Southern recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1820-1872, February 15, 1820, Image 3

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n do curselvci justice, without in- * ( Jucin^r, witii fei-oat prudence and dis- ‘ , tion however, some portions of the |J “, Y|,p gentlemen of Philadelphia , ye published a very important volmnr j || 1R subject which 1 recommend to ^urcareful partml. Other cities are '...operating in the same plan. I hcarti- d) them all success, so far as this. that congress may take the ,• subject into their most serious de- ^radon, and decide ujion it according ‘.heir most mature wisdom. JOHN ADAMS.” William E. Richmond, esq. Providence. IV wl t least YiV\VVAti.\\ Nummary from London papers. [BY THE HERCULES.J flrdccd at the Office of the A*. Y. Comntr- " ciat Advertiser. \ii English ex-military olllccr was arrest- ( ‘ ilt Paris on the 2Sd oi' Nov. for using se ditious expressions. . . Tlie Princes of Wales arrived at Mar- *eUles oil the 10th of November. : l,nr ,r e bets were offered ill Paris the last j November, that the new Ministry would not continue in office more than six weeks. Twenty men per company were to be ad- d,. ( i to the regiments in England. The in- r ,!i,is are to do garrison duty. Tlic Directors of the Bank of England tyuT, given orders to have bars of gold in rturtiness for bullion payments, on the 1st oi February next. The Persian Ambassador has been on a tour through Ireland and Scotland. A;i article from Vienna of October 2b 5,iys, a cabinet courier lias arrived from War saw.’ It is said that this courier brings the intelligence that the Emperor of Russia ae- redes to all the. resolutions adopted at Carls- had, but that he postpones to another oppor tunity several territorial arrangements rela tive to Poland, and various secondary States «f Germany. .Yew South Wales—The. progress of the settlements in New South Wales has been so great, that the inhabitants arc enabled to make exportations of surplus produce. The population of the - territory is 20 000 souls, being an increase, in one year, of nearly, 0000 inhabitants. A public meeting was held at Hudders field, in Yorkshire, on the 8th of November, to consider the best means of promoting <i 0 Itadical Reform.” Forty-four flags were displayed, bearing a variety of figures, cm- Wombs and inscriptions; among which were the following. A figure of justice; “No Corn laws— death or liberty'; arm yourselves against ty- laols.”—Wolf devouring a Lam—“ Coun trymen be firm”—crown and laurel—*“ li berty and justice.” Flag in four compartments, with figures #o each; aml ( m one— May never a cock in England crow,, Nor never a pipe in Scotland blow, Nor never a harp in Irelutid play, “ Till Liberty reigns the day.” Jl black fag with while borders. The time draws nigh: it’s just at hand, When Britons shall with courage stand; Pad) heart united shall be. We’ll have our rights, we will be free: And sliduld the tyrants y,i oppose, With hellish wit our noble cause, We ll never swerve, but steadfast be, We ll die or have liberty.” Mr. Cobbctt has given a public reception, in Clayton square, Liverpool, to the Depu ties from Manchester and its neighborhood, who had been appointed to wait on him wbh an address of congratulation. “ A crowd of about 8,000 persons collected to witness the ceremony. After the address was mad, Mr. Cobbett replied to it in a speech of about half an hour in length.— The tone of’it was mild and conciliating.— He earnestly recommended a peaceable and patient deportment on. the part of the peo ple ; he spoke of the. necessity of a Radical Reform in Parliament, and declared, that having watched the conduct of Rulers of all Staft^, and studied the form of their govern ments—it was his decided conviction, that that of England, consistingof king, lords and commons with a people fairly represented, was the best which could possibly be devised, ami no other would he advocate, or wish to see established.” *tgtL RE CL M1LLKDUKVILLE, j From a London Paper. PERSIA. Tne following is an extract from thelettcrof a French OJtcer in the Persian service, dated August 17,1819. “We are all here very happy, with Prince Abbas Mirza. This heir to the throne ot Persia is one of the handsomest men, and the most generous 'Princes whom it is possible to see. The Prince has made me his Aid-de-Canip. I have 'Jtidcr my command 2,000 infantry, with 6 considerable train ef artillery. AI. H. of Caen, commands 1,000 men, and a si milar command is entrusted to M. 1>. of M. We receive magnificent pay, and we are anxious to find an opportunity of serving our country in Persia, where it enjoys a high consideration “ fhe treaty which is to grant to Russia a free passage lor its commerce f° India and the Persian Gulf, does not seem to experience any difficulty. It is equally advantageous to both countries. A cession of some of tue provinces bor dering on the Caspian Sea, appears, on the contrary, to rank amongst the impos sibilities. The will of the people is as hostile to it as that of the Sophi, and the cteditary Prince appears altogether opposed to it. A report which hm as sumed more consistency here, is rela- tve to the re-cstablishruent of the king- 0ln °f Armenia, with the common con sent of Persia, Russia, and Turkey.” Some part of this letter, if it beauthen- ,c > and if the writer had means of know- ln g the truth ef what lie states, (two irn- portant qualifications,) are deserving of attentive consideration. It is there said, a a treaty which is to secure to Rus sia a free and commercial passage to ln- 'a and the Persian Gulf, experiences no o'mculty, because it will be mutually ad- j ) " 1 ageous to both countries. r l*hismay v ery true, hut how would such treaty affect he road which mercha The'--””* °. u . r .Possessionsirrthc East ? Raffle may become the trading army by the op' In publishing the fir i carder, the proprietors t they promised in their p the paper, as far as they pendent and useful one. ’ intelligent correspondents, i, maud such assistance, may c ancf extensive circulation. The present session of Congi on two subjectsof grcatnational ii both of them having a tendency t suspicion, jealousy, and irritation different sections of the union. It i lunate for the general prosperity ot country, that our brethren of the N should evince towards those of the Sou. such a spirit of illiberality, such a dispositit to aggrandize themselves at our expense, > may sew the seeds of discord between mem 1 , bersoftlie same family, and produce event ually, the most mischievous consequences. Much has been said and written about what is called the Missouri Question. The territory of Missouri, now requiring admis sion into the union as an independent state, was included in Louisiana, as our readers know, when it was ceded to the United States by France. The people of that ter ritory then held slaves, they still have them, and a large majority of the population are averse to parting with their negroes * but the Eastern members of Congress, in conformi ty with the wiil of their constituents, en deavor to impose on Missouri, asa condition of her admission into the union, that invol untary servitude be prohibited. What would he the consequence of such prohibition, should their object be attained? The Spani ards St Frenchmen who occupied the coun try previous to its transfer, and persons who have since emigrated thither from the Ame rican states, carrying with them slaves, must give up that property or leave the territory. This may he agreeable enough to the feel ings of the New-Erigland farmer, who culti vates in regular succession the same fifty acre3 of stony land his forefathers tilled be fore him—but to the enterprising man of the West, who subdues the wilderness, fells the forest, and suffers all the privations and hardships of a frontier life, ’tis quite an other matter. Having purchased his slaves by the sweat of his brow,he does not choose to give up this property, so necessary for improving his lands, ’merely to gratify the caprice or prejudices of pretended philan thropists, whether of {Aid England or New- England. Our Yankee brethren are un questionably a very humane and charitable people; tint kind of charity and humanity, however, which costs them nothing, and is exercised exclusively at the expense of oth ers, has little but selfishness to recommend it. There is another view of this subject. If citizens of slave-holding states be excluded from Missouri, the competition in purchas ing the public binds of the territory will be at an end. 'l'lie country will be occupied al most exclusively by emigrants frotp the East, who will get land; on their oWWrrms, while the Southern people are paying for the national domain extravagant prices. The moire no,’ of Domestic Manufac tures is another favorite object, which, if car ried to tile extent desired by the Eastern people, will enrich them and impoverish the Southern planters. What do they ask ? That Congress lay such duties as will ex clude foreign articles, to enable our own Manufacturers to get rich by selling their goods at high prices—or, that the agricultu rists of the South shall from necessity buy the manufactures of the north, whether they like tlium or not, and at such prices too as may-suit the flexile consciences of northern manufacturers to charge for them. Why Ihe necessity of further protection from go vernment? Imported articles noiv-jiay such heavy duties as make them come dear enough to the consumer. But these duties must he increased, say they, to protect do mestic manufactures—Who protects the planter when the price of his cotton, his to bacco and his flour will not compensate him for the labor of producing them? We cheer fully barter our valuable staples, our cotton, rice and sugar, for the cheese, onions, cod fish and tinware of our Eastern brethren.— With equal cheerfulness shall we buy their fabrics of wool, of cotton and linen, when they come to us of as good quality and as cheap as wo can get them from abroad. Let lie makufacturerk do, what the planters art omn^JIrd to do, take rare of themselves . one thm VI, l The .it called, isj After a de able, perhap nerahlc body, a vote of Head tress of the U.i' the right to impn snuri the propose! tion of their admis , majority i.-, greati r, ticipated, and the vo we remember to iiavi mile—every member V eept one, who, it i.> nnm voted with the major':!}) sent.—Kit. Ii:t. _ Washington, Fib. t. In the Senatf, Mr. Barbour, of Virginia, spoke yesterday i mre than three hours a- gainst the Missouri Restriction without fin ishing his remarks. In the 1 torsi; or Re- puf.sentztives, Mr. Smyth. of Vn. resum ed his speech on t, ^Missouri question, and occupied the floor from one o’clock till near six, against the Restriction. Mr. Reid, of Georgia, has the floor, and is expected to resume the debate, this morning. Albany, Jan. 2fi. The friends of the state administration in this city, and from various parts of the state, 1m Id a meeting this evening at the Mansion Mouse, for the pifTpose. of nominating can didates for Governor and Lieutenant Gover nor. William James, Esq, .of this ci.}, was called to the chair, and Joseph Fork, Esq. of St. Lawrence, appointed v.-ad-t.iiv. The .meeting was very numerous ami respectable. }) ff'ilt Clinton, was unanimously nomi nated for Governor, and John To.dor, for Lieutenant Governor; John C. Spencer, Esq. Speaker of the house id' assembly, make a very able and eloquent speech on tile occasion.—Mercantile . Mr. Extract of a h Iter to the Editor if the .Varfutk llcrahl, dated “ G "JR alt vn, Oct. 31, into. “ The new Minister from Spain. General Vk.ves, is on his way to Madrid to learn his lesson. He is performing quarantine first., md after a hundred other ceremonies just as necessary, lie may be ready by next. lag net, 0 set out for the Doited State: 1 . “ Many Generals and other officers ari named to go to Mexico. FROM TUT. BALTIMORE MOWING CITRUS: .1 E. Spontaneous Combustion.—At. my mills there was an iron kettle, used for holding ashes—it had remained with ashes in it. from the Oth m.i, to the 9th mo. at wk'xh time flaxseed oil was by accident spilled into the ashes; in about 24 hours the a.lies were found to he on lire, and wishing to have it folly ascertained, whether if was ill** oil which occasioned the ashes to take fire, I fill ed a kettle with cold dry asiics, in which 1 poured a pint of flaxseed oil, and in -2) hours 1 examined it, and found that, as far as tha oil had penetrated, the ashes were in a stat of combustion, and, on applying some shav ings and chips of wood, it immediately ra ed them to blaze. From an apprehension that many bn' o-nllng over the Craft of Ibis stiiie, I couTd not feci otherwise, than highly gratified on the receipt of the liberal and affectionate contribu tion of your Lodge. It prove* to the world that masonic benevo lence is not of the exclusive, sellisli character prejudice Inis sometimes attributed to it, but, that it can uss.une, when circuins.tuuces require t, n spirit of patrioti a:i, and philaiithropby em bracing not only the whole body of our fellotv- citiaens, bill unhappy sufferers of every nation, anil of i-very description. is the (rue go nitis of Masonry; for the relief afforded. ten der t:> tlic Lodge, tlie thanks and gratitude of oar distressed people aud of this corporation; and for yourselves gentlemen, my assurances of sincere fraternal tufaclmit ut. TIIO'.S V. 1>. CHARLTON, Jf/yor. John Howard, Jon.v Litas, Samuel Rockwi'.i.i, Of RoiCtnlcvt bu lge, A'o. 32. .IMPOSTORS. During the lust week, two men, Ita lians by birth, attempted to impose up on the charity of our Gits, bv represent ing themselves as objects of distress.— Their appearance being suspicious, they were closely examined by one of our ci tizens and not being able to establish their pretended claims, they deemed it prudent to decamp immediately ; appre hensive, no doubt, that their fraudulent intentions would soon hove been expos ed, and ihnt they themselves would have received that punishment which their unmanly and shameful conduct so richly merited. So little notice was taken of these gentlemen, and their departure was so sudden, that we are unable to describe their persons.— And we regret our inability to do so, as it prevents us more effectually from guardiugour fellow-r.i'.izrns at a distance, ag ainst so villainous an imposition. Aug. Chronicle. [Prrsons of the above description were lately in Milledgevillc, and obtained from some of our citizens, who were more ge ncrous than prudent, small donations.] ■-* .-w- . .. t -» . .A <Vt# to the it 1st of December, 647-1 negroes —making an average of almost 20,000 annually—vessels arrive daily,aud make great voyages. During the month of December lost, there were 143 arrivals, of which 81 were American, ami 87 clearances, of which 52 were do. St. Louis, Jan. 5. 13y late accounts received from Prairie du Chein and St. Peters, we learn that the Barracks at tlic Cantonment of St. Putin s are erected and the troops com fortably quartered for the winter. They have commenced ploughing for the next year, and will probably raise sufficient for the support of the troops during the 'ensuing season. The climate is mild and pleasant—aiui’.h more so than could he expected at 44 deg. 63 min. north. The soil is abundantly rich, and nature has prepared it for the plough. Grass is also in great abundance, and sufficient for any quantity of cattle. The expenses of this highly itnpor- lant and interesting expedition have been very small. Several specimens of copper and iron ore have been found, and large quanti ties of both exist without boabt in the country. Game is procured in great abundance. The Indians continue to be perfectly friendly. Wc have heen<crcdibly informed that a gentleman in Hampshire county, Mass estimated by bis neighbors to be worth at least 50,(mu dollars, receives, under jjjp^ite pensoinlaw, 600 dollars per an |iuin; tUnbijuiother gentleman in that ings have been consumed by fires from the | neighborhood, "oP large property, also foregoing cause. I have been induced to give rt , ce j ve s a pension, under the same law ; publicity to the fact, JOSEPH ATKINSON. Ellicott's Patapsco Mills, 1 mu. Hid, 1920. From the London Times, cfXor. 28. Radicals in -China.—According to advices lately received from China, through Mr. Milan, of the London Missionary Society, a general agitation throughout that vast em pire threatens to destroy the most ancient Government in the world. Secret societies are said to he established throughout China, which a formidable si verity had been una ble to suppress. In the single province of Canton 100 persons per month have for some time past perished under the. bands of the executioner. Some of the society’s bear extraordinary designations :,as the White Jackets, iled Beards, aria Short Swords- I m ; -pa - >n_- Mcssro. Creindia, of Goods, and wf house lutely oqcuj<,\ , er the 1/liADFORO, l £ 'RjifEL t hey now offer and will constantly lee,p tot sale on the best terms, a great variety of 'ENG** - MSH, FRENCH, GERMAN, EAST-INiDIAft. DOMESTIC GOODS. The forjjjef customers of this house, oar h'i<'nil£ti!MkmpHlic gene rally, are desired to give us tliflFoustom. v . THOMAS M. BltADt ORri BURTON HEPBURN, b VVm. j. danelly. Mllledgevllle, February 7 j. BMP and that a third residing in New-Havcn county Con. estimated to be w orth 20,000 dollars, also receives a pension under the same laW:--*Tliese things ought not to be so. It sureiWvas never the inten tion of our governriMMf^tux the poor, for the purpose of the rich. M # KiwJJrRecorder. The military road, opening from the Tennessee river to lake Ponchartrain is nearly completed—that is, by far the most difficult part of the work has been performed. The two points of the road finished are now about 140 miles from each other, and it is expected that they will be united during the* preseut win ter. Extraordinary Proceedings, Frankfort, K. Jan. 14. One of the members of the present H of Representatives in this state was indie as guilty of a felony in the stale of Indiana about two years ago, for seizing and bringing aw ay his own slave. Since the commence ment of the. present session of tlic General Assembly, the Governor of Indiana has, for the first time, made a demand on the Gov ernor of this state to deliver up this gentle man lor trial. What does Coeernor Jen nings mean ? Does he inter-1 to insult the state of Kentucky by dragging her repre sentatives from the I.egislativo floor to be tried as criminals for reclaiming their own property ? We wilf not indulge in the re marks which this occasion suggests; but if our sister state wishes to maintain the friend ly relations which ought ever to exist be tween the members of o’ r confederacy, we trust, they will prevent the repetition of such demands. A bill is already before our House of Re- ircsentatives to cheek this abuse of the.ta ut a fy power to reclaim fugitives from jus tice, vested in the states by tlie constitution of the Union. Harrisburg, (Penn.) Jan. 27 The Senate have jutt passed the law abolishing imprisonment for debt, and it only wants the signature of the Govern or to become a law. UIJV OFFICE. T HE subscriber has resumed the PRAC TICE of LAW, and taken the Office formerly occupied by Thud. G. Holt, Esq. northsidu of the State-House Square, where he may at all time be found when not en gaged on professional business on the circuit. 11 ^practice will be limited to the countie* composing the Ocmulgeb circuit, and tire counties of Washington, Hancock &l Twiggs. Conveyancing in all its branches executed with correctness and promptitude. WILLIAM Y. HANSELL. MillrdgttdUe, Fch.-15 s | ■ LAXD FOR SALE. , ” L OT No. 72, seventeenth district in Jasper county, within live or six miles of Monti- cello. Fur terms apply to SAMUEL GOOD ALL. MllledgevPIc- Feb. 3 j jf LanSfor~SalT. ** W i-Lfbe sold in thn town of Clinton to the higbeff bidder on Saturday the loth inst. the Plantation where James Lucas, Esq. now lives, containing4<Jfi acres, more or lest. There is about 170 seres cleared, a good Dwelling and out Houses—Store-House, Gin and Gin-House, lying about live miles from Clinton on t'ue road I'-adiug to Fort Hawkins. A large Creek runs through the main body of the Laud with a good mill seat thereon. Terms one, two and throe years with approved security—interest from tb» date if not punctually paid. „ , SAMUEL GOODALL. February it )t cA\mojs\ WHEREAS I received from Mr. John Bozeman a note for four hundred and nine dollars, dated the 0th inst. Si mqdf? payable.sixty-one days after date at the BPunch of the Darien Bank in MUledgft* viile, to Samuel Rockwell or ordat: which said note was given to me (by ofr der of Plaintiffs’ Attorney) to relieve from a ca. sa. James H. Murphey at the suit of Napier and Ector; and the said note having been lost o? mislaid, all per sons are cautioned not to trade for ojr receive it, as I shall take legal steoa to have it established. TAOMAS TRAPfc February 12, 1820 William. H. Clay, 1 James Gay. RUE county: On motion, umersi be served by publishing this \Va\tt IfTOO? \lfibtft. T ERONDET, ATKIRON kCo. have just received from Philadelphia, a freshl supply of SUPERIOR HATS, among] which are afew WARRANTED WATF.R] PROOF ; also vise straw BONNETS.] Bla , February. 14 —- it* id in mi& - w __ Is one of, Gaxettos of this circuit", once a month for months, and by serving a eopy of the said on the Attorney for said Gay, in the common I law case. 2Yu« tvpy from (Ac Minutes. - JOHN NISBET, Clerk. February U, 1890 m !», Declarationt if Protest - at the Recorder OMco, ' WmSSBT/ ' npr