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Page 20
I —Griffin Daily News Wednesday, January 5,1977
I People
Bob Newhart
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Bob Newhart says he will leave
his highly successful CBS comedy series at the end of this
The onetime standup comedian gave no reason for
ending the “Bob Newhart Show’’ after years.
“This is no ploy, no device for negotiation,’’ Newhart
said Tuesday. “I am absolutely sincere about leaving the
series at the end of the production this year, and CBS has
been notified.’’
Billy Carter
AMERICUS, Ga. (AP) — Billy Carter was prepared for
his hot air balloon ride. He packed a case of beer.
The younger brother of the President-elect went aloft
Tuesday at the invitation of an Atlanta sport balloonist.
Takeoff was from a courtyard of an Americus motel.
“Hold on tight and don’t fall out,” wife Sybil enjoined
from the ground as Carter and two other men took off.
Before climbing into the gondola, the 39-year-old Carter
provided it with ballast in the form of a case of the beer he
sells at his gas station in nearby Plains.
Dr, Billy Graham
ROCHESTER, Minn. (AP) — Evangelist Billy Graham
will remain hospitalized for several days for treatment of
phlebitis, a spokesman for the Mayo Clinic says.
Graham, 58, was hospitalized Friday after experiencing
numbness in his left leg. Phlebitis is an inflammation of a
Graham was stricken while in Urbana, 111., where h(
was speaking to an Inter-Varsity missionary conference
He is scheduled to begin a crusade Jan. 12 in Sweden.
As advertised in April '76
McCall’s Magazine —
Best Diets & Exercises —
Mrs. Blanche LeClair, a pretty blonde grandmother
and mother of four children, wanted to lose ten pounds.
Donald E. Couture of Warehouse Point, Connecticut,
distributor of a weight loss product called NaturSlim,
wanted someone to represent his company in nor
theastern Connecticut. Trying the NaturSlim program
herself it took Mrs. LeClair only ten days to lose the ten
Mrs. LeClair decided to represent the product for Mr.
Couture and in five months she has sold more than
1,500 people on the Natur Slim program. Roxanne Van
Landghen of Manosha, who lost 15 pounds her first
week and 58 pounds in 14 weeks, and Rosemary Sarkis
of Pulaski, who lost 29 pounds in six weeks and lots of
inches, are among the many Connecticut users singing
the praises of Natur-Slim.
Unlike so many around, the Natur-Slim program
requires no meetings to attend, no drugs or shots, and
best of all for those who try it, no hunger pangs! The
main benefit of the program is reducing your intake but
at the same time getting a highly nutritious and
satisfying meal.
The NaturSlim program is a 100% natural way to
lose pounds and inches without the use of drugs,
chemical or artificial ingredients. It comes in powder
form and is mixed with either 2% milk or juice. Natur-
Slim is consumed preferably for breakfast and lunch
and your third meal can be any food of your choice - ■ a
well balanced meal. It is suggested you stay away from
white bread and restrict sugar.
NaturSlim is also very inexpensive. Dieters trying
NaturSlim for the first time are usually put on a 30 day
program. Each can supplies bout 60 meals, a months
supply, at an average cost of 38 cents per meal, which
includes the low sot milk used or the juice. Most users
find they actually reduce their monthly food bill.
A special feature of the program is that each
customer is given the phone number of the local
representative to call if they have any questions regar
ding the use of the program.
Why not try it? You too could be losing pounds and
inches each and every day the healthy way. It’s
delicious and it works!
■ TBBb
■BNB flB
The product comes in 2 sizes; a
ten-day introductory supply and a 30-
day supply and is totally guaranteed.
healthful weight reduction
Cole Rx Pharmacy Neel's Pharmacy
102 N. Hill St. E. Solomon St.
Griffin, Ga. Griffin. Ga.
Luna Drug Co. Carters Pharmacy
Hampton, Ga. Main St.
Barnesville. Ga.
City Rx Drugs Parrish Drugs
22 Mulberry St. 38 Oak St.
Jackson. Ga. Jackson, Ga.
am o/ Custom Order Sale I
I IIHIfIIIHI /H of 20% Off In All Other Fabrics ’Til February 20th I
I W Grif'fin”G ,st Jb hickpry chajk 8-10 Week Delivery I
Phone 228 8626 |R ? Spec j a || y selected Fabrics I
items m
grade 1. Prices may <■
vary upward with '''
I your choice of covers. jj HJWCI
but will continue
■9n%off J 881
I sofas
I Hepplewhite Reg. 744.00
I mi-71 Reg. 747.00
I $ 597 60
I Sheraton |H
I m $ 633 20 J HHHBSHHHHInBM I
I Chippendale Reg. 637.00) “*
I ™ S SO 9 60 I r I
■ ru>edo Reg. 791.00 fl W J .j|, v .
I 5 632 80 | a-W-4 k —
I Hepplewhite 559.00 I BP
l i<m $ 447 20
I Sheraton Reg. 567.00
I $ 453 60 1 |
■ Tuxedo Reg. 595.00 S| I W
B 8582-33 $ 476 00 l w : iWI MM A iranmFßlP
New York Reg. 379.00 I
I m $ 303 20
New 369.00 | \
B 1601-50 $ 295 20 k\
1808 Reg. 449.00 B <
I $ 359 20
Chippendale Reg. 339.00 ■
lira $97 120
Tufted Chippendale
1852-25 593.00 *
I $ 474 40 f
American Queen Anne <S Sp. -‘ I
I $ 368 80 L * 1
■ Hepplewhite Reg. 276.00 Hk‘ ? 4 r ' I
I 9M SO9OBO ' tllhTßWfc
Martha Washington j BS/B
1075 Reg. 241.00 j
I $ 192 80 t-J :
I Queen Anne 318.00 9HI ■|| 4
I - 5 254 4 ° mi n mßgi - t > jfil
I Chippendale Reg. 318.00 1 t | '*• <' I/- 5
I. 5 254 40 i e :
I Hepplewhite Reg. 197.00 ’*' > B
I - $ 157 6o ßk' Vi ■n i IxCTKw i
I - v * -_• •■---■<
I Many other items in the bMB
I James River Collection are B
I also on sale. Come in for ■-» M
I details. - - - ' .