Southern recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1820-1872, February 15, 1820, Image 2

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.. jvuisthefnxt quart,on fl.ttfd 0 m 'icIiiKting, in relation to '*»«»'• -.possible not to purceive y* ‘f * f h i, joinder of tile Mil; object in v " 1 .| ull( r and laborititua in- .1 ti> pfiWi rf Jjp ljlso ,| r iqiiestiontviJI Cik.- estimation « l Jvj 1 * a flnal dec'wiW "lay not pimr, ufwn *', s0 0 f the session* ■« tmlwl rililif-; . u |i, r difficulties and vi«w of li' 1, f!l ,! „ ri »snit themselves, 1-hth :n en-barr***' 11 ., n ,i Maiue. The Senate t«» ***** by the terms of the art of ViLreroll'.’ 1 ; ‘ 1 A.' t j ie Legislature of Mas- «r,1hrat : 'V" I’ . ,*,, t the consent of that ■“Ife&th e as (then, on condition that S c adnnttedinto the union be- of March n-.xt. Tin. arrange- f ° r ^ . nJU«rv, because the annual **** »}Utata'fllBcors is to be made on fli'’ 1 ®/ Stat| rfhat Legislature toff course they are to pursue- t“^ u , Trstions «• 10 l "' 'node, su ted juuiWiusjist Winces produced by p tip«W'the Comonwaaith i aS- for the choice of » mh< » l o Mil Senators; the circuits of C Tu eU":ou.'t tube arranged accord- fll ( n £*v ordcrofthings; and, yet, em- ▼SJEUduuccrWdy- Nresw-ct to Mono, this delay and em- «n‘ t is producing a greater anxiety, in all pro- Miletelvdcfaat all their objects, ■WtijiUliose measures which "dlsf”Massaehuactts and expected separation, vdii# connected witli matured on the part 'other entrance on spvith respect to -d.the hopes of Ibcdisajipoint- -rcast.„ They lfinewof the nparing to II be cmn- Vmsatisfied language, than ex >f a vast ted, as I -,ss, it is iirf state .,<• Senate, emy ohserva- . attention of 'nciple of the ,Insight a hill tt«j on lorrign’iueiiufhc- osc of protecting domes- th one for establishing a uni- . bankruptcy, calling one bill anil the other * Section 2,” as .e present instance. In such a carious interests,support and oppo- ,night all be brougit into operation at uit in a manner rot the most happily I for the investigation of truth and ■s of decision. The tendency, if ign, of this union of subjects, is, to m to give up a measure which i and is anxious to promote^ or iSopmrnn,which in his con- eiifiw ft be right, lor the sake hmftejetfc *•.<*« amcrfdmeiV, presents to the In Maine bill tm plain propo- vfvill do what you believe to be ) to what cMadmit to be right; otconsent to do fc, in this par lor any other terms. The an- ,ch i proposition is obvious. I .illy fippcal to the candor of honor, .utlsmeii. whether any question ought assocM and embarrassed in this ■*er; jivheiherit is calculated to increase opeubnee of legislation, or render the td'trutb mare direct and plain.— , in hr application to Congress, stands .,no need ifaid from Missouri. It is Mis souri that Inns on Maine for support, if would seemfrom this, that she needs sup- " port. Whcmer IhcMiuouri question shall come regular y under discussion, my jn-.nti- ments shall b expressed; till then, lam *i- ftent in rchtiin to it. Hut should I, for any reason, be oppiscd to the admission of Mis- toiiri, or be unwilling to authorize her to lake a constituion of iho uiyost rioted kind ■esented to in hi this amendment, this S mstnncr furnishes also a strong olijec- Sn my mind, to the union of the two ,1 - do rail non to lent. . fejcctjs I hope, sir, tin- motion to at trurbill, with pstruclions to restore it to s original form, will prevail. Mr. Smith aid, with resport to the princi- iles which had governed the Coisgrvss in the Emission of territories to the privileges of mdepcndenl states, that ihc population #>f tiro Hate of Ohio, when admitted, was but 44jt00; the population of Indiana was but ■y v®*®.t *oatof Mississippi only about 37,000; that »r Illinois about -10,000; whilst the po- pulahjiu of Missouri was stated in the me- moml oftlieLeeislature, at, twelve months ago, mid was then, and hud since been rapidly increasing. , Mr. LLorn, of Maryland, expressed his Dope that the motion which had been made by the gentfcman from Pennsylvania would , Prevail. He had not bee* sufficiently onga mem.'otcf this h->dy to know precise- *?, , e . u f 4 * n *W« of proceeding hi cases of this kind; but \e should have thought the reel sSr r „■ restriction upon Maine, to compel her to 'id 1 mil slavery within her limits ? If we have a right to impose a negative condition in re gard to Missouri, we have a correspondent and equal right to impose, ail aflirmalivccon- dition in regard to Maine. But, in this case, it seemeed that every thing liberal was to he conceded in regard to Maine, and every thing illiberal, in his view of it, was to be de manded of Missouri. Willi regard to the time limited for the admission of Maine, by the law of Massachu setts, said Mr. L. are wo by surli a consi deration to Iw hurried into the discussion of an important constitutional question ? Be cause the people of Maine had not foresight enough to take sufficient lime fur the con summation of the act of admission, are we to legislate precipitately; and w ithout regard to the true interests of the union? He pre sumed not. There, was at least nothing in this consideration to change the nature of the. question before the Senate. In his opinion, Mr. L. 3iiid,<Jongrrss pos sessed the power to admit Maine into tho Union or not; blit, if admitted, it must be constitutionally: and the. same might be said of Missouri. It appeared to him, then, that the cases which were connected by tin- report of the committee re.sted upon the same principles for support; that if justice was done to one, it must be equally dispens ed to the other; and there could lie. no im propriety in a course which bad for its ob ject to place both on the same, footing.— The question he considered not to he at all affected by the argument that Maine was forhied nut of astute heretofore in the Uni on. She had no higher claim th4h Missouri: eneli possessed the constitutional requisites, and nothing more, was required to place them on the same ground. When the states of Kentucky and Vermont were admitted, Mr. L. said, although it was true they were admitted by separate ads, still the provi sion for the representation of the two slates in Congress was made by tin- same art—and the same rule which was then adopted ap plied with equal propriety in the present case. By such a connection of tin* two subjects, aii invidious discrimination w ould be avoid ed between the two eases, which did not differ in principle, and ought not to be sepa rated in fact. • Mr. I,, said, he presumed it would be im proper, on the question ms now presented to the consideration of the Senate, to enter into an argument on the propriety, or to touch on the policy, of imposing restriction's on aov new state. He must therefore defer lor ilm present any observations on that question.— Hut, for his own part, he said, he was on that point precisely in the same situation as the gentleman from Massachusetts: he found no difficulty in deciding on it. He considered it a question ol'jiolicy whether or not a particular state should be admitted in to the union; and, when he was called upon to admit one stale and to reject another, un less he would consent to impose on her no vel and unconstitutional conditions, he most of course decide whether he would admit the one .and refuse the other: and, said ho, unless the same justice be dealt to all, it shall, as far as my vote will decide it, be measured to none. It was a question of policy, lie. re peated, and of serious policy, when present ed iit this shape, whether the Senate should consent to increase the power of one porti on of the union by the erection of, a new- state, whilst from prejudice alone, obstacles were iVise.d to the admission of new states in another porimit of die union, 1 should consider myself, said he, wanting in my du ty as a representative of that section of the country it I were thus to consent to weaken its power. Unh ss -^e can ol^pin thftaa sion of Missouri jnlo the rtiiiqr-^“' terms amt as free and unsha I am decidedly of opinion mit nether. « [DE^TK TO nr, CONTINUED.] CpNGRE£§?ONAl6 PROCEEDINGS. 4.Y SEMITE, FHTDA*. JANUARY 21. The engrossed hill to establish a dis trict cour| in the state of Alabama, was taken up, when*the blanks therein were so filled as to pig)vide that the salary of 2000 dollars, that of the United States’ Attorney 4(H) tftllars, and that of the Marshal 250 dollars per an num; and, thus amended, the bill was passed, and sent to the other house for concurrence. The Senate resumed the considera tion of the hill to continue the act to pro vide for reports of the decisions of the Supreme Court, (the blank in which had been previously filled, so as to continue the act lsrfive years,) and the bill was, ordered to be engrossed for a third read- mote direct vould have been to m ow,l to siike out the. amendment as i *" 7- U , forn V !* objected to the motion , ? “nciple. It m Hern , m -,d that the two subjects were different in t!„ i r nature. This, Dir. J* ™ not admit What, asked he, k " T^-Dnted hy the bill and the pronosed amendment? It j„ this:—Shall Union Em Mlssnuri admitted into the r" ! ,T. W l0 °bt>g with the original Question. " U ! , ,I !'' IT ’ ,h ’ asked, be ^ plainer nv dktinei; ' v n, ly SW' 1 ,le > i,s l» a * rfeat 0n: : 1 ’" t ' v " , “ Acase-S as we ij’ower'rrv, *! * c co »fine ourselves to the ^ f, ( 77 Ui b y the cuu/titution, we Iff* but oufc course ^ pumiG—which is, to •dmit both the states, on theyUg terms, ir, y admiite-l/ihat, as a general ^i | x >)H:prnper to tack tog,;- vf+nding on different prin- ' on different arguments for '* denied, hoWevof, that r. He nffirnied, that if -it to impose resirirpona me:- • The Senate then again proceeded to consider the resolutions (introduced'hy Mr. Dickerson) so to amend the constiH tution as to provide an uniform mode.of electing Electors of President and Vice- President of the United States, and Re presentatives in-Congress ; and, on the question to en^Pks the resolution for a third reading, it was dectfed in the af firmative—ayes 27', nocs 13. , JANUARY 24. Mr. Wilson laid before the Senate cer tain resolutions of the/ Legislature df New-Jersey, on the subject of prohibit ing the existenceftf slavery in Missouri, Stc.kc. « Mr. Login also laid before the Senate sundry resolutions on the’ same subject, adopted by the Legislature of Keutnckv. The engrossed’hill tocontinuc in force the act to provide for the reports of the, decisions of the Shpreme court, was read the third time and passed, and sent to the other house. ' . The other subjects in order for to-day, were postponed ; anil then The Senate again took up the Missou ri bill. Mr. Pinkney resumed the remarks which he commenced on Friday, in op position to the proposed restriction, and spoke nearly two hours. When he had _ concluded v „ * dm . Oti3 intimtf.ed a wish to reply to Mr. r. but as the. oenate, he -Paul, ufti y r the intellectual banquet which they had just enjoyed, would save now litflc relish for the plain fare wTich he could offer ; he moved that the sitoject be postponed l until to-morrow, whict motion prevailed * JANUARY 25. I On motion of Mr. Minon, it. was Retolverl, That the committee on fi- nceha instructed to prepare and re porta bill to remit the duties which may be payable oo a statue of General Washington, to he imported from Eu rope, executed by'the Marquis Canova, for the state of North Carolina. Mr. Trimble communicated to the Senate certain resolutions of the Legis lature of Ohio, in favor of the. cncou- rugenietit of domestic manufactures, and of appropriations for roads and canals. JANUARY 2fi. A resolution, offered yesterday, l>y Mr. Walker, of Alabama, to instruct the committee of public lands to enquire into the expediency of establishing two addi tional laud offices in the state of Alaba ma, w as taken up and agreed to. JANUARY 2H. Mr. Eaton, from the committee to whom thrtubject bad been referred, re ported a bill for the relief of the officers and soldiers engaged in a latu campaign against the Seminole Indians, [similar to the bill lately before the other House, for paying for horses and other property lost, captured or destroyed in the Semi nole war]—which was road. HOpSK OF 7fFJ’KESENTATlI'ES. AMENDMENT OK THE CONSTITUTION. January 24. Mr. Cobb, of Georgia, laid the follow ing resolution on the table : /{estival by the Senate and Home of Representatives of the United States rf .Imcrica, in Congress assembled, lau thirds of both Houses concurring, That the following article be proposed to the Legislatures nl the several states as an intendment to the* constitution of the United Slates; which, when ratified b\ three fourths of the said Legislatures, shall be valid to ull intents and purposes, as part of the said constitution, to wit: No Senator or Representative in the Congress of the United States, shall, during the time for which lie was elected, be appointed to any office under the au thority of the United States. On motion of Mr. Livermore, it was Resolved, That the committee on the post-office and post roads be instructed to enquire into the expediency of mak ing alteration in the law that gives the right of franking to members and dele gates ol’Congress. The speaker laid before the House a letter from the Secretary of the Trea sury, transmitting a statement ol tin* number of acres cf land sold sit 'the se veral offices from their institution to the 30th September last; rendered in obe dience to a resolution of- the House of the 10th instant; which report was inid on the table, and ordered to be printed. . The engrossed bill making appropria tions to supply the deficiency in the ap propriations heretofore made for the completion of the repairs of the wings of iho Capitol, for finishing the President’s House, and the erection of two new Ex ecutive Offices, was read a third time, and the question stated on it« passage. A debate of about an Pour ensued on this bill —not so much on the question whether it ought T>r ought not to pass, as on the circumstances which called lor it. Mr. Johnson, of Va. and Mr. Randolph argued against the practice of transfer ring and cf exceeding appropriations, for specific objects, and agahi-t tile re sponsibility assumed by the President in tins case, of borrowing tuonc-y for the purpose of completing the public build ings. These gentlemen protested warm ly against the unconstntionr.lity of such unauthorized exercises of power Uy the Executive, their dangerous leaden the culpability of permitting them, unit no executive officer had the powd to pledge Congress to make good sums which he should raise, and expend, with out the authority of law, &.c. &ic. Messrs. Cobb, Livermore, Taylor, Foot, Clagett, and Rea, although not at! all differing from the former gentlemen in the correctness of the doctrines they advanced, supported this appropriation, and justified the steps ou the part of the Executive which had called for it; ar guing that Congress had required of tne Executive expressly to have these build ings repaired and rebuilt; ^i^hey had felt^a||^bessed .Rssati.-T.H^Wi-’.-au-v tho^^^^^^-as r<vnfn|e.-s for the reception of Con, the President, consultingjhe aver the other. If the ''vd been recently an- ’ orovisos on tile orevail, bow ine h&Aa font- convenience and accommodation -of the Legislature, and finding the approprin-i tions not sufficient for the object, had di- v^rted the funds to it which had been ap propriated to other objects in the cilv, and had directed the commissioner of The public buildings to accept an advance of money which had been tendered by one 6f the cityffianks, and to make up the re maining deficiency, relying on Congress to make if good ; that what he had dft'nc was in pursuance of what he deemed his duty in providing for the uccominodation of Congress ; and that, however jnst the objections in the abstract, and to ordina ry cases, the President was in this justi fiable, &x. Lr. The_qucstion was then taken on the passage of ihe bill, and curried, without n count, and the bill was sent to the Se nate for concurrence. The bill to establish a district coirt in the state of Alabama, and the bill to continue in force the a t to provide for reports of the decisions cf the Su- ;■ me Court, were received from the Bennte, severally twice read-and referred.' ADMISSION OF MISSOURI. The bill to authorize the people of Missouri territory to form a constitution and state government, and providing for the admission of such state into the union, being the first order of the day, was an nounced by the Speaker. Mr. Taylor moved that the considera tion of the bill be postponed to this dav week, with the view of waiting the de cision of the Senate on the bill now be fore them on tliu natvjuct. Tins motion brought on nu animated debate of considerable length, in which the propriety of waiting the movements of the othet House, or of proceeding now to consider this bill, in which there were various details to he considered and'de cided, besides the principle now under debate in the Senate, kc. were discuss ed. The motion to postpone the Fill was supported by the novel- a; J Messrs. Livermore, Clagett, and Cushman ; and the postponement was opposed by .Messrs. Scott, Lowndes, Brush, Cook, Floyd, and Cflmpbcll. The question was at length decided in the negative, by yeas and nays : For postponement C7 Against, it 88 It was then moved by Mr. Holmes that the House go into committee of the whole on the said bill ; but, before the question was put ou this motion, the House, about 4 o’clock, Adjourned. JANUARY 27. Among the memorials presented this day, was one from the Legislature of the state of Ohio, praying that provision may be made for the relief of such purchas ers of public land as may forfeit the same from their inability to complete the pay ment therefor. RESPECTING THE SPANISH THE \TY. Mr. Floyd, of Va. submitted for con sideration the following resolution: That the Prethdent of the United Ciates be requested to cause to be communicated to this House, if in his opinion consistent with the public good, whatsoever information he may possess relative to the extent of territory which the instructions of the Minister Plenipo tentiary of his Catholic Majesty author ized him to cede to the United States in his-negociation with the Secretary of .State, which resulted in the treaty of 22d February last; and likewise at what period he. obtained that information.” Mr. I-’, said that he had been induced to submit this resolution to obtain the in formation required, as important, upon a subject of great consequehsA^te^tbe nation at this time. It was predicates upon ;m expression in the letter of the Secretary of State to our Minister,bearing date the ICthof Aug. 1819, in which he says— •' It is too well known, and the Spanish government dare not deny it, that Mr. Onis’s last instructions authorized hi n to cede to the United State- much more territory than Vie did.” Now, sir, as the treaty has not been confirmed by Spain, and we arc called upon to enforce the friendly stipulations of that treaty, it is peculiarly proper to have all the infor mation which was possessed at the time oi'the i,. gociution. Ill reply to an objection which was subsequently made in the resolve, that a call for that kind of information might have injurious consequences, Mr. F. said, certainly no injury can result, as the resolution does not require any thing to be communicated ich it would be improper to divulge, but, if that informa tion were improper to be made public, cannot the representatives of the people of the United States bo intrusted with that transaction ? For his part, he had consulted none, and thought the informa tion necessary. Surely it could not bo improper to communicate to this house, Mr. F. said, that which the Secretary of State had said the Spanish government “ dare not deny.” This motiou gave rise to n short ile- , in the course of which the adoption ants opposed by Mu. Lowndes, Mr. fergeant, M r. Holmes, Mr. Taylor, Mr. hea, and Mr. Hill, on the ground, gen erally, that the President 4iad*lfcorui#uni' ented to Congress, at the coinmencetnen? of the session, on the subject of Spanish affairs, nil the information which he deemed important to the public interest, and which, in his opi-don, it was not in consistent with that interest at present to communicate ; that the conduct of ne- gociations having been given by the con stitution to the Executive, and also the authority to communicate to Congress, from time to time, information of the state of the Union, it was to be presumed the President had, in the performance of that duly, commitnie^H a|i that was sj>^nnio6 proper to h#4hmrnunica- tedHHBhcting our rel.-.tinifl^Nth Spaiu ; as we have yet a Minister at Madrid, and matters were not finally ad justed with that power, the disclosure of uch particulars as were required made, might have a prejudicial effect on the questions pending between the two countries, &c Resolved, That the committee on Mi litary Affairs be instructed to enquire in to the expediency of providing by law for the allowance of military land to all iers who enlisted m the late war with Great Britain, and who procured substitutes, in proportion to the time of ervice performed by them and their mbstitiites respective ; and also all o- tliers who enlisted anil remained in ser- \ice during the war, and were regularly discharged, not already provided lor by law. On motion of Mr. PindnU, it was Resolved, That the Secretary of State he requested to lay before this House a list of the newspapers in which the laws, resolutions, and orders of Congress are published, and have been published during the.sessions of the 11th and 15th Congresses, designating the state, dis trict, or territory in which each news paper was published, with an.estimate ol the expense of such publication. Washington, January 29. We have at length been enabled to make a beginning of the Debate in the Senate of the Union, on the leading topic of the present day—the Mist-sari Ques tion. Well may it be culled the leading topic. : it now occupies the attention of both Houses, exclusively; and will con tinue to engross it so entirely as, we apprehend, to prevent that attention be ing paid to other legislative objects, which many have sanguinely calculated on. The'proposition which is the subject of so much debate, reduced to a familiar phraseology, is Ibis : whether it be expe dient to impose, as a condition of the ad mission of the territory of Missouri into the Union, an obligation on her people to prohibit the future removal or trans portation of slaves into that territory. This question divides itself into three branches : 1. The constitutionality of the mea sure. 2. Its conformity to the stipulations of the i reaty ot 1803, hy which France ced ed the territory in question to the Unit ed States. 3. The expediency ofthe measure, as it id iv affect the relative condition of per son.-: n OW held to servitude in the. Unit ed Stales, and as il may affect the rela tions between different parts of the Uni on. The affirmative Hud-negative of these questions are supported with equal zeal, by nearly equal numbers. In the Senate the majority is supposed to be opposed to the restriction : in the House of Repre sentatives, though the question has not been tried decisively in any shape, it is supposed there is a majority in favor of the restriction. An excitement appears to prevail, or rather it is painfully apprehend, in re gard to this question, which would, with difficulty, be accounted for, from a gene ral view ofthe points embraced by it.— The truth is. and it is in vain to shut our eyes to the fact, that tiiere are consider ations of deeper interest at the bottom of this question. The balance of power vi brates ; and the feelings of our politicians vibrate in sympathy. It has been sur mised, we perceive by letters from this City, published in the Eastern prints, that already it is attempted to establish polit ical distinctions by this question. We in cline to think, however, that this sugges tion is rather the result of gloomy tbre- bodings, than the delineation of a reality which could not be loo earnestly depre- cutrj. Of all political tests, our feder ative system abhors a geographical one* We shall publish the debate on the Question, in both Houses of Congress, if it. be not drawn out to so great a length as to prevent our continuing on to the end of it. Our readers will doubtless peruse# it with interest ; and we shall cheerfully leave them to draw their own conclusions from it. One only remark we shall be pardoD- ed for making here on the merits ofthe question. It is yet attempted to impress the pub lic mind in defiance of repeated contra* dictions, that this is a question which in volves an extension of slavery, that is, the multiplication of slaves in our coutry. Once for all, no such question is pre sented to the consideration of Congress, or of the nation. The question con cerns only the diffusion or the concen tration of the slaves now in the country. There is not in the. CongreM of the United States q siuflli iudiviApal who would raise his haniiin favor -of author izing the introduction of slaves into thfc The proposition was supported by* the! United States—or, in other words, in fa : . mover, and by Mr. Johnson of Va. am! Mr. Randolph, for the. general reasons tssigned hv the* mover, and for the rea son, additionally, that the President had, by his communication to both Houses of Congress, at ihe commencement of the session*earnestly recommended the sub ject of the state ofour affair* with Sjjiin, to tliQ-iiltention of Congress, and indeed ■xpressiy submitted to them whether or not the provisions of the treaty should he carried into effect independently of the. consent, of Spain, &c. On suggestion of Mr. Sergeant, the re solve was so amended, by consent ofthe mov er, as to request the President, in- stc-id of instructing the Secretary of State, (as at first offered) if in his opinion it should be expedient, to cause the re quired information to be laid before Hie House—the objection being to leaving a compliance with an order from the house discretionary with any officer of the go vernment subordinate to the highest in authority. The question being taken on agreeing to tho resolution thus amended, it was decided in the negative—aves67,noes88 JANTJAR.’ 28. vor of the extension of slavery. Justice to the character of our country requires that this should be distincly understood, and never overlooked, as it frequently is, in the newspaper discussions of what is called the Missouri Question. • [Mat. Int.] New-Orlean*, Dee. 31. Yesterday the captain anil seventeen of the crew of-Sehr. Bravo, captured some time ago by the revenue cutters Alabama and Louisiana were sentenced by the District Court of the U. States, to be hanged on the 2.0th May next. These men compris ed all that belonged to the vessel at the time of her capture. It was deemed necessary, in conducting the. prisoners from jail to court and back again, to take extraordinary precautions to defeat any attempt to rescue them that might be made by their coadjutors. The several volunteer corps ofthe city were under arihsin the neighbourhood of the pri son for several hours, &. if an attempt to res cue was meditated, the number and appear ance of the troops must have convinced those who were disposed to assist in it that it w as utterly hopeless and impracticable. We learn thatuvcbsel lately commanded hy Vincent Gambia, was a few days ago tak en possession of by a boat belonging to the J navy, in some one of tho passes leading to On motion of Mr. H r otker, of N. C. itj Barra taria. She is said to he a remarkably wa* * fast sailing vessel, mounting oi.e bias* si.V pounder, but had no person on board when she was taken. It is reported that Gambia some short time ago had in his pas- session on hoard this vessel pooo dollars in pecif, and that while asleep with the money imler his head, his brains were knocked out by one of his crew, and that they immedi ately deserted the vessel. Extract of a letter renivtd in Raltimorc dated Washinoton, Jan. 2D. “ Give unto Cesar the things thut ure Cciar’s.” “ You will see under the editorial head f the National Intelligencer of this morn ing, that the crowds of spectators arid list eners in the lobbies and galleries of the Se nate, is attributed to the importance of the Mis sOuri Question, now under debate. ’Tw no such tiling—the orator, and not the tmbjeet attracts—Mr. Pinkney, the Senator, from Maryland, is the potent magician, who gathers around the capitol, and holds with in his spell, the grave, the gay, the thought ful and the thoughtless—Nay, all ages, sex es and conditions, hang around to hear the matchless genius of Ills mind—It is him —and not Missouri—for when he even ar gues a recondite ease of law, in the Supreme Court oftiie United States, this same, pleth ora is felt through every alley and avenue of the court. You will recollect tlrat on Thursday week last, the detrate on the question was postponed at hia motion—Well, 1 have at tended every day* since, and heard almost every person who came to listen say, that it was with a view of hearing Mr. Pinckney. After a day or two it was generally under- tood, that in consequence of a severe cold he had taken in coming from Baltimore, he would not speak for some days—You could see the shoals of visitors diminish and retire —there was no difficulty in getting either in to the lobbies or galleries, except under the expectation of hia speaking. The day be fore yesterday he became entitled to the /lour for yesterday. This was published— and yesterday, an hour before the time, the doors were beset, and before he rose, lob bies, galleries, and all the intervals filled up to suffocation. For nearly three hours lm discussed the .Constitutional question of re stricting Missouri ; wiih anelnqueuce, which for its combinations of criticism and wit, and fancy, and logic and delivery, I will venture to say, has never been equalled in the delibe rative councils of America. He divided his subject into three parts— the constitutionality—the effect ofthe trea ty, and the policy or expediency—The two last he will discuss on Monday next. Oth ers will still continue the discussion—yet I will predict after Mr. Pinknay finishes, any person will look in vain to see the chamber filled from the magnitude ofthe question.-— The lyre will pass into other hands, but Or pheus will have ceased to strike it? I glow with Roman exultation in be holding our Senate—It is a noble congrega tion of profound and animated patriots! There are many of them eloquent too—but there is no second Pinkney litre!—In my humble judgment, there is no one here to compare with him as an orator. Possessing all the advantages from nature, he has for nearly half a century, had only to develope, expound and perfect all the constituents of the most finished rhetorician. He hud not the impediments of TYemost henes to remove, nor the naturally un comely person of Cicero to encumber him —he grew op lapped in tho enthusiasm qf American liberty—his heart has beat an'd swoln in the very hallwhere Chatham spoke! He has drawn classical inspiration from the very tomb of the Mantuan Bard! He has paused on the very spot where great Julius fell! And he has been invigorated NYnidst the sublimely tempestuous regions of the iirctie world! With all 11 n-serare ad vantages of study, of travel, of health, for perfecting his great master passion, eloquence; it is due to his exertions to say, as he has deserved, so has he succeeded to the. undisputed title of imperishable celebrity, as the greatest or ator America lias ever produced. May he long continue to shed a halo, not only on his native state, hut on the union of this great republic, of whose constitutional inviolabili ty lie yesterday proved himself so match less a champion. Mr. John Randolph, a judge of eloquence—for he ton, in d»ys of better health, possessed the witchery of no ordinary elocution—it is said, wished the House of Representatives to adjourn, that upon so interesting a question, the members, •fight hear one of the most accomplished orators of the age. -“Ifhis conclusion shall correspond with Ir beauty and dignity of his exordium, I llall consider it tin: most finished piece of senatorial eloquence and intellectual strength ever exhibited, at least in our country; and I accord with anopinionofavencrahlemem- ln r of the Senate, a few minutes after Mr. Pinkney closedliis discourse, “I would ra ther have spoken that speech than be E.m- pcrorofall the Russias*, and deeply slmll'I- regret, if forvvafit of a senatorial roporter or stenographer, it does not appea* in print.” VV. MANUFACTURES. Extract of a letter from President Adams to the Editor of the Providence Jour nal, “ December, 14, 1319. “ Sir—I have received your polite fivout ofthe 10th, the subject of which p of great importance. I* “ I am old enough to remember the war of 1745, and its end—The war of 1755, and its close—The war of 1775, a«d its termination—-The war of 1812, ami its pacification. Every one of these wars has been followed by a general distress, embarrassments xjn Commerce; destruction of Manufactures ; fall ofthe price of produce and of lands, similar to these we feel at the present day—and nil produced bv the same causes. I have wondered that so much experience lias not taught us more caution. The British Merchants and Manufacturers, immediately after the peace, disgorged upon us all their stores of merchandize and manufactures—not only with put pro fit, but at a certain loss for a time—with the express of purpose annihilating all our manufactories, &i ruining all our ma nufacturers. The cheapness of the ar ticles allures us into extravagancies-— and at length produces universal com plaint. . “ What would be the consequences ot the aboiifion of all restrictive, exclusive, and monqpo[i|tqg laws, if adopted by all the nations of the earth, 1 pretend not to any ; but Khile alt the nations, with whom, vp have intercourse, persevere in cherishing suchlqws, 1 know not how