Newspaper Page Text
Friday, December 27, 1968
We are happy to announce the
addition of Harold Shepherd to
our agency. In a effort to be of
better service in insurance ser
vice to our community, we are
happy to make this announce
ment. Call Harold for auto, fire,
home owners, life, hospitaliza
tion, and all kinds of Insurance.
We also sell mutual funds. Mid
dlebrooks Insurance Agency,
905 W. Taylor St., Griffin, Ga.
Tel. 228-2630.
Building, remodeling, plumbing,
heating, electrical service. Don
ald Watts, general contractor,
We do — landscaping, clean
lots, dig basements, have fill
dirt. Call J. W. Flemmons, 227-
Income Tax Returns prepared.
Ralph Hutchison. Phone 227-6554
after 6 or 227-1190 days.
For Sale
FOR SALE: 1962 mobile home,
10’ X 40’, 2 bedroom, bath, liv
ing room, kitchen and dinette,
washing machine connections,
$1,500. Call 228-2598.
FOR SALE: 14’ Runabout, 45 HP
Scott and trailer. Sacrifice. 228-
1434. M
FOR SALE: Farmall Cub Trac
tor, all equipment. Good condi
tion. Call Griffin Hotel after 6 p.
m. Elmer Hayes.
Upside Down Charlie’s Mobile
Homes, North Expressway, Grif
fin. Tel. 227-0591. This week’s sp
ecial will be a 1968 model reduc
ed $450. 12 X 55, 2 bedroom. Just
$83.45 month, taxes and insuran
ce included.
FOR SALE: Harley Sportster,
new condition 227-8350.
Christmas lights, bicycles, tricy
cles, Ovens and surface units.
West Cash & Carry.
FOR SALE: Electric Stove,
refrigerator and washing mach
ine. Phone 228-1506.
Carpet cleaning service, wall
to waU or room size rugs. Car
pets of Griffin, 228-8843.
FOR SALE: Fire place wood.
Georgia Business Service
West Broad Discount Furniture
136 W. Broad St.
Lowest prices in town. Contact
Curt Hatnmoniree, 227-6075.
FOR SALE: Bobwhite Quail.
Live $1.00; Dresses sl.lO. Call
Leon Norton, 228-8147
For Rent
FOR RENT: 10’ X 50’, 2 bed
room mobile home. 227-3024.
FOR RENT: 6 room apartment,
close in, suitable for working
couple or teacher. 227-2003.
FOR RENT: 3 room furnished
house in Sunny Side. 228-2489.
FOR RENT: 6 rooms and bath,
fenced yard 54 Park Ave. 227-
FOR RENT: 3 room apartment,
1324 Drewry Ave. Phone C. A.
Kendrick, 227-5585.
SAVE Big! Do your own rug and
upholstery cleaning with Blue
Lustre. Rent electric shampooer
SI.OO. Ben Franklin.
FOR RENT: Furnished bed
room. Phone 228-1477.
House for rent. Call 227-6512.
FOR RENT: 2 furnished rooms
with private bath on Atlanta Rd.
The Griffin Daily News has several
distributorships open now and avail* I
able to retired people, men or wo
For Details Contact
Larry Donald, Circulation Manager
(9 to 12 a. m., if possible, anytime if
I not); I
P PHONE 227-3276 J
Griffin Daily New*
Roofing and leaks repaired. Hou
se repairs. Lots cleared and
Bush Hog mowing. Tree work
and underbrush cut. House wre
cking. James Maddox. 227-0994
or 228-8696.
Hilley’s Seat Cover and Awning
Center, 489 Hammond Drive.
Furniture and auto upholstering.
For free estimated call 228-0872.
BankAmericard welcomed.
Copper and nlckle plating.
Griffin Products Co., Inc.
Have your piano tuned and re
paired by Otis Manley, Jr., at
Manley’s Piano Shop. Also new
and used pianos for sale. Finan
cing available. Call 228-18**.
TV Service since 1948. Day or
night. Sundays, Holidays. Call
227-4523, Horace Westbrooks.
FOR RENT: Furnished house.
Utilities paid. 227-6512.
FOR RENT: Rooms for rent,
furnished and utilities paid. Bu
tance gas tank for sale. 227-6512.
FOR RENT: Nicely furnished 2
bedroom house trailer. C o u p le
only. Phone 227-3426.
Johnny Parris’s Radiator Shop,
927 Experiment Street, across
from the Car Wash. 2 to 3 hour
service. New and rebuilt radia
tors. Shop tel. 227-2837; Home
tel. 227-9291 evenings. Come on,
we’re ready. Pick up and deliv
HANNAH’S hus ba n d Hector
hates hard work so he cleans
the rugs with Blue Lustre. Rent
electric shampooer $l5O Grif
fin Hardware
FOR RENT: 6 room brick home.
Central heat. Real nice. $125
month. Call 228-2630.
FOR RENT: 4 room apartment
with bath. In a two-family
home. No small children. Phone
FOR RENT: Commercial build
ing with large parking area. 314
N. Expressway. Call 228-2630.
FOR RENT: Large unfurnished
5 room apartment, 123 S. 11th
St. 227-5515.
FOR RENT: New furnished one
room and bath apartment. Pri
vate entrance. Hampton. 946-
FOR RENT: Fully furnished 3
bedroom, 2 tile baths, brick ve
neer, on large lot. Quiet neigh
borhood. 227-3975.
FOR RENT: 2 and 3 room fur
nished apartment. Phone 227-
6259 or 227-2422.
FOR RENT: 2 bedroom house,
10 miles West on Newnan Rd.
599-6820 after 6 p.m. x
FOR RENT: Apartment avail
able in Marion Apartments. Kit
chen, heat and water furnished.
Call 228-1269 after 6 p.m.
FOR RENT: 2 lots for mobile
homes. One front and one back
lot. Nice neighborhood. 227-3846.
FOR RENT: 2 bedroom furnish
ed trailer. Call 227-9385.
Howard’s Trailer Park. Lots for
rent. First month free. 228-8599
or 227-6999.
Small private furnished apart
ment. Utilities paid. Adults. 1405
Atlanta Rd. 228-1716.
WANTED TO BUY: Used furni
ture. Higgins Furniture Co.
Phone 227-1571.
I will keep children in my home,
any shift. Call 227-1257.
Need to remodel or repair your
home? No job too large or too
small. Free estimates. Work
guaranteed. Darryl Crumbley,
CaU 227-6283.
We paint houses inside and out,
we sand and finish floors and do
repairs. Phone 228-1884.
Moore Brothers landscaping
and lot cleaning. We also wreck
buildings. 416 Jefferson street,
Griffin, Ga. Phone 228-1042.
Driveways, carports, w • r•>
houses, block work, etc. Large
or small jobs. Phone 227-8543,
Griffin, ga.
Griffin Plumbing and Heatin*
Co. Phone 227-8956.
WANTED: Transmissions that
are tough to fix. Call the right
man! HERMAN’S SHOP, 227-
WANTED: Settled lady to live in
and care for elderly lady. Good
pay. Apply 130 West Broad St
ALTERATIONS. Phone 228-2812.
FOR SALE: Six rooms and bath.
510 Wright St. Convenient loca
tion just off Experiment St.s7,oof
Call Carlisle and Co., 227-2258.
Light hauling to do. Phone 227-
WANTED: Painting and repair
work. Added additions. Tall
227-1465 or 227-9192.
WANTED: To keep children in
my home. 227-8745.
Lost & Found
YOST: Irish Setter, female,
strayed from Double Cabins.
Collar without tag. Neme Gin
ger. 227-6611 or 227-5634.
LOST: Brown and white female
feist vicinity Springer Dr. Ph
one 228-8484.
LOST: Ladles’ white gold Elgin
watch. Vicinity of Buy Wise or
South Hill St. 227-4489.
Real Estate
FOR SALE: 6 acres of land on
Walker’s Mill Rd. Three bed
room, brick veneer house in good
condition. Central heat, drilled
well, paved drive. Price $15,500.
Call B. H. Johnson, 228-8522 af
ter 6 o’clock.
FOR SALE: 5 room house and
bath, 8 miles south of Griffin on
Highway 19. Call 567-8853.
FOR SALE: New 3 bedroom
Colonial style brick home. 2 full
baths, living room, dining room.
(Large den, built-in kitchen with
dishwasher and kitchenette. All
pecan panelled). Utility room.
(House carpeted throughout,
100% nylon. FHA approved).
Central heating and air condi
tioning. Rear patio and front
patio with breezeway. All quar
ry tiled, double carport. Insulat
ed throughout. Large lot on
Wesley Drive, 100’ x 250’. For
appointment call 227-5696 day or
227-8735 night. W. T. Kirkland.
FOR SALE: 1962 Mobile Home,
Nashua, 10x15, 2 bedroom, un
furnished, $1,450. Phone 358-
1593, L. M. Bennett.
FOR SALE: 13 and 8-10 acres
wooded land. One mile from city
limits, between Hwy. 41 and Wil
son. May be used for trailer
park. Phone 227-5389.
WESLEY DRIVE — New 3 bed
room, living room, seperate din
ing room, built-in kitchen, den,
2 full baths, central heat and air
conditioning, attic storage, util
ity room off from kitchen, stor
age room and double carport.
Office tel. 228-2758
Taylor Collier, 228-2550; Grady
H. Norton, 227-6789.
FOR SALE: New 3 bedroom hou
se, dining room, den, dou
ble carport, central air, wall
to wall carpet. Price $21,500.
Wesley Drive. J. D. Nichols.
Phone 227-0483.
FOR SALE: Nice home located
In Pike County, on Atwater Rd.
9 miles from Thomaston. All
rooms pine panelled, floors til
ed. Bath, hot water heater, 2
floor heaters, 250 gallon gas
tank. 20 acres, more or less. Im
proved land all under fence.
Good barn, 2 tons coastal bermu
da hay. Ford tractor, Bush Hog,
bottom plow, harrow. 1957 Chev
rolet truck, milk cow giving 4
gallons milk, 3 calves. Good
well. See to appreciate. Lamar
Force, Rte 1, Meansville, Ga.,
BOX 222. Tel 648-3668.
Help Wanted
WAITRESS: Experienced. Ap
ply in person only. Plaza Grill.
Young man to wait on tables
and do clean up work. Apply in
person only. Plaza Grill.
HELP WANTED: Operators,
sewing mashine experience.
Apply to Mel's Sportwear, Luth
ersville, Ga. Phone 927-6457.
Lab. Tech. Reg. or equivalent,
willing to train for X-ray. Extra
for calls, fringe benefits, salary
open. Sylvan Grove Hospital,
Jackson, Ga. 755-7861.
Ship Fitters or Boilermakers,
work from print. Welders must
pass AWS test. Wages Include
premium up to $3.50 per hour.
Work 9 hours day shift. Group
insurance, paid holiday, paid
vacation. Apply Paceco, Sav
annah, Ga. Equal opportunity
Cook, experienced. Apply in per
son only. Plaza Grill.
short trips surrounding Griffin
area. Man we want is worth up
to $16,500 in year, plus new car
as bonus. Air Mail E. G. Se
ars, Pres., American Lubricants
Co., Box 676, Dayton, Ohio 45401.
Nationally known Company, ex
panding its sales force, has out
standing sales opening with ad
vancement opportunity for a per
son having good background in
selling livestock feeding pro
grams, or experience in farming
or an educational background
in Agriculture. To sell feeding
program, animal health and in
secticides products to farmers.
Company car furnished, business
expense paid. Good salary plus
commissions. Paid vacation. Gr
oup insurance available. Retire
ment program and profit shar
ing. Write experience and avail
ability, to Ben N. Long, P. O.
Box 96, Hull, Georgia.
Good starting salary? Your bet!
And it’s even better because
you earn as you learn. But
that’s not all. You have:
Interesting work
Regular raises
Paid vacations
Come in and talk with Miss Gay
Simpson, Ga. State Employment
Service, 122 E. Poplar, 8:30 a.
m.-4 p.m., Monday through Fri
day. An equal opportunity em
If you wear cosmetics, have
a pleasing personality, can
spend 4 - 5 hours daily awdy
from home, Avon Cosmetics
offer you a splendid earning
opportunity. Call 228-1372 or
TANT is retiring Jan. 31, 1969.
Excellent opportunity for quail
fired Individual to take char
ge. Please contact Bill Hanger,
president, at Dowling Textile
Company, McDonough, 957-3981.
LPN needed from 3-11 and 11-7.
Good pay. Call Brightmoor Nurs
ing Home, 228-8599.
Ambitious young man to train
for management with nationwide
consumer finance company
Good salary. Paid vacation
and company benefits. Must be
high school graduate and have
access to own car. Must have de
sire to get ahead. Contact J. L.
Butlei, Spalding Loan Inc., 228-
Autos For Sale
1961 Ford. Good condition. $lB5.
Call 228-2812.
FOR SALE: 1968 GMC Handi
van, 10,000 miles. Excellent con
dition. Call 228-2161 after 8 p.m.
For the "Little Profit” deal on
a new or used car see the big
“Little Profit” salesman, Mar
cus Andrews at Randall and
Blakely Ford dealer. Phone 227-
Clean 1964 Chevrolet Impalla,
2 door hardtop. Good condition.
$750. 228-2995.
FOR SALE: 1961 Pontiac, 4 dr.
S3OO. Phone 227-2114.
FOR SALE: 1955 Chevrolet
hardtop. See at 1123 East Mcln
tosh Road or call 227-6667.
FOR SALE: '62 Volkswagen fac
tory camper. Phone 227-3836.
1968 Firebird 350, automatic.
Will take older model car and
you take up payments. Call 227-
7021 before 2:00; after 3 call
FOR SALE: 1961 Chevrolet, 4
door, 6 cylinder, straight drive.
$340. 227-0450.
Pets &
FOR SALE: One Bay Racking
Mare Call 228-8195
FOR SALE: German Shepherd
puppies, male, S2O each. ARC
Chihuahua. 227-3823.
FOR SALE: Grocery business,
stock and fixtures. Will lease or
rent building. 2,100 sq. ft. Large
parking area. Reason, other
business interests. Call 227-8735
after 7 p.m.
LEGAL 1852
In The Superior Court for the
County of Spalding, State of
In The Matter of:
Southeastern Feed
Ingredients, Inc.
The petition of Glenn Smith,
H. J. Clark and Arnold Zipper
man respectfully shows:
— desire for them
selves, their associates, succes
sors and assigns, to be incorpor
ated under the provisions of
Georgia Code Section 22-1801, et
seq. under the corporate name
of Southeastern Feed Ingredi
ents, Inc.
The object of said Corpora
tion is pecuniary gain and profit
to its shareholders.
The general nature of the
business to be transacted is, and
the corpoate powers desired
(a) To manufacture and pro
cess organic and inorganic ma
terials for use as feed and feed
(b) To buy, sell, own, rent and
lease real estate;
(c) To buy, sell, exchange,
factor, consign and broker gen
eral merchandise and goods;
(d) To operate stores and
warehouses for the wholesale
and retail of merchandise and
goods of all kinds and character;
(e) To buy, sell, own and gen
erally deal in stocks, bonds,
mortgages, notes, contracts and
other securities;
(f) To make any and all im
provements on real property ac
quired in the normal course of
(g) To Invest any profits in
goods, merchandise or real
estate; and
<h) To have all the powers
and enjoy all the privileges
enumerated in Georgia Code
Sections 22-1827 and 22-1870 and
all of the other powers and priv
ileges enumerated in Chapters
22-18 and 22-19 of the Georgia
Code, and all of the powers and
privileges enumerated therein
are made a part hereof to the
same extent as if they were
quoted herein.
The amount of the capital
stock with which the Corpora
tion shall begin business shall
be not less than Fifty Thousand
($50,000.00) Dollars either in
cash or other assets, or a com
bination of the two.
The capital stock of the Cor
poration shall be divided into
Four Hundred (400) shares of
common stock with no par value,
with the privilege of increasing
the shares of stock outstanding
at any later date up to One
Thousand (1,000) shares of com
mon stock with no par value;
such increase shall be accom
plished by a majority vote of
the stock outstanding on the
books of said corporation at
such time or times as a meet
ing may be duly called for that
purpose, and the voting rights
of the shareholders shall be
based on the number of shares
registered in their respective
names on the date such meeting
is called.
The Corporation shall exist
for thirty-five (35) years unless
sooner dissouved.
The principal office of the
Corporation shall be located in
Griffin, Spalding County, Geor
gia, but petitioners desire the
privilege of establishing branch
offices and places of business
in such other places as may be
The post office address of
each of the applicants is as fol
lows. Mr. Glenn Smith, 160
Forest Valley Road, S. W.,
Lawrenceville, Georgia 30245;
Mr. H. J. Clark, 313 Powell
Avenue, Griffin, Georgia 30223;
Mr. Arnold Zipperman c-o At
lanta Tallow Company, 1455
Fairmont Avenue, N.W., Atlan
ta, Georgia 30318.
Applicants pray that the liabil
ity of stockholders in said Cor
poration be confined to the un
paid purchase price of the
stock subscribed for by each.
— certificate of the Secre
tary of State as required by law
is attached hereto and made a
part of this petition.
Wherefore, petitioners pray to
be incorporated under the
name and style aforesaid with
the rights and privileges herein
set out and such additional pow
ers and privileges as may be
necessary, proper or incident
to the conduct of the business
for which applicants are asking
incorporation, and as may be
allowed like corporations under
the laws of Georgia as they
now or may hereafter exist.
Attorneys for Petitinoers.
By (s) Robert H. Smalley, Jr.
Post Office Box 116
Griffin, Georgia 30223,
Telephone: 227-9411.
In The Superior Court for the
County of Spalding State of
In The Matter Os:
Southeastern Feed
Ingredients, Inc.
The foregoing petion of
Glenn Smith, H. J. Clark and
Arnold Zipperman to be incor
porated under the name of
Southeastern Feed Ingredients,
Inc., read and considered. It ap
pearing that said petition is
within the purview and inten
tion of the laws applicable
thereto, and that all of said laws
have been fully complied with,
including the presentation of a
certificate from the Secretary of
State as required by Section
22-1803 of the Code of Georgia
It is Hereby Ordered, Adjudg
ed and Decreed that all of the
prayers of said petition are
granted and said applicants and
their associates, successors and
assigns are hereby incorporat
ed and made a body politic un
der the name and style of South
eastern Feed Ingredients, Inc.,
for and during the period of
thirty-five (35) year, with the
privilege of renemal at the ex
pirataion of that time according
to the laws of Georgia, and that
said corporation is hereby grant
ed and vested with all the rights
and privileges mentioned in said
This 29th day of November,
(s) JOHN H. McGEHEE, Judge,
Griffin Judicial Circuit.
Julia Ruth Andrews vs. Ronnie
Conn Andrews.
No. 14715
Superior Court
Spalding County, Georgia
Suit for Divorce
Filed in office Nov. 29, 1968
Order of service by publication
Dated Nov. 19, 196°.
TO: Ronnie Conn Andrews:
You are hereby commanded
to be and appear at the Superior
Court of Spalding County, Geor
gia within Sixty (60) days of
Nov. 19, 1968 to answer the
plaintiff’s complaint in th., above
stated case.
Witness the Honorable John
H. McGehee, Judge of the said
Court, this the 29 day of Nov.
F. P. Lindsey,
Clerk, Superior Court.
LEGAL 1853
In the Superior Court for the
County of Spalding, State of
In the matter of:
Aldrafco, Inc.
File No.
The petition of ALBERT F.
WATTS respectfully shows;
—1 —
Petitioners, all of whom are
re; dents of Spalding County,
Georgia, desire for themselves,
their associates, successors and
assigns, to be incorporated un
der the provisions of Georgia
Code Section 22-1801, et seq.
under the corporate name of
— 2 —
The object of said corporation
is pecuniary gain and profit to
its shareholders.
_ 3 —
The general nature of the
business to be transacted is,
and the corporate powers de
sired are:
(a) To provide engineering
and drafting services in civil,
mechanical, commercial and re
lated fields;
(b) To buy, sell, own, rent,
and lease real estate;
(c) To buy, sell, exchange,
factor, consign and broker gen
eral merchandise and goods;
(d) To operate stores and
warehouses for the wholesale
and retail of merchandise and
goods of all kinds and charac
(e) To buy, sell, own and
generally deal in stocks, bonds,
mortgages, notes, contracts and
other securities;
(f) To mase any and all im
provements on real property
acquired in the normal course
of business;
(g) To invest any profits in
goods, merchandise or real es
tate; and
(h) To have all the powers
and enjoy all the privileges
enumerated in Georgia Code
Sections 22-1827 and 22-1870 and
all of the other powers and
privileges enumerated in Chap
ters 22-18 and 22-19 of the Geor
gia Code, and all of the powers
and privileges enumerated there
in are made a part hereof to
the same extent as if they were
quoted herein.
— 4 —
The amount of capital stock
with which the Corporation shall
begin business shall not be less
than Three Thousand ($3,000.00)
Dollars either in cash of other,
assets, or a combination of the
— 5 —
The capital stock of the Cor
poration shall be divided into
thirty (30) shares of common
stock of a par value of SIOO.OO,
with the privilege of increasing
the shares of stock outstanding
at any later date up to Two
Hundred Fifty (250) shares of
common stock of a par value
of $100.00; such increase shall
be accomplished by a majority
vote of the stock outstanding
on the books of said corporation
at such time or times as a meet-
North Expressway
Ing may be duly called for that
purpose, and the voting rights
of the shareholders shall be
based on the number of shares
registered in their respective
names on the date such meet
ing is called.
— 6 —
The Corporation shall exist
for thirty-five (35) years unless
sooner dissolved.
—7 —
The principal office of the
Corporation shall be located in
Griffin, Spalding County, Geor
gia, but petitioners desire the
privilege of establishing branch
offices and places of business
in such other places as may
be determined.
— * —
The post office address of
each of the applicants is Grif
fin, Georgia.
- 9 —
Applicants pray that the lia
bility of stockholders in said
Corporation be confined to the
unpaid purchase price of the
stock subscribed for by each.
— 10 —
The certificate of the Secre
tary of State as required by law
is attached hereto and made a
part of this petition.
WHEREFORE, petitioners pray
to be incorporated under the
name and style aforesaid with
the rights and privileges herein
set out and such additional po
wers and privileges as may be
necessary, proper or incident
to the conduct of the business
for which applicants are asking
incorporation, and as may be
allowed like corporations under
the laws of Georgia as they now
or may hereafter exist.
Beck, Goddard, Owen & Smalley
Attorneys for Petitioners.
By (s) Robert H. Smalley, Jr,
Post Office Box 116
Griffin, Georgia 30223
Telephone: 227-9411
In the Superior Court for the
County of Spalding, State of
In the matter of:
File No.
The foregoing petition of AL
and MRS. MARY WATTS to be
incorporated under the name of
ALDRAFCO, INC. read and con
sidered. It appearing that said
petition is within the purview
and intention of the laws appli
cable thereto, and that all of
said laws have been fully com
plied with, including the pre
sentation of a certificate from
the Secretary of State as requir
ed by Section 22-1803 of the Code
of Georgia Annotated;
that all of the prayers of said
petition are granted and said
applicants and their associates,
successors and assigns are here
by incorporated and made a
body politic under the name and
style of ALDRAFCO, INC. for
and during the period of thirty
five (35) years, with the pri
vilege of renewal at the expira
tion of that time according to
the laws of Georgia, and that
said corporation is hereby grant
ed and vested with all the rights
and privileges mentioned in
said petition.
This 29 day of November, 1968.
Spalding Superior Court.
LEGAL 1855
GEORGIA, Spalding County.
To The Superior Court of Said
State and County:
The petition of Griffin Forest
Industries, Inc., hereinafter call
ed petitioner, shows the follow
ing facts:
— principal office of said
corporation is located in Spald
ing County, Georgia, and said
corporation was incorporated
under the “Corporation Act of
1938" on the 26th day of Octob
er, 1968.
This amendment is brought
to amend the charter of said
corporation in th eparticular
hereinafter set out, this propos
ed amendment having been fav
orably voted for and assented
to by all the stockholders of
said corporation at a spectial
meeting called for the purpose
as shown by Certificate of the
Secretary of said corporation at
tached hereto as Exhibit “A”,
and made a portion thereof.
The particular in which said
charter is hereby sought to be
amended is as follows, to-wit:
Petitioner desires to decrease
the capital of the corporation
from $100,000.00 to $75,000.00 by
authorizing said corporation to
issue a maximum of 7,500 shar
es of capital stock in said cor
poration of the par value of
SIO.OO per share, in lieu of the
presently authorized 1,000 shar
es of capital stock of the par
value of SIOO.OO per share, all
as said stock to be common
stock, and by having all of the
stockholders of said corpora
tion surrender to said corpora
tion all of the subscribed or is
sued capital stock of said cor-
30” Bored Wells
6” Drilled Wells
Guaranteed Water
Fast - Prompt Service
Phone 495-5187 or
228-1854 after 6 P.M.
Concord, Georgia
poration, having a par value of *
SIO.OO per share, for each share
of capital stock of said corpor
ation surrendered, which has a
par value of SIOO.OO per share.
Wherefore, petitioner prays *
that the charter of said corpor
ation be amended as heerin
above set out upon due com- ,
pliance with the law in such
cases made and provided.
By: (s) Clifford Seay, •
Attorneys for petitioner.
I’ Fred Omundson, do certify e
that I am Secretary of Griffin
Forest Industries, Inc., a Geor
gia Corporation organized un
der the laws of the State of
Georgia, whose charter was *
granted on the 26th day of Oc
tober, 1968, and that a a special
meeting of the stockholders this
corporation held in Spalding •
County, Georgia, on the 15th
day of November, 1968, duly
called for the purpose of acting
upon a proposal to amend the •
charter of the corporation at
which meeting all of the stock
holders of the capital stock of
said corporation were present,
the following resolution was
unanimously voted upon and
adopted by all of the stockhold
ers of said corporation:
Resolved: That all of the •
stockholders of Griffin Forest
Industries, Inc., holding all of
the subscribed or issued capital
stock of said corporation, the •
total amount of such stock sub
scribed and issued being 200
shares, hereby assents to the
decreasing of the authorized ,
capital of this corporation from
$100,000.00 to $75,000.00 to be ac
complished in the following
manner, namely, by amending
the charter of said corporation *
so as to authorize said corpora
tion to issue a maximum of 7,-
500 shares of capital stock of
said corporation of the par val- •»
ue of SIO.OO per share, in lieu of
the presently authorized 1,000
shares of stock of the par value
of SIOO.OO per share, all of said (
stock to be common stock; and
by having all of the stockholders
of said corporation surrender to
said corporation all of the sub
scribed or issued capital stock *
of said corporation, having a
par value of SIOO.OO per share,
for cancellation, and in lieu
thereof, said corporation shall •
issue to each such stockholder,
ten shares of the capital stock
of said corporation, having a
par value of SIO.OO per share, ,
for each share of capital stock
of said corporation surrendered,
which has a par value of SIOO.OO
per share.
Be it Further Resolved: That *
the directors of Griffin Forest
Industires, Inc., are hereby au
thorized and directed to forth
with secure an amendment to •
the charter of this corporation
as is necessary to accomplish
the decrease of the capital of
said vorporation in the amount •
and method set forth above,
and to take such other action
as is necessary to accomplish
the decrease in said capital
stock in the manner herein set
In Witness Whereof, I have
hereunto set my hand and af
fixed the seal of Griffin Forest ’
Industires, Inc.
As Secretary.
The foregoing petition of
‘‘Griffin Forest Industries, Inc.,”
to amend its charter in the
particulars therein set out, read ,
and considered. It appearing
that said petition is made in
accordance with Chapter 22-18
of the Georgia Code, and that
the requirements of law in such *
cases provided have been fully
complied with;
It is hereby ordered, adjudged
and decreed that all of the •
prayers of said petition are
hereby granted and the charter
of the petitioner is hereby
amended in all of the particu- «
lars set out in said petition.
This 29th day of November,
(s)JOHN H. McGEHEE, Judge, #
Superior Court,
Spalding County, Georgia.
LEGAL 1858
GEORGIA, Spalding County. ■
To All Whom It May Concern:
Betty E. Head having in due
form applied to me for a year’s
support out of the estate of
John W. Head, deceased, this *
is to notify the next of kin and
creditors of the said John W.
Head, deceased, that said appli
cation will be heard before me •
at the regular January Term,
1969, of the Court of Ordinary
for said County.
Witness my hand and official •
signature, this sth day of De
cember, 1968.
GEO. C. IMES, Ordinary.
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