Newspaper Page Text
(on Tuesdays)
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UT AdvertissmenU conspicuously inserted at
(he customary rales.
"From the lllfclo the t4th ultimo, contained tn
pamphlet sheet No. 10.
II. Taylor, J. Hagan, Eliz. Carter, or-
flbnn, A. Starting, M. Vick.
J. Thompson, J. Atkerson, N. Mims,
C. Ethridge, J. C. Watson, Jno. Lester,
W. Cox, W. Horton, it Densler, Wm.
Borland, I. Eilands’ orphans, Win. Ste
phens, B. Talbot, R. S. ; L. Moore, A.
Collins, orphan, W. Taylor’s orphans, J.
Miller, P. Gray, VV. Yates, H. Logan’s
orphans, J. Methvin, E. Underwood, J.
Barkley, J. Tompkins, I. Brooks, Thos.
Cooper, L Smith, D. Blakey, B. White.
D. Stewart, J. Underhill, M. Smith, J
Brown, G. Mikelt, J. Stewart, jun. A. C
Cane, S. Griner, W. Dollar, Sana’l Wil
liams, jun. Mary Bird, W. Miller, orp’n.
Keziah & Mary Allen, orp'ns, R. El
lison, H. White, C. Cobb, C. Rheany, I
Stewart, E. Knowles, Mary Ann Harris,
D. Thompson, W. Mixon, John Luke,
A. Mills’ orp’ns, Wm. J. J. Royal, orp’n,
Susan, Gallaway, and Eliz. Lererctt, or
phans, J. Crain, J. Collins, W. Chance,
D. Royals, A. White, J. Hines, J. Rack-
Tey, W. Hester, M. Conner, S. Patter-
eon, N. Spence, D. King, D. Clagg, John
Bell, C. Pearce, J. Fitzgerald, E. Bell,
B. Moxley, J. Welch, R. Fryor, Joseph
Cates, E. Grace, C. Sharp, J. Baxley, J
Bailey, Bullock’s orphans, W. Night, I.
Chapman, J. Turdale, sen.
A. Cook, Wm. Hill, O. Butler, Mary
White, widow.
D. Woodworth, J. Miller, orphan, J.
Motes, J. Kendrick, S. Grey, E. Osteen,
orphan, P. Goodbread, J. Campbell.
J. Bryan, T. Nottage, W. Stirk, Ro
bert Hay, J. Hamilton, H. F. Brand, J.
• R. M Kinnon, J B Rowson, M L White,
E. Earnest, P. Houston, W. Sherred, R.
Tay lor, J. Cooper, P. P. Thomason, M.
Bheftall, Susannah Burnsides, L. Geri
don, Tim. B. Mason, Mary Rice, J. W,
Gibbons, Mary Greene Puree, Catharine
Bitter, E. Stebbins, Maria Puree, wid. ;
D. Cox, P. Adams, C. Tort, Ann, Eliza,
Lewis and James Eliby, orphans, Wm
Wilson, E. A. Thompson, Rachel Sweet,
Widow ; J. Lawrence.
C. A. Carter, S. Green, widow ; J. S.
Akin, D. Shay, R. S ; C. Houghton, or-
S han, J. Ramey, sen. R. S.; J. Daniel,
I. Barber, D. Johnson, M. Stoker, T.
Blackmoore, B. Lankford, G. Kent, Jno.
Harvey, Rev. ; S. Hilton, Ja’s Scott, Ii.
Beasley, E. Norton, W. G. Wright, W,
W. Carnes, P. Whitehead, T. Norton.
S. M’Nair, J. Underwood, D. Rosier,
A. E. Beall, F. Ross, orp’n, A. Wood. P
Moore, widow ; W. Stallings, S. Bow-
dres, orp’n, A. 11. Jones, M. Edmond
son, widow; D. L. Morris, H. Lamar,
M. Walton, W. Magaha, S. Fudge, Da
vid Cooper, E. Bonaire, Mary B. Dunn,
widow ; J. Smalley, D. Fay’s orp’ns, E.
D. Appling, widow ; J. Ray’s orp’ns, E,
Berry, wid.; W. Briscoe, J. Jones, wid.;
F. Adams, W. Hunt.
C. L. Morgan, M. Kahn, L. Weitman,
F. Womock, Jane M’Dorman, orphan, B
Stanley, J. Helenstein, sen. J. Womack,
P. Jones, J. Hester, G. Secrouse.
, W. Bailey, E. Presley, J. W. Allen,
C. Crump, J- Allgood, R. S. ; H. Mad
dox, R. Davis, J. Hannah, sen. R. S.;
W. Taylor, J. Christian, J. Boothe, R.
Richardson, W. Vawter, R. Christian,
G. L. Peebles, C. Alston, B. C. Heard,
W. Henderson, P. Alexander, H. Chil
dren i, Naish, R. S. ; M. Herndon, D.
Parham, A.* Strawn, J. Wells, J. Nix, J
Underwood, sen. G. W. Heard, B. Wal
lis, N. Hudson, M. Cash, C. W. Chris
tian, N. Cash, J. Middleton, T. Staples,
IJliz. B. Johnston, orp’o, Eliz. M’Dug-
gle, widow.
J. Neel, N. Berwick, W. Rawls, Bar-
nebas Melan, 1. Haubury, Z- Evan9, or
phan, J. Wiggins, D. Forgnson, I. Snell
4. Bishop, J. Douglass.
W. Thomas, S. Hendricks. JL Lane
G. F. Bond, D. Ellison, P. CocVerham,
J. White, jun’r. J. Morris, J. H. Chand
ler, W. Redwine, J. Nelms, A Yeargin
W. Holbrooks, T. Whitworth, Geo. W
Sway, F. Vaughn, A. Roberts, sen. H
Holcomb, H. Smith, W. Ray, J. Sewell
sen. D. Jones, W. Mulkey, J. Quillen
jr.; E. Burgess, D. Manley’s orphans
Wm. Crsine’s orphans, W. Baugb, R
Loray, widow ; C. Gilly, H. Baker, J
{[opium, J. Boling, T. Ray* John £ut
ton, R. M’Crarv, C. Cates, R. Smith, D.
Carson, W. Chalmus, L. D. Holstinback,
C. Chatham, B. Pullinn, J. Dobbins, S.
Chandler’s orp’ns, J. Hollingsworth, T.
Goodwin, Martin Baugh, M. M’Carter,
Jeremiah Taylor, G. Thrasher, jun. R.
Warren’s orp’ns, N. P. Beall, Ja’s Phil
lips, T. Payne, A. Connally.
J. Betlmne, W. Darracott, J. Fuller,
J. Sharp, jun’r. W. Evans, sen. T. Mer-
rett, L. Barnett, J. Whatley’s orphan,
D. Townes. J. V. Patillo, J. Moore, T.
Connell, sen. ; T. Anderson, S. P. Cal-
leer, M. M’Kenney, J. Armstrong, T. C.
Myers, A. Johnson, J. Iiarralson, T. R.
Andrews, J, Miles, Sally Bowles, widow,
II. Gredille, E. Greer, R. Park, B. Gil
bert, E. Thompson, J, Gatlin, E. Cum
mings, M. Stovall, widow, Jane Duke,
widow, C. Barnhart, T. Wilson.
JoliD Piles.
W. Coplin, R. S. ; J, Holderfield, T.
Harris, S. Jurdan, jun. M. Clayton, A.
Martin, sen. S. Pool.
Blair Powell.
E Tnlason, P Enlow, T W Cotten, or
phan, J M’Connell, E Tolison, J Brown,
W. Deaton, jun. W. Stewart, B Brown.
J Smith, A Brantley, R. S. ; II Pal
mer, J Jones, J Buckner’s orp's, J Ma
thews, J Copeland, R S ; W Maddox, F
Brooking, A. Bird, I. Thompson, Wpp
Johnson, J Giles, J Galden, J. Thornton,
P Scott, J Hillyer, J L Acee, T Goore,
sen. R S ; M Lucas, J. Thornton, Sarah
Brown, W Edge, J, Clark, W, Sauders’
orphans, J. Thwealt, M L Hill, D. Ave-
rett, J Champion’s orp’s, E M’Crary, J.
Orear, J V Dismuck, W Mahon.
W. Kendrick, G. Winfrey, W. Lind
sey, J Belts. W Camp, senior, J. R. M’-
Clesky, P Patrick, J Jordan, S Benton,
J Sisson, C Atkinson, A Nelson, Charles
Strickland, W Smith, T. Ragan's orp's,
W Baskin, J Gibbs, sen. D Smith, seo’r
R S ; J Pendergrass, G P Parker, Nan
cy Bridges, widow ; C Strickland, Silas
Smith, W Hilling, D Henderion, H Wil
son, A Martin, J Becks, W. Hewctt, J B
Pearce, A Bradford, C. Hemphdl,.-Jona
than Betts, W Brannon. R M Hamilton,
J Berry, L Arthur, D Henderson, N C
Jarratt, J Asburn, A Gaunter, G Brad
ford, E Smith, J Pearce, J Walls, sen.
V Johnson, H Madcalf, Jno Kermichael,
L Willison, J R Eady, J Leverett, G
Alexander, II S ; J Langham, J Leggett,
VV Bowdin, R Fitzpatrick, S M Harrell,
J May, A. Ilartstield, J. Bransford, J. P.
Buchannon, sen. P Hancock, G W Bon
ner, E George, J Lumsden, H Moore,
Girecne and Sarah Tredwell, T Harris,
J Stewart, O Belcher, J H Williams, J
Mulloy, J Portwood, A Kendrrelc*,*V S.
Castleberry, D Russell, Wm Wilson, 11.
Holloway, J Barnes, N Johnson, jun. J
Benton, H Gillum, J M‘Kee, J Loverett,
J Fluker, J P Burbannon,sen. J. Brum-
mett, Fears, W Crain, B. Stone, orph.
L Tuggle, J Wilson, T Momp, J M’Mi-
chael, jun. A Dale, M Ray, J Wilson, J
Graves, sen. W Gagg, S M’Michael, W
P. Taylor, P Morphey.
S Crawford, C Godfrey, orphan, Job
Townsley, Nancy Hannah, widow, lie-
rod Dupree, E Brown, J Pendry, Wnj
Thompson, Mary Waters, orphan, James
M’Bride.jr, Wm. W Abbott, Ja’s. John
ston, J. S. Lee, J T Neel, S Bailey, wi
dow, M Raiford, sen’r l Lawrence, Na
than Holt, J Lyons, J Sapp, A Montgoin
ery, widow, W Whigham, J Corbett, W
Clark, A Beasley, B Holey, widow, Ro
bert Pittman.
W Murkerson, D Carson, A Alexan
der, M Minter’s orphans, S Ledbetter
VV Gray, J Sanders, Mary Jones, widow
E Tarver, R Hamblin, B Tanner, James
Felts, R S ; J Stewart, J Simms, W B
Hammock, VV Ross, W Harrison, John S
Pope, W Whatley, R Bozeman's orp’ns
J Kelly, D Ward, VV Russell, B Lipsey
widow, H A Spencer, E Gattewhetc, T
Radney, W Whatley, J B Stiles, J Wea
ver, A Blalock, widow, I Loyc, Berry
VV Beasley, W Bonner, J Jackson, orpn
A Jarratt, H Mitchell, F Sims, J Sum
ner, J H Veasey, E G Sims, D A Phil
lips, A Lwcko’s orphans, J Stinson, M
Tidwell, L Kelley, M. Johnson, T I) Ox
ford, E Barrow, J Dillard, L Blanks, S
J Perrv, pen. G Spell, Eliz. Cook, or
phan, L Whiddon, W Cathorn, It Story
D Evans, jun. W Parrot, E Culpepper
S Bradwell, B Horn, orphan, J Smith, D
E Phillips, J S Culberson, W Daniel, J
Collier, B Joiner, VV Dean, D Hill, Ju’
Yates, jun.
E Shumate, orp’n, J Wilson, Thos. T
Webb, J Cooper, M Andrews, T Quar
terman, B Brewer, D Stetson. E Brad
ley, Jane Kallender, widow, J Flowers
Me M’Coswell
S. Gray, C. Golden, W Elliott, II. Brown,
Nancy Sudduth, widow; J. Reid, W. Gools
by, Marthy May, widow ; P. Trammell, W.
A. B. Mahon, W. Wardsworth’s Orp’s, Wm
Dennis, sen. J. Knox, Joicev Mnllet, widow;
W. Harper, Z. Grimsley, W. Ratcliff’s drps.
T. Elliott, VV. Green’s orphans, J. Guilt, M.
Stakes, Z. Spiers, J. Murray.
T. Long, G. R. Taylor, J. Veal, William
Shields, B. Smith, J. Gossett, A. Clore, W.
Fergus, W. H. Parker, G. Allen’s orp’ns, Ma
ry Ann Millirnn, W. Dixsnii, W. Rradherry,
J. Morrow, Mary Save, W. W. Williford, S
J. Wood, VV. Germaine, A. M'Donnld, It.
Carter, J. Print, J.Carty, R. S.; VV. Harri
son, VV Elliss, Chs. J. VV. Stewart, VV. Staf
ford, J. Davis.
J. Gibbs, VV. Godwin, A. M’Millcn, Na
than Clarke, L. Gilley.
VV. Lewis, VV. Herd, jun. J. K. Browning,
W. Collins, G. Jeffries, A. Fitzpatrick, D W.
Porter, B. R. M’Coy, E. Gilbert, J. Duck, 11
S ; J. VVelborn, J. B. Cain, R Speaks, Sa
rah Orear, widow; John Bcllah, B. Boyce,
C. II. Harris, widow ; J. C. k&ndrirk, Jere
miah Davis, VV, Johnson, G. VV. Smith,
M’Allhatton, C. Phillips, R. Coney, J. VV.
Darwell,!. Smith, J. Colley, C. Few, Thos.
Brown, I. Culbertson, J. Akins, E. Petus, J.
Fain, R. Green’s orphans, VV Moore, Joseph
Key, Z. Alford, T. Wilkinson, M. Pall, Du-
my Kelley, T. Wood, J Smith, T. Kennon,
J. Bailey, D. Allen, R. S ; S. Kuiblet.
H. H. Lumpkin, M. Ragan, B. Murphcy,
T. Williamson, G. W. Birdsong, M. House,
I. Johnson, W. Thomas, P. Thaxton, Suin’I.
Ward. J. Whitehead, T. Glass, J. Ellis, Jo
seph Bray, L. Galloway, J. Phillips, sen. K.
Beal, II. Maxwell, J. Nixon, E. Gilmer, wi
dow, L. M. Maxey, S. Graham, Y. VV. Short
J. Dicks, W. Carter, VV. Mathews, D.Tuck
er, D. Grilfy, F. Stuart, S. Bentley, J. l’e-
tiiR, sen. A. Brown, E. Sorrow, J. Hancock,
R S ; O. Harris, R. Thomas, J. G. Johnson
S. Ward, VV. M. Pledge, G. H. Young.
J. M. Taylor, J. Jean, E. King. A. Grnd-
dy, N. Phillips, A. B. Puckett, J. Bennett,
orph.; J. Iligen, VV. Roberts, orph.; Jesse
Donaldson, J. Sutton, E. Taylor, Orcn Ste
VV. Paoe, Jun. J. Burt, W. B. Marshall, S.
Butts, E. VVimhush, N. Green, Z. Reid, J S
Bfown, G. Boling, J. Boggess, S. Bryant,
widow ; J. Hays, sen. R S.; T. H. Evans,
N. Ellis, J. Saucer, J. Veal, P. Buckner, B.
Cooper, Z. Burt, E. Cokcc, J. Samples, Jno
Keith, VV. Worthy, J. Rees, VV. F. Stephens,
I. Parker, W Gray, ,T. Lee, sen. S. Sims, J.
Harrison, I Green, R. Watson, T. Roliy, iVl.
Phillips, A. Lipham, VV. H. White, Absalom
E. Anderson, jr. J. Garner, G. Sellie.k, M.
Antony, DocU; J. Liverman, D. Shaffer, R.
Dukes, J. Hall, VV Palmer, J. H. Lambert,
S. Hawes, 1). Walton, widow, B. B. Mitch
ell, A. VV. Stnrges, widow, M. Templeton,
G. Wilcox, widow ; D. M’Murphy, R. S.;
T. Lewis, J Lyncs, M. Harbock, J Gindrat,
Elizabeth, Caroline, Milly, and Polly Prat-
ter, orphans Hampton, Morgan, Hymbrick,
Epsey, and Thomas Hall, orphans, G. Jor
dan, S. Sturges, Jun. J. J. Robertson.
A. Newton, J. Pye, J. Gamble, J. Fair
cloth, VV Thorn, J. Pye, VV, Ruberts’ orp’s,
J. H. Smith, N. Roberts, VV. Hill, J. F. Lo
vett, jun. W. Cate, B. Phillips, II. Vickery,
VV. Rhodes, S. Carlton, E. Hunter.
K. Hancock, J. Rutledge, C. Tyre, Ric.h’d
Tullos, VV. Higgs, VV. M’Clendon, S Bawls,
G. Carter, sen. D. Geigner, E. Mattox, jun’r,
D., D. Oglesby, I*. Collins, widow .
11. Watson, VV. Newman, L. Johnson, Fre
derick Douglass.
VV. Gibson, jun. J. Gant, C. Pare, Thos
S. Swain.
VV. Davis, VV Low, VV Durden, S Barbee,
R. S ; A Clarke, STaylor, VV Hester, H L.
Coon, S Peacock, J VVillebv, R. S. ; James
Noland, II G Gaines, J H Thompson, L I'
Hargrove, E. Powell, M Whitehead, J Eas-
terbery, sen. It S; D Crumpton, T. Bobelt,
VV H Dupree, E. Ward, D. Lee, J. Cohorn,
T. Willis, S Robertson, VV. It. Henry, John
Hollingsworth, VV. Mills, II Barrow, Robert
Craig’s orphans, R Weldon, W Dunn, Joel
drivers, B Bryan, widow; D Richardson
J Bolinger, J. Majors, J. Stephens, D. Hunt
D Payne, S Sassinore, J Vickers.
D Rowc,L Briltenhnm, P May, sen. Ba
ton Hataway, James Fleming, J Afchinson
L. Davis, VV Simmons, M H Myrie, A Da
vidson, C Harrell, J Pope, J Barfield, VV C
Hilt, W J Cooper,.!. Duherry, S. Crump, J
G. Sandeford, J Wright, E Conner, B Cox
well, W Harris, S Pitts, VV Kitchens, Susan
nah Bryant, orphan, S Reel, IFCnn, Martin
Brooks, C Blanford, V Johnson, H Newson.
8 Allin, J Cody, sen. II Carter, C. Thigpin
Barbary Thompson, widow ; E. Cobron, J
Matthews, S Pitts, J Brinkley, IF Baker, A
T M’Dowel, sen’r, S J. rolis, I. Best, I)
Driver, J Sessions, D M ’Lean, J IF Odom
A Barber, G Mason, IF Radiates, IF Crum
bly, A Belch, Graoy Brown, widow ; Chris
topher Person, W Rogers’ orp’s, B. Baker
J. Johnson, J. Price, A Albritton, E. John
ston, J Odom, U Kellv, G Crumbly, R Gar-
dean, DM’Vay, IF Nichols, J Messiek, It
IFilson’s orp’s, T Dixon, DM’Kee, L Phil
lips, C Collins, J Tindall,.It S; T Holt, F,
Mitts, J Martin, J P Tennille, A May, Wm
Peacock, IF A Tenable, J Vurnudore, Josir.l
Scoggins, J Young, L Price, E Newman, D
IFilliains, IF Giles, S Lenicr, widow; E Tty-
land, E JFiikey, widow ; I Mathis, orphan
J Shehee, R Goidin, T Harden,' T Dixon,
John Jones, sen. IF Hopson, M’Keen Green
IF. Lambert’s orp’s, B Haw kins, B Jenldns
• Wayne.
T Fulwoofl, Moses Hatcher.
B Nicholson, J M’Cnrty, J Roberts, orp’n
Johnston, .1 Flanagin, T Thornton, sen. H
Mitchell, W R Thomason, J Stocks.
U Owen, M Stark, widow, J Sutton, A.
Johnson, J IF Mallnry, It Bennet, R Furor,
C- Hummel, T M’Cluskey, It B Smiley, J.
Well), IF Henderson, II Clarke, J Pullin,,jr.
Ir A IFheeler, IF Benson, sen. A R Wooten,
B Billingsleu, J Finn’s orps. J IFood, jun.
J T Hackney, W Hammock, J Tailor, G.
IFingfield, J/Boswell, IFDeariiig, E. Cofer,
* Stone’s orphans, G Norman, E Calloway,
II Gibson, IF Trammel, B Slack, J Bur-
gamy, P B Terrell, D Butler, G. Chapman’s
orp’s, T Gresham, C Puss, jun. C M’hnight,
N F Smith, S IFBrooks, jun’r. minor, Pru
dence Chambers, I, Meteor, T Collins, IF
Collins, J Gartreli, IF Pettis, L Freeman, J,
Clover's orphans, E R Calloway, Joint T
Laughter. H Richardson, minor, II Flury,
Hnmmil, J Mmgrovc’s orp’s, J Hiding’s
rp's, J IFooIhright, sen. IF Pollard, N Bur-
umy, F S Uillingslea, It Snppiiigton.
IF Bright, J Durham, S IFilliams, Thorn
ton Fowler, J Pool, J Boiler, D Hall, jun.
John Gay, W Brown’s orp’s, N M’Bride, J
P Sl-ipens, I Goodman, J Howard, Green
Whatley, B Horn, T Smith, D Williams, D
Phillips, J Lindsey, T Spence, J Freeman,
T Pugh’s orp’s, J* Barefoot, D. Morris, Ja’s
Siins’ orplis.; VV'. Fnrguson, widow ; Am
brose Nelson, C Craft, orp. VV Wood, Ftobt.
Ware. J L Evans, J Davidson, J Taliaferro,
J Polk, II Jones, widow, N Harper, B Dur
ban),.I Cobb. J Hall, D Hull, jr. J Collins,
jun. W Sufiold, A Peacock, J Brantley, Jno.
Rogers, C Young, N F Randolph, Geo. Gil
more, sen. A Width, J Johnson, E Sims, D.
Cliildery, G Wright, F Laud.
I’Eom the aariOKAi. advocate.
Several among the Editors of the A-
mcrican daily papers have copied, with
expressions of complacency, (be
marks of the last Edinburgh Review re
specting the general contest between Des
potism and Liberty, supposed to be im
pending in Europe, and the relation in
which the American Republic will stand
towards the hostile parties. Great satis
faction and some pride appear to bu ex
cited by the declaration ol tlic Reviewer
that “ much will depend upon the part
which is taken by America,” and that th
general circumstances of her situation
rnnst give her a prodigious power and
influence in sue’, a crisis either as a me
diator or umpire,” or if she take sides,
‘ ns an auxiliary & ally.” It is added, that
her interference might “ prevent the la
mentable contest, or bring it to a speedy
termination,” and the idea is deprecated
of her standing aloof or feeling a repug
nance “ to make common cause with
England,” w ho according to the Review
er, is to be the champion of Freedom.
The unction laid to the feelings ofthe
Americans in the importance ascribed to
them is, no doubt, exceedingly pleasant ;
but their sober reflection must, we think,
teach them that what we have cited is
but a tissue of flattery und error. We
consider a general war in Europe as pro
bable ; but that great, general strug
gle between the principles of Reform and
those of Monarchical abuse, o*’which the
Reviewer speaks, appears to us uncer
tain and indeed unlikely. It is wholly
gratuitous to calculate on intestine com
motions in Germany and Russia, or per
haps even in France and to suppose that
Austria will not be able to repress in i-
taly the spirit of revolt from the doctrines
and practices of Legitimacy. Nor has
the assumption that England will ho on
the side of popular rights any surer foun
dation. Thu Edinburgh Reviewers pro
ceed upon their own assertion that the
U Itigs constitute the great majority of
the intelligent, well-educated, ami en
lightened part of the people of Great
Britain and cannot f.iil *• in the long run
to govern her councils.” VVc have no
evidence ot this ; but enough of the re
verse. For fifty years the Whigs or Li
berals have been struggling in vain for
the. ascendancy ; body ofthe
clergy, and of all the learned profes
sions, of all who receive univer-ity and
college training, and till the posts ofthe
military uud the financial organization ;
of the large landed proprietors, of the
hereditary and monied aristocracy, arc
manifestly adherents ofthe Tory-inter-
cst. This is fortified in the possession
of the government by almost every kind
of power and resource ; it may be de
truded lor a moment by overbearing cas
ualties, but the tendency of the whole
system, and the current ofthe usual ele
ments of superiority, are decidedly in its
favour ; or so far at least as to render it
almost impossible that the Whig “ influ
ence ami authority,” in the sense ofthe
Edinburgh Review, should permanently
prevail. Nothing but a radical revolution
will materially alter the present spirit
and complexion of the administration of
the British government ; and what might
be the nature and consequent policy of
the change elfcctcd by that event, no
one can divine. Hence, a league with
England, or any particular relation to
wards her in the predicted European
struggle, cannot enter into the calcula
tions ofthe American politicians.
What is that shape which the struggle
is to assume, or what the temper on ei
ther side with which it is to be conducted,
mcrica” either ns " an auxiliary and al
ly” or as “ n mediator or umpire ?”
There is none within the range ofsound
conjecture—the issue alone must always
be so doubtful, from the equivocal dispo
sitions and merits of the parties, as to
make it but common prudoli^p. for her
“ to stand aloof” and relieve her from the
obligations of succour and alliance which
generosity or abstract justice might seem
to impose. As she has the means ot her
own security within herself, her interest
can never be vitally implicated. A broad
and palpable extravagance marks the sug
gestion that her interference could ei
ther prevent the strife, or bring it to a
speedy termination. She Ivas no physical
force with w hich to interfere : while she
is sale herself from Ilia European arm,
she has none to reach the European con
tinent. She must coniine herself to men
aces or exhortations ; the first would be
wanting in all cflicacy from (lie nature of
her situation ; the second from that of
the European parties. These conside
rations might he extended by analogy to
her position in respect to South America.
Her power and influence a9 regards
the liberties of the rest of the world re
solve themselves into the mere force of
her example. And the virtue of this ex
ample will lie in the careful preserva
tion of her own free institutions and do
mestic tranquility ; and that dupends up
on tier “ prudence ;” upon her w„ry
avoidance of all entanglement in distant
controversies, whether as “auxiliary and
ally” or mediator or umpire ; especially
where she cannot fully understand the
real condition of tilings abroad, nor con
fidently rely upon the good f.iiili of one
side in ceding, or the steadiness of the
other in pursuing und its temperance is
suing, the Vdijeets in dispute.
She ought not indeed, and never can
remain a “ cold uud disdainful spectator,”
according to the counterfeit nppreheu-
sion ofthe Edinburg Review. She must
feel, and should express, a lively sympa
thy for the claims and efforts of Justice,
Reason, ic Huumanity, w herever made.
She should assert her principles and dis
play the advantages of her system of go-
1 v eminent, on every occasion. We hope
to see all this signally done by her Chief
Magistrate and her Federal Legislature
at the approaching tession of Congress.
Any step beyond would he fiililc in re
spect to others, und full of hazard for that
permanent and complete triumph of the
experiment of republicanism, in w hich,
as wc have before remarked, consists
the whole cflicacy of her example. In
truth, considering the nature ofthe cau
ses, by which revolution on the one
hand, and regiatanco to it on the other,
are prompted in Europe, we may well
question whether the United States can
bo said to he operative there even by
example—whether the motives and the
several energies hi feelings ofthe strag
gles in that quarter are not so entirely
intrinsic as to leav e no entrance or scope
for any liind of external influence.
' Nr.w-Voiut, U< t. 13.
Last evening our boat returned from
the ship Cortes, Captain De Cost, arriv
ed at the Quarantine ground in 31 days
passage from Liverpool. By this arriv
al wo are famished will) London papers
of Sunday the 10th, and Liverpool pa
pers ofthe 1 ltli September, inclusive.
The papers are tilled with the testimo
ny in relation to the Queen of England’s
trial, which had extended to the 31-1
day. being Saturday, September 'Jtli.—
On the litli, Mr. Brougham stated that it
was his wish to proceed forthwith with
the defence of the Q iecn ; and on the
Lord Chancellor enquiring if the council
meant, by proceeding forthwith, to open
the case then, and to follow it up by pro
ducing evidence—or did they meau mere
ly to open the cuse, and afterwards pray
time to procure evidence.
Mr. Brougham said that there were
two cases with respect to evidence ; by
either of which they might subsequently
see cause to guide their defence. The
first was, whether they would call any
evidence whatever ; the second, they
might lie able immediately to produce a
part of their evidence, but yet they might
require time to hting over other witnes
ses. He entreated the indulgence ofthe
house after having been thrown by their
decision into a situation ol sudi perplex
ity, that he might beallowed to proceed
with the defence, mid not be asked any
question as to his determination of bring
ing evidence or continuing the defence
to its conclusion in that stage ofthe pro
ceedings. Council were ordered to with
draw. A considerable debate then took
place. Lord Erskine supported the itp
Council boiaf agftiit effWed in. It iafto*
med that thfc request of Mr. Brougham
had been refused, Mr, Brougham bogged
to have until nefct day to consider of-his*’
final determination. Tho Lords tblsir'
adjourned. On the next day,Bsptod»he#l
9th, tho Lord Chancellor stated to Mftj
Brougham, that the house were desirous
of knowing at what time it would be most
convenient for him to go Into the cOse of
her majesty.
Mr. Brougham then proceeded so'thl*
lows :
“ My Lords; Her Majesty’s Council,
being more willing to give the House a
full and satisfactory unswer to that que*»
lion, thought it their duty to wait on be^
Majesty last night, and, in concur renew
witli the opinion of my learned friendy
Mr. Williams, who, in consequence of
his own professional duty, has been oh*
liged to leave town for York, we hard
come to a determination on the sufriecty
which we trust will meet your LordtbipSff
convenience. The decision which you*
Lordships’ came to yesterday, namely,
not to allow any commentary ir> this stag*
of tho proceeding of the evidence nd»
dur.ed in support of the bill, wna commu
nicated to her Majesty. We then re
ceived her Majesty’s commands to inform
your Lordships, that we shall be able to
proceed ns speedily ns possible to an
swer the case made out for the bill, and
to tender evidence in defence of her Ma
jesty ; b it, as they will require a few
days preparation, and as that task will
devolve on one of her Majesty’s advi
sers, in a different branch of the profes
sion, probably your Lordships will grant
a short delay for that purpose. Her
Majesty’s anxiety to proceed in her de
fence continues not only unabated, but
is rather more increased by some of
the proofs against her, ami looking to
that very natural, and I shall take leave
to add, that praise-worthy feeling, my
learned friend and myself are desirous
that the delay should be as short as pos
sible. I rather exceed than fall short
ofthe wishes tier Majesty has been plea
sed to assign to our request, when I ask
\ our Lordships to allow \i» to about Mon
day fortnight for that purpose.”
Lord Liverpool said that he could not
suppose that any difference of opinion
could arise in the House us to the nature
of the application made by the reamed
Counsel at tiie Bar, because, in his judg
ment, the time for beginning her Majes
ty’s defence ought to be entirely left to
the discretion of her Majesty’s Counsel,
No personal inconvenience to the mem
bers of the House, individually or Col
lectively, ought to influence their Lord-
ships upon the question now proposed,
anil lie trusted that it would be received
with uminlmity. Lord Damley concuft-
ej n it It Lord Liverpool. Lord Grey
considered that n much later day should
he granted. A desultory debate of sofno
length took place, when the Lord Chan
cellor put the following question : “ Is
it your Lordships’ pleasure that 'this
House adjourn io Tuesdav the 3d day of
October next,” which was carried with
out a division, and their Lordships ad
journed to Tuesday the 3d of October,
at 10 o’clock in tho morning. Thti*
ends tho first act ofthe Royal Farce.
Addresses continue to be sent to the
Queen ; among them was the White
Chapel address, presented by the church
wardens, attended by the parent officers^
icc. The address ol tiie females of Shef-
ti Id, with 10,000 signatures, by Lord
Several of the Queen’s witnesses had
arrived in town, among them are perrons
ofthe highest respectability in Italy.—
The London Observer stales, that, among
others who will be called in her majes
ty’s defence, are. Sir William Cell, the
lion. K. Craven, Cupt. Hournam, Cant.
Flynn, Duct. Holland, Count Schiaviiii,
Hieronymus Carlo, (a courier,) and sev
eral other of her majesty’s domestics.—
These are all persoug intimately acquain
ted with the domestic arrangements of
her Majesty during her travels, and will
be enabled to account for what, at pre
sent, has the appearance of mystery,—
Independent of these witnesses, hotkey-
er, are a great uumber o#others on tUfir
way to England, some of high rank, oth
ers in more humble situations in life,
The testimony of the latter will throw
some lizht on the character and motives
ofthe witnesses who have been examin
ed in support of the bill of pains and pe
A public meeting had been held at the
Crown and Anchor in London, to regu
late the subscription for presenting .her
Majesty with a service of plate. Sir G.
Noel iu the chair. The names of gen-
llemen proposed for trustees were a: fol
low ; Sir G. Noel, Duke of Leinster,
Earl of Oxford, ill. Wood, Esq. Hon. D.
plication of A! r. Brougham, und recorn-1 Kennard, P. Moore, Esquire Alderman
mended their Lordships to yield to his | Thorp, Sir Francis Burdett, Sir J. New •
request, and was followed on the same I port, Sir II. Parrull.Lord W, Fitzgerald,
side by Earl Grey, Lord Lunsdown, Lord | and several other distinguished cbnrac-
Calthrop, and Lord Darnley, and were , ters. It was stated, at the meeting, that
opposed by the Lord Chancellor, arid [ the Queen’s plate had been lent to the
Lord Liverpool; and on the motion of Editor of the Courier, and, from the time
Lord Erskine to agree to the proposition it had been so lent, ennstunt attacks had
of the learned Council, the vote stood—, been made in that paper upon her. Ma*
Contents, 49 ; Non-Contents, 1*0—ma- .jesty’s conduct. .
that cn:i give “ prodigious power to A- joritv. I’ll,. * Tha following answer was. retttfnofl