Southern recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1820-1872, October 17, 1820, Image 1
f SOUTHERN RECORDE VOL. I. MILLEDGEVILLE, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1320. PUBLISHED WEEKLY, (on Tuesdays) B Y S. GRANTLAND Sf R. M. ORME, 4>v THREE DOLLARS, IN ADVANCE, OR FOUR • J IOLLARS AT THE EXPIRATION OF THE •Iyear. l|[tT Advertisement! conspicuously inserted nt tfvi.i customary rate*. IVRTUNATE DRAWERS j IN THE LAND LOTTERY. rfncluding the names of all who drew I Prizes from the 7th to the 12th Sept, contained in pamphlet sheet JYo. 2. APPLING. S. D. Strickling, John Matlies, Jo seph Carter, Daniel Campbell, John Murphey. BALDWIN. John Collier, Alex. Watson, H. L. Jones, John Rice’s orp’s, J. Wood’s orp’s, Dennis Doyle, Allen Becko n, A. Worsham, M. Brawn, M. Hub- hard, K. S.; Timothy Trapp, David Face, Amos Young, Wm. Freeny, Jo seph Bawen, Joshua Turner, Marma- dukc Etheridge, Brittain Huckaby, Alex. Watson, jun. John Tompkins, Thos. Evans, Loid Johnston, Jesse Bawers, Nicholas Perry, John Free man’s orp’s, Obed Perry, H. Brewer, Willie Riddle, Manoah Hubbard, r. s. Evans Shelby, Francis Mercier. BULLOCH. Wm. Cook, r. s. ; Francis Akins, Josiah Lee’s orphans, Robert Kelly, Lewis Greene, Mary J. Journigan, A. Higdon, widow; Solomon Brannon, Samuel Thomas. BURKE. E. Lasseter’s orp’s, A. Walker, S. Odum, D. Nichols, J. Bass, sen’r. W. Palmer, D. Attaway, F. M’Norril,M. Nelson, Henry &, Julia Horn, orp’ns, F. Lodge, J.” Rich, E. Bass, James W. Jones, J. Hall, B. Paulctt, Diana Collins, widow;. S. Godbee, J. Gay, iK. Haslip, E. Davis, E. Thomas, An- tnis M’Danicl, W T m. Mond,E. Bass, I. Chapman, C. Cobb, J. Bryan’s orp’s, J. Bracon, John Speers, B. Warnock, D. Walton, J. Wimberly, M. Mur phey, Jesse Johns, John Cock, jun’r H. Lewis, W. Peaw, W. Rogers, L. Whitfield, sen’r. Maryann Clements, J. Hickey, A. Wnltour, Huston’s or phans, R. Bync, S. Munroe, John Spiers, W. Kearsey, E. Powell, Hcze- Viah Lewis, .1. Stephens, J. Wiggins, A. Douglass^* BRYAN. Archibald Thompson, "Win. Harvey CAMDEN. Sam’l W. Elizabeth, George, and Maria Neely, orphans ; J. Deliburg’s orp’s, Wm. Armsby, M. Johus, Jas Williamson, E. Williams, E. Coulter, J. Walker, J. Williams, Eliz. Meazel -widow; Peter, Abraham, Alysses James, Robert, Adeline Ressent, or phans, P. Whittimore, S. Flood. CHATHAM. H. Horback, Mary Wallace, Eliza franklin, D. Peckett. W. P. Hunter ft B. Sisson, A. O. Wilkins, Josepl; Garnett, J. G- Holcombe Wm. Ross Margaret, Sarah, and Archibald S Glenn, orphans, J. G. Putnam,, Steele White, E. R. Tcnny, a. • -; «• £; Uj| - Wer, W. R. Franklin, Wm. Pierce Wm. Poniin, ft- J. Dews, Ann to Eh eabeth Cile, orphans', J* j i as Bliss, J. G. Wilson, Mary Milnor, wid. ; Richard, James, and Ann Ro- crerson, orp’s, Eben. & Hannah W il- fiams, orp’s, S. Russel, G. L. Cope, J. Stayle M. Sheftall, sen. I. A. Ruc- kell, Ann y alts, G. White, Elizabeth Jones, wid>w ; J. A. Watson. CURKE. FA TING HAM. Gabriel Wilson’s orp’ns, Micagcr Futerall, Lather Tiswn, Jno. Graham, Lutlicr Tison, Dan’l A. Bass, Israel Arnstoff, C. J. Heidt, r. s. ELBERT. Wm. Henry, Amos Baker, Eliza beth Ball, widow, Wm Faulkner, W. Nunnellee, F. S. M’Gucre, H. Brown, Wm. M’Mullen, Eliz. Bone, David Smith, E. Hendrix, T. H. Christian, Y. A. Dicker, B. Burton, T. Wilson, J. Basken, II. Franklin’s orp’ns, Ro bert S. Sayre, Thos. Thornton, (son of Ben.) John S. Colvard, J. Upslmw, .jun’r. Humphrey D. Landers, John V\ liite, (White’s dist. and Christian’s bat.) Asa White, Williamson Phillips, \sa Mann, Joel Mann, Dudley Jeter, Dan’l M. C. Johnson, J. Sar tin, jun. Sam’l Watkins, David Mat tox, John M’Curry, Wm. Trammel, R. S ; John Garvin, Anthony Bevcr- lv, John Bullis, Harwell Ridgeway, Williamson Clarke, Nothias Taylor’s orp’ns, Reuben Cook, R. S. EMANUEL. John Clifton, Eli/.. Dixon, widow; Evans Westley, Solomon Kennedy, H. Cooper, John Findley, John John son, sen. Elisha Wilkes, Wm Martin. FRANKLIN. John King, Jonathan J. Hayes, W. Presley, II. 11. Shelton, J. B. Collins, James Bryant, Absolam Adams, Wm Tredwell, Rev.; Zachariali Chand ler, Frederick Gawder, Isaac Chal mers, George Hide, Thomas Paine, Margaret Patterson, widow, Gabriel Finch, Simeon B. Rucker, Isaac Dor sey, Wm Beall, Sarah Harris, widow, and orphans, Martin Jones, Ely. Lo- en, Reuben Higgins, Sam’l Laugh- lidgc’s orp’ns, John Denugh, William Hood, Jesse Aaron, Win. Brown, R. S. ; Thos. Whitworth, Wharton Bal lard, Joseph Jackson, Amos Williams, James Pearce, James Bennett, Pris cilla Holcbrooks’ orp’ns, Thos. Davis, jun. James Dunn, Hugh Holland, R. S.; Henry Nixon, John Holcomb, jr. Talbert Key, Wm. Boswell, William L6wry, Micajah Mcutin, Wm. Deyen- port, Henry Cannon, Joseph Jones, Richffrd Fowler, Joshua Hearn. GLYNN. Jans Baisden. Samuel Piles. GREENE. Peleg Doss, Edmund Knowles, jr. Hugh Moore, Sam’l Hall, Fanny Wi ley, wid.; John Jepson, Harvy John son, Sam’l Car’s orphans, Jas. Bed- din, Ezekiel Perkins, John Chow, R. Curtis, Susannah Dunnivant, wid. H. Sanford, Joakin Beavers, Ja’s Clark, jun. Shadrick Gratuity Henry Swin dull, John Anderson, Thomas Greer, sen’r Edw’d D. A1 friend, J. P. Snow, Margarett Nickclson, Francis Hall, Wm Robinson, Daniel Moody, Alex. Barmvell, Thomas Shockley, \V m H. Broach, George Dawson. GWINNETT. Welborn Wheelis, Joseph Jenkins, Pleasant Statam’s orp’us, Wm Levc- vett, Obcdiah Snaw’s orp’ns, Josiah Johnson, Danville Mitchell, Mary Statam. HALL. Benjamin M’Cutchen, Wm Caven, Wm D. Byrd, Elijah Roberts, John Moor, Isaac Mitchell, Joseph Thomp son. Benjamin Brown, Francis Phil lips, Dan’l Glaze, Edward Pitman, R. Bearden, jun’r John Shippcy, Adoni- jah Hulsey, jun’r. * HABERSHAM. Henry Higgins, James Jones, Reu ben Higgins. HANCOCK. Wm Wamack, Mary Biggins, J. A Townsend, Mathew Hobson, Pene lope Brooks, wid ; Simon D. Smith, Wm Smith, RO; Levi Wallas, Ja’s Wood, Alex’r Lambert, John Adams, John M’Ceavcrs, sen’r James Castle berry, Thomas Shockley, Elias Tred- away, Elizabeth Rice, wid; George Hays, Tandcy Key, Ezekiel Greene, Isaac Knight, Jonathan C Coker, Ja’s Morris, Tho’s Phillips, jun’r; Henry B Watkins, John Seay, Wm Clem ents, jun’r John Osborn, jun’r Arthur Crawford, Reuben Hearndon’s orn’s, Josiah Bradley, Joseph S Bell, Wm Bennett, juu’r, Stephen Fudge, Fran cis Ellison, Janies Lord, Lampkin Vandiver, Jacob Spoon, John Ran dolph, Hannah Hendricks, m'd; Ro bert Lane, Austin Fulcher, I. Chand ler, John T Story, Joseph Dawnie, Win Dobbs, John Thompson. * JASPER. Jacob M’Clendon, John M Fowler, John Bean, John Stewart, II. Mize, Benjamin Kitchen, Thomas Rivers, jun’r Daniel H Willis, Benjamin Fry, James Newton, Penelope Tillman, C. T. Walthall, James A. Atcheson, H. B Stewart, Henry /Falden, Jeremiah Smith’s orp’ns, John Gresham, jun’r ; Ja’s M’Donald, Paschal Brooks, IVm Pate, jun’r, John H Denson, Dorothy B Carter, Jabez Johnson, James Hud son, sen’r Lemuel fFynne, John FFil- son, John Hicrh, John Davis, /Filliani Pate, sen’r iVui Towns, Mary Jack- son, Lodwick Rollins, Chesley D. J. GilUs. K- Fambrough, A. Dur- Rogers> Wm Stanton,’ChaVfcs A.Bai- I,am,,J. K."ey, H... - , j Micjjal, Thom™, ah Adams,P• Yates, r. s.; W. Har ris’s orp’s,P. Edmonson, M. Maync, J.^Gann, Jllaincr, n. s-iP*Khgoi , e, J. Hinnarc ft. Batee, M. Herndon, W C. Thmpson, J. Morris, r. s.; E. BairderW. Jiles, G. Morris Jas. Hagin’s ors, N. Shepherd, J. Brucr, J. Fambrarh, F. Moore, R. s; Isaac Thrasher’srp’ns, T. S. Lane, J. B. Blair, C. Blower, R. Stewart, V . “ n , J. Tarpley, Rich’d lindale, Hosea Hail. Flippiu, C. Beasley, J.: JMBIA. B. Burrav Winfrey’s W. Betts, G. Wm. Thompson, 1 T. Seay, T. Lowe, ... t __ gborn, Doct.; Jas. Watson, (sonMos.) J. Fuller, sen r. Wm. Davis, <1. Sarah Young, wi dow ; B. Bosmh, P. White’s orp’s Thos. Bush’s %, Mary Spivey, wi Had dow, John creek,) E. Laz juidow; wain, ohn Smith, (brier jun’r. Ann Burn leman’s orp’s, J ij.D. Dent, S esjVid,; John , Bowdre, II ,W. Scott, sen John Lamar. Moses Wiley, Arch’d R. S. Hunter, Sam’l A. Bailey, John Giles, George W. Raileg, James Burnells, Wm Har per, Stephen Goger, James VV. Lead- better, Spivey Cannon, Anthony Lee, Thomas B. Peterson, Benj. Scott, Joseph Grant, sen’r RS ; R. Castle berry’s orp’ns, Benjamin F. Latimer, Sam’l H Harris, Thomas Cheely, E- lislmCook, It S ; John Hart, Hop kins Holscy, James Sheffield, John Hampton, Thomas Cooper, Simeon Rogers, Joseph Thorp’s orp’ns, O M’ Donald’s orp’ns, Win Grigg, sen’r J. Gregory’s orp’ns, Wm Bazer,jun’r G Amos, Hector Buice. JACKSON. Isaac Wier, Moses Redling, Tho mas Jamerson, Joshua Denton, R S ; Henry Anglin, R S; Asaph B Bar ker, James Shields, Benjamin Wheel er. Robert Watkins, Henry Thomp son, Wm Laughlin, Elias Tredaway, Robert Ratchford, Wm Presnell, R. S; Jesse Harris, Wm Shearly, Jos. M’Lester, Win Hudson, Wm Allen’s orphans, William Brandon, Solomon Holloway, TVm, Scott, Lemma Kirt- ley, Mary Crawl, James Rivers, Al len G. Simmons, James Betts, Miles Garrett, Jcfl’erson Adams, John llearn, Allen Peevy, Margaret Ponder, Jere miah Thompson, John Brown, sen’r TVm. It Cargill, Nancy Lassiter, B. TV. Pewrifoy, James Carden, Solo mon Tingle, orphan, Joseph H Trim ble, Joseph Moor, R. S.; Elisha Kin- dull, Abba Benton, Abbington Twick. Dan’l M’Dowell, John G. Belcher, J. Loyd, sen’r Janies Ellis, Jane Spear, James Turner, Absalom Doster. IRWIN. Daniel M’Innis. JEFFERSON. Marcus Flournoy. TVm Mathews, Lewis Stewart, Hinchce /Farren, Seth S. Langston, Joseph Jackson, Eliza beth /Food, wid; Daniel D. Moss, Margaret P. Stone, orphan, Hu Gilmore, Thomas Askew, Littleberry Bostick, sen’r John G Barr, Morris Grimes, Charles Tull}’, Arthur Chea tham, John Bryant, orphan, Ja’s Ho gan, Robert Pior, Thomas Hadden, Andrew Hudson.. JONES. IVm Jackson’s orp’ns, David Bur- son, Daniel Kelly’s orphans, Betsey Freeny, V'id•; David Carson, John Gardner, Jo’s Chambers, John Gard ner, Benj. M’Danicl’s orp’ns, Neddy Pennington, John Jackson, Harmon Howard, Micajah Mathews, J. Brokcs James Bawles, sen’r, James Cook, J. Brantley, Joseph Beard’s orp’s, John Bareficld, Wm Owens, VVm G Allen, Tho’s Norwood, R S.; Cannon Mel- soir, Ja’s Bogs^ Reddin Wilson, Nan cv Eilands, wid; Moses Harris, Jesse H Vcascy, Jacob Parmer, Jno Clarke Benjamin Bceland, Jesse Dunn, Josir all Hcnedy, Duncan Grigsby, James Commander, Sarah Taylor, wid; R. H. Frier, Zadock Davis, John Lam bert, John D. Jones, Stephen Dnnster, John Walden, David Haw, Hardy Hill, Sanford Chapman, John Mul- key, Sarah Finnic, widow; Ambrose Dcason, Drury Finnic, Jonathan Pa rish James Amos, Samuel Watts, Dru ry Allen, Thomas Turner. JJIURENS. Coleman Saunders, Jacob Sikes, orp’n, Curtis Joiner, Parker Bender, David Register, Wm Wallis, Wright Sanders, John Taylor, Francis Hill- yard, Thomas Coflier, Winney Sikes, wid; Win Ezel, Amos Love, Mary Stickcy, wid ; Lctlicc Daugherty, wi dow ; Peter Thomas, Gabriel Phillips, Wm Ritter, Christopher Burnett, Ed ward Clinch, James Callicr, Samson Bradwell, James Paulk, Aud’w Far mer Joseph Saltonstall, Edw. Moore, David Beswell, Wm H Whitfield, Hc- zckiah Douglass. LIBERTY. John G Baker, Edw’d Q. Andrews, Joseph Flowers, Lliliu Oglesby, Na thaniel Varnedoe. LINCOLN. John Simmonsj sen’r, Milly Saun ders, wid; Edward Samuel, Burrell Smith, John M Dooly, Mark Golden sen’r, Wm Walker, John Steward, E Holliman, Daniel AI’Lode, Elizabeth Paradise, VVm Wadsworth, jun’r, Wm Reynolds, (hopping) Rich’d Callers Joel Guice, Moses Murrah, Lawrence Sarah Clarke, Jacob Cuver, Michael Roller, Sam’l Wethers, sen’r, William Elliott, Jacob Jordan, William Rey nolds. MADISON. Henry Ware, James M’Curdy, W. Scott, Win Sailors, James O Kelly, Hugh Britt, jun’r, Mathew Orr, Wm Albright, Hardy Strickland, Samuel Smith, Alex G Bulloch, Henry Man- lien, Alfred Carrutli, John H Prior. M'INTOSH. James Clark, Thomas Cunningham, Lewis Thomas, Isaac, Jacob, Caty, Sarah, Mathew, and Reuben Drigcrs, orphans, Charles E Putnam, Sam’l Hamilton, Ja’s Calder, John Lnfong, Lewis S. Nobles, John Holzcndorf. MONTGOMERY. Nath’l R Mitchell, JnoM’Murrain, Hudson Tillery, John Miller, Joshua Kemp, Anguis M’Leod, John Quinn, James Chanccy, Thomas L Hall. MORGAN. Sarah Bell, /Farrington Jones, B. Cochran, Ja’s MalcoiU, jun’r, Chris tian Isom, Baker S. Spinks, George Harris, jun’r, TVm Cole, Isaac A Roy, R S ; John Bodine, Sain’l Skcdmorc, r*evi Ruunells, John G Elliott, TVm L Recor, John Brannon, Benjamin II Bailev, Francis Knight, Cli’s Jeter, Lewis G. Head, George Parker, sen. Jesse Foster, Samuel TV. Atkinson, Mark Whcelus, John Long, Jno May- field, Sarah Edinunson, wid; Sarah Norris, wid; Augus. Phillips, Stand- ley Hart, John Bareficld, /Filliam C Adamson, Henry Youngblood, Ucna- jah Smith. OGLETHORPE. Rob’t NortJi, Absalom Meddows, Henry P Bowles, Edward Coxe, Jno Michael, Overton Phelps, 1. R. Hicks, Elisha Ray, John Condon, R. Kidd, James Rhodes, Mary Pope, TVm Lat- tiinore, Littleberry Kcnnybrew, Rar- ton Scoggins, Jonathan Colley, Ed ward Traylor, Henry /Fright, Henry J. Bailey, Joseph Glaze, Ezekiel Grif fin, Andy Pye’s orp’ns, Lewis Crook, Wm Hancock, James Rutledge, John Griffin, Lcin’l Black, Rich’d Thorn ton’s orphans, Elizabeth Johnson, W. T. Rencan, Josiah Pope, Robert My- rick, John P. Lnlimes, Thos. Rhodes, Nathan Fomby, (woodley,) George James, sen’r, Alex. M‘Ewen, Win TV Hewelt, Mary Scoggin, Thomas Cal- very, L. Kinnebrew, Mark Sims, T. N. Poullain, Acquilla Grier, Benja- min-Tlmckwell, John Tiller, jun. Jno Kerling, Bunk it Finch, Ann Tarplc, John Condon. PUUSKT. James Lee, TVm Bcermun, sen’r, John Harrell, Lewis Yarborough, sr. Martha Hawkins, John Holland, TV. Lancaster, Thomas Worsley, Isaac Buck(ialtcr,Sam’l Jones, jun’r, Aaron Cocks, Edcy Story, Nelson Clayton, Mary Ann Peterson, James M‘Cor- mick, John J. H. Davis, Dan’l. Kelly, Henry Sentcrfeet, jun’r, B illie Mus- grovc, Thomas Gates’ orphans, Bald win Magill, orphan, Evan Thomas’s orphans. PUTNAM. Anna Carrol, Stephen W Harris, Thomas Dewberry, Daniel Price’s orphans, /Fm Jones’ orphans, Ste phen /Filliams, John Holland, Ste phen Cummins, Burton Smith’s orps, Paul Holloway, TVm. L. /Talker, T. Letbcttcr, /Fin. Veal, sen’r, Asa Til- man, John Hudson, Hugh W. Ector, Jonathan Carter, Jemima Whitehead, John B M’Arriiur, John Thomas, sen. James Loffin, Bunkley Mathews, Jno. Rnimey, Lewis Davis’s orp’ns, James Johnson, William Neall, Jeremiah M’ Glawn, Wyatt Harper, Wm. T. Ly on, Robert Jenkins, Moses Sanders’s orphans, Wm. Neavcs, 11S; Eliza beth Fielder, wid ; Travis Rousseau, Martin Goodson, David Rosser, Wm Allen, George Wells, Wm Garrett James P. Knowles, Simeon Felts, Jno Gholdsou, John J. Smith. RICHMOND. Franc is Pharonh, James W Lamp kin, Gilbert Shearer, Pamclin Nash, orphan, Asu Twiggs, Alex’r M’Keu- zic, Jacob M’CouIlqugh, R S ; Geo. W. Meriwether, John C. Holcombe, John P. King, Jacob Bostick, Thos. Bateman, Moses Kelly, Taylor I'lew- cllen, Phillip Crump, Isham Thomp son, Amy Buchannon, wid; Edmund Martin, Rob’t Claiborn, orp’n, Miles Beach, Mary Walker, wid; Absalom Rhodes, jun’r, Sarah Abbott, wid ; E, Brewer, James H. Randolph, Martha M’Tycrc, orph’n ; Jacob Little, Tims. Wooten, Thomas Bateman, William Boyd, VVm. Bryant, Mary Smelt, wi dow ; Mary Hatcher, wid; John Rey uolds, Josiah Brunson, Thos. Daniel, R. S. SCR1VEN. Wiley Lane’s orphans, Falton Knight, Sam’l Hodges, Bryant Sasser, Cassandriii Howard, Jacob Freeman’s orphans, VVm Hodges, John Kemp, Nelly Swain, Ale*. Douglass, jun. Kich’d Scruggs, N. Brice, Thomas F. Lovett, John M'Ulah, Paul* Bevil, Bud Gale, VVm. Williams, VVm. N. Davis, David Morton, L. Boykin. TATTNALL. Sam’l F. Brinson, Moses Lnnkford, R. S. ; Saran Smith, wid ; James Tillman, Stephen Kenneyda, Joseph Miinms, L. Tipping, Cornelius Burt, John Joyce, K. S.; VVm. Hushing, Wm. Holland, John M’Arthur, Wm. Beverly. . TELFAIR. Wm. Gibson, sen’r, Nathaniel Sta- toms, Lonis Hall, John Davis, Ambrose Smith, Daniel Findolson’s orphans, Da vid Cravey. TWIGGS. Calvin Hawkins, Win. White’s orp’ns, Dorothy Pugh, widow, Ja’s Cartledge, Wm. Childers, Mary KniglU, widow, T. S, Chapcll, Henry B. Thompson, Ja’s. Ferry, Willie Durden, Daniel Hender son, Theo)ihilus Williams, Robert Prid- dy, Dan’l AJassey, Arthur C. Perry, Jns. M. Roach, Isaac Childre, Isaac Perry, l Immas Smith, Sam’l Carter, R. S.; N. Rogers, J. W. Ray, J. L. Ingram, Shad- rack Holmes, John Campbell, Elizabeth Bateman, wid ; John Buckhalter, VVm. Nobles, Peter Griffin, R. S. ; Hardy Durham, Levi E/.zel, Thos. Fox, Thos. Liusey, Win. Stone, Isaac Brown, Bud Rabun, Jeremiah Powell, J. Hutchinson, M ajor VV all, H, M. Williams, sea’r, Asa Smith. WALTON. C. Duke, M. Lyle, S. Brown, W. O. Wagnon, T. Ray, W. Smith, J. Bentley. WARREN. J. Wright, 7. Rachel, M. Barrow, J. Newsom, J Mitchell, B. Perry, A. Ste phens, L. Law, J. Brooks, L. Howell, Nancy Standback, Jesse Ansley, Elilh; Moses, J. Vaughan, widow, L. B. Wil limns, B. Wright’s orphans, 8. Grenad, U. Scotts, B. Sanders, 11. Johnson, T. Gibson, H. Cooksey, A. Smith, C. Wynn orphan, G. Banks, It. H. Hhaptnao, T A. Jackson, jun. P. Sandiford, 8. Hart, L. Johnson, widow, Boaz Kitchens, jun. J. Stanford, sen. S. Newsom’s orphans, W. Heath’s orphans, Andrew Bush, seu. J. Gibson’s orphans, W. S. Wright. W.iSHING TON. P. Waters, J. Averitt, J. M’Dade, E. Wall, T. Worthy’s orphans, J. Fowler, J. Jones, sen. ; L. Bright, D. T. Lingo, C. Mills, widow, S. Howard, F. Barber, T. Edwards, II, Thompson, J. Forehund, Mary Nealiug, widow, 8. Suiter, How- sanna.Parsrnore, A. Dcason, K. Berga- mout, J. Howard, M. Edwards, A. Arm strong, jr. B. Bridges, A. C. Quin, Na than Veal, M. Barber, T, Hansaw, Sam’l Robinson, M. Whitfield, V. Davis. WAYNE. James Causey, S. Altman, Z. "Williams, It. S.VV, T. Douglass, J. B. Mondon. WILKES. J. Crosby, D. Lee, W. Gresham, C Church, R. I. Hnlliday, Win Best’s or phans, A. Hartfieid, T, Western, Henry Terrell, John Terrell, J. Hillyard, mi nor, H. C. Dawson, John Terrell, Hart well H. Tarver, Wm. M. Williams, Jno Rice, jtinr. John Booker, B. Mankin, D. C. Patterson, It. C. Laughter, VV. Wil liams, sen. T. Young’s orphans, Joseph B. Johnston, 8. Young, 11. Foster, John Wilkinson, T. Alexander, N. P. Gunn, M. Baugh, J. Rogers, D. Jackson’s orps, Wm. Hillyard, Win. Kirkland, B Moore, E. Echols, 8. M’Lendon, J. Sharman, sr. J. Wortham, J. Garrard, J. W. Robin son, T. Harris, W. Gammoge’s orphans, A. Meloy, J. Ridley, ion. J. Ridley,sen. WILKINSON. J. W. Rye, J. Cobb, J. Archer’s orps T. Collins, 1. Rogers’orp’s, J. L. Har- J. Ethridge, J. Chilebre’s orp’s, P. vereigni of Europe U a change brought about ia i brother Sovereign, and I regular army. Events of -for kind must act like thunderbolt* up on the nerves of men whose power in that of military force. If the Spanish army turn patriots to-day and the Nea politan to-morrow, what is to be thft hindrance that in live or sis months the troops of Prussi*—*in as many years the Austrian regiments—and in half a cen tury or so the Cossacks themselves, may take part in the regeneration of their respective Governments ? It is here that, in the vulgar phrase, the shoe pin ches. The revolt of the soldiery to the cause of freedom is the circumstance which has really terrified the Continen tal Cabinets for their own security, dri ving one of them into bitter animadver sions on the “ revolutionary mania” general, under cover of a remonstrance io the Cortes of Spain—and arming ano ther, if common fame is to be believed, against the national spirit of Italy, on the pica of banishing the refractory troops and political conspirators of Naples. Now •e is an inconvenience to th Butler, widow, D. Clay’s orp’s, Honor Nixon, widow, R. Anderson, orp. John Hawthorn,E. Ballard, W. L. Thomas, J. N. Porter, VV. N. Griggs, Thos. Under wood, VV, Hairston, J. Griffin, S. Clarke, S. Lott, J. Walpole, J. Baynes, Spencer Douglass, Isaac Cooper, John Watson, Win. Benton, George Clower, Edward Ethridge, Joseph Stevens, j'in’r, Gibson Evers, Elisha Smith, Henry Hatcher. YOIlYAtl ny Hat wT /ROM THE MJ.VDON T.MLS. In the Russian Memorial against Spa nish liberty, the indignation of the Court of S. Petersburg!! seems to have been excited even more by the means through which the Constitution of the Cortes was restored, than by the principles on which it was founded. Nor is this feel ing in the least unnatural to a govqm inert constituted like that of Russia.— Military monarchies, which are upheld by the sword, cannot fail to view with much alarm the sword itself converted into an engine for the overthrow of ar bitrary power. Had the Spanish army been overwhelmed by the people—had it stood by the King and Inquisition, and been vanquished in their defence.—had .the standard of liberty waved aver the ir«t t Tf 1 * ' Leorge | mangled bodies of the Spanish soldiers— mi nr ' guch a catastrophe Joel uuice, Aloises jiuri a i, lawrencx , |j„|j oc | ; Thomas J. Murray, Naucy, I ft bAery clear that si 9'iddertli, Morris M G.I Jo,u,h Co - Eli P „„ aud Henry Evan,, or- ‘e.“J in ,h. air. of Ihiag. li„l «*.—■«• lor,, P«« Eullat., J°n Ja.,c Sale, j, 'b M a .0 fomiJable to there is an inconvenience to these great monarchies in feeling themselves obli ged to act on such a motive, because it is one which they dare not explicitly avow. The Russian Cabinet does no wiicre assert that its uneasiness has been exclusively caused by the part which the Spanish soldiers have taken. It talks, indeed, about the misled soldiery, who yesterday protected the Cortes, and may to-morrow assail them—about rev olutionary principles, seditious doctrines, and their pernicious fruits ; but in no passage does the Memorial say fairly, “ We dread the bad example of your ar- “ my for our own, and it is for that rea- “ son we beg that you will reprobate or punish them.” But, ns we have already hinted, a reluctance to acknowledge a man’s real motives is apt to lead him into many and glaring inconsistencies. So Russia, wheu she threatens the Consti tutional Spaniards., and declares that she will canvass every Court in Europe for remonstrances and denunciations against the freedom which they have nequired, describes in one senteoce the late over- < throw of despotism as a “ deplorable outrage,” a "dangerous revolution Hnd in the next paragraph uses these re markable words—the Courts of Europe " rendered homage to the wisdom of the “ Spaniards when they rallied round a “ Constitutional throne, the dearest in terests of their country,” &c &c. Is it possible, then, that the same Govern ment which calls the sovereignty as mo delled by the Cortes, the Constitutional throne of Spain, should so far overlook its own consistency, should so far lay itself open to the charge of insincerity, as to designate the means by which ttie invaders of that constitutional throne were subdued, and by which the consti tutional Sovereign himselfw,as rein«tate4 —is it possible, we say, that the sama pen could have termed the nwabs by which so glorious a restoration was no coipplished a “ deplorable outrage,” anj the success of them a dangerous, revo lution ?” In our former article on the subject we noticed another glaring proof of that strange confusion into which soma people are betrayed when they attempt to gloss over an unworthy action, aud to issunte a fictitious character io the |we- sence of those to whom their real char acter, and history and adventures, are familiarly known. The contrast be tween the recognition of Spanish liberty by Russia in 1C 12, and its condemnation by the same Power in 1820, was a point at which we could not then forbear from glancing- We have since received anil now insert an interesting private letter from Paris, enclosing to us a little pam phlet in the shape of a preface to the Russian note, which preface speaks sentiments of the Ultra Royalists of France—parties,, no doubt, to the far- famed Holy Alliance. In this preface considerable pains are taken to depreciate the former Cortes, as being'he repre sentatives of only a small part of Spain, ami to decry the Constitution winch they framed as defective, and unsanctioned ia its origin. To be sure, it is not a little comic to hear the professed enemies of all popular representation exclaim a- gainst the authority of the Cortes on tb« ground of their not representing a *• ffi. cient number of the Spanish people l* But we put an end to all such logic by quoting a passage for the information of these gentlemen, which will prove that we spoke the truth when we stated that the Russian Emperor had already recog nised as legitimate both the Cortes and the Constitution, which he now dendun- ccs as unlawful. In the 3d article of the treaty of July 20, 1812, are these words His Majesty the Emperor of all tha Husains recognises the legitimacy of tha General and Extraordinary Cortes as sembled at Cadiz, as well as the Consti tution which they have decreed & sanc tioned ! J” Will not this silence tho po lemics of Court newsmen ? The coali tion of Great Britain and her continen tal Allies in 1793 was fully justified, ia by the French decree of the absolute So- 1 ofNove “ ber ‘ »798,proauatnj|MMtM^