Southern recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1820-1872, November 07, 1820, Image 2
Uv n,e Gneen to nu fftw the in- rch'llion nm! civil warm every Uhc. 1 nm happy i° Cn* 1 »«"y K "‘* forinas nnd uiy :ircui»»o! wrongs have mi powerfully interested the sym pathies of the inhabitants of St. Marys iVhito Chapel. •• The ton*pi racy which I am combat ting, though nominally directed against myself, is in fact n conspiracy against Jtritish liberty. No measure since the revolution Ims portended such disastrous consequences ns the present hill ol pain* and penalties ; while it threatens free dom, under all its diversified aspects, and with all its general rights and nil its par ticular securities,’U-at the same. lima darkens the perspective ol the future with u lowering appearance of civil war. It exhibits a cloud on the edge of the political horizon, that nitty burst in mis ery oil every family m the country. “ This bill of pains nnd pcnaltes may tluis be the harbinger of woe to every man's hearth l it may embitter the days of thousands nnd tens n) thousands, both rich aud poor, and produce irremediable regrets, •> After the noble stand which so many of the most estimable among the Peer* have made against this pestiferous bill, and the total want of any evidence to jus tify its enactment, it cannot be expected that it will pnss ; but, if it should pass, we must never lose sight of the proba bility that his Majesty may marry again : the issue of that marriage would, in all likelihood, cause a contested succession. That part of the nation which will not allow the hill of pains and penalties to be a constitfitiomd act, may nut readily sub mit to the offspring of a marriage which still never generally be deemed legitimate. “ If my marriage bo annulled, it must be annulled in defiance of all law. Thi Queen, therefore, who succeeded me, would only be nominally Queen ; for no lawful right can lie convycd by nn ille gal act, and, in the opinion of the great majority of the nation, nothing can stamp this hill of pains and penalties with any legal characteristic. It willneverbe re garded as any tiling more than an act of pure tyranny, nnd as 6uch it will excite the hatred of the present age, and ex perience the execration of posterity.” There are 77,000 Austrians on their march towards Italy, and many more rc- gimeuts ore ordered to be in readiness. Bergnini intends writing a book at Nenfchutel, and has applied for license to print the same. The Sicilians have 60.000 men armed, under the orders of the Junta of Paler mo : Messina, Augusta, and Trepina, are all the towns which have declared for •Naples. Cimtanissetta has been burnt for not taking part with the patriots, who were within 40 miles of Messina, which tnust surrender. LATEST PROM GIBRALTAR. The brig Orleans, l’ratt, has arrived at Boston, in 29 days from Gibraltar, bringing papers to the 16th Sept. The Columbus 74, and sloop of war Peacock, sailed on the 16th Sept, bound up the Mediterranean. The brig Spark sailed the 15th for Smyrna. The Algerine fleet passed Gibraltar on the 11th Sept, outward bound. The Orleans, in lat. 26, long SO, fell in with three sail, one of which she took to be an Algerine frigate, and the others, a ship and brig, her prizes. Madrid accounts are to the 7th Sept. Madiud, Sept. 6. For the last three or four days we have undoubtedly been threatened with dangers nnd calamities ; 6ince we have seen military precautions adopted, which indicated that government were ready to repel force by force. An energetic pro- elamatiou has been issued, denouncing *he utmost rigor of the law against all who shall attempt to disturb the public tranquility. On the 4th Sept, n committee was ap pointed by the Cortes to frame a law pro ject “for securing to the citizens the •faculty of enlightening each other by means of political discusions, at the same time avoiding the abuse of the same.”— On tho 7th, the Ministers were sent for to report on the state of the capital, as it had been in n violent agitation the night before, &: seditious cries had been heard in the very palace of the king. The mi nisters attended nnd read reports from the authorities at Madrid, by which it ap peared that attempts had been made to disturb the public tranquility. Owing to the contrary meaning of their cries, it vv.Ts impossible to ascertain to what party they really belonged ; but strong suspicions were entertained, that they were enemies to the new system, who (pnd hypocritically disguised their senti ments to escape detection. Gen. Itiego had been ordered to pro ceed to Oviedo, where he was to be quartered. The command of the pro vince ofGnllicia having been taken from him. The order for breaking up the armv ■of Audalusia, has been confirmed. Gibraltar, Sept. 16. This week's mails have brought three proclamations relative to the Revolution in Portugal. The first, dated Oporto, Aug. 21, is nddressedFto the soldiers by some individual terming n military coun cil who state that a reform of existing n- bascs is absolutely necessary. They eall upon the troops to assist them in organizing n Provisional Government, whose duty it shall he to convene the Cortes. The Cortes will he the legitim ate organ of the nation, nnd w ill draw up a Constitution calculated to secure her rights. The second is from the Govcr- nois of the Kingdom to the Portuguese, dated Lisbon, Ang. 29 ; describes the occurrences in Oporto as an act of rebel lion; cautions tin nation against bcinir do- vessel has just arrived with orders from iPru.-^ia will, it is said, take place about his Majesty, evincing the truly patera- the middle of October, either at I’esrhi i al solicitude with which he watches over | or at Tropxpan, on the frontiers of Hi- the welfare of the kingdom; and con- lorn. hides with expressing the hope the re bels will shortly return to a sense of their duty. The third is from the same Gov ernors to the Portuguese nation. It states, that, “ aware of the imminent danger to which the nation nnd the mon archy would he exposed if the crisis, oc casioned by the rising of the city of Op orto, should he protracted, they have come to the resolution of immediately convoking the Cortes, in the name of the King. They trust, that a measure which so clearly evinces the determination «r attending to tho complaints of the people, will immediately rally the whole nation round a legitimate and common centre ; and that all classes will become sensible of the necessity of such a union, in or der to avoid those, dreadful evils, anar chy, civil war, and perhaps tlie dissolu tion of the. monarchy.”, July 31. A decree of the 2(ith iust. establishes the liburty of the press, with a few re strictions. The government of Naples have issu ed more decrees in twenty days, than it has done before for the l.-i«t five years ; nine or ten are published daily. SEVENTEEN DA VS LATER. New-York, October 23. The British ship Mars,rapt, Mitchell, came into this port yesterday in the ve ry short passage of 22 days from Liver pool. The House of Commons, pursuant to adjournment, met on the ICth ol'Sept. &: were further adjourned to the 17lli Oct. At Oxford, tiie houses of tho publish ers of the Oxford Herald were attacked by a furious mob—nearly all the win dows, nnd many of tin: frames, were bro ken, hardly a room being left in an habi table state. The publishers narrowly escaped with their lives. This outrage w as occasioned by tho Herald taking the side of government against the Queen. All was tranquil al Madrid, and in Na ples. The revolution in Portugal is confirm ed by the London papers. The parti culars are similar to those already pub lished. One of the Paris Editors, speak ing on this subject, says, “ tjie revolu tionary Plague continues its ravages,” and then goes on with the details of oc currences in Spain, Portugal, Naples and Sicily. It is added that 20,000 men were on their march from Spain to as sist the Portuguese insurgents. Witnesses in favor of the Queen had arrived in London from Italy. The Queen has offered her portrait to the Common Council of the City of London, which has been accepted, and the thanks of the court ordered to be conveyed to her Majesty by the Lord Mayor. Numerous addresses had been pre sented to the Queen. Her answer to that ofSidwell. Exeter, is worthy of no tice. She says i consider rnyscif as perpetually acting in the presence of the Universal Father; and I endeavor to- measure my happiness more by confor mity to His will (linn by any variable compliances with individual inclination. Whatever may have been my personal afflictions, I consider thorn as designed either for the benefit of others, or for my own ultimate advantage. Hence, that Power, whose afflicting dispensa tions have caused many a torturing pang to iny heart, and many a sorrowful hour in my life, is the object of my devout nnd iny humble adoration. In all trials, 1 place a firm reliance on His goodness, without whose permission not a sparrow falls to the ground.” The 25th nit. was the day appointed by the Queen to receive addresses of condolence and congratulation from vari ous public meetings, held cither in the several pari-hes of the metropolis and its vicinity, or in more distant parts of the country. The deputations .appointed to convey the addresses went in procession to Brandenburgh house, attended by a great multitude. As the parties several ly arrived, the deputations were ushered into the Queen’s presence, and were graciously received; while the crowds assembled in front of the house, rent the air with acclamations. After the address es were presented, the Queen returned suitable answers, which appear in the London papers. Tlte Queen has accepted the Imperial Pultncy Hotel, Piccadilly, as her resi dence. The seamen had addressed the Queen, nnd 1400 sailors, in procession, went from one house at Wnpping. As they passed the Knightsbridge Barracks, they gave 3 cheers, and said, “ The Queen forever,” which was repeated by the eoldiers. The Portuguese minister at the Court of the Netherlands, has sent u circular to all the Portuguese Consuls, in which he says, that the events which have ta ken place in Portugal, oldige him. tilt the re-cstaWishment of good order, to cease delivering and countersigning pass ports fur that kingdom Hostilities were continued between the Porte nnd Ali Pacha of Jnnninn. The King had commenced his aquatic excursion in the royal yacht, lie was at Cowes on the 21st of September, On the 16th nfSept’r, Mr. Kean ap peared for the last time at Drory-lane, previous to Lis departure for America, in the character of Richard 111. The examination of persons concern ed in the recent conspiracy, was continu ed at Pari The Emperor of Russia has declined meeting the Emperor of Austria at the Camp at Pest. ’t he interview between the Emperoi ceivcd bv such pleasures; states (hat u of Russia and Austria, ua-i tbu Kin American vessels arrived, and ex pected at British oulporls with cargoes intended for France, have been per,.kitt ed by the Lords of the* British Treasury, to land their cargoes at such outpoit*. under the warehousing act pro tempore, in consequence of the heavy tonnage du ly in France, having caused the parties to suspend their original intention as to destination. Loxnox, Sept. 21. We nre informed that an express ar rived last night to the Spani-h ambassa dor, vvith intelligence that the chiefs ot the army of Andalusia, stationed in the Isle ile I,eon, have determined on com plete subnrission to (lie will ofthc king and the Cortes, and to disband the (roo|>* as soon as they reu iva a second com mand to that effect. Livr.nrnot, Sept. 70. There is no improvement in the Cotton Market. The advertisement of 11400 hags fur public sale to-morrow, so soon after the largo sales of the 15th, gives great oflVnee to the trade, and the prires in the meantime are rather uncertain. Upland toa 12; Ncvv- Orlenns 10 alt; Sen Island 17 1-2 H Cs !J. Flour is doll at 2 ts a 2 Is (id. Ill Ashes, To bacco, nr Nav al Stores (here is very little do le". Rico is dull at I Os 20s perevvt. We arc, very respectfully, Ke. RAT1IBONE, HODGSON fc CO. from Train. A letter from Madrid dated the 4th of Sept, states that the yellow fever had broken out at Cadiz and Lerez. The Commercial Report of the Cor tes lias been made-all English goods are recommended to he admitted at moder ate duties, hut the present imports and restrictions nre to continue till July, 1821, to afford time for preliminary ar rangements. A loan has been concluded of 200,- 800,000 reals. Marshal Kellerman was buried at Paris on the loth ol’Sept. Count Marlmis, hi® brother in-law pronounced an oration on the occasion which drew tears from e- very eye. Marshal Lcfcbvre, Duke of Dantzic, died at Paris on the 11th Sept, liis com plaint was water in the chest. General Riego has been sent into ban ishment. An article dated Madrid, Sept. i>, states (bat liiego, vvlio hail received orders to proceed to Galicia, and to dis band the corps of the army cantoned in the Lie do hcon, had endeavoured to change the resolution of the king and go vernment on this point. On the evening of the 31st of August lie went to the theatre, and behaved vvith the greatest indecorum, singing songs, kc. On the 3d of Sept’r, he attended a banquet of the Patriotic Societies—Gen. Quiroga refused to attend.—One of the ongs sung by Riego at the theatre was a few evenings afterwards called for by the audience of the theatre, hut the magis trates present would not allow it to be sung. An altercation took place between the magistrates and Riego. Naked wea pons were displayed ; the double guard was assembled : they loaded their mus kets, the performance ceased ; and the strates proceeded to the palace un der an escort. These proceedings caus ed the Cortes immediately to adopt mea sures to suppress patriotic associations— the resolution was carried by the most numerous majority that has yet taken place in the assembly. The government has also taken the following measures. General Riego dismissed from the post of Captain General ofGaTiicia, is sent to quarters at Oviedo, his native place. Colon ol San Miguel, his Aid-de-camp, and author of (lie Gcr. nil's Proclama tions, to Zamora. General Velasco, Governor of Madrid, to Valladolid.” Man»anaros, Colonel of Artillery, into Catalonia, anil Captain Munoz, to St. Se bastian. Outlie 51 h of Sept. Riego xvns desi rous ol'appoaring at the bar, and make his defence to (he Cories-—they refused him permission. On tiie same day ho was sent to Asturias under an escort of twenty horse. ■On the 5lh Sept, in the evening, a mul titude appeared at the palace. On soe- ingtlie king, they shouted “ Long live the king 1—Down with Trugit lu perro.” The words in italic were the chorus of Ricgo’s song at the theatre, which allu ded to the king—the translation of which are—“Gulp it down, dog.” On tiie same evening, another party called Lihereaux, appeared in front of the palace, crying “long live the constitu tion—the constitutional king and Riego.” They termed the latter their liberatior, and demanded his recnl. The evening was very turbulent.— Strong patrolcs, after much disturbance, effected the dispersion of the group* round the palace ; but the discontented, armed with flaming torches, burned lo the places where Iho patriotic societie assembled, and uttered vociferations of rage against the government and Cortes, nnd demanded the recnl of Riego. The residence of the magistrates be came the object of their animosity. It was expected they would set lire to the city, hut the soldiery succeeded in dis persing them. The garrison of Madrid 10,000 strong, hid defiance to intrigue, & remained faithful to the government. Paris, Sept. C. Before the departure of Lieut. General Lauristun, his Majesty engaged him ••to cause h'njauthurity lo lie respected at Brest;” ami 1 lie telegraphic dispatch received yester day evening, mtmuiuced that the. language held by General Cniithard, and the mcas- ,ures which he was determined to adopt with the approbation of General Lauristun, had sufficed to intimidate the factions, nnd that live spirit of discontent and rebellion nolong- ' ; er stalked in the public places. There is f| reason lo hope that the government will cs- j'frii'lico tin Oj-pusiliVii) lit ti e disan'.’.uif the N.v.itvnal Guard, which is the necessary consequence of its dissolution, since a great part of the amis are the property of the state. Notwithstanding the denge.i’ which the witnesses must incur, it is reported that some have appeared on whose depositions -everal persons have been apprehend' d I’m complicity in the outrages heaped on >1. Al. DeHart anti Bordeau. The affair of Die conspiracy will lust seve ral months—it has extensive ramifications, and every day brings to light some, import nut fact Some difference of opinion exists in the Chamber of Peers, concerning Die (right the house hits to delegate its authority to a commission. Al. le Marquis d’Aques- ssn, a descendant of Die Chancellor, declin ed on Saturday making part of the commis sion. Thn mail of Saturday, from Madrid, brought us the audacious addresses of Itiego and his brother officers to the Cortes Si to the King, in ronsequeneo ofthc order of Die Mi- nisti r of War for the disbanding of ltiegn’s army. The. address to the King is remar kable for its insolence and contempt of the royal authority ; he heap* reproaches on the unfortunate monarch, recals to his memory the faults of Die past, declares that traitors now, as formerly, environ the throne, ami draws sinister presages for the future. These documents have been rejected by the Cen sure. f hostile attenip!. Two grrai means niMafct t> secured now to every government, wlr POLITICAL STATE OF GERMANY. Confidential letter of Prince Mellcrnirh, Prime Milliner of Austria, to Baron Berstelt, Die Chief Minister of Dio Grand Duke of I Judea. (This leDor, \vu Relieve, isu circular sent to (lie whole ofthe German Princes.)—1a>h. paper. Your Excellency has expressed tho desire of his royal highness the grand duke to know in a general but precise manner, the ideas of Die imperial cabinet on tiie political state of Germany. This invitation on the part, ofn prince who gives daily the most laudable proofs of liis firm inclination to protect its welfare, ami profound sense ofthc ele ments w hich compose it,honors me as much as it imposes on me the duty of communica ting to your excellency, without resene, the point of view under which we consider the actual stiite of tilings. Time advances in tiie midst of storms: to endeavor to arrest its impetuosity would he n vain attempt.— Firmness, moderation, prudence, and a uni on of accurately ascertained forces, are still in the power ofthe protectors K. Die friends of order. This at present constitutes the duty of all sovereigns, and of all well-inten tioned statesmen; and he alone shall merit that title in Die day of danger, who, alter examining w hut is possible, and w hat is equi table, will not allow himself to be turned from Die noble object to w hich his efforts should tend, cither by incflecliud w ishes, or l.y d ejection of spirit. This object is easily determined. Incur days it is nothing more nor less than to main tain that which exists ; to attain it is the on ly means of preserving present advantages, perhaps even the best calculated to recover that which lias been already lost. To this end the efforts and the measures of all who are united by a common principle 8t a com mon interest ought to be directed. The com bustible elements which hud been long pre pared wore enflamed between the years 1017 and lf.20. The false course w hich iho French ministry pursued during that epoch—the to leration allowed in Germany to the most dangerous doctrines—the indulgence shown to audacious reformers—w eakness in re pressing the ulmses ofthe press ; finally, the precipitation with which representative con stitutions were given to the Southern States of Germany—all these causes have impress ed tiie most fatal direction an parties whom nothing cun satisfy. Nothing proves better the impossibility of satisfying these parlies than the observation, that their most active operations have taken place in tiie state where the greatest indul gence was shewn to their pretended view's. The evil had reached such a pitch before the Congi ess of Carlsbad, that a trilling po litical complication would have been suffici ent to overthrow entirely social order. The w isdom of the system which the great courts adopted has preserved them from the dan gers which might lie fatal. What then, hi such a case ought to be the inarch of an en lightened government? In proposing this question, wo presuppose Die possibility of salvation, and we think ourselves perfectly authorized to such a hope. In examining tho mentis by which we ran attain so eleva ted an end, we see ourselves brought back to the point whence we set out. To repair by little anil little till edifice which threaten ed to Tull, we must have i.satre foundation.— Thus, to secure a happier futurity, wo'must he sure, at least, of the present. The main tenance of that which exists, ought, there fore, to ho the first, ns well as tiie most im portant, of our caies. Tty this vv e do nut un derstand only the ancient order of tilings which lias been respected in some countries, but likewise aH the new institutions legally created. Tliis importance of maintaining them with firmrfessaml constancy may he seen by the attacks which have been made upon them, with a fury peril,;| s greater than against our ancient institutions. In the present times, tiie transition from what is ancient to what is new is accompanied with as much danger as Die return from what is new lo what lias been abolished. Both may equally lead to an ex plosion of the calamities which it is essential io avoid at any price. Not to deviate in any manner from the existing order of things from whatever origin it may have sprung; not to attempt changes though they should he thought absolutely necessary, except with entire liberty, and af ter a resolution maturely weighed, such is the fir-t duly of a government which is inclined to resist the evils ofthe age. Doubtless such a resolution, however just or natural, would exrite obstinate-opposition ; tmt the ndvtin tage of being placed upon a known mid ac knowledged basis is evident, because from this strung ground it would be easy lo stop or to anticipate in all directions tho necessa rily uncertain motions of the enemy. Wc regard the nhj'-ctiun which may be made, namely that among the constitutions hither to given to Germany, there are some which repose oil no basis, and have const no point d’appui as unfounded. If such has been the case, the demagogues, always inde fatigable, would not have failed to undermine them. Every order, legally established,con tains within itself the principle of a better system, provided it is not tho work of arbi trary power or of frantic blindness, (like lliat generally of the Cortes of 11:1 i.) It may moreover lie said, that a charter is not n con stitution properly so called : thn latter is foi- med by time, and depends always on Dio knowledge and inclination of government to give, to the dev elopement of the constitution al regime such a direction as may separate the good from the evil, consolidate public au thority, and preserve tho repose and the luip- with the feeling of it« dignity and its duty, lias determined no, in destroy itself. One of these means rests on Die sati: fac- lory conviction, that between the European powers there exi-ts no luisamlrrstamlii.j'. and that, according lo the invariable princi ples of sovereigns, none ran lie I'ori.'seen.— This fact, which is placed beyond all doubt, confirms our position and gnuri.iiteos our strength. The other means is the vinion formed in tho course of the last nine months between the German states ; nn union which, by the blessing of God, our firmness and fidelity will render indissoluble. The conferences at Carlsbad, and the de crees which issued from them, have acted in a more powerful and salutary manner than perhaps we dare own to ourselves at a time when we have still the feeling of those embarrassment* which agitate us, and when we can only calculate superficially nil the advantages which we have obtained. Measures, so Important as these, can only be appreciated in their whole extent when we can know the whole nf their results.— The speech which immediately follows can not present them all to Us, but we can appre ciate the effects produced Ivy the resolutions ofthc noth of September, by calculating the probable progress which the enemies of or der would have made without them. Tim results of the, conferences of Vienna, though of a more elevated order, will have an effect less brilliant, but more profound nnd desira ble. The consolidation of the Germanic union offers to each of the states whir compose it an efiieacious guarantee—an in valuable advantage in present circumstances, and one of which we could not have hern certainly assured, except by the course that lias been followed. Tliejgood faith and mo deration vvith which this important vvork liar been conducted may on the one hand have | fixed ns in certain points, and prevented ns . from taking measures more hold and erier- getn ; but on the other, supposing such course possible, there would haw been wan ting to this work one of the first conditions, namely, the free conviction and the sincere confidence of all the contracting parties. Nothing could have compensated such a defect, which must have been in every nt- tempt to put in execution determinations made under such auspices. In general the moral force of the confederation was neces sary as its legislative force ; and the pro gress which tiie conviction of the utility nnd the necessity of this union lias made, is, in our opinion, a most important and most hap py result. • The rules which the German govern ment will henceforward have to ol/serve may he pointed out in a fi ve word* :— 1. Confidence in the duration of Europe an peace, and in the unanimity ofthe princi ples which direct the high allied powers. 2. A scrupulous attention ".o their own system of administration. 1). Perseverance in tilt maintenance ofthc legal basis of the existing constitutions, and a firm determination to defend them vvith force and prudence against every individual attack. 4. The amelioration of essential faults in these constitutions : this amelioration being made iiy Government, and grounded on suf ficient reasons. In case of insufficiency of means, an appeal to Die assistance of the Confederation—an assistance which every member has the must sacred right to exact, and which, according to present stipulations, can less than ever be refused. Such is, according to us, the only truly sa lutary, legal aud safe course. On such prin ciples rests the political system of the Km purer ; and Austria tranquil in her interior, possessing an imposing mass of moral force and physical resources, will not only make useof them for her own preservation, but will always be ready to dispose of them for tho advantage of her confederates, when duty aud wisdom demand their exercise. 1 have the honor to he (Signed) METTERNICII. Loxnox, Sept. 7. The Paris papers of Sunday inform us, that tile Duke of Cambridge proceeds to Vi enna, to assist at the conferences about to lie iieliUn that capital, relatively to the affairs of Italy; it is further hinted, that the co-npern- iou of England in the measures which are proposed fur adoption towards that country wilt become a subject of debate during the visit of his Royal Highness. Doubts are in sinuated in Die French journals whether Die Duke dc Galio, the new minister from Na ples, to the Court of Austria, will lie receiv ed by liis Imperial Majesty. It is further said, that the Emperor ■Francis will not re cognize flic new constitution of Naples ; that King Ferdinand, when restored by Austria lo the exercise of iiis former despotism, will pledge himself against any concession to liis subjects except with consent of the Austrian Government; and that, in case of liis giving way at any future time to compulsion, no acts of that Sovereign arc to be.deemcd obli gatory or valid. Austria, according to ru mour, undertakes for the maintenance of her own great army in Italy, of which 40,000 men are on the route to Naples ; 40,000 arc to remain in cantonments near Ferraja, in readiness to assist any Italian Princes, who may be on had terms vvith their people ; and 10,000 are to constitute an army of reserve within the frontier of Austrian Lombardy. A note from Die Emperor of Austria i talked of, in which he guarantees to the se veral Courts of Italy their security, peace fo independence,us established by the Congress of Vienna. We publish, such as we have received it, a document purporting to be a letter from Prince Mettc.rnieh to thn Minister of Baden, on Die political state of Germany. The ob ject ofthe letter seems to by to lay down a fixed and inflexible rule for the conduct ofo- very royal government at the present crisis. That rule is very short; it is “ to preserve every existing institution,” not only as Die means of immediate safety, hut of recover ing those advantages which have been alrea dy lost. Of course Prince Metternicli can not mean that it would be desirable to main tain every abuse which now exists, or to r store abuses which have been already re formed in compliance vvith public feeling and opinion. Sept. 8.—Wc cannot find, in the French journals of Monday last, any article worth extracting. Tranquility and confidence ap peal' to he restored in France. Tho ramifi cations of the late plot arc no longer dreaded and (he funds, recovering from their depres sion, have mounted to 77!’. r>0c.; with a pros pect, says the Aloiiiteor, ofn still further rise. The intelligence from Spain and Na ples is neither new nor important. Tho. Spa nish Cortes proceed in tlifir discussions vv it 1 the temper and spirit becoming a free as sembly. The Junta of Palermo have ad dressed a letter to the niunieipalitiestliruiigh oit Sicily, breathing a resolution to II’. c f;u piness of tho tnwa tf the uutsoa from every 0 f the Neapolitan yoke. I. fscslen f}rF>’ .Cdvttfi , - BONAPARTE. \\ c f ake n further extract from the Review i I Louis Bonaparte's history ot Ins min.mist ration in Holland, in the last North American Rev icw, containing ano ther letter from Napoleon to hiiT bro ther : The relations between Holland and France continued in this uncertain nnd unfriendly state till towards the close of the year 1009. lu the summer if that year the Riilish made u descent upon tho ■ land of W iilchoren in Zealand, which tuinul out more unfortunately than al most any expedition ofthe war. One of its edi cts Was to hasten the crisis of affairs in Holland. A Frenchmrmy had been collected in the bordering prov in ces ofthe two countries to repel the Lri- ^ tish, and, after the lattar had disappear ed, it was thought prudent by Napoleon to improve this opportunity to execute the project of union, which he hud foe' some, uuie been meditating. The French troops accordingly began to inarch into Brabant and Zealand. Under these cir-' cmnslnnecs it was necessary for Louis to come to some decisive resolution with regard to his own conduct. lie seems to have inclined to the idea of concluding J an alliance at uuce vvith England, mid o'p- ? posing by force the emperor’s aggressi ons. This determination, however mag nanimous and spirited, would have been evidently desperate and disastrous to the country. It is true that the Dutch had succeeded a century before by cutting tho dikes, in opposing a temporary re st-dance to Louis XIV, until the coalition of the powers of Europe could come to llirir niil. At present nothing could be hoped from the continental states who had all been crippled in the campaign erf 1809, nor after the expedition ofWnU choren had jmt ended as it did, could as sistance. he looked for from England. In deed the European powers probably con sidered the fate of Holland as decided, when it was placed under the govern ment of Louis, and would hardly have thought it worth vvliilo to engage in a war to prevent a union from taking place, which already existed in substance .Such were the ideas of the ministry ia Holland, and Louis was advised not to attempt an open resistance but to cudca- vor, by making his broflier a visit at Pa» ris. to conciliate his good will, & cliango liis determinations. These had already been announced by the ernperor vvifli- out much disguise. After concluding at Schocnbrtion the treaty of 1809, he was heard to say to his ofliccrs—kc hare fi nished our work here ; wc have nothing to do now but lo march against Spain, and especially against Holland. Louis arriv ed at Paris the 1st of December of tho. same year. ile luid but little reason however to be satisfied vvith the success of his jour ney. If he had been treated vvith cold-, ness and contempt at the time of liis ap-. pointment to the crown, be was now made the object of outrage and almost of personal violence, lie was placed un der guard in his house, and constituted virtually a state prisoner. Advantage, however, was taken of his presence to make an overture to the British ministry for the revocation cf the orders in coun cil ; a private agent, M. Labouchere, of the house of Hope Si Co. of Amsterdam, was despatched to sound Lord Welles ley, ostensibly as from the government of Holland, and to let him know, that if the orders were nut repealed, Holland would certainly ho uuited to the French empire. The British government, con sidering their decrees ns retaliatory up on France, and not being willing to take the first steps in a common lepeul, decli ned tiie overture. Every effort was now employed by Louis to prevent the union, although it L rather difficult to imagine, what advantage he could expect by pro tracting a litter longer a state of embar-. rassiTient, which could not well he ex pected to have any other conclusion, considering the absolute inconsistency 1 of the object of Napoleon in placing him in Holland, and Die principles ol’govern ment he had adopted, in answer to it loiter demanding an explanation of the Emper's views upon Holland, the follow ing reply was made by Napoleon. .Sir, iny brother, I received the letter ofyour majesty. You wish I should give you to know my intentions with respect lo Holland. When your majesty moun ted the throne of Holland, a part of the Dutch nation desired a union with France. Tlie esteem, which I had been taught by history to feci for that brave nation, led me to desire (hat it shoul tv preserve its name and independence. I drew up a constitution myself, which wot to be the base of your majesty’s throne, and 1 placed you on it. 1 hoped that edu cated near myself, you would have had that attachment to France which she lias a right to expect from her children, arid still more from her princes. 1 hoped thut educated in iny policy, yon would have felt that Holland conquered by my people,, owed its independence solely to their generosity : that Holland, weak, w ithout'*) alliance, and without an army, would and should be conquered the day she opposed herself directly to Franco ; that you had no right lo seperate your policy from mine, nnd that finally, Holland was bound by treaties with me. I hoped that in pla cing on the throne of Holland a prince of iny own blood, 1 had discovered the mezzo lerminc, which would conciliate the interest* ofthe two stales, and unite them in a common interest aod a com mon hatred to England, and 1 was con fident 1 had bcnelittcd Holland, as by my act of mediation i had Switzerland. Ret I soon found that 1 had amused myself by a vain illusion : my hopes were decei ved. Your majesty, on mounting ti o- I throne of Hollnnd, fortrot you were a l Frcuciiwin, and you have tried nil t t-