The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1788-1802, October 28, 1802, Image 1

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GJiOKGIA GAZETTE. (No. 992.) ‘ Thursday, * October 23, 1802. | r ™'“ Dancingschool. J. B. LEROY TAKES this opportunity of presenting his thank? to the 1 aJies and gentlemen who have formerly honor ed him with the tuition of their children, and informs them and the public, that he intends opening his DANCING SCHOOL, on Tuesday the 19th of this month, at his lodgings, Harden’s buildings on the Bay, where a commo dious room is provided. Far from adopting the pompons ajid too often deceiving language with which many de rate the branch of education they advertise to teach, the tbove conceives it fufficient to Bate, that his pupils will be taught the gracefulnefs of the moft fafliionable dances. Y~f* The days of tuition are Tuesdays, Thuri'days, and Saturday*. OSiober 12. WANTS A SITUATION, IN a edtinting-houfe, wholesale or retail {lore, A YOUNG MAN, who can be well recommended, writes a good hand, and has been regularly bred to the business. A line dire&ed to W. H. and left with the printer, will be duly attended to. Oftobcr 19, 1802. ~ The SLOOP SALLY, From Newport, will be a conflant l trader during this winter from this ,Sjjm port to the foothern parts of this Hate., Said {loop is well accorn -9 modated for freight or palfengcrs. For further particulars inquire of Hr. Samuel Howard, or Isaac N. Meferve, muftcr, on and.g ar d. Savannah , QSlober 16, 1803* ■WILLIAM WILSON ■ TAS received, by the Brig” Hjrppy Couple, Capt. ■I I Starks, from Liverpool, ; A large and general AJfortmenl of ■all and Win te rGo o ands , AMONGST WHICH ARE, ■O OTTON bagging; Plain, tambored, and lappet BLj Negro cloth, various muffins and cambrics, fe ll colors; fljionable; London duffil and rose 4 4ths and 7 Btin printed jj blankets, calico, ditto; ■uperfine and second cloths; Linens, Kafiimeres, dallies, and Hats, ji coatings; Cutlery, Manuels, Ironmongery, Burants, Haberdalhery, &c. &c. Kotton and woollen hofieryj ■ Which will be ibid at a moderate advance for call), cot lon, or approved notes at two, three, and four months. I Savannah , OSlobcr 7, 1802. JFORS A L E, ■59 Coils Cordage, from i to 6 W inches; ‘ ■rime Jamaica Sugar in hoglheads, um in puncheons; Kofiee in hoglheads, tierces, and barrels; Btfolaffes in hog (heads, Kinger in bags, ■off Sugar retiued; ■relli Tamarins, Sweetmeats, and Pickles, in jars; Wt quantity of Linen and Woollen Slops, confiding of |j mens Hurts, jackets, and trowftrs; ■64 Fleets Heilians, and lb’o Pieces line Irilh Linen, at H k low advance. GAIUDNER, CAIG, and MITCHEL. ! 'l I FOR SALE OR CHARTER. I stT-R The Haunch burthenfome SHIP A N N Wi 11 be fold, or chartered, upon moderate *rnn. if immediate application is made. She is about ■OO tons burthen, is well found, and may be font to lea V a tiiding expence. Apply to I JOHNSTON, ROBERTSON, and CO. U IVbo have received by /aid Jhip , I 4000 buihel* Lilbon fait, [■ 7 5 crates alTorted earthen ware, Sf 20 tons coal, §1 2oao Hone jugs from 1 to 4 gallons each, ls*°o pantiles; W’bich they will fell low for cash, or on a lhort credit. ■ Savannah, iytb July, ISO 2. I WANT E D, HA BOY of 1 cfpe&able connexions as an apprentice to I * the Druggiif Bulintfs. None need apply but thufc •o cut produce good recommendations, and are of an HGging difpolition. T‘o inch good encouragement will be ® ftn< Apuly to Hi CHARLES'M‘E.ENNA, Druggist, Market square. Thomas and James Beggs, 1 IN CONJUNCTION WITH Mr. Alexander Boyd, HAVING rented the valuable wharf and (tores for merly belonging to Alexander Watt, deccafed. offer their lervices to their friends and the public, under the Firm of BEGGS and BOYD, To receive, Bore, and forward produce of all deferiptions to any port in the United States, or to Europe. They flatter tliemfelves that the Convenience and fafety of their Bores will be a recommendation to them as a place of secure depolite. And they also solicit the patronage of their friends in the FACTORAGE and COMMISSION BUSI NESS, • . Hoping by Bri& attention and pun finality to merit their approbation. Savannah , January 18, 1802. Roderick Macleod TAKES tins method of informing his friends and cußomers that their accounts are now ready for de livery, and as he intends leaving the country early ip the spring there will be an ablblute neceliity of coming to a lettlement with all who owe him, as well as thole to whom lie maybe indebted; he therefore hopes due atten tion will be.-.given to this notice, to prevent the disagree able neceffuy of having recmijfe to coercive mealures, which mud be the inevitable conLcpience of neglect. He further begs leave to inform the public in general, and his friends in particular, that he has taken Mr. JOHN RAE in partnerlhip, and lolicits a continuance of their favors to Macleod and Rae, JVIIO HAVE OF HAND , As gen to a > t * ASSOM 1 ME NT of TRY GOODS As tnv ir. the Cuv. , AND ON CONSIGNMENT) 7 cases taqies and bobbin-:, well alTorted; 3 jnms, pound, and colored threads; 3 jeans, jennets, colored/aixl Briped nankeens; 2 7 Bths and 4 4ths Iridi linens, r case 9 Bths and 5 4tiis Iriili iliee tings, r Irilh dowlas; 2 cases cutlery, pins, needles, Ac. All of width will lie fold at a low advance for cash or product. Savannah, January 28, 1802. * ‘ FOR LI VER COOL, ~ The new and faß filing SHIP (J£\ eliza; I 1 Andrew Robertson Mafhr, \M§gg/ in all Oitober. tor freight of 300 NgjgffcT bales’cotton, or paifage, apply to the Master, JOHNSTON, ROBERTSON, and CO. 30 tb September , 1802. A few Tons LIVERPOOL COAL for sale. < ‘>■ ’ : r p t 1 ■ ■. Savannah) 28th April) 1802. THE subscriber having contracted withM-SFIEARER to trail fad. the^ Vendue and Commission. Business in his name and absence, and having rented the Bore for merly occupied by A. WATT and CO. 011 Commerce Row’, near the Exchange, will be thankful to his friends and the public for any tutinds in that line. A liberal advance of CASH will be made, if required, on the de pcfite of produce, or any kind of property, for public or private sale. Strict attention will be paid to order*. |L7* Regular Vendue Days EVERY MONDAY. JOHN HOLLAND, Auctionier. FOR SAL 60 pieces sailcloth, No. 2 to 6; 21 pieces flaxen and tow oznabrigs, 32 dozen oznabrigs tlrread, 2op pieces cotton bagging; . 150 barrels Baltimore fuperfine flour, at 7 dollars per 40 ditto up-country J barrel* 100 ditto pilot bread, r 6 copper'Bitls with pewter necks and worms, 4 hoglheads excellent brown Bout, 4 hogflieads Jamaica rum, • - 100 hcglheads tobacco, 100 bales upland cotton. JOHNSTON, ROBERTSON, and CO. 26 tb Augllfiy 1802. TO BE LEASED. A Five Acre Lot of Land, near Savannah, an exceeding good situation for a garden or a bnek yard. Inquire of the printers. _ hairdresser. THE fubferioer has removed his fliop to the houle trt which ne lives in> Walhington ward. He will bd tuankml for the continuance of the favors of his cußomers. His whole attention will be devoted to the business of bis proiefiion, and all persons who may be pleated to favor him wii! be gratefully lerved. His present residence is on the fame lane with his former Uiop, about 200 yards lower do^ n ; F SAUNDERS MOTTA* October 14, 1802. SELLING OFF, Cheap for Calk, Produce, or Lumber, at the brick Bore* oi the fubforihers, on the Bay 4 A Stock of Dry Goods, CONSISTING OF ‘VATHIIE, pink, and blue luflringa and mantuas: V V Black modes, love handkerchief.-, Mens and womens cotton Bookings, Diaper and damask tablecloths; Durants, calamancoes, Ihalloons, and tammins; Ribbons, ounce thread, Mullins and mußinets, IriHi linen, huckaback, Shawls and calicoes, Mens coarse and fine hats, Ladies and childrens ditto, Scarlet and white flannel, Briped Swaniitown and toilenet, Elaßic cloths and coatings, Womens Tcarlet and grey cloaks; A variety of locks, hinges, hammers, adzes, augers, drawing knivetf, Sec. N. B. 1 lie above goods being the remaining Bock of c? concern will be fold at very reduced prices, in order to dofii the business of said concern. JAMES WALLACE and CO. October 14. NOTICE. “'HE subscriber being about to leave this Bate has fold X the remaining Stock of Goods of B. FLEMING# and CO. to Mr. ANDREW LOW, who is empowered to colled the Banding debts, and difeharge any accounts, that may oe yet unfettlcd by said concern* ROBERT ISAAC, Agent for B. Fleming and Cp. Savannah, April 27, 1802. ~ ‘**” * “ ■’ 1 1 1 m 1 1 mu 1 umttm 1 ■■ MMMh Andrew Low Iy ESPEGT FULLY” informs the public, that be haj# Commenced the Dry Goods Business, In the Bore formerly occupied by Messrs. B. Fleming and Cp. near the Market, where he has on hand a neat anil falhionable Alfortment of 4 4ths, 5 4ths, and 6 4ths mulhnull muffins; 4.4ths, 6 4ths, and 7 4 ths book ditto; 4 4ths, 9 Bths, and 6 4ths jaconet ditto; 7 Bths, 4 4ths, 9 Bths, and 6 4ths cambric ditto; 6 4ths figured cambrics, Jaconet and mull handkerchiefs; Rornal, Pullicat, and Madrafo ditto; Printed calicoes and lhawls, Fine stained nniflins, Elack printed cambrics and t&mbora, Tamlor and satin work muslins, Ricli colored ditto; Japan, draw loom, and lappet ditteg Lmens and long lawns, Cotton and linen cambrics, Cotton Ihirting and check; Cotton Bookings, mitts, and glovce; Linen pocket handkerchiefs, Sheetings and dowlas, Buff and Briped nankeens; Threads, tapes, and bobbins; Cotton and silk umbrellas, Wiiite and colored jeans; Luflrings, mantuas, and perfiansj Dimities and mullinets, Pocket bibles and dictionaries; * Cotton baggings, oinaburgs, &c. &c. ALSO r JUST OPENED, A CHEST EXCELLENT HYSON TEA, At a reasonable price. A. LOW will be thankful for a lhare of the public favor, oeing determined to fell on the moB moderate terms, for path only. . * , Savannaby April 27, 1802. f O B E RENTED, ! TiHE Countinghoufe lately occupied by tbe fubfci ibers, v/ith luch a proportion of warehouse room as mar be agreeable to tire person renting the fame. Also, thi Hall ol the Lot fronting the Bay and Whitaker-ffreet, the other hall occupied by Mr. Gray as yendue Bore. If a good pnee could be obtained the lot would be fold. Ao rl/ to JOHNSTON, ROBERTSON, aad GO* September tU ’