The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1788-1802, October 21, 1802, Image 1

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GEORGIA Aa. GAZETTE. (No. 991.) Thursday, 21* 1802. I FoUrlMto * \ ‘ J 1 per annum. SELLING OFF, n for Ca(b, Produce, or Lumber, at the brick stores 1,1 of the lubfcrihers, on the Bay, A Stock of Dry Goods, consis ting of WHITE, pink, and blue luftrings and mantuas; Black modes, love handkerchiefs, Mens and womens cotton dockings, n; aner and damask tablecloths; Dnrar.ts, calamancoes, (balloons, and tatnmiesp Ribbons, ounce thread, Mullins and muflmets, irilh linen, huckaback, Shawls and calicoes, Mens coarse and fine hats, Radies and childrens ditto S arlet and white flannel, ftnped .macs-, Swanfdown and toilenet, Llallic cloths and coatings, E, confiding of, buttons, locks, hinges, hammers, adzes, augers, drawing knives, N R The above goods being the remaining Rock of a concern will be fold at very reduced prices, in order to close the bulinefs of Lid coacel J^ M£S WALLACE and Co< ‘ hairdresser. rpHE fubferiber has removed his Ihop to the houL in I which he lives in Washington ward. He will be thlikful for the continuance of the favors of his customers. HWhcde attention will be devoted to the bufmefs of his W e Wi, and all persons who may be pleated to favor him will be gratefully served. His present residence is on t i, e fame lane with his former (hop, about 200 yards lower ZZ SAUNDERS MOTT A*. October 14, tS.c2. FOR SALE, . 60 pieces sailcloth, No. 2 to 6; 21 pieces flaxen and tow oznabrigs, 32 dozen oznabrigs thread, 200 pieces cotton bagging; 150 barrels Baltimore fuperfine k flour, at 7 dollars per 40 ditto up-country * barrel; ico ditto pilot bread, 6 copper Rills with pewter necks and worms, 4 hogflieads excellent brown Rout, 4 hogflieads Jamaica rum, 100 hogsheads tobacco, ioo bales upland cotton. JOHNSTON. KOSERTSON’, and CO. 261 b Augujl, 1802. “spring goods. r T I HE fttbfcribers have received, direct from Mahchef- I ter, „ An Assortment of Summer Goods, Which were laid in for cafn, and are conlequemty confi icrably lower than the general importations to this place, Conffmg of Dimities, Mullins, Prints, Quiltings, Durants, | Umbrellas, Nankeens, j Jeans, &c. Which they will fell low, per piece or package. MEIN, MACKAY, and CO. Savannah) i%th 71 lay, 1802. Mein, Mack ay, & Cos. HAVE FOR SALE, r PRINIDAD sugars in hogflieads, *. Jamaica rum in ditto, Weft India ditto in ditto, •Madeira wine in whole and half pipes, drown (lout porter in hogflieads, ! Lon don bottled ditto in calks, vlafgow bottled Port wine in ditto; ALSO, 50 hogflieads prime tobacco, on a liberal credit. . Savannah , May 18, 1802. _ - - . - - , . Savannah, ‘2B th April, 1802. Hp HE fubferiber having contracted withM.SHEARER X to trail fact the Vendue and Commiflion Buflnefs ,a bis name and absence, and having rented the llore for d? CJ dy occupied by A. WATT and CO. on Commerce cow, near the Exchange, will be thankful to his friends 4? d the ,public for anv bufinels in that line. A liberal “'•v;n:. e oi CASH will be made, if required, on the de of produce, or any kind of property, for public or i-uvuts sale. Strict attention will, be paid to orders. Regular Vendue Days EVERY MONDAY. JOHN HOLLAND, ACctionier. Roderick Macleod TAKES this method of informing his friends and customers that their accounts are now ready for de livery, and as he intends leaving the country earjy in the spring there will be an abfokite necelfity of coming to “a fetttement with all who owe him, as well as those to whom he may be indebted; he therefore hopes due atten tion will be given to this notice, to prevent the disagree able necelfity of having recourse to coercive measures, which iriuft be the inevitable consequence of neglect. .He further begs leave to inform the public in general, and his friends in particular, that he has taken Mr. JOHN RAE in partnerlhip, and solicits a continuance of their favors to Macleod and Rae, WHO HAVE ON HAND, As general in ASSOR I'M ENT of DRY GOODS As any in the City. AND ON CONSIGNMENT, 7 cases tapes and bobbins, well assorted; 3 nuns, pound, and colored threads; 3 jeans, jeanets, colored, and striped nankeens; 2 7 Bths and 4 4ths Irilh linens, 1 case 9 Bths and 5 4ths Irilh llieetiiigs, 1 Irilh dowlas; 2 cases cutlery, pins, needles, &c. Ali of which will be fold at a low advance, for cafli or* produce. Savannah, January 28, 1802, Thomas and James Beggs, IN CONJUNCTION WITH Mr. Alexander Boyd, HAVING rented the valuable wharf and ftore%for merly belonging to Alexander Watt, deteafed. offer their tervices to their friends and the public, under the Firm of BEGGS and BOYD, To receive, llore, and forward produce of all delcriptiont to any port in the United States, or to Europe. They flatter themselves that the convenience and fafcty of their (lores will he a recommendation to them as a place of future depolite. And they also solicit the patronage of their friends in the FACTORAGE ami COMMISSION BUSI NESS, Hoping by frtict attention and punctuality to merit their approbation. Savannah, January 18, 1802. FOR LIVERPOOL, ®The new and fafl failing SKI 9 ELIZA, Andrew Rohkrtsox Mailer, Will fail in all October. For freight of 300 bides cotton, or pallage, .apply to the Matter, JOHNSTON, ROBERTSON, and CO. 30 th September, 1802. A few Tons LIVERPOOL COAL|or sale. FOR SALE OR CHARTER. The (launch burthenl’ome SKIP JHl§r£~i£>Will be fold, or chartered, upon moderate terms, if immediate application is made. She is about 300 tons burthen, is well found, and -may be shit to lea at a trifling expence. Apply to JOHNSTON, ROBERTSON, and CO. Who have received by fid Jlip, 4060 bulhels Lilbon fait, 75 crates assorted earthen ware, 20 tons coal, 2000 Hone jugs from 1 to 4 gallons each, 5000 pantiles; Which they will fell low for cash, or on a fliort credit. SavanTiah, 19 th July, 1802. FOR SALE, 39 Coils Cordage, from 1 to 6 inches; Prime Jamaica Sugar in hogflieads, Rum in puncheons; Coffee in hogflieads, tierces, and barrels; Molaffcs in hogsheads, Ginger in bags, Loaf Sugar refined; Fresh Tamarins, Sweetmeats, and Pickles, in jars; A quantity of Linen and Woollen Slops, confiding of mens Ihirts, jackets, and trowfers; 164 Pieces Hehians, and 180 Pieces fine Irilh Linen, at a low advance. GAIRDNER, CAIG, and MITCHEL, Sava‘inch, 1 6th September, 1802, ’ The Subscriber having pof felfion of stores on the Cofteehouie wharf, conveniently iiruated for the reception and delivery of-produce, offers his fewices in the Factorage and Commission Business. Any favors conferred on him in that line will be received; with thanks, and executed with fidelity and dispatch. STEWART WALLACE. Savannah, btbjuly , 1802. A few Tickets in the New York Lottery for sale. Inquire of the printers. Savannao, 30 lb September, 1802. Thomas and James Beggs Have received on eonjignmtiit, per the brig A Stiver Capt. AT Even, from Greenock , The following ARTICLES, Which they will dfpofe oj on very low terms for cajli or produce: 30 hampers belt Cliefliire cheese, 50 ditto ditto Irilh potatoes, 35 kegs bed Scots barley, 60 fukins ditto ditto herrings, 2000 bulhels best white fait, Io tous of coals, 20 crates assorted crockery ware, 8 casks Port wine, „ 10 calks best London bottled porter, 4 cases mens hats assorted, 2 trunks umbrellas assorted, A hand-bine assortment of mull ins. All of which may be teen at Beggs and Bcyd's countings house. April 17. NOTICE. ‘ r ~J~TIE fubferiber being about to leave this state has fold X the remaining Stock of Goods of B* FLEMING and CO. to Mr. ANDREW LOW, who is.empowered to cclleH the (landing debts, and cliteharge any accounts that may be vet unfeitled by said concern. ROBERT ISAAC, Agent for B. F ( lemixg and Cos. Savajtnah, April 27, 1802^ Andrew Low RESPECTFULLY informs the public, that he has Commenced tlie Dry Goods Business, In the (lore formerly occupied by Messrs. B. Fleming and Cos. near tile Market, where he has on hind a neat and Klhionable Assortment of 4 4ths, 5 4tbs, and 6 4ths mullmull muflilisj 4 4ths, 6 4ths, and 7 4ths book ditto; 4 4ths, 9 3t!is, and 6 4ths jaconet ditto; 7 Btbs, 4 4ths, 9 Btiis, and 6 4ths cambric ditto; 6 4ths figured cambrics, Jaconet and mull handkerchiefs; Romal, Pullicat, and Madrafs ditto; Printed calicoes and lliawJs, Fine llained muslins, - Black printed cambrics and tambom, Tanibor and satin work muslins, Rich colored ditto; Japan, draw loom, and lappet ditto; Linens and long lawii3, Cotton and linen cambrics* Cotton Ihirtiiig and check; Cotton (lockings, mitts, and gloves; Linen pocket handkerchiefs, Sheetings and dowlas* Buff and striped nankeens; Threads, tapes, and bobbins; Cotton and lilk umbrellas, White and colored jeans; Luftrings, mantuas, and perfians; Dimities and mulfinets, Pocket bibles and dictionaries; Cotton baggings, ofnaburgs, See. See. ALSO, JUST OPENED, A CHEST EXCELLENT HYSON TEA. At a reasonable price. A. LOW will be thankful for a ftiare of the public favor* being determined to fell on the ipoft moderate terms, for calh only. Savannah , April 27, 1802. i RECEIVED, By the brig Ceres, from New York, A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF PAINTS and OIL, Which will be disposed of low for cafli. tO°* Any orders in tne line of painting will be execut ed with neatnels and dispatch by BL i LER and MACE, Broughton-flreet. JuncS. i3c2-