Daily morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1850-1864, April 23, 1863, Image 2

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SAVA^iAU DAiLi MOiiNIKr. NLV.S. THUKS -ai. APRIL i3, W3. ^ailn^Hcmtin^Utro , SAVANNAH. OA. THURSDAY M0HN1N0. APKIL 23, llllifl TELEGRAPHIC Conrcdi'mif <’«iiarre«. Richmond. April *1 -The Senate passed a bill es tabttabtng the fliff ol battle Tor the union, on a ■ijiure two thirds the moth of the IU|:. and a tilno bar one third the width, dlnding the white Held leDtilhWIse. Also passed a hill toatnend the impressment art, providing that wheu the impressing otlleer disap prove* otlhe appraisement, the claim shall be settled according to principles ot equity nnd jttslice. The Honse debated the Senate bill amending the ecqnestralion act and rejected tt. Valuable Jbwelky Bale —We arc request ed to cull Che atlenllou ul the public to the sale o( valuable diantouda, pearls, walehes, iude pendent of other Jewelry, which w ill be sold Ibia morning at U o'clock, in the old Club rooms, over Mr. Lincoln's drug stoic, tor- nerof Bull and Congress streets. The most valuable gold watebes and diamonds will be •old this morning. ^ Provisions at Kkduckd Prices. W e would direct the Hltcnliou of heads ol lamilies to the advertisement ol the Council Committee in another column, offering family »'» Staten quantities at Rieatly reduced prices. It will be remembered that Conned recently ai - ranged with the banks lor a loan ol money on very liberal terms, to be applied to the pur chase of a supply ot provisions to be Hold to consumers at cost. The committee to whom the duty ol making the purchases nud arrang ing lor the eale of supplies ou these terms de serve much credit for their prompt and efficient action. A Block ol provisions has been obtain ed, aud arc now offered at a very large per et below the ruling prices. The effect ol ihife rangement will be not onlytok.ep a supply of provisions in the city schemes of extortioners. pa** I i new order of thing* i* to be ireenbirk* are rapidly purchau- ned plantations ; greenbacks are bold on estates not abandoned; e absorbing what little value Is l—"An equestrian portrait of , lull ovorywhere. Amt with them* " verilaut ,,„. h ,i„nt« TiimiatiTK " will necuaaarily t-ntnc thnr Internal huh aiirni.'iim V;tnk ,.,. owm-rn. ami In 1SPII ami ISM, nn the «ng »r hoir-head and the cotton bale, instead of Peyton, Kenner, Randolph or Pickens, will ap pear emblazoned ihe New Lug land names of Bercher, l»ool 5 ttle, Sumner or Lovejoy, and, ronlVdernte Flna nnd Sent The Confederate Congress has at length established, adopted a Ureal Seal, which we think is both ' Hie appropriate nnd in good taste. The Seal is greenback thus i! FUNERAL INVITATION The friends and ai qualniaares of Franc's McAleer ul family arc respectfully Invited to attend the fu neral of his Inlsntson, FRANCIS EDWARD, at f onr Tclock THIS AFTERNOON, without further not Ire. but to deteat the Thb Enemy's Movemknth Below.-The Charles ton Mercury, of yesterday, says iutelhgcnc was received yesterday that six Monitors had made their appearance in North Edisto river There are also evidences of activity on the part ol the euemy's forces, auil Edmto Island is now occupied in considerable force. One or more regiments were lauded there on Bilurday. The Yankees are Increasing their forces on Sea- brook’fl Island. A lew days will probably dc velop the meaning of these movements. The Courier thinks the re appearance of the Monitors is supposed to he lor the pm pose ol completing the destruction ol the Keokuk, and that they put iuto Edisto on account ol the heavy blow that spruug up ou Wednesday al- ternoon. The Yankees in Carolina.—There arc •ome indications that the Yankees are moving in South Carolina. It is supposed that their intentiou Ib to make a raid in the vicinity ol Coosuwhatchie, probably to attempt to destroy the railroad between Savannah and Charleston pT The Legislature beloro adjourning on Saturday last passed a hill to suppress insurrec tion, and organizing a home guard militia.— Thia bill includes all meu between the ages of 18 and 60 uot subject to conscription, except railroad, telegraph and express men, millers, Judges, and bucU others as the Governor may exempt, and abrogates the commissions of the militia officers. We urged the udopliou ol •ome such measure at the last session, but Governor Brown had recommended the or ganizatlon of a militia force for home defence^ it wn opposed in the Legislature ou uuli-JOK Brown principles. They also passed a bill to increase their own pay, aud a resolution re questing Congress to slop the ruuuing ol the blockade. Theatre.—Last uighi uuolher crowded dience greeted the Thespiuu Family, and by their applause gave evideuce pi their approval of the chaste mauner in which the beautiful drama of “Black eyed Susau” was rendered To-night the patriotic drama of the "Roll of the Drum” will be revived by particular quest. There is but little doubt that the house will be again crowded. verse Yankee Morality.—"Butler, the Brute,” his late speech iu New York, illustrating his position to the South, used the lollowiug ;ab horrent picture, lie said; "11 his wife had ran away wilhauother nnu he would "uot take her to his arms again until they had beeu married.” The notorious Sickles did not wait for • second marriage. He was content to take back his profligate wife without a second cere mony. In what Butler, the Brute, would and what Sickles baa doue, we uee lair samples ot the morality of Yankee Geuerala certainly, •ud types of Yaukee morality geuorally. Enrolling Magistrates —We learn, says the Raleigh Progress, that Col. MjilVclt has re ceived instructions from the Bureau ol Con scription at Richmond, to enroll niagielratis immediately, with orders not to put them in camp but to leave item at home until called for. Aiter they are enrolled we suppose it woa’t be loug before the. call comes. Foreigners for tub Yankee Ahmy.—The Liverpool Albion, of March 19th, says For some time past it has been observed that from this port, and also Iroin Cork, there h i- been considerable, or, rather, indeed, a large emigration of strong, active men, chiefly Irish, for New York. The extent to which ibis drill has beeu and is still carried, gives rise to tin- suspicion thi t these young men are in reality recruits for the Federal army. 'This suspicion is further couuteuauced by the well known lact, that lor u long time parti agents ol the Federal Government have been at work in In land, endeavoring surreptitiously to obtain re cruits. The Federul Government makes to much noise about out alleged assistance to the Confederates, that it would tie as well their own proceedings were watched more closely. We believe the government is in possession ol facte confirmatory ol the rumor respecting the movements ol Federal ugeuts in Ireland. Rev. Dr. Hook’s Mission to Europe —The following is an extract trout a private letter written by the Uuv. Dr. Huge, now in Loudon, to a genllemuu iu Richmond : If the uoble grant they made us ever gets to Virginia our Bible.Society there will have In iis possession u much larger stock than it evei had id the palmiest days ol its prospetily. leu thousand Bibles, Ally thousand Testaments, auil two huudred aud lilty thousand Go&pels and Psalms, is a inaguilieeul donation. Seven cases ot this grunt have beeu shipped from Liverpool ou u vessel called the Spirit ol the Wind. The remainder ol the British nud Foreign Bible Soeiety grant, and the donation ol the Religious Tract Soeiety, will go to Nassau lu about two weeks. My next attempt will be for Suuday School Books—aud l uiu to have an interview with ihe Committee of the Sunday School Union next l riday. A Spirited Girl.—'The following anecdote, concerning one ol ihe lair daughters ol Win chester, Is authentic heyoud doubt; and worthy of being put upon record : One day during the hard winter just past, a Wish Arnold applies- t«. the brute Mllroy lor a permit to pun lune, lor age for her cow, whose milk was an item ol no little importance to the subsistence ol her father’s lamilyldnring the reign ol that monster. “Are you loyal*'” a: ked the Geuer.il. "Yes,” •he replied, lie begun to write tin* permit. “To the United SluLes or the Conlcib-iule States*"' “To Che Confederacy of course,' 1 she replied. “Then i shall give you no pel nul. This infamous rebellion mum be cnubcd “Well,” said she, "{f you tan crush it by >bm* itig John Arnold*a old cow, do it, unu bt Ar t to you.”— Virgin iu Sentinel. Washington (alter the •lutue Iiis monument ill the Capitol Square at Rich mond). surrounded with a wreath composed ol the principal agricultural products ol tlie South (cotton, tobacco, sugii rice), having around ,1 il,.. IViiMJ-raf S- <>l America, .C) I is,;.. i,. L ., tiii r Mill. U"' motto, "Dn ~Dmr vintemut." I 'Villi Oml tor our Ica.lcr wt will conquer.J Tills .levicc mill moll.' will fle approved l>y B „„J usiu ami moral scnlimctu ol nur |.co anti il now only remains lor Congress to „l..i„ ... appropriate Ilia- lor lim C.mlmlerucj, i In,l IV,- uuij present to the world the yniljnls as well as the power and sub- 9Um -e 1,1 a L-rcal and glorious nationality. Dur- ses.ion ol the Provisional Conuress l of a llajr occupied much of the ut- icution of ihai body. Doslftus were invited numerous mode! Hans were received from all portions of lire Confederacy auil submitted the Committee on the Klaa and Seal, but for various reasons the Committee were unable to tdopi any of the designs presented, and Con gress was ou the eve of adjourulug without a onfederate did when nueessity compelled them, almost Impromptu, to adopt our present dap. Since then llo- subject has beeu qui-nlly discussed In Congress aud by the plus., but neither have been able to agreeup- n substitute lor the d ig to which all object account ol Us resemblance to that ol the abolition despotism against which we are lighting. To avoid the evil consequences grow cmitualon of U .gs ou the hnlllu- lield, lien. Hkauiucoauh. wo believe, adopted the Southern cross or battle 11 ig, which has grown iu favor will, the array as to he now almost universally siilmiiinlcd in thefleld for the “stars and bals.” This I,attic dig has been consecrated by the In st blood ol the lie- llou—it is hallowed by the memories ol glo rious victories—It is sauclillcd by Ihe symhoj religious faith and illuminated hy tl,e couslellsied emblems of our Confederate States, bin it is In some important respects unauilcd for a national ensign, Kvteniled to the proper dimensions the symmetry ol its design would be destroyed, aud having no re (no union down), it cannot be used a signal flag ol dislress. The olr- s to be attained in Iho adoption ol flag are simplicity, distincincse, nig niUcancy, and beauty. I'o combine the lib erty colors, red, while auil blue, so as tone complish these ends, mid yet to avoid too great reseinhl men in the II ig nl some other nation, the difficulty to lie overcome. By a very simple arrangement all these ends may be at tallied, and, to our taate, a very appropriate and beautiful flag formed. Our idea ie simply to combine the present battle fl ig with a pure while standard sheet, our Southern cross, blue, ou a red Held, to take the place in the white flag that is occupied hy the blue union in the old United Slates flag or the St. George’s cross in the British flag. Aa a people, we are lighting to maintain the Heaven ordained supre macy of the white man over the lulerior or colored race. A while 11 ig would thus he em blematical of our cause Upon a rod Held would stuud forth our Souiheru cross, gemmed with the stars of our Conlederutlon—all combined, preserving in beautilul contrast the red, white and blue. Such a flag would bo chaste, beauli fill and aiguiflcaiil, while it would be easily made of silk or bunting, anil would he readily distinguished from ihe flags of other nations. It may be objected that a flag in which white prevails might be mistaken fora Big ol truce, that It could not be seen as distinctly as red or blue, that It would he easily lolled, Ac. The brat objection is not good, for the reason that the red Held and blue cross would lie a promi neui Icoiure'of the flag, nnd trom i's position at Ihe lop against the staff could not he hidden by the folds of the flag. In the smoko of battle, ir at sea against the blue nky, the white would land onl as vividly as either Ihe sl-irs sod stripes of abolltiondom, Ihe tri color ol Franco Ihe red flag ol England. As for the other objection, we have always observed lhal the white stripes have stood the battle and the breeze as well and looked as fresh and bright as the red. Since the above was in type we hnvo re ceived a dispatch announcing that the Senate hea adopted a flag. It will he seen that with the exception of a blue stripe in Lite centre ol the white field, the new II ig Is the same have suggested above, the present battle flag having been adopted a. the union. We like the new flag, but would have preferred a pure while held. $Uw 2tdmt\5cntrHti ihcut ami -------- , , mark luy prediction, the cotton then will be ‘ V' 1 untie tin* lea* plentiful, or the siUjar !«'** sweet. AI tin nur h ev«*ry effort has beeu made to j pLtv only loyal teachers In the public schools, Mill il is unhappily lound out the oath ol al It dance many of these teachers tnoK ly li| NOTICE. The City will sellst Hu* store mrn«*r ~ol Ray snd Barnard Hreels, to tin* beads of families residing In the city, beuiuuim; TO PA), and continuing as long a** rupplios can be obtained, rvlce, and thit their hearts was still with the rebellion. Left by the ordinal Board the following named provisions, at tie* pr with tin* School Directors to tnanngu the inter tUequantili mil affairs of the business in their own way,it has been discovered that in tnuny Instances Ideas positively opposed to the. government have beeu inculcated largely; the duty of ilie chil dren to stand by the flag has never been in culcated—and, on the whole, with individual exceptions, uothlng positive has been d encourage a feeling of loyally. 'To check this —to call it by no harsher name—ungrateful conduct on the part of the teachers, the Direr tors of the Public Schools of the First District have taken the following official action lie it fit solved, That the teachers iu the Dis trici be instructed heuceforth, to singing of patriotic songs, and the reading of | appropriate passages from the addresses ; speeches ol patriotic men, a part of the bust ness ol each day In the several departments ol | the respective schools. 1 cation Syrup, at ft per gallon. 15 lbs Bacon, at 70 cunts per lb. 24 lbs Flour, at 25 cents per Hi. 1 bushel Rico at 10 cents per lb. 15 Ilia Salt, at 25 ceuts per Ib. 10 Ilia Sugar, at (il cents per Ib. Heads ol families must apply In person. The store will be opened from s a. m. to2 p. in. BY Oltt)hiK OF COMMITTKK. Thursday, April 93. lBfl:b apH ;! Compositor Wanted A good compositor will find e by immediate application at lhi« ploymetit dice EDUCATION.41. UINVKNTIDN. COLUMBIA, H. C. Not having become acquainted with g- any other movement in tics city, as re gardsttie (educational Convention, Columbia, S. 1 now invite the teachers, trustees and friends of Education to* meet n my school-rooms, Concordia Hall, block between the Maikci amt .lefl'erson street, entrance Bryan street, at 1*. White’s stoie, on SAT UK1»AY next, the 2.5th of April, at '* o'clock a. in., lor th*- purpose of discussing tb • expediency of send ing il. legates to said Conv ution. or to take any oth er measures In this direction. THEODORE NIK.MANN, apr23—th&s Pastor G. L. Congregation list iik undaIjIaKI) fou muu.m IN THE OFFICE OF THE SOUTHERN EXPRESS CO. THEATRE. A. WALDRON ...UMtE and MaNai.ek. THUItttUAY KVKNI.NG, APICII. 23*1. OVERTURE TO THE CKOWN DIAMONDS, military Dn Tula Will prodtigu a great reform in the right WritJ"r.'iJ ,l ,!!i'E?'.Vhum'‘ iarirr. The children and the women lorn Ek it mg i* ruMi- I Mr. F. Saudruu. quarlt*.. . long lime have doue all Ihu demonstrative re be lion lu Ibia city. The meu wi-b aeeesh pro- m| _ elivllieM more wire or unwilling to lake the re- Thu’ Drams t-oncluiles wilhsGKANUAl.LElJOHI apom-ihility, us a general rule, maintain a dog <:ai. tuilkaux. ami the Sul I'll Kli N mar ged of reserve, or under the guise of Ir -nknes-i HgiLl.KS, by Mis, Lal-iia gel off eour id,-ruble aplecn ngiinat thi- National I Box olllre open April Young. Lt A J l*i elites, «l 11 Neely. Mrs T VV Doilcli, A D Allen, T M U ecu. Rev .1 M Stapleton, J \V lleidt, W Row ledge. W F Jones, W Y Arlington, li Unice,.I M McAdoo, Giliuillet, G W Patterson, itobt Si evens. 1. \ It..vis. Ll VV F tiiAil, lwo:5. Butlar, A E NewM.m.W H Helm-*, 14 VV Bird. .1 Smith, J 1) Moody, A J Echols. Mrs VV Bell, \V <4 illegher, Wade, M C HEADQUARTERS CHIEF OF ART Y h OltD., ( ’ “jX.ESTON. March 31.1863. \ It Is the desire or theroramandingO-'n- at that all Light Batteries in the De partment should conform at once to the organl/.a* tton prescrilieil In Paragraph I., General Ordeis No. 115, Headquarters Department S.nitli Caroffna, Georgia amt Florida, dated Decemh r -I, lsfl*. ol fonr Hi guns to each Battery and six (It) horses to the piece All surplus guns will he sent iu to the Ord- nauco Depot at Charleston, addressed to the uuder- signed.' (Ollleiat ) A. J. GONZALES Colonel and Chief of Artillery aud Ort.nauce, aprJ Department of S. C . Ga. and Fla. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. mv v -hd-v w .. J3tucticn $alcs. BY ItLI N d 153 Brought THIS DAY. 2'M itist.. it ll » Timont - Jas K° Persons wisliiuj' lettei for advertised letter A RIAL. A S Anderson. Jnn S Alderman, Richard authorities. The effort made to establish Stale Government also enables many to show tbeir opposition; and the pleadings in the courts under the general argument ol questioning the jurisdiction ol said courts, they having beeu creeled hy military authority, has be profitable and irresponsible way of i a great deal of treason, but 1 think thi* children are to-day Ihe most active mediums, for they are impulsive, sympathetic, and igno rant ol what they are doing, so they li been used to encotirge the rebellion wlml seems to me tin* most unjusliliable way. I do not envy the heart or the feel inert ot those who desire to poison Ihe innocent Allen, Thomas youth of our country, uor h ive 1 any other | Abblett. Tnmuas feelings than sorrow for parents and guardi who leach the little ones while amusing the selves oil the side Walk, to set up singing sotto voice, the "Bonny Blue Flag,”and oilier Hccerh songs, whenever a National officer passing hy, and 1 have an especial contempt I C.ie lemale teachers ot this city, who crowd around llie directors of the school anil clamor, with tears in their eyes, for places, offensively thrust the printed evidence ol their having ta ken the oath ol allegiance in your lace, and dwell iu eloquent language upon their love lor the Union, and then when In office positively •and negatively do all in their power to show that they are insincere aud unworthy of the coil till cnee, reposed iu them by the guardians ol •schools. Hereafter let odr national songs snug, aud let those of the teacher< who not enthusiastic aud eager to carry out the solution of the Board, lie summarily dismissed in ro 12 o’clock, daily. _ Admission—Dress Circie and Parquene. ft: Second Tier, 5U cents; Gallery, 25 ceutv, Puv.ite B-.xes, fa to flit. 'I’ickets for sab* at the Hotels. Book Stores. Doors oper — • '***•■ o'clock. List of Letters Savannah, Ga from tins list will please Knox. Robert ■ oVh. I.i Amo* J—3 .1—2 Siinlalii Law and Order An ugly piece of work was done in Monroe county, last Friday, which impresses ih with lively ideas of the dangers threatening all class from the spirit ol lawlessness which is abroad, and the necessity of invoking our whole, people to rebuke and discountenance in e.veiy possible way all Infractions of private Cosgrove, mis\ rights. I ciAiboru, Henry A Factory at Seveu Islands, in Butts county, I Coley, .John J had loaded a wagon with seven bales of maun- I Cleary, mrsJaneB Inclined goods, and dispatched il by their ca>- I Coated, John VV tnninry driver, u trusty ulJ m'nro, to Forsyth, !/'“;>>; K lor transportation upon the Macon & Western j (j 0 q C jo-eph 29 Railroad. The wugou arrived at Forsyth in 1 — - 1 • due time with only three bales, and the driver’s story (which there is no reason to I t'hapm m. miss Mary O doubt as he identified many of the parties, and | it is also confirmed by circumstantial evidence, ’ Cessar.’mm Mary Conners, Patrick Corbitt, Richard Clagliorn. R T Curry, hylvsnus 11 Cummins, J Crossby, inr? Sar iG R Ciicnly, Thus J—2 Car,-onler, Tboa Camp, T C, noth ree (From the New York Times or the 25th ult .) Department of the €»ulf. The Xew Labor firpn'iuieuts - Successes of the lie mane ration System—Public St/tools, etc Neav Orleans, Tlmrsduy, March 12, 1863. The experiment ot gelling the freed slaves to go work fur remuneration lias succeeded suffi ciently lo haltsty the most skeplieal,lhal under proper inducements ami a well oiganiz-d sy tern, they would be as perleeily docile and mdusirioUh as could be desired. As lar as (4i Banks’ propoMtious t-> the planters have been earned out iu good liilli, there lias been no difficulty ill inducing the negroes not only to return lo tbeir m iS'eis, but they (the negroes) huvi- il III ninny I'-w-n t-li.-i rfillly, -.lull raliuoii. A F Belle Barfield, Dearmg Brown, Capt E P.vnl, Dr E J Binuce, miss Georgia ,*o M, ::2.» rgt .UK Beusly, John VV B ixter, Ir.t W Bearden, J VV' Bryle, .lames A Ue-suigei, John A Browiniii'.John T,2*1(11 rgt >1 P.ryant, John R Lay. ivr; .VI) I , Julin G, 32d rgt Mey Biirdi, John R Boles, mrs Margaret Hunt/., wrs Mary I. Bliley, miSB Mary E Boon, miss Nolly Black, m-sb Sarah Baker, mrs S J M Bate-, L- T C Barnes, VV K, 12th hatt Burges, Wesley Brand. VVm C 1LAGHORN, MRS f Cullen, mrs A H Crain. It miss Bridget Maxwell, J L Mliter, J N Marlow, mrs Me -.eelv, J A McGeliee.Jart Mu Iky, John M-'Alh ter, ll Moore, J n* At McGl ill.*. Jas McAllister J«- McKee. J no ( , l J McGee Martha M CatharineMineleilorl. mrs Mary M McUreary. mi-t* .Mary Ann Moylan, mrs M Murphy, miss Mary McMahon, Patrick Ale sue.,. Patrick Manning, R N, 29ih regt —■» .*v Mone l Richard VV Chandler, M A, 29tli reg Manuigan, Capt bamucl (’alloway. Miss Mollie Mortin, S L . K Morse, Mrs L B Frew. Mrs HlaUc, L Caseellt*, Mrs V J. II HI l.KLKY. LlL'KUMl KNUINkICK .X Bl!I'EKINTKNHljlJI'. I GuAiii.KhToN and Savannah Raiuiou) Co., > CllAHI.RhTON S. C , April 20, 184.1 1 O N a nil afttr TUESDAY. April vsttj. and until Inrilier notice, the scliedii'eol puhsengt-r trains on 1 li ie road will lie ms follows, viz - MAIL TRAIN. 1.0UV0 Charleston lOJU) P. M. Arrive ut Savannah 5.20 A. M. Leave Savannuti »i (H A. M. Arrive at ('Uarleatou 12 45 P. M. ACCOMMODATlUN TRAIN. I.'*ave charleston 7JtO A. M. Arnveat Savannah 5.3) 1*. At. Leave Savannah . . . 7 Ud A. M. Arrive nt Charleston 5 30 P M. Mad train going south will conne t with mail M l'A I’K OF LKOULI A 4 ii tm vm n COUNTY To a l whom it may cou. ern illicit, y Kelly will * *'- they have) on or beloro tire first Monday iu June next, oilierwin* d letters will be granted. Witness, Dominick A. O Byrne, Ordinary for Chatham county, this L'kli day ol Apt 11,> »pr23--• DOMINICK A O' BY KN E,«> C C train going North i North east- in Rail No treiglit or live utoc IralHi apr22 12 Kugtii Public School, Tin* Annual Examination of the Pupils this Si hoot wrli take place to day aud morrow. On Thursduy there wnl be a routeei iu Spelling and Tables, also Declamation iu the Juuioi Department On Friday, Declamation in tho Seuim Department. Byorderot the Board. aprai TATh -i F < ANN, Print Ipal IJuiuii Society Anniversary. ^ The llAtti Annual Meeting «*f the »*. j. Ciiion Society will he he’d hi Die Pavil ion House on THURSDAY, 2'M iiiet., at 11 A. M li has beeu deemed advisable by llu* Board of Man ag.-r* to dispense with ihe usual annual addrest and oilier anniversary proceedings Ihe presenl year. The meeting on tills occasion will, therefore, he exclusively a business one, and n i« Imped that tin members wlm can possibly do so will attend pieparei to pay tlieir uuuual contributions. Those in art ears are parti-ulaily requested to make payment on before Dial tuue. JOHN M CtloPER, apri7 -id President Uulou Society For Sale. j'YlIK Brisban l latitat ion, iu Bryau county, about L Diree tulles Iroin Way’s Station, on the Savau. null, Albany and Gulf Railroad, adjoining lands ol A minds Clays nud Waters, coulamiug about six hundr.d acres. I-or teiuis, apply to a pi 22 BLol N i DAWSON. To the Public. N aud after Wednesday, 22d of tliis month, the Giliti.iUr House will lie closed until luitherno- I am compelled to this coins** by my ill tn-altb. Soul limi lusurattcc OOMPATSTY. JAPI'I’AL, - - #1,000,000. K Capital Stork of tltis ('ompauy having been creuee.lt • One Million Dollars, imkr against i damage by fire will in* taken ou favorable Apply at Du* office ol Die Company, No. »9 It BRIGHAM, President. A. WILBUR, Se«*ret:ny. DIRECTORS. Henry Brigham, George Patten, am Butter'by, Win. H. 'Itson, Cunuiiigliaiii, Isaac Scott, M. Cooper, A. Wilbur. Notice. ll is also connruieu oy ciriuiumiiuu.ii c.ucuw., . “JJ is as lollows : When the wugoo had progressed | A?" about seven miles on its journey, it was stop ped by a Hue ol twenty eight women, drawn up across the road—the must of them uruied with kulves and pistols, and In the thicket close to the sccue of action, sat a man upon a stump, also armed with a double-barreled gun. The women called upon the negro to halt upon peril of bis life, and theu immediately com menced discharging the load of the wagon—I uhalfi’uch, Thos cutting open the bales, and so soon as they hud Coker, Lt W B U, 13th bat J taken as many pieces ol clothes they could natt Porter lf**v 1) H 'carry ^wuy, matfeoil, leaving Jim to proceed ou Loior, VV m N. l-tth bait t McCarty,!’: Moore,Thus J, 25th rt*| Magill, Dr Win Moon. Win L McClelland, VVm A Mars, VV H. 47LU regt McConnell, VV A Morns, VV H - JUSTKAND, mrs i Neely, mrs P E N‘ O v idips, miss Cornwall, Lt W D D avis, c p DeKalh Lodge, Duval, Chau VV Dauii-ll, miss E C R Drew. Edward Duke, F M, 2d reg I uignway DUU i»iuiius.c.., . KC business transactions—to ‘ *..ll, 1 j s ’carry awuy, made oil, leaving Jin his journey with tho three bales Here, will tie seen, is u case ol highway rob bery ol the most flagrant character, aud much more far-reaching iu its evil consequences than any ol the trespasses upon private rights which h ive been committed in the towns. If wagons can be stopped on the highway and plundered, there is an end to all business transactions—to * DftW8on> j s supplies o! food, clothing nud oilier nccessn- Dudley, Dr J L ries lor everybody; nud there is hardly a man, 1 Dollor, John woman or child in the Slate who may not be | Daniel, P U brought to distress and suffering. s a condition ol things which looks too like the utter subversion of all social order, not lo be viewed by every thinking per- witii the most serious concern. People Call not here (as has been the deplorable neces sity tor so many years in Mexico) send their w.igous to market protected by an ai uied guard IVe have not the meu—amt it, therefore, public opiniou is not sound enough to assert aud maintain the safety of the highway, exchanges are ut an end. The producer must retain his supplies to rot upou the faun, and the dinner must he content to starve. It is not worth while to plead that the^e were "poor women”—that the goods were “lactory goods” amt held ul exorbitant prices. We kuow ul nothing winch is not heldai cxnrbil ml prices ,that i Lapp! ouct ble, nowcv Veioi.il for their out laborers, ui make will se.-un i)l Biicb masiei'p Gov.-riimeut p* judge, tuc uegiiii-s * pay . what tin y e^p* . Iiol 11 is notice tiy liutl themselves with no promises these men can ihrin assistance, the negro »*.:• prclciring it) walk on tin* Rations. As far as 1 cun , 4 ire vei y little atu)Ul then mh* to have under free., and working voluntarily. VVitb thin nneiion iticy sceiu i" be perleeily satirii* d to pcrlorm the haulerl ludks wiiliont eompl.uning, tint hint to them f at they are not Dec, and they inMuiitly lake the uiarm ; or sugce.i. as many ulleu do, that when the N tliomils “arc driven out «»t the jJouth,” l lu-ir si mat ion w ill t*c even wor.M* Hi oi •*oi the ohli'ii t mi*•*,” and they become at once miserable and tliseonlenled, and it lakes con M.leral'l** Toothing talk to icsloiv them to good h umor. li(*mpworlU, l,’haplaiu *>l the 47lh Man and uolhing, therelore, which would escape i d.*i tliis plea. Factory goods are no higher than, aud u-it even so high, relatively, as many other necc siries of life are now held, and it a wagon | I cloths cau be plundered on tin highway, here is certainly quite as good reasou wliy wagon ol fl -nr, bact)u, heel, syrup, or almost | my other article of iarm produce should In? Served the same way. Food is a more clamor ous necessity than clothing, especially i , and let men who are di posed to wink at the plunder ol lactoiy goods look out lor their own pioperiy, be it dr.iwu i»y a six mule Danell, Win H Davis, mrs Win Day, Lt Win T ■ .rrilERlDGE * SON, Edwards, A C Elkins, iniss Faume L Ellison, Terrell E »rtiart, .1 * W Eueekn, Isaac Elkins, inrs Jane E—2 Enni-, mrs Margaret ■AOSTKR, <’ W JC Fraser, David Fleming, utua Ella Freemau, u D Fulghiiui. John—2 Foster, J T, 32.1 reg Fieemuu, miss Julia M Freemau, Jos Fairchild, L 3 Flewolleu, miss Kiriller try chu»e to the slUily in -s hopelul!) ItiaL I lie Chi«*l .1 iug detenu.u Hi de v i gr* ;i .-ul ..I t the i llie l l lu ll ol many ol the planters n inns ibat dill, i tr .m absolu nlimiled power ol physical pn I, .Hid il these u red r.g! **y preb-r to do iMitiiflg—- he.r U ki.it -> and invite di: trti lasi particular, at least, tit an*, likely lain ■.ou-ly illy tilm.! n n te lige lb>lnci, . addly l.efo hr. a hli-II staled 1 noiuellliies *c still in eked Cap ai limed a that a short whih \en thousand eonna- liands in one vicinity, and the wretchedness among iln-ui was li* coming extreme. L iiacciis- loiu* d luiakecu'e ol themselves, and without resources ol any kind, they were oft ihe l.ruik of dyn g Irom stai va'.ioi- and ihreaU iiiug l»«-si lenct-, win u the opportunity, uuder Gen. Boil, urdei.-, ai rived tor them to icturu to iiiurina: U-rs, or t<- iind woik on tin* Guverniuent plan Ulioiis, b.reil as laborers and iu a few day Fori).***, miss Minim* dg rild, miss Mary KergUSOII. 3 he bn a Farrct'.y, in s S A—2 Flyuu. mrs Sarah A Fiizh.-my. Tims l J o.He, Joiiu E FaiiI, J VV Powers, John W Rubles. Major Isaac Pullen. J J, Ulh halt Phelps, mips Lauiand Paidue, miss Martliu lV4img.1lI, lt Punsy, VV II. Pith butt Philips, Warren Pieper. mrs VV Price, Wui U S \*\f^l'pU.Y, fLARISSA W. Quy, Wesley |>OA I H, A, lei batt S S li Rwdwiue, Capt, SUlU regiment Rolku, mrs t’aroliue J R itbunt*. D aud E RenehU, unss Eliza Roberts, mis Eiueltus Ray, J C Roper, Jesse, 2d regt Ryan. James Rodgers. J T Ragland, J F Kay, im-B Martha Reedy, Thomas R igan, Tims 47ih regt Rent, W L S EA VERS, mrs v M Hat 1 cm while, nos a Srnilli, mm A II 2 Spe.-i, Au.ierat.u Sadler, mrs * 'ali.rtue A Si evens, Caleb Sui.lli, mi a Elizabeth BANK OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA .Savannah, • prd 10, ISnJ. Th»* annual election tor Eight Direr tors ou the part of the individual stock holders, for the cusuiug year, will be held at tin banking house iu Savannah on MONDAY, 41 It May proximo, between the hours ol 1(1 A. M. and 1 1* M AV-CU.MM lNil, Cashier. August a Const itutionuliat copy. aprl . Id NOTICE. OHIKF ^UAKTBKMAHTBM'S OFKICB, I Savannah, Feb. 24th, !S«i3. ) Parties haviug demamls against this office -or rent are hereby notified that their bills muil bj prtaented before the first ofe’ rymouth. HERMANN IllRCSH, feb25—If Major aud Q. M JOHN A. bTALEY, AUCTIONEER. Police. BANK OF THE STATE OF f.EORGlA, Savannah. April 17, Itb'b The Board of Directors have this day Pc j. declared a dividend (Number 85) SEVEN DOLLARS per share, payable ou and aflc Thursday. 23d Inst. VV. Cl MMING, Cashier. aprlS li C. 8. Musicians Wanted t xoit Company E, C. S. Marines, four Musicians (two drummers and two lifers). Apply for fur ther particulars at Die Naval office, on Li her between Bull aud Whiluker Ms. JNU R F. TATTNALL, apr20—tf Capt. C. S. Maiiues, Con Wanted. NTK%Itl Engine of :iU or forty horse power eh will please give once an*] s Key Box No. 1 .‘2, Savannah G riffin, a j scotiuorn. t*—a Goo ling, Albert. 12thSullivan, J.»hu battaliou Sandpad, J W Gilbert, t has Siunn.ins. James 8 Graham, Duncan, 13th batStncklaud • rul Socicly is tied logi*lhi:i in the great ovei g urn'cssity lor pmleetitm ol private nghis,| amt ihere 1* not a man too poor to l«* I wound il private rights an* to be u-aailed ilb iiupunil). il in the falsest of ail lhal only llie in-b are mlere-tii-d iu the bceuiity nl pioperiy rights I Uc. rich can better afford | In lie lobbed III hi the pool, and when that g 1 is sei alool the poor w ill be the greatest Buffet II we may credit llie story ol Jon, few of llie parlies eng aged in this business could plead poverty 01 necessity. I bey were geiierilly able lo clothe themselves; but able or not llrai was not the way to gel clothing VVe call upon Llie* good old county ol Monroe lo nip thi. dangerous business in the bud. Let ilierii worm out every participant in tins lohberj: and we invoke all meu and women everywhere, who are capable ol comprehending the awlul danger to themselves ol nubverling private ligliiR, Ik) frown down every attempt to cvadi them, no matter upon whul false and ridicu lous plea llie) an* urged. Stand hy the I; and remember that the imu or woman who robs-.111 y individual ol us protection, is only 1 oblong himself—l»ir when lawlessuess reigns, then neither your property nor your life cure lor a moment.—Macon Teeyrapb. aret, miss Mar. aret uydoli, Nev\ I..U rant, Peter uuv, Titos R k B Muw, James c Hlewart, Lewis Sebieck, mrs Mary bay*- . R ' Majn Mlilli v'iU, 1 Si Oil ie, Uklss all Stew at I, Tinnna- smith, VVm P Small, Mu TlloUlpal : \V, 25tb Gorouto, Gill mid. M'm U .*, VV F. 12 h lilt Gitseu, VV P. •Id 1 ns. M' C j_£EiMsTKEKT,ui r. miss Georgia Holmes, Capt Geo VV. 2.5tliThurmaii r.viint*nt Tucker, S l. Hoke, Henry B Terell, Tlntuia- M Hester, Jos Thomae, M'nilfield, lMu Hailey. J B B b»tt Henderson, James C, 29tl»‘YTTLEY, HENRY D.Jid reg—: Tipper, F M ■fCGTlmrlon Lt H H.25ih rgl J Taylor, J a Trowel. Jas P Ha»wood, Jas, 32d reg Holi'omh, John. 29th reg Hill, John B 3tnh reg Higdon, Dr J R Y II tiper. Ni-wsmne Heart. R J, 2d reg Hall, It* d wrr,iii, a Henderson. W J, 13th batWall, Beuj Howard, Sgt \V 8,12lU bat'VUson U' \ rIHL, HKRRMAN V nn 1 a 11 d 1 n gnam, Jeshr*) I) W ISE ABRAHaM Webster, a s M uyly, A J (L Hauimoml. W F Hart, M VV J ONES, Miss ANNA Jones, A E Ihoui. E J—2 Jenkins, miss Gertrude Jnbusuu. i.t D G ol Old, but two hundred ol the d aged, were left in llm camp to be cared i fed Irom the bounty "i lire United I*meminent. Let what will be done, 1I.0 will be compura- iy uoiUtug; coll* Ml. i'.i.lll ill CM! f*l a(ilcn will fail tr y bu tar tieluw previous jeirs little Provisions for tiib Army —The Richmond Dispatch says : The people aie responding to the President's address on the subject of pro Visions with a patriotic alacrity winch equals the enthusiasm ill it characterized the opening ol the war. In Albemarle -aud Amelia conn lies, in Virginia, und Warren and Franklin counties, North Carolina, meetings have been held 10 arrange lor carrying out the Plan sug gesled by the Secretary of War. In niauy other counties in both of these Stales meetings are about being belli for the same purpose.— In the D»u river couutry—the celebrated to bare-* region of North Carolina—little tobacco is to be plautcd, and corn Is to be put j Jarrell, T J in every field. Jackson, J il Jones, Mathew Johnson. Maria E Jones, miss Naur E Jones, U C A Johnson, It T, 29ih reg Jackson. R J J *ces, mr- K A Jones, S M’ L loll-* RECEIPTS OF PRODUCE. Ac., APRIL 2J, 18U3. Per i Vntrsl RaHr..ad-159 hales cotton. 13 sacks fl mr, 12 do corn.50 do meal, and indze ToT KAJG • L- u.,.1 , ,,i v I Mills, J U Storley. II J Dickersou, K L Kirkland, F 1 ike same remark will apply | A .. Joil ,^ f ,j„ hll Pr„, ie |!. G H I hesH, VV R Mein in q<ian* ! t( re< r stunt. John Daley, F Krin-on, Flag Offict-r 11 ik- but J q*,,i„a |, J L Luck**. AS Hartridge, L J (in imarliu, 111*011 itu* dediand , and, as a | 11 Laihro*. Ti-nu JiGordon, Major II C Gueriu, M B r»**, the commercial ruin that j Adam-, Habersham *k Sous. IheSouiii cun baldly be real Zed. i) dud men, looking on liuiu an point, see Huh and speak of it— Walker, Da M likes, David M ad Lt E 1* Walker, Geo,I* IVlnlaker, 11 L. 2*nhigt - Weed, <4 N Wood, James Withrow, John J Wilson, Capt James Williamson, John Williams, mrs M E Wallace, hush Mary Whl'e. Morris W inborn, Philip A Wise, Robert Weeks. Bliulde Wiinler. 8kio with Whitfield, S W’ Wellbanks, T M. 251 b r*j Ward, Thomas j—oil 1 ..l.l > Uecii-d Trunk Locks. Jom-s, VVm F John-on, Wm, 29th reg ■. —, . K ing. MR'' AMELIA,Watson, Wi'.iungham Kelly, mrs wylly. M m II King, miss El en Wilson, Wm B Karanangli miss Klizab’thWadley. M M Kunlile, Fuiiiiy M Walton, Lt M r Kiug. J H. or R VV ~\7OUNGBLUOD. A N Kiicnens, J 11,2d reg jy fU ..oy..lolm sou ,m»N.-OIIKN.i : .M FimMSIIKI» HOi 'i: TO KK\T. A Ki: IININ|IB1» house, pl* a*» mtly Y Yales No. 8. CRAWFORD, TRAZfR & CO (JKXKRAU COMMISSION MEKI KANTS Auctioneers AND Dealers in Negroes No. “8” WHITHHALL 8THKKT, OPPOSITE 1NTE1.LI0ENCEH OFEICE Atlanta, Oa. O IN ADDITION To OUR FI CTION and Nmnio HOI-SH, O S Whitc-hHll -*tre.-t. wr have EIRE PROOF .lorweof TUllKK THOUSAND UA1IHB1.S apacily ai out war. -rooula, No. 1 Alaharaa alieet. Our Kegro Yard and Lock-Up. AT NO », ARE S A «» K AND COM POBTABL DEALERS and other parties will find to FEED and LuDGK WELL, ami (Iron iu the bnaluess from our boyho *»l,) lo ha Milk the micro properly. charges reasonable and right, and satisfaction guarauieed in every instance. Parties at a distance may know our market hy ad dressing us. CRAWFORD, FRAZER 4 CO , unriK—f.* No. 8 Whitehall street. - a n ;.t • II connect with mail will be iiikt-n ou mail H. S. HAINES, i ami supuriuti nui'ut. nniRH, u htreet -lock a ui . will be gold (JO cross Rebel Matches l lot clot hi ug lu ...dHhiiwh'' Trlramin^,. JUmn. 1 lot Ji-D'elry 1 lot Pink balls 5 gross Scotch Blacking ti iH*xes Clay Pipes 10 boxes Tohaceo Besides the usual assortment of Furniture, Ac apr28-lt UV SThVENSON * .XI KN DEI., Will lit Mold nu EKIUAY, V4lh Inst , li „ No.lld Btym itreet, I. bushnls .salt- l Hue Sole L.-dtln-i Tnmk 1 l«»t Water Buckets 1 lotgeuuiue Rose Water 1 lot Tobacco; 1 bbl Sy up 1 lot Mosquito Nt-is; | lot Pipes 2 gross Corks, Ac . Ac Also a lot ol Household Pump lire, Ac. ap2S-2 HY LEO. U . WI'LLY. A Beautiful Summer Residence on the 8s»1n Oil Ihe first TUESDAY iu May nexi, hi for*. tli« Cimu House iu the oily of Savannah will be p 0 |d I.(*t Hud iinprovetn ills* ou the Isle ,.f Hope ihvellingcontnins lour r-nuus in bam nu n' i, ur and U pi-'izza on t * ,b - Ur> , ‘ ! vi,h J' HI " r - v Hl ‘<> store i buck building! holds mmy thousand gall* Terms cash; purchaser m pay for ntles. epr22 HY OKO. IV. u YLLL A Fine Kesldence Fiouting tk-. Paik On the first TUESDAY in May next, bef-.re tt C..UH li(;use in thi* my of Savaiir.ah Will I..1 m• i I WO thirds of Lot No. : y Monteity vVa*d i'l improvement* cons et cl *, fine |, t irk dweliliiu - - taming eleven moina. with all ihe inoddin mprov building is two stoilee, The did etable. This f It* luilni in A lilj.i t Dry Qooils, Clothing, atationoiv, ic On SATURDAY nexi, Ihn as I, ,„.t . «, u o'cluak iu our suit* room, will bu sold, A general asiortraent ol Ready Made Clothing Dry Good-. Stationery, &c., consisting iu part *>t Black .d White .Spiing iuJ summer Costs, Vests rant* Ik Handkerchiefs, Calico, l ace- Edging,'Boi.net rimming*, bxt Ribbons, cliLd.eu's (il.ivus VVhlte id Black Kid Glove*, 8li.rt Co^his, Letter p.iiur Blank Bonk*, Lodgeis. Journals Day Bo ke r.uai*: Books, Greek and Latin Dictionaries, Ink btaudi*. Land several other articles too numcrmi • to mention very 1 * Im-i a I patronage 1 h**v Savannah, April 181 h, 1863. liuKACs. MORSE. HY LuUut fiiE A 1ILLL. Dssiiable iieeidcnue On TUESDAY’, 4tli May next, at li o clock, in fmut of Court IL-iise. will In s ml. The Eastern tenement of tn *t iirick b'mek *dtua.i d u Gordon street, corner *.i Buil, irontin t ti.e mor.u meiat on Monterey tquare—a good three siory i/iiun irtgO tun f eel to a city ground lent ol — per annuiu. se 1* to good icpair, with gas aed water each* apr22 II V Laltm HE A HEM. Household Furuiiuie On FRIDAY next, 24th met., at 11 o'clock A M , *.t ihe resuleuce in Hull slieei, second door eusl of Whitaker, opposlle the Baptist eltUich, v.lii he sold, A general assortment of Parlor, Cloimber ai.d ilcheu Fmuilure, Ciocuery VVaic, GlaseWuu. dc. apr21. ICY MIL M. \»\ l,L V . Administratrix -ale. M’ill be sold on tin- first TUESDAY' iu June next, befoie the • unit House, in Ihe city ol BavniUiah, between Ih • legal b»*Ut » * 1 sale, linprov* tnenis on lot N**. 20, » raw*lord W bavai.nuli, by order >*i tin- Hon *iab!e Court o| o, dniaiy ol i hatlmiu county, toi the benefit of tb Ol.l) ItOUt IN*. Zl\( W4M KU. Milrty-llve cents per pound will be paid for ant . amount delivered ut the city ol Augusta, and 111 ty cents lor lugoi Zinc. Gho. VV. RAINS, ”0—1 m Lieut Col Comd'g, WANTED. OI.OHI'll IP Y to wait iu tin* honse aud apltu- if Sequestration Sale. B Y order of the Hon Edward J. Uttrden, District Jud -e, will be sold a auct mn, to the high- bidder, ou t lie lat Tuesday tn May next, before I nut House iu llu* city of Savinuuh. In the usual uii* oi sale, I lu* lollowi* g properly • Gin* undivided hall of Jones or Cabbage Island i Ihe Savannah river, ten miles below the cityofrti aiiuah. Otu- uiidivult-d ha'fol a Wharf Lat ou Hut* hinaon Island, opposite ihe city of Bavmuuh i bak* r by trade. tractlonul part of a share in Hi •apilal slock of the Oc**au and Harbor Towboat t ’ou pauy. --*- Conf«*deiale States Treasury One 1-oVoi Land (N«). 2fi) iu Fr« One Negro Man i One Negro Woman turned I Sequestration Sale B Y' order of tlie lion. .fudge, will be sol highest bidder, before 111* Savannah, ou the Hi si ’ L-resof Land, of« hat ham. on Lovers’ I Joseitb M. Turner, deceased, up11* M < ’ D.a N I El.I.. Reei-ivei. $30 REWARD \\r | i,i, be paid for ihe apprehension and delivery w Ht t |iir pop! or Oglelliort*e Barracks ol Private JOHN BLESSING, « «*mpany E, 2id Battalion Geor- gia Artillery, **lio deserted from camp outlie 18th ilist Said Blessing i* 36 y*-urs ui age, 5 feet inches till'll, sallow complex uiu, blue ey.-a. bald headed, .pilon shoulders, aud iu conversation very quick sunken. Mini win u wearing uniform enp the above dere n turn )»1 In- t.aii i* easily delected, lie t* sup no*ed to have gone to Macoii or Augusta as substl i lte " C. IlUbSEY, Captain Commanding tic {jkT Macon Messenger and Augusta Cotisliini) lirt cony lor one week, anil s* ud bill lo ( apt *iu w. ht-ui,, A. q M. -‘fl r LJ $25 Reward ILL be paid < !ty editor* of ILe «stale of Jacc . HELENA MaNKK, Administratrix. HY kho. VI . \V\Ll. I . Estate Sale Jtho first TUESDAY in May, bub. * the city oiSavannah, between Will be * ihe «‘tini t House the legs! hourso Negro womau Judy. Mold lor the beta fit of the heir- a rul creditors oi the estate. Ill S I’L V tCft NON A IfILNBLI,. il the first TUESDAY in May next, before the i ourt House in the city ol Savannah, bet worn the 1*ga) IioUib ol sal*, will i»- so’d. Lot ,-*o 3U Monterey M'aid.rUtcet Irani by 90 feet deep, lmniuvemeuis consist oi three two story bri* k buildings on ihe rear ol the lot. now r. ntH at f a p. r miiiriiin. Mii.jt-u to a ground rent of $; ;* p*.r m to the city. aprl7 -td HY OKO. M. WYLLV. Eataie Hale. M ill be told ou the fu.-t TUE8DAY in May, before the • ouri House iu thee ty of Savannah, betuceu the legal hours ol sal**. M eet Ila f ol Loi No 7, Tower Typ ing, Decker 'aril, together with the brick resideu e thereon, outing on Broughton street. Mold by >i decree of mnt tor the benefit of Hit* heirs and creditors of the s cash—purchaser paying lor papers. aplfi_ HY «JKO. \V. Wl'LLY. Administrator's Sula. M’ill be sold on the fii*t TUESDAY in MAY next, before llu* Court House iu llie city ol oavaiiimL, between the legal hours ol tale, A Iran ul laud containing 489 acres, on Ihe Canal, kuow li a* pail of Ihe Harden bvtauip Tiae , Well wooded, 11 mile- from the city Also, 245 acres of laud iu bryau county, hounded by lauds of F. 8. M n liam*, Jas. Woods, v. • later, 1 hos J. Lyons and Wm. A. Minimal), Black Creek iu..« through a portion of thelaud. Also, 2118 acres of land lying on. tin; Ugeechee river, bounded *iu the nortli by lands of Muumau, south by laud* ol Edwards, east by Shuman, and w. et by the opetchee river Also, a tract ol lai.u lying lu Bryau county, known as U-c. Bridge Uaa, containing — acre*; # reserve oi 2U0 will be made iu the pale. Also,a beautilul gulden lot, 1>4 mnes irom lire city, on ibe i ouisvide Road, containing acies ol land. AI- », u slip ol land opposlle, on t.ie Canal, containing 7 f»-ltr nCi es. And . between the Central ho*.(I. containing 1 r No. Kllllroad j acres i; Marlow ulle, bounded < Ebeiuzer Jeucks, i apt9 tire Ogetch* f Henry Love. I'lais n at my oliice Soki uni ciedllo.b of tire i t. H. li HARKtbON, i '»>* HY LLO. W. WILLY. At Private bate Lot No. 4. Stoper Tythiug, Peivical Ward, with l pi OVH i York street, aea* the t ourt Houbc. 80 acres of land in Builoeh county, llie improve- inei.te consist of two buildings, -arh cr-nlaming four rooms, and all necessary mi rayed tin i delivery Ml my ; nt y, of h lai j. e Engli*- * in.day evening l d call a loan color, a kind of straw white, and unmarked, lie came from Darien, and may go back. F. M. MYRELL. apt 22—3 $•50 Reward. flllie above reward will be paid for the apprehen- 1 siou and «U*liveiy of uty negro man David, who runaway in December laet. David is about 5 feet 8 or <i inches hi>. li, well proportioned, skin black, and has some of ms bout teeth missing. uni9 —if THEODORE BLOlff. f|1h« ah LEU BATTERY, April 20, 18HS. $:{() lieward iovp reward will ne paid Tor the appreheu siou and delivery of piivatt* FRAN* 1m DuYLE, ol t ii. a, 1*1 Vol Regt. of G*-o , who deserted irom Lo* Hallery on the 14ih inst. Said Movie is 23 years ,,f age, 5 feel tiV. indie* high, 11 *nd complexion,gray eyes, dark ban ,i urns up Ins inert and li t* a p HUpoua swagger iu walking: was born in Quebec, Cunuda East; has worked for several years lu bavaunah B'.owiug lumber on ahipn W €li)tliing. K offer at wholesale and retail i SPRING AND SUMMER READY MADE IL *Y K S s prepared experience LO THING latiihop* 1411 tj.iiigre s street . .May. aprTJ—2'. 4 For Rent. \ IIOI'SE on Harris street, between Whitaker and Barnard Apply to W. B ADAMS. apr20—1w Taks Cam of your Carpels and t-iauucl.s. Carpels from moths. poNCE. Agent. apr21- iw * ritlCSIl I.KOIINI) FLOUR! II stocked with plum* anil giupes of very super place building* The pin I rets, viz: peaches, d giapes ot very superior quality 1 b*; veil shaded with oak uii-i evergreens, ai.a noted for tt* healthy locality and dclighilut water. Ado, 913 acres of cotton and corn iiu.d, situate witlut. miles ol quittnan, Brooks county, with lrn P r ”' menls. n,> — ||Y GKO. W. YVVLLY. At Private Bale oti acr^s of land,situated c._ .... from the city ; 90 acres upland cleortu, u first quality oi rice land, all unaur ieu^ msr 2 h miles 100 nerefl -balance weir wooded Tho improvements^ ’ •veiling, negro bouses, bam, Ac BY T. j. WALSH. At Piivate Sale A Farm of 150 acr miles from the city, “.‘.i.ii, apr7 ptiliculars enquire i L . H , n „u, situat* d aboui 4Si >n me M hue Bluff’ R^*' 1 “ t the countiot-ri EDWARD G. WILSON, N O T AKV P U BL1C CONVEX AN< ’KR. AT t-l-r V MARSHAL'S l» l P I fl K* |Uprl-)m» RICE «r al,7l Montgomery strecis, Huvaunah. ..ihJcs—11 (ilolie Laiups. Gt AIIDili brass and Copper Globe "iJu3 L ‘ U ' l " f0 ”AGU K-N « CUNNINODAM. til* l-MREVr Couer mat 30 Tau Bark Wanted. Salt, Balt. be found ai my store, corner of Liouiy ai ke I!^5l U VO!) GI.AflN RASPS SAD IRONS. F or salk i*v )NO „ dkfpish. ^ (jitibons 1 RanK e - . mo Old Jamaica Rum. . v CAHKS old Jamaica Rnm^or^b QN IU Mprifi