Southern recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1820-1872, February 29, 1820, Image 2

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ra -.Missouri bill. II was consideration, as it r.U>»l' <1 >•**“ * in “ t question now under discussion. Hi' ,i,j this not liie proper mode ol up tin- question; it should b.' intlir hrin of an m t, which should go thro’ s cr «l forms, while, as a resolution. in-' L.,l to-day to ho decided to-morrow, Id not afford an opportunity lor dis- t its merits. >W observed, that a reference ton hle.c of liie whole would detent tin* , hccansc the suhji et now Indore the nitre would of roitrse Tltose re olutious, gentlemen would lr. n little attention, Were perfectly r, and, indeed, the only form in which sicn could I e made : particularly as it ■ted the second resolution, which eon- I a mere recommendation to the terri- to prohibit “laverv, w itliout invoh utg irs.too whether the Congress had the r to impose tins restriction. It was led, b' (rentlemon on both siili s, that res? had the power to prohibit the ex m of slavery in the territories; and, if resolutions should bu adopted, C-on- xvouhl he relieved from the disagreea- perssity of deciding on thiir eonstitu- I powers, respecting which great doubt ored to exist—k the excitement which question had produced would he allnv- then nothing would remain for their (deration but the question of oxpedicu- the. appeal Would then he. made to tin (used state of Missouri to restrict slave- nstead of an attempt to impose the re turn by Congress. Mr. F. moved to jmit the resolution* to a committee of Whole on the state of the Union. Ir. Ilhtu lisped the resolutions would he on the table until the great question now ire the committee should Iw decided.-— itlemen were determined to discuss it, decide upon it; and lie hope 1 no propn- m would lie received to interfere with , discussion. Mr. It's motion to lay the stations on the table preiailed: and they ■e laid on the table accordingly, dr. Hi rrick moved the adoption of a re- ilion instructing t.he committee on Roads I Canals to inquire into the expediency of viding by law fir thu appointment of nmisstnmvs, to view, survey' and mark a (1 as a continuation of the national road, m Wheeling mi to the seats of goveru- ntnf Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, thence Saint Charles in Missouri: and also into expediency of providing by law for the jvey of the public lands through which the tl road may pass, and authorize the ap- jpriation iff the. proceeds arising from the e of each unappropriated section through 'iyh it may pass, to the opening and im- tnring of the. same. QM, the question wlietherthe House would fK proceed to consider the motion, it was Bled in tiip negative, and the resolution course n.jtclui. New-York, February 0. The African Expedition, consisting ’the U. S. ship Cyane, and the ship lizabeth, sailed from thiy.port jester ay afternoon. The Elizabeth, char tered by government, proceeds to the western coast of Africa, for the purpose of carrying into effect the Act ol 1819, agreeably to the view of the President, as expressed in his late Message on that subject. She carries out the L nited States agents and artisans, mechanics and labourers, for the purpose of negotiating with the local authorities cf the country, for permission to bind anil provide for recaptured or liberated Africans; and to build houses and culti vatc land for their use. About 50 adults, people of colour, go out as mechanics 1 and labourers, provided with utensils, Those Mr. TV then attempted to Are, lnit bis gun soaped. Thomas Deliessolinc and Mr. Laval, seized another by the collar—in the struggle, the Negro drew a pistol, tired, mid shot Mr lb liu-soline through the. head, who expired immediately. L’|io, examination, it appears that he had received a bullet between his nose and-upper lip, which passed through the hack of his head; mid four buck shot it. the face. Immediately upon the heart rending circumstance being communicated to the agonized father, (’apt. Dclicwelino, he armed his negroes, and sent them in pursuit of the murderous g-mg. By ad dress and good uiillingi m.i in'.one ot ( apt. IPs fellows took one ot' them prisoner, owned by Mr, Afcne? It bitesido*. of Christ Church Parish, named.Ittrnti—he was armed w ith ft pistol loaded with I bullet and 5 buck shot, and reported that the negro wlm committed the murder belonged to Mr. J.A\. Brandt, of Long Island, and was called Jlibo- ■rough. No more of the runaw ays lmvo been yet apprehended, although a very strict search has been made alter them. Thst-fMnrdcrer Taken.—The Runmyny NYgroVf/firo\ who is fhargi d with having perpetrated the murder on Tuesday last it Hewers’ Island, of Mr. Thomas Delies- seline, was yesterday brought to town, having been taken by a Negro Fellow be longing to J. Uibben, esq. in Christ Chureh Parish. It appears that he had eluded the vigilance of the Charleston Riflemen, by swimming from the Island to tlie main- had been wounded with small shot by lie Overseer of Cape Roman; ami nfterwaids attempting to secrete himself in cue of Mr. Ilihhin’s Negro houses, was knocked down and secured by his Driver. ‘Charleston Orr:. \Uhinst. jus Mr'. Iiwb' • his clai /•’promises to .tcan ,o our present state ot itifor- m so' very ,interesting a sub- jnfbop«, sir, that some poison ctynt tix tlic. W-k, will investigate ■•ulijecT's Thoroughly as its im- hmfe deserves. I remain, Kgehton Smith. £grrpo6I,X‘«v. Id, 1505.” Ohstfvhiions made by John M’AI- iter, Nq,.US, Chcsnut-xtieet, Pliiln- dpliia, accompanying glasses sent to friemi: “The sight of sliort-sTgliteil per- .ous generally eontinues stationary [tools, implements and stores, through life. The eyes of such pcr-l whose service* are valuable on account sons very early become llatter by nge.l their trades, and who could not be 1 no age isnorule in judging ot spec tacle glasses, as ililt’erent persons’ eye sights fail at different periods of their lives; it is particularly so to concaves* for tiic slim [-sighted, as they general ly wear the same numbers thro’ life.” The convex lens makes amends for he llatne-s of the eye; the concave lens for such whoso roominess of the: eve occasions the rays of light to con verge before they reach the retina. The celebrated Goorgo Adams, ig his Essay on Vision, says, “ Conli deuce should be placed in the judg ment of the artist - ' of w hom the spec tacles are purchased, and attention paid to iiis instructions. IN SENATE—Ferro xnv e. Af.71.VJ3 .1X1) MISSOURI HILL T!ie Senate proci riled to the considera tion of liiis hill; when, Mr. A’t’iig. df N. York, wishing to offer to tni' Senate his opinions on the Mis-xntri sub jeet, moved tupo.stpone the hill until to-mor row ; hut a motion to postpone it to Friday prevailed, and it was postponed to that (lay accordingly. J he Senate took up the hill making com pensation for horses and other property Inst, captured or destroyed in t ho Seminole war; Which was amended, on the motion of Mr. Eaton, so ns to extend its provision* to ran-- ptrs as Well ns volunteers: and then the bill was postponed to Tuesday next. RECORDER. MII.LEnOEVII.LB, Tcksimy, Kcbronry 29. prevailed on otherwise to go, arcjier- niitted to take their families with them This expedition, we are informed, has no direct or necessary connection with Colonization. The Colonization Society it is understood, will noon send a vessel out from the south with colonists. TIT? U. States takes no part in the affair of Colonization. But ii Us operations for liberated Africans are carried on in the same place, whore the Colonization So- ;iety conducts its roiony, a mutual help will necessarily ho Jolt by nnch others efforts. These two communities ought not to be connected in the public min I, as they arc not in fact; yet they may be viewed ns two individuals carrying on, each its benevolent purpose, upon the same theatre of action. The Cyane proceeds on a cruize on the western Coast of Africa, against the slave traders. TnihM>Kirui.i, rYr,. 9. Melancholy acciihnt.—On Saturday after noon last as Henry Warrington, in company with the widow of Dr. Stokes, Ann Ed wards, and Esther Collins, on an intended visit to their friends in this city, to attend the Quarterly Meeting of Friends, of which they were members, were attempting to cross the river, in a light wagon on the ice, from Hopkins’s Ferry, the iee gave wiry,and .Mrs. Edwards and "Mrs. Collins, xvitii the wagon and horses, sunk to rise no more. Mr. Warrington, being forward and seeing the danger, leapt from hi* seat on the ice; but Mts. Stokes, following his example, was precipitated into the water, and but for the timriy assistance of Mr. W. who reached out liis whip to her assistance, which she succeeded in getting hold of, would have, in all probability, shared the fate of her unfor tunate companions. HOr.SE OF REPRESENTATIVES, wr.iucsnat, ker. 9. Mr.l not offered the following resolutions for coui-idontinit: llesohed, by the Srr.nlc and House of Hr- prctthialuxs ef the Vailed Stales of.ln'mica, in Confess assembl'd, That there, si,all he neither slavery nor involuntary servitude in any of the territories „f the United States, Otherwise than in the punishment of primes whereof the party shall have been duly eon Victed : Provid'd,That thissludl not he con strued to alter the condition or civil rights of any person now held to service or labor in said territories. liuoktd, That it he, and is hereby, re commended to the Inhabitants of the several territories of the. United States, that, for the purpose uf effecttKilly prcivuntiny; the fu 'ther extension of slavery, eaeli territory, w hen a'ltlion/ptl l»y ( on^rcLtj to form n conv.titu- Ino a;id sUite go* ernnu*nt. sliull, bv eNuress nrovi ion 111 their cor v tution, proliili’,1 invo- I uiixry servitude, or slavery, otherwise than punishment of crimes. Mr..Vc/con, of ’Virginia, movrd that the ve o-.thm he couimilied to the committee «n»eii one, vv no i *4, which w..-, hot consi-Tleaving part of his coat Chap.i.eston, Febnnry 12. !t!mnr.n....On Tuesday evening last, a most horrid murder was committed on Devvecs’ Island, on the body of Thomas Dr.unssgnnc, son of Captain J. T. Deliesseline, of that place. The cir- cuinstances ol the case, as they have been related to us. are these:—About 7 o’clock on the evening mentioned above, Mr. John Delic.sseline, (.mother son) told his father, that he had seen a boat land at hi* place, full of Negroes, supposed to lie runaways, and proposed to his brother Thomas, and Mr. Laval, (h V reach gentleman) who were present, that they should go in pursuit of them. 1 hoy accordingly went—when they (T/*The readers of the Recorder will not hav e forgotten an article published in our last paper, from the National Intelligencer of the 1th instant, of which the following is the in troductory paragraph: An unexpected debate, ‘diort hut pithy, took p!nee in the House cf Representatives yesterday, on the proposition to authorise the publication of the Secret Journal of the Congress of (he old Confederation, from tho Treaty of 17c i, up to the formation of the Constitution. [Bj an act of the lust Congress, it maybe recollected, the publication of that Journal was mitlioricud, up to the Treaty of fence.] Some Idr's were thrown out in tin- course of the dr.biite, which shew the feelings of the times, it i., enough to say, that the Missouri question was visible throughout the whole texture of this debate on a totally ditlcreiil matter.” ■Wbnt connexion could exist between the "Missouri Question” a id “a proposition to publish the Secret Journal of the Congress of the Confederation,” would to us have been inexplicable, were not the enigma explained by the debates of the Virginia Convention, on the adoption of the Federal Constitution, where we have some curious information, (on the authority of the first men in Ameri ca) in regard to the secret proceedings of (tic Old Congress. The facts disclosed, prove sufficiently, that from tho treaty of pence in 1783, till now, there has been a steady po licy, a3 ancient as unceasing, pursued by the northern states to depress the political influ ence, by retarding the advance of population*, of the South anti Wert. Fearing tliat’ilicsc sections of the. country would eventually gain a preponderance of weight in the coun cils of the nation, it was proposed by tin- northern states, under the old confederation, to surrender to-the Spaniards the navigation of the Mississippi! 'The purchase of Louisi ana during Mr. Jefferson's administration, put at rent all projects, ifai.y such still exist ed, of giving up litis invaluable river: hut the abuse showered on liim-hy certain great men of the East, for having made pur- ciinsc, cannot be forgotten. Actuated by the same selfish principle, of securing in their own hands the balance of political power, vve find them, after being foiled in alienaiingthe groat riverofthc west, attempting to make Ilia new states which may be created there, subserve their views, by imposing such restrictions ns will effectu ate their political purposes ! Had the Mis sissippi, as was projected by them, been de livered up to tin: Spaniards, or other foreign nation, what would liave been the fate rffthe country now comprising the states of Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee and Mississippi? It must- Iiavo fatten into pits session of (lie pow er holding the river or continued a wilder ness. This ugly story about the surrendci of tile Mississippi, the Eastern people, per haps do not care to have fully brought to light; hence, vve imagine, originated the feeling manifesto 1, w hen it was proposed to publish the Secret Journal of the old Coa- rrcss. order to secure the tnxigalion of that ri ver. it vv as necessary to give it up twen ty five years to the Spni iarils, and that thereafter vve should enjoy it forever without any interruption from them.— This argument resembles that which re commends adopting first and then 'unend ing. I think the reverse of vv hat thr: lionoratilc gent! men said o:: this subject, i hose sever ?!,ite« are decidedly against it. lie tells us, that it is the pcluv of the whole union to retain it. It men were wise, virtuous, and honest, we might depend on an adherence to this policy. Did vve not know ot the falli bility of human nature, vve might roly on ihe present 'tiurtureof ibis government. We might depend that (he rules et pro priety, and the general interest of the union would be observed. But the de praved nature of man is well known, lie lias a natural bins towards his own inter est, which will prevail over every con sideration, unless it he cheeked. It is the interest and inclination of'the seven northern slates to relinquish this river. If yon enable them to do so, will the nitre propriety ofconsultingtho interest of the oilier six slates, refrain them from it? Is it imagined, that Spain will, after a peaceable possession of it for thirty years, give it up to you again ? Can cre- lulity itself hope, that the Spaniards, who wish to have it for that period, wish to clear the river for you? What is it they wish ?—To clear the riv er ? For w hom ? America saw the time when she had the reputation of common sense at least. Do pon suppose they will restore it to you after thirty years ? If von do, you depart from that rule. Common observation tells you, that it must be the policy of Spain to get it lirst, and then retain it forever. Ifyou give it up, in ;ny poor estimation, they will never vo luntarily restore it. Where is the man who vviil believe that after clearing the river, strengthening themselves, and in creasing the means of retaining it, the Spaniards will tamely surrender it? Mr. James Madison—He (Mr. Henry) has acrimoniously inveighed against the government, because such transactions as Congress think require secrecy, may be concealed—and particularly those whicii relate to treaties. lie admits that when a treaty is forming, secrecy is pro per; but urges that when actually made the public ought to be made acquainted with every circumstance relative to it. The policy of not divulging the most im portant transactions, and negociations of nations, such as those which relate to warlike arrangements and treaties, is universally admitted The congression al proceedings are to be occasionally published, including all receipts and r. - pcnijiturc'S'.bf public money, of which no part can be used, but inconsequence of appropriations made by law. This is a security which wu do not enjoy under the existing system. That part which authorizes the government to withhold from the public know ledge w hat in their judgment may require secre.c luted from the confederation—that very system which the gentleman advocates. No treaty has been formed, and I will undertake to sav, that none usill he form ed under the old system, w hich w ill se cure to us the actual enjoyment of the navigation of the Mississippi. Ourweak- ness precludes us from it. We arc.en titled to it. But it is not under an inef ficient government that vve shall be able to avail ourselves fully of that right. I most conscicntioa.ilv believe, that it " ill be far better secured under the new go vernment, than the old, as vve will be more able to enforce our right. The people of Kentucky will have an addi tional safe-guard from the change <f system. The strength and respectabili ty of the union will secure them in the enjoyment of that right, till that country becomes sufficiently populous. \\ ben this happens, they will be able to return it in spite of every opposition. I never can admit that seven states are disposed to surrender that n;w ig Jinn. Indeed it never was the case. Some of their most distinguished characters are. decidedly opposed to its relinquishment. When its cession was proposed by the outhnrn states, the northern stAes op posed it. They still oppose it. New- Jersev directed her delegates to oppose it, ami is strenuously against it. The ame sentiment* pervade Pennsylvania: it least l am warranted to sav so, from the best information which I have.— Those states, added to the southern states, would be a m jority against it. Mr. Henry observed, that among a great variety of subjects, the business of the Mississippi had taken up a great leal of time. He wished before they bouhl take leave of that subject, that the transactions of-Congress relative to the navigation of that river should he com municated to the convention, in order that they might draw their conclusion? from the best source. For thi* purpose he hoped that those gentlemen who had m«r. tims : it had always j that ubtuincd an acknowledgment of our opinion, that the policy which independence, although at war with Great Britain, and such acknowledgment cost her nothing ? Was been I had for it j object the relinquishment of that riv er, w as unw ise, and that the mode of conducting it, was still more exrep- tional'de, lie added, that lie had no ob jection to have every light on the sub ject that could tend to elucidate it. Mr. A’ichiilas hoped, that after (he’in formation should be given respecting that river, they would confine themselves to the order ofthe house. The convention then res jived itself into a committee ofthe whole conven tion, to take into farther consideration the proposed constitution, and more par* ticulaiIv for (be pur would have loan of money accomplished? In short, does it appear that even Spain herself thought it an object of any importance ? So soon as the war ended, this resolution was rescinded. The power to make such a treaty was revoked. So that this system of policy was departed from, on ly, for a short time, for the most impor tant object that can be conceived, and resumed again as soon a3 it possibly could he. After the peace, it became the busi ness of Congress to investigate the rela- - • - V '’ 1 ' ,v ! n S ,n *Jtion of the-e states to the different now. formation concerning the transactions of I 1 Congress relative to the Mississippi Mr. li i/the in the chair. On motion—1 he sicfs and resolutions of assembly relative to the Mississippi, were rend. Mr. Lee, of Westmoreland, then in a hort speech related several congres sional (ransnctiOns respecting that liver, and strongly asserted, that it was the in flexible and determined resolution of Congress never to give it up. That the secretary of foreign affairs, who w as au thorized to form a treaty with Gardo- qui, the Spanish ambassador, had positiv e directions not to assent to give up that navigation, and that it never had been their intention or wish to relinquish it. That, cn the contrary, they earnest!) wished to adopt the best possible plan of seen ring it. After seme desultory conversation. Mr. A/onnr (now President) spoke as follows: Mr. Chairman—Alv conduct respecting the transactions of Congress, upon this interesting subject, since nn return to the state, has been well known to many worthy gentlemen here. 1 have been often called upon before this, in a public, line, and particularly in the last assembly, whilst 1 was present, for in formation of these transactions ; but have heretofore declined n, and far reason? that were held satisfactory. Being amenable upon the principles ofthe fed eral compact, to the legislature* for my conduct in Congress, it cannot be doubl ed, if required, it were my duty to obey ihcir instructions; but that honorable body thought it best to dispense with •och demand. The right in this assem bly i.-> unquestionably more complete, having powers paramount to that; but ■even here 1 could wish it had not been exerted as I understand it to be, by going into committee for that purpoa Be fore, however, I enter into this subject, 1 can net but observe it ha? given I pain to hear it treated by honorable gen- i-i EXTRACTS From the. Delates and other proceedings tf the Convention of Virginia, held in 1788, for the purpose of deliberating on the Constitution recommended by the (irand Federal Convention, Mr. Pat rich Henry said, as to the west era country, notwithstanding our repre sentation in Congress, and notwithstand ing any regulation that may he made by tlemnn in a manner that has appeared not altogether free from exception For they have not gone into it fully, and given a-proper view of the transaction in every part, but of those only which preceded and wpi o subsequent to that, which has been the particular object of enquiry ; a conduct that has seemed tot much i .dcuhitiHl to make an impression favorable to their wishes in the present instance. But in making this observa tion, 1 owe it to those gentlemen to do dare, that it is my opinion such omis sion has proceeded not from intention but their having forgotten facts, or to some cause not oln ious to me. and which I make no doubt they will -readily ex plain. The policy of this state respecting this river has always been the same. It has contemplated but one object, tho open ing it' for tho use of the inhabitants, whose interest depended on it—and in ihis she lias, in my opinion, shown her and m; pni.itr.i't. I may, I be- | herewith prop-riot', say, that, all the measures that ha e atony time been ta ken by Congress for ‘hat purpose, were adopted at the inst i - of this state.— There was a time, it is true, sir, when even this state, in some measure aban doned the object, bv authorising its ces sion to the court of Spain. But let us take all circumstances into view, as th y were at that time, and 1 am persuaded it will by no means shew a departure from this liberal and " system of policy, although ir may manifest an ac com.uodation t-i the exigencies which pressed on us at lae lima. The south ern states were overrun, and in posses sion ofthe enemy. The governments of South-Carolina and Georgia were prostiate, and opposition there at an end. North Carolina made but a feeble re?is twice ; and \ irginiu herself was greatly harrasseil by the er.mny i.i lb roe at that time in the heart of the country, and by impressments for her own and the de fence of the southern stu;.:s In addi tion to thi« the ft’MMct - ofthe United States were ::i 1 "b ; Jo ruble condition, if not totally exhausted; and Franco, our ally, seemed anxious for peace; and as the means of bringing the war to a more happy and speedy conclusion; the ob ject of this cession was the hopes of nnit- . _ , . . inv-S; tin in it whh .Jl her forces. If l '•*/ un S res,< ’ n ' u 110 !’ !csen ‘ j recollect aright too at this moment, the memneiswro—»„Vir> were in ccn-J - vention, would communicate ". ,p minister ofthe Unite.I £ me? at me Court of the dif- knew ton the subject. He declared tl Jof Madrid informed Congress - - - ■ r n—i,., f 0UI)( ! m prevailing upon that >uri to n-i-,, ou (edge our independence, or take any men—„ ; n onr favor, sug gesting tho jealousy with vw.uq p viewed o ir settlement? in the western c».., n ( rv , and the probability of better success, provided vve would cede the navigation came up with them, air. John Delicsse-1 Congress, it may he lost. The sevci line seized one, who broke from him,I northern states are fcetermiue.d to givi in Mr. D’s hand, up the Musissipm. V.’c arc told that ip did not wish to hurt the feelings of the gentlemen who bad been in Congress, or to reflect on any private character: but that for the information oI the con vention, he was desirous ot having the most authentic account and a faithtul statement of facts. Air. Nicholas had no objection to Mt. Henry's proposal. Air. Madison then declared that if the honorable gentleman thought that re had given an incorrect account ofthe trans actions relative to the Mississippi, be would, on a thorough and complete in vestigation, find himselt mistaken: I hat lie had bis information trorn Ids own knowledge, and from a perusal of >f this river, as the consideration. The h»:ter circumstances were t*ade known to the legislature, and they had their weight. All inferior objects '.must yield r> the ?afety ofthe society it* If. A re- olution p:is?ed to that effect, , An act of Con:> res* likewise passed, awn he min ister of the United States had >‘i|l author- to relinquish this valuable rlht to ;!mt court, upon the condition abo* stated. Bet what was the Ns'i" ot thi>f>ropn»i its and papers which related *u. tie a ? Was any treaty ramie vlh Spain ers ofthe earth, in a moic extensive \ ic vv t 1 i.iii had hitherto been done, and par ticularly in the commercial line ; and to make hi rangements for entering into treaties with them on such terms as might be mutually beneficial for each party. As the result ofthe deliberation* of that day, it was resolved, “That com mercial treaties be formed, if possible, with saitl powers, those of Europe in particular, Spain included, upon similar principles,and three commissioners, Air. Adams, Air. Kianklin, and Air. Jefferson he appointed for that purpose.” So that an arrangement fora treaty of commercR with Spain had already been made.— Whilst these powers were in force, a representative from Spain arrived, au thorized to treat with the United States,, on the interfering claims ofthe two na tions, respecting the Mississippi, and the boundaries and other concerns wherein they were respectively interested. A imilar commission was given to the hon orable the secretary of foreign affairA, on the part of the United States with these ultimata, “That he enter into no treaty, compact, or convention whatever, with the said representative of Spain, which lid not stipulate our right to the navi gation ofthe Mississippi, and the bonri- darics as established in our treaty with Great Britain.” And thus the late ne- gociation commenced, and under auspi ces, as 1 supposed, very favorable to the wishes of the United States ; for, Spain had become sensible of the propriety of cultivating the friendship of these stales. Knowing our r-laim to the navigation of this river, she had sent a minister hith er principally to treat on the point—ami the time would not he remote when, under the increasing population of that country, the inhabitants would be able, to open it without oar assistance or her consent. These circumstances being considered, was it not presumable she intended to make a merit of her cunces- sion to our wishes, and agree to an ac commodation upon that subject, -that would not only be satisfactory, but high ly pleasing to the United "States? But wbnt was the issue of this negociation l How was it terminated ? Has it forward ed the particular object in view, or oth erwise promoted the interests pad the harmony ofthe slates, or any ot them? eight or ten months elapsed without any communications of its progress to Con gress; at length a letter was received from ihe secretary, stating that difficul ties had arisen in his negociation with the representative of Spain, which, in his opinion, should he so managed, as that even their exi?tenoe should remain a se- i cret for the present, and proposing that a committee be appointed w ith full pow er to direct and instruct him in every case relative to the proposed treaty.—. As the only ultimata in his instructions respected the Alississippi and the boun daries, it readily occurred that these oc casioned the difficulties alluded to, and were those lie wished to remove. And for many reasons this nppe.ared at least to me an extraordinary proposition. By the articles of confederation, nine states are necessary to enter into treaties. The instruction is the foundation of the trea ty ; for if it is formed agreeable thereto,, good faith requires that it he ratified.— The practice of Congress hath also been •u WJiys, I believe, in conformity to this idea. The instructions under which our commercial treaties have been made were carried by nine states. Those under which the secretary now acted were passed by nine states. The pro position then would he, that the powers which tinder the constitution, nine state* only wore competent to should he trans ferred to a committee, and the object thereby to disengage himself from the ultimata already mentioned in his exist ing instructions. In this light the sub ject was taken up. and on these princi ples discussed. The secretary, Air. Jhy, being at length railed before Congress to explain the difficulties mentioned in his letter, presented to their view the project of a treaty of commerce, con taining. as hr supposed, advantageous stipulations in our favor, in that line ; m consideration for which we were to con tract to forbear the use ofthe navigation^ ofthe river Mississippi for tho te'''“ > r ' 1 twenty-five or thirty .•-«». ;‘" J Mr I n !’ st * . ..veil our adopting it. 1 he subject now took a decided form—there was no further ambiguity in it—and we wero surprised, for reasons that have been already given, that he had taken up tho subject of commerce at all. He were greatly surprised it should form the prin- cipiV object of the project, and that a par tial t>r temporary sacrifice of that inter est, for the advancement of which tho negociation was set on foot, should ho tip consideration proposed to he given fer it. But the honorable secretary urged that it was necessary to stand well with Spain ; that the commercial project was a beneficial one. and should not ha neglected ; that a stipulation to forbear the use contained an acknowledgment, on Imr part, cf the right of the United States ; that we were in no condition to take the river, nnd therefore gave no tiling fur it; w i(h other reasons, whi] i