below, place a new plmZc ut" n af- laira. Banks Iras returued to Baton Rouge, while the fleet baft made il* app.aiance bulb above aud below Pori Hudson, and vv. n at ibis moment may be beleugueriug tbut jilace. It is also evuioul, bulb Iroui the tenor ol our special dispuleh Irom above, as well us from the letter ol our Vicksburg correspondent,iltui Grant has relurued lo Vicksburg, and the im pression seems lo prevail in Memphis lliat at early uud direct attack upon Ibe city will be made. Ibe. crilicul luoin.-m. Would seeut indeed to have sudd, lily and liue pecul l> come upon us. The movement of both Banks and Grant, was a mere ruse, designed no doubt to throw our commanding generals oil their guard, and induce them to draw oil troops Iroiu Port llud.*ou uud Vicksburg lor iVliuleV. re lice . these p. hn lateriiilly We pre- iuluie Ihe allack shall be made,— Jaekwn Jp/wK, lfff/i. ider : Georgia soiUieis uic exempt lute act, Irom the cons, qucnces of omiii ug lo give luLheir taxable property, where the same does not exceed $HHHj. No poll tax lo requm-d ol tliem during the war. _ The pay ol the public priuter of this State bus been increased twenty per cent, ou the rates prescribed in the old law. i-jf A bill bus beeu paused relieving Mrs. VI. A. F. Sueed, of Floyd comity, Irom the pain* ol bigamy. Her bushuud de*ertyd Irom Capt. Hargroves’ compuuy w^iile at Jackson, Mi about four mouths ago, and she was ii<ioim< d that he was dead, which has pr >Ved since lo he incorrect. In the mean time *he mained uu- otber husbuud. u ( A ■ OK UhOltl.. !, CllA’l’asAJtl n t'oUN l’Y,—Sixty dn>0 abet dale, application will be uiude to the Honorable the ' • u . tol ur.liuarj ol Chatham county for leave lo e .1 the uegio. i ana real estate belonging to the lute .hr Batricu tTirian ami Mrs. Ami (.'illrun. m,.*i ifiiN°K N \%: }Aan.tul,!>».«»■ S I A l ie OK UKOlfM A, « II A ( il~. ('ulfNTY. - To all whom it may concern : Where as, Jt.hu LTiuntugliatn will apply at the Conn ol On! nary for twitters of Git ird.unsh pon the proper tyof Lucy C’hn*lina and Charles Rhoderi. l; Huilie, tumor children ul John B Uall.e, decea-ed. These are, therefore, to cite aud admonish all whom it may concern, to be and appear befo.e .-.-lit) Court to muke objection (it any they Imvei on .r be fore the first Moui lay in Apr I next, otherwise sum letters will be granted. Witness. Dominick A. O Byrne. Rsq , Ordinary to Chatham County, this 5lh day of Mur. h. INfl. tore, to cite an J admonish all wh< in may cuawrui "* '•« tud spp< ar before salil ri nnakeobjection (If any they have) ou or l*«lore 1 - ‘ * otherwise said \ 1 fcjMHUCR A .o'•BYRNE. S i tTK~OF khoitbi.i, ( ilA l’i COUNTY.—To all whom it mavomcern a*. Uiuily Symons will apply at the Court dmary for Lett r* of .Administration on the er John J. Symons, late of Chatham couuty, do These are, therefore, to cite auu admonish .ul it may eouce.rn, to be and appear before sj.J n make objection (it auy they have) on or belt tir-t Monday In May next, otherwise ns ter* will be granted.' W i ues*, D iutiulck A. o Byrne, Ordinary l ham couuty, tins 83.1 day ol Al*rci>, IMW, mu.84 DOBlNlCli A. O’BYItNR. O. > I A I’lK ~ OK G !•,«»•<('I .%7 « 1«A . sv-: iNTY -To ill ^ ham county, dee These are, I her it may concern. lire! Monday in November us u-r* wit ne grant*h1 Witness, Dominick A. o’By in;, K*q , Or.nnqry for Chatham county, thft» llth^day d Ai ril, lMi ! aprIS ..MINK li A O BY KN n I oi l rui.l let). IIOMINIHK A o’BYKNH O • the lii> Rstale Jane M Cuyler, late ol suid couuty, deceased. The are, theieioie, to cite and *di eoncei ii, to he and ap,*ear he o*ij.-ciion (it any they have) Monday lu May uexL, utli rv granted. . Witness, Dominick A. O’Uyrne, l£eq., Ordinarj lot CL itbam «'ouuty, tins 1st day ol AprB,13tn aprJ and baa ulrtudy iH'foiue bialurical. Wo sought to in lunge-upon uo lights, to de-lmy uo inter, hts, to lake uo lives. The g^ill L,ie niiim n-e bloodi he.f, and woe, and waste ol thia w;*r, rests upou other heads 'liuu ours. The cbarucler of the war is, with us, es-« n Hally and necessarily relk/uun. Out loyalty, like that of these uticienl Hebrew patriot it, is, or should be, both pious aud puirioiie. They cling to the. glorious uieiuory ol “Jerusalem” both as the capital city aud the «-eal ol the lent pie. K very Hi i ug dear aud sacred is religious, and so are the obligations and duties coiiuece.l there with Doiue*liC. social and political bless- all depeud upon the summons ol religiou. Witinsa Dotmulck A. O’Byrne, Esq , Ordinary f. 1 . . .. .. <1... oar iw.lll 114 I ri l.>4 lITA’I’K ok ti n COUNTY.—To all whom it may concern : A here as, Heo A. < Il l. r will apply at the Conn •»; Or dinary for Lull era of Aduiini.-tra inn on the estate of S. Breck Park man, lute ul chathum couuty, de ceased. These are, thorefore, to Cite anil admonish all wlipin it may couceru, to be aud appi-AI la-lore said Court to make objection Ait any thej have) ou or betore tbe nr*t Monday iu June next, otherwise -aid letters w ill be granted. Witness, Dominick A. O Byrne, Esq.,Ordinary (m Chsiham county, (Ins l nth day of April, 18)13. April DOM INK K A O’BY UN K. .. c. «; LJTATIf OF GBUHti l A* (JHATHAM ^ COUNTY.—To ail iviium may concern i Whereas, Willia.u Huno r will apply at the Coart of I iir-Jiiiary for licit, rsof A.lmtu stiutionon the estate of Geoigc ti tlauiiug, late ol ChuHiam county, de- IAMKS fllGflhMJ Deputy Or j tnary M'i'A I I 4»K (IKOUfflA, WAYNE Ct.l N I’Y ^ To all whom il may co .in: Whereas, John i, A. nletratiou of ssid SahUsj TliereUire tUe kindred and. red. I or* of raid deceased ire hereby,cited aim admonish, d to Ole iheir ohjec- ions, II :u*y they have, In my ofiiee in letuisol the \v. otherwise letters Uismipsory will begraiuud ihe '. j.pi leant at the S.-pleinner term next ol Iho Court ol Or.unary l. r paid county March 5th, Toil. MMiv* liKIUHMITd, U. O. W. C. mTA'I’K ok (alvOKLil Ay WAYNKCUlINTY O All persons having deuiuads af'ainst Joseph Wamw i igui, U. ceased, late of said'connly, are hereby notnied and required present them, properly ul- iiud.Arsigned, Mlhin the time prescrib ed bylaw; aUil all pel sous uidcbloti to *aid deceas. d >• h re by required to make immediate paytueuilo e uudeisigned WILEY KNOX., Alilm'r. March 3d, 1803. T* } nUty o'l'A'I'l'. IIP UKOHUA, WAVNIi O.IN- ^ TV /All peipous having demands uguust Jobu Knight, dec -as. d, late .d said iOiltiiy.atS- lieiyby no- III reqiiired lo pre-eut them, piopuly ullesL le uud rsiguud, wilUiu the liinu prescrilN.d by law; uud all persons in.lel.lqp to BUiilUseeUseil are i. liy requiieu lo make immediate puyme.nl to the uicndgnud. 'This M .r.'li it.I, ltokl. iuar85 dObEBU b. MORKfll, y A(lm’r. ITATKOP .VA VNK I Iii Vl \ r having demands against Hoberl used, iaie of said couuty. are here u ........ .,..iret! to present I hem, properly ... .. Ht the ilmlerslgnou, wilbiu the time prescribed «; aud all persous ludehnd U) saul de« eased er.-liy i. quiied U> make iiuuiediale naymeul lo ths undereigued. WILEY tvNuX, Adm’r. MaiciiJj, Jtt»3. marO S TATIa OKLbOitGI %, WAYNE COUNTY. Two mouths alter Ihe date hereof, application v\ ill b<- made to i lie-1 'oiirl ol ordinary of raid county for leave lo s 11 lots of Lilt! ntimheis two lilludml and 111 > eight (853) ami two hundred aud llllyi seven (857) m Hi- s . oud (8) district of said coUULy, tj.e real ertate ot Joseph a uwright, decea*etl, for the belt- eili. of ihe liens and crednoisol said d ceased. This Mart i, d, 1MU. WlLKY KN()}<, maid Admiuisirutor. J \ kffUGIAt LOWNDES OU N l’t. V I To ul I whom il may couceru: Whereas) John Itelk, AdiuiinslraLir on the Estate ol Edwafd 0. Duke, late ot raid county, deceased, niak.-s applies .inn lor l.eliei.> of Dismission Imm said Admiti|slra Lion, tbPee are, Hn rel.ire, to cite ull, per*ons! inter «. te.i, to he and appear at my office tmhm 11%-11ux«- pre-erllM-d by law, t*> show cause, if any they; have, wiiy Letters of Uiaini»aion should aot be graijled. Witness lion John W. Harrell, Ordinary ul ran county, this Oi tuber nth, 18h8. octlO H. A. BEETLES, »■ C, O. O. < i Poll... ., LOitNUO l «.M. -ill V.T J. 3. ill.(I Jaii.es Willcoli, A.liiiiuietratoib 0u the estate of J. h. N. Willson, deceased, huvhig made up plication lor Letters of DisiuIbsIou from saul Admin- Uindred and citdilora ol aid deceased, It* snow cause, d thev Cat), wilbiu the ton • pryscithud by law why L. lie,b ol Dltiuissiou should nqt be grauL-d to said applicant. Wdueosmv baud, Nov. 10th, 18C3. uovl3 .I .W J^ABRELL, O A li.TlVrilVfHiVoriil.ii.-H) virtue • f au outer from the Court ol Ordinary ol l/owndes c unity, will be sold on the first Tuesday id April u« xt, at the con rt House door I u said can nly, between the legal hours of sale, led of Laud, No. 1U7, 111 lllli dialrii’t ol said comity, belonging 10*1 he c lute nl Francis Jones, deceased. u.ai'i MITCHELL JoNK.d^Adm'r. *«\ / I K.lllliU, IiPFIM.IIAj11 iioilNWr \ JT All persons Uavn g dumauds agumsi iJauicl Beiiish .ri, d.-ceasPii, 'ale of said county, arc Id-reby noli li. dan' required lo pr.-s.-ut them. prop, rfy at- t'sied, within ihe lime piescuheU by law. And all person* Indebted lo said deceasud are hereby r#qulr t-d lo make payiaeul to the uuderSigucd, or lop. U. Sails*,', Ol S i\ aliimll. AMANDA G. REMSHAKT, uisrlO A.lmiuisii .inx. UlWUU.kVS.VU.K. f | B %' vi'itteof an ( rder from the Court of Ordinary ol McIntosh c unity, will be soli on the tiret 'l ue=day in Mav, lHd.3, at the t.'nurt Hou*e door lu Darien, McIntosh county, between the legal hours ol hale, one irnei of land, coutnuiug thiee huudr.-fl ,nd seventy qcreB, uv r* **r 1««b, lying and being iu Me Iutosli (ouuty, one lot ot r.ilih and two nuc.ro girls, Call.ui me ulnI Mury Auu, aged ten and twelvq y]-ai s Hold lor the benefit ol the orphans of Little Davis. (HAS rt DaVIH, Guardian. Darien, Mrlufoa'iCo , March !{biU. latk'l a)jri AdministratorV salt*. S TATIC OK 4JKOIM.1I A, WAYNK COUNTY. on llie lirsi 'Tuesday iu May next, will be t-old at the Court (louse door In said county, within the lawful hours of sale, lot ol laud uuiuh^r two bind red and twenty seven \vHTy, In tin* second district of said coitiity; sold u* i In- property of Andrew 3. Mcflel Ian, il. cea-eiJ, lor the hem til ot the heirs ami ere. II- AdmiiilSiraior's sale, S TATIC OK 44 KO'it; WtYNff COUNTY. (in the first T .sdiyin May n xl.will he sold HiiheComt House U<».-r in suij couuty, within the 11 w fit I hours of s.a'e, ‘•no acres ol laud, more or lees, part of lot of land No niuel) -I licet* J)3) lu the Second District ot said county. Hold as the property of uillis Koecrs, deceased, loi the bem-til of the heirs and creditors ol aani dec. use.i. Terinti made kuowuon the .lay o< sale. JAMES M. McdOob, Adut’r. March 5!b. 18h°. mar 1 * Nolle* (o IMnor.s and Crodliurs. A LL persons indebted to the estate of George W. rtlotesbury, late of rtcc ivvu count> .deceased, are hereby rcq.nr. it to settle the same; aud those haviug den.and* :igalu-t said usime will present them, duly noth 5 k. A LL person* having demands ucaiusl the esla'e ol Mrs. Kli/.ah'-th Foil, late of Wayne eouuiy requested to hand them in ; and all persons in Notice. I ICOIC4JI A —LI UKKTV COIIN I Y. A,I r persons flavine d.-mauds ugalast William D. well, deceased late- of said country, are heu-by ,ifi< .1 and require.I to pres, nl them, urm • t.d. to the limierrigned within the! b> law ; and all persons indebted to said i byr.qutred to make payuieut to Ihe under' * prescrib- blgned. h ice boro' Apr* I H, 18*13. K. LYONS, Qualified Admmisliatur. apllO— Notice. O N the first Torwlay in May next wifi l>e sold, lie- lore Hi Coil it llou e door iu Wayne- c tuuly, la*- tw.-eu the usual ho- r- '*1 sale, the tollowiug |..t* ol lands, to wit: Lot No -|l and lot No 81, each mu impr.-ve- Thesearr, thersiore, to die audadiuoulih all whom It may concern, t<> he aud appear before raid Court to nutkeobjocliou (d any they bav») ou or lx lor. the 1st Monday in May uext otherwise said letters will Cliaibum county, this twelfth ’ol March, 18*13" MIN |CK A U BY BN K, l> c. ( Li'l’/ n COUNTY.—To a l whom it may , Wbeieas, Dillscillu Joiie- will apply at of Ordinary for Li tters ol Ouardia..ship o soil ami pi ope. t y ol rtanm.-l Garlaud, iu.li phiu of Chnr-iopher Garlaud. ru a in , lb*- Court u net profit of $100 000 in about two hours. log . , . , In ils siuipleai I Ireedoiu of conaeiewcc -Ireei the Bible aud woiship God dietaiea of our own conscience-. On the pill ol our eumuies, laiilug l»» eoliviuce u* bj tbeir eluui'.roiis ami sopbist icql logic, Ihey now se< k J.o force tUeir opinions upon tm. r . - Ihe war With u-t. should Income religions, Tlieau are. therelore. lo Cite aud admonish ... »>•* “• V s-t ***•■*.» .•*«- .“'••.rS'T;! i SSS (tel.ire the first Monday iu April next, otherwise late of Wayne benefit of Hie bel HENRY aud JEIIUE H. DAVIS, apr3 _ Executors MILLS HOUSE; CHARLESTON. S. C. Built in 1853 anil fnrnUhn/^ijiinl taanv in the IJviteu States, earner of Meeting a,ni Queen street.. Tims. H. Nickerson, i „ apS JoriKi’ir I’ukskt l j rroprietors. O" New Books. britcilll aud ui j'isl oppreoaiou sotl/ht to be mieai, auu iue overwhelming odds ugaiuev uo. CbaUiamcounty, mis oaiu ua> oi rcuruary. Moreover, coL.idv. the tcligmuo enuiaeter icbM—* DOMIltICK A. O’BYRNK, u. * - ' Z I J ,n ‘ -*KK**—■**■* ' . , eaid letters will be grouted _ty Pen, sold reoeout To Lyni.-b.-urK m»tk»t P 0 *” 11 ll l'‘ ,u J lll *-* ..uprovukfdchanii-iiror n-o | wltMM , uomi!iic« a. f-'Byrn-, Ordlcwy for r.t thi. ennrmou. price of flvtdollin per quert, I conic., »cd ibe (,*. rAbvlimu^ .idJ» u/.iosi u». cbeU-emcooing._thi» ui, Fconury, 1WJ. bcinp- one haodredeod vixly dollere per bu»bct nn. IB plates.) The Amerirau Union. By Jauiea Spence. Also, I More Almanac* for 1803. Evolutions ol the Line. | Juiuiu.’r Fractlce of War. The Judge Advocate's Vade Mt-cum. Keretvedaud lor calc oy E. KNaPp ft CO . I that5 Weft side Mouumeot bquaru ORDNANCE DEPhT. l l.llmtth.s'tuic HAVaNNAlt, Munh 8tl, 1HC.3. | 1 ‘^-^Thc litgh(‘*l market price w.ll l»e paid | the w-oo«l lam ro^rTwiHnoiiKund ct UOd) pound* «*i care | °* wood neat fituV titled Mol*k, (TeliVi rert'ut the Arsenal. A. T. CUNNINGHAM, mart7-1m 1st LfPUt. s\t a'd Ord Collid g Depot ready tor i.tc prevent ui on; il acres of r.ce l.tuil il'qi- r lumk, new Trunks, drains’, aUreienliy .ut.aml n arly r. dy lor planting ; olio ^Utttfted additional acres C'ear- d bank* ... Ih. I V*, ily -erlaim d. I Is thought by go,..1 judges I Inn 1 ciobtj.lice Of Its size .»« II I l.Hiui'ed; i.lsO, i.bUi dauCy* 7.48 J Tw.-ijy four li’lt.dy NEGROES, w III Notice. Pv-Jl tl the Savannah, Albany ft Gu f Railroad Company, for interest on Instalnu'iits paid prior to the let of August, 1857, wl be puid to the hold.-rs liter, of ou pifseiitatiou at the ('i-mpany’s ofllce. ' D. MAGDONALD, marts—lm T eusurer. t UN FEDERATE STATE* OK AMERICA, I Navy Department, '■ Richmond, Muich 8*t, 13(53. ) y—A Board ol office s will couvcne dm lug thisor;h«: next uioi.th lor the examb-a- luui ol Acting Midshipmen, when they will la* exam med as follows : ,v- 1st Class.—Upon Navigation, ^uaiuanthip, Naval Tactics, Naval Uituuery, Hleatu M sen incry, Mod. m Languages, Drawing and Draft mg. 8.1 Class. —Upon the same branches, hit* not so crl’lcally. .3d Clras—Practical HeHinauahlp, Naval Gunnery, NavalTuctlcs, Mntheniallcs, Klhte* and t^’lisli stu dies, French, Drawing and Drafting. • 4th Class.—Mathematics, Exercise of Great Guns and Small Aims, UHucs, aud Kngheh B lilies and Drawing Those who hpve just entered thesurv cegHerjmsp- ing tbe Medical KxumiuuLioti, will exl.ildl lo the Board of Examiners evident-, s of good moral chara. - (I must be able to ret d and write well, write from dictation, at.d spell with eoitecti eos, and (a-r form Ike eletueuLvry ope-adons ot ariti.iuetic, viz: Numeration and adettion, enhHraction, multiplicu- tiou and divitdou of whole numb, r*. H. H. MALLORY, ItHnMn Seci.-'niv of the Navy. For Sale, K'BLV icr. Kn/ji Rn/pifre kl Una'ofllce. up A 7 feTSlya :j i wmm minim AND FARM FOR SALE. T UK subscriber qfiera for sale the ulac<* on which he now rvaidra, iu ihe town of M(-Doii ongh, Ut-ur> cuuniy, Gcotgu, conlal-.liig three hu.i fivescies.it valuable w.i.-d-and the most .-t'tbe cleared land lresh.n l under leuce aud well wati-riU, good orchards, ft.*:. McDonough t* sftnaied t n miles east of the Macon ft Wriatu'n Railroad, u.d 1* one of the mofi pbasunt au-1 h.aithy vilisg.-a >u middle Georgia, hartu»r good schools, thnrcUet* and mail facilities. Price $3,U(lU. Possession of 4>veil mg, kitchen and garden given immediately If ucsii- ed, aud of the land alter the crop Is gathered, or the crop can be bought as it stands A. J. CLOUD, apr$—dlaw&w Mcuouuugb, fla W. B. Thomas LRHININIIK-4 auhstitates at ids Office, flam JT doors West of Mr. M. Y. Renderson’s bide os- tuldinfimeut, opjMisite the Market, in Cavalry or In Tautry, auy where m th.* Confederate Mtates. Con scripts coming lo thia city will please call on hhn CROP OF 1802. Fresh Garden Seeds, CORM1ST1U0 OF Beets, Rale, Cabbage, Leek, Carrot, Leituce, Cauliflowei, Musknijllou, Celery, Radtsu, Cachraber, Holuaeh, Bgg Plant, Tomato, Early Dutch 'I urnip, Just received by tin* way of the blockade; fo^ pidu by JOHN B. MOURE, Diiigglai, marts Gibbons’ Range M. J. Solomons, COMMISSION MERCHANT, HAY S'JIf-ii.H’/r. (Office formerly occupied by Measia. O. Cobun ft t’o.) $V~SoliotU Confligumsnia of ProJureaud Mci chaudUa feb3 NEW BLOCKADE GOODS FOR GKNTLKMKN’8 WIEA.ll. KKKM’ll Cassimt-re for Gents’ stilts English Tweeds ** “ “ Bine Navy FUddcI Biown Linen Duck for tiamuter suits Plaid Collonades <5-4 Black Cassim n*a Gents' Oxford Tie Shoes Wanted. W ArtS'T v/U AifTitRM AH'| EK’H OPPICB, I aNNAH, March I t, 18<i8. J I N I I II iuiuieMmji*ly, I *.lrty negroes a* tmiul sters and labor- is for Ihi* Departmeut. ii m. davenport. mar!3 tf < aptaln aud A il. M. Wanted. ORDNANCE DK OT, < S-'avannah, Ga , Feb <Uh, ttf(U|. | 1 1 If K highest markec price win he iiaid i.-r scrap ( a*t Iron mii.i . bt Brnar, rielivinud at ihe Arsenal III \\ hi laker all eel. A. T. * I NNINuHAM, 1st Lieut.. Ait and ordnance, r«b7-»tn « um - pypbt. A KurntSked llousi*. iu luui, A K! U Aflfttlt'I* IIOI NK, | u the (uulr.il part ol tl.e ully -w . ileied tor rent, as the present.oc.upauts maud having the 11y. Tnquiie at iLe office ol • G EO, W. W YLLY. Ciiy Taxes. CITY TRKASUHftH’S OFFICE, f Savannah, .March 8, lofij. ) fit II K undersigned o- now leady to receive tne pay- 1. im iit oi Taxes iof the . nt rent y. ar.. xcept Ia ns Tux, which Will be due -.u the Hi at of May it. The l*ooa* w.ll be clo.-ed on the Aral oi May ulug, aid cxeciitioua will be isi-u«d »gaiuut all uulier*. lo tuutdalcd, nor any Inn" what- are bankable change bills, will be re<l ived In payment of luxes, G 1C RiilC \Y. DAVlrt, mat 18 t Ml < it y Treasurer. < liadiaiu Mijicridf Court, JANUARY TERM, 18H3. W IIKIK I AN. K. E Hertz,Henry Iv. Waahburu, - .» ilhuiu II May, TBOUtas ti. Hawku, Dr. i£|l- alia Parsons, HhmueI P Palftlfit', J..U.I Ch puniu, Philip Poullaiu, Juiiii RIchardeuu. Luk.'L'hrUUo, and Charl-H Van iloin, summoned toait.n i tne present Jauuar) Term ol Chatham ■>upcr<or conrbas Gruud Juiors, have m de del.iu t fur itir I «im, it la oidered that they beilni-d each lu r . um m foity dollars, mill *.J they file good and snlfii lent ti iuae of excuse on or before tue firs. U.iy of me next Term of Hus (’quit; amt whereas, W-ruer U. Bees- hu.g, John Pud.-i, V\ illiam homer, AllgUstfiia Hen In-, John Ty* u, David H GaRovyay, OuQ. Quint, Charles Perry. William F Baker. L. C. Johnsoq, Wdiitiiu b. Adam-, lames Wiinou, Donald M( i)oti- ald.ruimnui e«l to attend Ute.pivs^ht January Term Of oHid Court, u • p.itit Jurors, imveiuadi: default for the Term, tl is ordered Him they he fined ca< h to the cum of twen-y dollars, unlce* they file good aud fcUUlcleut cause ol excua ■ mi or before the first dly of tbe next Tciui oi iU>« Court: And, Whereas, George J Jones, i hurl, v L Lodge, aud Adam Ilo» henniVin, Aionz.i Day, Ma-madpke liamilton, W. If. Ferguson, Allen R. Wright, Henry C. Freeman, anminoned to aiteud the pr.-*eut 'Perm . f said court as Tulesmeu on the Pe it Jury tor the trial ol crimual cases, have made default for the Term, life ordered that they be ilnul each lu thu- sum of twenty dol lars, unless they 111-; good and sufficient cause of»xcilee ou or hefoie Ihe drat day of the next turn of Ibis fLourl; aud. whereas. At. D. Levy, talesoBan, made default an ttic -lint of Jauuary.lktnl; and. where as, Juui.fit It. Sue. U aud Charl.-a F. Pruaton.talesmen, made deiaiiil on the Vd. -3d, 4ih and 6 h of February, 18*53, and. whereas, ioauc D. Lahocln-, 'ali.-saiau, mud.- utfatill ou the 4IU of Felrr.iary, lbfi'l; and Gt-.-rge rt. Gray, tuleamaii, mad-, default on thefitli lust. Jl is ordered Ilia! they Ik- lined encti III the anm offvM-nt* (Jollais,iiiile»s iliey 111.-ft od sml rultlclent < ttiue ol i‘AC.,ue ou or b- lorr the first day of the next tel Ui of this < ourt. Trne exit a. t .nun the minutes. WM U. BULLOCH,. murtl) . cue's ;4 c. C. C. Mi a ill; tin lufBriur iourt, FEBRUARY TERM, 18*5,3. 11/ HKKi: VN, -losepti M. Haywood, Frederick 11 Krenson, D l.alhrop, George li. Wllhou and Conmhus l>. Rogers, MimmOUpd to attend ibe pros- ent February T. rui .1 Hiatliam Inferior Court a* I e.- i.t J in oi *, made (l-laiilt; and whereas, G.i’lnchulk Brown, Pelu Juror, and \V. J. Bandy, '1 alesman, made default ou the sreond day of the fenn (Februa ry lttb)j H Is order-'d i hat they be lined tw.Hty dol lbey file good and tUlHcieol fiXCUuc, Court. Title . fox day ol ilu- tract from the mluulcs. term of this CORN SACKS! Two Bushel, O S AT A B U H|G . D ft K. P. LATH HOP, novlfl n 14U dotupwi itrttit Dentistry. 1>II. <’L4KK would My to hit palyens and friends that he la now in n, paie'l.bvlbeaesielnnre nl one of the Lk- ; mechanical Deutfata in our country, t° : give as much aLL-utlou lo the insertion ut ARTlFl 1 CIAI. TBlfTH as he hna fieielofnre to the Dreneivs ; tlou of the natural ones, ills patent method, ( 4 .a j touted May, 1s*ai.) which in now being ua -d by all OU* j b«-st Dentists, liolh Ntutb aud South, eiublee him to piouiioo a more easy and p.-rfeet fitting plate than caU 1 possibly U-made uy the.C4)uimoiiamiaui'e'tftiu process ol laakiug Dl**a. By tins nmthod th-, die la taKuu i (inertly from ibe impremnm ol Urn .a mil*, thus giving ! ue a die by wblcu to til our piaU-u a« yo-tfaet as thr )aw I feel t. We are socoufldcnl In oui ab'Ut/ **• c»»i--Atrnct a IkjP ' tui and more comforut.le tltun. plate by this method j than cau possibly be m-ufo by any other, that we will rnarantee every plate that leaves our - ' Ice to a»rue i up to lust what wuoay, oi aim- il ma) be returued at : OUf I OHS. tf-ftecH i Corn, Corn. 1 / \/ \ A BI’NIIKLS Coro fo auk- by I UUU ap'Bl \\ L M. Davmsow Peas, Peas. •aale by \>. U. DAVIDSON. HKVAN STItlSKT NEGRO AUCTION MART. I IIA%'IC iny house open, Nor dtrt Hiyuu struel, Maikvi .square. Savannah, Gu , lot th ) sale ol Negroea, |>rival- ly and at aUCthwi, ou Tueadays unit Thurmlayu ol evt-iy week I wilt cell nil kinds of property ul the Court House ou the Ural Turn-day of every mouth. Pei>oun having property for sale will give two or more days notice in-fore the duy of sale, uo that the propur.y y»n be udveitlseu I also have uc.coniiuodalions lor auy numb, i ol NegroeB at a mod rate |>ricu far board, and 1 will line every ellort Lo make qliu-k nalea and lo I ht* le nt ml vantage. ' J A.SfKVuNSON, AU(3ione«r and Broker. feb«» K. MENDEL, Crier COTTON YARNS. Ft*R BALE BY ma ni Htwwi LATH n OK A: CO. BLUEFLANNELS :i0 PIMKS BLUE FLANNKLS, • FOR SALB'HY mar.’I fllKNH Y LA IH1IOF A CO. nmm. liubek, ANV DESCRIPriON, 'an ii an lxC * DAILY NlHH’P'TWAlN. ^ 4 le ave Savannah, 4 m ..#» aftiiWiv-. ;v.pi.. 4 t Arrive in Macon... f . f ..... .fi 28 A. lri*Hve Macon f l fk» P. . Arrive in Savannah .' 1 . . . ..bOfiA ACCUMMGOATMU^-'fHAlN-SAVANNAH A ,. . • MALLhfN. ** 11 “ Connecting daily wltl) Night Tram to and from Au- gdaia, begiuulug April Cth. Leave Bavaunah ... I , rn ,V f v . l .J’ 15 P Arrive In Ml Hen v;j .J-80 A. Ifi Leave Milk U If Ah A ii\T. '. i .^...-TA *(J P. hi. Airive in,b«viiuuah.,..a. f ....». . jwA,35 ▲.at. AUDFsTa BHANt H—TWO UaU<X TRAINS B . TWKFN AUGUSTA AND AliLLEN. l.esve August a 7 62 8A..' Arrive ill JflUUm w-. Arrive in AhjbirtH AnptHWA.-:. MiiMti •, 9.60 A. . .t i-8 P. M. . .C.14 P. . .6.80 P. At. *, -Milieu ' e iu Aaguxta.. .»i.... *08 A.. ■ (JORDON AND, ILAifONSoW BILAN0B. Iftuvc tfatontou. auivo tn Gordon. Leave Gordon. .. Arrive lu Eutouton. P«a4i tigers for At, ,,, 11. 0 A. .\i a-A f. S Bftft*. M. 0 Nigh . [*aa4» ngers for At either (rain will Railroad trams. Passengers U»r MllladgevUle hfttf'IlalontOn will Uxo “Day Tiuina'' f.om HavauuAh, and Augusta, and “Night Trams’’fiopiAUqgu. Night Train from !?avauuuh uud Auguata connects with woiii.fi wewtrrn R. R. at Hffarun lor Albany. Kuhiiiln, FoitGainea and luferatedtare (-hints: also, with Ma. on aud W. it. K. to AUsuta anu the Wust. Day Train couJuKta at Muc<»u wqtb b, W- e»ul Mus cogee R. H. to OpmrnnuB, Moulgoinery, Mobile and thu Southwest. ' GBO W'auaMB, apt8 General BapiTinuffedent. " CHANGE OF SCHEDULEJ SOUTHWESTERN RAlIiROAI) /VN and afl(>r Hnnd-ty, March 22J, 1803, the polum- V/ bus Mail and Passenger Train Win ifi)} as fol lows URTT. CBH MXOOW A Leave Mncou at Arrivoai Columbus at.... Leave Columbus at Arrive at Macon at . ooi uynMJB. ' ’ S.W‘ P. M. i:■ .11140’ P. M. .i.l3».4a P. Ml. ....... 6.68 P. M. BfiTWBVM IL»M AMD OUaTTAUOOOIUM^ Loavo Macon .... ii.2U A. M. ArrlvoaiChatulioochee... 4 8e‘P. M. Leave ChalUriUoochve.^. 77)0 ▲. At. Arrive utMucou, .., B..6.H1 P. M. The Mall and • Paas. ugor Traiua front Albany coo nerx dally ut bmltHvmo”No. 10 B. Yiu R.It., onafron Fort Gfimna daffy at t’inhbert, with’Cm at ta hooc. n Mill Train. • t r* > LomVo BmUhville at 12.SO J*. M. Arrive at Albauy at 8 03 P. M. Leave Albany at...... iv . froD' A. >i Arrive at BmithviHe at AiAO a. W. LeaveCuthbeitat y, 8.65-P. M. Arnve at Port nalnOB at 4.36 P. M. Leave Port Gaines at* T.cO'A. A!. Arrive at CuUdwrtat .' ».Yt> A. hi. Ata^iug the conuuctton with the up arid dutnf Cau tshooebe** Mail Train. »* Trains to colmnbqs form _a thro'ig.h euxytectiou to Mciutgomery, Alabama, and AhMlcru, P-i gbloL, W1I- onnginn, Havaunah, Milledfurilfe ai d Si/telM Post Coaches run from AjDftny to Talloha-*»<*, : Bair.• midge, Thomasvllio, ftc. o . . . • Paseengcrs for t-olnta below Port Vall- v ahocld lake the Night trains from Auguata And HaytUioah tb avofa dsinniiou at Macon. For Corumbna tm.o thrt Train. i YlMn. POWEM, Engineer and Hune.i'uteudcnt. ^Macon, March 88d, IB08. ' CHANGE OF 8CHEL.ULS,, Savanuali, Altaui aud (.ull HaUruad. uuawidt and.'! homaavfflAd Ga.. IflaillHon C. H., Lake iillf, . m * — “‘cello, and YallalwM- H«e, Florida, O N and allsf Thnrsflafi October I6lh, 1368, the cars will leave and run daily (Bunday.-. i p. M. excepted,) os follows; Loavoffavanufthat Arrive ut Tboinasvffle at..' :. HEfURGING. Leave Thomaavlila at 5.08 A. M. Arrive at ffavauaati..i......... ,...* *.. . . .e.00 P. At. Counseling at McIntosh (bUatton No. 8, going , Weet) ou Tuesdays, Thursdayi ana br t urdayu, with a line of coaches to Darien. Hetaiidog^Q uffniato Omnectlng gt TebintuviUo (Mo. 6) daffy wltlf the cars for Dr mis wick. < ’onnectluK ut (^uitmau (No. 16.) dally with a line of roaches to Madison L.VH., Fla. CouuotLlng at Groover’s (No. \7f with a dally line of coachds Moutiuillo, Fla. Arriving In time to councct with thu curu to Tailahasace aud bt. Marks. Freight Trains leave Davaunah MoQOsys. Wednes days and Fridays, at <1 A. M.: returning ou Tuesdays. Thursdays uud Baiurdays at f* P, M. « N. U. Double the regular rates will be charged on all articles ahiuptd by Puescugcr Train, fruit, trash uuat, il*»h, oysters, and other perishable articles. Freight by Passeuger Tntln should be de- ilvi-rcd at tbe Dept at least cue hour bciure the start ing time ol the train. • • j< augflh G. J. PULTON, Mu;>erintegdftpt. 4 IS %t\<;K OF SdltbliLK ON GEOKGUA RAILROAD. GEORGIA RAILROAD, * Aihitthta, July 84,19&8, f O N aud after Bunday July 87th, Handay Day Train resumed on main hue, also Trains on Athene and Washington Branches will run to coxmact ontli farther notice. Atlanta 6.10 a. if- Atlanta 7.15 s m ADgUMtH «.«*.«! > ‘Augusta 4.00 P. k. AliUlVX AujoibU 6.04 p. at. S.80AI*. Atlauta 6.38 p. m. Atlanta 8.0G am* Truln. eonorctlOK with Wsshlnguia uid-Aiken, Utanche. lceve AUk-mta »l C 48 A. MT, ana Atlanta at 8 10 A. At. No cuuo.vtioii with Warruuton on6tm- Bolair Train luavo. Au«ueta 8.10 P. M. QBO, VONOg. Bno't. f i inis u i) aVI' T’l I It’. !JIL. tUT'Hiti 1- .'Notice. Apalyto II. J. blCKKBSON, -r T. B. UAKSUALL * BHO , Oral ihe Mill, Johnsons .laliou, No. 4)^, b., A. ft G K. R_ mat81— 3m Iro i v V ai-nlali. KLKNUUikK VARNISH. U.IKKKL OF IRON VARNISH; 8 DO. No 1 t UKNITU dE VARNISH; WANTED. Still* KNtiUS WANTED. \ or GOO Ship Kui-uti (white oak) sldinp 6 OKJKJ inches aud upwards. Apuly to xmarll—tl kRKNttON ft HAWKS. DtEIJIti KSTABLISBIHKHIT, LiETAttusnnn at iaaa.1 Ueuoved so 36 I)r*yi„u ••reel, eoutft o! (hs rafSmVblir lh# Ul ® reildeue* flliiK Subscrilmr, grateful for paet favors, begs X lea vo to Inform bin friends aud tbe pabHc gener ally. that ho is now prepared lo Dyo Ml Cotan&t-thft best style ou bilk and Woolen Dresses, Shawls ftc - also, Table Covers and Crape tinawia cleaned end bleached iu the best tuauuer. Ladies 1 BLlff and Doe* skin Giovesck aned in the best London stylo • The subscriber begs leave to state that h«- is now reparod to c.ean, bleach and press Ladies* Bonnets Flats tu the most fashionable styli JOHN OLIVER’S, Tea. no ( heats cbo’ce Dlsck and Green Tee. For *aiP by ( L AUUOKN ft CUNNING n AM Flour. 75 eloar. ' aprh aud b.gs Family ani Superfine moderate. Gentlemen’s Garments Dyed i ^ be required, iu the name superior style which has gnu- i cleaned, as may arally so well pleased his patrons and friends fox tni past 9U v#ars. a. GALLQWAY. ^OTJTHMIXIN Spelling’ Book, .carer .dly by t£ KNAPPtCO jy*st side Monument cqusra. Powder. -| Ken FFFG Rifle Gunpowder. For sale by A - k W. M. DAYU>5ViJ»