Southern recorder. (Milledgeville, Ga.) 1820-1872, July 30, 1872, Image 2

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Dt © MILLEDGEVILLE TUESDAY. JULY 30, 1872. FOR PRESIDENT. HORACE GREELEY, Of New York. FOR VICE PRESIDENT. B. GRATZ BROWN, Of Missouri. for Governor. JAMES M. SMITH, of Muscogee. Dissolution—Notice. From and after the issue of this edition of the Southern Recorder, it will be entirely under the control of John A. Orme, R. A. Harrison having retired, turning over all debts due the Recorder under the firm name of R. A. Harrison & Orme. • Notice is hereby given our pa trons and readers that no one is au thorized to collect any debts due the Recorder except ourselves or an an nounced authorized agent published in our paper. JOHN A. ORME. The Democratic State Convention Of the 24th unanimously, by accla mation, nominated Gov. Smith, for Governor. Mr. James had previ ously withdrawn his name from the Convention. Whether it was with a view to an independent candidacy, seems to be regarded with doubt and suspicion. We think not. Mr James is spoken of in the highest terms by those, who should know him best. If worthy of their enco- niums, he will not treacherously permit his name used to distract, divide, and so defeat his parly, and deliver his State into the hands of her enemies again. The Convention ratified Balti more without a dissent, and nomin ated the following Electoral Ticket: For the State at large : Gen. W. T. Wofford of Bartow, Gen. Henry L. Benning of Muscogee, Hon. Washington Poe of Bibb, Hon. Juli an Hartridge of Chatham. Alternates—Gen. A. H. Colquitt of DeKalb, General Eli Warren of Houston, Judge A. H. Hansell of Thomas, Hon. Geo. D. Rice of Hall. Fust District—H. G. Turner, of Brooks; alternate, J. Rivers,ofLau rens. Second District—R. N. Ely, of Dougherty ; alternate, A. L. Hawes, of Baker. Third District—W. I. Hudson, of Harris; alternate, P. F. Smith, of Coweta. Fourth District—J. M. Pace, ot Newton ; T. F. Newell, of Baldwin. Fifth District—H. R. Casey, of Columbia; alternate, Alpheus M Rodgers, of Bu^e. Sixth District—J. N. Dorsey, of Hall; alternate, L. J. Allred, of Pickens. Seventh District—E. D. Graham, of Dade; alternate, R.. A. Alston, of DeKalb. Joe Brown and a few other Scal awags petitioned for alliance, on terms of furnishing part of the Elec toral Ticket. The Convention was civil enough to send a committee to confer with them, and reject the proposal. This was as it should be. The little squad of disorganized Rads represented nobody but them selves and have no assurance of a hundred associates in the Stale. For one hundred thousand Demo cratic voters to “treat” with them on equal basis, would be “sticking to principle” with absurd devotion. The proposition had scarcely a sem blance of 'party alliance. It was re ally but the persojial adhesion of a few individuals, whose audacity demanded the recognition of treaty affiliation. Like thousands of oth ers, they would have modestly “fall en into line,” without proclamation, had not their treasonable obliquities needed white-washing into respec tability- The Democratic Conven tion was the chosen tool for this pu rification. Civilly, they replied, “not for Joe,” and the people responded, Amen! (communicated.) Report of the Lunatic SAsylum Inves-j tigating Committee- This report was evidently pre pared by men of education and abil ity, and contains many valuable suggestions. Some of them, doubt* less, if adopted, would enure to the permanent improvement of the In stitution. Such suggestions will readily commend themselves to any one upon perusal of the report, and need no particular mention. But we cannot give the report our cordial approval. It is marked by indiscriminate censure, and we do not hesitate to say, after hearing both sides, that it lacks candor. Ma ny of the abuses which Dr. Cum* ming exhibits with such pungency, severity and acrimonious pleasure, were pointed out to him by the offi cers of the Institution. They at tempted to conceal nothing. Most of these abuses were remediless at their hands. The Trustees and Le gislature are alone in fault, and no blame should attack to these subor dinate officers. Gladly would they have seen reform instituted. ries and other corporations expect (Columbus Sun. The Atlanta Deut uiisfmo to a very worthy gentleman—the apothecary. The suspicion is insin uated that he has used otherwise than legitimately the liquors entrust ed to his charge ? What is the truth of this matter? The 515 gallons of Dr. Cumming’s “ardent spirits” (?) includes the alcohol used in the pre paration of medicines, wines, cider'', and liquors of all kinds. Allow each of the 400 patients two tablespoon- fulls a day, and it will be seen by a careful calculation that every gallon of the 515 will be drank in one year. Some of the patients, upon the phy sician’s prescription, drink three bot~ tics of porter inj a day. Nor must we forget what is drank by the Trus tees at their regular meetings. The Committee notice the fact that some of the patients are not clean. Have either of these gentle men ever had charge of a Lunatic Asylum. Do they know that most of these patients were raised in dir ty hovels, are paupers, that they riot in filthiness? In the language of a distinguished physician, (not con nected with the Asylum) “if the State would keep the patients clean, she must for each provide a con stant nurse and a warm bath and a suit of clothes for every hour in the day.” More than a score of Legislative Committees, and probably 10,000 visitors, many of them able physi cians, have examined the Institution since its establishment. The au thorities have courted inspection— why have all these so long kept si lent ? If “there was nothing to com mend,” (Dr. Cumming’s words,) why was it not discovered sooner ? Will not a fair-minded public think that the opinions of this last Com mittee are somewhat “larded with” unfairness. The report is still further obnox ious to criticism. It gives no sug gestions of practical value. Some of the improvements advocated are admirable; yet we see no available remedy suggested by these gentle men for the errors of which the pres ent reported management is so pro lific. The suggested changes of a practical nature, unless some of no real importance, are puerile in the extreme. After a month spent in a thorough examination of the Institu tion, with all the facilities which their position afforded them, what do they offer as the fruit of their la bor? A bill! which is to purge the Asylum of all uncleanness as with hyssop ; to eradicate all errors and reprove all abuses. For aught that we can see the adoption of the pro posed law by the Legislature would be “swapping the d—1 for a witch.” By the present law, the entire control of the Institution is vested in three Trustees, with a yearly sal ary of one hundred dollars, who elect all its officers and make rules by-laws for its governance. How does the proposed law differ from this, but in making the number of Trustees five—and giving them a per diem of 87 and mileage, instead of a yearly salary. This per diem is only to be paid them for sixteen days in the year, so the old law j s about as broad as the new is long- What business man would give the proper time and attention to this noble charity for one hundred dol lars? Who, except one of its regu larly enrolled patients, would think sixteen days during the year from any five men, however capable, suf ficient for the management of this great property ? Do banks, tacto- as much from their officers ? Is their government so loose, so exquisitely ridiculous ? Let the Legislature show some ptaclical sense in this business. Either abolish the office of Trustees altogether and surrender everything to the Superintendent and his sub ordinates, or secure good Trustees, pay them well, and the State will be served well. If the Legislature would lay the axe at the root of the evil, let them change the law on this point. * The Infamy of Bnilock. We copy from the Constitution, an interesting report of the investiga ting committee on Bullock’s admin istration. Never was there such villainy and unblushing rascality as is revealed. Read it. John C. Nichols, E. F. Hoge, S. A. McNeil. W. H. Payne, and C. J. Welborn, the committee on Bul lock’s official mismanagement, have reported. The evidence is volumi nous and decisive of boundless guilt. The committee has done its work well. Its labors have been toilsome and faithful. We shall give the matters estab lished. The complicity and copart- iroistiif/ uf Duiiuck and Kimball is clearly proven. E. S. Jones testi fies that Kimball admitted it and en joined him “to keep mum.” They kept their bank accounts together. As State’s agent Kimball borrowed S255.000 and owed $54,500 on the Opera House. Making an aggregate of $309,500, of which he only paid $160,000, leaving $149,500 still due the Stale. Bullock permitted Kim- bal to borrow money on the State’s credit and use it privately, and also paid out the State’s money interest on Kimball’s private loans. All of the fraudulently aided railroads Kimball was President of. Bullock overdrew his personal ac count in the Georgia National Bank $68,058 98. He had a “special ac count” in the same bank, which is made up of Slate items amounting to $776,834. The balance of this account due him was $122,953 59. It is the change of this account to the personal account by the bank to secure itself that caused the seizure of the bank. Bullock permitted Slate money deposited in the bank to be used on Kimball’s account. The purchase of the Opera House is shown to have been corruptly aided by Bullock. The committee reports that a fraud was perpetrated at the start, in which Bullock participated. Bul lock framed the leading papers con nected with the matter. To cover the mortgage of $60,000 on the building, Kimball deposited with the Governor a certificate, tor $130,- 000 ot city bonds. The city was only due $100,000 of bonds, and, therefore, the certificate was a false one. The bonds were appropria ted by Bullock and Kimball tor their private use. Bullock was charged with the care of these bonds ana corruptly permitted them to pass out of his hands. Kimball was to return $54,500 advanced to him for fixing the Opera House. Bullock issued him all of his bonds, without requiring the return of this money. The mortgage of $00,000 is unpaid, the bonds to cover the mortgage gone and Kimball’s $54,500 still un paid, all of which is due to Bullock and shows official corruption and venality. The committee is convinced that Bullock had an interest in the Mitch ell property. Wherever Kimball figured there was Bullock. Kimball bought the property once, but that was rescinded and a new arrange ment was made that gave him the entire control of the claim for a cer tain sum, and Kimball and the heirs should divide after payment of ex penses. The property brought $215,000. The heirs got about $50,000. Governor Jenkins em ployed Collier & Holt in this case. Bullock employed Col. Dougherty, Hopkins & Brown, and Doyal & Nunnally, and retained Collier & Holt. All these attorneys were ad ded to the service ol the Attorney General. When Kimball submitted the terms of compromise to pay $35,000 for the State’s title, Gov ernor Bullock sent the proposition to the lawyers employed, Hopkins & Brown being the leading counsel. The counsel were four against com promise, Colonel Nunnally being excused from giving an opinion.— There is a conflict of testimony. Colonel Hopkins made the report of the counsel. He understood that they had arrived at no conclusion and so reported. The others un derstood differently. Under his re port Bullock sent a message favor ing the compromise which was made by the Legislature, who took $100,000, ofterd by certain citizens of Atlanta. The committee reports that the measure was carried through by a resort to the most shameless expedients, which Bul lock knew of. Bullock contracted to the press for advertising and proclamations $140,395, including forty-two pa pers. This is outside of public printing and State Road pri-iting.— Of this amount $28, 446 17 is still unpaid, $111,951 54 having been paid. The heaviest single amount due is $1,242 50 to the Methodist che Zeitung is due $969. Rewards for criminals were followed by par dons for the same culprit. Rewards were offered after capture of scamps was made. The purchase of the “Era” wa3 the crowning outrage of this sort of thing. The committee report Bullock the real owner of the paper, and do not doubt that he bought it with the Slate’s money. Blalock, the business manager, un derstood from Dr. Bard, who sold, that Bullock was the real owner. Bullock gave directions about its management, retaining employees, raising salaries, etc. The paper was forced on the State Road em ployees, who* were discharged if they did not take it. The State Road was bled to support the pa per. Slate patronage was poured upon it to a criminal extent. Bul lock and Kimball borrowed for the State and themselves $3,334,267. There is still due of this $702,654,- 50, The Fourth National Bank of New York advanced $1,285,263 39 for coupons and expenses. The committee report against paying $35,000 to Fulton Bank of Brook lyn on $50,000 currency bonds, loaned to Kimball; against $75,000 to Russell Sage, loaned on $130,000 currency by Sage to John Rice for Kimball. Bullock tried to subsidize the lawyers as well as the press. He paid fees to the sum of $49,361,- 75. Ha paid his uncle, R. H. Brown, over $7,000. Large fees were paid in cases in which the State had no interest. The com mittee recommend suits to recover the money illegally paid. Bullock pardoned broadcast, gen erally going on the recommendation of his Secretary, Capt. Atkinson, who examined the papers. He par doned 523 cases. Money could get pardons. Some of the Gov ernor’s staff bad a pardon broker age. Pardoning before conviction was a favoii.e practice. Pardon for political fealty was much on docket. Bullock sinned broad- gauge in this particular. The management of the Peniten tiary under Bullock was a whole sale system of stealage Colonel Walton, Chief Keeper, Postell his son-in-law, Clay, Eugene Walton, Wills—all are proven to have stolen Penitentiary property. The record is shameful. Bullock’s attention was called to the matter, but he did not interfere. Bacon, shoes, wag ons, oxen, whiskey, etc., walked into the pockets of its officers. Grp.nt, Alexander & Co., paid Hul- bert $5,000 to use his influence with Bullock to let them have the convicts. The committee conclude that Bullock shared in the plunder. It recommends that steps be taken to get back the stolen property. Bullock’s connection with the State Road is attended to by an other committee. This committee satisfied itself that Bullock was in the frauds. The committee looked very little into the State Road lease question, and express no opinion. Bullock indorsed bonds for the Brunswick & Albany Railroad, the Cartersville & Van Wert Railroad, and the Cuthbert, Bainbridge & Columbus Railroad, with full knowl edge that the roads were not com pleted to warrant the indorsement, and he lied repeatedly afterwards to help the sale of these illegally in dorsed bonds. The committe argue that he would not thus have repeat* edly violated law save for pay. The record of Bullock’s role as a “reconstructor” was a diabolical one. His remodelling of the Leg islature is too fresh to need recital. George P. Burnett is satisfied that Bullock paid his Washington expen ses out of the State Road. The committee touches on Bul lock’s general extravagance. Bul lock sent through the Express Com pany North $5,533,000 in bonds. He paid the express Company $6,- 583 freights. He paid the Tele graph Company $2,297. He paid $600 to halt a dozen papers in Georgia to publish his State’s-right letter to Senator Scott. He paid John L. Conley $11,500 for his un necessary Analysis of the Constitu tion. The cost of the Analysis was $1,924. He paid the Atlanta Intelligencer $2,000 to publish the decisions in the White case; the publication be ing unauthorized, and an infringe ment of the Supreme Court repor ter’s lights. He paid by draft $32,900 to minority members of the Legislature installed by force for time they never served, and that others served and got pay for. The committee recommend suits to get this money back. But it would be an endless job to recount all the things against Bul lock. The committe present a pow erful and unanswerable indictment against him. If he failed to do any Gubernatorial wrong it was because he lacked the chance. The^committee has done its work well, and is entitled to public thanks for it. Spinks is not going to do any more in conundrums. He asked his wife why he was like a donkey, and she said because he was born so, and he says that the answer is very dif ferent from that. Adrianople has been visited by a hailstorm which killed 2,000 sheep, , , ,, many cows and horses, besides de book concern, the smallest $5, to the stroying the crops. The address of Col. Hardeman, on taking the chair, as permanent i President of the Democratic Con vention, was so eloquent that we lay it before our readers. He said in substance: Gentlemen of the Convention: I thank you for the honor you have conferred upon me, and will bring to the dis charge ot the duties of the position an ardent desire so to perform them, that, if eliciting not your approval, I will silence by my efforts, the de nunciation of your censure. The occasion that convenes us is fraught with grave issues and weighty re sponsibilities. We have assembled as freemen to give expression to our choice for one to whom we are wil ling to entrust, for four years, the interest and honor ot Georgia, and, looking beyond the State and its do mestic affairs, we are to arrange our forces for that great conflict in No vember, upon the result of which hangs the fate of representative gov ernment and constitutional liberty. I am not insensible of the dangers that threaten us. I need not recall the history of the past—its hopes and disappointments, its conflicts and defeats. I need not sadden you with the recital of the perils of the wilderness through which you have journeyed. I will not tell you how enemies without and worse foes within desecrated your altars, pro faned your temples, depleted your treasury, sullied your honor and dis graced your State; for these were the causes that constrained you in December last to dtive these money changers from the sacred temple of your liberties, and to register these your patriotic vows that never agaio should they profane the temple where honor had erected her altars and patriotism kindled her sacrifi cial fires. Not a year has elapsed since we resumed |our temple ser vice, and our people are gladdened with the surroundings of the pres ent and confident of continued im provement in the future. Corrup tion walks no more in high places ; crime no longer protected by Execu tive clemency, stays his bloody hand, or satisfies the requirements of the law. An elastic conscience and a subservient will are no longer passports to Executive favor and preferment. Justice governs our courts and wisdom our counsels, and the old State redeemed and disen thralled commands again the admi ration of her sons and defies the carping criticisms of her enemies. I congratulate you, my countrymen, upon the happy transition. Verily our State has bowed beneath the pressure of military surveillance and domestic misrule, but, thank God, she has not been broken or crushed. With a fortitude undaunted by re verses, and a will unshaken by ad versity, looking proudly at her glory in the past, and looking forward to the great interest and welfare of her people in the future, she bursts the chain that fellers her, and in the strength of a noble purpose, and an unswerving devotion to right, she resumes her onward march to glory and to greatness. In her interest we have, my countrymen, duties to perform to-day, and I indulge the hope that, rising above the consider ation of personal preferment, selfish desires and past animosities, we shall be found adequate to the du ties of the occasion and the require ments of the State. Let wisdom direct our deliberations, and looking alone to the great interest at stake— our present prosperity anrl future welfare—let us by our action to day so shape her policy and her councils that the constituency we represent will be honored by our meeting and the State we love elevated by our labors. Bound by a common inter est and a common affection to the loved old Commonwealth, let us subordinate personal prejudices and preferments to the will of the people and the welfare of the Stale. Ban ish discord from your midst. Silence forever the mu*»®~ings of disappoint- ~ ‘ ambition, and as our people, W. A. HUFF’S Corn and Bacon EMPORIUM OF MIDDLE GEORGIA! Com ! Corn!! Corn!!! THE LARGEST AND MOST SELECT STOCK OF White and Mixed Corn Always to be found at the Store of W. A. HUFF. -:o:- BACON! A MERCHANT OR PLANTER WILL ALWAYS Find it to His Interest TO CALL ON ME BEFORE MAKING HIS PURCHASES IS THIS ARTICLE. W. A. HUFF, ed bound together by the blood-bought memories of the past, the danger of the present and the hopes of the fu ture, keeping ever in mind devotion tion to principle and right, let us in terlock our shields and nobly battle for Georgia’s interest, Georgia’s hon or, and Georgia’s glory, and when victory shall have crowned our ef forts, when the will of partisan ma jorities shall yield to courts and con stitutions, when bayonet rule shall be numbered with the usurpations of the past, when the laws shall be made by the representatives of the people’s choice, when sovereign States shall regulate their own do mestic affairs, unawed by fear, un menaced by standing armies, when the writ ol habeas corpus shall have thrown the aegis of its protection around the liberties of the citizen, when good will shall join hand lo hand and heart lo heart, when peace, with all her blessings, and prosperi ty with all her fluffs, shall gladden the hearts and the homes of our peo ple, then will the results of the de liberations of the present and the conflicts of the hour be felt and ac knowledged, and Georgia will add her anthem shout to the swelling chorus of the Slates—Peace for the people — self government for the States—a Union of equality tor them all. -:o:- Flour, Meal, Hay, Oats, Sugar, Bran, Coffee, Bagging, Salt, Ties, Syrup, &c., Subscribe for the Recorder, one dollar for six months. &Cr ALW>YS ON HAND, IN LARGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES For Cash or Good Paper. IV. A. HUFF* MACON, GA., July 30, 1S72.