Daily morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1850-1864, April 25, 1863, Image 1

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► ■• a *p 3f ■ * _* <• * « m±j9 >'t»t ■ < yAtV'j^it>N-*.\. r"— rsm. VOL. XIV. SAVANNAH, GEORGIA, SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 25, 18*53. NO. 97 ; ! ( iiii);JUoviun(i|]lrivo It v THEODORE BLOIS. 1, THOMPSON - - EDITOR. r It us OF SI UM HIPTION AND AD- VKIftTl&INtt. you TU« DAILY PAPRK. I mill t i 00 r | tbree months 6 00 KOH THIS TKI -WKEKI.Y PAl'KK. k-u-- Di* month ... $15» ri ,f i arce rnonllii! 3 to FOR THK WEEKLY PAH Kit. I ,,j three months $1 50 ,i.i iiui-tuuuts inetiied for $1 5'j per square often in 1i'KiiA i MOKNINU. APRIL 15. 1803. TELEGRAPHIC. col. Xdi vona tteleaaed., hicHMOM> April 24 lb. — lhe Baltimore Ban CuijlcI Zuvona bus beeu exchanged, uud , ciher prisoner' is uow on bis way tiouib. I.uiest Horn tlie West. Jackson, April —A cpedal dispatch to the L . , jioiii Puuolu says >Uu cueiuy bus been .i.iurceJ mil is advancing south. Chalmers iV .ii cv. » to ILrnundo, but lell back before the • , r .i-1.> Uuckspori. lie is now ui Punolo, libus saved everything. iUJ lNUlAhcn.A.— loere buve beeu various ., i 1 e tu dieuiaiion in regard to the tale ot i i iiif.ee iron-.dud hul'anuta cuptur* d and , > M ine liiiie since by our forces ulier site itin the. Vicksburg batteries. It was said l,at she bad been blown up uud abandoned.— , i- I epol l Wiis eoulludicled by 11 dlnpuleb , ui Ueii. Pemberton, uud more recently it u'upurled that sbe bud been laised and was . stone secure place undergoing repairs. ’Tbe .1 •»mg Iroui tbe Vicksburg' Whig of the Hitb sell lea the question : ltine is not u vestige of tbe defunct Indian i.tbviVe ibe water at present. Tbe water bus s i* over here chaired remaius, completely .uii.e her hum Kurrugut’s view, wbeie be now « jiue along IU" lbe Sbieveporl Gazelle reeelly publish. J •« c.»id sigued by about a hundred foreigners, ti.i tearing lbuy might be dialled in lbe inili- i-i, jilnpied tbai course to uolify the people tut they were Freueb subjects, uud owed uo n gmiicu to Louisiana. Tbe news says that 1.. b. Couriude, oueol lbe siguers oflbe eurd, n.s n-ken out ol bis bed uud “tarred uud eol onto’ lbe same night, and the rogue’s march ■ r.s piuyeJ beiore lbe business bouses ol the [ r ro ti the Winchester (Tenn.) Bulletin.) fbe Impending Rattle. ILc conviction is forced upon our mind Dai the great buttle of lbe war is soon to be ; ughi in Middle Tennessee, and our heart r.rot s with pain as we contemplate the loss ol ,le and ibe etfusiou of precious blood which j uml* follow the clash of urm-. if a should be victory for us we may reusouably iiutu ipuie iOpusai' lruin the enemy lor pence. Ii we are . tnrious we shall expect It to be lbe last con i.> . ol miportuuce, which shall make lip the a-lory of our siruirgle lor independence. But, i oni arms meet wi h a reveise, we uiay cilcu uc upon an indeuuile prosecution ol tin* war, i me cud thereof will be far in the d.oUness i the mighty future. These are llionehts .-.ised upon (easou. It i» pleasuiil to add that, •iiiiiusgood reason, we anticipate u crowuiug • iciory lor the Confederates. Our sagacious ou.moideis uie watching the movements ol he enemy, and will n el bun iu iu every mu- luKavru tie may make to accomplish bis base fuipoceaol subjugation. 1 u n oui division ol Teiniessee ia to be the ihcaite ol the impending trugo y we hive no at ui, 1 ii*t evnleuce. All eyes are turned ill lUia Jii'i cuon. aud our people are aware of the dir ion mis conseqneuces to ms if the arms of the i < urc successful Rest assured that the Fed erui .miboriiies will spare no efforts to secure the ad vantages which a success iu Middle Ten uiosce w ill bring them. The army ol Rosen iui.4 I- powerful, uud is doubtless being daily nuil.jiced. In support of this assertion we might copy from various exchanges. 'The -sippiuii, published at J.icksou, thinks the What “Wi” Muat Do. I The til. Louis Ucpublieiiu prints a synopsis lot the report ol tbe Joint Committee of llio Federal Congress upon the war. The doeiiuieut I lays out the work to be done ns follows : ! The committee say we must obtain uninter rupted coutrol ol the MLsisslppi; we must ! reach those great railroad arteries, the one bur- | deriug tbe Atlantic, the other stretching through the valleys ol Tennessee aud Virginia j to the west aud south; we must, ns soon as pos- ' slide, take the lew remaining fort 1 ,lied ports the i rebels possess, then we shall virtually disarm j the rebellion; cut it off Iroui all external I sources of supplies, and destroy their means ol intercommunication, by which alone they have I been able lo meet u- in force when* we have j a’pealed, uud by which alone they have beeu ; able to supply their armies. | We must destroy their a lilies, and to do tins Aot«» Vetoed The following bill- p.is-cd at the late scs iou of lbe Legislature have beeu vetoed by the Governor for the reasons annexed : A bill to suppress insurrection, repel inva sion, establish a State guard, abrogate the com missions ol the militia olUccrs ol this State, Ac. 'This bill was passed near Binu, w hen there was little present in either branch of the Geneiul Assein j bly. It proposes, with lew exceptions, to com- 1 pel all free white mule citizens ol Georgia bo- i l vveeu lb and 00 years ot age to do military duty, it includes all ministers of the gospel, I Justices ol the Interior Courts, tiheiitl.-, deputy tilieritT', Clerks aud deputy Clerks ol the tiupe- j rior uud Inferior Courts, Tax Collectors, county Treasurer-*, CoroUTs, Justices ol the Peace, gTA tor tin tins estuie of Uichurd L. I’endarvls, deceased, | applies to the undersigned for Letters Dlsmlssory from sai l Adinlulstrstlon Therefore, all persons concerned are hereby re oiiirt d to show cause (if any they have) why s tin Ad niinisttutoi, on the llrst Monday lu August, next, should not he dlscli irgcd Notice, i M JAMKH HIOHSMITH, i It tables, A■*. it should bee utate of lkoiigia, waynk coi n TY.—To a 1 whom It may couceru : Wherea-, John M. Tis n, of said State ami county ol Utynn, applies t«» the Ordinary for Letters of Administra tion, with the will aunexed.on the estu e of tilierrod Bin-mold, deceased, late of said county aud titaio. These are, therefore, to cite and admonish, all and singular the kindred and^creditors totieaudappc d by lui il would at i the i It is belter to o| stronghold or ou< uml lull. The iiidicniioue thi* E »st and lie will give Us bnlli lull confidence ol I be armies will ranks are to be ui pa-nes will add biretiglh lu coneliisiou, hold high p< sum have rciiJeied val w iih w horn they in the opinion lh can end the I'ebt tin- land must an edge uud yield u eoudilloinil olied laws; and y oui t n ceuiuueut not <ui ol ’ I IIV.- e act ol Congress which .cxi li and Jtitl ci.il ollio is ol the d ipt ton, d ies not exempt s Shill S lllil (J In I Ilf ill rill I I’ll, Ol I would be the hi ighl ol e, ul cl the tilule has coin i j iiai propoi lion (d un i npltou, ihe applu said deceased shouul not i myhonl an I official eigiiulure, th t • * '* ,,J Illlifla in I oHUial aj, 130J1 ’ JAMES UluIIsMlTIL iuRnfr> Wjuty<>r nunv O l'A I’li OF MCOIt(*H, WAYNE I’Ol’NTY. ^ Tnullwiiom II iuuy co .i—rn : Whereas. John I*, l.uiupii, A Imliilstrator uuou ilye estate of Joseph I .M iiinui;,, dei eu-ed, applies tor Lcllursof DlsUilssioti : ti mu th- a linn,isi ration of said estate, i There ore tin* kindred anil creditors of said deceased are hereby riled and admonished Ui llle their ol'jec- 1 lions, it any ltit*< have, ill my oilier hi terms ol the ' i ,u oliu-rwlse letters disinissory will bugiaiiLeJ the . i mlinary Mali Ii G i next ol the Court i ‘ ivl'ilb VifGIltiMITU, l). t». W. r h, 181,1. innr'* S' 1 cepl Last uight ab firing ol the pick all that the «iiem a short time a hi down the l iver, i upper bailer Which n allel W al and Atealiled nil utllil ab which she ceased When site got i lery, llie hou e o side of the river file flames ol wb oming down iu range battery at flushes from the ; the other sho ailvaucing steam Our flatteries with apparently ccut-ionul sin ol which shower clad ol the K-se: the tops of w b.cl Five boats next aud, a they c; terms, Yankee it our city. I balls, bursting ol (but rose Horn A irom the crowds the streets uu could be obtuo ipliou. 'The followed by iwo pretty close to i the guuboals ap| Col J acksoti’s h - passing the opposite aide ol We believe u g ni^mug house, > III Hev« ml pi n’es and iu a lew sect light was dispell ill aW'fiil graudei Then cheer aP ens uud the so ills pits. Coliot vessel aud a lot lor (In- Louisian boats, nor some lug engaged by upper gmis opt couple of barge iron duds. The with impunity, a everything was coil lined to i In- boats still being tloiried on, and commenced car ueys dropped ol The tiuuns g she got to the in was all that cou the water. Fir •jIc I id Gm the icintnn-e K i-eucrauz The Appeal, suint. city, thinks (hit 'Tennessee is th eure >i the enemy's luicntious. Thi gouieiy Advertiser lurus the ulleiiUon ol its (carters to our titate us the scene ol the conflict aud says -. Hjdi--d in all their attempts to open the Mis* river, repulsed at every point lu then ‘ on to RicUtnono” movement', uud beaten Un-.r attack on the deleucea of Charleston, the enetny have uppaiently reBOlved to muss their lorees and make a desperate eflorl to over whelm the army ol General Johnston. The designs ol the Yankees doubtless are, hi the t of iht-ir success, to push forwaid uud Gcbrgia, destroy the growing unps, anil, perhaps cut oil communication Uu LI1 Ihe east aud West. To aid them in doing the armies of Geutral* Grant undtihermau from the west, and Gens. Burnside and Frank oti, anti perhaps others, irom the east, are uow ai-'ving to join Rosencrnnz- L these things be so, ihe army of Roseucnuis *-lieady lormiduble.w tll be the most pow* rlul a iny ever concentrated iu the West. Tiue,there i doubt attending the destination of theYaokee w t.o Lave lately left Vtcksourg Tb it the eue “'J' ** changing his base of operations, there c.iu be no doubt, but it docs not ueci-ssurily 1 'Low that be has abandoned operations 110,11 v ickaburg. Oar telegrams ol tiuuday leave one to believe that all their move o-entsonthe Mississippi, ol late, were • etuis, but we do not believe so. We believe 1 etiOessee is the appointed place. What pie gaiaiioua are being made on our side is imue )' 6,681 y ttl *d imprudent to speak of. tiutlice it 1,1 sty. we have abundunt caime to be hopeful *i,d a e arc hupelul. •he Jacks,,n correspondent of the Mobile &g(iter, alluding to the ununueuce of a groat auildccigive battle iu the West, auys : in ls4S, a preacher in Tennessee publis’ ed “ok called Armageddon, in which he attempt ed lo j.rove by biblical prophecy, that the great Po le spoken of iu Kevelaliou, was 1«j be 5'Ugrit in the Valley of the Mississippi; that w, ‘ 6 Abram Huuks, or rather the President y* itie old Lolled States, and his invading col- uuuis, the Northern seutu, who were to perish G ‘d^uase, by uccideuts aud the sword, iu such • ■j*inkers that lor ten years after thecm.tl cl the ^ruv.-ier should witness the oooes of men aud ril ' 8 lying uuburied on the wayside. This w °ich was fiublished iu Boston, uiads 4-de u sur in Yankee laud, and has be«-u tre- 4 n-ntly alluded to both by ib-i pres-aud the knipit at ihe North since the beginning of this “ lr uggle. Umike other propecies, it may itseli ’n the cause of its non fulhllmeut. Your reli- xtwits reader- may turn to the *cti h and *J9tb - Hpters ol Ezekiel, and judge the appiic&bili "* 1 * u * prophecies to our armies in Miseissip- e* ai ‘J Tenueesee. m; of <■ koitbi a t wavnki'oiinty. All (M iron- Invilig deiuauds Hg.iiii-t Jomnli . i », iwiignt, ti. evisetl, lute ol said roiiity, me burehy ! no',u.-ii mid required lo present them, inmperly *»i- 1 -led io the undersigned, wituin thi* lime picscrib* Ii) la" , and at > perso.,B indebted to said tli-cesscd - h i< l>\ it-ipiire.i to make i mm tali »te payrmcnl lo • UnJei ngut'd W I LEV KNOX, AdtuT. u'i'a 11. of <■ i;oiTi;ia, wayiv k oi n- pt TV ill per-oiis fiuviug deiimud-ugilnst John Knight, dec ap.ti, I tie of said county, are hereby no- (|iiiivd to lux* t-nt tln-ni, piop ily e. r, L- lg er s aid in ,1 ilia ollicc ui hi, or in likely \\ bile ilieie ar bill, Lllf tioVi I II', w hoic, it would I iiiiiig lo any pn - good | i * * v iniou . ectn uud that IL does not i icjority ol the Lt-gi-l iiurt ;eu» rally been pieseut. A lull lo ilicorporale the joal Mining Comp my, ou the gri l lie Cousi Util ion, aud that it coiil.iiuo ii » p, i non ,1 liability clause. A bill to lix tlie rates ol loll lor gm ding gum, in Uu* co uu lies ul Gwinnett, Cbciokit* and Forsyth, oil Hit* ground llial it Vhdaies the I'J.li paragraph ol the 1st .,riit It- ul the t ms-i: tuiitiii. l ue Legislature lias tin* rigui to re dine i he rate ul lull, by a geuei'al law, uppln-a ble alike lu all the euuulies, but c.iuuol vary lUv general rule by special except iuu Ugalusl the mill, rn ul iin-se coimties wiiiiuiit then consent. A bill Lo deliui the liability ul lue \N A A Railroad I -i injuries lo pcisom, tY.-., ltd' the reason lliai ib. mil i l'JpOBes to impure a lia- • iic Road Lo wbicli utber Kill - U.iud roads iu Hie »■ nor bus sign d biiily uot imposed ou A bill io grain io T ol Columbus, the N >i bill propose.-, to don i, bus, lauds adjoining com.iioiis, now me w oi Lh a large sum ol lot subject. I tie I, im making the time Ro dtouid be exposed lo i ot lit*i 11 (Uda. e corporation of the ei lh, tiotii ti and F, uu Co * city, know ii openy iw I lliel > ai e c f Confiscated Phopf.hty.—The Wet- '.n re Fujuis, ibe inurl splendid property iu c ic-bueesee, were sold yes erday ui auenou 'h from of the Receiver's office, on aceoiiutof *tt; Cou federate titaies, for $91,000, Mr. W. E. Alexander, ol Geoigiu, being the loiiuuuie pur The property would have brought that •dtuunt in gold before the war commenced. ! Y'\ Gob occasion they were sold lor half lu Con l •tJtraie none or bonds and bull on a credit. II argue- anything u U, that among capital | morrow’a lasut lurther purucu done by the eut- Fijriug was it two o’clock, uu per. Aiuerlcuii Bi A letter from quiier ulludts ut wspapers chi 1 aui sorry lo uiouslialioii w Tursday, couee should have InI meeting of the been called lor that Rev. C George Grirtwo all very well, would gladly hi that gentleman tug, Very ill adt the occasion til distributed, cot the George G number ol burr posed her curg. This is a pun lu the very dud be a "lusa" at, ibui while the ihuuklullv part button, when p manner, they w paupers, and si bread under bn lueaul well cun In their policy, the operatives public system i oppoiLuuity lo lose. Taking a their emissarb Manchester tu w heu the hour of ail uuxious i uud women, lh most inlunulei I may spare ] that lilteeu ll weighing two huudied and li Iron) the pans > it wus trample, each other will scene ol excite ter iiuagiued t meeting, US nil terminated iu i pear lo be the men l without any con. peusu iuu, wnicn the Guvi i ti,»r tninhs xioIjIc the spirit ol the JJ paiagiapli ul tUe 0. h .-, cu< ul article ol m - Couaiiluiiou, as the b»«I wa uot pa sed by a recorded vole ol LWoilii d iu -jurity iu both branches ol the General A .-cm bly. 'I lie Neui- Future. The next thirty days ol the war are big with important events. Wnbiu llioi lime il will iu all pioqabllity' be proven whetlo-i or not we arc able io hold our positions -it N’u-ksbing an Port Hudson,.as well us iu-iiml.ioi our occupancy ol Middle Tcuuesscc. \V itiou lIiuI time the spirit, valor, heroism and endurance ol oui sui diery at all poiuls will be pin lo the severest test. 'The time is near at hand when the term of enlistment ol three hund»<-<l thousand ot Lincoln’s troops will expire, and it ih the pur pose oi I lie Yaukee commander- lo make ihcui ellieieul, while yet in the service. They well know lliat a I it-r the depleliou ol the Federal army oi such a vast number ol ihe,r veieruu Hoops, lucre tnii-i uecess.irily be a respi e iu boslililies iiulil the raw con-cripis i ail be broke into the traces. Hence, wiiniu the next mouth they will s um every nerve to oveieoun us in Virginia ami Teuuusoce, as well as at Vu'ksbiirg iml Pori Hudson. Renewed vigm lias oi but* beeu utilised into I heir armies, and it behooves us lo be lbe more walchlul, active and resoliue otirseives. Another pnc.-es-ful le pulse ai Vicksburg and Port Hudson w.d prove latal lo the enemy, and i-u I ibecaiiipigu • li lb,- rivt-r at least u»r the summer and tali, ii uol lly gued, wit hill tlui time prescribed ; and ill p rsons indebted t • said dcreatd-d sre rei|'uiic,i to m ike ininietllale payment to tlm igucU. Tins M r Ii X-hl, lh(W. J iaKHI MOKKIS, Ad in'r. I F.OF t;t,.oitbl i, a AVNE i'uUnVY, having demand- against Hubert.i. ned, witldii Uu-1 ns iuMebi, (t to shill (le,-ease i make Iniincdhitc payment t WILEY ivNuX, Ailin’r. i ol ordi-iary ui said tummy ul (’i) Uinlriet of -aid counly, the real VN i nwlight, (tecea-cd, for the. Iu*n- and crcdiioiHot -aid cl ceased. Tint WILEY KNOX, Adiumlsirnior. , hOhl.l t, i.nw Mil > OOUNTir.— V I To-all whom It tuay concern: Whereas, John Delk, AUmiuisirulor on the Estate ol Edward 0. I bike, lute ol said comity, deceased, umke» appli, a tmu lor Lelier- of Dismission from said AUiuiiiisiia lion, these are, therefore, to cite all persona inter- er ted, to he and appear at my otUce within the time prese.rlbed by law, to show caiise. If anv they have, why Letter'of Dismission should uot la- granted. Witness lion John W. Darrell, Ordinary ul sal,' county, this October litti, Iblii. net 10 H A PEEPLES D. C. C. O. u 1 klllthIA, IIIRMIIA (OtMl -1J llsoil, AdiuiUlBli'Ulo*s on the estate ol J. s. N. Willson, d -ceased, Having made up pliculiuu tor Leitera id Dininia,' from t>aiil Admin- cite all and singular tbe kindred and er editors of ud deceased, to cause, l thev can, within the lima prescrllied by law , Whv I. Iters ol Dlnuiiesiou should Uol be grauled to D »l l.HSt'K A I blfN HALF, il) virtue k 1 an order from I tie Court oi O’diuury ot wtui'-s c 'limy, will b>* sold on tin* lirsj..Tuesday In nl ii xl, ai tlie i ourt lions -diHir hi said county wen lue leg 11 hours ol sale, Lot ol Laud, No. . m UMi dislr.ct of said county, belonging (o thi ale ol Francis Jones, demised, i hi ill MITCHELL .1 iNKH. AdinV. Il i be and il cauno till impoi ta reasonably i II’ Ul J. If. 'amanda g. kbmbuakt, il A luiii.islr■•lux. IIA lUUA.V.SSAl.k. v| muof an order from the Court of Ordinary McIntosh c nitty, will be sol! Mi t of I the iir-l House door in inly, lostweeu the legil hours of i,d. ,ty s lutosh’comity, one lot of cattle and two negro girls, Catliaiuieaiui Mary Ann, aged ten and twelve years. So d ior tin- lH-netli of the orjilims of Little Davis. CHAN, ft DAVIS. GuarUun. Darien, Mclnlos’i Co , March 8oth. lsi« aprf Ailiiifeiiis! raior 9 ^ Sal**. STATIC UFkKOHklA, WAYNE COINTY O on .lie tirst Tue-duy in Mav next, will lie sold i.t Mi < oii' t House door iu said county,within tin* law fnl hours id sale, lot of hml uuutb-r two Ii nnlr.-d and twenty seven (V/7;, iu Ibe second district of said county; soul ns In* property of Atidri-w J. McDlel lail, «l. cea-eil, for the benefit ol tlie heirs and credi- io'b of paid decea e,l Terms made known on the day ol sale. This March 5th, 1 SlaiiiiitioH, Negroes, MULES,WAGONS, SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, ) Savannah. Amiany A Gtrur Haii.k *aii. ■ Savannah, April 15, 18ti.'i. I On and after Monday, the Wtltli Inst. I of transportation for freight ) ] * I A .) \Y f *S, (*., FO R {S/\TjE. .- third pr will be advanced thirty tbre over tbe preacul rate. Bacon, Laid, Liquor, Salt, Sugar, Syrup, Tallow and Wool will be classed aseccond class goods and churged for according y. G J. PlJLION, aprl5—dAtw'Jw General Supariolcuduflfa li FIND Over ltd on ftiivaiiimli ltiver, fourleeii mi es Irom Savan nah Tln-re is about three hundred and llfiyacre- cleared. one hundred und tlby acres of upland, part Notice. OKI) ^ANCK DEPOT. SAVANNAH, Mnicb »I•. 1 SlUl The highe-i market price will be paid I the r.irtwo ibotisund phimb poniuh o care ° fully dried Moss, delivetod ai the Arsenal. A. T. CUNNINGHAM, * lt martT-lm 1st Lieut, Art a «l ind C"in,i .• m-pid. J ,1 fiTIar' hundred uddilioual in- but »u ily lerlaim d that tills tr ,i- 1 cl Ian I • lacil t Inin Hliwir n-l ol i: by good judges *" planting < 'i.athiiin coiiui y; also, i.lntiidance CENTRAL RAILROAD OFFICE. Savannah, Ua., April 9d. 1168 CHANGEOF SCHEDULE. O N and after SundAy, April Bth, 1868, the frel°* ou thin Road and branches lo AoguatA and Ratonton will run as follows : DAILY DAY TRAIN. Leave Savannah B ^ # S* Arrlvo tu Macou 4.40 P. ». Leave Macun 6 40 A. M. Arrlvo lu Savannah 7.46F.M- DA1LY NIGHT TRAIN. . Leave Savannah •••6 P JF Arrive lu Macon Leave Macon 7.80 P. M • Arrive In Savannah. •■ -606 A- I'lOUMOUATION TR AIN—SAVANNAH AND Ml l.I.KN, imuectliiKil»lly Wltu Nlqlit Train to sod from An- Noticp. The lYanlloiialsh .r,-a «»f S!oek issued by the Savannah, Albany ,v Ginf Ifailroad Oouipany, for interest on iiiHtaliuenta paid prior to the 1st of August, lsf>7, w I be paid lo the hold rs then of on pitseiilutiou at the t'oinpany’- otiice d. Macdonald, martO—lm V eiaurer. t ONFEDBHATE STATES or' AMKKH'A, i Navv Dki-vhtmknt, Richmond, Maitn ill, 18GJ. ) A Board of olhco s will (onvuoe dining this or the next month tor tin* examina tion of Acting Midshipmen, w hen they will he exam ined as follows : l-i class. Upon Navigation, Seamanship, Naval Tael lea, Naval Gunnery, Steam Micuiuery, Modern Languages, Drawing and Drafting. ‘i t Class. —Upon ibe same braueUes, Ini' not so critically. 3d Class —Practical Seamanship, N .val Gunnery, Naval Tactics, Mathematics, Ethics and Eugli-h nlu dies, French, Diawlug und Dr.tiling. •lib Class. M-illiennit ics, Exercise or Great Guns and Small Arms, Ethics, and Kiiglisli h mlies .and Drawing Those who have just entered tlieserv ce after | iih- ing the Medical Exainlualion, will ex • iI• it io the Board or Examiner- evident-- s of good moral churn, ter ami must he able to re;>d and write well, write from dictation, uml spe! 1 wi li coirccli e.-s, uml t>«T foriu the eletueiiUiy ope ulioiis ol aril luetic, viz: Nunieratiou and udoiiiou, suhrtraciiou, iuu t,plica- lion aud division of wlmh- uiiiiil) is. b. If. MALLORY, inarT i in s» CM- .u v >'i I lie N ivy. W. B. Thomas lahll-l'iiienl. opposite the Miuket. in » aviilry or Ii fantry, auywlieie o, the Conleilerale Slater, «'oi scripts coining to tills city w ill please i all on him good d spu-c 1, log i 'sit le-fu'lv ' Fo"n-. P Harrison who wi,| VV. \N ylly, K *| . ill -« Wanted. ASST OU A IfTKIJ M \'.‘l LICS W : m \s i Lies office, mall, M och I I, I8i»8. or tills IJei'Siiineni. ii. m. Davenport, < npiuin ami a. tj M. Wanted. f ii IC high uu \\ hituker i old 1.1 I K DE OT, j • paid lor ser feh7 i I NM'J.Jl \ M, i Alt and Otdnance, « om : »> Depot. .1 Kuriiblit-d lluuiitt to Kcui, Af.".. A I'T IIMMM II IIOIISIC, In tlie TiiiSar -eutnl (tun ol Du-cit) .sodi-u u ior rent, as it- pu -,-nt occiipuitis intend leaving Ihe i y Iii'iuiie ai il.e ofllc.- ol GB » \N M Yf.LY City Taxes. CITY TRIC\SURIIH\S OFFICE, I Savannah, .March tf, IM):I. | r. i xc-ept Id til-l ol May • litst of Muy winch will l,c ilu, book-, w II he cl Or d executions wl I M. .t. Solomons, COMMISSION MERCHANT, BA.V S'PKICreX, (Ofttci* formerly occupied by Messrs, u. Cohen &Co.) C^~8olicils Conaigumeula of Produce and Met chandlza tebB .10 H N T. KOW LAND, COMMISSION MERCHANT and O Fa TV Fa K A r. A GrK T, ATLANTA, VFJKLIA. FKKSII RICE FLOUR! ■ NOIt table nan, constantly on baud, III barrels or Ml Iii sacks, to suit purchasers, at 15c. per ID., at at the F >KBST CITY FLOUK MILLS, corner ul Convress and Montgomery streets, Havuiiiiah. mm:io t.thifca ti OK()P OF lso-j. Fresh (jardeu Seeds, co.Nsi-TiNo or Beets, Kale, ('ahhAge, Leek, Carrot, LolLuce, Caulillower, Musktucllon, Celery, Radian, CortiinlHT, Holuacli, 8*' Plant, Touiato, Early Dutch Turnip, Just received by the way of the blockade; for sale JOHN B. MOOifE. Druggist, r*J1 Gibbous’ Range. lilMii'ils.ranil’s sale. JTATF OF LKhHIDA, WAYNE COUNTY'. ^ t*u lbe ii*--t. I' , r-d«y iii May u xl, will he sold ti HieCouil House U > ,r iu said county, within the law till 11<mii - oi s.-i'e, -Akl ucrvs ol land, more or lesn, pari ol lot oi land No nlnei) -' hree t'.W) in the Second Dial rici oi said c ui,,t y. Sold us the p r operty of Gilli- Kng.-r-. decease,I, for the h-medt of the heir- and creditor- of said (lee used. Terms made know-a on lh day oi sale JAMES M. XicCOoL, Adm'r, March 6th, 1863. mart) MT have inloitnaltuu that we Ut-lteVc t< i irliuhle.lliut lhe lolluwiug isaUlhet. Ii. fa Qlli God ,J '1 lieu i , tSecond Decree b.- Uo yu 1 I laud u Bbllgallolts believe this to be the wold ol the Bible.) Go Volt helmve iow being waged ugulisl us, IlStllUUollul *' •uive lbe ublig itiou. , do soletuuly swear iu lh,* pre - suce ul Almighty »• *d. that 1 will Mippori the l.'uusllflllhiu ol the l iiiled tiiatcs, and Ihe ti- J e io which 1 reside, aud keep it holy and UlilaV ,*|led. 1 liitlbcr proiitlee and sweat 'hat 1 will go to the aid ol all good uud loyal Ueuiocrals, and iippone the coiili-caiioii of their properly, either North or tioiith, and 1 lurther pioiniae aud swear that 1 will sillier my body severed iu four parts—one part east out ol the east gate, Till gal 1 Will Mill forelat lie- loot fore.v 1 lurllie the aid, li ail loyal i ' part i ale, oue part ai BOUth gate, bel i,. queaihed l»> it or irainpb-d uu prom 1st* aud swear that I will go io ill the Ur t to the lourih sign.I, ol moentip, Ninth or ft' inh. I fur hei 1 swear Gut 1 w.ll not reveal any ol ese ret signs, puas woids «»r grips, to auy ie not legally author.zed ny Ibis order, loud g m yri-ll uudei no I, on penalty than ha vmg > bowels lorn out aud ctsi to tbe lour Wiutls heaven, so help tue (tod. I promise and swear that 1 will do all tu tuy jwer against the present Yankee Abolition, atiuiuu Adiuiulctraliuu; so help me God. Knuxuiie !(• girh r. Tub Vic'EauuKO Battle.- Yankee pticouers (taken Ir« gunk) may be relied upon Volin' lo liflitors and (Todilors. \ L ^: r-ons indebted to the estate of George NV. •Inny. laic oi tic, ivcii county,deceased, are nr- ,1 to settle the same; and those having , ie-mauds against said chi ale will prescul them, duly aiilbeutiiao d, o as to show their character and tiuciini. to tin- under* plied within the lime pre scribed by law This April 17, It 63 sprit I* ft'I'G'I'EtiUCHY. Kxecil'or. N< rvu ■ E. \ L I, persons having demand' against Hu-estate ,*l Mrs. Elizabeth Fori, late of Wayne county, are requested lo hand them mi; and all persons In (tehb-d to sa d esl-ile to make payiin-n' to miM i J. M TISOV, Rx r. Notice. ilFOHGI.% I, I IK FIAT Y (OI^TY. All \1 persons having demands against William 1). Howell, deceased, late of -Hid country, are hereby notitb-d and required to pres-ul them, properly at- tested, to the ii oilers iglied within thot me prescrib ed liy law-; and all per-ous Indebted to Baid m reas-d, are lieiehy n qimed to make payment to the under signed. _ F. K. LYONS, Bicehnro' Apr I 8, 1863. t|nalified Administrator. spill) ~ Notice. o !N the first Tne-day In May next will he -old, he re ili'-t’omt Hon e door in Wsvne coiiui y, be- the usual ho r* *»f rale, the following l>,n ol tainliip im i Lot No It and lot No HI. known as Hie Dawgla- improvement all situa ted. lying ail ' being in the 3d District of Wayne county and sold as tlie property of Daiuul I) Davis, laleof Wayne comity. d«-« eased, and bo.J for the hcneUt ol the heir-* and creditors ol said deceased. HENRY and J Eli UK 11. DAVIS, apr3 Executors. •my Lohd Kussbi chi reapoudeuce is luther more lively than um ou the part ol 1, *rd,Russell. ll ii be true ibat Admiral Milne has order the arrest ol Captain Wilkes lor intrusions British waters, Lord llu-*seil is in a very -ud ble humor lor farther correspondence with L coin’s rcpieaenlptivc, auti something spicy m i • suit. The statement that Capi. Wilkes h id be kiiuw whul is whui— Confederate arrested iu 11,v ma b,r tiling nn a tij'auiub v, are considered a little boiler ibuu teal es- | sei, muy possibly be the “good new-" repotted Hirne-ts' -nd quite- goed usg.*ld. I by tienur Vtom-.iUa »- likely to be shortly given 0 | Knoxville Register. | to the public.—Sjuth Camunian. aprtl—3teod ?els dun tne tiaU'port Henry Clay sunk,ib*-tillver Wave burned, ami the rain laifayctte sunk, fbe loss o bws t-uUseqiieui upon ihe destruction ol ibe liaunporls (whiJh carry ouly troops auJ prove t|..ns; uiusi have been considerable—how many may nevei be known.- Mm- iiMfjfi.au. MILLS HOUSE, CHARLESTON, S. C. Built in l-V -tiulfurui'/it let/na! t ntny in Um L’niUU Slnle-\ corner of Meeting and Queen slrfelr. Tuos. 8. Nickbigon, / n , , sp‘f _Jusr.cn Pcrskii.. | Iroprlctt-is New Books. NEW BLOCKADE GOODS FOH GKNTLKMKN’ti WiCAKL F1CFM II t’asslmcre for Units suits English Tweeds Blue Navy Flannel Brown Lluun DucU.for Hummer suit* Plaid Collouades 6 I Black Cas-iin -rrs Gents’ Oxford Tie tiboes For sale by mar-til DeAVITT A UOHUAIV. a In' me bankable avin -ul of taxes, l.K *l(uK NV. 11AVI l, niarlS tM l City Treasurer Lliat ham 'iipcrlor fourl, JANUARY TERM, 1808. W IIFIK FAS. E. E Hertz, llenry K. WasLhurn, ili um II May. Thomas .i. Harden, Dr. Eli team'll ml the present II May, 7 Immas 'arsons, Hauun-I I*. I’jiliuer, Jnhu Pliliip I'nii I lain. John U.chaid-on, Luket'hrlstl’e ttiat. they lie li good an I aulllci' Kelili NV Mllall ihe Ter John Pi d,-i Jol Perry. Wiiiium F t B. Attain . lames Wm I'm c,l to at tend the pn t'oim, a- Petit Juror-, li •Icrial that hey Grand in, it is ordered i forty dollars. John sun, , Donald Me Don- i J Military T- vc uiudi- il 'fault fur .«• fluel each in the Uiey tile good and tirst day twenty U *11; sutlirieul entire ol uu us ot the next Term •*. tins t our : And, When l. e, and AtlnUt llo- ike liimnlt in, W. II. I Term ,*f suld Court Talesuieu on I he Pc il Jury l'*r the trial o- criiuual ats* s. have uiiulc uefault Im me Term, it I-ordered that they b• fined each iu the sum oi twenty dol lars, unless they ill • good and sudlcicnt cause- oi« xciiM- on or hcfoic ill. iirot day of the next taint of tills Court; a id, whereas, M. I) Levy, tab.-sman, made dofaiilt on tue.'ltsl of January.1833; and, wliaru- as, James l( tine d and t’harb-s F. Preston,lalcsiiu-ii, in mIi- duiiiiilt on ti.c *Jd. 3d, I h and 6 h of February, and. wheren- made iiefaiill on 1 George ft. duty, i, mad ' defuiiA ou *be 5lh ordered Hu.' 'hey he fl ud ecu m lhu sum dollats.u <Jc«s they llleg od and snlllcienl ve.se on or h* fin- ihe first day ol the next ( lialliam liil«rit>r rutin, FEBRUARY TERM, l8t:i. W IM.lti: \s, Joseph M. Ilaywood, Frederick Krcnson, I> Ltlhrop, George G, Wil-ou and D. Rogers, sii'iiiuoiuuLo attend the pr« i February T« Jurors, own. Pi i Inl.-i W. J. Bandy, i from the minutes. v.M. II III'LLOC'lf, HI t VAN ISTlt KKT NEGRO AUCTION MART. , prlva C 0 B fit Two SACKS! Bushel, O B N ABU H.J G . Dentistry. Dll. ( L/t II li. would say b> bit imirous tinal friends that he Is now pr.- pared. hvtlie assi-lance of one of the to* tnechauical DeutislH lu our count *v. tc /ive as much attention to the insertion of AltfiFI f'IAI. TEETH as he has heretofore to the priraei vu turn of the uiitural ones. Hie patent method, (pa tented May. ttit«),| which is now being urved by HI our tv»t Dentlsie, laitti North sndfto ilh. enables ulin to promise a more easy and perfect lilting plate ti an rat, P<***sihly is- made by the common sod uncertain proof s» of (Making Dl‘-s. liy this uu-tbnd 'Lo die it uuc. directly from the impression uf the month, thus ,rivin, as a die ny winci, tu lit our plaL-a as perfect -a th* |»w ilsell We aic so confident in o*n aliiiit^* to constrnrt Trunk Locks. A N assortment ot Trunk, Psd, H nek and ('best Locks, foi sale by JNo. II DKPPI8U, apiT G i lil.uus' Range. Superfine Flour! 1 / v BflLN. Superfine Plour, just received IIH# and for eale by aprld t.'LAGUoKN Hr CUNNINGHAM. iveek I will sell all kinds of propel I > ill ilu; Court H«)USe on the Ural Tin—day of t very month. Persons having uropetty for sale will give two or more days nothc before the day of sale, so th-1 the property can lie uilvuiliei-d. I also have accommodations l<>r any number ol Negroea at a mod rate price Tor hoard, aud I will use every eitori to make quick snl*-s uud to Hie o-*-t mlvanUi't i a. hrav insun. Auctioneer aud Broker. 5)1)9 K MEN DEI.. Crier. COTTON YARNS. FUR SALE BY msr71 HIM tv LATHftOF d CO. BLUE FLANNELS 30 riKCKS 111,(1 K KLtWKI.S, : FUR SALE BY mu.I II IMI \ I. % I II1141»» A CD liimmi LUMBER, ANV 1UOSOKIP riON, r i k * i * ii i: i> at 'l UP SIIOKTKrtT NUTICK. guata, begmulug April 6th. Savannah in Millou - • • Milieu ...v. Arrive iii Savannah. 7.15 P. M. 1.80 A. M. lO.-'O P. M. .6.35 A. M. TA BRANCH- P WO DAILY TRAIN ti BE TWEEN AUGUSTA AND M1LLKN. Augusta » • 5J* Allive iu Milieu .. 9.56 A. M. Milieu If- ' "' »"!!«-* bmp'it' Align Si a 6 XU 1 . M- Arilve iii Milieu -9.66/. Milieu a - S ’ A *5- Arrive in Augustu 6-*» "• GOttDIiN AND AaTONTON BRANCflL . Leave Eaton ton ll.fO A. M. Aikvc tn Guidon 8.94 P.l*. Leave Gordon. . <a.fOP« 8J* Ai i ive in Eatonton 11.60 Night. Passengers for Augusta from Savannah and Macon by tit her train will conned with the South Carolina Railroad trim,s. • * Pass angers h ir MUledgevllle and EatonUjn wUl taka Day Trains” from Savannah and AQguata, and Night Trains’’ from Macon. Nq,bt Train from tia#*unah and Augusta connecta jitb Mouth-western R. R- at Macon tor Albany, ttufuuiH, FortGaines and Intermediate nointajalao, iih Macon aud W. R. R. to Atlanta and th<? Weat. Day Train connects at Macon with ti, W. and' Hus- igtHi Ft. R, to Columbus, Mon^gnfwy^M^bRo and General Boperintandmit. tin* Southwest. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE J. SOUTHWESTERN RAILROAD Ittd, 1863, the Colum- Traln will run aa fol lows II UKTWKIN MAOON AMD UOLUMBDS. Leave Macon at 5.86 P. M. Arrive at Columbus at 11.40 P. M. la-ave Columbus at 19.40 P. M. Arrlvo at Macou at 6.63 P. M. HBTWKKN MAOON AMD OUATTAUOOOHaa. Leave Macon 0 90 A. M. Arrlvo at Chatlahoochee . 4.88 P. M. Leave Chattahoochee 7.30 A. M. Arrive at Macou. 6.91 P. M. The Mail and Passeuger Trains from Albany con- uecl daily at tiuilLUvllle, No. 10 b. W. R.R., and from Fort Games dally at Cutbbert, with fhnttahoocheo Mail Train. „ Leave Hiuithville at 19.80 P. M. Arrive at Albany at 9 03 P. M. Leave Albany at 9.60 A. M. Arrive al Hniltbville at 11.90 A. M. Leave Cutbhert at ^.66 P. M. Ai rive at Fort Gaines at 4.38 P. M. Leuvc Fort Gaines at T 30 A. M. Arrive at Cutbhert at v.25 A. M. Making the connection with tho up amt down Chat*- Labuuchi - Mail Tralli. Trains L* Columbus form a through connection to Montgomery, Alabama, und Augusta. Kingston, Wli* mingUtn, Haviuumli, MllledguvIlTuand Satonton. Post Coaches run from Aliauiy to TaUahMSM* Bain* hrni/ ThomaavlUu, Ac. Parasugurs for iKiiuts below Fort Valley should taka the Night trains from Augusta and buvannah to avoid iluleiitlou at Mutou. For Columbua take tbe Daf Train, VIRGIL POWERS, Engineer uml tiupvilutendent. Macon, March 88d, 1663. apr6 CHANGE OF 8CHED0LE. Sm annall, Alliauy- and UMif Uailrot*. * JL~JL L J 11. I. DICK SUtiUN, r. B. W \ KSI1A LL A Ur at i In* Mill. Johns'* Iro, v ixiat‘21—8m Varniali. FOR S«LE. j^ DpiIihIiIf tlie coi’Uf r * tiiuderalc i hundred f-et and Gwinnett Itcuiiar* enquire edit on. with pint The Americau Union. By James Spence. Also, More Almanac- for 18*13. Kvobitioiis of the Line. Joutiui’s Practice of War. The Judge Advocate’s Vade Meru*n. Received and [ for **ale by E KN \PP * Cu . matO West side Monuuteut Square- IFUILNITUKG VARNISH. I HA It II KL UP IIIUN V.lBMIl; !• i UU. NU. 1 PUHNWi: .K VAI1NISH; I For sale at JOHN '»LIVf£R’ft, ! i*j-j N«» 11 NVinlaker street. r ii it a iv ir k situ i uuniaavuie. wa. ITlMdlson 4L II. y Lake Cilf, nioutli-ello, aud Tall alt aa« Vlorlda. ercL*i>ted,) as follows: Leuvu Savauuah at 7.00 A. ML Arrive at Thoinaavllle at 9.00 P. M. RETURNING. Leave Tbomaavtlle at 6.08 A. M, Arrive at tiavanuah 6.00 P. M. CuimecUtig at McIntosh (Station No. 8, going leal) ou Tuesdays, Thursdays and baturdaya, with line of dMuSies to Darien. Returning on alternate iys. * unnectlng al Tebeauvllle (No. 9) dally with tha cars for Brunswick. Connecting at. (Quitman (No. 16,) dally with a line of coaches to Madison C. H., Fla. mnecting ut Groover’s (No. 17) with a dally line of c*laches to Mouticullo, Fla. Arriving In time to (outiix t with the airs to Tsllahaasoo and Bt. Marka. Freight Trains leave Savannah Mondays, Wednea- itays and Fridays, ul 6 A. M.; returning on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 5 P, M. N. B. Double the regular rates will be charged on all articles shipped by Passenger Train, excepting fruit, fresh meat, Ash, oysters, and other perishable articles. Freight by Passenger Tram should be de livered at the Dupt at least one hour beiore the start* Ing time ol the train. augTJ G. J. Fulton, Superintendent.^ (HAiViiE OF SCHEDULE OM GEORGIA RAILROAD. GEORGIA RAILROAD, i Auous-f a, July 84,1868, f O N and after Hunday. July 77th, Sunday Day Train resumed on main line, also Trains on Athena and Washington Branches will run to connect undl fnrtucr notice. LBAVB Atlanta 6.10 a. K. *-3nw Atlanta... 1.15T. M. Augusta 6.46 a.m. Augusta 4.00P. M. ▲HHIVI Augusta 6.04 Angusta 5.80 a. m. Atlanta 6.88 V. ■. -<•»»«« a.oa*. *: Trains connecting with Washington and Athena Branches leave Augustu at 6.46 A. M., aud Atlanta at K in A M. No connection with Warren ton on Son* duy. Hclalr Train leaves Augusta 6.16 P. M Jvia GEO. YONQE, BodI. WANTED. SHIP k N fC G S WANTED. r a Vi v or600 Hhip Knees (white oak) aiding•/ iJvrVJ inches aud upwards. Apply to marll JJ KKBNSon & HAWKS. Utftllfliti fctiTABLISHMKfllT, | asT*.flLisitiD in 1888.] Uemoveil io 36 Drayton street. eontBi of Yorli ecreet, near tbe late realdeucw of the aubacrioer. faiflU Bubscriber, grateful for poet favore, begs M. leave to inlnrm bis friends ana the pnbltc gener* ally, that ha is now prepared to Dye all Colon Ul the best style ou &dk aud Woolen Dresses, tihawla, 8c.; also, Table Covers and Crape b haw Is bleached in the best manner. Ladles* Kid and Do* Bki-i Gloves cleaned in the best London style. The subscriber begs leave to state that he is now prepared to c.esn, bleach and press Ladles* aud Flats iu the moat fashionable stylet. Term* moderate. Gentlemen’s Garments Dyed ana Cleaned, as may be required, in the same superior style which baa gen* orally so well pleased hit patrons aud friends for tha i*-' SB years. A. GALLOWAY. Corn, Corn. r \ RUNIIK l.ft Corn for aal LJ aprld W. M. 0*0 Peas, Peas. -| 4'll4>MfM < ll<» 1 1.1/ -ah* by i*|*'S W. M. DAVIDSON. Tea. ** Black and Greeu Tea. F CL AU HORN .1 O’l'NN INGHAM. I Flour. , ,*r ItBLS. ami b-g* Family aud Superflne i *) FI .a* For sab* t y aprS * LAQHORN A CUNNINGHAM. SOUTHERN Spelling Book, B E1N1* an impioveurent on the American Snell lug Book. By Noah Webster, LL. D. ReceU ed and for sale by B. KNAPP A CO., West side Monument equate. Powder. -| Keg FFFU Rifle Gunpowder. For sale by A- tp»6 TT W. M. DAYIDtiON,