Southern recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1820-1872, October 24, 1820, Image 4

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    • •• •' | Kemeaium no
«M l SC AVI* lu'WX.
When of n mini I nsk a question,
j wish he’d answer Yes or No,
>'or stop to make some smooth evasion,
Ana only tell me—may be so.
r always drtuht the friendly mramng-
Ol_lin,//—perhaps—/do «el know—
avor I a
When for a lavor I nm suing;
I'd rather hour the answer— No.
When of a frieml I wish to lifttrow
A littlecnsh—1» hear hint say,
/Ye none to-day—bvt on to-morrow—
Is worse than if he told me nay.
Why all this need of plastering over,
Wlint we in tact intend to show ?
Why not at oner, with inocli less labor,
Say frankly Yes, my friend, or No ?
I from my soul despise all quibbling,
I’ll use it not with friend 01 we—
But when they ask, v. itliout d sembfiiig,
I'll plainly answer Yes, or N *.
And when I ask that trembling <j.n.’twn,
“ li'lUyou be mine, ;ny deurtsl Miss
Then may there In; no hesitation,
To say distinctly, Yr.s Sin, Y i:s.
' A writer on the importance of a diffu
sed Education, under our republican In
stitutions. aslts :—
<• Who trai Mr. Wirt ? A poor boy
of the v illagc of Blailensburg. Who t*
Mr. Wirt ? Attornny-General of the U.
“ Who rear Mr. Pinkney 7 A poor
boy of Annapolis. Whoi* Mr. Pinkney?
An Ex-Ambassador—a Senator of the U.
States—the first lawyer, and most cele
brated advocate of our country.”
“ Who teas James Monitor. ? The son
of a bricklayer. Who is James .Mon
roe ? President of the United States,
placed on an equality with the Empe
rors and Kings of the whole world.
“ Education is the aoliJ granite pedes
tal of their fame, supporting n shaft cd
Jjemost towering altitude, whose Corin-
•l cn i' ,|t al is high above the clouds.—
emphatically, in these instances,
has wisdom, founded on good education,
and matured by intense study ami appli
cation, proved herself to be power, with
station, ;*nd honors, and wealth, following
in her train. Why then should not the
sons of our bricklayers, or hatters, or
tavlnrs, or cabinet-makers, Wcome the
future Presidents of the U. States ? The
same (nth is open to them j true it winds
up the sides of a steep and rugged moun
tain ; and the elevated pinnacle is not to
be gained without setting out aright,
with the earliest and best discipline ol
good schools, and the severest and most
intense mental labor. But the prize is
well worth the boldest, the highest exer
A VALUABLE settlement of LAND
FOR SALE, near the Flat Sho ds of
Commissioners creek in Jones 0001)1}% six
hundred and fifty-eight acres—two hundred
and fifty acres cleared Laud, good orchards,
apple and peach—tolerable good buildings.
It is the former settlement of Jason Gardner,
Esq. A bargnin can be had by applying to
the subscriber. ICHAUOD CON.
September 15 Bi—
has opened .%
In his new building at the corner of Greene
and Wilkinson street®, between the state-house
square and government house.
Milledgeville, August lfi 27—tf
F^TIIE undersigned, attorney for Mr. Thomas
Wiley, euiiteoiphiting to leave the service
if the raid Wiicy on or before the 15th day of
, )ctcber next, desires all persons indebted for
contracts made previous and during his nbscqce
to c^fl and 1 liquidate their accounts on or befo; e
that period. All accounts unliquidated subse
quent to that period, will be. put in suit.
September ft 30—tf
W LT, be sold at the court-house in the
town of Dublin, Laurens county, within
the usual hours of sale, on the first Tuesday in
October next, the following property, viz :
Two hundred acres of land lying on the Oco
nee river, adjoining Col. Troup and Jesse Hes
ter and others, levied on ns the property of
William M. l’"lr.e,to satisfy executions in lavor
of Thomas Kirk and others—pointed out liv L.
(?. Ilall—levied on by a constable ami returned
to me.
Ninety-nine acres of laud lying on Rorkv
creek adjoining Hardy Wood and Daniel Phi-
lips; levied on ns the property of John Pitman,
to satisfy executions in favor of A. Hampton—
levied on by a constable and returned to me.—
Terms cash.
CM \RLE5 S. GUYTON, Sh'flf.
August 25, 1820.
F OR one or more years, die STORE former
ly occupied by Messrs. J. u H. I.m as. and
recently by Urucn it llopper r or further par
ticnlurs, apply to HOPPE
August 22.'
28- if.
•WILL bo sold pursuant to an order of the
» T honorable the Inferior court of Pulaski
county, on the lirst Tuesday iu November next,
at Hartford, in said county, one hundred and
twenty ®evcn and an half ueres of Land, the
same whereon Needham Bryan lived at the
tim" of his death : ul o,oue hmuhaul one and a
quarter acres adjoining the fnrcgflpc, sold as
the property of said Needham bi-yin. Terms
made known on the day of sale.
TUO S \v. HARRIS, Adiu'r.
August 24 21,—Ids
V sVow TVo-siue s h> .
rim tin:. i;#vu mails of the catted
On the following l’ost Roads, will bo receiv
ed at the General Post Of.Ve, until tl)c
23th day of October next, inclusive.
bit. From Hartford, by Jacksonville, to
Perry’;- Mills, in Tut tnal, once in two Wicks,
Uti miles.
Leave Hartford on Thursday at C a m, !c
arrive at Pwtt’s Mills ou Saturday by 9 a in.
Leave Perry’s Mills on Monday at ft j* ni,
and arrive at Hertford on Wednesday t>y 0
P»* ~
bfl. b rorn Powclton, by Mount Zion and
Eatnuton, to Moitliuclio, once iu two weeks,
lift miles.
I.eave Powclton every JTh’irsdny nt Ra ra,
and arrive at Mon tied lo on Frid.iy by to a
in. Leave. Morvtbello on Friday nt 2 p rn. !fc
arrive :it PoWclton on Saturday by (! p in.
Contracts for the nnitqs 48 to 77, inclusive,
are to he in operation on the 1st uf Decem
ber next, and to continue until the Sts? day
of December, 1C22.
The contracts will stipulate t.'id usual pen
alties for failures and delay.
tost muster General.
Central Posl-Ofjht, .'fug, 22 lit
A BE now receiving from Ns-w-York
1\ thri ‘
.V&W 1H>0W3.
T HE subscribers tenow the nlTer of theii
services to tin ir friends in the above
busincs:. They continue at tlieir old stai d
on BKO VD STREET, and their WARE
HOUSES are in good order tor the rccep
tion of
A RE iioW receiving, and optmhig their'
Fall Hy ft inter supply tf HOODS, from
N. York, consisting ot the following Fresh
Articles, all of which they will sell ioiv un
Regent’s dm hie milled blue and blacl.
Cloths soil, of the first quality,
YV bite and Bud' Cassimeres,
Ditto ditto Marseilles V'ratings,
Coarse Cloths and Cnssimcres,
Rose, Dufiil and Point lilankit.q
Flannels and Negro Plains,
Iris!) Linens and Sheetings,
Cotton Cambric, and GlTighums,
Jaconett and Mull Muslins,
Bnmbaxettes and Bomhazeend,
Leghorn and Straw Bonnets,
Printed Muslins and Calicoes,
Flag and Bandana liandltt-n liicis,
Ladies’ silk, kid and Caster Gloves,
Yellow and blue Nankeens,
Nankin and Canton Crapes,
Magnetic, and Emerson's Razor Straps,
Cambric and furniture Dimities,
Silk Velvet and Italian sowing Silks,
Power and Steam Loom Sheetings,
India Blinds and Wire Sifters,
Tortoise-sin tVCombs and Coral Deeds,
Saddler’s and Shoe Leather,
Saddler’s Trimmings, Currier’s Tools,
Coil Hope and Bagging Thine,
Fine'Razors and Shaving Cnsis,
Imp -rial and Gunpowder Teas,
Prunella and Kid Slippers,
And, an assortment of Ladies’ami Gentle
men’s Bouts and Shoes; and misses,’ youth A
or.d children’s ditto.
Casteel and Borax, and sundry-other arti
cles not; mentioned.
Mill da- , ;i p' n-t. ft—:tft
bidLULi h b .SALE
W ILL BE SOLD, at the court-house
in the town of Dublin, Laurens coun
ty, within the usual hours of sale, on the Jirsi
Tuesday in November next, the following
property, to wit:
One half of squarn of Land No. 161, in tin*
secimd district ofYYilkinson now Lxurcnr
county, on Dry creek, taken as the property
of Er.ekiel-Ford, to satisfy executions in fa
vor of David -Willis,
200 Acres of Land lying on the Oconee
river, adjoining Col. Troup and Jespcr Hes
ter anil others, to satisfy executions in favor
of Thomas Kirk—loviej on as the property
of William M. Price.—property pointed out
ht L. G. Hall, Brice’s security.
One lot of Land No. 2‘JO, in the second
district «r Wilkinson mra Laurens county,
taken as the properly of Samuel Beaty, sen.
deceased,'to satisfy au execution in favor of
Lewis Johnson.
CH S S. GUYTON, Sh'ff.
September IS, 1 GuO
A RE recoiling their fall and winter sup-
/\. ply of Goods, consisting of 2:i0 packa
ges, selected from the last importations ill
New-York, Boston,and Philadelphia:
1 case London Electorate l)!ue Cloth—
to 31ls. steiTg.
1 rase do. Saxony lilur!; do—30 to 3.7s si.
2 do. do. assorted mill'd and single Ca-
simeres—Ds to 1 Is M.
6 bales com. and low pric'd Cloths and
Flannels, Baizes and Bnrnbazelt«,
lrt bales Blankets, point, Rose and Dufik,
1 fiise ladies black and worsted Hose,
2 cases do. cotton and Augolo do.
1 do. gentlemens 1-2 Hose,
5 cases Irish Limierts, 1 do. Sheetings Sc
1 do. drill Lawns,
300 pieces London superfine &.com. Prints
100 do. Rich Furniture, and Ca.-simere
1 lmle fashionahle Merseilies printed Ves
ting; and YYhi.te,
Rolf Valencies and Silk Strip, Vi sting,
10 bales YValthain bleach’d and Brown
Sheeting and Shirtings,
2 cases Satinet,i. and
1 do. furniture Chocks,
1 case blk, and changeable Sinrhows,
1 do. green pink and white Florences,
1 do. Cambrics and Jaconet Muslin 2c
Elegant Jaconet Muslin Robes Sc Crape
50 pieces elegant damask Nankeen Crape,
and Shawls and Scarfs,
Elegant Merino Robes and Shawls, 3-4
to 8-4
Elegant Cash mire Robes Sc Shawls,
Damask Silk Rohes,Shawls £c Mantles
Silk Velvet, Gloves, Stockings and
Italian Sewing Silk and Twist,
60 cases superfine and common Hats,
6 cases superfine Straw Bonnets,
1 do. Leghorn, • do.
1 do. Straw Trimming for Bonnets,
2 do. Joiners Tools—Shoemakers lasts
and Boot Trees,
An assortment of Hardware 2c Cotlery.
10 complete setts Blacksmith's Tools and
1 CO Packages SHOES fc BOOTS, which
en:h "■ the assortment complete.
or r.vT.ry DEsenirT.iox.
They take this opportunity to return thank:
for favors heretofore received, and respect
fully solicit a continuance of a portion o.
public patronage.
'Augusts, fmpt. 13 32—Itt
their fall and winter supply oi Goods,
roirritting ofn general assortment of
Also an extensive a-wnrlntent of PATENT
and other MEDICINES, with a variety of
PAINTS, Linseed K Train OIL.
The above goods will be disposed of uu
very reasonable tcrais, either by wholesale
or letnil.
Alilh-dgcville, Sept. 18 32—tf
20 casks > AILS, (assorted)
10 dozen CO TTON C \HI)S,
6 boxes CLARET V INK,
1000 Ills. CORD AGE, (Uiui-ieii.)
August 29 29—if D. LVMAN, Jun,
COM.W,b;SIO.\ h i Si.\ ESS.
pltAIU.fiS \V. 7?L1'LER and MATTItElV
v HOPPER, have nssocinted themselvca to-
C'Oht-r, initler the fifra of
lei the tiknsaMtou of WAREHOVs'E, AUC
TION mid COM-MISSIO,. ItysiNES.-i. 'i l,C>
have purchased of Messrs. Harn-y Knldii...
tin-ir Warehouses at the Rnat-ianl, and hr.v.
made ai-rniigemeitts for the extension of tv -r
cnnvnnlenec which may TiriKtatetlie ret-epthiir
:• m! fonvni -t ing of Cottok, - r. this fall.
fl.i They have two first rale boats, hiirtljr.p
450 bale*each, which will ply between tills and
Darien so soon as the season commences, and
they flatter themselves that by onrendileil at
tention, they will tie able to give satisfaction to
hose who may think proper lo entrust binriiu-
o tlieir care. A new road lias been math to
the boat-yard which shortens the. distancr, mid
is much more convenient than the former one.
N. B.—They will attend to the p;>. . Iihio uuii
sale of Cotton.
Vtesrrs. A. Ik Fanmv U Co.—Snrnnnah., CtioKt: Co.—fJarien.
Ha-rv7.v be, Si ) , ...
'Mr., ) Mate,lg lie.
August 22. tf—2S
11 M1E tindi-rsigned take, this method to in-
-U- form their friends and the public, that
they continue to transact holiness at theii in Arei st x, as
L ommission «N\ vvc1vw\\Lj .
Their If,-IRE-HOUSE ty .STORES arc in
good order for tin. reception of
Merchandize and Country
• i roducc :
And they intend to fcive tlieir undivided at
tention to the buainess, and hope by industry
and prompt attention to all orders, to give
general satisfaction to those who may favor
rhem with their custom.
Angii- ta, Sept. 16 - :>2—8t
4 l.L persons having claims a?n!nstthe Qtinr-
L\ ■ " • “ '
i-V ter M.nter GencraU's Department tor the
Hire o; Waggons, Ilor-ca, or other articles fur
nished the troops daring the beminole Cam
paign, arc requested to deposit (heir accounts,
with the evidence i:i support of ll’cm, in tlie
hands of the commanding officer at Port Haw
kins, or to furnish them to me at this post, on or
before the 20th of October next, to the end that
they may he forwarded for the examination and
decision of the War Department. Receipts will
lie given and such accounts as may he disallow-
od, will he returned to the claimants. By or
der, A. D ARP At I,
A. D. Q. M. flen’I.
Fort Srot!, Aug ,10—Ft
CJIEETS, in pamphlet form, containing nenr-
rj reel list of fortunate drawers in the land
lottery, tlieir reudence, the number of the tract
of laud drawn by cacti, end tin' district and
county in which it lies, wJH tie printed weekly
at the Recorder Office, and forwarded by mail
or 'otherw ise as directed to .hose who subscribe:
for them. The price, Fire Dollar;, for the sheets
comprising the whole drawing, to be paid in
Milledg^viUe, Sept 9
T’J ESPECTFUf.I.Y informs the inhabitant?
8 A of Mdledgeville imri iti vicinity, that he
carries on PAINTING in general, and earnest
ly solicits a share of the public patronage.—All
orders li It lit fei.? shop on \7 ayne-strcct, oppo
site Mr. Itossetor's store, will be punctually at
tended to,
Millodgeville, Sept i2. if,)—3|
W T.T, he sold on the fir-1 Tuesday in No
vember next, at the court-homo in Ogle
thorpe county, one tract of land lying on the
w liter- of Broad river,'ming three hundred
ceil fifty act’s: also lot 1J:>, j n the Dili district
of Wilkinson county at the time of survey.
And at Jack'ou -court-house on the first Tues
day in December next, four hundred and forty-
four acres, on Chandlers creek. The above
being the real estate 'of Clement Ghuin, ilec'd,
nml to he sold by order of court. Terms mnd
known when the land is offered.
July 27 2d—Ids
ARE 5-jhsciilicrs lntvc fonneil -t conncc-
tiou Jil the. Pmeiita oj the ItflK, Uliilcr
the Jim) of Kocxn m i. 4c lit t'jrt i.i«. All
businens confided to tlieir car*' "ill by punc
tually nUondttd to- OnewftJivm will at all
time’s be found at the ullicc id ri. ltockwcil,
coiner u! Jcfieraon mid M’lrituab : tfeels.
Milledteville, Sept. Ik 3-—tl
"VI INK mouths after date, application will lie
lx made to the honorable Inferior court of
Twiggs county, for ieavc to sell tlie rout estate
of Jacob Znlier, deceased—it being 202 1-2 a-
cres of land lying in Putnam county.
ABRAM ZL'BEll, Guardian.
Aucir-t i7 nt£)ni
20 Dollars Reward.
B ROKE jail in Dublin, Laurens county,
mi i he night of the <3th inst. three uien,
viz.—1ICNBY SMITH, aged about forty-
five years.—CREED COLLINS, aged a-
bout lo ; and BENJAMIN BUNTING, a-
ged about 24. The above reward xvill lie
|iaid for the .qiprehcosinn and delivery of
the above persons, or in proportion for elth r
ofthotii. ROBERT COLEMAN. Jailor.
Dublin, |Sept. la. 3—i'.J
In fialJtein Nvp'rior Court, .lagutl Term, 1H2U.
Joii;. OLsUk, assignee, I Pclitiori tor foreclo-
t‘>, ’ > sure.
Waltcii Jonbs. j Him. Nisi.
B [PON the petition ol John Cliok. assignee
v. of John Alchinnie, praying the foreclo-
eureof the equity of redemption, in nmJ to all
that lot of laud lying and being in the town of
MilloiUcvillu, county of Baldwin and state of
Georgia, containing oi;e. half acre of land,
hounded on (ho weft by Ji’-UVrsott-itrcet, on
die north by street, till the cast and south,
by S; ab nn Jones’ lA, lieinc the northern half
oi nniiibe'- three, in square number tiventy-
nine, a» will’mme jestfx appear from refereneo
to die nriglnul plan of said town, wliioli ^ud lot
w as mortgn; ej by the snid W alti r Jone> to one
John MeKionie by deed ot mortgage, hearing
I,ale die ..1st day of August 1318, (nrid assigned
to diis p. titioner bi the *-rd(l John McKinnie, en
i e Idth day ol’.Vay Ja2-',) firti'i licUrrsecuriit*;
the payment oi a j rouirso; y “Ote lor the sum ot
twenty.six |,un<hi d am! eieiity tloee ilollqrr. and
thlrtyA! ree ecu's, with the interest thereon,
umwn by said M ; lti r Jones ;,i t ivor c f JsPies
Rousseau or toiler, and bearing date 81 v day
lof August 1919, nrd pay if f ’ the 28;h of De
cember thereafter, and xvliii h said promissory
note wasjuiilorsud by -ai l Jamrs Uousshbii to
v«i<i John AtcKinnie or order, and by said John
Alt Kiunio to this petitioner
•On motion, it is ordered, that the principal,
interest and cost due on sxiJ niortc.if • • lie paid
into this court within twelve months from tl: •
date, otherwise the equity of reueir.jition in and
fio raid indi'igHi:. d premises will l>c thenceforth
forever barred and foreclosed ; and it is further
ordered, that this rule be published In one ol
tlie public gazettes of this state once in every
inoiitli for twelve months, or served on the
mortgager or hie special a .out at le^t rix months
previous to the time at which theunoncy
routed to he paid into court e? nfofesuid.
A true cojiy from the minutes this in
September, i820.
September 16 ml2in
CEORGD, Ja-pu County, Sc} trior Court
.March Term, i829.
J.inrs VDosalu,and
Wil l I ..M S. Pori:,
for the use of
J rtis M his.vE,
Rule Xisi.
J , Mrs Rn n.Ultif. J
( i I’ON tin pi t'tion of James M'Dnnnld nnd
e \\ illhiin S. Pope, lor. thiMife of Jolm Vie*
Kinnc, ftatiug that Jumca Richards did mi the
tiventi -sislli it.iv of Novcuilicr in the veil* eigh
teen hundred and ciglileen, ntnke amlilelivoi
to yum pititioiiers u deed of mortgage for the
lot of land known and distinguished by the
number eight in the fifteenth district of Bildwin
now Jasper county, for the better securing the
payment of the sum often thousand dollars due
to the petitioners by'a prnmisory note diited
23d November IK18, uml payable twelve months
On motion of IVillkitn Cook, counsel for the
petitioner?, it ta ordered, that the said James
Rieliards do pay Into the dork's idliee of this
comTtlic sum of money aforesaid with the inte
rest und cost thereon within twelve monthsfrinu
this date, or the equity of redemption in and to
the said mortgaged premises, will lie thence
forth nnd forever barred and foreclosed : and it
is further ordered, that a ropy of this'rule be
served on the said James Richards or Ids s|ie-
Ciul ngent ut least six months, or published in
one of the public Gazettes of this state once u
month for t wive mouths, before tlie lime the
money is directed lo be paid.
I certify t|mt the foregoing is a true copy ta
ken from the uliuuler, ibis 11th April, lh2u.
April 18 inl'Jtn
GEORGE], Jasper County, Superior Court,
March Term, ) U2ti.
Ja-s^s IIarhisoz, i
In Baldwin 6 ficrior Court—Augufl Om J820.
Thoma'S B. IjTCuns, i l’etitiori bit fiirecl.o-
vs, v . wire,
Jamf.s Fleming. } Rule Xisi,
U PON the petition of Thomas B. Hlnblis.
fwuying the foreclosure, nt the equity o(
redemption in and to nil that lot of land, ly
ing anil hrfnz in the town of Milledgevlll’i*, 1
state of Genvgia and county of Baldwin, con
taining one fourth of an acre, bring the one
fourth part of lot Amrnjier Jour, in square
number forty in the original plan of said
town, lying on Wayne and (jrcen-slreets.
Hate Nisi.
Jons P. Cor.r.s. )
l I’t 'N the petition of Janies TTnrrison, stat
K. 1 iuc thaliJohn P. Coles on the eighteenth
day ol January, iu the year eighteen hundred
end nineteen, nude and delivered to him n
mortgage for the lots oflnivd, known by the
numbers thirty two end thirty three, in the thir
teenth district of Baldwin now Jasper county,
and the lot number ninety one in the seven
teenth district nfforinerl} Baldwin now Jaspet
county, for the better securing the payment ot
the r jn■ ut six t.lieusnnd two hundred nnd forty
three ilolbir*- and forty oncer.its due to the said
J.mirs Harrison by n prnmisory note ; on mo
tion of VV it I hi tii funk, counsel tor the petition
er, it is order/d, tlint (Jie said John T. Coles do
puv into the Clerk’s office of'tii Is court the sum
ot money alorc3tiid with inteicstand cost,with
in twelve months from this dale, nr the equity
of rrdemmjim in nml to the said mortgaged pre
mise'u ill be the* refoilit forever finned and
it is further orittrcd. that n ropy
id on the said Jidtu P. Coles
| nt Ir'isf six months, iirbc
if Hie public (iozettes of this
months before the time the
to » paid.
I certify Hint the foregoing is n true copy la-
l en from the minutes this i Ith April, 1820.
Apffiru mllm
Jr 'Sr.tdieiu. Superior Court, I . ur.ry Term 1320
William Ball, J Jib EE NISI.
vs. k ion
Ai'mf.u r<orKK,.y FORECLOSURE.
U PON tile petition of William L.VII,
praying the foreclosure of the equity
of redemption in nnd to a cerium tract or
pare* I of land, lying and being in the town
of Milledgeville, containing one quurtcr of
town, tying on vvayne and a ticiug one fourth part of lot No. 3,
and adjoining Hades Williamson wb.ct Jgji(|^^,i IIKa l 9 | lw yn the plan of said
said lot was mortgaged by tee said James (lir |., m, ,, y ,, u; ! r( . No . 39 ,
lemntg to the said Thomas 1J Btui.l.s, on ,x e3 uva.dly 32
tue-.Mtli day ol J .me i Hit, Un* better lo sc- l.v .Tri-.n\II. ,,'u m-dtc,*.
cure the payment of the sum of seven tltoi -
sand nine hundred and twenty dollars, umj.
interest. , •
On motion, it is ordered, that the principal,
interest and cost, due on said mortgage, be
paid into this court within twelve months
from this date, otherwise the equity of re?
demption in nnd to said mortgaged premi
ses, will be fi om thenc.efori li barred und fore
closed : Anil it is further ordered, that n co
py of this rule be published in one of the
public Gazettes bf this state once in every
month for twelve month?, or served on the
mortgager or his special ngent, at least six
months previous 4o the time'the money is
directed to be paid into court ns aforesaid.
A true copy, taken from the minutes this
fifteenth September, i3£0.
September ill. tim-- 32
In B'llt'tilin Superior Court—Auguit Term, 1820.
Hide Nisi.
Mvi f.
.M.uumv L. Phtor, )
vs. V j?
nderson holt,
<iFj rrr mi sruviczs to tub a? a
In lh<* Octnulgec Circuit. His olart* is on
F'imkiiti street, opposite Mr. RossrtarV
Store. Letters addressed tiy mail will be
promptly attended to.
' MiheJgtvMe, Sept. 25 ftfi—tf
~W' "ILL ba sold cm the first ^Tuesday in
V V December next, at the court-house in
Madison, .Morgan county, agreeable to an
ol der of the honorable Court of Ordinary
for said county, part of the Real Estate and
Negroes of William W alktir, deceased, that
i? to say, 300 acres i f laud, within 3 milosof
Madison, being part of Lots Nos. 207 and
179, with good improvem nta end nn excel
lent farm now in good order for cropping,
having an excellent Peach Orchard Sc about
ISO acres of cleared land.—Also, one other
Lot on Sandy creek, with about forty acres
cleared, ami two excellent mill scats there
on,—Aiso, eight likely young Negroes, con
sisting of six Fellows, one plough-boy, and
a young Wench. Terms made known on
the day of sale.
Oc'chpr 3. 34
Fer rale hv WI LE Y Sa B AXT ER.
September 26 5&
Willis l’rnr.Y. ^
t rPON the petition of Marlow L. Pryor,
' praying tho foreclosure of the equity
of redemption, in and to all that lot of lanii,
in the town of Milledgeville, in the minty
and state aforesaid, containing one half of an
acre, part of lot number four, in Square for
ty-two, lying broadside of Wilkinson-street,
anil ifbrnering on Washington-street, and
running on said street one hundred and five
feet, and joining John Howard’s lot on (lie
north, which said lot was mortgaged by s od
Willi? Perry to your petitioner, on the 28th
day of April, in the year 1 :'20, for the bettor
securing tho payment of foil;* hundred and
fifty dollars, xvilh the drawing interest there
on, bearing date seventh day of March last,
and then endorsed to his credit to tlie Dari
en Bank in Milledgeville, due eighty-nine
days after date.
On motion of R. Rutherford, it i*; order
ed, that the principal, interest and cost due
on said mortgage, he paid into this court
within twelve months from this date, or the
equity of redemption in the premises will he
from thence forever barred and foreclosed :
And it is further ordered, that a copy of this
rule be published in ono of the Gazettes of
this state, once a month for twelve months,
or served nn the mortgager or his special a-
gent at least six months previous to tlie time
tire money is directed to he paid as afore
A true ropy, taken from the minutes this!
fifteenth September, t820.
September ini2‘—32
C E 0 li Gl. J, linn cork er>u nty
April Term, 1320.
PurxKST, bis honor Judge Doolv—Buie Xisi
by John Allen’s premises,
Aimer Locke’s premi
ses, ^Mj|00|BpKngs extend east nnu west,
on east liiieCIofeci and north nnd south 52
feet, making an oblong square, mortgaged
by I lav? said Abner Locke, to the said Willi
am Mall, by a deed of mortgage, dated the
Gill day of October, 18in, tlie better to se
cure the payment of the sum of 3605, which
was to have been paid on or before the first
day of March, 11120, with lawful interest
thereon ; and default lull ing been made in
the payment of the said sums,
WHEREFORE And on motion of
Samuel Rockwell, attorney for the said
William Ball: Jt is ordered, That tlie prin
cipal, interest and costs due on said mort
gage bo paid into tills court, within twelve
nml that t his will lie
nth fur t lU-lve months
iy thereof he personally
served on tne said Abner Locke, at least six
months previous to (In* time named for the
payment of tho said sums of money.
.? true Copy taken from (he. Minutes,
March Bill, 1620.
GEORGIA. I’utnnni county,
Maunder Jt. Ralston, ) RULE NISI.
Benjamin Jordan.
tor FORrenoscHr.
^■JPO-X the petition of Alexander B. Ralston.
J prnyir -; the foreclosure of the. equity of
redninnrion in nnd to a certain tract nr parcel
ni In nil poutnhthiglwo hundred two nml a hall
acre?, ly ing nm! being in the county ofPutnnm
aforesaid, originally granted to David Warden,
on the ninth day of October, eighteen hundred
nnd five, ami known us lotnmnhep three hun
dred nml ninety-two, in the second district of
Baldwin county* nnd stale of Georgia, now Put
nam county, ns by reference to the original
pint will more fully iippear, and mortgaged by
tho said Benjamin Jordan to the ssid Alex
ander It. Ralston by a deed of mortgage, dated
on the sixteenth day of-September thou.
'ami eight hundred and eighteen, more efl’cctn-
ally to secure tlie payment of a promissory note
of band in writing, given nt Augusta on the
third day of .lone, eighteen hundred nml eigh
teen, by the said Benjamin Jordan toHho said
Alexander ft. Ralston, for the sum of ouo
sand uml thirty-six dollars liiirtv-scv'..,
half cents, and due on the tlri-j . ,, t j u ^
eigideen hundred and cltKWn thereafter
| T PON the petition of George \V. C. Shivers,
V. grand-son ami legatee miller the lust will
and testament of George Cowen, dor eased, and
n minor under the itge of twenty-one yenrs, by
hi? next friend V\ illiamG. Springer, praying tlie
establishment of a copy of the Inst w ill and tes-
'ament of said George Cowen, dccrajed, (which
has hern so destroyed that it cannot be found)
in lien of said original; u copy of said original
Inrt will ond testament being herewith fhexvn
,A the court ns nearly ax can be i cculiected, and
Med in the clerk's office thereof. On motion of
counsel, it is therefore ordered, that said copy
of ?*id original Will so ns aforesaid destroyed be
established in lieu thereof at the next term of
this court unless enure lie shewn to tbo contrary.
And it is further ordered, that n eopy of this
rule bn published in one of thu public gazettes
of Milledgeville. once a month for six months
previous to the time of making application for a
rule absolute in tlie premise?,
A true ovtrnrl from the minutes, this22d day
of April, 1920. JM1U.. J SIMMS, Clerk.
April 29 piSm
\V.ti roupon, on n»nt]„„ of Tho,mu F.Wells.
Attorney % AL s «„de, R, RlUrton| „ m , U,,
pciUCLi'.i, mil*test and cost due on said moi l-
g'11,0 be paid into this court within twelve
months, o; until the lime appointed for the pay
ment of the money, or served on the suid Ben
jamin Jordan, ut least six months previous to
that period.
A trite eopy from the Minutes.
JOHN t. 3MITH, Clk. s. r, v. c.
Baldwin Superior Court, April ud/U Term, 1820,
Present, the Mon. CnKisropiun B. Strong.
Sally Howxll, i
vs. > Libel for Virorct.
WlLl 1AM HoWUt.L, )
ri'llit. return of tha declaration, stating that
.a. tho ilelendnnt in the above case is not. to
be found in this county ; on motion of plaintiff's
counsel, it ii ordered, tlmt service be perfected
by publishing this notice onco a month until the
next term, in one of the gazettes of this state.
A true ccpy taken from the minutes, thin 8th
May, 1820. THOMAS H. KENAN, Clerk.
’! ■■ •*'. t«20 mCmi
JS opening his small coUcetion of CURI
and artificial, in his Building east of the court
house, a few steps north of.,he Planters’ Ho
tel, where favors will he gratefully received,
on !ot:n, donation or purchase, for the pur
pose of establishing a Museum.
flUllodgeyiile, September 26. tf—33
A DM IX 1ST R A TOR'S s Mj).
W ILL he sold at the Court-ho,tv in
Dlihiin, Latirena county, on the Hr,t.
Tuesday in Ren inlicr next, between tin? u-
suit) horn i <ri rule, n purl Of the real estate ct
Sunutel Hi*? ;., j-.ii. deieared—consisting i ;
one fraclinii, 300, in the first district for
merly Will in:’..i now Laurens county ; also-
in.r I’.ulf of fraction No. 2i)9,in the same dis~
I rift und county, Lot h adjoining Beaty’* fer
ry fraction, on the west side of the Ucoucn
river; also, one bounty on tlie east side of
the Oi onci* ri, it, adjoining tlie same ferry,
contaiim p 2117 1-2 ucrer, mure or less : also,
one other lot aiitoiriing the same, containing
140 acres mots* or less; also, one half of all
the water privilege belonging to Juines Bea
ty’s ferry tract, im tlie east side of the Oco
nee l iver ; stm* 1 1*® acres, adjoining tlie
same ferry Wwt; also, one half of lot No#
487, in the* first district ami same county—#
to be sold for the benefit of the heirs of said
Twejve months credit will be given.--r
Notes ii approved security will be required*
JOHN THOMAS, Adm'r. dr hones nous
October ft. 3—34
W ILL BE SOLD, at the late residen. or
of William Dean, deceased, of Bald
win county, on Friday, the first day of Dr- 1
cember next, tlie. perishable property belong#
ing to the estate of said deceased, consisting
of horses, cattle and lu»i;s, the present corn
and cotton crop, a yoke of oxen and cart,,
household and kitchen furniture, nnd other
articles too tedious to mention. Also, the
land xvill be rented nnd the negroes ’tired for
the year one thousand eight hundred mid
twenty-one. Terms made known on the
day of sale.
October ,0 ft5
Will Tie sold,
O N the 8d day of November next, at tho
late residence of Alexander Smith, ilc-
i cased, in Laurens county, the personal Pro
perty of said deceased—consisting of H. r-
ses, Cattle, Dogs, Sheep tk. Goats, House
hold and Kitchen Furniture, Plantation
I 'tetisils, and a number of other articles,—••
’Perms made known on the day of sale.
September ifl. tf— i: '
Payable in New-York, Charleston, or Sn#*
vaunah, for sale by
Milledgeville, Sept. 26. il—33
VTS/TLL BE SOLD, in Dublin, Lauren*
T f county, on the first Tuesday in De-
ci tuber next, between the usual hours oC
sab-, the following property, to wit:
One square of Land in the second district
originally Wilkinson, now Laurens county*
adjoining Standby and others—taken as this
property of Adam Hunter, to satisfy mi exe
cution in favor of Sewart &. Hargroves.
Om* fraction ofland lying on the Oconee,
liver, known and distinguished by Fltiker’s
iriaud, lo satisfy execution* in favor of tho
administrators of Freeman Lewis against
David Fluker and Thompson Bird—proper
ty pointed out by John G. Bird.
Fourteen head of sheep, taken as the pro*
pet ty of Alfred Thompson, to satisfy an ex*,
erution in favor of the state of Georgia.
One Sorrel Horse, taken as the Jvropertjr
of William Burk to satisfy an execution in fa
vor of William Lynutn—property pointed
oo, by Jacob Shiver.
One negro boy named Sam, taken as thft
property of Thomas \V. Hart, to satisfy an
execution in favor of Hardy Griffin and oth
ers—levied on by a constable, and returned,
to me.
• CHARLES S. GUYTON, Sheriff'.
October i7. Sfi
months utter date, application will bit
J.x made to the honorable the Inferior Court
of Jones county, when sitting for ordinary pur-
■poscs, for leave to sell tiie real estate ol Tar#-,
lev B.illat.'!', deceased.
May 9, 1820—13—*
t^ T' I BR the expiration of Mine months, ap-
FTEH the ,
plication will be made to the honorable
the Inferior court of Burke county, while sitting
for ordinary purposes, for leave to sell all tli»
real estate of Jesse W’arnach, lute of Burke
comity, ilcccnsed.
for the minor heirs of Jesse IVarnarh.
Anqit't II, 1820 m!>m
In Baldwin Superior Court, February
Term, 1820.
Elijah Melton, \ jm of Injxmc ..
D\Nirr, Mobi.f.v, ^ (ion,ti,c.
I T appearing to tin* Court that tlie defendant,
resides without the jurisdictional limits of
(his c.ourt.—On motion ordired, that tlie above
hill be served by publishing a copy of this ruin
in one of the public gazettes in this circuit once
:> mouth for six months, and serving a copy of
the bill on the Attorney of (he said Mobley.
A true. Cory, taken from the Minutes.
March 28, 1820.
Baidu',n Sitne.nor (Join t,erm, IH'MK/prilatjfd. T
Present, the Hon. Cnnisroi'iir.ii B. Stiiosg. Goi.qf.k, )
h Libel for Dire,ret.
Mathew Gnt nr.N. y
|T appearing to this court that (lie same ha?
_ not been served on the defendant—On mil
lion it is ordered, tlinLaervice be prifected by?
publishing till-, rule in one of the public gerettev
of this * bite: und it is further ordered) that the
>cmo he entered as served us of the next term,
no good cause being shewn to the contrary,
and the same be published once a month for six
A true extract taken from tfic minutes this
Silt May, 1820.
Mnv U TttOS. II. KF.NAN, Clerk.
EORGIA, Baldwin County.
X James. Thoms?, administrator of Jonathan
Thomas, deceased, npplies for letters r i dismis
sion. These are therefore to cite all and singu
lar the heirs nnd creditors of said deceased to
file their objections in terms of the law in such
case'made uud provided, (if titty tlle.y have,}
why said letters should not he granted.
Given under mv hand, this 16th April, 1820,
April 18 10 .
NINE months after date hereof application
will b« made to the honorable the court of or-
dinery of Baldw in county, for leave to sell two
negro hoys, belonging to tlie estate of Jonuthan
Thomas, decoiued, for the benefit oi the heirs o!
suid estate.
July 3,1820 mi'm
IVTOTICH*—Nine months afterdate, npplica*.
il lion will he made to the honorable th<-
eonrt of Ordinary of Morgan county, lor leave
<o sell a certain tract of Land cofit.'duing one
hundred and sixty acres, more or less, on tl fi
Appnletcliy river, adjoining Norwood ami o*
tlierfc, the proj erty of Benbirt Itadford, decea
sed, sold for the benefit ot thc hvirs ot sa.d de
ceased. JOHN RADFORD, \ K , , rJ .
April 7, 1820 b !,|0 «