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Page 8-B
— Griffin Daily News Wednesday, January 5,1977
Fire, smoke kill 2 people
ATLANTA (AP)—A 77-year-old woman died of smoke
I halation and her son-in-law was killed by smoke and fire
I uesday night in a small house blaze apparently caused
I y careless smoking, fire officials said.
H- Battalion Chief E. M. Callaway identified the victims as
[[Lena Fitch and Joe Steele, 54. There was no one else in the
K mse at the time, Callaway said.
9 ’ Steele’s wife arrived at her one-story frame home about
I ’
I *o remain
Ij *
j manager
I' PLAINS, Ga. (AP) - While
R < esident-elect Carter is mak
■' (an effort to build a wall be-
I * ten himself and his peanut
I * 'rehousing business, brother
I * Jy Carter says he expects to
I ’ nain the managing partner of
I ( > family enterprise.
I ■
I j Under a plan announced
| ' lesday, Jimmy Carter will
I ' m over his 62 per cent interest
' the warehouse to a trust with
( structions to sell the business
, tright or lease it for the next
( ur years.
(Jimmy Carter’s interest was
ilued at $330,062 a year ago.
Mother Billy and mother Lil
-’in own the rest.
* If it is leased, Carter will re
vive a flat sum annually that
(ill be independent of the ups
(id downs of the peanut busi
t*ss that could be affected by
agricultural policies of. his
Jlf the trustee sells the ware
puse, the Plains institution
<at Carter helped build with his
wn hands might pass to other
wners, although Press
Jody Powell said nei
ier Billy Carter nor his mother
ould be barred from buying or
asing the business from the
And Billy Carter later said he
tight buy it. In any case, he
Id CBS News on Tuesday that
j expects to remain the man
ning partner, no matter what
ippens. He has managed the
asiness since his brother be
ime politically active.
Off-camera, Billy Carter also
lid he would think highly of his
rother’s close friend and
dviser, Atlanta attorney
harles Kirbo, as manager or
s the trustee for the business.
Powell said the trustee has
ot been selected. Atlanta law
er John Moore, who helped
raw up the new adminis
•ation’s code of ethics for top
ppointees, said in response to
uestions that Kirbo, as a
ometime Carter adviser,
•ould have to work 100 days a
ear as a federal consultant to
e subject to federal conflict-of
iterest laws.
Kirbo has indicated he does
iot want a federal job, even on a
■art-time basis. But the Pres
dent-elect has shown at least as
nuch determination to rely
ipon him for occassional advice
n important situations,
vhether Kirbo gets paid for it or
Carter’s peanut farm, which
las been in the family for sev
eral generations, is being
rested differently by the Presi
lent-elect. His interest in the
arm, valued at $348,444 a year
igo, will be transferred to a
rustee who will lease it and
urn the proceeds over to Car
er. Carter would regain the
iroperty after he leaves office.
While announcing his own fi
lancial plans, Carter also dis
dosed steps to stiffen rules
against potential conflicts of in
erest of high government offi
cials. He said he will ask top
officials of his administration to
sign contracts agreeing to make
a complete and public
disclosure of their financial in
terests and to sell or place in a
olind trust any assets that may
pose a conflict with official
In addition, they must pledge
to stay in government for their
full terms and not accept any
private job for two years after
leaving government if the job
requires them to deal with their
former departments on busi
ness that concerned them as
government officials.
The President-elect had no
announced appointments for to
English Cut I OA/RY 1 W
■Chuck CQ* Onset I IFPH
■ Roast Vv 7Oc | D si49|hMaA
|?’ o “ lder 9 9 SuCk QQI ’ I X W
[Roast uu V U Rnorf Lb . J|*l (margarine -■ 49 c |
llUll VI W ■ New Mo " Extra Large 10c I
1 B Boneless Top Boneless Cut From Bottom Round 2 I EGGS Doz. fM ■ a
■Round Swiss SI39T
■Steak Lb - I Steak tb -1 |fiff"piEs
H " ■ Elf MM
Our Economy Sliced CDIEC 2 Lb - <DCI
I Ground fl fl* BaCOO ■■ 59T " J 3 I Dete '
1?“' " 0 Hol ings.- iyl MILK I PUI
■Breakfast $ 1 79 1,1 | . I —
lHam - | Sausage Lb.b9 c | A a I ff*
■ Quarter Pork Loins Sliced Into " . „ c. n .e* 77 ■ ■■ H B ■ BLta
■Pork $ 10’ 1 10 X U I “fl
■Chops - I Smoked |s. 1131 | (J
loik $139 Sausage I I |
[Chops - I y T I CHIPS Igloss 1
Tone ■ Luncheon Meat
| 4ksi 00 I 99« “/□2" I
B \ Il Jon of Arc
I lUiBMh I c S I OO ■BFWMi
I L— Bl '
I I KIDNEY beans Bri K,
Sun. Thru Wed. I - I JflN B ■■ WJr
Thun. Thru Sat. ' RIGHTS ■
’ RESERVED ■ ■ -j
I Formerly 'Golden s" ■
the same time firefighters did, the chief said.
Callaway said the fire, located in the front bedroom,
was “not very serious at all.” He said they found Steele’s
body there and Mrs. Fitch’s body in a back bedroom near
her wheelchair.
2-year-old killed by fire
WAYCROSS, Ga. (AP) — A 2-year-old child died in a
fire after being left alone near an open fireplace with a
container of gasoline, fire officials said Tuesday.
Mrs. Pearlie Ellis of Waycross told firemen she started
a fire in the fireplace using gasoline as fuel, then left her
child, Mayrice Demone McKelvin, alone in the room.
The child may have attempted to pour more gasoline on
the fire after she left, she said.
Mrs. Ellis was injured in an unsuccessful attempt to
save the child, officials said.
Policemen delay walkout
WAYCROSS, Ga. (AP) — Waycross policemen have de
layed a threatened walkout until representatives can talk
with city officials about pay raises omitted from the city’s
1977 budget passed by the city council Monday night.
Policemen’s salaries have been frozen for three years
and attorneys for the Fraternal Order of Police said 1977
raises had been promised during discussions with City
Manager Al Crace and Public Safety Director Lynn
City officials said the pay raises could not be granted
because the city is in a financial crisis caused by delay in
approval of the Ware County tax digest.
FOP members, who staged a walkout in a similar pay
dispute four years ago, have voted to seek a referendum to
oust Crace and Taylor.
Rep. Williams’trial delayed
ATLANTA (AP) — The trial of state Rep. Hosea
Williams and three associates in connection with
demonstrations last year will be delayed because of a
clerical error, Fulton County officials say.
The trial, scheduled to begin in Fulton County State
Court Tuesday, was accidentally assigned to a Carrollton
judge, but a new order has been issued, a spokesman said.
Williams, Glenda Brown, Terry Randolph and the Rev.
Ted Clark are charged with criminal tresspass and
criminal interference with government property.
Decatur elects female
DECATUR, Ga. (AP) — The Decatur City Commission
elected the city’s first female mayor Monday night after
incumbent Mayor Walter Drake declined to seek re-