The Macon daily telegraph. (Macon, Ga.) 1860-1864, November 06, 1860, Image 2

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■WWWilf :JSSRSW*1i»^!SK3r?3rStiS3S»T>"TStS**&*T -V*8*ns*S?'*f5»:*4 Jttacon JBailg Ctlcgrapl), SECOND DISPLAYeca SUBSCRIPTIONS'—IUJVF, $6Jffi a yes* in advanM; Weekly, $2jOO a yS» In advance. -Subscriber* to the Weeklv will be p&t cm a jcaeli basic as soon as possible, and all subaeriptioSB discaptlnped which are not paid H» advance. Wovrtll endeavor in a few weeks to render evciVnan b*p account, and stop all papers not paid in advance,after the lapseof area- sonabletlme. * . , ADVERTISEMENTS.—Persons sending m advertise ments must be particular u> ypeeiftr whether they I are intended for the Daily or WeeHy, or for both. I All advertisements aot coming under a special or ! general contract will be charged One Dollar per Square for the first publication, and Ffty Cents par | souare for every subsequent insertion. A square , is one inch, or lesB, in length ol column. Double column advertisements, It insisted on, must eome undera special contract for breaking columns.— Regular contract advertisers lor the year can pnr- - r.hnoo titmTT ln the Daily at $20 ate inch, for the year, and iwthe Wpekly at $10. Th$ contracts to run for the year, a»d count, whether they occupy contracts piyablO'«i ner centum—and forfeited, on failure to meet the . regular payments. Standing professional Cards, ofnot more than a half an Inch, will be Inserted in the Daily at $10, and Weekly at & payable in ad vance Candidates announced, in either paper, at « payable in advance. All transient advertising will De due and payable on demand. PARTICULAR NOTICE.—All subscribers desiring their papers changed from one post-office to anoth er must dc particular to specify not only the office 1o which they wish their paper sent, but also the office from which they wish it transferred. •.•Subscriptions can he made to the Daily, for any time less than a year, at Fifty Cents a month. . - MAC Q*N. (t KO RG IA: TUESDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 6. Cooutugr on* the Votes—A Proposition. In view of the general anxiety to hear the result of presidential election, and in order to second the movement ofthe Telegraph to grati fy this desire, we suggest that, as soon as the polls shall he closed, the Superintendents shall assort and count out the various tickets, so as to ascertain the number given to each. If this he done, the vote at the heaviest-box in the State can be ascertained within the space of an hour. The Superintendents can afterwards, and at their leisure sound the names of the candidates, and formally record the votes given to each. Will the daily press of the interior call atten tion to the suggestion? We call the attention of our Poll Instructors to the foregoing suggestion from the Savannah Republican. ELECTION DAY IN ATLANTA. The Atlanta papers contain the following no tice, and we commend it to consideration here: NOTICE. Believing that it will be conducive to the peace and harmony of the citizens, it is most respectfully reouested by the ft ay or and Coun cil of the city of Atlanta, that the keepers of Bar-rooms and retail houses, will close the same ou the 6th instant, the daf*of the election. Nov, 3, I860.- WM EZZARD, Mayor. Tiie People for Union.—Whatever may be the nefarious schemes of gambling politicians, for dissolving the Union, the people will not suf fer it. Throughout the rural districts, there is not one man in ten who will sustain the disun- ionisL We heard a day or two ago of ten or twelve planters from Twiggs county, Breckin ridge men, who were in East Macon anxiously enquiring about the contemplated fusion; but getting no positive information, remarked, if there was no common ticket, they should vote for Bell and Everett, for they were no disunion- IsL And tliat is the sentiment of three-fourths of the people of Georgia.—Macon Telegraph. We cut the foregoing from the Augusta Chron- cle & Sentinel of Saturday last. That paper has committed an error in accrediting the para graph to the Telegraph, and as to the truth of the statement that three-fourths of the people will vote for Bell & Everett, to morrow will de cide. GEN. CALL ON LINCOLN’S ELECTION. The Tallahassee Floridian & Journal of the 3d instant makes the following note of a recent g|Htecn-pr fiA u c n $——*j— Bell and Everett club of Tallahassee. General Call is a leading spirit, of the party in Florida, jjuid heretofore known as a strong Union man. Gen. Call addressed the Bell and Everett club on Monday night last. The General was lis tened to with respect and attention. He viewed the election of Mr. Lincoln as almost certain. If so, he would be a usurper, elected upon princi ples outside of the Constitution. Elevated to office bv a sectional faction with the avowed ob ject of destroying the institutions of the South, he would be the President of that faction, and not of the.United States. He would either be a traitor to his party or his country. Southern men should resist his administration at its be ginning—their honor, safety and interest re quired them to do so. He hoped there would be'no division upon this subject in the South. He said no patriotic man in the South should accept office under his administration. W ith- out the aid of Southern men to fill the offices, Mr. Lincoln could not carry on the government His friend Col. Blackburn had announced his intention to resign the office of United States Marshal, to take effect on the 4th of March next. He honored him for his determination, and hoped all others jn office, would follow his patriotic ex ample. For the Telegraph. TO MISS Before I knew thee, I am told Thy heart was light and free; For nature wore her smiling face. And all was peace with thee. Thy parting lips and pearly teeth, And brow so white and fair. Were beautiful as the roses In Thy dark and shining hair. That silvery voice, that voice so sweet. Ran loud ia laughing glee, As o'er tue dewy hills thy feet, Bounded in ecstacy. The smiles danced on thy rosy cheek, And o'er thy loveiy face, Like sunshines playful little freaks In some sweet shady place. That lonely, dark and sunless day— Ah! can I e're forget! When not one single cheering ray Smiled on ns when -we met ? The hopes which nestled In thy breast Had yielded to the sighs, „ And to the starting tears which filled Those vacant, mournful eyes. No! never can the flight of years. Those sacred scenes efface, -When hope had fled, and those sad tears Came trickling down thy face. Grief coldly nissed thy smiles away— Thy heart so dreary now, Sets fast its seal of sadness on That pale and thoughtful brow. But, dear one, I had rather look Upon those tearful eyes,-* And gaze into theif deep dark depths Where dreamy sorrow lies, And grasp that soft white hand of yonrs, And soothe that sching brow, Than look npon the brightest face That beams npon me now. That weary heart shall yet repose, When love’s sweet soothing tones Shall still those inward, deep drawn sighs And hujh those plaintive moans. As passing clouds their drops shed down Upon the drooping flowers. They liftIheir heads, with beauty crowned. And greet-the gentle shofwers. So love's bright rainbow tinted cloud, Shedding ita 4 ew I spray. Will wrap the* in its misty shroud And melt thy griej'away. And tranquil peace which knows no pain Thy future-honrs shall bless, And bind the flowers ofhope again . Upon thatanow white breast. And may those flowers In fragrance bloom Andwaft their gentle sighs/ Overfly pulseless heart, when Meat if *BhallUdthj spirit rise, .- To those etherisl heavenly spheres la that bright realm above, When, through the endless flight at years, Istaaisght but changeless Iota. jatcahllaT.feUtt. ' YOfiN Uf. KEIN & qo. HEAD QUARTERS PPR DRESS GOOD8. jrax received, a kag uicent stock of. VELVET AftD"OfcOTH COATS,! NiW AND ELEGANT SILKS. iBRIDAL AND EVENING SILKS VELVET BROCHA SILKS. HILK .ROBES, VERT RICH, AT $25—1 VALANTS JUST RECEIVED AT KE1N (& CO’S., ELEGANT DRESS GOODS. OTTOMANS, VELOURS, MERINOS, DeLAINS, &c. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. CARPETING AND RUGS, VELVET, BRUSSELS AND THREE PLY CARPETS. MATTING, &c., &C. • PLANTATION GOODS CHEAP FOE CASH. * AT JOHN Kr KEIN SnCti’S!, ' SECOND SVP|H(3£ ! XfeC0N, GEORGIA. ““ lilltl) TRIES I S the universal complain* of evrty body engaged in business, and as A. Gr. BOSTIC^. - Has just opened his Palace of Fashion, With an immense Stock ot Fancy and Staple DRY GOODS purchased at prices to suit the emergency of the times, lie can, and will offer such inducements to his customers as to make them forget the present pres sure. ' - Just received a splendid stock of CLOAKS and SHAWLS, and many NEW STYLES of DRESS GOODS ! Which the ladies should »ee before purchasing, an the prices will astonish the visitors and recommeud the QUICK SALE of the Goods. Call and see my stock of Carpeting and Curtain Goods. I can sell them cheap. A. G. BOSTICK. *Macon, Oct. 27th, 1860. CAB - i i si i mnwfeiiiini'iMi i Are now DIRECf 350,000 lbs. Assorted Swi 224,000 lbs. •20,000 lbs. 68,000 lbs. 5,000 lbs. Cast 5,000 lbs. Nail 100 English Ai 75 “ Vi Don, ed Iron. I Crabs and Hoops. . ..'Steel. " * npSPSteeJi t p ; V aVtheir new I1<»1 _ _ _ t Tob__ l acres at cleared and four hn heavily timbered, 1 road facilities, lyin Booth Western Rail f#r ile. ' ~ ON, within five _ _ 6f the Ocmul- , There are seven hnn- u,n.t hundred of wooded* of rich bottom lands, very jssing all the advantages of Rail- Oti the Macon & Brunswick and ids. There are time Improvements Front Store, , • . • CHERRY STREET. 'ARE, CUTLERY,* &c_ . ,000 Pair Trace Chains, jr 100 Dozen Assorted Hoes, 1,000 Kegs “ Nails. Together with a larLe Stock of every thing nsually kept In their line. Call and see. CARHART A CURD, , oct 31 Iron Front, Cherry Street. ’ -of every kiad on the place, dwelling, idat-mmses, • &C. The crop can be seen oa the place." - . Will b e sold on the meet reasonable terms. „ - Aug 24-3 .J. H. ANDREWS. " A Great Bargain. A HOUSE and lot near the Female College, in the^city Aa. oi Macon, for sale, cheap for cash, having six rooms, with fireplaces in five of them, with good double kitch en, smokehouse and stable, with a good well of water on the lot. The lot contains half acre, and is convenient to the business part of the city, and to the College and other male or female Schools, and a very desirable place. Any one wishing to purchase would do well to examine the premises. « E. C. GRANNISS, THE IRON WITCH COOKING STOVE, B. A. ^VISE’S. FALL TRADE. WATCHES, JEWELRY, CLOCKS, SILVER-WARE, FANCY GOODS, PIANOS, GAS FIXTURES, FINE GUNS, CUTLERY, &c. P UBLIC attention is respectfully solicited to one of the largest and most elegant selection of Goods in our line ever offered in this market, which will be sold on terms competing favorably with any first class estab lishment in the country. An examination of our stock without designing pur chases is respectfully solicited, oct 30 E. J.‘ JOHNSTON & CO. D IAMONDS and other precions stones in full sets and single pieces—a most elegant selection at low prices, at [oct 30] E. J. JOHNSTON & CO’S. S ILVER WARE of every variety, warranted sterling 925-lOOOths and pure coin 900-1000ths fine. A stock of $6,000 to $10,000 always on hand and for sale on the best terms, by [oct 30] E. J. JOHNSTON & CO. S ILVER PLATED WARE, in Waiters, Goblets, Bask- ets. Castors, Candle Sticks, Ice Pitchers and Fruit Stands, Liquor Castors, Pickle Jars, &c., &c. The larg est and most elegant selection ever offered in the State, just received ana for sale at the best rates by oct 30 E. J. JOHNSTON & CO. C LOCKS.—A fine lot of One and Eight Day, Alarms, &c.. warranted and for sale by oct 30 E. J. JOHNSTON & CO. "I and other celebrated maxers. Wafmifietf luf’iunr, durability, and all qualities required fo/ a first class in strument, equal to any made. Also a fine lot of Piano Covers, Stools, Violins, Guitars, Strings, &c., just re ceived and for sale at low prices, by oct 30 E. J. JOHNSTON & CO. F INE TABLE CUTLERY in Rosewood and Mahoga ny cases. The finest lot ever exhibited in this market, for sale by E. J. JOHNSTON & CO. oct 30 T>OCKET CUTLERY of Rogers & Sons, and Wosten- JT holm’s genuine make just opened by oct 30 E. J; JOHNSTON & CO. D OUBLE GUNS of Lamcnatod Steel and Stub Twist Barrels. Colt’s Pistols, &c., just received by oct 30 E. J. JOHNSTON & CO. B RIDAL PRESENTS—An elegant selection of Fan cy Articles, suitable as Bridal and other presents, by [oct 30] E. J. JOHNSTON & CO: GREER & LAKE. Third-st., Macon. Ga. O UR Stock .is now complete with one of the largest and best assortments of Pnvc Brandies, Wines, Whiskies. Ram and Gin, In every »tylc.packagc. Cigars from $125 to $10 per thousand. Tobaccos ot the finest brand's known. Oraimfe Coftoty Bitter. We have an Arrangement to receive weekly, large ship- mems of the best “Table Batter,” on consignment, and will supply tha trade at New York prices, adding-ex penses. Also, a general assortment or every article usu- ally kept in a"first class Grocery Store. We guarantee satisfaction in quality and prices, and ask pne ami all who wish to bny, to give ns a call.' t# r erms as favorable as any house in the city. J. F. GREER, FRANCIS LAKE, Late Greer & Freeman. Late with J. B. & W. A. Ross. inn Peach Blow, Mercer, and Pure Potatoes In 1UU store and ior safe by GREER A LAKE. CABBLS. Red, White and Silver Skin Onions jnst re- JU ceivcd by GREER * LAKE. r7C PACKAGES New Crop Mackerel, all sizes and / J numbers, arriving l>aay at GREER & LAKE’S. AC KEGS New Leaf Lard, at . &\J - GREER & LAKE'S. *7ansk .4" m ■J C BBLS. Fresh anfl hew Buckwheat Flour, with Don- ij ble Extra Golden Syrup, on tup at oct 31 ' GREEP. & LAKE’S. FOR CHAPPED LIPS. GLYCERINE CREAM, * I N Apple, Cherry, Acorn and other flavors, handsome for the toilet. Ox Marrow, Cocoene, Bears Oil, &c., for the huir. Lilly White, Man Far, Rouge and Pink Saucers for the complexion. Benzene, Spaulding’s Glne, Diamond Cement, Silver Soap, for cleaning Plated Ware, Silver, &c. Honey, Brown, Windsor, Barber and other Soaps. Men Fur Bales, Powder Puffs, Gum Elastic Rings, Buffalo, Horn, and India Rubber Combs, both dressing and fine. Cox’s Gelatine, Lyon’s Powder. Flavoring Extracts of Rose, Lemon, Strawberry, Celery. Nutmegs, Almond andall flavors. oct 18 2EILIN & HUNT. Ifxint house. T’HIS House has become noted for everything necessa- » a class Hotel.- Witltfn a few minutes walk ofthe centre of the city. It Is unsurpassed in atten tive servants, good table, and comfortable rooms. The Traveller and Boarder will find pleasant accommoda tions on reasonable terms. The whole is qnder the su Mr* FLINT * SON, who will spare i ^ ™t t ‘M° bUS *' tJ,e P nblic who 8 lve themacal). / BROWNS HOTEL, Opposite the Passenger House, Macon, Ga. By E. E^EEOWN & SON. Maals ready on the arrival of every Train. The pro prietors will spare no wains to make their gneata com fortable. - ■ TteMd-ty GUPS AND SAUCERS! 500 Dozen! now in non m rax ax^s it B0LSHAW 4? HERZOG, noT * d No 11 Cotton Avenue. THE VICTOR COOKING STOVE, AT . . jB. A." WISE’S. FENDERS! FENDERS!! IE Y: e S a .e ! . At B. A. WISE’S. iEHlOTt£IL=© ¥@KI@i*g A SPLENDID ASSOUTBFNTT At B. A. WISE’S.' BRASS & IRON ANDIRONS! At Macon, Oct 30th d-tf B. A. WISE’S. L. D. WELCOXSON & CO., Manufacturers and Dealers In Carriages & Harness of .Every Descript’n, Have removed to their N«iw and Spacious Warehouse, Second Street, next door to the Baptist Church, MACON, GA. - T HEY have in store at all prices and for sale on the most reasonable terms a complete assortment of t Fine Coaches, Caleches, Bretts, Phietons. > ; Rockawayi-and |Bnggies, Of their own manufacture. Exclusive sale of Asa Miller’s celebrated BRAT- TLEBORO’ BUGGIES. Philadelphia Harness, Trunks andYffises, Sole Leath er, from the best makers. Heavy and light Plantation Wi of the best possible description. All work warranted- V - ’. Aug 30,1860- Agent. WANTED TO BOOTOW 840,000! TTPQN such termaas may be agreed npon by the pnr- vJ ties. For whi^i note* and good security will be BANK tOI’E LOST. i note being nuinbered 168, bearing date September 8G6, lettered B, anfl signed H. M. North, Cashier, has. YY/”HRREAS, the right half of a Bank Note for Fifty ▼ ▼ Dollars, of the Rank of Middle Georgia, at Macon, saidne* -1 "* 1 J i * ’ 1,1806, been lost. • JHHjHjHHH Notice is hereby givpiLthat three months after the date hereof, I will apply tO fiftfdBank for a renewal of the said note. THOMAS TEMPLE. ' Wilkinson county, October 8, I860. Lost «r INislaid. A FEW WEEKS ago, somewhere in the city of Macon a striped CARPET BAG, eonsiderably wdrn, with the letters “ G. G. Grifiin, Ga.,” cut with a knife on the plate of the lock. It^;ontains wearing apparels and pa pers of "feat value to the owner only. Tw^finder will bn suitably rewarded by leaving the Carpet Bag at this ♦office. — nov 1 d lw=* TEACHER WANTED. A GENTLEMAN who can come well recommended as a person of good habits, 1ind entirely capable of teaching all the branches of an English education, is wanted t© take charge of the Academy ip this plaCe, the ensuing year. The school will consist of both boys and*- girl®, and for thepresent year pavs near $1,000. Address • TRUSTEES OLINTON ACADEMY,, oct 30 d-tf Clinton, Ga. * * NEGROES FOR $4LE. P RIME BLACK BOY, field hand, 17 years old; prime black Girl, 17 years old, field hand and a qualified seamstress both in cutting and sewing, oct 11 d»tf J. B. ALLGOODr Private Boarding* A FEW REGULAR BOARDERS .can be accommo dated in a quiet and pleasant part of the city, and convenient to business, on applying to Oct. 4r. AMOS BENTO^L . For Sale or Rcut, A HOUSE and LOT on Walnut street. Apply to sept 3 JAMES MEARA. - For Sale or Kent, rpHE large two story Dwelling, opposite the Primitive Baptist Church, on Fourth street, containing 3 very large rooms, brick kitchen, 'with 2 rooms and brick smoke bouse, well with pump in the yard, all having re cently undergone thorough-xepairs. Also 2 new one sto ry dwellings, jusft completed, near the Magazine. Pos session given the 1st of Octobe Macon, Sept 21,1860- G^B To Heiitl T^HE Store now in course of renovation between A. X Ayres and C. Hacse. Apply to oct 18 d-tf IJ. HORNE. Removal. D AYID ROSS has removed his Bookbindery toCottoji Avenue, next door to Parker’s Dry Goods Store near Mulberry street, where he will be pleased to wai npon his enstomers and friends. The Southern Farmer, BY HOLMES A NEW supply of the above valuable book, just re ceived at BOARDMAN’S ept 14- TAKE NOTICE. A LL persons indebted to the late firm ot Menard & Burghard, are requested to come forward and make immediate payment, or their accounts will he placed in other hands for collection, as I wish to close up the old Trim JL1U1-L B EARING the endorsement j Planter, David Dickson,'! MOST VALUABLE FER is kept constantly on hand and for sale|)y Macon, Oct. 26,1S60. T. T. WTCHE. * * *—^ Interesting to all Who owe the late firm of C. CAMPBELL & SOS THIE undersigned again urges thoset indebted to the above firm to call and settle, at thesame time noti fying such parties as maybe in arrears after the first day of January neit, that their claims will be placed in the hands of an Attorney for collection. Office—Over L. P. Strong & Son’s Shoe store on Sec ond street. THOMAS K. CAMPBELL, oct 2G-d2w W’lm Survivor. Journal & Messenger copy lm. Paluts, Oil and Glass. 1 K Ann POUNDS PURE LEAD, IJjUUU 3,000 lbs. Pure No. 1 Zinc, 200 Boxes Glass, all sizes; Linseed Oil and Turpentine. For GEO. T. ROGERS & jVCacon [Prices Current. BAGGING—Kentucky none ft yard.... . 00 @ 00 Indian .ft yard.... . 15 @ 16 BALE ROPE—Hand spun.... • ft lb 8H@ 9 Machine ■ ft »> 9 @ BACON—Sides. Ribbed .ft lb 14 @ 15 Shoulders .ft » 12 @ 12¥ ’Hams • ft lb 15 © 16 44 Canvassed • ft lb 15 @ 10 Tenn.Clear sides... .ft fl> 15M@ 16 Shoulders tb . .s. 12 @ 12K Hams .ft » 15 @ 16 BUTTER—Goshen .ft m 26 2 80 Western 2b 20 @ 25 ELANKETS,.- .ft pair.... 200 @275 CANDLES—Star. • ft B> - 20 @ 25 ' Adamantine .ft 20 © 28 Sperm •ft & 48 m 50 CHEESJC—WestSrn .ft ib 13 @ 14 Northern ■ 14 @ 15 OOFEKB—Hio .«.• j * 16X© 17 Lagcdra .ft lb 17 @ 18 Java -ft » 18 @ 20 Mocha .ft ib .... 22 w 24 CORDAGE—Manila • ft lb 11 @ 15 .Cotton... -ft»-. - ..18 .QA 22 Jhto. • ft tt - 8 FEATHERS T....... .ft 80 S5 CEMENT— $ t>bl 2 75 @300 FISH—Mackerel, No. 1 ¥ bbl 18 00 @22 00 “ No. 2 $ bbl 1700 @1800 “ No. 3 « bbl...j. 9 00 @1200 FLOUR—Superfine low grades % bbl 7 50 @1500. _ Standard @ bbl-.... 8 00 @850 Extra $ bbl....*. 8 50 @9 00 Eamily p bbl ' 9 00 @1000 Choice Exlra » bbl 9 00 @1000 GRAIN—Barley # bushel.. 160 Corn .' /...$! bushel.. 95 @100 Oatif. bushel. 70 @ 86 Rye .<W bushel. 1 50 Wheat p bushel. 2 00 @2l2jf Bran -S 1001b?.. 125 @ 150 M«al ft bushel. 1 15 @155 HIDES * ft lb D © 10 GUANO-*Peuvian -ft lOOlbs.. 315 @330 American, or Jarvis Island f lOQlbs.. 225 '@260 Reese Manipulated., ft lOOlbs . 280 @800 Mapes’superphosphate of limeft loffibs.. 280 @300 GUNNYBA<#5—New ft bag.... 14 @ 00 Second hand..ft bag.... JO @ 00 GUNPOWDER ft keg.... 6 50 @700 HAY—Northern ..........ft lOOlbs.. 170 @190 Eastern..*. ft lOOlbs.. 180 @200 IRON—American ft 5> 3}£@ 4M Swedes « ft fi> 434@ 5J4 Castings..... ft lb 3L@ 5 KERSEYS ♦ ft yard.... 16 @ 28 LARD—Inbarrels ;..ft tt>...*.. 15 @ 16 In kegs—New ft B) 16X@ 17 LIME—Philadelphia * .. ft hhds.. .00 00 @0000 Thoin&ston & Shelby.,ft bbl 200 @225 LEAD—Bar ...ft ffi. ' ~ MOLASSES—In barrel*—Old crop...... ft gallon.. No new Molasses. In hogsheads. ..ft gallon.. 33 @ 36 NAILS.a. ft lb.....* 4 @ 4M NEGRO SHOES pair.... 1 25 @ 150 OIL—B|»rm ft gallon.. 125 @ 175 'Owner's SSbl 1200 @1400 Lratiee 11 ft gallon.. 85 @100 “ -boiled ft gallon.. 90 @110 POTASH 1 ft #>..._. 7 @ 9 ComMtrated ft lb 18 @ 20 Ba*rafsSouaeni...ft pair.,.. 1 ft) @160 PORK—Mtmipv, ft bbl 1800 @2000 Rump..... ft bbl 0600- @0000 8 @ 10 85 @ 87 PLASTER—Calclwtd. Land POTATOES—Eati - Plan PAINTS—White Zinc RICE. SALT—Liverpool Alum... Table,large lacks...' SPICES—Pepper Ginger SUGAR—Fair -. ‘ Prime.... Choteo,.........« Clarified Loaf SOAP— Turpentine Family STABCB-No. 1 .... SYRUP—New Orleans , Georgia. SHOT—Bock Bird WHISKEY—Pike’* Ward A Cary.... Pure Corn WOOL HATS I bbl.r... 8 00 @360 bbl 2 26 @260 bbl. ... 3 26 @350 300 10* 10 Fort Valley Railroad Hotel lor Sale. I N consequence ofthe bad health of oneof theproprie- torsand the manager of this Hotel, we are compelled to offer it at private sale. It Is now doing a splendid busi ness, and may be regarded as among the best invest ments in Middle Georgia- For terms, &c., address GARKE & BROTHER, Proprietors, oct 20-d lm Fort Valiey. Augusta Dispatch and Columbus Sun copy one month. Cooking Stove at Private Sale. O NE large Cooking Stove, very little used, will bo sold cheip by ■ . J. J. MILLER, oct 31 Auctioneer. REMOVAL. f^JEO. T. ROGERS •& SON have removed to the new Store on Cherry Street, nearly opposite Messrs. Car- hart & Card’s, oct 2d Fire Wood! Fire Wood! A non CORDS OF. WOOD for sale, deliverable In any nr, p ar j. city. Apply to nov Id J. H. ANDREWS. SUPERINTENDENT'S OFFICE, ■ , * ! CENTRAL RAIL ROAD, SayanXAH, Ga., Oct., 29,1860. O N and after Monday, November 4th, during the Ses sion of the Legislature, On-Extra Night Train will be ran between. Gordon and Milledgeville, In connection with Trains on Central Rail Road. GEO. W. ADAMS. oct 31 d Ot * General Superintendent. Pianos; at ’Private Sale. ’ ■ * 1 Handsome 7 octave Carved Rosewood Piano, 1 “ 7 1“ Plain “ “ T%ese Pianos art'from first hands and will be soldav ManuSacturer’tJ prices. Those in want will please call and see them. J. J. MILLER, oct 31 Auctioneer. GOLD BAND AND WHITE CE, J " f ©OINIKII G ELI 1ST .A. £l& & tE/h ■TO8 BOLSHAW & HERZOG. Oct 23d d& ]VT €£Vf Books. JUST. RECEIVED AT THE* ’ - METHODIST Book Depository!! TRE FOLLOWING: HlRfD.BOOK of f'niv»’l'S«rLitera ture—F'rom the best and latest authoritres —By Anna 0. Loch Botta. Price ^ 1.25. METHODISM SUCCESSFUL | And the Internal ‘fetuses of its success—Bty Rev. B. T. Tefft, D. D., L. L. H. Price $1.25. pgf Call and get a copy. J. W. BURKE, AgenJ, oct27 * * • ^ Dress Goods! " A LARGE ASSORTMENT of tbe latest Styles, now A opened at the Palace or Fashion. At. oct d .i, •. BOSTICKS. • Coxrsi Dment, 4 rara i « -A* •— — vu.. xv/Q' OvNE HlfNDRED Bales Hay Jsligbtly damaged) In f Eclectic, Harper's, Godeu's and Peterson') U. atftre and %r sa o a ^ • J • Magazines; for Blackwood and the fom County Cavalry. ubers of this corps are requested to attend DRILL MEETINGS ny Room every Thursday Evening at 7X '4 & ‘ ! ober 29—dim Bards Stock for Sale. SHARES of Mannfactnrers’ Bank will be sold on 1U the first Tuesday in December, at the Court House. - H. G. CUTTER, Adm’r. oct 29 _____ The Academy for the Blind open for the reception of Wednesday afternoon ition will-commence no case longer than ... _ city can be admitted at other times on appllcatioajo Wt Principal—in which case the exhibition will be liipitecl to mere explanations of the modes of instruction iwj&Kfeeveral departments, illustrated by single pupils eelecnalfo^tbe purpose with out any interference with the lal>0Y8 of teachers and classes. Persons wishing to see the fechool or building will please ask at the door for the Principal, and in case of hia absence, for tlie-principal teacher. W. 1>. WILLIAMS, Principal. Macon, October 9th, 1860—d-tf ? YYTlLLj af hereto! TV visitors in gei from 3 to 6 o'clock., at 3# o’clock, and c one honr. Strangers viBi HORACE FITOH & GO. A RE constantlv receiving NEW STYLES OFCLOTH- ING FOR'MSN and YOUTH, adapted to the FALL and WINTER TRADE, Mr. W. T. Fitch announces to the public, and, Ida friends that he has taken the personal charge of the es tablishment* and would invite all in irilnt of good orZ ) CHEAP GOODS to call: assuring them that the repnta- > tion which the firm of H. Fitch Co. have enjoyed for the past twenty years will be fully sustained. In the TRUNK DEPARTMENT our Abilities are as good as the best, and we cannot be undersold. Triangular Bloch; Entrance 2d Street and Cotton Avenue. ’ Macon, Oct 5 d-tf FEW HOTEL. rpHifi undersigned hairing leased the upper part of Mr. Henry Horde’s Block, on Cherry-'st., two squares from the Rail Road Depot, and in the business part of the city, and haring fitted up the same with enure new furniture, &c.,and every convenience requisite, informs hereby the transient public and his friends, that he in tends to open* ou the 22d of October, the ■PLANTER'S- HOUSE. for tlieir accommodation, and pledges himself that every effort will be made to please all who may favor him wltli their patronage, by keeping a : table second to •none,—clean and comfortable apartments and beds, at tentive servants anti polite and cheeriul accommoda tions for reasonable .charges. oct 20 J. O. GOODALE. Georgia Citizen, Journal & Messenger please copy tf. SJ3. DAY W OULD respectfully inform his friends and the pub lic that he is again in Macon with a line stock of Watches, ClockSj Jewelry, Silver ana Plated Ware, Fan cy Goods, Musical Instruments, «fcc., which will be sold at reasonable prices. Also, that he will give particular attention to \\ atcli Rapairing. Oct Hi d&w-3m. 1 j particula . J. DA a. FALL &'WINTER FASHIONS WM. BELDEN r >ESPi*)CTFULLY informs his customers and the pub’ lie to call and examine hia extensive assortment of . HATS AND CAPS! Embracing every style and quality found in any other Hat Store. Among thdmany new styles on hand will be found 25 Dozen Fashjpnable Silk Hats. 18 “ Black and Pearl Cassimere Hats, 40 “ 44 Soft all qualities 44 24 44 Pearl “ 12 “j Dark Olive Prince of Wales, 12 , Black and Mouse “ 50 4 V 44 and Pearl Planters'Broad Brims- Youths’ and Boys’ late style Hats and Caps of every pattern.*' Wool Hats* 250 Dozen Black Wool Hats 16 “ Southern Planters’ extra, 16 44 Country made, heavy. Received this day a few cases extra fine Silk Hats, French fashion ; also, nine cases superfine Soft Hats.— Country merchants and planters will do well to call and examine, I will sell low for Cash or approved paper, oct 9 d-tf . . KEROSENE. O IL made from Coal, which while burning gives NO SMOKE, : NO SMELL, BRIGHT LIGHT, And is as clear as water. For sale by Jbct 31 ZEILIN & HUNT, Sole Agents. NOTICE. [ now prepared to execute all orders for Tin Roof- , jG*tf$i?uzcd Iron Cornice, Guttering &c. Mr. A. E. Kimball ire direct charge of my business in this city, and eive a liberal share of public patronage. H. MORCE, Office JRrQfttton Avenue, apposite J. H. Cherry, & Co. JBELMBOLD’S BUCHU for the Bladder. HELMBOLD’S BUCHU for the Kidneys. HELMBOLD’S BUCIIU for the Gravel. HELMBOLD’S BUCHU for the Dropsv. HELMBOLD’S BUCHU for Nervousness. HELMBOLD’S BUCHU for Loss ol Memory. HELMBOLD’S BUCHU for Dimness of Vision. HELMBOLD’S BUCHU for Difficult Breathing. HELMBOLD’S BUCHU for Weak Nerves. HELMBOLD’S BUCHU for General Debility. HELMBOLD’S BUCHU for Universal Lassitude. HELMBOLD’S BUCHU for Horror .of Disease. HELMBOLD’S BUCHU for Night Sweats. HELMBOLD’S BUCHU for Wakefulness. HELMBOLD’S BUCHU for Dryness of the Skin. HELMBOLD’S BUCHU for Eruptions. HELMBOLD’S BUCHU for Pain in the Back. HELMBOLD’S BUCHU-for Heaviness of the Eyelid with Temporary Sufiusjop and Loss of Sight. HELMBOLD’S BUCHU for Mobility and Restlessness, with Want of Attention and Horror of Society. HELMBOLD’S BUCHU lor Obstructions. HELMBOLD’S BUCHU for Excesses arising from Indis cretion, and all Diseases of FEMALES—FEMALES—FEMALES . FEMALES—FEMALES —FEMALES OI^) OR YOUNG. SINGLE, MARRIED, OR CONTEM-. PLATING MARRIAGE, TAKE NO MORE PILLS, THEY ARE OF NO AVAIlZ HELMBOLD’ S EXTRACT BUCHU IS TBE VERY BEST REMEDY IN THE WORD For aU complaints incident to the Sex, whether aris from Indiscretion, Habits of Dissipation, or in the . DECLINE OR CHANGE OF LIFE, SEE SYMPTOMS ABOVE. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. Takp no more Balsam, Mercury, or Unpleasant cine, for unpleasant and Dangerous Diseases. ' HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU CURES Secret Diseases In aU’their Stages, At little Expen: Little or no change of Diet; No inconvsnien AND NO EXPOSURE, - Use HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU for Excesses •rising from habits indulged in By Young and Old, And for diseases arising froyi dissipation. It removes all improper discharges, and will restore the patient in a short time to'a state of health and purity. Use HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT- BUCHU for diseases and affeotions of the most distressing character. Use HELMBOLD’S EXTRACT BUCHU for all aflec- tions and diseases of the Urinary Organs, - * it it Whether existing in * Male or Female, tt tt tt From whatever cause originating, and no matter of How £,oug Standing:. •} ft. ff All the above diseases and symptoms admit pf the •same treatment and may originate from the same cause. Read! Read! Read ! HELMBOLD’S BUCHU is safe and pleasant in taste and odor, but immediate in its action. Personally appeared before me. an alderman of the city of Philadelphia, H. T. HELMBOLD, Chemist, who being duly sworn does say, that his preparation contains no Narcotic, Mercury or injurious Drug, hut are purely veg etable. ' 11, T. HELMBOLD, Sole Mauufecturer. Sworn and subscribed before me this 23d day of No- vfember, 1854. WM. P. HIBBARD, Alderman. Prick $1 run Bottle, or Six Bottlks tor $5, Deliver ed to ant Address. Prepares by H. ft. HELMBOLD, Practical and Analytical Chemist, 104 South Tenth sL, below Chesnut, Fhila. Beware of Counterfeits AND UNPRINCIPLED DEALERS, Who endeavor to dispose “or their own” and “other” Articles on the reputation attained by Helmbold’s Genuine Preparations. “ ‘\ Extract Buchu. “ it “ Sarsaparilla. “ . “ Improved Rose Wash. Sold by < E. L. STROHECKER, ANDALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. Ask for -Helmbold's, Take No Other. Cdt out the advertisement and send for it, ^ANgjkVOID IMPOSITION AND EXPOSURE. Periodicals, Newspapers. &c. rr^HE subscriber, located on Cotton Avenue, Macon, X?Ga., would respectfully inform the citizens of Ma- and surrounding country* that he keeps constantly “id a supply oi the latest American and European rapines ana Newspapers; also, Novels, Stationery, Please call and examine for your light reading. JOHN McKEON, 18 d-lm Next door to Hoes & Coleman. AT BOARDMAN’S BOOK ST0»e7 subscriptions RECEIVED tob- Quarterlies. feb ldky New Arrangement. ■\Y7ITH the facilities and long experience we possess VV In the Musical Business, we did not only refect the BEST - - iPIANOS, as regards tope and durability, but have also effected the sSoatadtantageema terms to onr enstomers for the. j •apply or superior Inst ents. We partly selected oar Pianos and partly had them made to Order. We are now receiving;- without doubt, the best selection ever before brought to Macon, consisting of 6 1-3, 7, and ’J 1-3 Octaves in plain an higdhly finished cases to 811 it every taste.— These Instruments we are prepared to sell either for Cash, on time, or monthly installments, at the lowest Factory prices. The latter arrangement, we think, will be accepted by many persons in want of first class Instruments, who are perhaps not willing to pay the entire amount at once, and to whom ft win be easier to pay In monthly installments. Onr object is to assist snch persons in procuring a first class Piano, for whose superiority we will give a five year’s guarantee.— We intend to efl'ect large sales, and are satisfied with small profits. ’ , $Sf-Come and sec our Stock to he convinced that we ought and really have such instruments as we repre sent. them to be. JOHN C. SCHREINER & SONS, oct 17 Cotton Avenue. NEW CASTLEN & VARDELL, Druggists and Apothecaries, ’ 4g the old stattd of Menard & Castlen’s DHTJO STORE. NOT OFTEN j_jAVE the publics chance to make such bargains a TTfK have this day formed a copartnemahip, for the . W purpose of transacting a First Class Wholesale and Retail Drug Business. We invite the attention of city and country customers to our stock, which will consist of the best and most reliable assortment of DRUGS, MEDICINES, PERFUMERY, PAINTS, OILS, Ac. Ac. article that can be We will 1 . we are now offering ! be prepared to ftorutsh any a, — found in our line, as cbeapas in any Drag establishment in the city. _ _ _ . Physicians and otfurs may rely npon their prescrip tions being prepared with accuracy and dispatch. The old friends of Menard & Caetlen are requested to continue their patronage, and as Mr. \ardeli has had seven years experience in the business, with E. L. Stro- hecker and E. L. Strohecker & Co., in this city, he hopes to merit the approbation, and receive the custom, of many new ones. F. G: CASTLEN, M. I). H. T. VARDELL. Macon, May 1,1860- daw KENNEDY & LYNCH, MERCHANT TAILORS, W ILL open, on the first of October, in the Store for merly occupied by Mr. J. Peter, on Cherry street, next to Freeman’s, a choice and well selected assort ment of $20,000 WORTH I raffed. Cassimeres, Boots. Shoes, Brogans, T? 2EC. XT 3XT Determined to close ont onr entire Stock we offer the above Goods ^ AT F"IFtST COST FOR CASH OYSJLY'. We respectfully invite yon tojj Call and Examiue our (woods, and get the prices—you can’t help buying. We have aL styles of Ladies, Gents, Childrens and Negro Shoes, the greater part Our Own OTanufarcture • We .shall sell as above stated,.without reserve. Re member at cost, for cash. L. L. BRICKHOCSE & CO., Sept 4- Triangular Block, Macon, Ga. FALL TRADE OF 1800, AT BOSS & COLEMAN’S ‘‘Bazaar of Fashion.” W E are now in the*full tide of successful operation,* with the largest and most choice stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods that it. has ever been our pleasure to offer (o the public. It is impossible to convey the slightest idea of the magnitude of our Stock, and to at tempt a description, through an advertising medium, of oar rich foreign fabrics m Ladies Dress Goods, would be superfluous; suffice it to say that etyles never were so elaborate, and that we have them in all their grades and colors. • We append a li*t of a few rich Goods entirely new in this market: Ottoman Valours; Droquet De Brocades; Minnivers in full setts; Velvet Embroidered Soles; IIrocade Vel ours; Violets Des Alps; Plaid Lance,’ in all Colors. Gro D’ Epsom, in various hues; Zouave Burnous; Rept Robe De Chdmbres • Rept Persians a la Mazaona; Snow Flake Isadoras; Madapilans in chintz colors; Diamond and Magic Rufflings: Zephyr Sontags; Crape Broche Fancy Colors; Gold Belts and Gilded Dress Trim- ings; Velvet Cloaks; Cloth Arabs; Cloth Cloaks; Car petings from the Richest Medallion Velvet Tapestry down to the lower grades. Our Stock is unusually full and we invite the public to an examination ofthe same. * ROSS & COLEMAN, Macon, Sept 12- Cotton Avenue. lOO BUSINESS SUITS! Just received and priced low down by E. WINSIIIP. VESTINGS, of the latest importations, which we are prepared to manufacture to order, in the latest styles, and at the shortest notice, all of which we will warrant to give sat isfaction. The citizens of Macon, and adjoining counties, are re spectfully invited to give us a call, as we are practical Tailors, and determined to please both in price and style. We have also a fine assortment of Famishing Goods. W. C. KENNEDY, Sept 29- FT BURNS® JPDRE OLD monongaheiMye whisky C ONSCIENTIOUSLY distilled by Mr. JAMES BURN; SIDE, of Alleghany county, Pa* in the old fashion ed honest way, from the choicest Rye, and in no case off ered for sale until adapted to wholesome use by age.— It is at once the most palatable, as it is emphatically the purest beverage in the reach of the public. To the invalid, as well as to those in health, it commends it self for its unrivaled qualities as a stimulant of the saf est, surest, and most nenefleient description. For sale in barrels, kegs, &c., and put up in cases of one dozen bottles each. CLERY & STOCKDALE. Proprietors. 328 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. WM. C. CONOVER, Agent, 225 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington City, D. C. C. «fc R. N. WHITE. Jr.. Agents, oct 7 d-3m 54 Cedar St* eet. New York. OYSTERS! OYSTERS!! OYSTERS! ! ! TTAVING completed our arrangement in Savan mlt XI we are now prepared to fill all orders for Fresh or Pickled Oysters In the city or country, at short notice, ing large quantities for shipping in thee Wc are recei fis Fin: CLOTH COATS, CASSTSlMECOAtl OYER COATS. Just received a large lot, bought low and will be sold low by E. WINSHIP. BOYS’ SUITS, BOYS’ SACK COATS, BOYS’ FROCK COATS, BOYS’ JACKETS, BOYS’ OYER COATS. Just received at E. WINSHIP’S. - of Clothing of All Kinds! Can be bought cheap, especially for CASH, E. WINSHIP. Macon, Ga., October 13 d N. Fall Trade 1860. S, PRUDDEN & CO. A NNOUNCE themselves prepared to exhibit the mosL choice, beautiful and newest styles in fashionable] FANCY DRY GOODS. 5 We have spared neither time or trouble in makii. selections for the department in DRESS GOODS! Special attention is invited to a great variety oi" hand some SHAWLS AND CLOAKS, Also Misses’ and CHILDREN’S CLOAKS, Dress Trimmings, Plain Itibbons, Embroideries. Gloves, Hosiery, White and Staple Goods, and the numerous articles required for a complete Stock of Drv Goods Macon. Oct. 5,1860. N. S. PRUDDEN & CO. ! Of‘all kinds. So send along yonr offer; them filled punctual, or give us a cilj MULBERRY Just opposite the LANIER HOUSE, hapjiv to wait on you w# yrill-be' - ; arc also receiving large snpplies ofU. Oysters, Fish, Game and Beef, By every Steamer from New 4 ’York, to be served up at short notice in our SALOON, over the Store, which can not be beat South in style. AGranges* Lemons* Potatoes and Onions BF.AJWR GG4B3SJI 11Ye bmr-Pt T’thY"t*' 'T ntrnin “ r ' *» r aqlow as. H. X. ELLS & CO. oct 18 Wines! Wines!! Wines!!! u A Baskets Heidsick Piper Wine, v" 75 Cases Prince Imperial 44 20 Cases Cabinet Wine, 20 44 Sparkling Catawba, 10 44 LcPerle Chamjiagne, Dr. Bowen’s Catawba and Scnppemong Wfcie, AFine Stock of Port, Madeira and Sherrv Wines. M e can safely recommend the above Wine*, ..having purchased entirely from importers, and would call nilrn- tion to the Prince Imperial Champagne, as a Wfrfoof rare quality, at a moderate price. ** * • * _Sept 20- HARDEMAN &hC!RIFFlN* “Something] New under the Sun,” WHERE THE STAR W. T. ISTELSOINr H AS opened, at his old stand, on Cherry street, a choice lot of Family Groceries, such as Flour, Meal, Grits, Sugar, Coffee, Candles, Soap, Starch, Butter, Lard, Cheese, Crackers, Beef Tongues, Bologna Sausages, Cabbage, Potatoes, and, in fact, every article usually kept in a first class Family Grocery, to which he invites the attention of his friends and the public. ALSO, the very best brands of fine Old Brandies, >V ines, &c., put up in bottles, or by the gallon. - r ^ ^ V. T. NELSON. Macon, Ga., Sept 5,1SC0- To Buy and Sell for Gash ENABLES E. Peuolitwanger r T'Q sell Goods as cheap, and many articles cheaper, JL than anybody in the State. Call and examine his stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, GENTS’ FUR NISHING GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES. Ac., &c., and you are sure not to leave his store withon having. E. FEUCHTWANGER, Next to Mrs. Bnlkley’ti Millinery Establishment, Cher- ry St., Macon, Qa. oct 6 d KTO SCTJ3VI33TCJG-! It has been proven, iougherty’s Warranted Grease and tab EXTRACTOR. I^UIS article we prepare ourselves, and have fully I. tested its efficacy, and we feel safe in recommending Ito the public, as the best preparation ever offered, for |e removal of Grease, Paint, Tar. and all kinds of Bams from clothing. No person should be without a Dttle, it will be found both economical and convenient. Il we ask is a fair trial, and if it proves not to be what “presented, we will refund the money. Price onlv 25 uts per bottle. ZEiLIN & HUN'T. ept 4-d&wtf Musical Instruction. iSCAR VON BRIESEX, Professor of Music having been permanently located in Macon since December ist, continues to offer his services to the citizens as instructor on the Piano, Guitar, and Harmony at the residences of pupils or in schools. Terms $15,00 per quarter of 2-4 lessons. References.—L. N. Whittle, Esq., I. C. Plant,Dr. E. L. Strohecker, Mrs. Butler and others. Applications maybe left at Messrs E. J. Johnston afc^i-'o.'s Piano and Jewel ry Store. Repairing and tuning Pianos will be done faithfully and at reasonable prices by the same seplQ BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! T HE subscribers take pleasure in announcing to the citizens of Macon and ita viciuitv, that they are noyv prepared to exhibit, Free of Charge, as complete a stock of Ladies’ Dress Goods as is usual ly found at any first class Dry Goods Store. Wo have just received a choice lot of Flaiu and Figured Silks Merinos, and Wool DeLaines of the latest styles and patterns, and all we ask of the Ladies is thelavorofa call, when we will conyince you of the fact that we be lieve m “Small profits and qnick sales." As usual wo have a large assortment of all the different styles of Cloaks and Dusters. Dress Trimmings, Ribbons, Rnches, Cloths, Cassimeres Ladies under garments, and House Furnishing Goods’ Negro Blankets, Kerseys, and fine Wool Blankets, all of which we will sell low in order to sell. TINSEL WORSTED and WORSTED ZEPHYR. We have at least 500 different colors of single, split, or doub e. Emb-oidery Patterns, Beads, Chenille, and all the different sorts of Hooks, Needles and Knitting Pins together with thousands of other pretty things too nu merous to mention. Call and see us, we will show you ottr goods tvith pleasure- M e would say to the Gentle men that we pave on hand as large and good an assort ment of well made Clothing and Gents Furnishing Goods as any house in Georgia, and we will sell them low, too, as cheap, il not cheaper than any body else.— Call und ece for yourselves, next door to our Dry Goods store, adjoining Boardman’s Book Store. Try us, and we will warrant to give you satisiactio . . M. LANDAUEK & BRO., oct 22 d-3m Damour’s Block, on Second-st. LITTLE, SMITH & CO. MANUFACTURE AND SELL C ARRIAGE Harness, Buggy Harness, Two-Horee Wagon Harness, Road Wagon Harness, and Cart Harness very low, to suit the times. Also, an extensive assortment of Saddles, Bridles, Carriage Trimmings, Saddlery and Harness Hardware, Carriage Material, Sboe.Findlngg, GIN BANDS, Leather of all kinds, Trunks, Valises, &c - . GRANITE FRONT STORE, Near J. B, A W. A. Ross, and next door to E. Bond A Co. Cherry Street, Macon, Ga. oct 31 daw tf WATCHES. JEWELRY & SILVER WARE. Jl’ST RECEIVED AT 'V\ W, SKIFF’S, C ONSISTING of Fine Gold and Silver Hunting Case WATCHES, Etruscan and Diamond GOODS, Stirling Silver WARE, (made- to order) Also everything usuallv kept in a fine Jewelry Store. Particular attention given to all Watcli and Jewelry Repairing, By experienced and practical workmen. V. W. SKIFF, Opposite Lanier House. Macon, Ga. N. B.—All Watch Work always warranted. ’oct24 d-tf OrriCE OF THE MlLLEIXlEVILLE RaII.ROAD CO. I September 3,1S60. ( A T a meeting of the Board of Directors this day held, the following Resolutions were passed by the Board: 1st, Resolved, That the Chief Engineer be instructed to employ such additional assistance as may be necessa ry to finish the location of the line of road by the first ot November next, to he let by sections after advertise ment, so soon as each section has been reported to the Board. . . . 2d, Resolved, That the President be authorised to make a call upon the Stockholders of the Milledgeville Railroad Company for payment of the following install ments upon their stock, (in addition to tue five per cent, required at the time of subscription) to wit: Five per cent, on thelOth or October, 1860. Fifteen” “ “ 10th of November, “ Five “ “ ” 10th of December, “ Five “ “ “ 10th of January, 1861. True extract from the minntesof the Board. W. MILO OLIN, Sec’y. A Treaa. In pursuance of the second resolution above, the Stockholders of the Milledgeville Railroad Comra-r are requested to pay the Instalments as set for Bln said Resolution, at the office of said Company, In Ar guota. S. D. HEARD, President. Aognsta, Sept. 7,1860-dtjanlQ . . Couon Books, . M ADE expressly to order, on an improved plan! Qs l- and get one at Depository. , -A Sept 11- J. W. BU8KB, An