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I fiura
departing from the usual
practice of recent top
figures leaving federal of
fice. He’s leaving his official
papers to the national
archives rather than taking
them with him, although he
says he does intend to retain
custody of recordings of
phone calls.
money is
on ceiling
Associated Press Writer
DAYTON, Nev. (AP) —
Wavy Davy keeps his vacation
money pinned to the ceiling of
his business.
Bills of several denomina
tions and from a bunch of na
tions festoon the wide open
area above the End of The
Trail Bar.
Wavy Davy, really John D.
Spangler, 36, hails from New
port Beach, Calif. He is a char
His nickname comes from his
abundance of curly locks. His
favorite pastime is tending bar.
Like many of his peers, he has
a gimmick.
His ability to throw currency
to the ceiling and make it stick
tickles customers and is build
ing a mounting account for
“We are just going to wait
until we get a bunch more up
there, then when it’s time for a
vacation, we just grab a lad
der, fish it down and go,” said
It cost a reporter a buck to
find out the trick.
Davy puts a tack through the
center of the bill, puts a half
dollar against the tack head,
folds the bill into a neat pack
age and hurls it point up at the
ceiling. It works.
“If it doesn’t stick, the cus
tomer gets the money back and
a free drink,” said Davy, who
admits he doesn’t often give up
a free drink on the trick.
Davy came to this tiny town
in Nevada’s Silver Mining coun
try from a tavern at nearby
Lake Tahoe where he tended
bar for several years. That ca
reer was preceded by stints as
a physical education teacher,
life guard, taxi driver, bill col
lector and more.
Not long ago a friend turned
him onto sleepy Dayton, and
he’s been here since.
His bar was named for the
famous statue, the End of the
Trail, which now sits in bronze
in Visalia, Calif., and in fact at
the National Cowboy Museum
in Oklahoma City. It first ap
peared in the San Francisco
Exposition in the early 1900 s.
“I’m not going to get rich
here, but this is simplicity, it’s,
you know, peace of mind. This
probably will be the end of my
trail so the name of the bar is
appropriate,” he said.
Dayton was once a booming
mining town. Today all that’s
left are some old buildings,
some old mine works and about
300 people on a crowded day.
Across the street from
Davy’s is the Lyon County
Sheriff’s substation, down the
street is the Gold Leaf Bar and
the Fox Hotel.
What do Daytonites do?
“Well, mostly they just hang
around or work in Carson,”
Davy said.
Davy said his clientele come
from nearby Carson City or
Fallon or Yerington.
The matches in his ashtrays
are complimentary. Not all ad
vertise the End of the Trail.
Some come from a nearby
brothel. Davy says the several
brothels in the area attract cus
tomers who also patronize his
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Page 15
— Griffin Daily News Wednesday, January 5,1