Newspaper Page Text
evening, lm-ms the ; /
l s = = ryviTtis*n > nts inserted at the usual rates: those sent without a specified number of insertions will he ™hi;=h a ~7TT~ ~~7T = 7 = ** ’ ** *' ** P °” ar * P** asilSllfll, payable ill ail TailCC.
■ * fc*month, between the usual hours of sale, at the place of public sales in the the loiter ■ FiUr ‘i tP ' Notice of these sales must he given in a public gazette siuy’dTvs v-d Ut ° r f ’ T G ."“ rdians ’ are squired, by law, to be held on the first Tuesday in the month
Ifi; to be limd. Notice for the sale of Personal Property must he given in like manerTom or Guardranship, may have beengranted, first givhT* v.y £ ticet W ° Sale ', . SaJs of ** must he at public 2 c ion onLffirst TmSw
Mil -•
Family Grocery mo. j.
]) o xes Raisins —10 Barrels Almnns,
id 10 bbls. Filberts, Brazil and Madeira
* Nuts.
g boxes pine apple Checse,*
r 10 boxes English and French Pickles,
f Saratoga, Seidlitz and Soda Powders,
Congress Water—direct from the Spring,
50 Barrels Sweet and Butter Crackers,
Cordials assorted--all kinds,
Champagne and Muscatel Wines,
Madeira, Claret and Lupec Wines,
Stoughton, Bitters—2o Casks Porter,
° pints and quarts. ,
Catsup Pepper Sauce—prime table Salt,
Preserved Ginger—Jellies, Ac.
i Tamarinds —Chocalate.
Pest Chewing Tobacco and Spanish
lust received and for sale by
jto-on, May If,, 1831.
how for cmilt.
nHE subscribers intend closing their present
I business as soon as praaticable, and will sell
iff their stock of
~ MUSICAL instruments.
Wether with a great variety of Miscellaneous
nicies at very low prices, for cash only—many
rtie.les will he disposed of at less than cost.—
fcieir stock of Books is large and more complete
iar.any other in the State, it embraces a large
isortmenl of Law Books, Medical do. and Latin
ehool do. Greek and French do. Religious do.
istorical, Literary, Scientific, and a great vari
<• t ,f Miscellaneous Works.
Sept. 19, 1832. 26
P S. Unit's and Medicines will be sold as
seal. ° K- S - (:n -
BLANTON & S.VIITII offer for sale,
30 hhds ) g t> (j ro ; x an( j N. O. Sugar
(10 bbls. 5
50 do Loaf and Lump do
50 do Rye Whiskey,
2000 bushels Salt.
And a variety of other Goods.
511. R. YONGE A SONS, offer for sale on
. accommodating terms, Whiskey in hhds and
its. N. E. Gin iti bbls. Apple Brandy in do.
lev-England Rum in do. St. Croix and N. Or
ats Sugar, Molasses in hhds—very superior,
oiee of excellent quality, Iron, assorted, Mack
el No. I, No. 2. No. 3. Lot of Casting, assor
dKioe in Tierces—fresh, A few demijohns
err superior old Brandy, Grindstones —Pork,
W casks Thom.iston Lime, Nails—assorted,
* lt,c. July 25, 1832. 16-3 w
They also offer for sale a Match of Well broke
orses, of cream colour —will be sold cheap.
lOhhds. N. Orleans Molasses,
I 20 bills. Rum,
20 do Gin, (best brand and good proof)
I 21) do Whiskey (i\ r . O. high proof.)
10 Bbls. Macke ral, No. 1.
I 50 do Whiskey.
I 50 do Gin,
I 10 lihds. St. Croix Sugar,
jlodoN. O. do
| 25 bbls. Manheaden Fish,
5 Tierces superior Rice.
For sale by C. A. HIGGINS.
OMESTIC LIQUORS, Ac.—Received and
for sale,
■ bbls Gin, 20 Crates Cookery,
B ho Rum, assorted,
B ho W hiskey 20 Bags prime green
B hhds N. 0. Sugar Coffee,
ip Bbls Fish, (Salt 20 Bbls Mehaden
■ water Trout) Fish,
■Forsale, in lots to suit purchasers, by
■ A PI 2 82-
•luclicn Store
■TIGHT AUCTION.— C. A. Higgins' Auction
F , is constatly supplied with Ury Goods,
ff 1 w are, Flats, Shoes, .lewelry, fancy articles,
■p Ac. which will bo offered at liis night sales,
■iersons wishing to get great Bargains will do
■e.ito call in.
■Coons sold at this establishment are fresh and
■perfect order.
fly 'Of sale by C. A. IUGGIXS.
■ ’ J : Arrangements are so made with the
f sof the manufacturers, that the planter and
wut can be constantly supplied with the ar-
I] , ( < r‘ lagging at its lowest prices and on lib.e-
June 7.
■ Hrick
■oo 000 I’EIC'K, deliverable in a few
■ 5 days notice, for sale by
fly. . C. A. HIGGINS.
fltb t e a E° ve article can be had in quan
fl , s 0 , s uh purchasers on contract, by giving
V' no,lce to the subscriber who acts as agent
11' 11 e *tensive kiln in theeigbiliborhood.
c. A. 11.
B™ ii „ r •Wolfrasses
' OLDERSHAW has on hand, a fine
■ '-'lortinent of curled mattrasses, both double
| A j p ’ " Well he will sell ou fair terms.
[ ; 1, ID-tf
rilF u SVitsliiii-.
B J : lac °nA(tvciticcr Ojfice is fitted up with
Kitiles ’J'ype. and every material which
Bp “ rutting to be executed with neatness.
8,, of Job and Fancy Types are of
B;|\' S niost approved manufacture. Bains
K'irn aken , t ,° * KWe Brinting executed in the
Ken"” 6 /'- lllp subscriber solicits the patron
■ 01 )lls friends and the public.
1 M. 1). J. SLADE:
fU' NOUNG & CO. inform their friends
-M • and the public in general that they have re
ceived their Fall and Winter Stock, consisting
of a general assortment of Dry Goods, Hard”
ware, Cutlery, Crockery, Shoes, Boots, Hats,
Blankets, Bagging, &c. They have also received
200 bags COFFEE,
3 teirces do
00 coils Bale Rope
15 lilies. St. CROIX SUGAR,
10 tierces Loaf do
10 bbls. Malaga do
100 bbls. GIN, RUM, and WHISKEY,
10 “ Rectified Whiskey,
Jamaica Rum, Holland Gin, Cog. Brandy
Together with an assortment of Ironmongery , Ac.
consisting of
1 jBS. of flat and square Bar Iron
German. Cast and Blistered Steel, Nails, Nail
Rods, Sheet Iron, Blacksmith’s Bellows, Anvils,
Vices, Hammers, Powder, Shot, Lead, Ac.
ITT The above articles were selected in parti
cular reference to the up-country and will he sold
as cheap as they can be had in this market.
T3LASTER OF PAR15....10 barrels ofPlas
-t- ter of Paris for hard walls or stucco work,
just received and forsale by
HAVE constantly on hand, and are manufac
turing a large assortment of Cabinet Furni
ture of every description, consisting cf double
and single scroll Sofas, spring and hair Seats,
W ardrobes, Sideboards, Secretary, Book Cases,
dressing and plain Bureaus, Pembroke Case,
dining and toilet Tables, marble top Centre and
Pier 'Fables, Mahogany, curled Maple and fancy
Chairs, Ac. Ac. Also, pure curled hair Mattras
ses, feather Beds, Cushions, &c.
They are constantly manufacturing the Patent
W indlass Bedsteads, with which they have
furnished most of the Hotels and Public Houses
in the Union.
They are new prepared to fill all orders either
for cash or on time. They refer to Messrs.
Cooke A Cowles, Macon.
September 11, 1832. 22—6 m
rpilE subscriber having rented the Ware-honss
-® 1 - formerly occupied by Lamar & Cos. which i
adjacent to a good Wharf and as safe and conve
nient as any in the place—he will make liberal
advances on Cotton stored witfj, or shipped by
him—and hopes by strict attention to business to
merit a share of public patronage.
Sept. 18, 23—3 m
Com mission Business.
r |PKE undersigned has taken the spacious fire
proof brick store, in the south end of Ellis,
Shotwell A Go’s range, for the purpose of trans
acting Auction, Brokerage and Commission Husi
generally*—He will be aided in the manage
ment of any business confided to him, by his
brother J. T. Tovvland, and respectfully solicits
a share of the patronage of thier respective
friends, and the public.... Until the store is com.
pleted his Counting room will be kept over the
Commercial Bank.
N. B. Cotton will be bought or sold for a
moderate commission.
Oct. 3, 25
HIS office is the one lately occupied by Mes
srs. Tracy A Butler, on Third Street.
! He will practice in all the Courts of the Flint
October 23. 28
4 ND possession given the first day of January,
i V the MANSION HOUSE, situated about the
centre of the Town. The house will be by that
time thoroughly repaired—lt is largo, roomy and
well calculated for an extensive business; will be
rented for one or more years. Rent payable quar
terly, small notes, and first rate security will be
required o the renter. Apply to
Octcbe r 3 2-tf
Fill) RENT, and possession given on the Ist
*L October next, the large and commodious
Store and Ware-House, nowin the occupancy of
George W00d... Also the Store now in the occu
pancy of James M. Hill, in the same building,
both in good order and situated on Cherry Street
near the corner of Cherry and Second Streets. —
Apply to C. B. COLE,
August 16. 20...
itlacon, Nov. 10 33
Jnnifl for sale.
I AND FOR SALE....The subscribers offer
A for sale the following lots of land.
Lot No. 35, 11th District Lee.
34, 3 2d do. do.
254, 21 )th do. do.
220, 10 th do. do.
DAY A BUTTS, Agents.
Macon, July 2">, 1832. 16-
fTIOR SALE...Two lots of land lying in the
’ Bth district Houston, lor terms, ap
ply at the Compting-house of
July 8 13
6iJloil*CS to Rent,— The Stores in the fire
kOF proof building erecting on the corner
of Mulberry and Third Streets—Possession given
on the Ist of October. For terms apply to
Macon, July 2 13
L I A —l* 1V E per cent cheaper than ever-
A JOi) MAC.I h is just opening* a very c\ten
sive and spleudid assortment oUcoods, which
has been selected in the New York market by
himself, from the latest importations, which are
particularly calculated tor this market, and which
will he disposed ol fully twenty live per cent,
cheaper than ever. Those goods are of the la
test style and most fashionable patterns, and are
offered to his friends and the public with confi
deuce fully assured, that not only the style but
prices will fully meet their approbation. Their
attention is requested to the same—a few of the
articles are mentioned, viz :
~00 pieces calicoes and prints, some very rich.
Extra fine furniture callicoes and common.
50 pieces fine parish muslins and ginghams,
plain and striped, figured and striped mandarines,
saragoses black and purple Grodeswiss aud Ital
lian silks watered grodenap, black and brown
colored do. hernani gauzes, Orleans robes, paint
ed palmarines and crape deleon, black and color
ed silk, camblets and princettus, fine french bom
bazines, blond gauze veils (some extra sizes.)
Satin straw's, scarfs, fancy handkerchiefs and
shawls, very rich, sett cap and belt ribbons new
patterns, thread laces and insertings, also edg
ings and footings, checked and striped muslins,
jackonet, sw'issand Cambric do. one case grass
bleached irish linens assorted, long lawns, linen
cambrics and cambric handkerchiefs, super, vest
ings, plaid and plain drillings and fine french
linens, pongees and ponge handkerchiefs, bandan
na and flags, gloves and mitts assorted.
50 dozen silk, cotton, randon hose and half
hose assorted.
100 parasols and umbrellas, very neat and rich. !
100 pieces mosquito netting.
Bead bags "lid purses, shell tuck and side ;
combs, cambric and furniture dimities and cotton
fringes, 0,7, 8, !), 10, 11 and 12 by -1 damask ta- 1
Lie cloths, table covers, dunstable and straw bon
bets, palm leaf hats, black and drab, beaver hats
latest fashions, travelling caps and trunks.
10 bales sheetings and shirtings and plaids.
500 lbs spun cotton, tickings, osnaburgs, cot
ton cards Ac.
Also, an extensive assortment of perfumery, j
soaps, oils, powder, powder boxes and puffs, j
erasive balls, cologne, honey and rose waters,
otto of roses, &c. Ac. Also,
3000 pair shoes and pumps assorted, and
100 pair morocco and calfskin boots, same
very neat and fine. And a very large supply of
saddles, bridles, martingals, saddle and travel
ling bags, Ac. Ac. Ac.
Together with a general assortment of hard
ware and cutlery of all kinds that is wanted in
this market; also carpenter’s tools of all kinds.
Blacksmith’s tools, cross-cut and mill saws,
guns, ri lies, Ac.
Also a supply of crockery,china and glass ware,
Also 10 dots, superior calf skin, gining and i
binding skins, sole leather, gin band leather, Ac.
and a supply of groceries, family medicines, Ac.
Macon, April 27, 1532. I —tf
'Vi L\V SPRING GOODS. —Lewis Fitch,
IN Draper end Tailor, is now opening, at the
Macon Clothing Store, anew and splendid assort
consisting of superfine Bombazines—brown,slate
black, mixt, white and buff merino cassimeres
plaid do. (anew article for Pantaloons,) white
ar,d brown drilling, brown grass linen, Princes
cord, Nankins, buff and white Valencia vesting,
spotted and white marsailes do. Satin and Floren
tine do black and fig’d V el vet do. with a good as
sortment of cloth, velvet and bombazine stocks,,
fancy do. Spitalfield hdkt’s. silk net and cotton
double end suspenders, English silk half hose,
Randem do white and brown linen, figured cra
vats, Italian do. Bosoms, collars, stiffners,
buckskin gloves, black do. silk and brown linen
do. Epauletts, Ball Buttons, Ac.
N. B. L. Fitch will receive in a few days a
handsome assortment of summer clothing.
i AiLoniNo carried on in all its branches as a
bove—having the latest New York and London
fashions, his work shall not be inferior to any.
He returns his sincere thanks for past favors, and
solicits a continuance of public patronage.
March 2, 1832. ° 90
TALLIS, SHOTWELL a CO. are now re
-1 J ceiving by several boats, and opening, a
large supply of Goods, which with their former
stock, renders their assortment very ex
tensive. A part of which are given below :
r i 4 kegs white lead, in oil
•lUvl 800 gallons linseed oil
t>oo gallons sperm or lamp oil
200 gallons spirits turpentine
500 gallons train oil
500 boxes window glass, assorted sizes
24 boxes soap
20 coils grass ’ope
500 barrels northern lime
150 packages drugs and medicines
150 kegs nails anil brads assorted
Spanish brown, white lead, Venetian red, chrome
yellow, do. green, verdigris, lamp black, yellow
anil stove ochre, umber,terra de scienna, prussian
blue, whiting, putty, dutch and rose pink, paint
brushes assorted, slabs and inullers, dye stuffs,
drugs, medicines, shop furniture, surgical instru
ments, patent medicines, perfumery, preserves,
chocolate, tea, honey, vinegar, plaister paris, ro
man cement, hydraulic cement, nails, brads, cas
tings, locks,hinges and butts, sheet copper, brass,
iron and lead, planes, saws, fan-mill irons, furni
ture mounting assorted,mechanics tools assorted,
together with a general assortment of HARD
WARE anil CUTLERY.a very large collection
of BOOKS and STATIONARY, consisting of
family bibles,english, Latin A greek school books,
medical, law and miscellaneous books, compris
ing. more than 5000 volumes, portable desks,
quills, blank books, printing paper, post office pa
per, foolscap and letter paper, fancy and gilt lit
ter paper, blank and visiting cards, water colors,
albums, piano fortes, flutes, clarionets, flag
eolets, guitars, bugles, drums, fifes, harps, vio”
lins, paper hangings, flower pots, music, doth
brushes, hair brushes, sweeping brushes, Ac.
Many articles are much reduced in price, and
will be sold accordingly
Hank Checks.
(Checks on the Commercial, Darien, Insurance
J and State Banks —Patent Pills of Exchange,
Cashier's Checks; Cotton Receipts; Billsd
Lading; all kinds of Blanks, and every descrip
tion ol Printing neatly executed i>y M. I). J.
SLADE, at tho Advertiser Office, Macon, Geo.
W.KiOA: decciuber 4.
U ure-llruse and Commission Merchants,
IJ LAN rON A SMI FIT, It'arc-lluuse andCom
** mmio Merchants, Macon, make liberal ad
vances on Cotton in store, and on shipments; al
theuVands ° tllCr I iro l 1er1 )' deposited in
i heir W are-llouses are more convenient'to the
business part of town than any other, possessing
the advantages of a \\ barf, and are more exempt
from danger by fire than any other in Macon.
E f re-Mo nse
TNTENDIXG to permanently locate tliem
selves in Macon, on or before the first of Octo
ber next, for the purpose of transacting the above
business; and having taken the new and conve
nient \\ ARL-HOl 'E, recently Occupied by
Isaac B. Rowland, on the cor ter of Mulberry and
Second Streets, and in the immediate vicinity of
most of the Cotton transactions, respectfully soli
cit a part of punlic favor, promising in return un
remitting attention to the interest of all who may
favor them with their business aud confidence.
Liberal advances will be made on Produce, Mer
chandize, or other property.
Macon, Aug. 19. 19-flt
A\ by are you fond of toil and care,
Why choose the rankling thorn to wear,
And heedless by the lilly strav,
Which blossoms in your way 1
ml i E subscriber offers for sale a valuable tract
A of Land, containing 506 acres more or less,
lying the fork of big and little Itchaconna
creeks, Craw ford county, w'here the subscriber
now' lives. I here is 140 acres of excellent hot
toms, the upland lies well, has fine water and is
quite healthy ; there is 200 acres cleared and now
in cultivation, a good gin-house, gin-running
gear, thrash-fan, and a large distillery, now in
operation, with other improvements thereon, the
cattle and stock, hogs, plantation tools, household
furniture, corn fodder &c. also, 2 or 300 gallons
whiskey. The above will be sold to the highest
bidder on the 15th of November next. Persons
w isliing to purchase would do well to call and ex
amine for themselves. Terms made known on
the day of sale. S. R. VICKERS.
P. 8. The land will be offered privately at any
time before that day. ,s. R. V
Commission Busin css.
riMIE subscriber continues the above business
A at his old stand, (head of Cherry street, and
Cotton Avenue,) where lie offers all the usual
facilities in business.
His W arre-Houses and close storages are in
prime order, and as much exempted from the dan
ger of fire as any in the place,
i Cotton stored with him, will be delivered in
j any part of the town, free of any charge, except
the customary storage. JAMES C. MORGAN.
Macon, Sapt. 6, 1832. 23
(On Consignment.)
JUST received, 250 pieces best Hemp Bagging
which will he sold on reasonable terms.
August 28 20
The subscriber would inform the citizens
of Macon, and those whose business brings
them hither, that he has now completed his Sta
hie on Second street, in a style inferior to but few
in the Southern country. He Iras also been dai
ly adding, and will continue to do so, all that
ts necessary to the comfort of the man of plea
sure, and for depatch to the traveller. lie has
now im hand, used in the Livery, some forty head
ol horses, with a number of Barouches, Gigs,
Sulkeys, Ac. which are mostly new, and others
are undergoing repairs nec ssaryforthe season;
besides which, in a few days, will receive an ad
ditional supply ol Gigs and Sulkies, well suited
to the taste and wants of the place.
Attached to the Livery Stable, is a coach-ma
ker’s, painters, trimmers, and harness manu
factory*, as well as a Blacksmith shop ; and hav
ing been at much trouble and expense in procu
ring good workmen, for all these dit'ferent branch
es, will enable tlile subscriber at all times to keep
his vehicles and harness in perfect repair.
E very care and pains will be taken to promote
the interest, coinfort and convenience of the Pat
rons ol the Establishment; but the subscriber has
been taught by experience, that persons hiring
must make good all these delays, and injuries,
which may happen. It is proper here to remark,
that al l carriages, gigs, or other vehicles, or horse,
being injured by accident, ill-usage, or other
cause, the person having hjjed the same, w ill be
held liable therefore, for each day, the article or
iiorse is withheld as unfit for service ; and also
for repairing and feeding, during such delin
The heretofore established Prices will conti
nue to govern, and may he seen at the Livery
Stable; they are as moderate as the times will
During the ensuing summer and fall, the sub
scriber will run a daily hack between this place
and the Montpelier Springs; commencing on the
first day of June—leaving Washington Hail, in
Macon, at 3 o’clock, P. M. where seats can bn
procured, at the usual stage rates, to-say, $1,75
per seat, payable in advance.
Will also be visited twice a week, by hacks
running from my stable—leaving Erwin’s Hotel,
in Macon, every Tuesday and Saturday, at 8 o’-
clock, A. M. and leave the Springs at 8 o'clock,
on Thursdays and Monday’s ; price of a seat, $5
in advance.
W ill be kept by the day, week, month or year
April 17, 1832. 101— tf
\| APS of Macon, accompanied with some sta-
IvA tistic remaiks, price 50 cents, for sale at
the Advertiser Office.
'’JAIIL Subscribers are now receiving at their old
stand east side of Mulberry Street, opposite
the Oaks—the following articles, which are-offer
ed at very low prices Jo- CAS'll ONLY.
Canal 1 lour Spanish Segars
Mackerel No. 1. fresh Sperm Candles
I niton market Beef Tea-Loaf Sugar
PM f t x- Vwsh Gaisins, Alms,
iickeled Neats Fatigues Butter Crackers
Smoked do do Pilot Bread
God Dsh Madeira Wine
Potatoes Port do
heese Champagne
Goshen Butter Claret -
Onions on Straw and in Co.r Brandy
fp ßarre > c Jam. Rum
Turpentine Soap Hol’d Gin, Ac. Ac.
l>( st chewing I'obacco
Also—soo His. Candles and Confectionaries,
warranted fresh and in fine order, which will be
sold very L>w by the package.
Nov. 29, 1832 39-2 w.
I 1 I U 11, Merchant Tailor, is now o
peuing, at the Alacon ('lathing Store , a now
and splendid assortment of Goods and Clothing,
in Ins line, consisting ofsuper, blue, black, brown,
green, olive, claret, mulberry, invis. green, and
inlxt London ( loths ; stiped caseimere, anew ar
article; Petersham’s Oxford mixt atinet, first rate;
fashionable figured and plain Velvet, Satin, Flo
rentine, Marseilles and Valencia vestings; blue,
black, orange, drab, huff, white, and steel mixt
Cussimeees; silk Italian, and fig. fancy & white
crevats ; English and India handkerchiefs; duck,
horse and lined gloves ; lack and white silk stock
ings ; silk, cotton and worsted random half hose;
trench fancy velvet suspenders; silk, webbing
and cotton suspenders; shirt bosoms and shirt
collars; velvet and bombazine stocks, and stiff
ners ; linen cambric handkerchiefs ; silk umbrel
las ; cloth caps, children’s fancy and hair seal
flannel, brown shirting & sheeting; gold and sil
ver epaulets, stars; assels, lace, buttons, Ac.
READY-MADE C LOTI 11XG.—Fine blue,
brown, green A olive frock and dress coats, and
coatees mixed over-coats and pea coats ; fine
blue, mack, brow n, drab, orange and mixed pan
taloons; blue and mixed sattinet pantaloons;
cord and berentine pantaloons ; fine figured, plain,, Florentine, Marseilles, bombazine and
cloth vests; drawers, shirts, monkey and short
jackets; trowsers; fustian pantaloons ; goat’s
hair Cantoons, Indigo blue and Cambist cloaks ;
ladies goats hair, camhlet, silk and plaid cloaks;
ail of which are made up in the best manner, and
w ill be sold cheap for CASH.
1 AILORI.NG, in all its branches, carried on
as usual. Having the finest fashions and good
workmen, my work shall not be inferior to any.
1 solicit the Patronage of my friends and the
public generally. All orders thankfully received
.and promptly attended to. s£ t f
HORSES in future will be boarded at Ten Dol
lars per month in advance, or Twelve Dol
lars payable at the end of each month.
August 28 go
(1 A 111 NET WARE-HOUSE.— J. H. Cider-
J shaw, Cabinet Maker, Macon, Georgia
respectfully informs ffie public, that he conti
nues business, notwithstanding, his being “burnt
out” at the late fire, and has removed to the build
ing three doors shove Wiley, Baxter A Fort,
where he bason hand and will keep, a handsome
assortment of all kinds of Furniture, such as
Side Boards, Bureaus, Book Cases, Dining, Tea,
Card and Centre Tables, Work Stands, Sofas,
Chairs, Bed Steads, / i 'riling Desks, Looking Glas
ses, Secrtlarys, &tc.
l ie will w arrant his work to he of the best ma
terials and manufacture, and will be thankful for
orders, which w ill have his prompt attention. He
hopes to receive, and will endeavor to merit a
share of public patronage.
Jaauary 4, 1832. 73. tf
D ry, near Third Street.— The subscriber ma
nufactures and keeps-constantly on band a gene
ral assortment of which he will sell Wholesale
and Retail, at Savannah or Augusta prices.
JOB WORK done at the shortest notice at
the shop on 'Third street, next doorvj Ellis,
Shotwell U Cos.
Orders sent to Ellis, Shotwell A Cos. will re
ceive prompt attention.
Nov. 18, 1831. 60—tf.
nAT STORE. —The subscriber has taken the
. stand next door below the Post Office, in
McDonald’s building, where he has on hand a
large assortment of BEAVER HATS, of the
latest New-Kork fashions, which he warrants,
if not superior, at least nolsurpassed by any in
the place—he has also, alarge assortment of
HATS of all kinds, suitable for town and coun
try dealers, which he offers at wholesale or retail.
( fj• He will furnish the citizens ef the place
with Ilats by the year or quarter, at reasonable
rates ; old hats received in exchange for uew r .
Cash paid for Fuis of all kinds.
Jan. 5 1 75y
JAW BOOKS—Just received in addition to
i their former supply; Alabama Reports,
Equity Font Blanque, English Corn Law Re
ports, English Ecclesiastical Reports, Holt on
Lihds, llovendon on Frauds, Roscoe on Evi
dence, Story on Bailment, Todd’s Johnson,
Wentworth <m Executors, Vesey’s Chancery
Reports. Yelverton’s Report, Yelverton’s Re
ports, Bayley on Bills, Story’s Commentaries,
Condensed English Chancery Reports, Starkie
on Evidence, Massachusetts Reports, Buller’s
Nisi Prius, Ilutherforth’s Institutes, lngersoll’s
Abridgment, Russell on Crimes, Foster’s Digest
Constitutional Reports of South Carolina.
Also— Docket and other Blank Books, suitable
for Courts. July 3. 12.
\\T E are authorised to announce George Vi
v v cal, a candidate for Tax Collector of Bibb
County. Si aeon, Oct. 8 Si..
Macon, Georgia.
The Proprietor having ma de large additions
o h,s house m Macon, is now prepared to enter
tain Boarders and Travellers, at a l {times.
During the summer he will be generally at
the Indian Springs, whore his establishment will
be kept up as heretofore. In his absence it will
>e under the direction of a young man of wood
character. °
, T p rnL L. J. ERWIN.
JN • L • Ihe Stage Office is kept at his house
in this place.
Macon, June 7 1832. g t f
ULA A GDI 1 ON.oflers for sale on accom
• uiodating terms,
* 500 pieces Hemp Bagging
• 500 ready made cotton bags (best quality)
100 bbls. Baltimore, N. Orleans and Georgia
W hiskey b
10 hhds. northern Rum (colored)
U casks Marseilles Madeira Wine
30 boxes manufactured'Tobacco
3.j blids’ St. Groix aud Poets Rice, Sufr-ars
5 bbls. Copperas
2 bales Blankets
3 box Saddlery
1000 bushels alum Salt,
a small invoice of Dry Goods, Hardware,
Crockery, £<?o. suitable for a country store, will
be sold on a credit of 6 months.
Oct. 3832. 25
•M l 20 barrels Mackarel, No. 3.
5 crates Crockery, assorted.
For sale by REA A COTTON.
Nov. 10, 1832. 31
Columbus, Nov. •2 1, 1*32.
UNDERSTANDING that a report is obtain-
Jing circulation, that payment for my reserve
opposite this place was made in money of' Ma
con Bank, by the purchasers, Col. McDonald
and Dr. Robert Collins, I consider it but due to
'hem, to state that they never presented me one
dollar in said money, and that I am perfectly sat
isfied with that transaction.
FBMIK thing is out, 'hs true t suyar it. —That
1 from and after the IfNh day of September
next, all those unsettled accounts and demands
that have been called for from ten to a hundred
times, and some too ol I I months sianding, willi
n'll reserve will he put in the hands of Sffieers
for collection ; also, many small demands ofshort
standing—-those I mean who feel indignant at a
diiii, thinking if it is done in an officer-like man
ner it will he more satisfactory to them, and less
trouble to me; and notwithstanding, many of
those long-winded gentry threaten me with the
loss of their patronage, 3 will only remark that
nothing could be more •congenial to my feeling
than ioss o.f that patronage which day by day
.lnd step by step would drag me to the red-house
under the bill In fact it has become almost the
order of the day, that when you ask for your mo
ney, you receive; naught but insult, and it is not
uidrequeut that you are laughed at, because yovir
bill is so small, some will very candidly tell you
that you are too poor to keep a stable, when at the
same time it is such men keeping you out of your
money, that makes you poor. 11 any business
requires cash it is mine, Sjiiui I have never known
a place, hut this, that a credit was expected for
one hour, much less six months. The evil must
be remedied, or I sink, and sink I never will as
long as I have any thing to bold to, and I am
tired of asking for it:
So have it 1 may, but have il I must,
And if the law will give it nee, doubtless its just.
So now I take my leave of xbe above-named
and return my sincere thanks to the good citizens
ol Macon for their liberal patronage and prompt
pay, without which ray horses must’ve perished
and while I solicit a continuance of their patron
g■, I wii add, I shall he ever happy to serve
them 11 the capacity 1 represent, and every care
dial! be taken to promote their interest and com
fort and to render general satisfaction.
N. B. I am now making preparations to run a
daily Hack to and from Miliedgeviile, commen
cing from the Ist to the 15th October next, to
run during the session. J. BENNETT.
S sul,s ciber still continues* manu
liiacturinj' Lime at, his plantation in Crawford
county, where it can be had a all times in quan
-1 i tics .0 suit purchasers and upon accommodatiin
terms —to wit: s
By the.barrel in the rock at $2 50
“ “ “ slacked 100
By the bushel in the rock 50
“ “ “ slacked 25
It may also he had at the following places at tho
undermentioned prices— to wit; ,
At Esq. Bell’s in Talbotton in the rock ner
barrel $1 50 slacked $3 50 P
At C. M. Norwood, Talbot county in the rock
per barrel $4 50 slacked $3 50
At T. Bryant’s, McDonough in the rock, per
barrel $5 00 slacked $t 00* 1
At J. B. Wick’s, Thomaston in the rock per
barrel $4 00 slacked $3 00
3 A i 'ZNd i “ r “ ckl,M k ""'
,he b '-
And in Macon at Messrs. Ellis, .Shotwell & co.
per barrel in the rock $3 75 slacked $2 50
Also, at the subscribers in Macon per barrel in
the rock $3 75 slacked $2 50.
The increased demand has enabled me to put
the prices at a reduced rate, and 1 think 1 may ven
ture to assert that from the improvements 1 have
been daily making in the burning, together with
my selection of rock, that 1 now have Lime equal
to any Thomaston Lime, except its whiteness,
and this I hope to improve. I belidve for brick
work and cement, no lime on earth is superior
but that part i am disposed to leave with the pub
lic, and if it does not sustain itself, 1 want noth
ing lor it.
I deem it unnecessary to trouble the communi
ty w nli a long list of certificates vouching for the
v i rtues of the lime, when I propose a trial and if
not good no pay —more is unnecessary.
All orders from the country thankfully received
and promptly attended to. J. BENNETT
Macon Aug. 27, 1832. gO-tf
No. 86.