Daily morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1850-1864, April 24, 1863, Image 2

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SAV/viNm/* tt DAicV i*u)KMhb «iv W l>. FRIDAY. APRIL 24, )hh;-{ ^Irtiln ^lovninji 3Utr$ * s‘»V\NNAll. « A.. fcr —_—— —- ~ FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 24, IB03 TELEGRAPHIC jtlorc Yankee Yri»cl» ltu»» *»»•• Vhk*- Iiiirg Hattorle* Vicr«buro. April ‘23 -One gunboat ami five transports ran by our batleritu lant about midnight Two of thurn wore disabled and lloulcd on down the river. Tin: transports were protected by barges. hale of Confederate llmnl- Richhond. April 93 —The Senate w.i- in eseru live session to day. lutbo House uoiliiug ol tin portance was done. Confederate Bonds of the fifteen million loan ■were sold at auction today ul ouo immlied am' eighty three to one hundred and eighty six Latent from (lie Norlli. Richmond, April a!].—Northern dates of tb. ‘.’"lb are received. The Herald s Newbein convspon- dent notices the arrival there of Hen I .*-ter on the 16th, lrom Washington. lie ran by The Rebel ball or gies In broad daylight. His pilot was killed »' the wheel. Over two huudred sb >t and shell were fired •this-g»Bel,and one shot passed directly through ihe be^n just vacatod by Foster. A Union meeting in JBrown county, Indiana, was broken upon the 13th by the Knights ol the Holden Circle. Another difficulty had taken place at Han ville, Indiana, between the Knights and Unionists In which five persons were wounded, or The General commanding has issued tlaring the Knights public enemies, I as such, and prohibiting the use badges. Gold, on the 18th, in New York, 'olii vandalism,-o that be lies down, rests quiet and rises np safely every day under th protection, he is willing lo starve their lutuili to make a lb inor«- money. I< business p 1 day at t In vilion H mi diers. Hut lew elety .1 mil veiuiiry. the With i t iiereii II > i. V ll of III •based at 13 tbany Mini id *5,000, a M» lb lliesdn, was lb rposes only, a id t 1 , eie.t> ’• building, I r, now Hie H'.iJmi in atlciida i Ulcers tl .• wi-, (innningliam and • i inbei> numbering to >.l. ml, ti in.'s ol ilm last meeting of the H )ard i - were rea l und eonllrtnod by those e other meinbers ol tlie i3 mrd alter- 'U 1 ring. The. regular business ol the •» thun proei.eded with, as follows: I ilm last anniversary meeting read ued, with the proposed amendments which, being approved and adopt / incorporates with the bylaws of the ciy. irtally order di be dealt will) copperhead a quoted at 161. TWO more Steamer. Hun Hie Uloekude. Wilminoton, April 113.-Thu .teumera Margaret and Jensen uud South Carolina, from Nassau, ar rived here this morning. kali'll from Viekaburc Jackson, April M.-hlx oi the enemy’s lioalspass- ed Vicksburg at one o’clock this morning, Steven non gays one was a gunboat und five woo transports, aank to the guards uud arranged so us to resemble gunboats. Two of them were disabled and out* sunk The wreck ol one boat is in sight at Brown A. .lolin •on’s landing, the smoke-stack and one wheel house being out of the water. No other boats are visible. The Yankee fleet was at Grand Gulf on the 22d.— Two gunboats remained aud exchanged shots, and then anchored at Hard Times, beyond the reach o our guns. The others disappeared Taylor is retreating back from the town of Opclou aaa towards Alexandria. Vickbburo, April 23 —One Yankee transport lies •unk to the hurricane roof at Brown A Johnson’s landing, five miles below the city. Two Yankee uiniveis ry prisoners have been brought over the river this morn ing who escaped. One of the transport’s boilers was burst by onr batteries last uigbl, aud our musketry killed two pilots on another transport. Later from tUe North, Richmond, April 23.—Northern dates of the 21st are received. Hooker has issued an order regulating the action of the regiments whose tortus of service •oon expire. Regiments re enlisting will have fur loughs, those declining in a body will be mustered l'ltliblPENT 8 REPORT. Fellow M kmliBits : We are assembled on our 113th anniversary, and necessarily in .Sa vannah, onr Hetliendn family having been re moved lor the war to llethauy, in Jefferson ounty, and Bulheeda having become a military in-pilal. In Hie. institution now at Bethany there are it present thirty-nine boys. We have admitted during tlie year Hermann II. (Jlausmau, Rich ard Henry McCowen, Joseph Henry Street, Matthew Murphy, Jackson and Peter Gill, George, and Will. Capers Street; readmitted I*raid and Gershom Levcn, Louis Leven.S im’l P. Dexter and Thomas M inion, thirteen in all, tin; last named three paid lor in part Large Union demonstrations have been held Baltimore and New York, Gen Scott presiding at the last Among the speakers were Van Bnren and Dickinson. The Legislature of Now York has appropriated a million of dollars to defend the harbor ul that city A telegram from 8t. Louis, ol the 2i)fli, claims that the rebels were defeated at Fayetteville, Arkansas, on the 19Lh. One of the rioters at Danville, Indiana, bad bean removed to Georgetown, where a force was org^niz ed to resist bis arrest by the military authority. Several leadiug Democrats trora adjoining counties have gone there to counsel tubmissiou. The Hilton Head correspondent of the New York Herald says the blockade of the port of Charleston will be kept up with reuewed vigor, and that the number of vessels on this duty will be augmented. Karl Russell decides that the United StatCB have no right to seize vessels bona fide bound from Great Britain to Matamoras or vice versa, uuless they at tempt to touch at blockaded ports or are carrying contraband articles to the Confederate states. In order to make room lor the proceed ings of the anuual meeting and the report ol the President ol the Union Society, we are obliged to omit matter designed for this issue. .Mr. Cooper's report will be read with iuterest by the members of the Society and by nil who feel an interest in one ot the noblest dimities of the Stole. mothers, Charles Baker, John ami !jnines Hogan, Daniel Towles, Milton S. Jones ami J.aiah.A. Fisher. George and Win. Capers St reel were also given up in June Iasi, but upon solicitation, and being very good hoys, were read milted, us stated above, a lew mouths allot wards. Died in September last, Win. J. Montgomery and Win. J. Morris ; the former, a boy ol ddt eule coiisliiuiiun, ol a complication ol disea-os the latter ul a dropsical ulFecLion, which lia- prevailed lo some extent among the boys, aud the euuec of which 1 have not satislaciorily as eerlained. Member* Admitted — Henry P. Livingston. William Melntire, CormaeK Ho|»kins, M issio School, Wlllnilii M. Blue'll, Chuu. il. McJ.i'Oil, Dr. K. Y. Clark, Frederick Shuster, A. M. B ir ote, KiehurdJ. Lircomb, l liomus 11. Miller, G. 11. Hollenbeck, Col. Charles II. O.instead, re ported a member through mistake ai our Iasi “ ' es J Waring, Addison S. w Elliott. ~ Member* Resiipud —J as. C. Thompsou, Win, l’. Fea>, M. •' Reilly, Mrs. Theodore Blois, Mrs. Ann M Divies, Win. E. Ev.in-*, Wm. H. Farrell and Wm. E. Davis. O iu or two others uuve it quested I heir names to be “stricken oil, nut a rule of the doeie'y winch requires a noli lieiiliou tu wining .to the Secretary or Treas urer,and the paymeiitof all dm s,having not been . on,phed wnli,’ I liuve no authority Lo report .heui as meinbers resigned, or murk ilium as meh upon the books. Members Dceeustd.—William Zeiglcr, Mrs. Eliza Maekay, George S Frierson, .Ylordecui ii. SinHall, A A. Smuts, I. K. Tefft, P. Jacobs, Philip i\ Sehley, Jolm W. Owens, A. J. Haupt, D. Remsliuri, Cupl. E. P. Lawton, of wounds received m the battle of Fredericksburg; Capt. J. P. Brooks, Solomon Cohen, Jr., Major John 13. Ga'lie, killed in the second attack uu Genesis point Battery on ihe 1st of February last; Isaac Arnes, from the effects of wounds received at lall ol Fort Pulaski; Geoige S. Brown, Stuart Elliott, George S. Elliot', T. U. Chick, Patrick Houston, S. 13. Park man, killed ut the buttle ol Sbnrpsburg; Dr. Allred B. Tucker, Johu J. Symons, Geo. S. Harding aud Kobe Li. Elliott. Deceased in 1861, and not reported last year.— C. C. Walden uud W. H. Turner. DONATIONS AND BEQUESTS. The Society is indebted to the Roswell Manu » Postponed Auction Sale.—The sale of fur niture, *&c., advertised by Messrs. LaKocuk a Bill to take place this day at the residence on Hull street, opposite the Baptist Church, is postponed until further uotice. OaLXTHoiu'K 1’iRK Comi'anv.—We are requested to call the attention of the members of this company to tlie advertisement In another column, calling u meeting this evening at their hall. A full attendance Is requested,as important business will in* laid be fore the members for tneir consideration. Theatre.—The Theatre wa» crowded to excess last night, and the performance or the patriotic drama of the “Roll of the Drum" went off with r.nnenal spirit. It is one of those stlrriug piece that suit the times-full of martial displays—war' alarms and exciting scenes. The parts severally were well sustained by the talented young company The “Roll of the Drum” will be repeated again to night. m m m Naturalization.—Congress lms under con slder&tion a measure on this subject which we hope will become the settled policy oi our Go vornment. The bill reported by tbe Judiciary Committee, and which isuow before the lloust of Representatives, repeals all laws authorizing the naturallzition of foreigners. It lias been •o amended by the House us to allow resident •liens who have made their declaration of in tention to become citizens, to be naturalized, provided thyy have uot claimed exemption from military service on accouut of not being citizens. Thus modified, we trust the measure will be passed, and that hereafter no foreigner will be allowed the privilege of citizenship in the Confederacy except by special act, as is the case in Eugland. fjrThe Memphis Aryus, ol fee 13th, stales that twelve light draft monitors, at $38,000 a piece, are contracted for to be built wilbiu six months. Two are to be built by A. Swift A Co., Cincinnati, to be uatned the Klamath uud Zuma. The same paper states that on the llib, the eleatner Continental arrived irom below, bringing np eight hundred bales of cotton. [communicated ] The following is an extract from the Wash lngton Republican, the organ ol the Adminis tration : The only way iu which we can get a political foothold In the South, is lo extirpate this close corporation of slaveholders, by-destroying sla very. We must visit these rebellious aristo crats with utter ruin, strip them of their estates, and thus deprive them ol their consideration •nd power. We can then build up u uew social system at the South, iu which it will be possi ble for a Republican Government to have real friends. That is the only “reconstruction” which will solve the problem of this great war, not the reconstruction o! the Federal compact, o- Ut ,v? . reco ^ 8lr Qclion ol Southern society, from the foundation up. Instead ol seekiug foi «lli« to ike dlMffaelluue ttud f( . UlU ltt! ? ebc | £ b rB ' 'J e “ U8t ko straight to the musses, whose physical strength Ikeee lender, make 11™. 'IV- .l.veholaiuu m- .s? a*..*• II improved ndtiiny, con- !u'iI*itig 174 1 :iercs of land, airnut 70 acres of wtiii h me cleared and n part already planted.— Tin- iini'roveinenls are it fine large dwelling lnni'C wi'h ten gotid rooms, kitchen, ucgto hou-us, fiarns, stulile, eurrlaire house, dec. The |iniiltrv, hogs und cattle upon the place, some l,u iiiing inudenients, and a faithful old negro mail, together amount ing to the sum ot $040 50, were also purchased and have been paid for, with the exception of the sum of $3,475 80, n iw due to (Jupt. Eli MclJroun,and for which 1 Ii ivc given him a note at one day after d lie.— We have also obtained control of about seveu- ty acres more of planted land near by. tin the place purchased an additional build ing is needed, which will cost about $1,000, ..ml tlu- Board of Managers have authorized ill' construction. At a in et ing of the Board, called in January last, lor i lie purpose of considering the pro priety I ( hanging the investment of the So ciety's York street pVopetty, it was unani mously re-olved that the change be made, and on Hie 3 l of February this property was dm posed of it puldic outcry for the sum of $11,020, md 100 -hare* of Macon and Western Railroad stock at. $130 purchased. This change will secure an ineicasc of revenue aud save a va-t deal of trouble. I am decidedly of the opinion, that it would be best also to dispose ol^the IVivlIimi Hotel property whenever a desirable eliunge ol the investment can be made. To enable the Society Lo do this, an ordinance ol Council would be necessary. Be sides saving the trouble of collecting rents, ami keeping up repairs, over filteeu hundred dollars per annum, more than this property has paid or will ever pay, might he realized. Our receipts from ordinary sources for the past year have been about $8,400, $2,400 tuore ‘than the year before, and our ordinary expen ditures about $11,000, against $5 500 the year before. Onr total receipts have been for the year, as per Treasurer’s statement, #30,203 30; and embraces $3 475 80 borrowed; $1,000 legacy of Mr. l*onci; $11,020 sale of York street prop- ty; #057.75 sale of mules, crockery, glusa- uc, cinlery, Ase., sold ou moving from Be- iliesd •; $5,100 sale of lour Pensacola and Geor gia Railroad bonds and one City ol Savannah Ooml; $325 cash donations; $408 lor building Inud account ; and auout #0,500 returns from Mr. Murphy from sale of sugar cane, wood aud ,alt, hauling and hire of mules and wagons, ales ol hides, heel, pork, cattle, hogs, sugar i,oilers, Ac. Estimating $1,000 of this last iiiiioutp. as ol ordinary character, we have u total oI $27,780.04 of extraordinary receipts. Uurioi.il disbursements have been $35,552.12, and embrace-$3,300 lor two uegro plough boys; 010 lor cattle, hogs, poultry, tarmiug imple ments, and an old negro man purchased lrom ; $1,100 lor cattle, hogs, three horses, t cuvciiiy acres of a com crop a week tin ground, purchased from Rev. - as. i,U00 lor one hundred aud seveuty four mil u ii ,n .teres of laud, wttu improvements; $13,000 lor one huudred shares of Macon aud Western Rulroad stock; about $700 expenses B thesda to aud at Bethany; aud say $812 xtra supplies ot provisions over lonucr yeara at this seasou, aud necessary iu view of our increased labor f.->r field cultivation, making, with $11,000 ordinary expenditures tor the ainleuauee of the institution, the total ol Circumstances do not admit of my goiug now into detail. Our investments at Bethany,though necessarily large, have been judiciously made. No loss will result from them, aud it will ap pear upou examination ot all these matters, that notwithstanding our troubles, we have ,ufe some progress aud slicugtheued our selves for the trials yet before us. It must be borne in mind that we commence the uew year with a debt of over $3,000, aud still increasing prices. Taking all tilings into consideration, it clearly our policy to raise us large a supply of provisions as possible, aud our boys, for several years past, having had bat limited school opportunities, we could uot, iu justice to them, with their present advantages, lake them lrom their studies to aid iu our farming operations. Libor hud to be procured, aud was very difficult to get. Negroes have, there fore, beeu purchased. Besides those bought for the Society, are two families purchased by uiysetf for the Society’s service, aud heldai your option to take, at the prices paid for them Arnoug them are two or three who spiu oi weave, aud one a tolerable shoemaker. So that most of the clothing needed, aud perhaps John M. Cooper, President. Wm. Batterhbv, Vice-President. C. A. Maoill, Secretary. L>. G. Oloott, Treasurer. Henry K Washburn aud John K. Norton, Stewards. President Cooper returned his thanks for the honor doue him, and staled that he would continue for the present iu the Presidency with all its attendant burdens and sacrifices, I trusliug to receive a ready eo-opcrati.m from | the members in endeavoriug to promote the j Society’s interests. Tbe thanks of the meeting are respectfully tendered to the ladies ol the Way-side Home for the use of their large aud pluusant parlor on ibis occasion, und to Capt. Hardee lor his kind attentions. Meeting udjourned. C. A. Maoii.i., Secretary. Abandonment op the Siege op Washing ton, N. C.—The Wilminglou Journal ol Mon day evenlug says: Wc have received positive information of the falling back of Gen. Hill’s forces from around Washington, aud that the attack on LbuL place has been abandoned, at least for the present. General Hill, we learn from passengers, was in Goldsboro’ yesterday. We presume it was con sidered unnecessary to take Washington, unless Hill’s Polut, on the South side of the river, could have been fort.tied with lung range gnus, so as to prevent the enemy’s gunboats from ascending the river above that, point. There is no doubt in our mind that Geuerul H. could easily have taken Washington, aud would have done so, had he deemed it advisable under tlie circumstances. Our correspondent says : “The Yaukce gunboats having longer range guns than ours, they had shelled Hill’s Point batteries, doing some damage, while our guns could not reach lhciu. Our ordnance has all been secured in tlie evacuation or f illing back ot the troops from around Washington. The reported advance of 20 0U0 Yankees Irom New hern turns out to he erroneous. It is not our business to say where Gen. Hill’s forces are ut this time.” ^ ^ Irg" Reports from official sources have been received of the result of tbe affair at Vicks burg on Thursday'night. Out* of'our officers gives it as bis opinion that six gunb tats and three transports attempted to make the run— that one transport was burned opposite the city, two vessels were abandoned by their crews and floated down, and that one was sunk opposite the lower batteries. He stales our casualties Lo lie four killed. We learn through a private cbuuuel that two of our guiiuers were killed by the premature discharge of a piece they were serving. Another report says: At lift o’clock last night, eight ol the ene my’s most formidable gunboats atni three traus ports loaded with commissary stores, and tow ing barges with quartermasters’ property, stal l ed past our batteries. The gunboats, Adi.-.irul Porter iu command, passed down. Damage un known. Two transports were destroyed. I he third is now at Brown & Jotiusou’s apparently a wreck. 1 believe two of the gunboats were badly injured.” Auother dispatch, dated the 17ib, says : “The enemy’s catteries unmasked this morning. Tin two guns now tiring are not larger than thirty- two pouud Parrotts. Three casemates are visi ble With the telescope.—Jackson Appeal, 18t/i. A Pretty Piece that last Tuesday night a small sail boat belonging to Mr. Belknap, t hat was lying alongside one of the ram-, hoisted sill aud proceeded down the hay, w ed to say, without being over hauled hv any ol our “vigilant watchmen.” They continued o their course through a little pass near Gram pass. When at tb.s point, the boat was obser ed by some oystermcn who were fishing i Heron hay. They saw her sailing iu the direc tion of the fleet. It is quite evident that these men were spies, and we have no doubt, lull of information, -which they carried to the Such carelessness ou tlie part of those whose duty it is to guard our waters, is unpardon ih Mobile Tribune, April 18. ilcir '^dvrrtisruirrdf.. Notice. ATTENTION OGLK TtUntPK FIRE CO.. No. 1 At . vE. .j«5L tend a monthly meetiu' of your t oninauy THIS (Friduy) KYRNINU. at 7Hr o'clock Kvery member roust he present as btiHineps of tin portance will be brought forward. By order of FHtST FOR KM AN. Attest • Isaac Ri-ssku., Seen tary, pro tun ap24 rOWwH WAS H 1 N Or T’ M — -—FIRE Co.. No. ti. -Attend a regu- __^2__52EZ lar Monthly Meeting at your Hall i TUIS DAY, Friday, 24th Instant, at b o’clock M By order of A. TaLBIRI), Foreman. Jas Kearney, Sec’ry. apr24 A. WALDRON, PltlDAY KVKN ■ N<i, APRIL 2HI». OVERTURE TO UK1.LSA 10 Second night of the military Drama, ia three arts en titled THK RoLL OF Tllhl DRUM, or the VIVAN DlKlvK OF TlilC POTOMAC, written by Mr. John Davis. Music by Mr. J. Wiegaud. New Scenery hy Mr. F. Saudrue. The Dramu concludes with aGRAND AI.LKUORI \L TABLEAUX, amt the SOUTHERN MAR SU'LLKS, by Miss Laura Box office open lrom 10 to 12 o’clock, daily Admission—Dress Circie and Parqaeiie, $l; Second Tier, 60cuqls; Gallery, 25 cents; Pilvute Boxes, $iito $10. Tickets Tor sale at the Hotels, Music and Book Stores. Doors open at T.Vi'; commence at b clock. apr24 LIST OT lf.\T!LLL0 T0K TKLK.IU IN THK OFFICE OF THK SOUTHERN EXPRESS CO, April iZ4zt\\. I-S^We wish every gal.ant rille-mun of the South who bares his breast to the storm ol bat lie, could be impressed with the iiupuriuuce of tuakiug every shot tell, in uu engagement shoes, may possibly be auvautageousiy made |j Ve ,> u t G f every leu of the bullets fired THEATRE. Lessee and Manager. BANK OF TUB STATE OF GEORGIA. < Savannah, ..pril IU. 18fi3. f The annual election for Eight Direc- rs on the pari of the individual stock holders, lor th<- tnsuing year, will be held at the hanki.ie house iu Savanuah ou MONDAY. -llh May, proximo, between I lit- lloarB of lU A M ami I 1*. M A'. ClJMMING, Cashier. iJiT' Augusta Constil ulioimiist copy. aprlT -id NOTH m. CHIEF QUARTERMASTER’S OFFICE, i Savannah, Fet>. 21th, lbU8. ) Parlies having demands against this office ior rent are hereby notified that their lulls must b,* p n seated before the first of eve ry month. HERMANN H1RC8H, feb2r> —tf Major and Q. M. faction »airs. I IV. II KsDAY iii May in the mi v (t bnvanriHi ' ' Lit, Jiy 1,'an.l TL " two Dwelling Rouk . excellent vvk’ ilk BANK OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA, (. Savannah, April 17, U9J3. i The Board of Directors have this day declared a dtvideud (Number 85) of SEVEN D'H.LARS per share, payable on aud alter Thursday, 23d inst. W. GUMMING, Cashier. HI (SftrO. U. Will be sold, on the fust before tbe Court House U5 acres uf lard, s.t ua'e<i on J I ituprovenn lits .ouslst of two i Bara, out Imu-i - a U iifi „ VV| ter. Tlie orchard tonrsius Pm giove ol tweet Orange Trees , h'-V, 1 'iV-**«'iin r!" “ vines. Tae above property is oi,, H |„| lt ur . 7'!*k' l...|°w '1 hundorholl. tan bi- J,’, until dav of saie. P‘*»au.j Also, will sill at the same tone lot 01 v acres &Ul DlB,rlct ’ IlW,n t-uuniy, conuinlcg —— 1 apr34 KY LttKOflklB& HM.L. Lot and Itoprovetuen's north-east corner H,h., elmiii u’,u Brvau m.-.i,, r, on W.rm, .' the improvements consisting of a Urge i W(l ,, 1 wooUhi. UwkIIIkk, Mill! .-ilcihivu Klluiun and 8.2 l)UB,°f brick all 111 KOC'd nrU.-r; euljr,, lo a .on. to t l.'city ul only (fid, Lluct.cu o./lara nt- ,' nuin II mil so dlialori'th. liiat T,n»d.i\ will then be offered ai n c . lonrl Home ' * HV l alim ill'. 4- IIKIL1, ~ Dry Unoils, ClothiDg, atationery, Sc 1.1'itoniv ei hi.iHt, I.i ll o'clock, llKAUQUAIiTEKS CHIRK UF ART’Y [ South Caroliua, tuber4, lbfil, of four (U) horses to the sent iu to the Ord- Aw . W Albersi Axson, Mrs M J Bo We ii. C P W tl Butler. J F Bell, J G Colton. A M Dews, L‘ W W Damigiiii. E J Evens. Capt J I) Kay. W B Felder, McD Guice. W’m Hamilton, U C Humphries, N Howard, D G Harris, J It Lindsey.W J McLeod, J D Ashley, .I M • Camming, .I B Nelson, A Smith, J J Clark, Dr F Y Midehard. F C Martin, G W Mel.in, S B McArthur, N Markwulter, W J Nelson, A Neely, Capt T W Retell, R J I) Parker, Mrs \V T Pane I. Dr J Poullaiu, P Parsons, F A Richardson, J Robinson, S Reddick, P W Solomons, J M Stebbius, C C Stewurl, l.t W M Stapler, R L Wilkins, w W Warner. H Wallace, Koht Landrum, S La fit or, S Davaut, Mr j R J Neason, J .I Samlord, H A IP BUI KLKY. fi Wauted Immediately 200,000 vaunah river. JOHN M ( RADY. Capt. and Chief Engineer, apr94 —lw state of Georgia. Wanted to Hire, A YVIIITE or colored girl to cc\ok and wash I >r a small family. Enquire at Otis office. apr24 2* % Locket Lost. O* N the night of the 22J inst., either ut tire Thea- i Bull or B oughtou street, a large gold L caet with a small double chain attach ed A reward will be paid lo the lind> r if lob at this office. *api24— ORD., f kston, March 3I, lfiU'3. t It is the desire of the Commanding O-n eral that all Light Batteries in the De partmeut should conform at once to the orguuiza tiou prescribed in Paragraph l., General Ordeis No. US, Headquarters Depart mei Georgia and Florida, dated Dec (4> gnus to each Battery and si piece. All surplus guns will h> nance Depot at Charleston, addressed to the unde (Official ) A. J. GONZALES Colonel and Chief of Artillery aud Or,.nance, apr2 Department of H. (J. Ga. aud Fla. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. OFFICE ENGINEER A SUPERINTENDENT, Cuaui.kston and Savannah Raii.kiud Co., Cuari.BbTon S. C , April 20, LSI 3 IF i this roud Will he ns follow MAIL TRAIN. Leave Charleston 10.30 P. M. Arrive at Savannah 6.20 A.M. Leave Savannah 0 0e ' M. Arrive at Charleston 12 45 P. M. ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. L- ave 1 ha 1 lesion 7.30 A. M. Arrive at Savannah 5 3) P. M. Leave savannah 7 00 A.M. Arrive at Charleston 5 30 P M. Mail train goiug South will conue t with mail • in on North eastern Railroad, and Mt .Junction i'll Central Kailioad train for Macon or Mont- gomery. Mail train going North w II connect with mail train on North eastern Railroad No height or live clock will he taken on mail truisn u. S. 11A INKS, apr22 12 Bugineer.and SuperiuteuuePt For Sale. Albany aud Gulf Railroad, adjoining lands (. Arnioda Clays and Waters, containing abotft sis hundred acres. For terms, apply to Up 1-22- 3 BLoUN I’ DAWSiiN. To the Public. N and alter Wednesday, 22d of this monlh, the Gibbous House will lie closed until linllier no tice. 1 am 1 (impelled (o this course by my ill health. My friends and p'irons will please accept uiylhaukc LOST. the Market, t . finder will confer a favoc . hy leaving them at his office. . 1 War » which is not one bet wet Clone, but betweeu ideas uud institutions. If any mau, alter reading the above, will plant cotton, aud starve the army ior lack of food, he deserves to be deetroyed, or lo have all hi plantations and negroes ravaged aud desolated, end himself /ed upou corn cobs aa loug as hi lives. How mean, base aud couteiupiible must every cotton planter know liimsell to u>:, if,whilst the filPXfcMWtovSUWWdhi* hou6c59id from fucturing Company <*l Roswell, Ga., Barriugt. King, E.-q , Presideut, lor a very liberal dona- 1.101), made last spring, ol 277 yards of shirting, value $152 35. Donations have uko been re ceived irom Miissri*. H. D. Weed, H P. Living ston, Wm. Biltersby, Josejih iJppuiai),Christo pher uliite, Tiiomas R. Miller, Mrs. G. W. ivveus, W. il. Milieu, A. F. Tor lay, J. Stoddard George W. Wylly, (his coimni-sious on sale o York street property, amount) ig to #145 50,) nd D. Wudley Co., of Jell'e.rsou county Donations have also been made lor a special purpose, Inn not yet applied, which will come no tin- business and report of the year m blowing. Gratuities have been received from Moss Henry LaLhiop de Co., Nevllt, Lillirop tfc K ge.rs, William li Norris. William Cox, 1 id Baily, D. B. Camp, Central Railroad aud linking Compam, lion. Johu E Ward Dim. L. Knorr, J. M. Schley, Wiliam M Jhurters, aud J. C. Biles, ol J oiler so 11 county, the Savunnuli Kopublican and Morning News. l'liese evidences of friendly interest greatly enoourugn your oilicei rllices, and are in oilier respects valuable to tlie ety But lor tlie liberality on the part of i- ol our uiembors, during the past tew jnai>, who have not. wailed for the more luvor- |e times or eonvonient seasou to lend llieir aid, we should not now have the strength lo carry us tlirough the present crisis. Wo have a Imilter and very gratifying evi dence ul inlcrcht and remembrance in a legacy d $1,000 lrom the late Mr. James Potter, re oeived Hii'ough Ins executor, Mr. Poulluit), in February lust. Mr. Potter bad been ior thirty nx years a member nr the Society, and but a year or two before his death, eullrely unsoltcit- •d. tie cueloaed lo the Treasurer Lis check lor $500. May we not hope that many others of those who led an inlerc.-t in this noble chanty, aud particularly of those who have beeu uillcers ol tlie Boe.ieiy, ami ol Hie older uieinbcia who hive long ioHlerud and watched over it, will ilso recollect it iu the linoi arrangement ol their temporal affairs in view of that eternity to whit h we am all tending? All bequests are sy s'ematically recorded in a i.cg.tey and Donation Book made for this pur po*c, and here present lor your examinuMon; under the amended rules of the Society they must tiecesHnrily go to the increase ol its per manently iuvcnied funds, aud thus continue to lie li uillul ol the greatest good to the greatest uu tuber. 1 invite your attention to the Leger and Record Book, also present, iu which the property ol the Society and all ol its transactions, together with the payments and indebtedness of each member, are fully recorded. After much deliberation upon tlie propriety ol a temporary lemtival ot the institution lrom it* expo.M-d situation ul Beihcsdu, aud iu eon sideraiiou ul the loss of a very considerable portion oi our crops, poultry and stock of all kind, tlie inexpediency of attempting to plant another year, the scarcity and high prices ot provisions iu BAvaunah, the constant state ol uppre-heusiou in winch the whole family at 13e- Lhc-da were held, and a Do of the unwillingness of stM-ral ol them lo reuialu there, it was •luaiiiuiouMy resolved by the board of Mana gers in October last, lli.it a suitable location should be procured tor the purpose, and the boys removed lo il with as little delay as posi- sible. The eairyiug out ol this resolution with so laige a family wa* alt tided with a great deal ot difficulty, expense, and labor. Several visits to the iutei'Oi and much Inquiry by correspon dence and other wit e. was made with very dis couraging retul s. A location at Bethany, 107 uiileo iroui Savauuali by the Central Railroad und otic mile Irom the road, in Jcii'crsou couu- ly, was filially obtained. There are as y< 1 very few houses at Bethany, though quite a number ol families are living within a circuit, ot a very lew miles. A flue large acaduny i- the most prominent feature of the place. An urr.mgctneui wus made witluthe Trustees lo uuile the two schools under Mr M ilion as Prineipil, an 1 a carriage factory, tin operation* of which had oceu suspended by the war, was secured, aud the upper story con verted into a Uot mtiory, rather u rough one, but. largr md airy, and having numerous wiu- down. Tins wuli a house each for the Supcnu t indent and Teacher, completed our arrange- meins. Mr Mailoti, who was euguged us our 1 eaefie: it B. llie-da in August last, proceeded iu a 1 \a.ii-e 10 Be hany ou the luib of Noveiule -, aud "ii tlo* .'7th 01 .he same mouth Mr. and Mi-. Mur, h, went up with tlie boys, except I'm 1 - a ilm largest left temporal .ly at Belhesda T'he-e ai ium;eui*-uts were the he.-t that count possibly Lo in-de, yet they are iu mauy respects ot j. ei tunable, and it 1* uncertain bow lung lin y e tu lie cnniiuued. There are ufso no planting lauds v ••nneeled with Lite premises, ami tlie "I every ibiiui upon the. farm. We are, therefore, provided for any future emergency, and cau give the boys for the future, the best educational oppor tunities. improvement iu the general economy of the institution has also bccu kept steadily m view, iboiigi) but Rule could be accomplished under the present state of things. It, however, heeds immediate attentiou, and will involve consider able expenditure, and which, fellow-members, it is necessary should be met. We need a gener al renovation and improved accommodations and eouvenieui'Co tu ull our domestic arrange ments, und injustice to ourselves, aud also to tin: BuperiutendeiH and Matron, a regular die tary l"i the. boys should be prescribed aud pro- vid' d lor, based upon our own and the expe rience ol other similar iustitutious. These are pressing necessities, but the past year admitted of no ucliou. With Lhese varied cares, together with the business a flairs of the Boeiety.iu Bavauuaii upon his hands, a thoroughly capable assistuut to the l*i ueidcul is almost indispensable. VVhatevei Lin* expense would tie ol such an additional of 5 might be ample remuneration re- ihe Boeioty lrom the service he would . lliei lice suiting iu addition to the amendments lo our bylaws proposed and accepted ul our last anuiversa Yankees for the last two years hud taken effect, there vvould’ut be a “blue jacket” left to tell thd story. Better he sure 01 one Yaukee than lire tweuty rounds at random. Keep cool, if you would keep your enemy hot. Chattanooya Rebel. FUNERAL INVITATION. The friends aud acquaintances of JOHN F W. HOVER, of Mr. L. L. Hover aud lumily, and of Mr. S. A. Mayer and family, are invited to attend the fu ueral of the former from the residence of the latter, corner of West Broad aud Gwinnett streets, THIS MORNING, at 11 o’clock. C.L.. ely ry, and which are to be. dually acted upou day, 1 also recommend a furiber amendment to Rule 3 upon member, hip. It is to add after the first sentence ending with the word admission, >.'ne words “the payment ol fifty dollars shall consulate life membership.” i’liere are, doubt less, many who would prefer life paymout membership to lhaiol annual contribution, aud mere tire many reasons 111 favor of it which 1 need not enumerate, it provides, also, more convenient membership lor persons liviug out ol, or members moving away from the city. I beg to suggest lor the consideration ol tin new Board tue propriety ol :m increase ol the salary of the Superintendent and Matron. ‘1 lie foregoing ropori aud suggestions, fel low members, are respectfully submitted, in the hope Lli.it in what lias been doue you may tinii enough lor approval to offset any errors ol judgment that 1 may have committed. f lie exigencies ol the times have rendered necessary extraordinary incisures iu the man agement of the Society’s affairs involving much resp msibilily. I feel, however, that iu View ol till the circumstances surrounding us, we h ive cause to congratulate ourselves upon our present condition. In resigning my stewardship, aud elosiug the Imsiuess of me year, which has beeu so event fill to our country, our time honored iu- wtilutioH, and to ourselves individually, il is proper that we should gratefully ickiiowledge the favor of All Ruling I’rovidcuee, aud 111 voke His coniiuued guidance aud protection. John M. Loofeh, l’residuui Union Society. The reports ol the Superinleudeut and Teach er were then read. The report of tbe '1 reusurer was also before the meeting, having beeu ex amined, with Lite vouchers, aud cenified as correct by Manager Lewis ; a summary ol the same was given iu the President’s report, uud being very lcuglhy, tlie reading was dispensed with. After some remarks by Thomas Purse, E<q upou the interesting and satisfactory character of the past year’s proceedings, and iu approval ofjthe further amendment of Rule 3, he offered the following resolutions, which were uuaui- uiously adopted : Resolved, Thai 111 view of the immense labor ol the oiliceis lor the past year, and of the satis factory muuucr iu which the affairs of the So ciety have been conducted, that we rise and return to the Presideut and officers a unani mous vote of 1 flunks. (This was immediately responded to by the rising of every member present) Rtso ued. That the suggestions made in the report oi ihe President are approved, aud that the olfieers he authorized to iceeive life mem bers, under the amendment to rule three, the present year. On motion ol Col. Lewis it wus Resolved, That ilie report of the Presideut be received uud u.idpted, and, witn the reports ol all of the olfieers, spread upou tbe minutes. A letter was received and read from Virc- Prcs detu Sims declining elecilpn to any office for the next year, “as there seeius no prospect 1.11 any change by which inv lime could be mote available lo the Society,” aud expressing his cordial wishes lor tlie prosperity oi the So- clef V. Eh ct.un of officers being next in order, by unanimous con-eut the voting by bnUuL was j di**p»Mis d with, and the foiipwiug officers RECEIPTS OF PRODUCE. &c., APRIL 23, 18o3 Per Central Kailroud -“8 bales cotton, 43 hide and 3(3 sacks flour,.721 Hacks corn and uiUze. To F u Dana, R J Courtney, T .1 Cuuiuimg, m Sluquclield, Kreusou & Hawke?, U K Christian, B Cousiuntiue, Kobl) & Co, Ii II Liuvill*-, G B Conner, Mrs Mc< ’iih- key, Mrs F Dukes, s English, LuKoichc A Beil, E McDowald, F Grosclaud. Mrs >1 Reiuslmrt, W ii Stark, T Shannon, Capt N B Brown, Richardson & Mxrtiu, H Lnthrop Jfc Co, Coin TaUiail, A Cun- uinghain, \V B Adauis, J D LaRimche.Hill .v. Gaudy, N Habersham, A Fawcett, J Rodgers, Maj 11 llm-ch, General W T Walker, capt McCiudy, I* L/an, W \\ Bran, Erwin A llurdc*, M G u kenheiiner. .1 L Iocke, D W VisUor, C H Smith, D Waters, Dr J W Schley, »’apt M B Milieu, T R & J G Mills, and other-. Per Passenger Train—W P Yonge, K L Nedlinger. 1. i. Hams. 150. LBS.) lor sale at fi2)& ceuta per Ih * milies oni\, by W H It GIT -v. La ROC OK._ Cuba Coffee. very choice Cuba Crflee, in store sale by CHAMPION & FREEMAN Corn. 300 BUSIIULS C( 1 store aud lor sale CHAMPION A FREEMAN. Salt. 500 apr24—3 CHAMPION & FREEMAN. Tobacco, Tobacco. J^lItlfflC’K 1IM1CK TOBAtTl) AND Stl OltlNfi TOBACi’O, Loose in barrels aud in 2 lb. bugs. For sale hy apr24 Darduu, G P L-vely. Capt Marsh, W H Newi William-, Rev. G D Danu-l, Capt G B Best, J *,J Hum pliries. Per Savannah, Albany A Gull Railroad—590 sacks corn, 274 sucks pind. rs, aud md/.e. To ARtj Guerin, Capt Davenport, S Ham, W II Bin rough*. W H Stark, Dane tit A Johnson, A Whcox, Boston A V11- lalonga, 'J’ison A Guidon, R If Cluistiuu, K < Wad • & Co, N A Hardee, John W A' dessoii. A S Hart , F L Gue, Erwin A Hardee, ami oiln-rs. ICs*. NOTICE. Thu City will sell at tlu store corner of Bay and Barnard streets, l 1 the heads of families resldlugln the city, beginning I’O-DAY, uud continuing as long as supplies can lie obtained, the following named provisions, at tli • prices and in the quantities, or less, named - 1 gallon Syrup, ut $4 per gallon. 15 lbs Bacon, at 70 cents per lb. 24 lbs Flour, at 25 cents per Ih. 1 bushel Rice at 10 cents per lb. 15 lbs Salt, at 25 cents per lb. 10 lbs Sugar, ut ti i ceuls per lb. Heads ol families must apply In person. The store will be opened from 8 a. in. to2 p. in. BY ORDER OF COMMITTEE. Thursday. April 93.1883 npr93— 2 l Musicians Wanted, ■ NOIt Company E, C. 8. Marines, foti r Musicians r (two 11 rummers and two filers) Apply for fur tlier particulars at the Naval Office, on Liberty st., betweeu Bull und Whitaker ots. JNO. K. F. TATTNALL, apr20—tf Capt. C. si. Ma'incs. CoindV. Wanted. A STK4HI Engine of 30 or forty horse power Parties having such will please give price and description, and address Key Box No. 192. Savanna! Post Office. aprlB—If PIUt.MslIKI) IIOINU TO BENT. p, pleasantly lo . Apply at tbh apr98—91* For Rent. Harris street, bet ween Apply to W. B. ADAMS HO UNK I Whitaker and Barnard upr22—3 W Clothing. J'K ofi’er at wholesale and retail a good aseort meul of SPRING AND SUMMER npr2Q—lw D. Sc K ready made CLOTHING I. LATHIiOP, 14uOongre s street. W.M D.WID8ON COAST SALT. On SATURDAY 1 in our sale room, rv ,, 1( /^Keufral a^omne"' of H.-uily M'lrtt- CWitLing iJn U.ind. Htationer», ic., cuusmiuu m ,. a ,l h „ l "'•‘J 'Y h 'te np-ir. K ,ud ^iluinjcr Coete, V, »t. | « ,„ k Slik Ujihclk.'rchi^fr. rmico, I,acc I dginc Bo, net Trimiiiluct. bxd Ribbund, clulj on'» (.io,.. m , ami lllack Kid (11,.vc, Hliiri l o ar». Letter Uliuik Book., Ledgers, Juilrnals, Day Bo ba , n',,.' Bucks, tlreek and Latin Dictionaries Ink Mm‘is Hu/.uin, and several other articles too nuinen.n. to tnentton. aiirt't' J 111' WKVKNdtm i MBSBilT Will be sold on KKIUAY. V4ih Inst atlloiinrk No. k8 B„an Street, ' all; l llneboleL,attic. Trunk 8 bushel ... t 1 li.t, Wait r Buckets 1 lotgenuin*- Rose Water ; 1 bbl Syi up <y HORAi.’E MORSE. for the very liberal patronage I Savunnali. April lhilt, Southern lusurauce OOMPANY. CAPITAL, - - 1,000,000. f|4IIK capital Slock of fills Company having been X increaseti to One Million Dollars, risks agumsl damage by fire will he taken op favorable i the office of the Company, No 8fi terms. Apply Bay street. H BRIGHAM, President. A. WILBUR, Secretaiy. DIREOTOns. Henry Brigham, George Fallen William Butiersby, Wm U. 'l'ison John ('uuuinghaiu, Isaac Scott, John M. Cooper, A. Wilbur. JOHN A. 1ST ALLY, AUCTIONEER, JN prepared to sell, at ' ublic uucUoii sale, ail kin is ol prope , bonds, slock office Square. OLD li(M)M.\(, ZIMI U1MEI). fjMiiriy-U ve cents.per pound will b- paid for any 1 amount delivered iii the city of Augusiu, und Ul- .UBH GKO w Rains, Li.‘ill ('id Comd'g, WANTED Take Care of your Carpets aud Flannels rifiic undersigned has for J. Stems, suitable Carpets from moths. upr21— 1 w , . _ lot of Tobacco preserving Funnels und PONCE. Apent. Old Jamaica Rum. 10 itr* olJ No. 8. CRAWFORD, rRA2€R '& CO., G K N K H A L COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Auctioneers AND Dealers in Negroes, No. “8” WHITEHALL STREET, OPPOSITE INTELLIGENCER OFFICE, Atlanta, Ga. IN AIHUTION TU nl'R . AL'CTION AND NEOHO HOUSE, Uu. S WltiL'bftll ulrevt. wv Imw PIKE PROOF vmrotie o! TitHKL 1'HUUNANU BAKItltLS -apnony at our ware rooms, No. 1 Alabama stieet. Our Kegro Yard and I_.ock-Up, AT NO. S, ARE S A F E A N II CO.T1 FOIITABLE. DEALERS aud oilier parties will Cud tie prepared to FEED and LODGE WELL, and (from experience iu the business from our boyhood ) lo IIUDLK THU NGUR0 PHOPfTinX Charges reasonable and right, and s>ilieliiCtion guaranteed iu every instance. Parties at a distauce may kuow our market by ad dressing us. t'BAWFOHU, FRAZER 4 CO , ■ No. # Wnitetiill etreot. Sequestration Sale. li Y older of Hie Hon Pd ward J. Harden, District May . 1 higfiesl before Ihe i i li.- usual l llulcbinni.il undivided half of Jones o'r Cabbage Island in the SHvaiiuafi river, ten miles below the city of Sa vannah. One undivided half of a Wharf Lot Island, opposite the city of One Lot ol Land (No. 28) iu r rce iowu. One Negio Man named Yorick, a baker by trade. One Negro W 79 (diares and capital clock of Ihe Ocean and paui. Iraciional part of a share in the I Harbor Towboat BY «;KO. W. WYLLl . A Beautiful Summer Hesideuce on the Bait 1 On the first TUESDAY iu M u next, befo i- the ( nurt House in tlie city of Savannah will be sold Lot and linprovem ills ou ihe lsleot Rnnu Tim l JHIgLt (lwellingsontainsuiurr . rooms in uext stori.with pantry and" . l ’“ " the h'.use, with good • a large cistern, widen and piiiz/.'i on thr. c sldci back tniildiiigs. On tin- lot holds many thousand gnllnt Terms cnsli; purclia.-, I lo p.iy for mli-s H pr22 BY #?KO. W. WYLLY. A Fine Rer.ideuce Fionting \h-> Park n the Urst TUkSDaY in May next, bef .re the Court House iu ihe city ol Savannuh, wiii b. t . (l a 'I wo thirds of Lot ^o 39 Monterey SS a.a The improvements consist of a tine brick dwelling, r< „ talmug eleven rooms, with all ihe modem uupruvt meins Tlie back building is two stoiice, -,v» 1.1 m ' rooms, earn ige bouse and stabJi Tun irx. IXY LhKimiiI: A If (Ll. Dean able itesideucu On TUESDAY, 4in May next, at n o’clock, in trou ol Court House, wul be solo. The Eastern teaeinent of*tnot brick biock riiua < Gordon street, corner oi Bull, iiontiiig rr.e rnohu Jut on Monterey rquure— a good three sioiy brie, house on basement, with brick outbuilding*, earring' house, and servan t’ rooms Tin* lot is 24 Dy ldu fret ubject to a city giouud rent <•) — pur annum 3 he house is in good icpdir, with gus and water HV ttiKO. . WYLLY AdmiuiBtratrix ; atn Will be sold on the first. TUESDAY in .June n beloie the Court House, in tbe city of Savan: betweeu tin- legui boin t nl sale, lnipmvemenie on lot No 20, Crawford \V. ro. I buvai nab, by order >i the Honorable Court ol dniai y ot ( batliam count), tor the bei.elit ,i neirs and creditors of me estate of Jacob vankt kIRb V% . U lT.i l Kata to Sa.'d the fiisi TUESDAY m May, Vi 11 be sold tbe Court Hoiisi tlie legal hours or tale, Negro woman Judy. Mold fo heir- uud creditors oi the estate r the Luneflt ul tee (Hurt House ill Ii gal bon lb (d s 30 Monierey Ward of Savannah, fiont by 9u fe« 1 de*p. Imnroveinc brick buildings on (fit- rear ol the iot, now rented oi $988 p*r hi. ii it i ii. Subject to a groUnd rent of #3o per uiinum to ibe city «pr!7—td BY HKO. U. WYLLY. Estate Saie Will Iu told on the f.rst TUESDAY m fliay. bsfury tlu- ' ouri ilouec in thee ty of Savannah, but wee u the legal hours of tale. West Ua-f of Lot. No 7, Tower Tyt iug, Dccacr Wald, together with the Uriel, rcsulea e incrcuh, fronting on Broughton street Sold by u decree ol • 'ouit for the benefit of tUe heirs ana creditors ol the Terms cash pinchaser paying for papers. aplH BY GEO. W. WYLLY. Aduiimstratoi'b Sale- Will be sold ou the firtt TUESDAY in MAY next, helote the t?ourt House* in the city of fcavafinafi, between the legal hours oi saie, A tract ol land containing 439 acres, on the Oaiiii. known as part of the Haroen Mvnmp Trac.wt}' wooded, 11 miles from the city Als i, 245 ncre-s of land iu Bryun county, bounded by lands of F. 8. Wii- iiams, Ja» Woods, C. l r later, Thos J Lyons ar.a Win. A. Mfiuinan, Black Creek runs through a portion of tlie land Also, 2»>8 acres of land lying on me ogeechee river, bounded on the nor h by lands of bi.uman, aouth t>v lands ot Edwards, east by biinmHh. aud wi at u.y the Ggetcnee river Also, a iraci ot land lying in Bryanconn^, known as the Bnd*e Ttac?, eoniDining —- acres, a reterve oi 200 will be made in the rale. Also, a fieuutilul garden lot, \y t miles Irom the-111 v, on the ouiavideHoad,containing 11X acres of land. Als.., a siip of land • ppostte, on the Canal, containing l 5-lU.ie.es. A»nd -t slip 'I ia; d uetweeu the I'euliaJ Uailroad and the J.ouisvuie hosd, containing 1 fi-10 acres ai.-o, »>C«» h-tcs, more or ie-s, nem No. 2b Mailowvilie, bounded on the east by l' it ilmei aid Davis, on tin tmr n ny h Marlow, • n ihe west ny the Cigtcchee liver, atci euutli by lauds of Henry i-ove. i L».•& o- the bene lit i be Ebcue/.er JencUe, deceased apiW creditor 1 * BY €<iKO. W. WYLLY. At Private hale Lot No. 4. Htoper Tything, Pervieni Ward with !m piovemcuts, on York stieet, near the ''ourt Houae. 80 acres of land ments consist ot Butlocti county, flic improve m bnildiugs, i n> h containing fou- ecsiiiy oui buildings The place Noit Confederate States Treasury Sequestration Sale. B Y order of the Judge, will Inghesl bidder, bef» Savannah, on the o’clock M, Twenty acres of Land, more or less, iu the county ofi hnthain.on Lover.-’ Lane, formerly the properly of Joseph M. Turner, d' apr!3 - W. D\NIELL, Receiver. $30 REWARD W ILIt be paid fori he apprehension aud delivery at Ihip post or Ogl.-thorne Barracks of Private ,luHN BLESSING, Company E. 2Id Battalion G» oi uia Artillery, who deserted from camp ou the 18th inst Said Blessing is 38 years of age, f» feet 8 iuclies High, sallow complexiou, blue ey< s. bald beaded, atuop shoulders, aud in conversation very quick s,.okeii, and when wearing uuiform cap tUe above desc.iipliou of his hair is easily detected, He is sup posed to have gone lo Alacou or Augus'a as substi tute. C- HUSSEY’, Caplaiu (’oninmnding Co. Macon Messenger and Augm-ta Const it utiou- alirt copy tor one week, And send mil to t apt Hu T. W. Neely, A. Q M. apt 2- 0 $25 Reward id on delivery at tnv place, \y miles •ity.of a large English BULn, which strayed Hence ou suudav evontug la t. Be is wtiai Block raisers wou .1 call a »oau color, * kind of sliaw- be.rv md while, and iiiiiujrked. ‘vBKt f Duilet), and may go back. P- M. M\ HELL. a p 1-22—3 — *50 Reward. uaway in December last. D«* v »® .j 1 „rlK',.l.iyh J "•Jjl.proportl, _ THEODORE HLUlS. fruit truia, viz pencheu, plums and ciupes of very superior quality The place la well shaded with oaf: an i evergreens, a. d noted for its healthy locality and deligluiui v.ate.. Ai o, 913 acres of cotton and corn lat d, situaii within two miles ot Quitman, Brooks county, Wttu improve- ments mflril) BY BED. W. WYLLY. At Private Bate 64t acres of land,sitaaied on the from the city ; 90 acres up]an of first quality „ t cleared, anc luO acres laud, all under fence —balance if wooded. The improvements ate a Ring, in pro litiurcs, bain. Ac mHr *^ BY I. JT. IfALJiH. At Private Sale A Farm of 16tt acres of land, situat d aboal 4>6 miles lrom the city, on the U lute particulars enquire at the con in m^-t Bo .d. *L»r? EDWARD G, WILSON, NOT A K Y PUBLIC AND OONVEYANCKR. ATCI'I'V MAKSH41’8 OFFICE. Tan Bark Wanted. ... Salt, Salt. (peration, 1 u. any quantity i can always miner ut Liberty and >Vhita- H. VON GLAllN. David, who ha, n.nir ut oi." Troft LJiK BATTKHY, April 'IU, 18';8. *30 Reward rsS3»«555S5S*235S! Maid Doyle is 23 years .rid complexion .gray s und lias a pompous A S my Salt Works i can supply HALT be found hi my store, Her streets, inavift—if. Hoxisia RA-iFti AND SAL) IKONS. pt)K SJtK HV I »P'T IL* But'ery on th e 14th in*' ..t .'T ' ft'i't bN uictio. Utpli, Uoritt complexion,gray u«rt tmir.'iirae “P bt» toe. ana hn. a pompons ;w»Vcr u. w«,h".g ; 5.* horn tu tioebec, C»ntd» East Itss Horttedfor seysrul ytitrs tu 3syttunah tu, vrii.it mother on.hips. N fL . Hh£R . t _ Cipt , Coial’ri Co A, 1H Col. Bcgt. 0»' A iV*' r ' apr7 Gd.hons’ Range. apr?l—iw 20 ttprl* CSlobe Lamps GHAKDE0 Brass and Copper Gtole L....ps for sale fcy . iN ^ crNIf;SOBA a.