Southern recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1820-1872, February 15, 1820, Image 1

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ERN RECORDER; MILLEDGEVILLE, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1320 PUBLISHED WEEK (ow TUB^DAY^ jiy CRAJ0LAND OR A r THREE dollars, in advanc AUTHORITY.] tour dollars AT Trifc EXPIRATION idBRt£‘ OF THE YEAH. frj* Advertisements conspicuously inser ted at the customary rates.‘ BOOKS & STATIONARY. ARTHUR GINN, H AS JUST RECEIVED (at his Store on Wayne street), in addition to his ^mer STOCK, a general assortment of the most valuable MISCELLANEOUS works in the various hranchei^Vif LITERATURE, and will continue to keep on hand, a constant siitmlv of the most approved works, which will be sold at the NEW-YORK and PHI LADELPHIA prices—among those lately received are, THE FOLLOWIXG: Botany, 2 vols. Lon don edition Gregory’s Dictionary of Arts Sciences, It vols. quarto, gilt bin ding, containing 100 engravings; Tope's Works, 8 vols. ditto ; (loldsmitli'sdo. 5 vols; Do. Animated Nature, 6 vols; Elegant Extracts, 12 vols; PIutarch’sLives.S vol; Shakespcar's Works, 10 vols; Scott's do. 6 vols; (new edition). Beattie’s do. 10 vols ; Gillies' Greece,4 vols; Robertson’s diaries 6th, 8 vols; Philip, 2d and 3d in 2 vols; Hume's England, C vols; Biglnnd’s, do 2 vols.; Gibbon's Roman Em pire, S vols; Marshall's Washing ton, 6 vols; Madame- de Steel, 2 vols; Riley's Narrative; Smith's Wealth of Na tions, 2 vols; Valtal’s Lave, do;. Montesquicu’sSpirtt of Laws, 2vols; Olive. Branch •, Life of Patrick Henry; Waifs'Lectures; Palcy’s Philosophy ; Keith's Phisiological Classical, School & Blank Books, Wholesale and retail—for any of which, a li beral allowance will he made to cuuujxy deal ers. > ALSO, Mellish’s New Map of the Alabama territo ry; Darby’s do. Louisiana; Sturges’ ditto, flanrcria • A i*mwamith’a do. Enroive: Few Rigelow’s Medical,do; Manuel, do ; Thornton's Grammer, Fourcroy’s Cliimistry; 6 vols; Thompson’s, do. 4 vols; Accnins, do. 2 vols ; Henry’s, do ; Black’s, do. 3 vols; Park’s Chemical Cate chism, (new editi on) ; Thomas’ Practice ; Edinburgh Dispensato ry ; Thatcher's, do ; Wistar’s Anatomy; Bell’s, do. 3 vols ; Vaughan’s, do. 3 vols; Abernethy’s Surgery, 2 vols; Dorsey's, do. 2 vols; Bell’s,' do. 2 vols; Cooper's, do; EnveVr. Medical Com panion^ Bard’s Compand; Find on Insanity; Ilastam on Madness; Scott s Theological Works, 7 vols, Lealaiul on Revelati on, 2 vols; AJ Kuigbt. oh the Epis tles, 5 vols; Gill's Commentary, 9 vols. London editi- Se.mtt’s, do. S vols; A complete assortment of Family Bibles, kc. Georgia; Arrowsmith’s do. Europe; Few pair of Elegant Globes, 14 inches; Portable Writing Desks; Surveyors Compasses, ChaiWs and Plotting Instruments, kc. kc. IS. B. Private Libraries supplied on the moat reasonable terms, and orders from any part of the country promptly attended to, AN ACT iic.nd the several laws now in force re lative to Vendues. enacted hy the Senate and House of ntatives of the Slate of Georgia in ge neral assembly met, and it Is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That it shall not he lawful in future for the corporation of the. city of Savannah to appoint more than six: that of Augusta more than four; that of St. Mary’s more than two; that of Darien more than two; and that of Millodgeville more than two vendue masters for said plu- ces. 1) 2. And he it further enacted, That after the expiration of the time for which vendue masters may have been appointed by the corporations of the aforesaid places, agreea bly to the existing laws in this regard, the following shall he the manner of appointing and licensing vendue masters therein—that, is to say, the respective corporations of said places may annually on the first Monday in December, appoint the number of vendue masters allowed to each place by this act, k shall take bond in the sum of live thousand dollars, with two good and sufficient securi ties for each vendue master so appointed, payable to the Governor of the state for the time being, and his successors in office, con ditioned for the faithful performance of the duties required of vendue masters in mid by an act of the Legislature, passed the eighth day of December, seventeen hundred knine- ty-l’our, entitled an act, for the better regu lation of vendue masters within this State, and shall immediately cause such bonds to be forwarded to the treasurer of this state, who upon the receipt thereof, and the pay ment of one hundred dollars by each vendue master in Savannah, twenty-five dollars by each in Augusta, fifty dollars by each in St. Mary’s, fifty dollars, by each in Darien, and twenty-five dollars by each in Milledgeville for the use of the state, shall issue to each person so appointed, provided he is not in arrears to the state on account of any prior appointment as a vendue master, a license authorising him to act as a vendue master, in the place for which he may have been appointed for one year, to commence on the first day of January next ensuing, the time, of said appointment.’ Providti^ievcidheless— that if vendue masters have not been ap pointed in any of the aforesaid places for the ejiBiiing year, it shall be lawful for the corporation of any such place to make such appointment. at any time after the passage of this set, and previous to the first day of February next, and for the treasurer to is sue a license to any person so appointed for one year, to expire, on the thirty-first De cember, eighteen hundred and twenty, upon the foregoing conditions, as to bond and payment-of premium for license, being com plied with. ^ 3. And he it farther enacteil, That if any person shall sell or attempt to sell any goods, wares or merchandize., or any other property whatever :is vendue master, or at public auction, in any of the aforesaid plac es, without having first obtained a licence from the treasurer as aforesaid, he shall for feit and pay for e very sale or attempt to sell, the sum of five hundred dollars, to he re covered of him ii\ any court of competent jurisdiction, and to be applied, one half to the use of tile state, and the other half to the person giving information and suing for said fine:—Provided always, that nothing con- ined in this section sliifil, lie construed to extend to sales mad master so delinquent to the attorney or one of the solicitor’s general to he nut in suit. ^ 6. And be it further exacted, That every vendue master shall, at the time of transmit ting a return of the amount of his sales, for any quarter, to the treasurer, deliver to the clerk of the corporation of the place for which he is a vendue master, a duplicate thereof, which the said clerk is hereby re quired to file in his office; and if any quar ter shall expire during which a vendue mas ter may have made no sales at auction, it shall he the duty of such vendue master to state the same on oath to the treasurer, and on failing so to do, shall be prohibited from further acting as such in the manner pre scribed by the fourth section of this act, For failing to make his return or pay the duty on his sales, and shall incur the same penal ties as that, therein pointed out for disre garding such prohibition, to be recovered and applied as therein directed. Ij 7. And be it further enacted, That if any vendue master shall make a fraudulent return to the treasurer of theamount of his sales for any quarter orshall return a lessamount than that actually sold by him, lie shall, upon due conviction thereof, before any court of com petent jurisdiction, be deemed and held guil ty of perjury; and bis securities shall more over be liable for any loss which may acerue to the state or any individual, by reason < such fraudulent or improper return. b 8. And he it farther enacted, That all laws or parts of laws which oppose the pro visions of this act be, and the same are here by repealed. h 9. And he it further enacted, That his Excellency the Governor cause this act to he published as early ns possible, in one of the Gazettes of Milledgeville, Augusta, Savan nah and Darien. DAVID ADAMS, Speaker of the House of Representatives. MATHEW TALBOT, President of the Senate. Assented to, list December, 131S). JOHN CLARK, Governor. Milledgeville, Sept. 1. X—tf.. Nine months after date* A pplication wui be made to thejix- ferior Court of Morgan county, wncr ferior Court of Morgan county aitting for ordinary purposes, for leave tn sel the Real Estate and Negroes of W m. Walker deceased SIMEON WALKER, Administrator Nov. 50. 12—Dm GEORGIA. Putnam comity. SEPTEMBER TER Jlltxandjr 11. Hal,ton, ) * IlULL NISI. Stnjnmin Jordan. ■ fur ront erosritr. TTPON tIxs petition of Alexander It. Ralstonl vJ praying the foreclosure of the equity oil redemption in and to n rertain tract or parcel of land containing two hundred two and n half acres, lying and being in the romity of Putnam aforesaid, originally granted to David Warden, on the ninth day of October, eighteen hundred and five, and known as lot number three' Jiun- dred and ninety-two, in the second disfiH^of Baldwin county and state of Ci corgia. .now nam county, ns by reference to the or.giffi plat will more fully appear, mjd mortgaged *' the said Benjamin Jordan, to the said A under R. Ralston by a deod'of on the sixteenth day ot fffiptem sand eight hundred aijdviglitee ally to serurethe payment of hand in writing, third d&y of June, eiglifaeij pen, by the «nid Ben’"* Alexander I\. Ralston,,f6r tl land nnd dnllWiR dollars half rents, und ffu’e. on th - eighteen hundred and eight, vv^hereiipftn, on motion tWIfrjiev for Alexander principal, inI»Mst,autl ci K*S* be i paid mto this mouthy, or the time , , myilt of tile money, or sort Jordan, at least six that period. Aguteopy iron lie Miv'Ui . JOHN L SMITH, September Ilk, I HIP. • .< $ der executions issuin thority ; or to sales authority of execu guardians. b 4, And be it fur vendue master in this in which shall lie entr him sold at public auctioi winch the same was sold yearly on the last days. March, June, Sep every year, cast u and prepare a re' the treasurer wf be sworn to by lice of the infe peace of this and accurate ; of every descr quarter nr tint any vendue make a retu above pointe thirty days aV the said quarters shall within fhat surer the. amount luty of the r can, cause to! gazettes of the t linquent 'Ni -1 me months ,,, tv . l , A KPLIC ATlofc will jr made to the j Ii.rtcjuir Court of Hancock County, 'hejvsittmg for Ordinary nurpohes. for leave , . -~ag "for Ordinary purposes, for leave . SC ‘I <»11 the Real Estate of Solomon Saun- ntrs, deceased. ,?iH<unhcrJl—9m. HUGH GILLILAN3, Adm'r. of either ot, ide the same, y to the trehi e per centhm on i, it shall lie the urn as he, me re a L lied in one of the in which.suchde- jttidg master; and in •tog published therein, nearest town or city ’such■'failure to make a duty; and if any such ue jfnaster shall, after the. 1 notice sell, or attempt to wares and merchandize, or of any kind whatever at public or as a vendue master, lie shall in- r a'penalty equal to that mentioned in reding sect’ron, to be recovered of the manner and for the purposes xpressed. '-id be it further enarted, That it ie duty ni’the treasurer, and it is iide lawful for him when returns as in the preceding section direct- ,hc taxor duty thereon not paid witli- time required, to issue his execution -t atfahrit the ven«|j master so in default and Wg sgi/hisSth !•, for the amount of I he taxor duty’accruing to the state on his return— andlhc$l«rifl’m whose hands such executi- ordkuay be placed, shall be bound to collect and payl’over the same within the time there in required ; and in case of failure so to do, to be proceeded against in the manner point ed out by law for failing to collect and pay AN ACT For the relief of persons who were entitled to a draw or draws in the land lottery, agrenble to an art entitled an act, to dis pose of and distribute I he late cession of land obtained from the Creek k Cherokee Nations of Indians by the United States in the several treaties, kc.. passed the fif teenth day.of December, eighteen hund red and eighteen. Whereas,it appears that a number nfjhc good citizens of this state, by not being pro perly apprised of the provisions of the be fore recited act, or were absent from the state on lawful InA^iess, and the time limited therein for giving in their names, although duly qualified k entitled to a draw or draws, are now prevented from doing so in conse quence. of the Justices who took in names having made their returns to the Executive olliee as the law directs. RE it therefore enarted by the S, note and House of Representatives of the Slab of Geor gia in General Assembly met, and. it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That all persons duly entitled to a draw or draws in ihe said lottery, who shall, on or before tin thirty-first day of May next, go before tin Inferior court of their county, or any Jnstiri of the same out of court, and take the prescribed by said act, shall rcc.ei such court, or Justice out of court, ( or they paying tx\enty-live cents for « ;lra*r or draws, he, she or they may be en titled to) a certificate of flip same: which certificate being transmitted to bis Ex cellency the Governor, he shall rause the same, to he entered on the listin’ names re turned to him fixim the district when* such p« rsoo or persons i< sided ; and such person or persons whose names are so entered, shall be as fully entitled to their draw or draws as if they had been taken in the first instance. 2. Aiui be it furtherenacted hy the autho rity aforesaid, That all the certificates re turned to the Executive office by those per sons who were appointed to take the list of names of persons entitled to a draw or draws or .by any JidBfe of the Inferior court or 'Justice idjdifclVaee, previous to tjiep* sing ofthisactflpdl Jie considered valjMMB-hali be cftrpllpdin their proper placos^BBffinjf- urer within *y> sut ’* 1 persons entitled to stlTd draw or draws as though they had given in us preb scribed by said act. DAVID ADAPTS, Speaker of tkp House of Representatives MATHEW TALBOT, President of the Senate Assented to, 15th December, li’.lk, JOHN CLARK, Governor. every book, licit* by price at qunrfe.r- ililiis of tlicr in Ills sales, ' tde to shall ,jus- tlu* true Lion, during the fwpssgtl. Aud if, 'of degleot to aaiuiner Judiciary rommiUce, would probably ex cite much feeling. For himself,'however, he was determined to prepare, to meet it with the temper aud moderation which were due to it. But, he wished, in estering upon it, there should he the most perfect regulari ty, and the most full opportunity for discus sion. The question of the admission of Maine into tin* Union, was one question; that of the admission of Missouri was ano ther; and that of uniting the two in one hill, was a distinct question, for the pttrposeof ob taining an unembarrassed decision on which he had submitted the present motion. Mr. It. adverted to the progress, in the Senate, of the proposition for the admission of Maine into the Union. Very early in the session, he said, a communication had been received from a regular source, that a Conventual of the People, of Maine, duly authorized there to by an act of the Legislature of Massa chusetts, hail met and formed a ( 'destituti on of State Government. A bill bad been duly Reported, by a committee, for the ad mission of tlu* State of Maine into the Uni on, and made the Order of the Day for a particular day. On that day, and on suc cessive following days, it was postponed, for various reasons, on nrronnt of the absence of lru mliers from different sections of the Union. At that time, Mr. R. said, he had no idea that there was an intention to rtai- nect the two subjects of Maine and Missouri; until a member from Virginia, in moving a further postponement of the bill, stated that he had some, notion of endeavoring to con nect the two questions. This proceeding struck him, on comparing it with the usual order of proceedings in (his House, • s a lit tle. curious, to say the least of it—-1 hough he did not. mention tjfiP a matter of censure, hut a mere statement of facts. On the 2Uth of jpe.ccmUcv, said he, we, find a Memorial tjojo the Legislature of Missouri is taken (i tunLhe files of the House, and referred to .vy committee. Some days af terward a message is received from the Iloilm 'presentatives, transmitting a bill for Ri . admission of Maine into the Union, whit ft is referred to the Judiciary commit tee, arfdf the two subjects being thus before tlm same committee, they reported the hill for the admission of Missouri, hy way of a rider to the bill which came, from the. other House, for the admission of Maim*. This, Mr. Roberts said, was an extraordinary mode of proceeding, which ought to he met at. the threshold; and he knew not how it could be more dircely met than hy the mis tion which lie had submitted. The motion t<> recommit, he said, was a regular motion, hut was not to he made, he admitted, but in extraordinary cases. This was a ease of that description. He appealed to gentlemen, .whether it was regular or even justifiable to connect in due bill ttvo subjects totally dis tinct, as these in reality are P Maine he said, was a part of the old territory of the United States: her constitution w as already formed, with the. consent of the state from which she was to be separated: there was no dispute about her limits, which were de fined, nor alxuit the justice of her claim to admission, which was admitted. There were many doubts about. Missouri, with res pect to her extent, boundaries, and populati on, with regard to the other questions which might arise respecting her constitution, kc. Tile eases of Kentucky and Vermont'had been cited as a precedent for this proceed ing; but Mr. R. said, they were admitted by separate bills, passed at different periods of the sam’e session. Mr, R. said, for his part,*he had nrf .objection that the two bill j’or tin: admission of,Maine and Missouri should pass on the same day; but they Mirl'Uo pass separately ;uui independently of each other. Standing, as they did, on dif ferent, grounds, they ought to*be dccidtA on their own merits. Mr. Smith of R. -C. said, as chairman (T the committee which reported tin amendment, according to the, ordinary fl«ag< when opposition arose, it became his duty to explain- the reasons which operated wjjh them in mliVitig that repot*, although the motion before the Senate ur wk» in >_favor of Missouri. The .consent of Congress nnist first h« had before Maine, can be admitted ; Congress was hound to ad mil Missouri, whenever she presented her self with surh a population as yon have been accustomed to recognize us sufficient in oth er cases, which Missouri now tenders; and claims her right of admission. This claim to the right of admission, on the part of Mi» souri, is founded on the third article of the treaty of cession under which the. United States acquired the territory of Louisiana in full dominion. That article ofjlie treaty is so explicit and definite, it cannot he question ed. It say's, “ The inhabitants of the ced- “ ed territory shall be incorporated in the “ Union of the United States, and admit- “ ted as soon ns possible, neeWding to the “ principle* of the federal constitution, to “ the enjoyment of all the rights, advnntag- “ es, and immunities of citizens of the Unlt- li ed States; and in the mean time they “ shall he maintained and protected in the “ free enjoyment of their liberty, property, “ and the religion which they profess.”— The terms here prescribed are imperative. Here is no condition annexed ; hut they shall he admitted into the Union. This treaty lias become a pact of the supreme law of the land. It is made so hy the constitu tion itself: and is as obligatory ns the constitu tion can he. The President and Senate o(* the United Stales are made competent to form any treaty they may doom proper, and such treaty is aj*- utely binding to the ful lest extent of its stipulations. Upon this oeeasion, 1 fie word* used are ns appropri ate as any iu the English language. To in corporate, is defined, by a distinguish ■’ 1 - icographer, in these words “ , i- ’’ ferent. ingredients bo ns th , o. ..*•.' . u, mass.” In addition to th u ^>,mpre- hensive and appropriate word Union. This makes Missouri as much a component part of the Union .as Maine, and as murli an ob ject of its care and protection. Where, then exists the incongruity which forbids their junction in the same hill. By this treaty an express stipulation is entered into, in words nc definite and appropriate as any in the English language affords, to secure their riglils of liberty mid property. Rut this is said to he no more than the formula of a treaty.* It would afford but a poor conso lation to (lie inhabitants of a country -which, vn the destiny of nations, may he trifnr.ferred from one sovereign to another, to be told, that all the plate, and sensible stipulations se eming to them llieir most sacred rights and ed States, so early after thi colonial character, and era state ot vassalage, and risipi dependence, could} for a in separating into different casi doos ofAsla, and like them;); tn interdict all coinit»unic»tior« cal, religious, and moral, lest might be contaminateJ, and * lasting and irretrievable f would he arrogating to the. a station in their early career equality, so dear to Amcricans V i,;-. Mta ’ of the stibjec. ( With this view oi tne stiojec, MR no objection to the amend meat <6 the committee. • . ’ i ' Mr. Mei-lew, of Massachusetts,,? he had presented the nemofiijl of vention, praying for the admiss, into the union: and, jn he was of that section of Massnchiis (oral to suppose that he f the success of the hill JUt 1 do, sir, said lief feel on a former occasion, the Semite, my scn ,; subject, of the Massiuhusct.fs, opposed the m ci remittances tu the quest' people of M in favor of Massiichui; dent state their wis) in n spirit cep’ l> dearest, privileges, are but titp formultyof a treaty. It i« an •3ft am , and aid 'ressary to t * r in view. for though I r informed by < such an amr t say the leaj. that the mt • business to YON GUESS. DEBATE IN THE SENATE, O.V THE I’.Vtoy of MJUXE and MI SSOURI. the Senate aid not present any distinct objection to it, lint only sought to modify it. if the object of the resolution was to'make tiie admisinn of Maine a part of the bill, the motion was nugatory, because Mai tie was already iu the hill, as it came from the HiAft/m- J{t'p*Mcciitatiramb^l to re- r(>niinitm^ni!l fijr tlx- purp^HHdroiiurg ing what ■w.-e’ already no sensible purpose, if the collide Missouri, for want of We XI. My, or simplicity in the hill, the resolution ought to lie rejected. TJiere could lie no good j-ea- son*why they should he separated. The subject matter was perfectly congenial— ami it was a correct rule in legislation to incorporate iif the same statute all subjects that were homogeneous; and this principle awarded with the. uniform practice of the Senate. But it had for its objeet the ad mission of Maine, and the totul exclusion of Missouri from the privilege.fif a place in the Union, upon an equal footing vv ith tin the original states, it became more objection, able. By the fifist Clause of the third section of Thursday, January 13. Tlie Senate having taken up the hill from the House of Representatives, for the admis sion of tlie state of Maine into the Union, on an equal footing with the original states, to gether with the alnendment reported there to, by the Judiciary committee, which a- mendment embraces provisions for autho rising the people of tlie territory ot Missouri to form a Convention, kc. preparatory to their admission into tin* Union— Mr. Roberts of Pennsylvania, rose and said he felt it to be his duty to try tlie merits of tlie question respecting the Union of these two subjects, by a preliminary motion to this effect: “ That the bill for the admission of tlie State of Maine into the Union, and to tlie amendment thereto reported, he committed various kinds for iat^t this Office. % •* to the Judiciary committee, with instructions so to modify its provisions as to admit the state of Maine into the Union” (diverted of over tlie amount of ahy executions against ".f . ! j - „ 1 the amendment embracing Missouri.) a tax collector; and in case no return shall P" r> i have been made, the treasurer shall imme- Mr. Rorfet said, that the question in diateiy R-ansiiiit the bond of any vendue | voiced in the amendment reported by the ' / -X .. A lie fourth article of the Constitution, it is provided that “ new states may he admil- tt by the Congress into the Union- bi o new state sli.-dl be formed or erect- ec. within tlie jurisdiction of anv other state 'nor any state b>> formed bv the sanction of two or more states, nr parts of states, without the consent of tlie states concerned as well as of Congress.” This part of the constitution relates as well to states to be formed out of the newly acquir ed territory, as it did to new states, to he formed fiton tin* old states; so that no oh ion upon the ground of incongruity could la*, raised from tha^ quarter. It was still the admission of states, under the same autho rity, into the same Union. The difference in the details of tlie separate sections in the hill, was no ground for separation. Tlteele. tails of one formed a separate discussion to that of tlie other, tint that was applicable to ail hills which contained separate sections Seperate and distinct subject* must, and do exist, in the same bill, in every day’s prac. tire in this Senate. N unicrous case,s might be brought tn view. If any difference did exist bi tween th two cases now before yon, the preferewc obligation, winch tin* faith of the nation is pledged to fulfil. Are there any rights attached to Maine Khat ought to be more sacredly guarded than thn*eiif Mis- touri, guaranteed bv tins treaty? If there are not. why should Maine 7-lainrf to approach tiiis station a!oi*e, disdtiiniug and avoiding Missouri as her associate ? Tbej constitution in all its features points to UnA. JJK secure.* prelect union, it has maiiySjflMs securing equal l ights tn the with tins view it has or- duinetroBUPPlier things, tbat^f no tax or “ duty*KrmSl be '• : ‘i <*n the articles ej^m-ted “ from any stale. No prefeiWice shall be “ given by any regulation wSommerce or “ revenue to the po?%5 of»ornv state ujer “ those of another; nor shall Nr.wels bound “ to or from one state, lie nhligyd to enter, “ eb-ar, orpaydutftfs inanotlier!” In another “ section it says “The citizens of each stale “ shall be entitled iu all privileges and ifn- “ numities of citizens in tjie seiTml states.” “ The preamble of tlie constitution incul cates, in tlie strongest fcumns, justice and union. ■> » Thi«, »4td many other provisions of the coustittiti*n, point directly to an union of interest, and a perfect equality of rights: all of w hich demonstrate Maine and Missouri to lx* of the same subject matter, and the same family of cases, and fit anti proper subjects to be incorporated in the same hill, which lead them hand and baud into the great family of the nation The. right of,Missouri to admission into the union on an eq ad footing with the ori ginal states, if not paramount to that of Maine, is in all respects equal. Maine is now fully represented in both branches of thewational legislature. As a part of Mas- saAnisotts, she has the full benefit of all t lit* talents of two gentlemen of the Senate, of distinguished abilities; in the House of Re presentatives she Inis all the benefit flowing lYoni the talents of twenty distinguished gen- men. Tlie voice of Missouri is not heard in the Senate; she. is dependent on strangers n present her grievwwces and demand i>er rights; whilst iu tlie Ii*fe of Representa tives she is p'^pnitted, as a special favor, to send a delegate w’:th«thc poor privilege of uttering their complumts. without the sinall- hare of power to redress them; and this is given, not of right, but as a boon. At borne, Maine is'.in the full possession of ail ie attributes of self-government: Missouri" is in a state of vassalapr, with only the per- ftiissive government of a cuffing. AVitli tlie high claim, on her side, to the same siwer- ignty with Un* original states, to form a opstitution, as Maine has done, for her own self-government, guaranteeing to iier citi zens all tin* rights, advantages, and immunb ties of citizens of tlie United States, yotw committee, who reported tlie amendment, could not perceive any parliamentary prac tice which opposed the union of these two applicants in the, same hill. If the object of gentlemen who advocate the motion of the honorablpgcntloman f ro m Pennsylvania, (Mr. Roberts,) intend, by s* - pnrating the two questions, to give Maine precedency, in point of rank, among the other states, as that gentleman would seeui to intimate, by hriiqjhig tn our view the contention Which prevailed between Ver mont and Kentucky, which were contem poraneous applicants for admission into Ibis union, he (Mr. S.) tvosld have no objection to gratify gentlemen by consenting to the seniority of Maine; »nd, if it should better comport with their w ishes, he would even consent that Muirifl should take her station next to her elder lister, Nevv-Hnmpshire.- Therefore, he hoped that ground would nd(against he stiffen'd to oppose their union in tlie same I *’ bill. / Fl< Mr. S. Raid,(it was hardly to he Mtppomy that any portion of the people of these Uff join the. genera, sures as are still of the great old al, 1 proceed, s' *.do state, th to the amendment reported tee. I am dpposed to ft for It will be recollected that the haspasseirtln* House of Repi tlie simptestfonn; merely deela sent of Congress to the admission into the union, on an equal footing hj w . other states: theibill, so passed, has sent to the Seuatq for concurrence: in usual course it w as referred to the cor tee on the judiciary, and they haver it, with an amendment, consisting a hill for authorizing Miss .u tofb'ri stitntion, as n prclimim t ttev. adfttission into the uni. .. n .* f. confess, Mr, lyctweiA, i »• this course: I'h . r. vg iv jl> ■ ■sir, that, on r old-fashifcn- I adopted and ered as a ain- it pie rule of doing one thing m a «i.. ing it fairly anil faithfully: that mode of deciding eatisemna court of„ or questions in a legislative body, is to mine them distinctly, and decide each ca and each question upon its ahti merits; • in order to ascertain thooe trit'rtrs, ’ principles am] proof, without fanfusio, einlim rassment. 1 am desire ^th< present oeeasion, this plai ed mode of proceeding may I pursued. It would be consi girtar departure I’rotn the ordinary rale* of managing the concerns of a clurt, to try tu* cases between different parties, at tlie name moment, and hy the scant jify; and for •h/ r judge to instruct this jury tffiit they must, at all events, return then verf)ictic hoth causes for the plaintiffs, hr both fo^ tiw defendants— without any regard to the, discriminating merits of the causes: and it would Iv appear more starngc still, if, i n one 9 tl., causes,.there were no doubt oiVuestion about its justice: and y.-rtlWt jt must lie fta- crifieed in company with this other, becausft the jnrt ; could not agree in a verdict ns to this other. The case 1 have now stnted tliovv i^) the impropriety of this junction of the tv/* (fills. This is not consonant to the usage in . similar eases!* I refer to Kentuckv and ?,er- . mont—they were both admitted intf the , union at thesesection—with an bnerral only of a few days: and yet stparaUjptts of Congress were passed for the .purpose. It has her n repeatedly stated, tl«u Maine stands fair as a candidate for adm’.sion into the union. Why then should her applica tion be lefiised or delayed? M i.-saclmsette consents; tFie population is nearly 300,000; the District is extensive in terntory,,nnd.rig- ing in respectability mid repi'.ntion: nothing now remains but the confirm of Congress to enable her to assume the and honorable character of an independent state, and reach that elevation to whu hsKjifhas so long been r aspiring. In the next l/»ce, Mr. President, f it is impossible not to // [c’eive the.manifest difference between th/ two Bills^ they bear no resemblance toeai it other: tlie one rim the simple assent of Congress to the admis sion of Maine; it operates instanler: tjic amendment, nr Missouwhill, is prospective, and has relation to se veral acts to hie perform ed in future. It Authorizes the inhabitants of Missrsiri to form a constitution on rertain principles, and proposes terms and condi tions, which she may accept or reject, at her pleasure. Tlie constitution^jrhen formed, is to jie sii’ttnittcd to Congress; and, if mey then tliink proper, they may, next session* admit hi rinth the union, and cannot at an earlier period: and yet these two bill* rife considered so intimately connected iq/prin ciple and object, that tne honorable tfnair- raan of tlie judiciary committee l tt p, ojiser*. ed, that the enitTzrtittee coul ~^£'r' v reasem w hy they shw^d-pf I wish,Mr. President, the havf stated to the senate whf they should be the hns been pleasantlycsl'A eoiifusion of sexes,) Maine and Missouri; awkward circunistanci riafet is not unlawful, gumity; on the contr saw each othe ■’ Jf ‘ ' 1 at the ver /