Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, January 12, 1825, Image 3
For New-York, [ESTABLISHED LINE.) Tlie lust enilintr regular packet ship LOUISA MATILDA, _ D. Wood, Matter, Will bo «leppntehed immediately. For freightou dock or passage. hvin:r superior accommodation*, -apply to Cap*. Wood, on boari at Jones' UpporW^Imrf.^tO^^ Jan 12 - THE SUBSCRIt CONTINUE THE COMMISSION , ,V “ I Tf^T Tf^^ivoil by ship erpool, under thb rtMi or ’ | late^ arrivals, low & oo. ND will at all times mako liberal ad- land’ng, I 'AROM the schooner Nile, from New- ■ ' " r,t, ' in HogsheadsI Now-Englani Rum 25 Bo rrola S , , Jnn 12 ___ A. vances on produco consigned to them for sole. * ■ ■ J Having ships regularly in the Lrvcroooc trade, and .owning a convenient wharf, on n hicji thorp are roomyhre-proofstores, pot ion will dc received and forwardenani^War . own vessels, or'those to their address, fret- of nnv commission. Orders for merchandise, will be executed Cognac B randy. 6 PIPES *• Snignetto's Bruud,’’just re. ccivcd per Louisa Matilda, for sale by H J. B. HERBERT ft CO. IN STOCK, 50 Tierce® new Rice 10 Pipes Holland Gin 10 Hogsheads Jamaica Rum 50 Barrels Flour 30 Barrels Hams 75 Barrels Oiu 50 Crates Crockery op KPjg*.' Ituftc'F ’ 50 Barrels Mackerel, No. 3 Til Cases Port Wine 10 Casks Oil Jan W K ,L. 10 Bairels Paint Oil 1600 Pnuuds Spanish Bn Do. do do Dry Verdogris, in sal Do in oil 1 Barrel Pipe Clay 1 do Rotten Stono }5 Reams of Sami Paper Coarse and fine Emery Powdei Vi-ws-ronx, ; A general assortment of Tart?, Oils,Window Glass,fee. i- i «... ■ 1 r For Providence, The fast sailing regulur packet * , .ship - RISING STATES, , W. Pierce, Master, Will sail with despatch. For freight or passage, having elegant accommodations, apply to the Captain on board, ul Rice's Wlprf, or to ORRAY TAFT. Use .. 30 HD1BJ0 SALlfia XT OAZ.VXK BAKER, On THURSDAY, 13th inst. At XI o'clock, in front of hi* Auction Store, u m iiftral assortment of Groceries, and at half-past XI o'clock, in 9tore, a gen* erol assortment of Drt Goods. Jan 11 and only a commission charged, when the payment is satisfactorily secured. A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF Dry Coons, onirVdSart^SI 1 he Valley of >henamloah, will be furnished as low as by any regular ^JR MEMOIRS OF THE GRAYSONS, For sale low bv Hazard & denslow, Whittaker-St. 2d door from the Bay. dee ->R PH. Importing House in the United StatoB, and on a long credit, for approved paper. oet 25 ANDREW LOW Si CO. 7(1 ( anal Coals. A F13W Clirjdrons of Huporior Canal Coals, suitable for families, for sale on board the ship Mi ton, in lots to suit pur chasers. Apply to Capt. S. S. Webb, on board, nr to BRADLEY, CLAGIIORN & WOOD, Jan 7 Alicia ux'k Wharf. W MAI. StWM.LVSRL DENTIST, ILL be ngnin in Savannah, this win- Prime Sugar and Rum. HHDR. superior St. Croix sugar 25Sr d i“^-“ Just received and for sole bv P. M’DERMOTT. dee 24 _ 2 vols.—$2 TALES FOR MOTHERS, from the French of I. N. Bouilly. 7 ', i ts. LONG’S SECOND EXPEDITION, by W. II. Keating, 2 vols. 40, Received by S. C. Si J. SCHENK. WHO OFFER VFsR’f LOW. For Liverpool, The well known coppered British brig ELIZA ANN, John Baird Mattox, Has part of her cargo engaged and will meet with despatch. For freight of 400 bales cotton, apply to the master on board, at Scott Si Balfour's wlmrf, or to JOHN H. REID, dec 16 19 LOTTERY NOTICE. O RDERS received for Tickets, in the Ibllowing, or any other Lotteries, in the Southern and Northern States. For Liverpool, The staunch brig CHATHAM, Captain Holland, , i . . i www» Is now loading at Smith’s Wlmrf. A complete set ot RLI.ib C\CLOP.E-1 200 to 30(1 bales cotton, will be taken 840,000 20,000—10,000 Capital Prizes in Grnnd State Lottery of Maryland,druwing every week in Baltimore. TICKETS TWELVE DOLLARS. DtA, 47 vols.—hound. AJro, ENGLISH LETTER PAPER, cheaper than it enu be imported. Jan 11 3Pe Com Afloat QAAA BUSHELS Prime New North” OUvv Carolina Corn, on board sebf. Five Brothers, at Toll'uir’s Wharf, for sale. Apply to Capt. Fuller, on hoard, or THOMPSON Si BONNEY. Jan 11 39 ter, uml will as usual, attend to the dutiesofhis profession. N. 11.—Due notice will be given upon his arrival. Jan 12 -Met Office of t ,e Marine and Fire Insurance Company. Savasn.ih, January 12, 1825. A N adjourned mooting of the stoelthold- /• on of litis institulioii, will take place at it» office THIS DAY, Villi January, at TWELVE O'CLOCK, at which all persons interested, arc desired to attend, cither per- tonally or by attorney. As matters of impor tance in relation to the future operations of 'the Compuuy, will then be discussed und Ballast. -J TONS of clean Stone Ballast, loir suitable for stowing with cotton, for sale by A. .1. PRATT, Johnston's Upper VVhurf. dec 29 2!)lit Northern Oin, t"c. WX BARRELS Northern Gin • J l Case Pier Glasses 1 do Prints Received per Cotton Plant, for sale bv J. B. HERBERT & CO. . Jnn 0 . .. Wh.skey and « ider. decided, persons representing stock, should ty, landing from Bliip Augusta, for s be invested with fall power to vute on all ' C. C. GR1SVV questions that may orise, touching the pro gross of the institution; GKO. SCHLEY. President. Jan * 2 Barrels Newark Cider, 1st qualt- sale by 'OLD. nev 22 100 Landing, FROM SHIP COTTON PLANT, KEGS American White Lead, warranted equal to English 50 half boxes ) ‘ Cnbana«’ Sugars, re- 100 qr. boxes $ ccivcd per ship Comet 33 hhds. St. Croix Sugar 25 bbls. Whiskey 4 half pipes Pico Madeira Wine, *u- perior quality 10 eighths do. do. do. do. tO barrels ‘ VandewaterV celebrated Hams 10 half pipes ‘ Samos’ Wine For sale by ‘JOHN W. LONG. Jan 7 3Hi. Whiskey. ®VJ!\ IIHDS. and 50 barrels whiskey, ©w lending and for sale by dec 27 HALL S- HOYT. TO PRINTKR *. A RAMAGE PRINTING PRESS, com- iw. piste and in good order, sufficient to work an imperial form, will be sold nt a lov price, if applied l’or immediately at the of fice of the Georgian, nov 1 Swaim's Panacea. \ FRESH SUPPLY of this celebrated ! y 3V:cclicimi. just received per sliip Globe, and for sale by GKO. RYERSON. Buis n , Hams, ^c. G K BOXES Muacatel Raisins adfj 1000 Pounds Georgia I Jams 1000 Pounds Middlings .1 ftmnll casks Leaf Tobacco 2 ( ’asks Chesunts f* Hog^buodb Ni'w-England Rum 20 Barrels Prime Pork 20 do St. Croix Sugar 100 Carrels Potatoes 50 do Fluor Jurt received and Ibr sal" by II. BLAIR, Moure’s Wharf. •Ian 10 '3 m, 1 " 0 Brass Fenders. NE rase elegant brass fenders, received per Emperor, and for sale bv N. ti. WEED, dec 20 Printing Paper. RE.VMS of good quality Imperial "WfW Printing Paper, for sale at costand charges for cash. Apply at this Oifice. 27' .Snuff and Tobacco, AT NF.4V-YOKK PltlUKS. T HE subscribers having been appointed agents fur Ilenrv Rioll k Go. oi' New- York, will keep constantly on hand, a .com plete assortment of ,1locc.abvy Snitfi\ in Jars and IinWa % l\tper 7 iJuiao, fur chewing and smokings fresh from the manufactory, wilh which they will furnish the public at the factory prices. ruiumiCK $ scr.i.kton, Jlorkit-Sijuare. •W Cl ‘' 'hr I fav, Corned betd, fcjC &c. BUNDLED HAY ;lt) linri'.ls Prime Pork,city inspection 30 Barrels Cider 100 Boxes Soap Half Barrels Beef Rounds of Corned Beef For sale on board ship Cotton-Plant, at Hunter's Wharf. .Tan (5 35 Just Received, B Y the brig Frances and ship Milton, from Philadelphia, 20 Hogsheads / Philadelphia Rye 200 Barrels j Whiskey. 100 Barrels first and second quality Loaf Sugar 50 Bags Green Coffee 3 Tons Shot ass’d For sale by P. M’DERMOTT. Jun 5 i n freight at a very low rate. Apply to S. B. PARKMAN. Jan fl 37l f or Fale, freight or charter. A pilot-boat—burthen forty-live tons, a first-rate sailer, and in eoni- 1 plete order for any voyage. For further particulars, apply to BRADLEY, CLAGHORJC& WOOD. doc 24 ugu, 1 eftee anu Mackerel. HHDS prime St Croix Sugar 20 bids do do do 49 bids and 35 bags prime green toffee 2(111 bids No 3 mackarel Now landing and for salo bv HALL Si HOYT, nov 35 1 reduction in the pi ice of Lamp Oil T HE subscriber infurms his friends and the public;, that he will furnish them with first quality winter strained lamp Oil, at 75 cents per galluu. GEO. RYERSON, Druggist, nov 29 Pi ot Bread •j Q HALF BBLS. Inglis’ Pilot Bread, \.£l just received end for sale bv J. B. HERBERT & CO. dee 29 fcavaniiah and Augusta Line of Stages, In consequence of the accident to the steam-boat, the S avail nah and Augusta Line of Stages, is extended from Purysburgh to the Union Ferry, in South Carolina. A large row-boat will leave Belton’s Central Wharf, for the Union Ferry, on each Tues- diiy, Thursday and Saturday, at ’ half-past six o’clock, A. M. which will convey the pnsseligers to that place. Only eight will be admitted. Fare ten dollars. J. J. THOMPSON, Proprietor. Jan 3 32 Damascus Steel Razors, f — JUST received, a supply of the above ar-j *J* tide, which will be warranted good.— For salo by N. B. WEED. ! Q 2d Bcttl,(Jo\\vpap-s OtAfcxfc Persons liable to Militia du ty, belonging to the Second Beat Company, will appear on their Parade Ground, in Mar ket-Square, on FRIDAY, the 14th inst. precisely at ten o’, clock, A. M. armed and equip ped according to law. And on the same nay an election will be held for a Second Lieu tenant and Ensign, for said Company. LOUIS GIRODON, Captain Second Bent Company. In case of default, yon are summoned to appear before a Court of Enquiry, which will be held at Justice Barton’s Office, on MONDAY 23d inst. at 3 o’clock, P. M. ■ Jnii (1 ‘ 37 STATE l’iain * 00k, Washer cs (loner O hire by the year. For particulars, pply to /i ftp fl W. T. WILLIAMS. 12 Muscatel • ah iiis inui i igs. Received per Augusta, fc/Y BOXES Muscatel Raisins *.? vF 50 Drums Smyrna Figs For fide by J. B. HERBERT &. CO. Jan 5 r c is ft K Window lulass. t BOXES of 8 by 10 and 10 by !?, Window Glufi3, just received and for sale low, by HAZARD Sc DF.SrsrOW, Whittaknr-Strcet, 2d door from the Bov. dpc H 23(1 ‘ Laurel Saw-Mill. tfTipHE above Mill is now in complete or- W dor, and will cut and deliver at. Snv.ah- m<h, or at the plantations on the river, iuni ber of every description wanted. Apply to HORACE KIRBY, Savannah, nr to JACOB READ.Drakie’s Plantation. • dec 13 Ifiiifftfe? Floui* and Corn!, ®^^ELS Baltimore superfine 2000 Bushels Maryland White Corn For sale by IULL & HOYT. dec 1 Richmond Pupcrflne Flour. J On RARRJ3LS, 49 half do. Richmond Superfine Flour, just ree.civod and for sale by Jan 4 CALVIN BAKER. fll Af*^. ). MHiSG v . .Front- Ships Corsair and Savannah, I KECK Goshen Butter A w 10 Cables do. Cheese 10 Barrels Mess Pork 20 do Prime do 15 do Mess Beef 25 do Prime do 10 Half barrels Fulton Market. Beef 10 do do N. Y. City Inspect, dc 10 Bbls. White Beans 2000 lbs. Codfish 1000 do. Burlington Hama 500 do. Smoked Beef 50 Smoked Tongues 20000 American Segura 15 Bbls. and. Half Bbls. Sergentn Crackers. IX S TO ? E. 30 Bids. No. 1 and 2 Mackerel 15 Half Bbls. do. Half Barrels Salmon Kegs Sounds and Tongues 20' Bbls. Flour 20 Half Bbls. do 20 Half and Q,r. Bbls. Buckwheat Meal 15 do do Rye and Corn do 20 Bbls. N. York Piiot Bread 20 do do Navy do 200 Lbs Pearl Barley 20 Bbls Brown Sugar 10 Do Loaf and Lump do 20 Boxes Tallow Candles 15 Do Sperm do 25 Boxes and half boxes S ’ap 12 Do Starch nml Fig Blue 15 Half boxes No 1 Chocolate 5 Kegs jdng Tobacco 3 Half id Is Lorillard's cut do 20 Q,r Boxes Spanish Sugars 10 Dozen Corn Brooms 50 Bills Potatoes 100 Bushels do 5 Bids seed Rye 300 Gallons Sperm Oil 100 Do Paint dq 30 Kegs Whito Lead arid Green Paint ' v (| 10 Do do Black drt 1 ! 30 Cods Cordage,Lead Si. LbgLines, j Twine and Sail Needles, Piling and Marking Brushes, Hand Spikes, Thimbles and Lanterns- &c. &c. Together with a full assurtnuiiit of Snip and Family Stores, For sale on reasonable ti-rms hv A. BASSittT, No. 1, Mongin’a «ei v fiuiUilinga. dec 28 ■ • ,<cr * T HE 7th drawing of the MARYLAND STATE LOTTERY', is received und may bo examined. The following are the * prizes drawn No. 11,233, 14,406 prizes of $1009 12,449, 100 3,336, 8,399,13,591, 15,242, ) - 17,100, prizes of J And 192 prizes of 10 It will be perceived that no prize over Prawns; Appro thing N ext month, the grand state LOTTERY OF PENNSYLVANIA, will draw. The vast amount of CASH in ill this Scheme, amounting to $273,7«0' looo^doihirs, is ‘drawn, every coni ol which must be dispensed to q.| 1( , drawing was continued on Wed' U ?ta, 11 .- 1 ,'.!'''!!'!tSi-u'. 1 !' i ' iy ’, and ln f*‘ e space nesduy, tlie 5th inst. when a handsome dis- ot FI\ E MIN L i l-.h tlic magnitude and tribution ofprizes was to be anticipated from number ed the Prizes, and the unusually t ho large numbar of magnitude now Heat. W’/ittniielil/i nrm.n nr ftnhota mminY if fn»» . > r, . • mi ’ . •» , ing ill the wheels. The great capitals ot 40.000 DOLLARS, 20.000 DOLLARS, 10,000 DOLLARS, 5,000 DOLLARS, Resides 21 of 1000 dollars, 15 of 500, Sic. are still undrawn. Pmce of Tickct., IB Dolcari Orders for Tickets in the ahovo Lottery arc received at the Office of the Georgian, by '57mtaiLSs3i 1‘SiDYI Jap 11 reasonable price of tickets, render it the ninst advantageous scheme ottered. The following arc the magnificent prizes in this Lottery :— 50.000 DOLLARS, 20,000 DOLLARS, 10,000 DOLLARS, 6,000 DOLLARS, 4,100 DOLLARS, 20 of 1,000 DOLLARS, and upwards of twelve thousand of 500,100, and lower denetninat.ion, and tile price of Tickets only ELEVEN DOLLARS. It is therefore important that orders be left at the Office of the Georgian, With tile subscriber, without dclnv. W. ROIJEiiTSON. dec 24 miw BY 3. B. HERBERT ft CO. TIftS DAY, 12th inst. Will be sold befpfe our store, at XI o’clk- a general assortment of GROCERIES,&c. Terms cash. Jan 11 ADMINISTRATOR’S 6ALE. BY J. B. HERBERT ft OO. On SATURDAY, 16th inst. Will be hired before our store, at XI o’clk. ji Family of Negroes—to be hired until the first day of January, 1826. The person having the negroes to give an approved endorsed note, payable at the expiration of the time, and find clothing, &c. Jan 8 SlO.,000—7.000—5,000, Maryland University Lottery, No. 3, to be druwn 27th inst. in a few. minutes. TICKETS SIX DOLLARS. 810.000—5 000—3.000, University Lottery, No. 4, tlu? drawing will take place this month in Baltimore, and finished in a few minntes. TICKETS SEVEN DOLLARS. 810,000—6,900—4,000, Quantico Canal Lottery, Fifth Class, draws in Richmond, 8th February, in five minutes. TICKETS FIVE DOLLARS. 83,000—1,000—500, Charleston Lottery, Second Class, for the benefit of the Academy of Fine Arts, draws on the 2Bdi instant. TICKETS FOUR DOLLARS FIFTY. Literature Lottery, N. York, the scheme of the next class, will be received in a few LUTHER’S EXCHANGE OFFICE. Jan 6 ouo—ao,ou\>, G RAND CAPITALS in Pennsylvania Union Canal Latter;/, 14th Class,which drew in Philadelphia oil the 5th inst. Those who have ordered tickets or shares, in this lottery, are requested to call and receive them at EXCHANGE Jan 10 OFFICE. PHILLIPS’ Academy and Boarding School, M*i. PHILLIPS has the honor to inform the public, and particularly those La dies and Gentlemen who intend placin their children under his tuition, that he wi open school on Monday, the third of Januu ry next, in the upper part of the house at the south-west corner of Col. Shad’s build ings, Johnston’s-Square. dec 22 24 MR. PHIL LIPS, OF ROCKVILLE ACADEMY, S. CAROLINA, H AVING urrived in this city, for the purpose of establishing a School fof Youth or both sexks, he respectfully so licits the patronage of the public. The testimonials of his ability, attention, and kindness, to the pupils that have been placed under his tuition end their rapid progress in the severe! , mlchee of their education, at the exam:' at.ionft particular. in ‘he English Grammar, from tli* manner ofhis teaching it, will, he earnest ly hopes, ensure to him a portion of patro nage. Terms of Tuition in the following branch es ofeuucution, $ per Annum:— English Grammar. Writing, Arithmetic, Qeugraphy, Astronomy, History, Rhet oric and Composition, Natural and Moral Philosophy, and the Belle IMlrcs. French and Latin, if required, at an ad ditional charge. Navigation and the manner of measuring the distance of the sun and moon or ti.xcd stars, and of computing the longitude by lu> n&r observations; the method of finding the latitude by double altitudes, and the varia tion of the compass, taught upon reasons file terms. Miss Phillips will assist in the tuition of the young ladies entrusted to his care. Should Mr. Phillips be so fortunate as to meet with a sufficient support, it is his intention to open school on the third of January, and further will establish a Board ing school, upon the same terms as those of his academy at Rockville, and masters to instruct in accoinpliahmonts requisite, will be provided. Any lady or gentleman wishing to honor him with their patronage. # wili have the kindness to send their cards to his present place of residence, at Capt. DouvillelS Johnston’s-Square, and he will (nmediats- ly wait upon them. doo 13 16(1 LAW. jTDHE subscriber tenders his professional ** services to the public; and begs leave to inform them, that he may at all times be found at the office of Messrs. Da vies 6/ Ber rien, situated in Hunter’s buildings on the Bay, JOSEPH VALLENCE BE VAN. Savannah, Oct. 26,1324. ID* The Constitutionalist, Georgia Jour* nal, and Washington News, are requestej to give the above 3 insertions, weekly. net 77 80 Office of the Murine and Fire Insurance Company. Savannah, December 2d, 1824, P ERSONS holding bills of this Compa ny, are requested to present them for payment forthwith, as it ia desirable that they slum's. 1 all be redeemed as early as may bq convenient. GEO. SCHLEY, President, dec 4 9 Notary Public's Office, lor the f hipping of j eamen. T HE subscriber having been left out of the Magistracy, in the Third Compa ny Beat., and by the Board of Aldermen, as a Port Warden, for the Port of Savannah, now offers his services to the Shippingller- chants oi' Savannah, for the SHIPPING OF SEAMEN. His experience, as being formerly a merchant and ship owner, &c. Sic. A.c. he thinks will be useful. ‘ Tlie most prompt attention will be paid to the orders and wishes of those who may favor him, and a suitable person will be engaged to procure seamen. WM. BELCHER. Jan 6 35i. •ftss'YZto oi ttieoA. CITY TREASURER’S OFFICE, I . Sth January, 1825. j T HE average price of Floor being j$0 per bbl. 206 lbs. weight, the weight of Broad for the present month must be 121 cents Loaf : : 2 lbs. 15j oz. 6* “ “ : : : 1 7} Of which all Bakers and Sellers of Dread will take due notice. M. W. STEWART, City Treasurer, Jan 7 36 TUB HERMITAGE &TEAM. SAW -MILL, AND Cast Iron Foundry. rftTIK subscriber respectfully informw his Ji lrientls and the public, that the above efiUblithineuts arc now in /nil operation. Planks and scantling, suitable tor fillip- pinir, can bo furnished of the best quality, an<f of any size, to immediate order, lie ha* also on hand,,a few fine VPIIES8 L'*qs, upwards of thirty feet in length, which he will saw into such sizes as may be required. ‘At the Cast, iron Fmm.lri/, work of every description* in that, line, will he executed in a style equal to that, of any other factory ill the United States, and on the lowest possi ble terms. He also continues the manufacture of Flick, which lie will supply in any quantity, to or der. The quality of the article is alroady well known. HENRY M'A LPIN. (IT All orders left at the stoi c of Low Si Wallace, will he punctually attended to. nov 9 91 (Bili&WJ) ATATL LOT TLUY of Maryland, no. iii. rpi «5> HE seventh drawing of the above Lot tery, is received ami ready for exami nation. The lollowing were the principal prizes No. 11,233, 14,406, prizes of $1000 13,449, 100 3,388, 8,309, 13,591,15,242, ) 50 17,100, prizes of f 192 of 10 The eighth drawing was on 5th inst. I 5,UOO, the capitals still to he distribnted. TICKETS TWELVE LOLLARS. ID" Orders received as usual, at EXCHANGE OFFICE. Jan 11 1 Socket Spades. CASK Socket Spades, just received and for sale by N- «• WEED- Jan 4 t utter and mofced Tongues, J UST received by the ship Augusta. 24 Kegs Goshen Butter 2 Casks Smoked Tongues, « Auil An null, tjr Jan 4 UUntlttRT X, oo. Prime Green Coffee -f Q BAGS Prime Green Havana Coffee, x \J for sale by C. C. GRISWOLD. Jan 4 Philadelphia and Baltimore Whiskey. •g fkf\ BARRELS Philadelphia and Bal- J.UHI tiriiore Whiskey, just received and for sale by Jan 4 93 (in. BARRELS Northern Gin, for sale by CALVIN BAKER. Jan 4 40 by Jan 7 Pipes. BOXES Negro Pipes, for sale low HALL & HOYT. 36 Gin and Pork. BBLS. country gin, first quality 80 do prime pork 20 do mess do Landing from shin Corsair, for sale by dec *7 C. C. GRISWOLJ). Lrokcevage, Co a.mission, tf.c fee. T HE undersigned tenders his best scrj vices to the public, in the General Brokerage und Com mission Business. He has taken those fire-proof buildings on the Bay, formerly occupied by Messrs. James Dickson & Co. and has made arrange ments for liberal advances on all species of prop erty deposited with him. He will buy and sell all kind of stocks, real and personal es tates, and attend to nil agencies, connect* ed with the above business. J. P. HENRY. Jun 3 32re Take Notice T HE person who took away and still has in his possession, a well known poin ter and setter BITCH, will do well to re turn her to me, otherwise his name will be published and dealt with as a thief. Jan 8 37p feO ick. I ’HERE is at the Steam-Boat Wharf, three bales of cotton, which have been received by their boats, and not claimed, dec 16 19 N otice. A MEETING of the Stockholders of the Steam-Boat Company of Georgin, will take place at the Office in Savannah, on THURSDAY, the 10th day of next month, February,at ten o’clock, A. M. on businei* of importance. A general attendance ia requested. N. B.—Any absent stockhohler may, by power of attorney, under seal, authorise any other stockholder to vote for him or her. WM. P. HUNTER, Treasurar Steam-Boat Company. Jan 10 38 Gig and Harness for Sale. A N elegant second hand Gig, with pl». ted Harness, for sale es reasonable terms. Apply te tk,«Editor. lm* 87