Savannah Georgian. (Savannah, Ga.) 1824-1829, January 24, 1825, Image 3
the subscriber* ;K T-'IK COMMISSION MJftlNKBB IN LIV- I'MlK.R TIIF. #IRM OF W.iAt‘4 ViOW & 130. NO will nt all Hun's make liberal ad- CONTlM i.Hini'l produce consigned to them A vanee lluving ships regularly ill the Liverpool Ira ile, a lid owning a convenient wharf, on wlii h tliere ore rnomy./irr-/m«/'*fore»,cot- tmi will be received niid forwordnd in their own, vessels, or those to their address, tree of nnv I’oiiiiniwion. Orders fur merchandize, Will ho executed and only n coinniissiim charged, when the payment is satisfactorily secured. A GF.NF.HVIs AHSOllTMKNT OF llltlTIbH lltlY ( OOU?, is just received, being bought with money anil selected by olio of the partners, they will be furnished as low iih by any regular Importing House in the United Stntes, and on a long credit, for approved paper. ANDREW LOW & CO. oct 25 Ih li utter, Hams, J UST received per ship Cotton-Plant, and brig Frances, go Kegs Cohen Butter in Barrels Hams 30 do Mess Beef • 15 Half barrels (Virn Meal 10 do do Fly Market Beef 15 Kegs Lard 50 Barrels Philadelphia Family Flour 511 Half do do do do 10 do do Rueku boat Flour 100 Barrels Potatoes For sale bv BRADLEY, CLAGHORN & WOOD, .Inn 0 Aueianx’s Wharf. HUM ft atu\ MV.MCI.VE P. E. BRASS1NNE, R espectfully informs his (Vinmis . and the public, that he has purchased I the establishment in the above business, be longing to Dr. A. Delaroche, opposito tlio Exchange, where ho offers for sale ut low prices, a large assortment of TmV V.rogs, JlelidnM, antV C\ifettt\caA»y AMON0 WHICH .IKK TIIF. KOLLOIVISO Aqua Fortis. Alum, Antimony Arrow Root. Borax, Bergamot Brimstone, Barley, Balsam Peru, do Fola Camphor, Cantlmrides, Cinnamon American best and common Castor Oil Cream of Tartar, Calomel, Copperas Cnlumbo, Fniery, Gum Assufmtida Aloes, Gum Arabic, Gum Copal Gum Guiacum, Gum Opium Isinglass, Indigo, Lancets, Liquorice Magnesia. Mannn.Chnmomile Flowers Sulphur, Senna, Nutmegs Nux Vomica, Oxyd of Uizmuth Oil of Aniseed,do Peppermint,do Cloves Do Cinnamon, Sweet Oil Pearlash, Ipecacuanha, Jalop Rhubarb, Saltpetre, Salt of Tartar Glauber. Epsom and Rochelle Salts Tarter Emetic. Si'i-i*- efT’.irnnntine QP&(33[&£TO life A LINE OF PACKETS has been esta. bliahed between New-York and Havre, to leave both ports regularly, on tint Firtl and FJbrntk diu/e of m:h month during the i/eur. The ships composing tlio line, arc jast sailers, well found and commanded, cop pered and copper fastened. Their accom modations for passengers, comprise all tha t can bu required, for comfort mid conveni ence. Passengers in the cabin will be ta ken for jJUOeacIt, tor which they arefurnish- i ed with heda, beddding, wines and ample P I I j stores of every description. * ’ Goods intended for shipment by them, mmnn may bo sent to tile agents, who will attend to thoir reception anif forwarding, without charge for storage or commissions. The expenses which may, in such cases be actu ally incurred, will when requested, be col lected with the freight at Havre. A letter Bag is at the New-York Post Office, for all letters that may be sent by mail. Letters respecting either freight or pas sage, must be addressed, post paid, to CRASSOUS& BOYD. Agtnte-.JYow York* oct 14 72 Cognac Hrp’idy. PIPES •* Scignetto’s Brand,” just re ceived per Louisa Matilda, tor sale by J. B. HERBERT & CO. IN HTO'U’., 50 Tiorcnn now Rice In i*ipcH Holland Gin Id HogN.Vjtuls Jamaica, Rum 50 Barrels Flour 30 Barrels Hams 75 Barrels Gin S<) Crates Crockery 20 Kegs Butter 50 Bands Maeknrol, No. 3 20 Cases Port Wine 10 Casks Oil .Tan 12 P iintties and Apples, L ANDING from ship Henry Take, at Hunter’* Wfiarf. AND IN STORE, 1 Box of Elegant Bibles Small Kegs oi Salmon No. 1 ami 2 Mess Beef, No. 1. 2 &• 3 Maeknrel, Madeira and Claret. Wine, in boxes Duck, Cordage, and some largo Tar paulins For sale by JOHN C \NDLER, Jones’ Buildings. Jan 22 40p Hou , Whiskey; L'acon ant! 1 ai d 2 0 HOGSHEDS Whiskey, Baltimore Oi 07 UarMn do do 30 Boxes Bacon 40 Barrels Flour 50 Kegs Lard Landing from brig George Washington, at Jones’ Upper Wharf, and for sale bv HALL &. HOYT. .Tnn 15 .t o Families. J UST received nor ship Louisa Matilda, the following description of TEAS, viz. IMPERIAL. Il\SON. VOUNG HYSON, &, POY\ CHONG OR BLACK TEA, just imported by Thomas II. Smith, of New-York. and selected by a first-nilr judge. Customers may depend ou the quality of those teas. • For sale by A PARSONS, Druggist, No. 3, Gibbous’ Buildings. Taints He'S and in Vii\. White, Red and Black Lead Prussion Blue, Verdigris Ivory, and Lamp Black, Patent Yellow Venetian Red, Vermillion, Smalts Japan and Copal Varnish. l’er turner's. Pomatum, Antique Oil, Macassar Oil Bust English Shaving Soap Eau do Cologne, Lavender Water Otto of Roses Surgical Instruments and Patent Med icines of every kind, the whole of warranted quality. • .Tnn 20 47 TO RENT. THE tenement brick Housn in York-Strcet, recently occu pied by O. SturgcB, Esq. dec.— BB> possession given immediately Also, THREE STORES, in the vicinity of Hie market—rent low. Apply to T. R. PRICE. Ian II 30||a Wanted Immediately. T WO FIRST RATE JOURNEYMEN BOOT-MAKERS, to whom constant employment will be given. Also, a free colored apprentice, to the above business, of about fourteen years of age. JOSEPH SINGER, Bruughton-Strnet, near Bull-St. J. 8. informs his custom ers, that in milking Boots for 50 per pair, and foot ing for <3 50, it is for CASH ONLY’, us when a credit is given, the price is jjt!) for making, and 44 50 for footing. just received »s above, from New-Y’ork, a supply oftlie FINEST CALF SKIN, suitable for first rite boots and shoes, which will be made up ut the above price, both in the finest and strongest manner. Jan 10 4fin|l ram iSAum BY CALVIN BASER TIIlS DAY, 24th inst. At XI o’clock, in front of hit* Auction Stoi c, a general assortment of Groclrikv. Jan 21 • Urougl ■4- i BY CALVIN BAKER, THIS DAY, 24 th inst. At XI o’clock, a quantity of HOUSE HOLD FURNITURE, consisting ofWard robe, Dining, Tea and Card Tables, Sofa, Carpets, Chairs, Looking-Glasses, Bed steads, Beds and Bedding, Muttrasses, One Tallin Sutt Teacups and Saucers, Knives nnd Forks, elegant Cut Glass Decanters, Tumblers, Wine Glasses, tbc. &c. &c. to getherwitli a quantity of KITCHEN FUR NITURE, belonging to a family declining limiHc keeping. iff- COFFEE & LOGWOOD. For Liverpool, The Boston and Liverpool line ship EMERALD, Captain Hornet, Can take one hundred and fifty bales of cotton on freight, and will be despatched by the 25th inst. A few passengers can lie handsomely accommodated. Apply to the captain oYi borrd nr to JOHNSTON, HILLS Sl CO. Jan 20 47u ®aa©si CANAL LOTTERY, Received per Brig Jane, BOXES Northern Candles • 50 do “ Brown’s” No. 1, Soap 50 Barrels New-England Gin 50 do Whiskey 5 Pipes Brandy • • 6 Firkins Butter IN STORE, 200 ICegs first quality White Load 10 Puncheons N. Orleans Rum 10 Bags Pimento For sale by JOHN W. LONG. Jan 10 45l y-en \ft\a. A V otton-Stsc-A. llfl BUSHELS of the above article of a superior quality, and raised on the Sea Islands north of this place, for sole ; a snmple of which may be scon at tiic Coiuiting-Renm of BROWN &. OVERSTREET. •Inn 21 4Up congress Mine’at Spring Wa ter. J UST received, a fresh snpplv, per the Louisa Matilda, bottled to* order, by Messrs. Lynch & Clark, and for sale by A. PARSONS, Druggist, No. fl, Gibbous’ Buildings. Jm» ‘5 F.or New-York, (ESTABLISHED LlJfE,) The fast sailing regular packet ship LOUISA MATILDA, D. Wood, Master, Will bo despatched immediately. For freight on d^ck or passage, having superior accommodations, apply to Capt. Wood, < board, at Jones’ Upper Wharf, or to Jan 12 H ALL & HOYT. For Providence, Tlio ship H A Z A R D, 7. T. Child, Master. Will have immediate desprftch. For freight or passage, apply to the master on board. .Tnn 17 44 bug null bODiiot*, T HREE HUNDRED Hampprs of first quality English Potatoes, just receiv ed from Liverpool, per brig Diana, for sale on beard, nt Tolfrir’s Wharf, or bv • BRADLEY, CLAGV10RN & WOOD, Jan 22 AmiauxV Wharf. t Northern Gin, 7 ft: BARRELS Northern Gin ♦J l Case Pier Glasses 1 do Prints Received per Cotton-Plant, for sale bv J. B. HERBERT & CO. .Ton fi Coin. ~i O K, BUSHELS Com on boardschr. JL v/ Hampton, for sale by jnn 2*2 HALL &. HOYT. 4U Plain t ook, Washer & Ironer O hire by the year. For particulars, m. apply to *\V. T. apply to doc H WILLIAMS. it 1 THE HERMITAGE & VL...M SAW -AiUili, AND Cast Iron Foundry. 4fV.HK subscriber respectfully informs his U friends and the public, that tile above establishments arc now in full operation. I’laukt: und scantling, suitable for sltip- piug, cun' bi fni'iiislieJ of the best quality, and of any size, to immediate order. He bus also on I «.id, a few fine Cypress Logs, upw ards of thirty feet in length, whii’h ho will .saw into such sizes ns may bo. required. At the Cant Iron-Foundry, work of every description, in that line, -will be executed iu a style equal to that of any other factory in the United Status, and on the lowust possi ble term.*. lie also continues the manufacture of Brick, which he will supply in ony quantity, to or- dcr. The quality of the article is already well known. IIEJYUY M'ALPUf. IT-All orders left at the store of Lowdi Wallace, will be punctually attended to. nov8 ,jj -i I'rtiiie lirtstera Lay BUNDLES now landing from «a Ul/ ship Tnmorlanc, put up by Cupt Job lint one, and for sale bv GEO. y.'PALMES, Exchange Dock. Jan 17 44 Ml WivivU’A to PtirrUase, JJARIEN BANK STOCK. Apply Jnn 13 J. P. HENRY. 46l For Liverpool, The well known coppered British brig ELI?,A ANN, John Bain! JHastvr, Has part of Iter cargo engaged and will meet with despatch. For freight of 400 bales cotton, apply to the muster on board, at. Scott & Balfour’s wharf, nr to JOHN H. REID, dec 15 in For Philadelphia, The packet brig FRANCE S, Cupt. Croft. For freight or pfissagr?, npplv to WILLIAM NEFF Who offers for safe very /ow, to dose con- sifPtmmtS) Linseed Oil. Buckwheat, Flour Plnistor of Paris. Wator-Proof Cement Best London Porter Gunpowder Teas. .Tan 10 4fi ig and ' amess for Fale. A N elegant second hand Gig, with ted Harness, for sole, on reasonable board, R feltaii’s Wharf, terms. Apply to the Editor. 37 Jan 3 PFIl OxNS H AVING business with Wm. Br.i.riiF.n, NOTARY PUBLIC, muy for the present find him at the oiftcc of Alexander Hunter and William P. Beers, Notaries Public, in the Exchange. Jan 13 41 ; t. Johns E. Horida, The schooner FIVE BROTHERS, Will take freight at a low rate, for St. Johns River, if application mad«^ imniediatf# to Capt. Fuller, on * ~ or THOMPSON & BONNEY. .Tan 20 47 JYUW SERIES, TO BE DHAWN ON WEDNESDAY, TIIF. NINTH MARCH, AND FINISHED IN FIVE MINUTES. T HE Prizes in this Lottery, are deter- mined in the same manner as the pre ceding class, which has aiTosdcd such uni versa! satisfaction. It is under the man agement of J. B. YATES and A. M’lX TYRE, and will be drawn under the super- intemhince of the Commissioners appointed by the Governor of Pennsylvania. The sum to be disposed of in this Lottery, is In tile l'ullowing splendid prizes:— S'OHBMB. 1 Prize of 30,000 is 430,000 1 - - - 10,000. - - 10,000 2 - - - 5,000 - - 10,000 2 - - - 2,128 - - 4,250 20 - - - 1,000 - - 20,000 30 - - - 500 - - 15,000 ,52 - - - 100 - 5,200 104 - - - 50 - - 5 200 1300 - - - 18 - - 20,800 10608 - - - 8 - - 84,804 12120 Prizes, 22100 Blanks, $205,320 31220. Tickets. BY J. B. HERBERT fc 00. THIS DAY, 24th Instant, Will be sold on Jackson’s Wharf, at X. o’clock, for account the underwriters atid all concerned, one Most, Crosstrens. Stand ing Rigging, &c. damaged on hoard the schr, Comet, put into this port in .listvcss on her passage from Pensacola to N. York, and sold by advice of the Port Wardens.— Terms Cash. jan 24 . 50 EXECUTOR’S SALE. BY CALV7N BARER, On the FIRST TUESDAY in MARCH NEXT, At XI o’clock, will lie sold in front of the Coitrl-House, in this city, FIVE NE GROES, Sampson, Old Grace, Young Grace, Kink and Jenny, belonging to the estate of David Johnson, dec. and sold by permission of the Court of Ordinary of Chuthum County, by order of the Executor. PRICE OF TICKETS, ' : ! : P- ILT*Orders nrr received in the above BRIL LIANT LOTTERY, bv W. VvUV.V.WV^VkV, whone orders in the precceding cIuhs pro duced a large amount of prizes, among which was No. 25.343, combination 54, 22, 30, $1000. *** Prize tickets paid or received as cash .Tan 10 OJire of Lhe Murine and Fire Insurance Company Swann vii, December 2d, 1024. P ERSONS holding bills of this Compa ny, are requested to present them tor payment forthwith, as it is desirable that they should all be redeemed us early as may be convenient. GEO. SCIILEY, President, doe 4 0 i\mm\ ttv.tV LutVging. A LADY AND GENTLEMAN can be accommodated in n respectable private family with Hoard and Lodging, and a sep arate sitting room, if required, handsomely furnished, upon moderate terms—or three Gentlemen wishing to form a private party, may be accommodated.—-For particulars applv at this office. *Tn •• o > 40 kale, i reight or v hartcr, A pilot-boat—burthen forty-five tons, a first-rate sailer, and in com plete order for any voyage. For further parti'.ulars. applv to BRADLEY, CLAGUORJV\\ WOOD. die 24 For fct. Simons and Turtle River The regnlur packet sloop FAVORITE, , - . - E. D. Courier, Master, a.11 on Wednesday next. For freight or passage, ar-ply on board, at Mongin’s Wharf, or to ELI AW FORT. Jan 22 49n Stars, and of computing I lie longitude bv lu avannah and Angu ta Line of ! ll " ob * , T vl ' t » m .“. i o»- nffinffing the N otice. A LTj persons having demands against the Estate of D. VV. M(/No:n, are re quested to leave them legally attested ut the Counting-Room of Mr. E. P. Butts; those indebted to the Estate, are required to make immediate payment to SOLOMON H. SHAD, JAMES M. SMITH, Qualified Executors. Jan 22 4ftn Wants a sitaationaa Ovct- aeftf. A PERSON who can produce tlio most satisfactory recommendations, ns re gards character and abilities, as a Planter nnd o Manager of a Plantation. For fur ther particulars, applv to F. D. PETIT DE VILLF.RS. Jan 21 i 49u*il, In conscqnence of the accident to the steam-boat.theSuvuu- nah and Augusta Line of Stages, is extended from Purysburgh to the Union Ferry, in South Carolina. A large row-boat'.t ill leave IloltenV Central Wharf, for the Union Ferry, on each Tues day, Thursday and Saturday. at lmlf-pnsf six o’clock, A. M. which will convey the passengers to' flint place. Only eight will be admitted. Fare ten dollars. J. J. THOMPSON, Proprietor. Jan 3 ;j-2 For ‘•ate. T IIF. PLANTATION on which the aid - ficriber resides, five miles from town, on ’lie White Bluff Road, containing six hundred acres, on which is a good DWELLING HOUSE, with the necessary plantation and out buildings. Also, a pleasant and improved SUMMER RESIDENCE, situated on the Vernon Riv er, between eight nnd nine miles from town. A further description of these places is deemed unnecessary, ns from their vicinity to the city, they can be easily examined by any person wishing to p»cliase. d f4ffi£WfiSTOUN. Jon 17 MR. PHILLIPS, OF ROCKFILLE ACADEMY, S. CAROLINA, H AVING arrived in this city, for the purpose of establishing a School for Youth of both sexf.s, he re.sueqtfully so licits the patronage of the public. The testimonials of his ability attention, and kindness, to the pupils that have been placed under his tuition, und their rapid progress in the several branches of their education,*at the examinations, particular ly in the English Grammar, from the milliner of his teaching it, will, lie earnest ly hopes, ensure to him a portion of patro nage. Terms of Tuition in the following branch es ofeduention, $.‘>0 per Annum :— Eiiglifh Grammar, WrU'uig, Arithmetic, Geography, Astronomy, IJ.story, Rhet oric. nnd Composition, Natural and Moral Philosophy, and the Ret ft 1.1 tires. French and Latin, if required, nt an ad diti'ina! charge. Navigation and the manner of measuring thcMistanco of the sun and moon or fixed latitude by double altitudes, and the varia tion of the compass, taught upon reasoua hie terms. Miss 1’nn.i.irs will assist in the tuition of the young ladies entrusted to his care. Should Mr. Piiim.iim he so fortunate as to meet with a sufficient, support, it is his intention to open school on tin* third of January, and fuither will establish a Board ing school, upon the sumo terms as those of his academy ut Rockville, un'd musters to instruct in accomplishments requisite, will be provided. Any lady or gentleman wishing to honor him with their patronage, will have the kindness to s. A nd their cards to his present place of residence, at Cant. Douville’a .Toln.ston’s-Squnre, and he will mmedinte- ly wait upon them. dec 13 1C|J Castings. £T>p) TONS carron castings, just rccciv- ci from Urnenock, via. Charleston, coil istikr of the following assortment, viz : 20.11) Iota from i to 30 gallons 200 Inicrirnii spiders, from 0 to 13 inches 51) I t flat metal weights, from 1 oz. to I 4 11)8. 120 Ion don skillets, from T to 6 quarts 1300 jimp ovons, from 0 to 111 inches 130 jitinn.'d tea kettles, from one to 5 I quarts Forsnl.iby P. M’DERMOTT. Jaif A i •** « RY 7. B. HERBERT &. 00. TO-MORROW, 25th inst. Will be sold before our st.,r". at XI o’clock, a quantity of FURNITURE, also, a largo and general assortment of GROCERIES’ Jan 24 by 7. B. laSVYBSaT & 03. On THURSDAY, 27th inst. Will bo sold on Wallace’s Wharf, land ing from ship Niagara, at XI o’clock 328 Bags New St. Domingo COFFEE, 15 Tuns LOGWOOD.—Terms at time of sale. HEAD ftU RCERS, Ssvaisxah, 27th Dec. 1824. The Colonels or command ing officers of the JWinientu of the First Brigade, First Di vision, Georgia Militia, are or dered to have their respective Regiments and battalions., un der arms at the times and pla ces, which may be directed by the Inspector of the Brigade, for the purpose of being trained and instructed by him, in the excrcibft, and evolutions pre scribed by Congress. The General will review the Militia in each County, and will notice in public or- dera, the appearance and conduct of each corps ; giving ali proper praise where it is due, and censuring without reserve, any misconduct or negligence on the part of the officers or privates under his command. However unpleasant it may be, it will not be pretermitted, under any rircumstun ces to enforce the provisions of the Militia Law, to its fullest extent, against all who may render themselves liable to its penal ties. The inspector is charged with the pro mitigation of these orders, and the most punctual at ention to the performance of the important duties of his stution, upon which mainly depends the discipline of the Brigade. By order General Hahhen SAMUEL STILES. Aid-de-Cainp. INSPECTOR'S OFFICE, 1 Savannah, Jan. 18, 1825. { In conformity with the above order the Colonels of the Regiments, of the First Bri gade, will muster thoir respective com inands at the times, and in the manner fol lowing, viz On Friday the 4th March next at 11 o’ clock, A. M. a convention of the field, staff, company and non-c untniusionei! officers of 35th Battalion belonging to Chnthatn Coun ty.—And on the 5th M:.rch next, at 11 o- doch, A. >1 the review and inspection of the Battalion belonging to Chatham Coun- ry. On Thursday the 10th March next, at 11 o’clock, a convention of the field, staff, company nnd non commissioned officers of Effingham Battalion—And on the 11th of •March next, at 11 o’clock, A. M. the re* view and inspection of the Battalion. On the 18th March next, at 11 o’clock, a convention oftlie field, staff, company and mm-commissioned officers of the Camden County Battalion—And on the 19th March next, at 11 o’clock, A. M. the review and inspection oftne Battalion. On the 21st March next, at 11 o’clock. A. M. a convention of the field, staff, compa ny and non-commissioned officers of the Wayne County Battalion—And on the 22d March next, at 11 o’clock, A. M. the re view* and inspection of the Battalion. On the 24th March nrxt, at II o’clock, A. M. a convention of the field, staff, com pany and non-commissioned officers of the Glynn Cuunty Battalion—And on the 25t.h March,the review and inspection of the Halt ulion. On the 28th March next, at 11 o’clock A. M. u convention of the field, staff, com- p:iiiv Hnd non-commissioned officers of M’- Intosh County Battalion—And on the 2 f ith March, the review’ and inspection of the Battalion. On the 30th March ne ,t, nt 11 o’clock, A. M. a convention of the field, staff, corn pnny and non-commissioned offievrs of the Liberty County Battalion—And on the 31st March next, the review and inspection of the Battalion. On the 1st of April next, at 11 o’clock, A. M. a convention oftlie field, staff*, com pany and non-commissioned officers of the Bryan County Battalion—And on the 2d the review and inspection of the Battalion. On the 7th April next, at 11 o’clock,. A. M. a convention of the field, staff, compa ny and non-commissioned officers of the 1st Regiment (City of Savannah) nnd on the Oth April, the review and inspection of the Regiment. It is required, and ordered, that all offi cers, non-commissioned officers, and pri vates be armed and accoutred according to law, except such us belong to Volunteer Corps, whose equipments shall he in con- forinily with the rules for the government of the "corps. Field Officers, with thoir staff, of this brigade, are required to attend the reviews nnd inspection within their respect ive commands. All officers provided with their commissions on the day efinsper- tion and review, nnd those commanding companies are ordered to furnish the Ad* jutant. at least five days previous to the re view and inspection, as above ordered, with an exact return of their respective compa nies ; which returns' will be consolidated by the Adjutant, the same to be delivered to mo at the commencement of the inspection of the Battalion. After the review’ and in spection, such further exercises and man- ouvros, will be performed as may be re quired by the Comaanding-General. WM. C. WAYNE. Brigade Insp. 1st Brig. Ut Div. G. M. - 48 Marshals 4 'ale. On thfi st I'netd y in TTWiLL be §ol<t before ihe Court ttoupe, '■*] i«tbe citv f f S jVRnnuh, be ween the hours of 10 and 2 »»*•. Jock hr se TWO LOTS, Nos 27 and 28, !«-k nWsrd, at d improvements thereon, li v ed on ms the property of J »hn H. Vorc 1, to satis* fy the nalanct: decreed to be due on h dis’resi warr mt, issuii g from the Treasury Depart- ment of the United Stales st A. S. Bui- luch, John II. Morel, a> d D*vid Loi^o* JORN II MOft v L. Ma.ffial P. . Gjo. Tan 21 • 47 NF.W-YOHK State Litevatme Lottevv, CLASS IV. N this scheme the umount of cash is ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY- ONE THOUSAND, ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, which is subdivided in the fol lowing manner 2 Frizes of Siooon 3 - 5 000 1 - - 3,082 17 - 1.000 20 » - 500 41 200 51 - • 100 and a lnigc number of smaller denomina tion, and chances for a short time only, SIX DOLLARS—Shares in proportion. Orders received and forwarded, free of ox pense. by W. ROBERTSON, who ordered in the Lottery just clom d, lor persons in this, city, No. 25,343, combination 54.22,30. glflOO 2,tUO, it, ■-'<!, 2' 1 .’ 100 and a latfre amount in smaller prizes. Jtui 20 MARYLAND STATE LOTTEYLT, NO. III. T IIE official list of ninth day’s drnwing is received and ready for examination. No. 16.857, prize of 411/00 2,1110, 4,708, 9,456, 14,943, 100 3,843, 15,737, 16,706, 17,565, 50 191 prizes of 10 The tenth drawing took place on 20th inst. and will be reeeivud on 2eth. TICKETS TWELVE DOLLARS. Prizes yet to be draw, 40,000, I 10,000 l i0,000, I 5,000 &C. &.C. &c. Adventurers should not. delay giving the4r orders, as tickets will soon advance. Apple at LUTHER'S EXCHANGE OFFICE. Jnn 22 InlVii’nvttUuu W anted A NY information respecting Henry Hut chison, of Mount Gale, county of Kil kenny. Ireland, who arrived in Savannah from Liverpool, in the ship Blneher, Cupt. Potter, in November or December, 18'.“’, shortly after sailed for New-York, and has not since boon heard of, will be thankfully received by the snb'seriber, directed to ;'a- vniinah, Geo. who has lately had lettire from the family of said Hutchison, express ing their anxiety to hear if he he alive, II. Hutchison is about eighteen years of age, fair complexion, light brown hair, and about five feet nine inches high. l.J" The editors of papers throughout the Union, are particularly requested to give this notice a few insertions, and lend their aid to restoro this young man to his discon solate parents HENRY MACDONNELL. Jnn 13 “ 3t Notice.. A MEETING of the Stockholders of the Steam-Bont Company of Georgia, will take place nt the Office in Savannah, on THURSDAY, the 10th day of next month, February, at ten o’clock, A. M. on business of importance. A general attendance is requested. N. B.—Any abmut stockholder nmy, by power ot attorney, under sea;, authorise any other stockholder to vote for him or her. • WM. P. - Treasurer Steam-Boat Company. Jnn 10 3R Notice, P ROPOSALS will he received hv the subscriber until the fifth day of !'V'>ru- ary next, to place tlie low land r.‘ t'., cc.-t end of the city in a state of Dry Cidture. For particulars enquire oi' F, M, STdKfi, Jturahait. Jan 16 •' 45