The Macon advertiser. (Macon, Ga.) 1832-1832, December 28, 1832, Image 1

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1 ' ' * " printed nod Pnblhlwil, -i TnernSny crcnisisa, diiring <■ -Mnum-.. SE" “i 7•" E- ~ „ . -========== M - - ■> , \,lverU^t‘ inputs hiht-rlfd at tue usual rates: tiiuse sent without a-{ teii'ed number fi • t • —-—* —■ 1 v ; - ■. : §mmmm hm mmmmmm Vo I- family G roccry Sion. 1 * ; Boxes Raisins—l° Barrels Almons, J lO blls. Filberts, Brazil and Madeira Nuts* a i,„xes pine apple Clip sc, 101,1'Xesiiiurlishami French Pickles, SiMteira, Seid'.iia ami Soda Ih.wUers-, tress Water—direct from the Spring 5() |;,,rrris Sweet and Butter Crackers, Cordi tis assorted- -all kinds. Champagne Muscatel iii(*s v MMeirM Ia ret and Lupcc \\ incs, ” pints and quarts. Catsup Pepper Sauce-prime table Salt, Pipcrrvcd Ginger —Jollies, &e. Tamarinds— <Bt.cala'e. 8,, 5l chewing Tobacco and Spanish Citrars, j treceived arid for sa.e by J ~ tn LEVI ECKLEY. [itcc-n. May IC. 831. how for CfiSli* tip subscribers intend closing their present 1,, -mens as soon as praaticable, and will set! loirt-torlv of }H])U\mE, CUTLEIiV CASTINGS, l-'.Cll \M< "S 'FOOLS, &C. books, stationary, da ipiaia lai'isr^^^sSd *“lu>lCAL IN'TiUiMKNTS r w ith a great varie’y of Miscellaneous i-Vsat very low prices, Or cash only—many ■ , w ill he disposed "I at less than cost.— I i:sll;Clvl'rtTTTo'l: Is VfirgedSTul mure complete naiiy utlier in the. Stale, it enihrices a lartre ~r .flit ..f Law Books, Medical do. and Latin , 7 ,!,,.’ Greek and French do. Religious do. eoriortl, Literary, Scientific, and a great vari ,,f Miscellatu'tius Works. ELLIS, SIIOTWELL & Cos. ; f pt, 19, 183-2. 20 S Drifts and Medicines will he soid as ' p. s. Cos. Groceries, II.ANTON & SMITH offer for sale, * 30 i St. Croix and N. O. Sugar CO olds. 3 50 do Loaf and Lump do 50 do Rye Whiskey, •JOOO bushels Salt. And a variety of other Goods. Groceries- • 11. p. VON'GE & SONS, offer for sale on me nunodatiiig terms, Vv hiskey i-i hhds anil I . \. E. Gin in hlils. Apple Brandy in do gland I him in do. St. Cr. ix and N. Or !iiSi.Jar, Molasses in It lids—very superior, itfi'tof excellent quality, Iron, assorted. Muck •i, So. I. No. 2. N:i. :L Lot of Casting, assor . i, - ■ in Tierces—fresh, A few demijohns v ,Mj„ ri-T old L’randv, Grindstones —Burk. ■j re.U Thuiriasion Lime, Nails—assorted. n. July •>,), 1832. 10-3'V Lay .Iso offer for s lie a .Match of Well broke aunt cream Colour —svili be soid cheap. Groa ri< s gW.ASSKS, BUM, GIN, WHISKEY, cte. I Klldids. N. Orleans Molasses, til bids. Bum, to do Gin, (Lest brand and -good proof) fit) do Wlii!.ey (N. O. high proof.) IN STOKE, it Bids. Mack, ral. No. 1. CD do Whiskey. 5l) do Gin, la hhds. St. Or< ix Sugar, lit do N. O. do 25 bids. .Waidieaden Fish, i> Tierces superior Bice. For salt, by C. A. HIGGINS. tOMESTIC LIQUORS, &c.—Received and " i r sale, [hlils Gin, t 20 Crates Cookery Ho Bum, assorted, it l W hiskey- 20 Bags prime green Idols N. O. Sugar Coffee. Lais Fish, (Salt 20 Bids .Mehadett wutcr Trntit) Fish, f-r : ‘tlc, in lots to suit, purchasers, by C. A. HIGGINS. i rti 2 H - • lari ion Store, [KBIT AUCTION.—C. .2. llg'j’r. ’ Judin ilunni is constatly supplied with Dry G [Toware, lints, SI, ,>s. Jewelry, fancy articles, • ke. which will he offered sit Ins-night sales *' rsolls "isliing to get iir-at ii-4'S ini' \v ill do II to call in. " * ° ' s sold at this establishment are fresh and i ll fre order, Minggiitg, CO’ITON JI.IGGIXG in st re. r I'T sale by C. HIGdIX . ‘W IF Arrangeinetits are so made with ihe the manufacturers, that the planter and 11 ait can he constantly supplied with tin* ar l! - Bagging ;,t its lowest prices and on lihe- June 7. ISrick- Of) 00f| BRICK, deliverable in a few 5 yj\J days notice, for sale hy v C. Ji. IUGGTXS . '■ B. Ihe above article can he had in quati- I s,O Sl 'it purcliasers on contract, by giving i' u notice to the subscriber who acts as agent ' ' extensive kiln in thecig'nhborhood . „ •ILaifrttsscs, BEDEWS HAW Iras on hand, a fine •'iSaortmciit of curled mattrasses. both double lu g c, w liiel, lie will a ell on fair terms. Iln . ~ i’rinlin ?. ‘ - htcon .‘ldler!iter ()J/icc is fitted tip with [ | ...iie ne W Type, and every material which p rutting to be executed with neatness. an( l Fancy Types are of ii lp ..,r l( lr ‘ ost a PP r,, ved manufacture. Pain maimer">m huV l! |)f j nl iug executed in th p,re. * hu subscriber solicits the patrou r ‘ us Irtends and the pul,lie. * M. I). J. SLADE: f -iJiIAJt J <& '•irGivD-i. IS'iiGGiijtt j fi t'' A UUXG & CO. inform tlieir friends a • and the piildie in general that they have re ceived their Fall and Winter Stock, c.onsirting ! a gem r.ii assortment of Dry (ioods, liard u-' r ”‘ <:,!, lery. Crockery. Shoes, Boots, Hats, ,i.i.itiki ts. Lagging, u<\ I !iey have also re,rived COO hag's COl FEE. 3 teirci s do GO ei ils Bale Rope * 15 hhds. St: CROIX SUGAR, 10 tii'iCi s Lojpf ( Jo 1 pi} (* MADUIIiA WINE, to lihls. \i 'ilacffl 100 hlils. GIN, BUM, and WIIISKEAQ 10 “ Bectified Wiiiskcy, Jamaica iveui, ILdland Gin, Cog. Brandy i'ogi ther wish -,ui assortment of Jfonmong' ry, iVc. consisting of 'G'UvLii)N).y L) BBS. of fiat and square Tiar Tron Gemini!. ( ast. and-Elistered Fteel, Nails, Nail IWds. Mticet Iron, Blacksmith's Bellows, Anvils, \ lcaes, J iamtners, Bovviier, .Shut, Lead, Ac. (£s* ’I lie above, articles were selected in parti cular rnicreiicy to tint up*counti-y and will he sold as cheap as they can lie had in this market. g jiLASTKU OF BAR 15. ...10 barrels ofPlas . ter of Baris tor hard walls or stucco work, just received and for sal Huy C. A. n}GG[\. COOKE k SPEAR, e ...Sr. llrornl- H a//, An v-Yotilc, | 8 A\ S', eonstantly on It ud, and are manirfne * 6 tilling' a large-issortment of fdahinet Furni ture of every description, consisting aud si pole scroll TlTm^nir'Seats. Wardrobes, Sideboards, Secretary, Book Cases, dressing and plain E .reams, Be.mhr<dtp. Case, diifing and e i ! et Tallies, marble top Centre and ! ! i>-r Tables, M ihognhy, curled Maple and fancy Chairs. Ac. Ac. Also, pure curled-hair Mattras ses, fcatliei Beds, Cushions. Ac. They are constantly manufacturing the Patent M imi 1 ass Bedsteads, with which they have furnished most of the Hotels and Public Houses in the Union. They are, now prepared to fill all orders either for casii or on time. They refer to Messrs. Cooke A Cowles, Macon. September It, 1832. £2—Gin W 9 €tre-llouse AND COMMISSION BUSINESS. rgMIE subscriber having rented the Ware-houss formerly occupied by Lamar & (do. which i ulj icent to a good W liarf and as safe and conve nient as any in the place—he will make liberal advances on Cotton stored with, or shipped by hint—ami hopes by strict attention to business to merit a sit ire of public patmnasre. A. E. (MUCKERING. Sept. 18, 23—3 in A UC’VION ; BROKERAGE, AND (Jomin isslon Sluainess. g*HK undersigned(has taken the spacious fire a proof hri<-k store, in the south end of Ellis, -Riotwell A (Jo’s range, f r life purpose of trans uuing .■Jitet-o't, Bro’.er, ge and Conmi&ibn B ’tein. generally— lie will he aided in lltetn tnage meot of any business confided to him, by his iirother J T. Towlaud, and resjjectfu Iv solicit .. share" if the patronage of lliier respective friends, and the public.... Until the store is com. pieted his Counting room will he kept over the Commercial Batik. W II.LIAM P. ROWLAND. N. B. Cotton will he bought or sold for a mo crate coimijs -ion. Oct 3, 23- S. IJ \ ! LEY. A AHA Nil 'E MACON. GEO. | -Jp. r.’jfi is tlie oi.e.iateiy occupied hy Ma-- i* ?i r-. i’r cv A Butler, on Thud Str el. li will L r cuice in ill the .Courts of the Flint Circuit. Oct In r .3. 28 €* o.L s 1. i ND possession given tne first day of January. . a the MANSION HOUSE, situated about the centro of the Town. The house will be by that line ill reiigldy repaired— Lis large, roomy and i, ii c.ih-iilate l fi-r an extensive business; w ill lie rented lor one i i-m ro years. 'Rent payable quar r!v. small uoies, md firs! security will lie required o the renter. App'yto „ U. J. BULLOCK. Odch. r 3 2-tf Z3v.) RENT, and possess! a given on the Ist A October ticxL tie- large an ! commodious Voi-cund li'uri ■ now in the oVcupancy of George Wood.. Also the SI e now in the < eon nancy of .hum s M. i-iiil, in the same bitihlimj, Kali iii <r< order aid situated on ‘Cherry Street i thecorni r of Uiierry and Second Streets.— Aiiff.v to C. B. COLE. or M. CHISOLM. August, 1 0. 20... BULLS ON SAVANNAIZ, at t-iy.L-t. 3 5 )R SALE BY * 1 1 F. \ A COTTON. Macon, Nov. 1(1 31 JS.simi for sceZe, e AND FOB SALE....The S.ih’.orihors offer i fur the f Ih wing lots of land. - Lot So. 33, II ih Bis/ 1 <:/ Lee. 31, 32 <1 do. do. £sl, 2 A do, do. £2O, 1 O'A do. do. DAY & BUTTS, Agents. Macon, Jit’y 25. 133 2. Hi f* ‘(Oil SALE..•3 wo htsof i ud Ivina in IIJ Hilt dis-riet 1 Jvnis:i. For Urtim, ap i)| v at the Coiiipting-licuse of 1 ) DAY & BUTTS. .f ti l y 8 3TG Jot’S’lS h> lb n’. — ihe forts in <‘ bfr proof lot Must i-reeling on the cor ter of Millin', v and Third Streets—Possession given ■ n the Hm f Ocnthrr. For terms ap|ily to ELLIS, SIIOTWELL & Cos. 1 Rlacon, July 2 Li LIST (ii - AC'i S j PA • BE ® BT ? TKE ttetsLATCKK ill OiOr.C.JA, .VJLXJm SES SION of 1832. j Acte ichicJi .originated in the Senate. j An act t<> lav out anew division of Georgia ' ntthiia, tiirtol tLe second brigadeofAhe uintli divi sion. An act to pardon V\ ill inm Pearson, dfßjkc count v. .An aci to add pans of the counties of llnber rham and Ilall to the county of Cherokee, and to divide the said Cherokee into ten eoun ncs, aim to juovtde ibr tiie organiitaium of the same. An act lo define Ihe rights and liabilities of in | iovmets w!.o may return fraudulent draws in tin i.tod and Gutn-rie^. A t act to alter an t uincntl an act passed on tin* •hi of December, 1 SSl—regulating the road laws o: state so lur as restate 18 the countv of Cam den. An act lo legalize and make valid the acts of Mtrimnlnsc Giesbuni, clerk of the superiot court ■f Ste wart. An act to incorporate the Burke county social i .library company. An act toautljorize tlie trustee of the poor school fund o! the couiity. ,and I'atiiali, to loan <nit the ■slid land, a nth collect all and any of said fiirn'l wliieh ins iieiendgre been loaned- out or otherwise due, on certain fimuliiions. An act to niaice permanent the site of the public j ouildaigs iu the county of Tatnall, and to name j Uie same. An act to reduce (lie sheriffs bond,' as fur as rc 1 spects "lie count v ()f_Wa_\ gg. r ._ -y-,-- - —aintcTjo utter and ciiangc tlie tittle of iioldittg he :.m . c.ittfts in tiie county of ScriVen. An act lo incorporate and appoint trustees for Brier creek academy in the county of Warren. Ati act to repeal an act, entitled att act, lo ait- j iltorize John Bailey- and Robert Collins of the county of Bibb, lo nnilte and construct a cause way .ithl turnpike on tlieir own land through the I'obasofkee swamp, and to charge ami receive toil it the same, and to ntmuhau order of the interior court of the county aforesaid establishing a toll bridge over the i'obasofkee creek on the tondiead ing from the town of Macon to Perry in the coun ty of Houston, witii cerium privileges, passed the doth f December, 1831, to require the superin tendent of the western division, to do certain work with the public hands. An act to compel the clerk of the inferior court of tiie county of Henry, to advertize all estray norses or mules which may be regularly tolled in said county, iu some public gazette published in the town of Milledgeville. An act to give lo master masons and master car penters, a lien on buildings erected by them in the county of Houston, upon certain conditions. An act to require all children who reside wit hi l ;, die city of.Savannah, and within two miles <■' the satn.-, who are entitled to the benefit of ihu p i)o j eoooi fund, to be educated at the free schools of Savannah, and to authorize the justices t) f the In terior court of Chatham county ) IO p av i () the di pecicesses ot toe free of Savannah, such ptirtionof tiie p'air school fund as under the laws now in force, won 1 ,, (j e applied to tlie education of u.c!i children v.thiu said limits. An act Cor tlie retiefof the tax collectiys ofCraw •°rd, Stewart, Watne, Fayette, Decatur and Car ton, and for other purposes. An act to incorporate Mcrriwether warm spring uni appoint commissiimers ihr the same. An act to inc o po'-ate tlie Darien Baptist ciittrch at the county of Hancock, and lo appoint trustees ior the same. An act to amend the. patrol laws of this state so far as respects the comity of Liberty, and to re peal an act passed tiie 23d Dec. 1831, establishing i corps ol vigi ance in Mclntosh county. Aji .lei to regulate the poor schools, and appro priate fluids, so far as relates to Mclntosh county. An act to sell lots No. 10 and 100, in the several list riots in the county of Lowndes reserved for ac id -iiiical purposes. An act to make perm.-mant tlie site of the public amblings in tlie town of Americas, Sumpter coun and to tncorp irate the same. An act to give longer time to Peter Strickland, tax collector ibr the county of Erwin for die year MSI. to pay the state tax flu-said county into the r least try. An act to incorporate the manun' labor school of Camden county. An act to repeal the 7th,Sili and 9lh sections of an act to prevent the exercise of assumed and sr hitraty power by all persons under pretext of nu ihorh.v from Cherokee Indians and their Intvs, and o prevent white persons tiom residing within that pari of the chartered limits of Georgia occupied tiv theGlierokee Indians; and to provide a guaid fin- the protection, of the gclil mines, and in en ihe laws of this ft ale within the aforesaid territory - . A.i act to tuiihorize'thc Justices of the inferior emi ts of Upson and Houston counties to establish a i Asylum for tlie invalid poor of said counties, appoint directors, and levy an extra tax for cur rying tlie same into effect. An art to ad I an additional number of trustees to tiie Can-oil coumv academy. An act to inc n-pnrate tlie town of Tliornasville, iu the conn yof Thomas,and to -appoint c imniis si.mois for the same. An act to repeal an net,entitledmn act, to alter a: 111 amend the addiiottal oath required bv law to he taken by all office! s civil and military to prevent the oflence of duelling, and also to repeal an act passed 19th Dee. ISIS, requiring all officers civil’ and military' appointed shtT the Ist of January, ISIO, in Jins state totokc an addiilo'ifnl oalh tlserc in |ltescribed,?Had to relieve all those who have violated the provisions of-said acta from thv disa bilities thereby incurred. Att act to exempt the company known hy the name of M icon Volume* r-t in Bibb county, from tin; o! dinary patrol duty required hy law, am! front li.iliditv to appear at any musters, reviews and in spections, other limit such as are ordered by the commander in chief, and the company rnustcisand ileii'iSof said company,' Att qct for the incorporation of the village, a' Social flirrlc in Walton county. An art to authorize the alteriffof Jefferson coun tv to sell a runaway slave, toupply the proctfds of said sale, and to authorize the sale of all runaway ! slaves after they have been confined and advertiz ed twelve months, and to prescribe the time arul i phtc' of advertizing runaway slaves. An ae.i to heller define the line dividing lbccoun j ties o ' Sumpter and Me i tn. An act fiir the relief of Philip Cook. | An act to incorporate certain academics therein natrie.-I, nod to appoint trerttes for the s-.irv', 1 •V3 j o appoint irusKes for others therein named and for other purposes. An act toapjxiiiit John Love ofEmanucl county', trustee of the poor scitool fund of said county, and fiir other purposes. An act to nutho'ixc the justices of the inferior cq-jrt ot DdCalb, to approjn-iate ci rtain lots in the town of Decatur, to the use of the Baptist and Presbyterian societies, on which to erect houses for public worship, and also to authorize the said justice., to make titles to a certain parcel of ground already laid out and it. Fused as a burial ground, and appoint commissioners for the same. An act to repeal so much of an act passed ojst Decent I er, 1829, as authorizes the commissioners <>f roads-of Chatham county, to convene as a board hut once in a y< ar. An act to provide fir thread ofa Convention, to reduce the number of the General Assembly of the Stale of Georgia, and lor oilier p-’.rp >ses therein mentioned. An act to protect the Cherokee Indiana >n the peaceable and quiet possession ol tlieir lairds secur ed to them by the existing law3 of the State, and clso to secure their persons and property from i!- lagal violation. An uci' to make permanent the wafer line for certain vvliarvu.s in the envoi Savannah, to layout a street Ire tty ten. Indian-strect and-said watei line, and to a|)paint commissioners for currying the same into effect. “ 2s-_ An act to repeal so rviurb of an act to regulate sla ves and tree Persons of colour, in the towns of P-'hd' ni.fcon, as relates to tire town of Sili con. An act to alter and change the time of holding the Superior Courts in the Southern Circuit, so far as relates to the county of Twiggs. • An act to alter and amend an act to establish three additional election districts in the county of Group, passed the 22.1 Dyyepqber, 830. An net to alter and amend tliCxjiilitia awssofar as relates to the fist regiment. > An actio authorize the Lottery ’Commissioners to examine and place any lota not drawn, into the lottery wheels. Aifr.ct for the relief. of iTrrpgTMc of Byrd Fer rell, dgpeftsed, and Ins securities, from a judgment in favor of the State against said Byrd Ferrell. An act to authorize and empower the Inferior Courts of the counties of Gwinnett and Randolph to grant, on application, roads or settlement cart ways to private individuals. An act to alter and amend the time of holding the Superior and Inferior Courts in fheChaitnhoo cltee Circuit, Ibr tlie coimliesofStcwart, Randolph, Lee, Sumpter, Marion, Ta'.’nol, Muscogee, and Garroll Inferior Uoerts, An act tg add a p n fj of the county of Cherokee, to li> cnujgy of Campbell. An act for the relief of Roger McCarthy". An mu to amend an act "to amend the several laws of’force rcguLuiny the pilotage of vessels to and from the ports ami harbours ofithjs State, and more distinctly to define the powers and jurisdic tion of the Commissioners of pilotage for the seve ral ports an I harbours thereof,” passed December 23d, .830, and to vest certain powers in said Com missioner of pilotage. An act to organize a Volunteer Company of cav alry to he known and incorporated under the name f the Fayette county Dragoons. An act more effectually to secure the solvency of all the hanking institutions in this Slate. Att act to amend and consolidate *he several acts for the incorporation ol the town of Macon, aud to extend the jurisdictional limits on tiie cast side ol the Ocmulgee river, and for other purposes therein mentioned. An act to appoint three additional Commission ers tbi Broad and Savannah rivers, and Ibr other purposes. Ati act to alter and amend the 2d section ofan act “to alter and amend the several acts passed to prevent obstructions**) the free passage offish in ,lhe Dciifulgec river atul as branches, passed in tlie years- eighteen hundred and Iweujy-one, eighteen hundred and twenty-four, and eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, also for tiie better regulation ol fishing witbseins in the said river and its branches. An act to alter the 9ih section of the 3d article oft he Consti ution, respecting divorces. Alt act torniend that part of tlie Ifit section of the apptopi iatiou net of-1795, which requires a Ice of twenty-fiveeefits on head right grants of land un der 500 acres, and seventy-five cents on all grants over 500 atres, to the secretaries of the executive oll’i-c. An act io prevent any Teacher from receiving payment am of the poor school fund of certain Counties, unless such Teacher shall have beenex cxtjjjiined and found qualified. An act to establish an infirmary lop the rcliefand protection of aged and aftheted negroes in the state of Georgia. An act to regulate slaves and free persons of colour in 1 lie counties of Richmond aniEHnugoek. An'aot- for the organization of a mayors cotiVt in the town of Go ambus, and for other purposes therein s-pccified. An act lo alter and amend an pet, to make uni form ihe pioceediiigs against bail in criminal cases. An act to authorize the jjistietm of the inferior court of BjfrKe County to h vy a taVhn..persons lia hlu to roa I,duty iii said county, iu order to repair, and keep it! repair their public roads. An act t*> alter and fix tlie times of holding the superior at! inferior courts iu the counties of Bibb and Houstqn. An act to reduce the sheriffs bond of this state, so far as concerns the counties of Camden and 0 lynn. An tict to (staUisl, election precincts in tlie sev eral counties I ereimilier named, in addition to those already established at the several places therein specified, and w. punish those who niav nltempt to violate the to wit. the counties of Morgan, Bui tut tn, Washington, Garroll. Hancock, Harris, •Sumpter,Heard, G.a. 1 ,, Upson, Tattnall, Irwin, Thomas, Ematu-e 1 , Jackson, DcKaJb, Dooly, Wilkes, MerriwetlVer, Decatur, Forsyth, Lumpkin, Union, Gtimer, Floyd, Murray, Cass, Paulding, and Cobb : dud to alter certain places of holding elections in the counties of Hall, Gl.vnn, Baiter, and Troup : ttntl to repeal eo much of an act pas sed ÜBth Dec. 1831, us estalf.ishes an additional election precinct in Franklin county. . lets which originated in the House of Representa tives. Ati art to appoint nti a•! iitiunn! nuir.het of Lot tery CommLGsonera for tiie purpose of expediting the drawing of the Gold and Land Lotteries of this ;e.; Att act to authorise' a certain class ot persons, | who wore entitled to a draw or draws iu the Gold and I .on ! J/oite-ios,'wider the provisions of tV vcral acts p tssed 22tl December. 1830, and 241 h j December -83 , but who have failed, neglected, or omitted to give in their names,or whose i.arues, though given in, are not placed in tlie w heels of the Gold and Land Lotteries, hereafter to give in ihe same, and make valid certain draws of heads of families, amt for other purposes. Ati act to appr.r riate money to meet the various expenses: n.e Land and Gold Lotteries, and" to pay the arrearages of surveying the Land and Gold region in Chcrvkec county, aird to fix the compensation ot the lottery Commissioners, Clerks, Boys, and Door-keepers < mployed by them. Alt set to repeal ari act entitled an act “to a I’emfentiary impri.-onn.i nt in this .State, ex cept it; certain cases, to change the mode of pun sianent lor crimes and n;isdemennors, and for otfi •r purposes,” passed 2<lth D-crmin-r, iS3:. An act tn alternnd an end an act passed tlie 22d of December, 1823, so far as respects the poor chooi fund tor the county ol iMotngonicry. An act to alter and amend “an act to incorpo ate the Independent. Presbyterian Church in the own orSt. Mar vs,” passed on the 20th December, iS£B. An act to compel the Treasurer and Interim Courts ef :! ve.r.l eui s.-ies iu this Siyle, to re ceive from 'J'ax Collectors, in re tain cases, hills of the Batik of Macon, fiir Tax due bv them to the Sqtie and comities, fin- the year iS3 ; , and coiiect- Oii ffm-mg the year iS3v. An act for tlie relief of the Orphans of William Bond, deceased, and to make valid draws for them, put in for tf*e Lund and Gold Lotteries; and to re quire the Larid and Gold Lottery Commissioners and Clerks, to take and subscribe an oath, before they enter on tire further duties of their nppoint "titems, and to requite of the said Lottery Coinmis iotiers to give bond and security Ibr the faithful performance of their duties, aud to provide fiir the appointment of C orks lor the said Lotteries. Att act to authorize the Justices of the Inferior Court of (he county of Monroe to remit a forfeiture incurred hy Rachael Vardtman. An act to exempt the citizens of Talbot county from working and keeping in repair, for the dis tance of one hail' mile from the river, all roads leading to ferries on Flint River, An act to iucorjMuate the Clear Creek Motho -t F.piscnpai Church in DeKalb comity, on lot 17, in the Mthdist. of said eoimty, and to appoint iT.s’.eP* Hu- the same. An act to define tlie line between the counties of Marion and Talbot, and to add a pari of Marion to Talbot. An act to incorporate a Volunteer Company of Cavalry, under the name of the Gainesville Dra goons. An act to authorize the Governor to issue a plat ntaJ grant to Travis Miller ibr lot of land No. 9U, in die 2d dist. and 3d section, known as Troup couu ty- An act to authorize the Justices of the Interior Court of Jasper county, to purchase or hire negroes fin-the improvement of the roads and bridges in said county, and to borrow money to carry said object into effect. '• i act to compensate Petit Jurors in the countv of DeKalb. An act to compel the Cletks oftlie Superior and Inferior Com Is in the county of Lee, to keep tlieir offices at the Court House in said counties, or with in one mile of the same. An act to remove the Court-House to the cen tre of the county of Wayne. An act to inirke pi. rmnnenl the public site in- the county of'Lee, and to name the same. An act to repeal so much.of the sth seel ion of an act passed 16th December, 1828, .ncorj,orating, the town of La Grunge, as gives eXclllffxcTrovern rnent in said town, of ail persons I hrbie lo work on the mads, to the Commisioners thereof. An act. to alter and amend the caption of an ac entitled enact to regulate the licensing of physi cians to practice in this State, passed 24th Decem ber, '625. An act to aller and amend an act entitled an ac! for the belter regulating the admeasurement of lumber in this State, passed sth December, 1799, and for otiiei purposes. , f Ati act to authorize persons herein mentioned Id plead and practice in the several Courts of law and equity in this State under certain restrictions. An act to divorce and sepatate Mary Ann Par sons and Augustin Parsons her husband, and lo change the name of the sa;d Mary Ann, and that of her son. , An act to vest in Ephraim W. Russel and wife Mary Russel, the property of Albert G. Vaughn, an illegitimate minor. An no act to legitimatize Willy Lindsey, wife ol D fipfiih Lindsey, so as to make tier capable of i ’ i-i ding the estate of John G' nof Ihe countv of Butts. An net to regulate the returns of Brigade and Division Inspectors. An art to appoint from the county of Talbot thiec additional Coiomjsioners of Flint river. An act to incorporate the town of Roanoak in the county of Stewart, and to appoint Commissioners fob the same. An act to authorise Stephen Hubbard, Ins heirs and assigns, to build a floating machine or ma chines on tlie Ocmulgee river at or near hjsdatiding in Telfair county, to he propelled by the waters of sai l river, a mil) to be used for the purpose ofsawr ing, grinding, ginning, cleaning rice, or either of said purposes. Ati act to alter and amend the 2d section of an act to incorporate the town of Covington in New ton county. • An act to authorise-the Sheriff of Monroe coun ty to sell and dispose of Island 2d I, in the Sthdist. Monroe county. An act to repeal ro much of an act entitled an act to lay off, define,'nnd keep open, the main chan nel of Flint and Chaitahouchee rivers, so an to pre vent the obstruction of the free passage of boats ;ilid fish, and to appoint commissioners for the same, also tn appoint commissioners l'or the Octnnl gee River, in the county of Henry, assented to the 26tb December, 1.{520, so Jar at relates to the Couth West pror.g of Flint River. An act to authorise precinct elections at La mar’s cross-roads in Putnam. An art to alter and amend att act passed the 2fith December, 1331, so fares relates to the re moval of the undisbumd funds from the Suiithvilk .Ac.tdotvi.' in Early county, to tlie town,of Fort Gaines, in said county. l An act to establish Robert Young’s Ferry across the Chattahoochee River, upon his own land, in the county of Hall. An et to alter and amend the 3Pth section of the Tax Law now in force in this State vi far as re ■ poets (he e-wmty of Liberty. 1 An net to reduce the width f>£Bay-street in the towno! Brunswick, from one hundred and eight}, toonc hundred and forty feet, and for other purpo ses in relation to said town. An act to authorize ihe SherifljtAd Talbot and Jetlerson counties to advertise their Sales lor said 1 counties, in one of the papers printed in Millodge ville. An act to authorize the Justices of the Inferior Court o( \\ arren county, to provide for and estab ish an Asylum Ibr-the invalid poor ol said county. An ret to alter and amend the several acts incor porating the town of St. Marys. An act to incorporate the Augusta Ice Company. An act to authorize the Governor to purchase arms for the Given eonuly hussars, and the Hous ton county cavalry. An act to repeel cn act entitled an act to add that part of the funds heretofore set a part for the support ol the county Academies, to the poor 'Chooi fund, so far as respects the county of Craw ford, passed the 27th December, tSSI, and to pro vide tor the payment of the debts due from the 1 rustces of the Knoxville Academy. An act to authorize the President and Directors 7 !‘ !l Vir, , ! lr: ' 1 Ihank of Georgia, to appoint an ad ditional Clerk, to l>e known as Teller. .'in act to authorize the Governor to pay over to the Trustees of the Stewart county Academy?, and to the Sumpter county Academy, add to the frank lin (Heard county) Academy, the sum of fight hundred and fifteen dollais each, to place said A i ndemies on au equal looting with other Academies in this State. An act to exempt tlibofliccrs and members of the Corps oi Cavalry in Savannah, known as the Gcor i>ia Hussars, from the perfbrinence of jury duly, and to exempt them, after a certain term of dot v, Ironi ordinary militia duty. An act to idler and amend the 9th section of the On act, of the Constitution of the State of Georgia. An act to improve the Penitentiary edifice, and to lcgulatc the ol its concerns, ami • ) electing cell', Src. and to appropriate money oi ns attpport, and to provide a road and river lund, and lor the compensation of persons appoin ted 10 survey and mark out certain roads, and for other purposes. Ail act to incorporate the Baptist church at Hales 'Well in Burke county : also to ii.coiporate the Unitarian association of Savannah : and ab* to incorporate the Bethlehem baptist cbuicli of Habersham county, and to appoint trustees for the same. A a.acl to repeal the 11th section of an act pass ed the 22d of December, 18M0, to prevent the ex ercise ol assumed and arbitrary power by all pei soms tinder pretext of outborityYrom the Cherokee Indians and their laws, and to prevent while per sons from residing w ithin that part of the charter ed limits of Georgia, occupied by the Cherokee Indians,and to provide a guard for the protection of the goldmines, and to enforce the laws of the state within the aforesaid territory. An act for the relief of James'Berry, and Ed mund G. Berry, securities of William L’errv. An act to alter the third section of the* fourth article of the constitution of this state, so far a* to authorize the people to elect the general officers of the militia of this state. An act to repeal the act incorporating the bank of Macon, and to declare the charter forfeited, and to provide lbr the appointment erf a receiver for the same. An act to be entitled an act to change and legit imatize the names of sundry persons hereinafter mentioned. An act to declare and prescribe the punishmen of mayhem by castration. An act to alter and change liie name of Frank lin in Troup county, to that of West Pont, and also to change the name of Franklin academy, to. that of \V cst Point academy, and also to alter anti amend the act parsed the 26 1 h Dec. 1831, incor <Jointing said town of Franklin. An act to revive an act, assented to 27th Decem ber, 1820, incorporating the town of Ciawfbrd villc, in the county of Taliaferro. t. to inernporate certain persons under the ii: me ffhd‘style of the trustees of the fund of spe cial relief. An act to alter the time of holding some of the superior Courts in the southern circuit. An act to appropriate money for the support anrl' pay of the guard for the protection of The Indians. At) act to incorporate a cotton manufacturing company at Ihe Flat Shoals on South river, in the county fif DcKalb. An act, to impose, levy, and collect a tax fir the political year, eighteen hundred and thirtv-ihr*v, on property real and personal, arid lo inflict penal ties fin- refusing or neglecting to comply with tire provisions thereof! An act to authorize die inferior court of the counties’of Walton and Butts, to appropriate mo ney liir the purpose of procuring and improving a piece of land to accommodate the militia of said comities. An act to provide for the more equal distribution of the academic fund among the several counties of this state. All net to make banks anil other corporations subject to garnishment, and to regulate proceeding against garnishees in certain cases. An act to give jurisdiction to the court of com motr plbas-fif Augusta, of certain casts of insol vent debtors, and to alter the sessions ofsaid court. An act to incorporate a woollen and cotton man ufacturing, company in the countv of Richmond. An act to lav outfight additional lots onihe eas tern bank of the Ocmulgtc liver, in east Macon. An act to remove obstructions from the streets on the Indian Spring reserve in the county of Butts,an Ito prescribe the manner of proceeding. An act, the more effectually to compensate ju rors, and to explain an act assented tothe 01st of Idee. 1830, entitled an act to alter jurors and at torney's fees in this stale. An act to separate and divorce Sarah Brace from her husband Henry Brace, and other persons therein mentioned. Ail act to regulate the intercourse between banka and private individuals, so as to subject banks to payment rd damages, ifthey re fuse or lailto pay spe cie when demanded, under certain circumstances j An act to incorporate the Mossy creek metho ! dint camp meeting ground in the county of Hab ersham. and to appoint trustees for the same An act to prevent the circulation of hank bills under the denomination of S5, within this stale, An actio establish and admit to record certain instruments which were destroyed with the county records of the county of Crawford, by fire, and to make valid the same. j An act to incorporate the Augusta Mining Com pu ly, r.n.l the Naucouchy Mining Comparts .\o. 41.